Newspaper Page Text
S lician. " of, uiachita. Sof Jefferson. O' eans. ,K. B. ERRO. . : Wa.. COLEMAN. ir4 HE.RBITRNE. G, Eo. W. R4C. i. KReNARD. N. CULLUXI. . F. BLACKMAN. .J. H. BRIGHAI. .. xception of a few light one rather heavy ram, we very dry and hot weather for Wo or three weeks. No reason :are entertained pf the cater ore being no indications of its ce in adestructive form. Plan aubilant at the flattering pros large crops. bf both corn and hBld (not tead) River News of last 4 casts one of those now ver SInuendoes" at a recent artic ;ureferepce to Democratic Bar here 'colored persorrs came up yand joined the Club,'in which hinks that before election day saile men- will leave the Demo and vote the straight out, yed out, Republican ticket. :cotemporaries are very far :otily will these colored men, thus voluntaorily joined our the Democratic ticket, but ny more will follow their ex in all probability, our recon heighbors, will, ere that time ecome disgusted with their party, election day be seen looking for our and Blair ticket. "Let us Zl". Pu:ce."'--- r" .,.worthy fellow-townsman, Hu. ;Wtfmsley, Esq., after quite an exten trIp TNorth, has returned, in consid yimproved health and looking Ia fine steamer Annie Wagley, un- i r- omand of that prince of steam- I n, Capt. T. J. Dowty, will be at ciore this morning ready to re . eight and passengers for New a. Thonbliging and ever-atten- I umen, J. F. Muse and Lou. t , will be found in their usual a Clerk's office, ready and l gf to grant all possible favors, deal it papers and answer innumerable I a ithi bills before the Legislature pro- I WiMfng for a constabulary force in each -e'hof this State subject to the con .ýftqhe Governor, have been defeated. 1 Crescent, of the 14th instant, has a "owing: first bale of new cotton this sea- t 1e Jled River arrived yestprday IF steamer Rose Franks. It was e the p'antation of C. A. Pear- I atchitoches. II .eo. A. Hewlett has returned apon the discharge of his e SBabAssistant Commissioner en's Bureau for this, the :-omposed of the parishes of Sabine, Winn, Avoyelles, -f ti of the new arop was nen last Wednesday, 19th apilantation of Mr. Garner. ,o n middling, and was con T'richel and Simmons. d ~iobth-Western of thea c atod pl:king in Caddo in earnest in the general on the statementhat War leceived t same dl 13TM ettlm* t r:read now gores 'tol: r lf(virororhis signature : arie fhe.t sto provides that all per s:a fed:-appointed- to' any oticee it ii requir by the governor, before a'ioiminsriot is issued, to take the oath Srohled in.tthe third section of the bill. -The second section provides that all persons elected to any office, State, par isb or municipal, who do not require a commission from the governor shall, be tore taking their seats, take tho oath prescribed in the third sect:on. The third section sets forth the fol lowing oath to be subscribed to by all office-holders: "I, A. B., do solemnly ,swear (or affirm, as the case may be.) ,a. that I have not been convicted of tres son, perjury, forgery, bribery or other crime punishable in the penitentiary-; that I did not hold office, civil or mili tary, for one year or more, under the organization styled 'The Confederate States of America;' that I did not reg ister myself as an enemy to the United United States; that I did not act as a leader of guerrilla bands buring the late rebellion; that in'the advocacy of trea son I did not write or publish newspa per articles, or preach sermons during the late rebellion, and, that I did not vote for and sign the ordinance of secession in any State." Any per son included in the above catalogue N of voters, who hasin due form taken the "recantation oath," shall be exempt ed from tadiiig this oath ; or any per ht son who has "prior to -the first day of ye January, eighteen hundred and sixty or eight, favored the execution of the laws n- of the United States, popularly known as the reconstruction acts of Congress, r- and openly and actively assisted the ts loyal men of the State in their efforts n- to restore Louisiana to her position in ,s the Union," may hold office on making id oath to that effect, except he has "en gaged in any insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or given aid t and comfort to the enemies thereof, af ter having taking an oath as member of Congress, or as an officer ot the United States, or as a member of any State r- Legislature, or as an executive or judi- 4 cial officer of any State, to support the 1 ' Constitution of the United States." 1 hThe section provides further that any y person disfranchised by the fourteenth a. amendment to the Constitution of the I United Statcs, who has been relieved ' by act of Congress fronm such disability, t" may hold office oa taking oath to that nr efflect. e, Section fourth ordains that any of the I above oaths must be taken within thirty I days after the election ; if the oaths are < it not duly subscribed to before competent I :- authority in that time they shall have r - no effect. t Section fifth provides an imprison- i ment at hard labor in the Penitentiary ' for not less than five years nor more s r than ten yeaire, as the punishment for I a any false taking of the above oaths. o Section sixth enacts that the taking t of the above oaths shall nqt invalidate t i. the right of contesting on the ground of e - ineligibity of the election of the per- t sons taking the oaths. f Section seventh provides that all per- 'I sons now holding office shall, within c thirty days, comply with every provi- n sion of the foregoing sections, on pain, t: - in case of failure so to do, of having o - their offices declared vacant. t Section eighth.provides that the offi- r cial actsof those persons who fail to fill 2 the oaths required in the time specified e shall, after the expiration of that date, ii be null and void, and further ordains li that his salary shall cease from that time, ci and that, if his election be successfully 0 contested, he shall pay to the peirson declared elected all salaries, fees, etc., g I received since the commencement of his cI holding of the office, and that any fees ~ paid to such ineligible person "shall not Y discharge the party paying them from ,' paying them again to the proper officer." eI Section nine en,,cts that the punish- 1 ment for a failure of the person declared it ineligible to deliver over at once to the m party declared elected, all books, pa. al pIers, archives, etc., pertaining to the i office, or the attempt of any such ousted 0I party to interfere with his successor in the discharge of his duties, shall be h pinlishedl with a fine of not less than T *100 nor more than 81000, and with an at imlrisolnmlnelt in the conmmon ainil for not l less than ihree months nor more than t one year. N Section ten is the usual repealing bi clanse. Section eleven provides that the nact t shall go into effect Irom and after its ki passage. hi ____ M The average proportion of population b: for Congressional Ifepresentatives under bh the hill redistricting the State, now be fore the Legislature, is 140,500. hi Toe Mindlen Democrat is the title of a new paper recently established at Min. den, La., by A. G. Tompkins & Bro.; pl publishers and proprietors. H. A. Drew cil and A. B. George, Bsqs., editors. The beautifnl, talented and celebrated th actreas, Adah Isaaece Meuken, died in Paris on the 11th instant. The theatri dal World has lost, in her death, one of the brightest and most brilliant stars (d that shone in its gay firmament. n Judge anrqell the U.8. Court, has dismitssed R. . Shlllnos as U. S. Corm.- in uilaouer for this State. tel - 4tisnt' bile, given to him by his a1 i-g t peeftable parints, wre fIiram. (tt S tfi yo~ngt arrived at the oet a e gt.ives 1id sot Iaw d h~fq tb.'L~ ts )ta ,ias sev eral newi Govertjoruo( o ern. >es Stateo hate eeaettly WBa?;1 O on the Secretary" of Wi ri" f- . er- der a law passed in 1-70 .;j orede ice tary has declined to f!_s lto;t i imtilf re further .legislation is bh on the ~zibteo., tth The Gqvernors, in corisequient, have - ill. united in an appeal to Congress to meet all on the day to which they had adjouirned at- to take action in the matter. . a WALHINGTON, Aug. 16.-Mrs. Trum be- bull is dead, -Lewis Wolfley his -finally ith received his commission. Internal revenue for- present fiscal ol- year, commencing July 1st, $25,800,000. all NEw ORLEANS, August 15.-An act ily to regulate public education in the State e.) of Louisiana, prepared under the super es vision of Parson Conway, has been ier made the special order for next Friday. .; Section first provides for schools to be ili- open to all children between the ages of she six and twenty-one, without d stinction ite of race, color or previous condition. The )g- bill provides for a board of education, ed to consist of the Lieut-Governor and a six persons appointed by the Governor, ite to be. confirmed by the Senate; the 9a- State superintendent alone to be elect )a- ed. .The directors of the six general ng school districts, into which the State is lot to be divided, are to be appointed by of the superintendent, who is empowered er- to decide, without appeal, all contro ue versies or disputes arising under this en law, which invests him with other ex pt- traordinary powers, and requires all er- teachers to inculcate loyalty to the na of tional Goverument and kindness to all ty- men, regardless of race or color. Sec ws tion five of chapter six provides for the ru compulsory attendance of all children is, between the ages of eight and fourteen he without fixed employment, in such -ts school or place of correction as may be in provided by the board- of education, at ig the expense of parents or guardians, a n- or, in case of poverty, at the expense of 4 on the school fund, at the discretion of the id board. The act provides that, in addi af- tion to the poll-tax now provided for, of a special tax of one-fourth of one per 4 ed cent. be levied on all taxable property 4 *te in the State. Section two of the con- ] ii- eluding chapter gives the State Superin- ] he tendlent the right to interpret all doubt i." ful provisions of this law. The State I 1y superintendent is the"Reverend" Capt. 8 th T. W. Con way, framer of the bill, which he covers eighty-two pages. ad LONDON, August 14.-All thejournals " y, comment on Stevens' death. The Times 1 at after recounting Stevens' prominent connection with the recent impeachment ] ie project and his views relative to the 1 by paynlent of five-tewenty bonds, con re cludes: "The death of Thad. Stevens is I ft not now a public loss. His impeach- r me ment policy was of incalculable injury n to his political party, and the financial v p. dishonesty which he encouraged. dies 9 y with him. He was fanatical, bitter and a re self-willed, but not mean or deceitful. r )r He is the last of the leading Americans 0 who had the courage to rise above par. a g tisanship." The Morning Telegraph a :e has the following : "Stevens was neitha- c )f er good, wise nor generous, but in his ii r- time did signal service, and with all his ii faults, he merits the famous phrhase, l r 'that was a mAn.'" The Daily News s n concludes: "The death of Stevens leaves " i- no importatt place. unfilled, either in J a, the lead of his party or in the council 9 g of the nation." h WASHINGTON, August 13.-Stevens' a I- remains are guarded by the Butler C II Zonaves, (negroes), unuformned and arm 0 d ed. A great manjority of the visitors are I negroes. The exhibition attracts very a R little attention. The body lies in the a centre of the rotunda. No unusualdec y orations or drapery in the capitol. n LANCASTER, PA., August 17.-The ct guard of honor, composed of the ofti Scrs of the Butler Zouaves (colored,) F 9 which accomnanied the body of Mr. Ste. -i Sens from Washington, left this morn n ing on thelir return. It appears consid- " erable feeling was excited here by their oi -presence, m:any Republicans regarding h I it as inappropriate. Oni the streets this ti e morning the officers attracted consider- g' able attention, farmers and others ganz- ' ing at them with a sort of mingled curi tl 1 osity and wonder. g( WASHINGTON, August 17.-.Rosecranz a Shas received part of his instructions. st The policy towards Mexico is to concili- gi atory. Treaty regarding claius against tF t Mexico will be sent there for ratification, ol i there beinag no Mexicuan Minister here. No commissioner under the treaty will ,be appointed until it is duly ratified. E SAN FRANCISCO, August 17.-The tl b steamer Colorado has arriued with Yo- th kohoma dates to the 26th July. One hundred and fifty Christians drowned at Magauski. Yeddo had been eaptured Sby the Southerners and half the city Sburned, including two temples. North ern Princes propose arbitration by a France, England and the United States, ,rn binding themselves and pledgimig the a Mikado to the decision. M. LANCASTER, August 17.-At Stevens' th to-day an immense crowd was al presenMt, including delegations from so- to cieties in all parts of the State. The co Governor and State oeicers, and many s other distingunished individuals, were in the procession. Funeral address by •ev. Dr. Manmbert, at St. James (Epis- bu o-l) Cenuihng. he IVRPOOL, August 17, evening.--an Cotton active and advanced fald, to day, sd at the close was still tending upwards; sales 20,000 bales; uplands 10( and Orleans I1kd. DUBLIN, August 17.-The eoroner's on jury on the landlord murdered by his tenants in Tipperary, returned a verdict of "murder;" but the jary took coa.- fat slot todeprecate the condnea of 8scally exi (the deceased,) and to suggest more lib. a etal laws. Lo 1aDo, A~ga, 17,-11Pfveeml u oj.h 303 eallanb et 8odiSapIto3, ifima hr qe renetm Atten - S tre week anti the elea ret The recent riotous O i g,,,. ,.j Led Butler; Zonaves have :en .en and, from circumsta~pes ,nnecte&d:W it Im- the disbanding of militia comipaniesain fly the District, the President ordered theta disbanded. Grant referred the order to cal -Gen. Emor.,. who r?.turned it with the 00. endorsement.that there was no authori set ty for such a proceeding, since '~iartial ate law did not exist. The order was re er- turned to the President with his indorse en ment, and there- the matter rested. sy. Mr. Watts, Minister- to Austria, is be here waiting instructions. of Letters from Kan'sas report repeated ion outrages by Indians, beating men 'and 'he outraging women in the most shocking au, manner. nd- Farragnt comes home in October. or, .It is seriously stated Rosecranz's visit ;he to Virginia is for consultation with Gen. et- Lee regarding the Mexican relations and ral Southwestern border interests. Other is parties say Rosecranz desires to consult by Gen. Lee with regard to his views and ed purposes, and the probable action of the ro- Southern Democrats,- prelidhinar. to a his letter of advice Rosecrauz intends ad rx- dressing to the- Germans before leaving all the country. Nothing, however, is pos 18- itively known beyond that Rosecranz all goes to Virginia to see Gen. Lee. ec- NEW ORLEANS, August 18.-The lot he tery bill, against which the presiding en officers of both Houses protested so en strongly on signing, has become a law ch by lapse, of time for the Governor's be action. at NEW ORLEANS, August 18.-Cotton is, stiff; middling 29a30c.; sales 30 and- re of ceipts 75. bales. Sterling 58a601; New he York sight j per cent. premium.. Gold li- 145J. Sugar and molasses, no change. )r, Flour steady, superfine $8 50 and treble per extra $8 50all. Corn dull at $1 10al 15. ty Oats dull at 65e. Hay-held at $26a27. iu- Bran $1 20al 25. Pork steady at $31. n- Bacon firm; shoulders 14a24* and clear )t- sides 18c. Lard steady; tierce 19 and to keg 21c. Texas cattle, $15, $25 and at. $35. Sheep $3a5. cli ---- --- LIEUT. Gov. DUNN ON THE RACES. d1 The Crescent of the 7th prints the fol es io.wing: lt We understand Oscar J. Dunn, the nt Lieuttenant Governor, is warmly oppos- 4 Ie ed to the idea entertained by men of a n. his own color of thrusting themselves is into public places frequented only by h- white men. He says, so we hear, that a ry negroes ought to patronize. negroes, as t al whites patronise whites; that the no es groes are in the majority and in power, i ad and if they cannot get up theatres, bar- 1 al. rooms and beer saloons, equal in point c as of attraction to those frequented by I r. white men, they had better let the mat- a h ser alone. Whether our information is t- correct or not, we give it as we heard i is it. Dunnu says the negroes shows their I is inferiority by insisting on frequenting I e, places of white resort. Let them start s such places of their own, and let "the s 3s white trash," (we hardly believe Oscar ( a J. ever used that term) alone in their s it glory. If these sentiments which we a have heard simply in a gossiping way, I ' are correct, they show that Lieutenant t .r Governor Dunn is a mana of more than 1 . ordinary good sense, and that he ap- J -e preciates the inevitable and irreconcil- J y able difference which exists between the •e white man and the black. c THE TEXAS CONVENTION.-Of all the n e conventionls yet held in the South, the I - Texas one is perhaps the hardest. I Flake's Bulletin, a Radical sheet, fur - nishes the tfollowing scene as an every a iday occurrence: "Cigars are every once li . in a while smoked to relieve the tedium 1a r. of debate. Very frequently the chair c g has to infoirm the head and the heels of the convention, which have the habit otf c . getting on the same level, that the con- I3 vent ion is out order. D)uring recess, C the colored employes draw chairs to- f gether and throw off their shoes-they ca - are not effemninate enough to wear s tockings-and spread themselves for aT good snooze, Altogether, the conven- f t tion is decidedly plebeian in its notions h ,of etiquette and ceremony." a 1 Am egg-tester has been invented in England. Itis a coantrivance to throw Sthie light into the egg so clearly that if u there is a chicken in it he'll wink. al Gen. E. Kirby Smith wil! open a mili 1 tary acad any for boys fit New Castle, E Kentucky, on September 10. is The people of southeastern Arkansas Sand north Lonisiana are projecting a ri railroad from Monroe northward through SArkansas, to connect with the Iron Monatain railroad. If the road from th this point to Monroe was finished the Mc above road would be of vast importance in to us, furnishing, as it would, direct th communication by rail with St. Louis.- in Sireveport Bouthl- Westerv. te I-- or Hon. John Bell is partially paralysed, to buo otherwise in cood health, and says he hopes to live to see Seymour elected and die a free man. th Grant owns forty-two horses. . There is now a popdlation of nineteen Ti on tiobinson Orusoe's Island. ed Some itemisers assert that Butler's or father was hanged for piracy. The son's V" exploits, too, have been on the high to seise. An stootioneer, at a lat e of f tp te inea a he t ee6gm1u/ 'wk mm eismte8`. keere.s: i 3roh A1~~u '- `Sejtewber'ases. -Tbill pro he flees that the pi'i- ses Of ides; i ttchtoches, -Sabine, ./)eSoto, O mddo, Ph Bo;srer, D~eaville, Winn, Olaiborne, | Jacksuon, ltonie, Morehouse, Ouachita,. at CaldweldCatahonla, Franklin, Concor to dia, Tensas, Madison, and Carroll shall be co~pose one distriet, to be called the ri- Northern District of Louisiana;. aud the al remainind'gpart of the State shall com e- pose another district, to be- called the e- Eastern District of Louisiana; and l all criminal actions orecivil suits, either in i8 law or equity which have arisen in. the neokthern district, or against persons re d sidling therein, or concerning lands sit id uated therein, wogether with all process, ig writs, recognizances, and records be longing thereto, shall be transferrAd to the northern district. The bill further ait provides tfor two stated sessions annual n. ly at each of the 611owing -- places: ad Natchitbches, on the first Mondays ot er March and September in each year, for It the parishes ot Rapides, Natchituches, ad Sabine, De Soto, Caddo, Bossier, Bien ie vile, and Win n; at Monroe on the first a Mondays in May and November in each d- year, for the parishes of Claiborne, ag Jackson, Union. Morehouse, Ouachita, s- Cald well, Catahoula,. Franklin, Concor iz dia, Tensas, Madison, and Carroll.- It provides for the appointment of a judge t- from the resident lawyers within the ag district by the President, at a salary of io $4000 per year, who is to hold the above w aessions, and is authorized and required 's to hold special sessions of the said court for the trial of civil and criminal cases mn whenever he may deem it expedient. e- The judgeudge has the power to appoint a w lesk otabe-efrt otr ea-ch place where Id the courts -sits. The President has the e. power to appioat0 a marshal and district le attorney, on the same salary now allow 5. ed to the New Orleans district attorney. 7. -.[South- Western. ir The following is the bill redistricting id the State into five Congressional Dis Id tricts, as passed by the Senate: SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Sen ate and House of Representatives of the - State of Louisiana in General Assem 1- bly convened, That until otherwise di reected by law, the State of Louisiana e shall be divided.into five Congressional s- districts and the qualified electors of >f each district shall choose one Represen s tative to Congress as follows: y The First Congressional district shall Lt comprise all that portion of the parish is of Orleans, on the right bank 'of the 3- Missippi river, and so much of said par r, ish on the left bank of said river as is r- below and east of Canal street, in the it city of New Orleans, comprising the y fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and t- ninth Representative districts of the a parish of Orleans, and the parishes of d St. Bernard, Plaquemines, St. Tam r many, Washington, St. Helena, and g Livingston. - t The Second Cougressional District e shall all that portion of the parish of r Orleans on the left bank of the Missis r sippi river albove and west of Canal C street, in the city of New Orleans; com. prising the flist, second, third, and t tenth Representative Districts of the 1 parish ot Orleans, and the parishes of Jtfferson, St. Charles, St. John, St. - James, Lafourche, and Terrebonne. 3 The Third Congressional District shall comprise the parishes of St. Mary, St. Martin, Assumption, Ascension. Ver a million,Cal:asieu, Lafayette, St. Landry, I Iberville, East Feliciana, East Baton I Rouge, and West Baton Rouge. f The Fourth Congressional District r shall comprise the parish ,s of West Fe- ( lic ana, Pointe Coupee, Avoyellds, Ra- 1pides, Sahine, Natchitoches, DeSoto, I r Caddo, Bossier, and Winn. The Fifth Congressional District shall a I comprise the parishes of Claiborno, t Bienville, Jackson, UTnion, Morehouse, Carroll, Onachita, Madison, Caldwell, Frankliu, Tensas, Catahoula, and Con- e cordia., 1 SE~c. 2. Be it further, enacted, etc., - SThat all laws and parts of laws iln con - flic:t with this act beand the same are a hereby repealed, and this act be in force h and take efft.ct froni and after its pas- a sage. A pleasant style of suicide-to hang upon the notes of a pretty lady while ' she is singing. ---- - e o· Smiler Colfax is a relative of Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and the latter is by odds the smartest man of the two. Il There are 875 regular and supernume rary policemen in New Orleans. in It is whispered that the Radicals in a the Legislature intend to take a recess soon till near November, without pass ing any registration, act, and keeping the electoral act in suspense, thusn lear ing us without any lihat of registered vo ters in Novenaber; and they might then. on the plea of necessity, pass the eleo- M toral bill when reaesembling.-I(Bwutt,. The next remarkahle total eelipse of t the sun will be the total eclipse next November of the sonm of old man Grant. There are three distinct classes in the Louisiana Legislature-the white color ed men, the black colored men and the k plain white men; the first named are the ovetseers, the second the field hands, or votinR cattle, the last represent the flock to be seecd.-[BDeletq. If tie dome of the empitol a O19d9b I asternl 4ato sold it woedI ust Pt S iy a the sLatc a t. IL , !? t`-'«; . roe.n 1, 3d. of Mare:, 1889, . t , 1'Fortieth C.a ngress'wli e T,. The question now is " members of Congress b I under existipg laws? - e The answer is plain: ino e Monday in November, t?.O 'The constitution ofl a further on the subject I elections beyocid what l;i a article 184. . a We tnunat tlenr resort - statutes for our guidance: The latest act on the s~ , 1855. (See act of 1855; -lion 31; revised statnattee ation 31.) That aeti r general eleetions: for - gress shall be- held a t-i etc., as is provided Qor *t representatives to"'the= - r bly. , Articles 17, of theont requirebs that represents% t chosen on the first Mond hber, every two years. , quent article .154 si far , vision as to haveithe, lri on the 17th and i8th of :& t allowing said terms 't4: a regular da3 of election, e in November, 1868. f Under article 17", hno ela e held for representativea:iui : I Monday of Novemboer, 14T t ly, nader existing la'w~sno' s be held for members of¬ mp that time. - a It is within the provime n a lature to.fixthe time. whbr a of members of Congress t [lew Orleans. Picayu-ne. ' An advertisemeint late a paper headed "Itro bedding." We suppost he t ( be sheet-iron. I never bet any stamps ona? is always telling what- he w , done had he been there. -· that this kind never get the . O'n his arrival in Ooloradto,.i 1 called upon by express coi transportation chargess folo_ gallon kegs of whisky, $QýIl of cigars, $250; 1 pup Marsha $25; 1 box playing ards,,$+Q Washburpsa speeches, very. lea'v 25 cruppers, $10; 25 martingfel box of reconstruction bitters,.t. tal--835 05. A physician of skill in his pr would find Plaquemine and i±l . good field for the exercise ofir tion.. Any communication, i this matter addressed to this nois meet with a prompt respo t, ,South. .. The New Orleans Crescent aay 40th Congress expires ontihthem.: March next. All the member next House of Representatives. to be elected, except one from chosen a few days since. Vone ole. members of the House hold over." .: MR. DAVIs' MISSION TO ENF The Washington correspondentO St. Louis Republican, under datq of 29th nit., says the object of Mi.; visit to England is toi engage n ness, whereby he may be able-to s his fam ly without the assistale friends, which, it is said, he ba' nnable to do since the collapse .o Confederacy. He is repreaented ing entirely destitute of "imeans, having no protession, h8 copld looked on as hopeless. .e assistance of friends, howev' him to begin in a foreiga, countt~~: Grant is said to be very much' aLPO ed that the Jews cantinue to harp n his order No. 11. Fond as he is of sic, he cannot hear to hear thejewa-ba: ' A Western farmer recently bang up~ hoop-skirt in his cornfield to frighW i away crows. The crows went off 1but the field was soon full of boys, ' . A South Carolina alligator, probsl. in the interestof tae "rebel De.imon.g :. ate a promising young black veter tl:: other day. The Cincinnati Enquirer says i-f "e5 i leance is golden," Grant is verral:-'+ . - Dird:--un tle inth inst.r .'AUIJS L.t infant daughter of bheodore and Mtl. lal-at schum:ai aged eight monthsrnd;IO t a %lew Jraeaias ):iarlLkt. New Orleans, Augug 17, 18 Corrox -Ordinary ....... Good Ordinary......u Low middiHng .......,,. Middling nominal ........ Strict Middling.. .... .. MoarAnr--QGold ......... :. Silver..... "..... .... ..'. :Y. Mexiesn dollars..... ........ Itale Treasry notes ........... Uitq Treum yNotes............. Levee state Bonds.......... The following qMlona emboranlt sale prip. f acrl ane. ad s. White............. MO~iaues, Cubs........-... Pa.ou, choice extra.. ........*4 Trble xtra....... ... Double e .. a... t... Qoma. 4.hoiee ad ..:... ..: Pm .., ..... fi3 . ... .. - + , 4 .. . .. f~lt Lint Wij~; r~ .c - ,