Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TEN Sunday Services in The - . ~hurches of the Community St. Mark's Ev. Lutheran, Oak land, The Rev. Wm. Ernest Fox, Matins, 8:20 a. m.: Sunday School, 9:30 a. m.; The Service, 10:45 a. m.; Sunday Church School vdvent service, 7 p. m St. Paul's Methodist, Oakland, Rev. Lawrence Sherwood, pastor. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m.; Worship sServices, 10:45 a. m, Church of St. Peter the Apostle, Rev. Fr. Michael K. Carney, pas tor: Rev. Fr. Joseph W. Krach, as sistant. Masses, 8 a. m. and 10 a. m. Confessions, Saturday, 5 and 6 p. m., 7:30 to 8:30 a. m., and Sunday before each mass. Immacu ate Conception, Kitzmiller, Mass, Sunday, 10 a. m. St. Matthew's Episcopal, Oakland, The Rev. W. Shelby Walthall, rec tor. Holy Communion, 8 a. m,; Chureh School and Moerning Pray er, 11 a. m.; Holy Communion, ist Sunday, 11 a. m. Oak Park Church of the Breth ren, near Oak'and, opposite South ern High school, Rev. J. Stanley Earhart, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.: Worship, 11 a. m.; CBYF, 7:30 p. m. Church of the Nazarene, Bth and Alder Sts, Oakland. Rev. Robert C. Roberts, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Worship Service, 11 a. m.; Junior meeting, 11 a. m.; Nazarene Young People’'s meeting, 6:45 p. m.: Evening Service, 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. First Christian Church, Oakland, Rev. H. B. Rittenhouse, minister. Christian Hour of Worship, WMSG, every Sunday, 11 a. m. to 12 noon. No Thursday night services until further notice. First Baptist Church, S. Second St., Oakland. Rev. E. H. Wilt, pas tor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Wor ship Service, 11 a. m.; Young People, 6:30 p. m.;: Evening Fellow ship, 7:30 p. m.; J-O-Y club, Thurs day, 4 p. m. Place and time of mid week prayer service is announced the preceding Sunday. Mt. Lake Park Methodist Charge, The Rev. James Remley, pastor. Bethel: Sunday School, 9 a. m; Worship, 10 a. m. White Church: Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Wor ship, 11 a. m. Kurtz Chapel: Sun day School, 10:30 a. m.; Worship, 7:30 p. m. every 2nd and 4th Sun days. All services on Standard Time. Bloomington Methodist Circuit, Rev. Gene Faton, pastor. Ist Sun day, Cross, 11 a. m.; Bloomington, ~8 p. m; Ist Wednesday, Mt. Zion, 6 p. m. 2nd Sunday, North Glade, 10 a. m.; Swanton, 11 a. m.; Bloom ington, 8 p. m. 2nd Wednesday, Chestnut Grove, 8 p. m. 3rd Sun day, Chestnut Grove, 10 a. m.; Cross, 11 a. m.; Bloomington, 8 p. m. 3rd Wednesday, Mt. Zion, 6 p. m. 4th Sunday, Chestnut Grove, 8 p. m;: North Glade, 11 a. 1 Bloomington, 8 p. m. 4th Thursday, Swanton, 8 p. m. Aurora Methodist, Rev. Frank P. Snyder, pastor. Ist Sunday: Amboy, 9:30; Aurora, 10:45. Stemple Ridge, 7:30. Second Sunday: Erwin, 9:30; Bethel, i1:00; Aurora, 7:30. Third Sunday: Stemple Ridge, 9:30; Au rora, 10:45; Amboy, 7:30. Fourth Sunday: Bethel, 9:30; Aurora, 10:45; Erwin, 7:30. Sand Flat Assembly of God, Rev. Hartley L. Wigfield, Jr.,, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Worship, 11 a. m; Evangelistic Service, Sun days, 7:45 p. m. Bible Study every Tuesday, 7:45 p. m. \ 7R ) ‘ _ | s : :":Q:s:'. ‘ : ) A e Berl b 1 (‘"“""*- Byl | ~PEEY | ToamsS e l We've got the jump | on claim service? ' When you buy carin surance, checlk State I Farm’s full-time ! claim service net work - world’s larg est!Morethanlo,6oo | men to give you ‘home-town service’ i wherever you drive ' in the 50 states and | ' Canada. Find out ! | more. Caill today! { - Paul W, DeWitt | 5 Second St. DE 4-4827 l STATE FARM MUTUAL | & AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE msunance | COMPANY, HOME OFFICE: =/ BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS ' DEEP CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH “The Church By The Side Of The Lake” DR. CHARLES P. ANDERSON, PASTCOR SUNDAY SCHOOE . ... ... .. G 5 alm Morning Weorship ........11 a. m. TERAINING UNION ... 0. s BB BN CapiSiag ............... 80 CHRISEMAS BANIRY ... ... ... .. oao andos 800 B cantata “A Song of Bethlehem”... .. Dec. 22 at 8:00 p. m. ALL ARE WELCOME Christ Lutheran Church, Grants ville, The Rev. David E. Fetter, pastor. The Holy Eucharist, 8:30 a. m.: Sunday Church School, 9:30 a. m.: Advent Christimas program and fellowship supper, 4 p. m.; Church Council meets, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. ‘ Accident Ev. Lutheran Paiish, the Rev. Wm. E. Carison, pastor. St. Paul’s, Accident, Service, 9 a. ‘m.; Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Ladics' Aid Thursday, Dec. 19, 8 p. m., at ‘lv.nm' of Mrs. Sarah Alexander, St. John's, Cove, Sunday School, 9 a. m.: Service, 10:153 a. m,; Luther l.cague Wednesday, Dec. 18, 8 p. m.. at home of Royv Deniker. Grace, Friendsville, Sunday School, 10:15 ‘.:. m.: Service, 11:30 a. m. | SRR . Bittinger Lutheran Parish, Rev. Mlugn W. Schroeder, pastor. St. iJohn‘s, Meadow Mtn., worship, 8:45 ‘.’L m.; Sunday School, 10:15 a. m. Emmanuel, BRittinger, Worship, 110:15 a. m.; Sunday School, 9 a. m. Zion, Jennings, Worship, 11:30 a. m.: Sunday School, 10:15 a. m. Holy ‘Communinn in each church the ‘Snl Sunday of each month. ‘ St. John’s Lutheran (Missour] Synod), Cove, The Rev. Arthur M. Bicker, paster. Sunday School, 9:30 ‘a. m;; Worship Service, 10:30 a. m. \ ~ Zion Lutheran (Missouri Syned), Accident. C. F. Dauphin, pastor. Sunday Scheol, 9:30 a. m.; Wor ship service, 10:30 a. m.; Saturday class. 9 a. m. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Au rora, W. Va. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m.; Worship Service, 10:45 am,, with Pastor Seibert officiating on ‘the first Sunday of the month; a student pastor on the 2nd and 4th Sundays; and a lay reader on the '3rd Sunday and when there is a sth Sunday. . } St. John’s Lutheran, Red House, 'The Rev. Luther Seibert, pastor. iSunday Church School, 9:45 a. m,; The Lord’s Day Service, 11 a. m.; Holy Communion, Ist Sunday of each month. Friendsville Methodist Charge, Rev. Charles Hinkle, pastor. First | Methodist, Ist and 3rd Surday, Church Schooi, 10 a. m.; Worship, I 11 a. m.; 2nd and 4th Sunday, Wor ship, 10 a. m.; Church School, 11 'a, m. MYF each Sunday, 7 p. m. 'Selbyspor!, Worship. Ist and 3rd Sunday, 9:45 a. m.; Church School, | 10:45 a. m. MYF each Sunday, 7 ' p. m. Hoyes, Church School, 10 a. 'm.: Worship Ist and 3rd Sunday, 7:30 p. m.; 2nd and 4th Sunday, 11 a. m. MYF each Sunday. 7 p. m. Blooming Rose, Church School, 10 2. m.. Worship, 2nd and 4th Sun ’ fay, 7:30 p. m. The Church ot God of Prophecy, Loch Lynn, Rev. Walter S. Bellis, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m; | Worship Service, 11 a. m.; Evangel istic scrvice, 7:45 p. m. Auxiliary ’scrvicor'-. Wed.,, 7:30 p. m. Eagle 'Rpck, Mona Hebb, pastor. Sunday ' School, 10:20 a. m.; Worship, 11:15 'a m.; Evangelistic service, 4 ). m. Auxiliary services, Thurs., 7:45 p. m. Eglon Church of the Brethren, Clyde E. Hylton, pastor. Maple Spring: Sunday School, 10 a. m,; Worship, 11 a. m. Glade View: Worship, 9:30 a. m.; Sur:day School, 10:30 a. m. Brocokside: Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Worship, 11 a. m. Mt. Grove: Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Worship, 11 a. m. Gortner Union: Sunday Scheol, 9:30 a. m,; Worship, 10:30 a. m. All evening services at 8 p. m. Loch Lynn Heights Baptist, Rev. I. Luke Walter, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; morning worship, i1 a. m.; Training Union, 6:30 p. m.; evening worship, 7:45 p. m.; Prayer meeting Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Fern dale: Worship, 9:45 a. m.; Sunday School, 10:45 a..m.; Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Rosedale United Pentecostal, Rev. R. J. Riffle, pastor. Sunday School 10 a. m.; Evangelical Serv ice, 7:30 p. m. Bible study, Tues day, 7:30 p. m.; Young People’s Service, Friday, 7:30 p. m. | 7:30 pom \ e \ Kitzmiller Methodist Circuit, The Rev. Orvis A. Koon, pastor. Short! Run: Worship, 10:15 a. m.; Sunday School, 11 a. m. West Vindex: Sun-! dav School, 10:30 a. m.; Worship, 11:80. 'a. m. Kitzmiller: Sunday| School, 10 a. m.; Worship, 7:30 p. m. . m. Sunday School, every Sunday,' 10 a. m. Laymen’s Service, 4th Sun day, 1330 p. m. ‘ Mt. Zieon Methodist church, Rev. Emory MecGraw, pastor, route 40, 7 miles west of Frostburg. Wor ship on the first, third and fifth Sunday at 11 a. m.; Sunday School, every Sunday at 10 a. m. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Mt. Lake Park. Sun day School, 10 a. m.; Sacramental meeting, 11 a. m. MIA (youth pro gram) Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Relief Society, 8 p. m. . Crellin Assembly of Ged, Rev. M. E. Wolfe, pastor. Sunday School 10:30 a. m.; Evangelistic Service 7:30 p. m.; Prayer Service, Wed, 7:30 p. m.; Young People’s Service, Byl .30 p. nk United Pentecostal, Sang Run, Rev. Wm. Feather, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Evangelistic Serv ice, 7:30 p. m.; Young FPeople’s Service, Wed., 7:30 p. m. s I T ee T e ey 2 it e B ; S f,,?"‘{‘lg_{"‘ i r B ¥ o &:;fv~:.-.; i : ‘ : p % ~u o i e .VE\; %LA h gAY ,: iRt e ¥ R A e .3-::“‘ ,_"' 3vQ R ', ' \ A o bt G SR e R e e SR R B B iBl e Y 5 T s e o e RO 8 TR AT e M e ol e IR ST e i e S eBSRIS Ro U ARG SR TRA TR g,g :‘%sß. SP RO ~.‘,:;;{0:.’,,\;73‘. AR SR ‘:1, TR N ! e e R e . . R i N R S AT R 3t B i i o A SR R R R AR e ey el S S TR S s b R B '&' BRS ioy AT eNA IS PR AL il S R R R e e s g SRR AP AR B B S e SRR SRR e soo e 2 Ee A R ARG LR P Grsrne A Al P A AR T IS o 'fl OGS b pleeie s o e )%; ARS R R R S SeT Ak e S TS RRO il ei i ST B e R e e R ‘%o SRR se SV KRO sRI A A TgiAlo AN R R ISle A A m RGBT N R R N R R PR R R AR e e T S RR S ':f'.‘} i. S b B R TR O i R ? o B :“'i;g‘:;fi: Ge SR e “v‘-v’.‘;.‘-;y RBS, ST Ae e S e 'fi,:}?“"’ s ’:;,g<_g;,s?‘:3"-:'_E;:,;E;:_;.wf-:::’ 5 ’l‘::\". /} e0 i gl BB FeemEEE eoy e o F . e e By, s k) R -"*’:"“s' # We 0 TIEEGR loh . WS e R s *‘o i R i e R TR Tl . el . Rt Gon GRs il el s 2 : ; R e B kAR : | A _ 3 b 3 5 i g A o G o N g A R i 3 b S TR e RSO LLM o i F-w?% si A ;‘. HRRS RO T ; i Ae R SR R Wi, oo S Bids AR RS S % R oy o R S s LTS s e Gy ramn e JA g i el O R A G AR (K, e D R S e ok R e o R 2 PS L Ay A T R s iA * 5 ks Koo og sTR o G o e e Y : 2 "'},:"f:-'i'-::':i::.-.q... B 3 BAR * : 's':l’-5:'.? '%* i eg . 2 . : P et e, T b s Vi B e S e T o EOROR g T a3 0 R PR SITR PR R T R 5 AR NG N R B R e TR R R o e G - s e T e o % “:;.,f::',:j.- a0 AT R R P TS AR IR FOTIRIR, i 3 PR i S e B ‘;..:-,';:;1:' : AR RAR T R A IS A e3oet R AR NSRSV i R Sads o %,1\& S b e s s R ¢e e P . i R SIS S SRR N E BRIIRST i D 7 e i SR o R < S " ; ,5";;’:'.," S ? e g ¥ -ey ¢ : & s 5 : T AR R S e ORI R TR R g R e G R S A SR LA RS S gR SR rEn L N Ao PSS SOT R ; g b R 2 et R S A e R D O e A ; : £ AN, N, ' s, ‘{ Ov i IS Ll {fl&' T g bK37 8 % i olgn eB T % ‘Lj R § - £37 18 1 o it O Vi R THE CHURCH FOR ALL - ALL FOR THE CHURCH )" 'T"’:{‘"'"'J'w o4L % e NVt ¥ !? O o B 7S B BTN B e T g, 33 The Church is the greatest fact larly and support the Church. Th VISR B EAY . i o g ooemhesmeetiar Ly e e Chash Ty VLB B, GRS D g B %%i‘ k 5 3 Gacy BEEE ter and good citizenship. It is a store- his children’s sake. () For the suke B i anem ity B Bam g e Vi TR g I g e T house of spiritual values. Without of his community and nation. (4) ;‘5" %5? i HEE A fl%; I=i %. S .3’ s Eee hlln‘mg Chiro, it den xla; For.ihe Auke ofc Ui Ohute itself. S .;v ~; @s SRR 5b3 ‘-;‘ % g\;. & %,\ Pty e nor civilization can survive. There which needs his moral and material s e \ 5 Ak é% v !,}fi&u"/fi.‘ & 5, b4] §.- .44 2By i 3 '“L:‘_‘ffi are four sound reasons why every support. Plan to go to church regu. 108% s 3 oo = K £ R 3L AN ” person should attend services regu. larly and read your Bible daily. WA R e L e e ¢ % > 5 3 i Never has the future seemed move exciting . .. or more disturbing! Today we dream of flights to far stars; ahout intelligent life on other planets. We look at our own earth with clear eyes, and discuss the possibility of world brotherhood, world government, world peace. Are these things going to happen? We don’t know. But we do know that nothing is impossible. In fact, Jesus tells us that all things are possible with God. He wants us to understand that God is infinite power, as well as infinite love. The foolishness of men cannot affect God’s plans for the universe, or His love for each one of us. Faith is what we need . . . faith in the certainties upon which the Christian Church is founded. When we put our lives in God’s hands, there is no need to view the future with doubt or dread. All will be well. Copyright 1954, Keister Advertising Service, Inc., Strashurg, Va. = Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday oSS ST/ Psalms Isaiah Matthew Matthew Mark Acts I Corinthians ’ \"’\>~\‘ /i 24:1-10 55:6-13 6:25-33 19:23-30 9:20-29 2:22.28 1:20-29 e T % ' T Worship Each Weel hese Firms Invite YOU To A House Of Worship Eac eek - MINNICH FUNERAL HOME HAWKINSON TREAD SERVICE SOUTHERN STATES OAKLAND, MARYLAND Ll Gl T OAKLAND COOPERATIVE, Inc. < E 4-312 JBERTY 87, Distributors of U. S. Tires and Tubes be o L) THIRD ST. OAKLAND, MD THE GARRETT NATIONAL BANK SROLUBECOY S PETERS FUEL CORP. e Amoco retroleum Products The Bank With An Eye To The Future OAKLAND FHARMACY LIBERTY ST. Phone 4-2509 OAKLANL, MD. CAKLAND, MARYLAND CASSELMAN MOTOR CO. Chevrolet Sales and Service RAY TEETS GARAGE OAK GROVE DAIRY ~ ; : Chrysier—Plymouth—Valiant—lmperial—GMC C. W. Wagner & Sons General Tires and Kraft Recapping Trucks Producer & Transporter of Milk PHONE TW 5-5252 or TW 5-5115 DE 4-2137 OAKLAND, MD. McHENRY, MD. PHONE DE 4-4242 GRANTSVILLE, MARYLAND Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Wit-i nesses, Donald W. Stull, minister. Sunday: 3:00 p. m, Public Bible' Talk; 4:15 p. m., Watchtower Study. Tuesday: 8 p. m., Bible Study. Fri-| day: 7:30 p. m., Theocratic Ministry‘ School; 8:30 p. m., Service Meeting.' Crellin Methodist, Rev. Henry A. Lee, pastor. Worship, Ist Sun-‘ day, 7:30 p. m.: 3rd Sunday, 1l a.; m.; Sunday School every Sunday,i 9:45 a. m. Prayer Meeting, Wed nesdays, 7:30 p. m. Laymen’s serv ice, 2nd Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Crellin E. U. B. Church, Rev.| Charles Teets, pastor. Sunday| School, 9:45 a. m.; Worship Serv-| ice, 11 a. m,, Ist and 3rd Sundays; | 7:30 p. m,, on the 2nd and 4th Sun- | days; Youth Fellowship, 7:30 p. m,, | ist and 3rd Sundays. Prayer Serv- | ire, Wedresday, 7:30 p. m. Cherry Grove Church of the! Brethien, Route 40 and Avilton-| New Germany road, Rev. Earl! Harper, pastor. Sunday Schocel, 10!/ a. m.; Worship Service, 11 a. m.| m Factory Fresh First Grade a. ... All Nylon B 9 TIRES s . 0 g 600x16 6 ply nylon 13.95 Re, 650x16 6 ply nylion 16.95 i % 700x15 6 ply nylon 18.95 s 700x16 6 ply nylon 18.95 L & " ox 6 Bplynylon 3% e &,iffigfq’ 750x20 10 ply nylon 34.95 i W 825x20 10 ply nylon 42.95 e 900x20 10 ply nylon 49.95 L e o 12 ply nylon 59.95 &;é e 1000x22 12 ply nylon 69.95 e 110020 12 ply nylon 69.95 L hfi‘” 1200x20 14 ply nylon 99.95 "'f’x& SR Plus federal excise tax. Gl o i Free installation. HARTZER TIRE CO Sfi ’ i ° Route 40 Farmington, Pa. DAvis 9-5523 Route 219 at Paul Friend Road Oakland, Md. DE 4-9853 THE RevUBLICAN, OAKLAND, MARYLAND. l Fairview Mennonite Mission, iFail‘vicw Rd., 2 miles off New Ger many Rd., Norman H. Teague, pas-| 'tor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Morn | ing Worship, 11 a. m. Special Sing \spiration every 3rd Sunday at 7:30 'p. m. Deer Park Methodist.. Sunday ‘School every Sunday at 10 a. m,; Preaching 2nd Sunday of month,! {ll a. m.; 4th Sunday evening at| | 7:30. | ‘ Map'!e Grove Assembiy of God,l Rev. Arnold W. Smith, pastor, Acci- | | dent, W. Va. (Horse Shoe Run).' |Sund:ly School, 9:45 a. m,; Wor-' | ship, 11 a. m.; Youth meeting, 6:15 | p. m.; Prayer service, 6:30 b. m.;] 1{ Evening service, 7:30 p. m. ‘ | Sy | Faith Tabernacle, Rev. Roy W.I ' Shewbridge, pastor, 2'2 miles south .on Route 495 from Grantsville.l Sunday School, 10 a.m.; Worship, ' 11 a. m.; Evangelistic service, 7:30 ' p. m. Prayer meeting, Wed,, 7:30‘ ' p. m. outh service, Friday, 7:30 p.' | m. Mt. Lake Park E.U.8., Rev. O. W. Hull, pastor. Loch Lynn: Ist and 3rd Sunday, 7:30 p. m.; 2nd and 4th Sunday, 10 a. m. McHerry: Ist and 3rd Sunday, 11 a. m.; 4th Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Paradise: Ist and 3rd Sunday, 10 a. m.; 2nd Sun. day, 7:30 p. m. Mt. Bethel: 2nd and 4th Sunday, 11 a. m. . Rockydrean assemnly of God, J. C. Skipper, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Worship, 7:30 p. m. Glendale: Sunday sSchool, 7:30 p. m.; Worship, 2:30 p. m. Worship, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Wesley Chapel. Worship 2nd Sunday, 7:30 p. m.; 4th Sunday, 11 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday, 10:30 a. m. 1963 Stuciebaker Davicna 4 Dr. Winter Weather Station Wagon—Vß, auto- . matic, Like new. * Spec:als * 1962 Buick 4 Door Hardtop i ¢ All power equipment. 1960 alf:lr; Pickup—Fcur whee! 1962 Studebaker 4 Door—6 cyl- 2 e . inders, straight shift. 195? Jeep wlt-h 4-wheel drive. 1959 Renault 4 Door Sedan—(z| 199 Jeep with Fouc Whee! ready to go.) | rive an s‘how pow'. 1958 Chevrolet Impala 2 Door 1953 Chevrolet Y 2 Ton Pickup. Hardtop—Automatic trans- These. Plus . Ll Dol Many Other “Cheapies.” 1957 Ford 2 Door Sedan. ALL WINTERIZED AND 1956 DeSoto 4 Dcor—Real clean. READY TO GO. dikidil qulpment 0. WILLARD & CALLIS. OWNERS Third St. Oakland, Md. DE 4-2221 | Pentecostal Holiness Church, .| Corinth, Rev. Franklin Bishop, pas- L| tor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; morn ) ing worship, i1 a. m.; evening serv \i ice, 7:30 p. m. Prayer service, Wed.,, \ Swanton E.U.B. Church, Rev. Roy || Butler, pastor. Sunday School, 10 I a. m.; Worship, 11 a. m., Ist and 3rd ! Sundays; 7:30 p. m., 2nd and 4th | Sundays. Prayer service, Wed., 1 7:30 p. m. Youth Fellowship, Thurs., | 7 p. m. Missionary meeting Ist Fri i day of every month. ‘ Fairview Church of the Breth { ren, near Table Rock, Rev. Eu | t gene Matthews, pastor. Worship | service, 9:45 a. m.; Sunday School, , |10:45 a. m,; Youth Meeting, 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs.,, 8 p. m. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1962 o 1 ‘ i) e ! BB SPEAKS), e e R | O RS AT T T l . E. Faith To Share Lesson for BDecember 15, 1863 ‘ Bible Materials Acte 15:1-85; Galatians 1 through 2. Devotional Reading: Romans 1:8-17, ALL RELIGIONS are shared re- l ligions. That is, if in any re ligious group, large or small, the ‘ notion got around that the best thing you can do with your faith ‘ is to keep it a kind of happy secret between yourself and God, then prcsrmmerpey that religion : *;‘3;:, would vanish : ?;:, g 2 from among man sz kind in less than l e #OSBB a hundred years. i & %54 Religions persist 8 ‘ifi’:‘.‘.‘ from generation y L 5. 0% to generation be o G &% cause those who "x’ B are religious ‘ SOl £ share their faith Dr. Foreman with other people. I But religions differ in their an- | swer to this question: With whom do you share your faith, or with whom are you expected to share it? Some share their faith with their children only. You cannot, for instance, become a convert to | the religion of the Parsees, not even by marrying one. Only the children of Parsees can become Parsces. Other religions share their faith within definite geo graphical bounds, or racial limits. The Christian religion is one of the very few which its possessors are expected to share with all men high and low, all men of all colors and races and conditions in life, all human beings all over this globe. You can’t call this sharing If you are a Christian, then, you have a faith to share ... that is, if you have the faith. You can't share the money your grandfather had and spent. You can’t share en thusiasm you haven't got, you can’t share your grandmother’s faith, hope or love. YOU can share what YOU have, not what somebody else has. You can pass on ideas without believing them yourself, though they won’t be very con vincing; but you can't pass on faith you don’t have yourself. ' But there are two ways in which people, who do have some genu- l Assembiy of God (TFull Gospel Church), Deer Park. Rev. Gail Hixon, pastor. Sunday School, 9:45i a. m.; Worship, 10:45 a. m. Evan gelistic service, 7:45 p. m. Wed,, 8 p. m,, Bible Study and Prayer serv ice. Guiding Light Missicn, 8 miles! from Grantsville on Bittinger -road. Rev. Lloyd A. Trout, pastor. Sun day School, 10 a. m.; Preaching and | healing service, 11 a. m.. ‘ Walnut Bottom Assembly of God, Rev. Pete Saleskey, pastor. Sun-l day School, 10 a. m.; Worship 11} a. m. and 7:30 p. m., Friday, 7:30, p. m. . Mapie Grove Church of the! Brethren, Grantsville. The Rev.| K. Dean Huntiey. Sunday School, | 10 a. m.; Worship, 11 a. m. o Haven of Rest Evangelistic Tem-l ple, Rev. Wm. Denny, Jr., Pleasant| Valley Grange hall, 2 miles from ! Loch Lynn. 3 p. m. Sunday after-l noon, Evangelistic service. = '~_-‘i",':-~' % S - - LR A% B 8 O~ SN 'sw.-‘ : - "L )g‘ \ ‘ FoA N RN . e N PR & ;\r“.-‘w‘?‘zf‘fm & = Wakhthe g with a snow blower from SHAFFER FORD SALES @E. vl Ell & a OAKLAND, MARYLAND Headauarters for Snow Blowers from sidewelk to tractor mounted blowers We carry the Bolen Sidewclk Blower. Trac tor Biower and Champion Tractor Mounted Blower. We're equipped to toke care of all your snow blower needs. All biowers are in stock for immeadiate delivery. SEE THEM TODAY AT Shaffer Ford Sales, inc. Third Street Qakland, Md. DE 4-3941 ine personal religious faith, try to share it, without success. One wrong way is to try to force it on other people. In the Middle Ages the church used to conduct some strange evangelistic campaigns They would get the police to round up a dozen or so Jews, the Jews would be tied together and taken to church and made to listen to “Christian” preaching {or a number of Sundays, and then they would take thosc Jews out and dunk them in the fountain in the public square, byway of Chris tian baptism. Then they would chalk it up in their statistics—so many Jews converted this year. No, there were no converts by that route. Forcing religion is like forcing food; it’s not sharing. Sharing by talking For all that, talking about our faith is one way to share it. Take the Apostle Paul for example. e preached, he taught, he visited from house to house, He wrote lot ters, more than a dozen of which have been preserved in the New Testament. e was one of the greatest talkers-for-Christ known to history. There is a difference between talking about our faith in such a bragging way as the Phari sees had, and talking about it in humble but radiant enthusiasm as Paul always did. A Pharisee might thank God he was not as cther men; a converted Pharisee, such as Paul could say to a Kking: “I wish you were in my place—only without these chains.” Sharing by livisg It's very doubtfu! whether any one ever became a surc-enough Christian without living for a while with a real Christian. Most of us are not converted by some thing we read, first of ail, it’s rather by what we have scen and heard. Christianity is a life, nct a theory. Everything that is Chris tian, which is to say every Chris tian truth and grace, is in a person before it is in a book. Jesus Christ came before any books were writ ten about him. Christianity is not something you can cut into slices and pass around like cake. Chris tianity is like enthusiasm which just has to be caught rather than taught. There is no such thing as Christianity that’s not in people. And an unsharing, ingrowing, self ish life can never share a warm and joyful faith. It comes back to where we started; You can share only what you have. (Based on ocutlines copyrighted by the Division of Christian Education, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U. S. A. Released by Community Press Service.) Bethesda Chuich of the Brethren, Grantsville, Rev. Saylor Wampler, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m; Worship, 11 a. m Loch Lynn Church of God, Rev. W. Allen Taylor, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Worship, 7:30 p. m.; Thursday night Worship, 7:30 p. m. Deep Creek Baotist, C. P. Ander son, pastor. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m.; Worship, 11 a. m.; Training Union, 6:30 p. m.; Prayer Service, Wednesday, 8 p. m. —————————— | e————— NeA -L L L Y VAT AT AW £ W 5y Washers and Dryers e Fitzwater Furniture Deer Park DE 4-2612