Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL NEWS. —Snow fell on Saturday night last to the depth of six inches. —There is'mourning in the land. Uncle Ralph has got her. —Gustavus is a philosopher, two pairs red heads will console him. —Beware of Brydon, of Blooming ton, William ; he is after the Senator ship too. —The Garrett Literary Society meets this (Saturday) evening at 7 o’clock. —William must “fix” things so as to run for Senator. Daniel’s place will not be vacant. —The fighting passion isn’t a suc cess anyway, and is industriously walking in paths of peace once more 1 —The Grangers of Garrett county propose to start a co operative store in Oakland. The enterprise deserves success. —The Oakland Band of Hope held an interesting meeting on Thursday night. Essays were read by Miss Bowie, Messrs. Htupins and Mason. —lt is pretty gem'rally understood that tlie court of appeals lias reversed the opinion of the Allegany circuit court inthecasesof the State and the American coai company against the Consolidation coal company. —A melee occurred in Oakland on Wednesday between two young men, in which one f the parties was severely, but not dangerously, cut with a knife, in the hands of the other. The party doing the cutting left town. —Mr. J. IT. Brooks will remove to his new building next week, when he will open out one of the largest stocks of general merchandise ever brought to Garrett county. We hope our friends will give him a call when they eome to Oakland. —Postmasters throughout the county, and at Western port, Lnnaeo ning. Barton and Frostburg, are re spectfully requested to act as agents for The Republican. We also wish every Republican in the county to aid us in any way they can. —Mr. J. H. Brooks’ new store building, just completed, is forty feet square and two stories in height and is an improvement for which Mr. Brooks deserves credit. We hope it may prove a good investment to him. Such public spirited men deserve success. CSmrcli Services—Sunday. Lutheran Church.—Preaching Sun day at 10J a. m. Catechetical class, in .1 lecture on Wednesday evening. Oakland M. E. Ctinr'h.—Preach ing at 7P. M. by Rev. John M. Davis. Lecture on Wednesday, ev ening at 7 o’clock, by J. A. Fullerton. Subject: “Christianity, Its trials and triumphs.” •St. Matthew’s P.E. Church—Morn ing services and sermon at 11 o’clock A. M., evening services and Sabbath School sit 4 P. M., by Rev. Mr. Bacon. jir.rria ge Licenses. Marriage Licences were granted to the following contracting parties during the month of February : Geo, W. Broadwater and Martha Duckworth. Dennis Glover and S. J. Frazee. Frederick tiortner and Maggie B. Connell. E iinund Wiiitehairand Louisa S. Sanders. A. S. Sell and Lavinia Specht. Real Estate Transfer*. The following is a list of real estate transfers filed for record in the office of W. 11. Tower, Clerk of toe Circuit Court for Garrett county, for the week < tiding March 1 : Elizabeth Bowser to Annie Bow ser, military lot No. 2657 and person al property. SIOO and maintenance of said Elizabeth Bowser during life. Levi C. Fike and wife to L. D. Hoff, 14 acres of Lot No. 2803 ; $33. Abraham Miller and wife to Board of Public School Commissioners, j acre lot in Dist. No. 5 ; $225. Ellen and W. S. Friend to Benja min F. Friend, tract of land called “Friends Neglect,” 5 7-Bacres ; S3O. Orphans’ Court. The Orphans’ Court for Garrett Countv was convened on Tuesday, Feb. 27th. Present, Hon. Jos. De witt, Chief Judge, Hons. Win. Har vey and A. J. Michaels, Associate Judges, and Win. L. Rawlings, Regis er. Among others were the following proceedings: The last will and t stnment of An drew Friend, deceased, was tiled for probate and record. Letters of administration were granted to John M. Kessler, on the estate of Win. Schroyer, deceased, and filed bond in tlie penalty of S3OO. G. S. Hatnill, administrator, ot Lydia Wilt, deceased, settled his first and final account. Court adjourned to meet on Tues day, March 13th. Withdrawal of the Mandamus Case. J. W. Veitch, Attorney for the Board of County Commissioners, on Thursday last, by order of the Board, withdrew the mandamus case from the Court of Appeals ol Maryland. Tlie Public Buildings. The County Commissioners have been in Oakland s nee Thursday last, making arrangements for the erec tion of public buildings. It is gener ally understOood that they will ereet good, substantial buildings,to cost as little as is consistent with economy and the best interests of the county at large. The site has not yet teen selected, hut probably will be to-day (Saturday). Brook's Great New York S'or" Will move to their new and commo dious building, (fronting the stone church, having entrance both from street and railroad) the coining week, where you can always find a large and varied stock of general merchandise for sale cheap for cash or trade. Having made arrangements East and West, we are prepared to do a commission business for our custo mers, shipping'their supplies East and We.-t and making returns when sold in money. Brooks’ Great New York Store and Commission House. Sifted corn meal at Cheap John’s. Fatal Accident. John Shaffer, a farmer, residing six miles south of Oakland, was instantly killed on Friday last, in the follow ing manner: About 10 o’clock, a in., of that day lie proceeded to the woods, near his residence, for the purpose of lieu ing timber for a barn which he intended to erect. At din ner time lie was called by members of his family, hut they receiving no response, one of them proceeded to where he had been working, when they found him lying on the ground dead, with his skull fractured, which had been done by the limb of a dead tree standing near, that had been dis lodged by the high wind pievailiug at the time. Mr. Shaffer was about 55 years of age, and leaves a wife and seven children. His remains were interred oa Sunday in the Catholic Cemetery at Oakland, of which church the de ceased was a consistent member. Commissioners’ Meeeting. The Commissioners of Garrett Co., met in Special Session on Tuesday, February 27th 1877. Present, Messrs. Winterberg and Boucher. A Milder, Col., made his returns of money paid out, and received credits. Several orders were past granting sums for tlie support of indigent per sons. The following order was passed : Ordered, by the Commissioners of Garrett County, this 27>h day of Feb ruary. 1877, that J. W. Veitch, At torney to the Board, he and is here by authorized and directed to enter his appearance in the case of Henry Winterberg and Josiah Boucher, Commissioners of Garrett county i's Daniel E. Offutt and oth rs, n iw pending on appeal, in the Court of Appeals of Maryland, and file an or der dismissing the appeal in the same. On Tuesday Messrs. Winterberg and Boucher proceeded to Kingwood, W. Va., for the purposd of examin ing the public buildings in that coun ty, returning on Wednesday eveultfc ing. Mr. D. Burtom was authorized to repair the Armstrong bridge t over Little Yongh river, west of Oakland. Thursday the Commissioners went to Cumberland to see the Court house and Jail of Allegany County. Itrms from Accidt nt. There are a good many signs of prosperity in this and adjoining dis tricts, and we hear very little com plains about hard times. There seems a laudable desire to improve their properties generally by tlie far mers. The town itself seems to have a fair trade and a healthy scarcity of loalers. There will he some few: changes about April the first. Mr. Jno. Shatzer, one of the citizens of the place has purchased property in Oakland. His property has been sold to Mr. J. W. Boyer. Accident possesses a good school house and and excellent school. The school will continue a month longer by subscription. Prospects for sugar are poor, con sequently a better price will be ob tained. At least to farmers in Accident district, who arc preparing to hum lime next spring, coal is getting cheaper and more accessible, and lime stone are plenty. Labor is also very cheap and no trouble to get good hailns. The result Hliould be a very lively time among our farmers. The prospects for butter are very good, and cows are already in good demand at high prices. From 40 to 60 dolliars is spoken of as probable prices. Feed is plenty and cheap. One man in tlie district is not to be terrified by tlie enemy “hard times” Our young frie- d Alex. Dewitt, who is pretty well known as a very good school teacher, has assumed the re sponsibilities of a married man. We wish him happiness unalloyed. May his motto be “creseite et multiplica mini.” We shall take pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of one years’ subscription, and a piece of the wedding cake. Next. Best assortment ol candies, cakes, Ac., at Cheap John’s. Shingles Wanted. We will trade for a limited lot of sawed or shaved shingles at Brooks’ Great New York Store at Oakland, Md. Brooks’ Great New York Store, new building, opposite stone church. Entrance from both railroad platform and street. 3t. Notice to Debtors. Desiring to close up the business of the late Garrett County Gazette, as soon as possible, all persons in deified to us are requested to settle at once. If not attended to by or dur ing Court week, we will be compelled to place the accounts in the hands o an officer, thereby imposing addi tional cost thereon. C. T. Abell. Tobacco,stogies, tips and finecigars at Cheap John’s. Bakery. Mrs. Sarah M itheny,in the Smouse building, is prepared to furnish the people of Oakland with good bread, cakes and pies on short notice and at reasonable rates. . Eating apples and oranges at Cheat) Joint’s. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. The death, of Mr. Biser leaves a vacancy in thecanal board. Would it be asking too much of the board to give Allegany a representation in the company? True, she hasn’t much interest in it; but give us tie just for fun ! The Maryland Coal Company is said to be now shipping seventy hop pers a day, paying the miners fiity five cents per ton. This is paid with out any violation of an agreement,as tiiis company refused to co-oj crate with the other co opanies in the re duction of wages. There is nothing new among the miners, and none of them are at work outside of the New Central. They all take courage from the open ing of the Central, an the pe pie generally along the line seem grati tied at tlie change in the directors of the Consolidation road. The gener al impression is that under the con trol of the Baltimore road the situa tion will be improved and business will be increased. A considerable slide of earth and rock occurred on tlie evening of t lie 23d inst., at a point on the Balti more ami Oh o raiiroad, three miles east of Piedmont. Tlie north tra k for a distance of 40 or 00 feet, was en tirely covered and a portion of it pushed over against tile south or middle track on which the Wheel ing accommodation train, at a later hour, was required to pass. Tiiis train, when coming down, was sig nalled and stopped until a portion of the obstruction was removed. The delay was not, however, more than twenty minutes.— Alteganiun. The revivals continue without abatement. At the Lutheran church about forty five persons lave pro-! fes.-ed conversion, and about sixty at the Methodist. Forty two acces sions to the latter are reported, while to the former, so far as learned,about sixty applications for membership will be made at the close of the meet ing. While Capt. Nelson Beall and wife were taking horseback exercise Thursday, tlie horse Mrs. Beall rode, attempted to lie down in a stream j soutli of town, when Mrs. Beall jumped off. In doing so Iter skirt I caught on the saddle, by which she was drawn a, short distance over j rough ground, indicting several painful hut unt serious cuts and bruises. Frostburg returns 375 tax payers ’ and $1,504,743 33 of assessable prop erty. East Frostburg 590 tax payers and a property assessment of $787,- 098.80; total tax payers, 905; total as sessment $2,291,842.13. The total assessment of the nine completed districts amounts to $7,855,498. The Co-Operative Store, men tioned in these columns two weeks ago, is a fixed fact. Articles of in corporation have been approved and I are on file for record in the clerk’s I office iu Cumberland. The name of the corporation is the “Frostburg Merchants and Traders’ Co-Operative Association,” with a capital stock of forty thousand dollars in lour thous and shares of ten dollars each. The incorporators are representative men —of sound integrity anti progressive views—in whose vocabulary the word “fail,” does not appear. In addition to general merchandise the Associa tion purpose carrying on butchering. The books will be opened next week for subscriptions to stock.— Frostburg Journal. A slight sensation was created in Keyser a few days since, the fact having leaked out that a young couple in this place itad been married since the 10th of August, 1876, the young man boarding ail tiiis time at the hotel while tlie young lady re mained at home, no one even sus pecting that they were married. The parties arc Mr- G. W. Cropp and Miss Georgie Mati.eny, step daugh ter of Mr.-J. D. Merri man, wiio re sides on Water street. Mr. Cropp is a brakeman on the 3rd division of B. A O. R. R. his parents residing tit Deer Park.— Piedmont Independent. . Col. Daniel S. Biser dietl bis in Burkettsville, Frederick countv, Tuesday morning, tit the advanced age of seventy five years. Col. Biser bad been a member of the canal directory for many years, and may he said to have held office from his youth, ineluding a number of terms in the general assembly. He had a number of friends in this city. Governor Carroll has granted to the Board of Control and Review of this county another extension of thirty days of the time in which they are to complete their labors. The date on which they must report is now April 2, anti they expect to finish their work by that time. The revision of the tax list of Cumber land district, No. 5, will he comple ted to day leaving hut the remaining three city districts to be overhauled. The booms in the river in which are to lie collected the logs belonging to Messrs. Davis Brothers that were washed away by floods last fail and winter, were completed last week. They are three in number, one Inca ted above “tlie island,” anti below ii and the third just above tlie river wharf. The building No. 106 Baltimore street, recently occupied by Captain John Weir, and known its Weir’s hotel, has been leased hr its owner, Mrs. C. M. Thrnstou, for a short term to Mr. John MoSherry, pro prietor of the McClellan House, North Centre street, this city, and will be opened by him on April L Cumberland News. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Estate of II in. Schroyer, deceased. 1' HIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE—'That the sub- I scribcr hath obtained Horn the Orphans' - dun or Garrett county, Maryland, Loiters ol Admit iM ration on the estate of WIL..IA.M sUHKiA Eli, late ol said county , dee d. Ail persons havnu claims against the said de ceased are hereby warned o exhibit the same to the scb crlber. with tlie vouchers thereof, "j: i \ au hentica ed, on or before the sth . a., oi septemh) r, l><7. They may ot In r\\ i e by aw be excluded tioni ail benefit of said estate. Aii persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 27th da> ol February, 1K77. JOHN M. KESSLER, nilTj-3t Administrator. 'T'WO FARMS FOR SALE. j will sell the fol owing properties, situated in Preston couhty, 'V. Va., near III' TON’S s\V IT<’ll. within }.u inllo of the B. A < >. R. R. six miles of Oakland Aid., three miles of Portland, W. Va. The lirst farm contains HI i acres and 100 acres of this is improved and under cultivation, with >loou oi improve ments on the same, consisting of buildings. 1 he secoi-d contains UK) acres of good land, all improved, with all the necessary build ing# on the same, with good fencing. Said limns arc admitting,and will be sold ch'*ap. and on reasonable terms. For terms apply to JAMIvS DROWN, m'UI fltphms -ch Md INSOLVENT’S NOTICE. IX THE alter IT COURT FOR GARRETT COUNTY —No. U> Insolvents— WM. UPOLK vs. Ills i REDPIORs. Ordered, ibis 20;li day of March, 1877, that Wm. IJpo.e give notice to his creditors in dorsers and sureties that 'IieRKCoND MON DAY Ol- SEPTEMBER, 1*77, is lixed for the sai I Win. IT pole, to appear in the Circuit Court for Garrett county, to answer such In terrogatories and allejations as his -i editors, imh users or sureties may propose or allege against him; and that a copy of this order he published in some newspaper printed in the town ot Oakland, for three months prior to the said second Monday of .September next, as such notice. W. 11. TOWER, Clerk. True Copy—Test; W lf i’ WKH, I'Merk. f 1-Hm Estate of Barbara Beaman, Bec'd. TiUI-t 18 TO GIVE NOTICE—That the sub serioer hath obtained from the Orphans Court of Garrett county, Maryland, Iletters of Administration oil the estate of BARBARA BEAMAN, late ot said county, deceased. All persons having claims against tin* said de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit tic*same to tlie subscriber, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, on or before the Ist day of September, H 77. They may otherwise by law be excluded from all bonetlt of said estate. All persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given undci my hand this 13th day ot February. 1H77. HA UAH JARRETT, febl7-3t. Administratrix. INSOLVENT’S NOTICE. IX THE i THRU IT COURT FOR GARRETT COUNTY—No 43 Insolvents JACOB HIBLF.It vs. 1118 CREDITORS. Ordered, this 26 h day of January, 1877. that Jacob Hisler give notije to his creditors indorsers and sureties, that the 2nd Monday of sept. 1877,1 s fixed for the said Jacob sta ler to appear in this Court to answ.u such interrogatories or allegations as his credi tors, Indorsers or auretlea may proposeor al lege against him; provided a copy of this order he Insertedlnsome ticwspape* printed In the town of Oakland, for UiretuionthH t*rlor to the said second Mouday olSeptoui >cr next, **# such notice. W. H. TOWER, Clerk. True Copy—Test,: _ W. IL TQWKR, Clerk. ft b!7-3m d* | O a day at home. Agents wanted. Oufc dj) 1 " lit and tetuts free. TRUE ACO [ Augusta. Maine. mhll-ly MISCELLANY US. INSOLVENTS NOTICE. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR GARRETT A GOURTY— No. 41 Insolvents—JOSEPH . MARTIN v<. HIS CREDITORS. ' Ordered, this 9th day of February. 1876, that i Joseph Martin give notice to hi- creditors, indorsers and sureties, that the SECOND , MONI AY OF SEPTEMBER NEXT, infixed | f<*r the said Joseph Martin to nppurin j the Circuit Court for Garrett county, to an swer such interrogatories or allegations as his creditors, indorsers or sureties may pro pose oi allege against him ; provided*a copy of this order be published in some newspaper printed in the town of Oakland, for three months prior to the said third Monday ol March next, as such notice. W. 11. TOWER, Clerk of the Circuit Court for Garrett Co. True < Vpv—Test : W. If. TOW ER, Clerk. feblT-Sm FORTY-FOUR YEARS OF THE LIFE OF A HUNTER, BKING REMINISCENCES OF MESHACII BROWNING, A M ARY I.aND IIU NTE R , Ri jUGHLY WRITTEN DOWN BY HIMSELF. REVISED AND ILLUS TRATED BY G. STABLER. edition of Five Hundred copies * ftICIIARD T. BROWNING, nlB-tf Oakland, Md. VICK’S Flower Vegetable Garden is the most beautifu work of tlie kind in the world. It contains nearly 150 pages, hun dreds of lliusrations, and *ix Chromo f laic* of Flow rs, beautifully drawn and colored from nature. Price 50 cents, in paper covers ; •M bound in elegartt cloth. Printed In Ger man ai d English. VICK’S FLORAL GUIDE, Quarterly. 25 cents a year. VK'K’s CATALOGUE—3OO Illustrations, only 2 cents. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester. N. Y. 8. ROSENHEIM, JOBBER IN LIQUORS, No. 102 Baltimore Street, Under St. Nicholas Hotel, CUMBERLAND, MD. 3600 Pianos for $250. And all other styles in the same proportion including Grand, Square and Upright—ali first-class—sold direct to the people at factory prices. No agents ;no commissions; no dis counts. These Pianos made one of the finest displays at the Centennial Exhibition, am were unanimously recommended for tin Highest Honors. • New Manufactory— on< of the largest ami finest in the world. The Square Gl ands contain Ma’husliek's new pat ent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the greatest im provement in the history of Piano making. The uprights arc the finest in America. Dont fail to write for Illustrated and Descriptive • talogue.—mailed free. MENDLESSCKN PIANO CO., No. S(J Broadway, fub 24—2 m. N Y. Seeds ! Plants! -BULBS sent by mail to any Post Office. Assortmen large, prices moderate, and selection best. Send for Prigkd Lists. Merchants, Drug gists and Dealers supplied at lowcs. whok sale rates. EDW’D J. EVA NS A CO. Nurserymen and Seedsmen, 2mos York, Pa. Ilf you wish to grow Vegetbles for sale a. read GARDENING FOR FROFiril If you wish to become a Com-** in 1 v Florist, read ** I PRACTICAL FLORICULTURE!!; If you wish to Garden for Home usem! only, read GARDENING FOR PLEASURE!* All by PETER HENDERSON. Price sl.s9each, postpaid, by mail. £ Combined \"fl, jj EVERYTHING G .2A. JFi. JOESPsT.I Numbering 175 pages, with 1 colored plate, sent g PHBE! to all our customers of past years, or to those who have puichased any of the $1 above books; to others on receipt of u> <4 Plain Plant or Seed ('atalogues with- pL out plate, free to all applicants. £ ■ Peter Henderson &Co.| I seedsmen, Mahkft Gakdenkhs A ■ Flokists, 33 Cortlandt St., New York. Great Krduetio inlYices or mi. REVOLVERS, te Prices reduced from ?" to TO per cent. Write for Illustrated Catalogue, with reduced prices for 1877. Address, GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS Je24-ly 91 Bmithfleld Bfc., Pittsburgh, pa. ERRORS OP YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN WHO SUFFERED FOR years from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay, and all the effect* 01 youthful indis cretion will, for the sake of sufferin • human ity, aend free to all who need It. the recipe and directions for rn iking the simple rem edy by which he wnscured. Sufferers wish ing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by au l Tensing,ln perfect confidence. JOHN B. OGDEN. 42 < edarSt.. N. Y. Reward for an incurable case Dr. J. P. Fitli r. being sw rn, says : I graduated in 1831, appoint d to pro fessor's chair 1X59; have devoted 10 years, ex clusively to Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Gout,, Kidney and Liver diseases. I guarantee Dr. Filler's Rheumatic Remedy. Kldnoy Cordial, and Liver Pills, a permanent euro, or will re fund money. Pamphlets. References, and Medical advice snt by mail, gratis. Address Dr. Fitter, 45 8. Fourth, Pli I la. Medici nun at Druggists. jy'22-tf PIMPLILS I WILL MAIL (FREE. THE RECIPE FOR preparing a Minnie VEGETABLE BALM that wiß remove TAN* FRECKLES PJM PLES and BLOTCHES, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful; also instructions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bai'i head or smooth face. Address BEN VANDELF A CO., Box 5121, No. ft Wooster street N. Y. d<fo <hu AU. i TILAH x.O Us. THE AMERICAN FARMER. This pioneer Journal of agriculture main tains its high character, it pay* special at tention to THE STAPLE CP. -PS OF THE SOUTHERN STATES; FERTILIZERS; lIU.ME-MADE AM) AKTIFKIAL; LIVESTOCK. THE DAIRY: FRUIT GROWING; TRUCK ING; ORNAMENTAL GARDENING; . Isil CULTURE; BEE KEEPING; DOMESTIC ECONOMY. Ac. Among Its Leading features are Original Correspondence from successful Culturi d in all branches: Reports of our most progressive Farmers' Clubs; Information of the aid Science s lending to Agriculture. It is a FARM PAPER, for The working, thinking, reading practical farmer, and for his family and fireside. It is published monthly. In a <>nn convenient for leading and binding for future reference, making in a year a volume of over 700 la. ge pages, hand somely printed in good type on fine paper. Subscript! >n sl. 0 a year. To clubs of five or more,only $1 each. Senders of ciubß of ten will receive an extra copy vkrk. To pay pontaje, 10 cents must accompany each nnnu sent. Liberal premiums for clubs. Rend for list, specimen numbers free. Address SAME RANDS A RON. Publisher*, Ja2-tf Baltimore. M l. ]\TEW LAW BOOKS. Ac. WIGRAM AND O’HARA ON WILLS. Two complete treaties in one volume. Just W.THROW’S AMERICAN COKPoKATM N CASES. Voi. I.—PRIVATE rnRIdiKA- The above, together with an assortmen: ol NEW AND SECOND-HAND LAW BOOKS, LAWYERS* NOTE AND ItEFERENi li books, magistrates’ dockets, law BLANKS, Ac., constantly on sale at the Any Law Book published in the United States will he supplied at short notice. Early Orders respectfully solicited. MURPHY A CO.. THE SUN. 1377. NEW YORK. 1877. The different editions of The si n during 1877 will be the same as during IK7K. Tlie dally edition will on week days be a sheet of four pages, and on Sundays a sheet of eight paces, or 5b broad columns; whilethe weekly edition w ill be a sheet of eight pages of the -ame dimensions and character that are al ready familiar to our friemis. Tins Run will continue to be the strenuous advocate ot reform and retrenchment, and of | the substitution of statesinaiisliip. wisdom and inte irit y for hollow pretence, imbecility, Hid fraud in the adminisirat < n of public af fairs. I will contend for the government of he people by the people and for the people, •is opposed to government by frauds in the 'allot box and in tlie counting of votes en forced by military violence. It will endeavor o supply its readeis—a body not now far *"1*0111 a mil ion of souls—with the most care -111, complete and trustworthy accounts of •urrent events, and will employ for this pu r nosc* n numerous and carefully selected st: ff >f reporters and correspondents. Its repor s i’oui Washington, especially will be full, iceurate ami fearless; and it will doubtless continue to deserve and enjoy the hatred of hose who thrive by plundering the Treasu ry or by usurping what the law does not give them, white it will endeavor to merit heoontidenee of the public by defending tlie rights of tlie people against the encroach iinnts ot unjustified power. The price of the daily RUN will be 55 een‘s a i o tli orsGdo a year, post paid, or with the 8 mda.v coition $7.70 a year. rim Sunday edition alone, eight pages, . 1.20 a year. The Weekly Hun, eight pages of 53 brond •olumns. w ill be furnished during 1-77 at the ate of $1 a year, postpaid. The benefit of this large reduction from the trevious rat* for the Weekly can be enjoy d by individtiHl subscribers without the ne cessity oi mnking up clubs. At. the same ime, if any of our friemis choose to aid in xtending our circulaiion, w* shall be grate 'll to them, and every such person who ends us ten or more subscribers from on* dace will brentitl d to one copy of the po >cr for himself without charge. At one ool ar a year, pos'age paid, the expenses of pn or and printing are barely repaid; and, •onsidering the siz<> of the sheet and thequal '.V of Rs contents, \\ • are confident the peo ple will consider The Weekly Run the heft pest, newspaper published in the world, md we trust also one of tlie very best. Address, THE RUN, New York Uity, Jf.Y P. MARTIN, MILLB R, OAKLAND, McL, SKLI.S FLOUR. MEAL AND FKED. 500 Acres of Land for Sale, whole or in part. >NE DRAKK BHINULK M.VCHINR far nle. t'Ood hk new. fjyl-lim) P. MARTIN. FRANK E. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, S. E. Corner Charles and Fayette Streets, BALTIMORE, MD. Entrance on Fayette St., Room No. L I P-iy. iIoraWHEBIJ S. T. LITTLE, CUMBERLAND, MD., UF.AI.KH IN WATCHES, CLOt KS, JEWEL RY, St I. FEB and ELA TED WARE. AGENT FOR TUB Arunlel Tinted Spectacles and Eye-Glasses, For the relief and cure of dim, weak and fall ing sight, enabling the wearer to rend and work, either day or night, with perieci ease and comfort. nnnn an ’* m,ul by every agent every lr II111|) non tli in the business we furnish, Jill 11,1 those willing 10 work can easily VuliU rn a dozen dollars a day right in their own localities. Have no room to ex plain here. Business pleasant and honorable. Women and hoys anil girls do as well ns men. Wo will ftirnlMi you a complete Outfit free. 1 lie business pay# better thiin enythtng • se. We will benr expense of start!ing you. Particulars free, write and see. Fanners anil Mechanics, their sons and daughters, ami all classes in need of paying work at home, should write to us and learn all about the work at once. Now is the time. Don't delay. Address TURK A CO., Augusta, Mu lie. FOR SALE. ONE REMINGTON BREECH EOAIU NU RIFLE. ONE COMPLETE SURVEYOR’S OUTFIT. •'•’Ill he SOLD FOR ••ASH. or TRADED FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE or GOOD PA PER. Apply to VV. A. DAILY, Illf-tf Pk Hlltl, I t p \V. MERRILL. XX. p.iMtourr’iplis and FVrrotvpp* Made hi the bent style. Alb niH, Picture Framer Picture Cord forsela. Thud biuct, Opposite New Glad# House