Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME I. OAKLAND BUSINESS GJIDE. GUOCEUIES , etc. w p. to FtenT 'T * GENEKAL MF-KCUAXDISE, Cor. Main ,fc Alder sts. |J HJHARD3ON BROS., *'*' G OCEKIES, CONFEOTIONFRIES, Canned Goods, i-'ruit, etc. I MIN (). MICHAEL, ** OKSUttAL .'IKIU'H A XIMSE. SecoiM ei > i’riouth Joiltliiitftoii s Hotel. f W. 8 I’A LNA K ELI, Grocery ami Provision Store, Fourth struet. near It. ,fc O. It. It. Co's shop. 4 L. OSBOURN', A It AMS HXP.tESS OFFICE, Ut-noral -Merclnunllse. | BUSH dc SON. * A • GENEUAL, MKUt'IIAXDISE, Co". mird -1 la’t sts, UvWAV-MAN, ' ‘ * General (Jor. Aider & Main St*. HOOKS’ U| UIiEAT NEW YORK STORE, General Merchandise, \.gent for Fertilizers, Depot Building. n E. OF PUTT, VW 9 GKXKHA hM E RCIIA NDTSE, Agricultural Machine*, .M isical instruments, Guns, Pistols, etc. § \ TiTTvuvsF”' * UitHilX AI, NEW YOltK STORE, oleaeral Aicrc.iatiuis •. Watches, Clocks, Jew elry. etc. £ \ \ VI < A TOWN >il END, G EX Eit V L MEMC 11 AN DISE, Agents Agricultural Machines, Opp site Pulley’s Park. i < U. MICHAEL, Vv ‘ GEXEHA'.. MEItCIIA.- DISE, n i its, t.’l cks, v;>iuectionery, etc., I Next to Uodiliiitfton's Hot* I. 4J. - )ii E EECiGE, GKN EH A L M E HOII A XDISK, ( or. Sr.- md & (>ak sis. I VV.VID DELAWDER, ■ 9 G HOCE HIES, FHESII M E AT, *iairir in season | MIN A. DELAWDEII, GENERAL MEKCItAXIUSE, Wines, .i i.mrs,etc , Oal; t. near bridge. SALOOXS. S. JAMISON, Wmcs, Liquid's, Oysters, etc. Hilliard Table. Opposite ('oi lington’w Hotel, | UIW A. LiELAVVUEH, " Wines, Liquid's A Layer Beer, i in k si., li i'll I’ Drill;:,'. W. CAl’OiN, ' * I:i.AJ'AEUA.VT. Fried and s e\v< i • >.* iers. U.ivr on the shell, i amities supplied. li ITELB. OROWXINO HOUSE, ®■* It. T. BiunvxiXG, Proprietor. Main Street. jJOWAN WHITE, * *' OaK Street. 4 k VKLANL) HOUSE, • X. Somemyer, Proprietor. | Cor. . o ll> l nd v der streels. AGDiHXG ION’S HOTEL, W. M. Coi>KINGTON, i’rop’tor, .Main St.., 0., site Ja nisou s milliard Saloon BOA itniso HOUSES. 41 its. da vii7luTTneliAltT, Water Street. 4] ,t.S. RALPH THAYER, *-'■* Oak mill Tail'd Streets. g 4 WIS HOUSE, " Mrs. M. li. Davis, Proprietress. Cor. Uak Second streets, j VEW GLA DK HOUSE, Mrs. R. J. West, Proprietress. Cor. Third & Alder Sts / ’ EOROE BOSLEY'S, Oak Street. CA BIXETM I KEItS AMI UX 4 C. BROOKE, _ * Iter, adjoininy Gazette office. ■ GEL T. WARD, ” Shop oil Fourth Street. Ell VSK'IA MS. *4it. E. H. BARTLETT, " Office Main si.,op. Dailey’s Park, J4R. J. LEE MoCOMAS, Office on Main Street. (TltT j. w. albrigh i\ L' < >ai mi t )aK Street. MILLS. ; /2.RISI’ AND SHINGLE MILLS, Pisteis, Martin, Proprietor. | Water Street j {} AKLAND WOOLEN MILLS, " * Sam’l Law ton, Manager. A T TOltXli IS-.I T-LA H*. JW. VEiTUH, • State’s Attorney, < Mice on ()uk street. JOHN M. REA D, ** Notary Public And Com. to take Testimony, Ouico oil Alder S’roet, | ' S. IIA MILL. " • Office iii Oil'll It’s Bui Iff iny. rjn J. PEDDIUORD, • Oißce over Jamison’s Saloon PLASTERER. TAMES ARNOLD, g Uesideuce on Fourth Stredt THE REPUBLICAN. DRUGS AMI MEIIIi IM.S. QEO. (i. STUUgISS, " Drug>, Medicines, Perfumery, foiiet articles, Stationer.\ fobacco ana Ciguiw. Alder si’ HI, If A SMf i 'Us. ( ’HAS. SINUELL, Lilierty Street. MILEIM.R 1 AMh I AM i go run. 41 L. St.'OTT’S Baltimore Store. ITA. Millinery, Gems’ Furnishing And Fancy (joods, and shoes Main Street. Dr. mch 'orrmft office 41RS. M.eTdAVlsT *'* Cor. Oak ,t Second Sts. CO V Tit A CTO liSji li t //. h I /.Vs JOHN M. JARBOK, ** Carpenter, Gontractor A Bui der. Resideiitv no | .ib< rf v St nearly . }•> D poi. |> A. CHlsliOl M, * • Carpenter, Contractor, And UuiUier. Residence over Jtunlnii ) i fM>loott. ( ’ EO. A. SPED!)EX, j Resiil nee opp. S hool house. fOSEPH M. CHIM, i Residence o Alder Street. : 4 C. BROOKE, ' * lies, adjoining Gazette (lice. HA It HER SHOP. pilOF. A. W. DILI.EX, Barlier Shop, Offutt'* KiiiUllng, .Mni ll street. ' Eli Eli I STABLE ( mias. sweexeyT ! Xyar the Browning House. M i sO V.N g > PRI ICIIARD, Residenee on Second St. I LOYD CHAMBERS, -*-* Residence Coddinylon’s Hotel. JOHN PORTER, ItesideiuvcOr. Water A Third sts. SURVEYORS. 4 LEX. C. MASON, Office over Jamison’s Saloon mf K. HAMJLL, (.iiuniy Surveyor, Office mV mint's Huilding. 101-IN HARXED. ** Address, Post Office. BOOT AMI snoE~-MAHER. M. WAGNER, ’ * Simp Cor. Second A Oak Sts. QEO. fTIOCgHRIDGE, Leave orilcrs at Express office. ( ’ LUCAS^ '■' y * Boot and Shoe Maker, jk -'.i •;> i W iter i ; i See >nd sts PA IX VIXG d PA PER HA ME I.XG. J VMES EX LOW, " House and Siyn Painter, H*sidenc adjoining Gazette office. j,‘ J. FRINGER, House ami Siyn Painter. And I'ajicr Hanger. Leave orders at Lush's store. PHOTOGRAPH GA LLEIIY. (2 W. MERRILL, ' Puoioyrapiis and Ferrotypes Muue in ii>- best style. Albums. Picture Frames Picture i ord for sale. Third Ktreet, Oppositii Giaia Jioi *c OF£ SSIOKAL OAKD S. i Ui.Mui. S. .lA.MJLL, Lr ATTOUXfcV AT LAW AXI) SOLiUITuU IX G UAXCFKY. OFFICE IN OFFLIT'S LL’Ii.MNO, (L.)Wei Flooi. Particular atteu;ion Riven to('onveyaneing. •ivestigution of land titles and culieciioii of laims. Loans mifotiafed. j< 11 -1 > IAS. M. Si.’iILKV, I AffOUXKV AT LAW. CUM HEKLA ND, .Ml). Will prac’tlCe in the Courts of Washington, AlK*gany and Garrett counties. Agrnt for *ule ofii..iUo acres oi land in Uarrett county, within one and a half to three miles of Oak land. iell-ly n HA MILL, HEAL ESTATE AGKNT. OAKLAND, Garrett county, Md Office at residence on Main street. ,*ell-ly | OHN M. KFAD, ATTORNEY AT I,AW. OAKLAN D, NOTARY PUBLK;. Maryland, tell-ly r w. vEiruii, J k ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN ( iIANCFUY, Oakland, Uakrktt Coun i y, Md. Will practice in the Courts of Garrett loiinty and tin* adjoining i ouutiesof Wi st Virginia, and in the Court of Appeals of Maryland. Jan. ;p-if ; nrtHOs. j. peddicqrd, 1 Ai'i'ORNEV AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, Oakland,Garrett i ounty. Md. Will practice in the Courts of < ;rret t County and the adjoining Counties of West Virginia, and in tin- Court of Appeals of Maryland. Jan. 30-tf, DR. J. DAILY, EEIIIITIIITIST WESTERN PORT, MARYLAND. From one ton full set of teeth iunerted in the most beautiful and substantial manner. A Part icular attention paid to cleaning and 7. . ' tiling the natural teeth ’'fr'Vf ; All work warranted *.■* j to give satisfaofkm, or rrvoaey refunded. Je2)-]jr OAKLAND, MD., SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1877. LIGHT. BV WILLIAM I*l rr BALM Ell. -L\ From the quickened womb of the primne gloom The sun rolled bleak and bare, .’il! I wove him a vest for his FtlUOp breast Of the threads of my golden hair* Vnd when the broad tent of the tlrmamont Arose on its airy bars i penciled the hue of the matchless blue And spangled it around the taia. painted the Mowurs of Eden’s bowers. And their leaves of living green, Vnd mine were the a> es in the sinless eyes Oi I.den’s virgin queen; And When tli- fiend’s ait on the trustful heart Had fastened its mortal spell, In the silvery sphere of tile llrst-born teal To the trembling earth I fell. When the waves that burst o’er a w<i - accursed )}t/ 3 To* i- wo k of wr.iiU Util * And the ark’s lone fc\V. tl)e tried ifffd true. Came for li nmnncsf thb d-ml. With the wondrous glealhs of hiy txddal beams I bade their terrors cense, As I wrote on the roll of the storm's dark scroll God's covenant of Peace. Like a pal at rest on a sehseless breast, Night s funeral shadow slept— When shepherd swains on Bethlehem's plains, Their lowly virglls kept— Then I flushed on their sight the heralds bright As they chanted the morn of a Saviour born J'y,joy to thenutca t man ! Eqtia! favor I show to the lofty arid low, On the jus* and unjust I descend; E'en the blind, whose vdin spheres roll In darkness and tears. Feel my smile, t'• o best ‘ mile of a f iend. Nay, the flower o 1 thu waste by my love is embraced As the rose in 'lie garden of klmrs. At the erysali Mer of the worm I appear. And lo! ’lie guy butterfly wings. The desolate morn, like a mourner forlorn, Conceals all flu* pride of his charms, Till I bid the bright hours cha e the night from her I) -wers Ami lead her young day to her arms? And when the gay rover seeks Lve for his lover And sinks to her balmy repose, I wrap the soft rest by I lie zephyr fanned West. In curtains of amber and rose! From my sentinel sleep by the night-dreaded deep I gaz” with unsiumhering eyes. When the cv nosure star of the mariner Is blotted from out the sky ! And guided by me through the merciless sea, Though spread by the hurricane's wP gs His compass less, dark, lone weltering bark To l.lie haven home . ab ly he brings. I waken tluf flowers In the dew-spangled bowers, Tin birds in their eliuntbersof grben, And tiie mountain nil i plaid gldw with beauty again. As they biivk in their ma’fnal sheen. O, it such the “lad worth of my presence on earth, Though fro’ful and fleeting the while, Wliatglories must rest on tlie hotnc of the blest. Ever bright with the Deity’s smile! Hewitt and Hoar. We Like from the Nt'\y York Tri bune cot re-ponihwi* tin- -ollowiny iiccount of the a!tuck which Mr. Hewitt made upon Mr. Hoar of the Commission, and the reply which the latter made : “It has been for many days whispered about the Capitol that Mr. Hewitt would on some oe casion, before! tin* counting of the votes was completed, attack .Mr. Hoar and accu-e him of faith in b iviny promised the Democrats that the Commission should {*'o l> hind t lie returns and consider the evidence on which they were based, and of hav ing breken his word When the cha, oi the Democratic commit tee took tiie floor, therefore, it was not necessary lor the* Speaker to in sist upon order. Everybody —Rep resentatives, vi-iiors to whom tin privilege ol the floor hud been given, a; d tiie hundreds gathered in the galleties—bent forward to listen 10 wliat lie had to say. Heading ii-oiii tile record of the Electoral Commis sion the entry which showed that. Commissioner Hoar submitted the order that evidence he not received in tiie Louisiana case, lie that Mr Edmunds and Mr. Frenng liuysen had either not ex pi essed an opinion as to the power ol the (ami mission to go behind ihe returns or hudailirimd that there was no such power in certain cases, lie referred to Gen. Uuriield’s speech, in which he was understood to declare that there was such power in certain cases, lie referred also to Mr. Morton’s declaration in tiie Senate that it was the bounden duty of the Tribunal to go behind the returns, lie then quoted from Mr. float's speech in tiie liotise on tiie 2iith of January the assertion that the lull was not a compromise measure, that it simply gave the man wiio had a righteous claim the power to assert, maintain and enforce “by argument and proof,” emphasizing tlie last word, l’liis then was the ground on which he was to accuse Mr. Hoar of had faith, fits subsequent rehearsal of s sfWinff took lace in the joint cotnmit 'eeadded nothing which proved any ; fin ore directly tlm’ the gentlemm :r ' M " Massachusetts had held tin •qiini ni wnich Mr. Hewitt attributed *fo him. f rite impression made by Mr. Hew it.’s speed, Was not a favorable one. His ciosi g words in favor of aceep ‘iog in good faith the awards of tin Uoninii-shm, ■mt withstanding tin fai t that lie believed tiie party hue I'een deceived, brought forth a liun | lursl of applause and simuts o. "Unml! goml!” Ir*mi nifferent pans ot the chamber; but tie general iceling was Unit tlm evidence against Mr. Hoar was not of a st ong etiar ’ .te'er. r.wjjri uoar was evidently prepared for ibis attack. His answer to it was loiiiimive and over , helming, lie showed that the hid had already i'its'sed tiie Senate when lie made lii sp'eeh upon it in die House, and thd Senator Thurman had pnsitivel. asso'ted tiiat all tinse questions <n jiiri'diciioii, etc., were left open and undivided by thff bill. Accepting j that, in'erpretatioh of the law, he had Hied tiie language which Mr. If vvitlhad (plot d; itcou.d properly lie madt to carry no su h meaning as the gentleman from New York un dertook t attribute to it. Mr. Hour [dosed his speech will, a very apt quotation 'nun one of Webster's | speeches, il which lie Said: ‘We have a m ixi.n in X. w England when j certain men make exhibitions of] j themselves that in the mind of such i i a man there is a screw louse some where-. lo this man’s mind all the screws are lodsE” A t this point tlie House hurst iiHo laughter and ap plause, evidently supposing that the lasi sentence was original with the i speaker, and not a ipi'oiation from Webster. Mr. Hour, momentarily disconcerted, immediately recovered himself, and continued -“lam quo ting Mr. Webster about Air. luger soll, you understand.” lie then j "cut on—“'file w machine* s. id j Mr. Webster, ‘rickety, shaky, crazy, ] out ol joint i’” and Mr. Hoar con ] eluded—“l ii. ve sometimes llmught i have seen instances of gentlemen whom great responsibilities have -di l nig, ll into a line condition of ii 11 mi.” Tiiis isnnlv equalled in folly by this same Mr. Hewitt’s attack on Postmaster James, of New York, for Wliiiii lie puidiely apologized in the llousv, ami saying tlint he really had no ground for tiie serious imputation i lie hull so rashly made. The “greedy | cuss” was no. content with theca.-ti ; galimi so fearfully administered l y | Mr. Hoar, lie ventured to‘'strikenut agiin,” with what result is faithfully set forth by the same Gnoniclffr. 11 Hound 2. When time was called and llewitt toed tiie scratch, lie looked a little groggy ; and although ; Ins bottle holder had sp nged away the claret from his conk, he was putty about the goggles, and showed that | he was suffering from the Welister ian punishment which had been ud miiiist! ml lo him in tiie first round. Hoai smiled mischief asheadvanced from his corner. The representative of iron and g ue iiegan to idree tiie i tigh iug, and shot out a Louisiana love tap for tlte Tribunal’s brainc ui i isti r. Jiat the Yankee neatly stopped him, and got in with a heavy tu quoqne left hander on the mule deal er’s nnzz'e. (Nine to one on Faiieuil Hall; with no takers.) Then came some cautious sparring and counter ing, Denn craey’s snorer meanwhile swelling like a war claim, until it looked as big as Cooper Institute. Finally N'-w York invaded Massa chusetts wit It a Belknap rib roster, when the Pilgrim Fathers appealed from Pniliip drunk and suddenly landed a vi ion- bunch of lives plumb on A uain’s orat.ou trap, and the Pi'oclaimuiou faelory dropped to grass in a very limpsy and demur alized condition.” It is somewhat to find so thoroughly partisan a Republican newspaper as tlte Boston 'Traveller \ saying; “Why should riot President Hayes make overtures to the honest and intelligent and liberal men who cling to the Dene eratic wreck be cause their prejudices in its behalf have not bp n removed until tlte present controversy came to en lighten them? If the Republican parly can lie strengthened, and the country can hemorethor ughly uni ted, and the nation can lie better governed, let us adopt that policy which shall promote these obj els. I II it ean be done by giving places in the Cabinet to libeiul man hi the South; it should be done. The New Administration. Prisident Hayes will he iuaugura ted with no such difficulties as beset Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant on the dff.y that they took the >itth of office. Mr. Linco n assumed Ihe duties of Chief Executive witli ne inutterings of civil waraml whis ,'iered threats of assassination in hi ears and all over powerin ; sense of ■csponsiiiility pressingupon his soul. General Grant began his first term when the opposition to the enfran chisement ot the colored people was at it-height, and the reconstruct ion acts passed by Congress Were practi cally nullified by the tierce hostility wnich they proveked in the Sxiuth. there wa.- a growing sediment in tli ■ West in favor of paying off the alien d debt in paper money, and gold was at a premium of 11,8). Due ing tiie eig tyearsthat have entcr vened nearly all the issues upon which 'he country was divided in 18 8 have been definitely settled,and although i lit* results have not always been satisfactory, there is no person in the whole land that eon templates the overturning of the legislation through which they were aceom piished. The great work to which tin* new Administration will have to address i self will he the pacification of ihe country. Political feeling lias been mightily stirred by the dispute over the count ol tiie vote for President and a large number of well meaning people believe that the Electoral ' Commission ought to have given the I votes ol Florida and Louisiana to Tilden. Perhaps after the excite-1 inent growing out of the Pnsiden-1 tiai contest lias subsided the suppor ters of Mr. Tilden may come to wiser conclusions upon questions of law and fact which they now view from a partisan stand point, hut whether they continue to dissent from the de cisions of the Commission or oilier wise, we trust that they will reeog- j idze .lie honesty, the patriotism and ! the good intentions of (lie man who j is about to assume the responsibili ties of tiie Presidential chair. if President Hayes succeeds in southing tiie public temper and al laying tlm irritation whilst Jlfee h’ingeil contest oV'crThe result ol the elecli 'ii has produced, lie will have performed a most patriotic service. What we need is tin* elimination of sectionalism from polities and the cultivation of a thoroughly national i spirit. We do not attach any great ] importance to the rumors that are] flying about concerning the “South ern policy” of the new admitiistrn- | lion, but we have no doubt but that President Hayes will do everything in his power to promote the peace and prosperity of the South, and to I give t at section of the Union itsdue weight and influence in the Govern ment. Tiie currency qui stion, which has fir s-ed heavily on Pre-i lent Grant’s Administration, is in a fairway of settling itself. Notwithstanding the dissatisfaction of tiie people with some of the President’s acts tlte su prenmey of the Republican parry in ihe National Government would not have been seriously disputed if it laid not been for the defection of the “paper money” men in the West.; We owe tiie Presidential disputeand all the evils and perils that have at- ] tended it to tiie prevalent belief in Indiana that a redundant currency would hem-tit the debtor class. President Ilayes will not lie obliged to combat the theories of the Wes-] tern flnanek rs, and his administra- j linn will escape the censure which I has been showered upon President I Gram fur his courageous opposition I to the greenback heresy. While tli > ] controversy over the Electoral count lias been going on, gold has fallen lo 104), and we may wake rip any morning ami tint! that specie pay ments have been resumed llt rough the Operation of the laws of trade without the aid of special legislation. Whatever misfortunes may overtake tiie new Administration, we do not think that its success will la* imper illed by the clash of conflicting of in ions . ml theories upon tiie eurreu -y question.— JSuUo. American . About Some New York Salaries. Tlte sensation of the hour is tiie attempt to reduce the salaries of men in every station in life.- School teach ers, pirltechier., clerks, bank men and insurance officers are greatiy exci ted. The Legislature is stirring in the matter, and ask o' ail tiie insur ance companies a statement of the amount ol salaries paid to the otii eers. Ten thousand dollars, fifteen thousand dollars, twenty thousand NUMBER 2 d illars is a great .'alary to he paid 10 .i president. Good men tire scarce. Honest, capable men ere rare. One man is dear at one t housnhd dollars, another is cl cap at twenty-five timu aud. Stout,of the Shoe and Lcn iter Bank, keeps up his stock at ?HO, with none in the market. The bank could afford to give hi n fifty ihous uid ratner than lose him. Morriam, ol the Manhattan, was a young clerk in the old Unite i stat es Bank. The L’ashier of the Manhattan stole every dollar of the cipital and cleared out. The officers came together to wind up the concern. The charter of tie ank was a valuable one. It was -muggled through an unwilling Li g glatnre hy a iron Burr,under Mitt pre tence of intro iuci ig water int > New York. A Director snM: “Let us try* 11 again; I ean find you a capable man; lie is a Irue blue, Cuineroniati PiVshyterian; you can trust iii n any where.” So Morrison earns to the front. He raised the stock to 8159. He is now President, with a salary >1 twenty-live thousand dollars. The president of one of our largest banks uas called upon by men rep resenting a large cash institution. Flic institution was in trouble. Two ‘"'•lions would save it, and tiie i ank must lurnisli it. The institution had been a g.*nt patron of the bank, and it kept on deposit a heavy bal ance for years. “I cannot uelp you, said the president, “uniesi I ruin more than a thousand customers who look to me to protect them and to the bank fora reasonable discount.” Tiie heaviest pressure was brought to hear upon the president, but in vain. He regarded theappiication as wrong in principle and nrit to he entertained The institution went up, as it would have gone up anyhow. The bank was saved a lose of two millions. That single transaction pays the Salary of Uventy-ti'e thousand a year. The Mutual Life of New York witt. its assets of eight millions, de mands first class talent to take care of it. Mr. Winston, the President, and Mr. McCurdy, the Vice Presi dent, on whom the burden of this great respo sibility rests, could have made a fortune in merchandise or in the law. That the institution is run mlirst-cl;rss -style no one questions, and such men would lie cheap at any price.—. Veto York Letter lo Bos ton Journal. Hawk-Eyetems. Mr. Tilden is now engaged in wri ting a letter declining the St. Louis nomination. It appears that the democrats are not .selecting Mr. Tilden’s cabinet so mueh as they were six weeks ago. They must have it completed. Pools arc selling even that tiie war in Europe will lie over before the Ameriean democrats becoiheresigned to arbitration and its consequences. It appears to us that something lias occurred to irritate our democratic Irh nds. They betray a growing Irascibility for which we cannot ac count. It is now believed that somehody lain a piece of blue glass over the ground bug’s hole, and thus spoiled Ids prophecy and let the bottom out of Ids weather prognostications. George Washington died yesterday but there are so many men like Mr. Tilden, and Littlefieul, and Hewitt, and Senator Kelly, and Madd >x, in the world tiiat George is hardly missed. Mr. Tilden was so mad that ho was with ri' ulty restrained from giruing uj loins and falling upon the messi boy who brought tiie dispatch, a. smiting him hip and thigh,“Louisiana counted for Hayes” he snarled. "That’s a sweet .*c nted kind of a valentine to send me.” The Union Pc fi R Broad Com pany has decided to construct and t - equip a branch road to the Black Hills. Three routes are to be surveyed this spring, and the work of constru ction will tie begun as soon as the line is located. Tiie branch will prob ably start on Ni hraskasoff. It Know barely eighteen months since gold was discovered in the Black Hills by John B.Pearson and six companions, fhe pioneers had travelled 140 mills, and were resting on the hank of a lit tlestream. Being thirsty, the leader of the par'y threw himself on his hands and knees and bent over the hank to lap up tiie water. A frag ment of white flint quartz glistened in the dear water mid caught his eye. It wastthe first, gold found in the Black Hills. “Boys, you can stick your pegs here.” It was tlio* lfith of August, 1875. And now comes tin l locomotive.