Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWELVE - Friendsville Notes Lutheran Activity | Sunday School, 10:15 a. m., and worship service, 11:30 a. m. Mrs. Ward Livengood enter tained members of the Ladies' Aid at her home on Thursday (-u-ning.l Mrs. James Spear, president, hud' the business session and Mrs, | Claude Faucett presented the pro-, gram on “Christmas On the Plains.” Carols were sung and gifts were exchanged. The Advent wreath was used for dv(-urutinnsl by the hostess. Refreshments were served. LCW will be organized in| January. | Methodist Activity Services for Sunday in the Methodist churches are: Friends ville, 10 a. m.,, and Hoyes, 11 a. m. Sunday School at Hoyes, Selbys port and Blooming Rose, 10 a. m.,| and at Friendsville, 11 a. m. I Elder Hill Christmas Program ! The Elder Hill Sunday School | will present a Christmas pmgruml on Sunday cvening, December 22, ASt it it A7TS 0 TS B 20 47 AT MADIGAN'S UPHOLSTERY ' Deer Park, Md. 1 Make Your Old Furniture Look Like New l Used Refrigerators and Stoves. || USED BEDROOM SUITES WASHING MACHINES Reupholstered Suites and Chairs CALL 334-2562 T oTA AT A RY2O A S ! T, pomeie T oo s e 0 K N T i g % T W Y fi"’&’.“‘d RI i s ? ik Used Cars 1963 Falcon Tudor Hardtop ;1958 Ford Tudor _Sedan—Eight Big engine, Fordomatic cylinder engine, standard transmission, radio and trans. Radio and heater. heater, Like new. New paint. Red and white. 1961 Ford Country Squire Sta-|1957 Ford Tudor Hardtop tion Wagon—Eight cylin- Eight cylinders, automatic ders, Fordomatic, radio trans, Radio and heater. | and heater. Sharp. Tutone paint. Clean. ] 1960 Thunderbird Convertible— . Complete power. Clean. |1956 Ford 4 Door Sedan—Eight I One owner. cylinder engine, automatic }' 1960 Mercury Convertibie T Eight cylinders, automatic . : trans., radio and heater. Trucks and Pickups ! Clean, 1959 Ford Galaxie 500 Tudor | 1961 Ford F-250 3 Ton—Four Hardtep Eight cylinder wheel drive. New paint. I engine, Fordomatic trans- Good tires. mission. Radio and heater. | 1958 Ford % Ton Pickup—Six 5 t cylinders, good tires, new | 1959 Thunderbird Hardiop —-l paint. | Auto. transmission, power ‘ steering. One owner. All ,1957 GMC 2 Ton—iong wheel white. Sharp. base, 8 cvlinder engine, 2 I 1959 Mercury 4 Door Sedan speed axle. Good tires, Has I Radio, heater, automatic' fiat bed. i trans. Power steering. All A x : 1956 Ford F-350 1 Ton—With white, Sharp. New engine. dual wheels and cattle I 1959 Ford Custom 300 4 Door rack. New tires on rear. Sedan—Six cylinder en gine, standard trans. Radio | 1955 Studebaker 2 Ton Pickup and heater. Clean. Priced right. Shaffer Ford Sales, Inc. | THIRD STREET DE 4-3941 OAKLAND, MD. } _——e . .- T S e T . . . R Y S e T S S . T S MY S IR 7 08 B BRI & [ Vo€ SLPS 2 T 4 RV A 3 T 5 S 0 Tt W s T . Skilled Training Under N Kl - Mamie V. Scott's Technical B 5 T ‘\ T ol TR Supervision Can Mean a - Glamcrous and Profitable - @y 1 : w\/: . Future Career For You! ' " E:i-:;.. .Q.;:'-:w* N }é)‘: ¥ ; e"i *‘ ‘ 5 - @ AT TRI-STATE BEAUTY ACADEMY YOU A ' B RECEIVE FOREMOST PROFESSIONAL L. IR TRAINING. . .ENROLL NOW FOR NEW : CLASSES TO START JANUARY 14th No field can offer you greater security and in dependence for the future than a capable, self assured ability to render professional hair ot i, S, styling and bheauty care. This is not only one ,i"* . e of today’s principal businesses but is continual- e > ? ly growing in public demand. As a skilled beau- .: ,\& §W }}* : tician your creative ability can command the Mo 'Ml\* ‘\:;{/f/%) trust of an unlimited clientele. Tri-State Beauty LN g M vademy offore : A it . 4 VAR K P A(‘ult'm.\ ()”'01.\..V.0U t}?m tmlmmvg under the R &' ‘@ technical supervision of Mamie V. Scott, head B e i of the nationally famous SCOTT BEAUTY v -,_ / SCHOOLS. Here you learn the latest approved \.._{ R methods, using most modern equipment, and e gain the confidence you need to become a capable and independent hairdresser. Come in, write or phone us now for enrollment in new Dormitory Available classes to start January 14th. The number must naturally be restricted. = 116 VIRGINJIA AVENUE CUMBERLAND, MD. PA 4-2180 M T e e Re T |at 7:30. The publie is invited. | Christmas trees will be on -.'uk\l at Elder Hill church starting Fri-| day December 13, until Christmas, | Proceeds are for the benefit of (he ! church, I Assembly of God i Worship service each Wednesday cand Sunday at 7:30 p. m. Sunday School, 10:30 a. m. Laurel Run Church of God | I Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Worship | ,servic(‘. 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.| Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30, lp. m.; Youth Fellowship, Friday,| 7:30 p. m, ' Rush Baptist Church Sunday School, 10 a. m, and| church at 11:15 a. m. The Missionary society will mo(‘l' at the fire hall on Friday evening,| December 20. Santa will be present i\\'ith children of the Sunday School, who will be guests of the | society. [ First Christian Church Bible School, 10 a. m., followed by Communion. Rotary Meets Carroll Forsyth presented a movie on large wild animals of t North America at Rotary meeting on Monday evening. Rotarians from Oakland attending were Sandy Douglass, Bill Hesen and ITom Graser. ] Homemakers To Meet The annual Christmas party for the Homemakers club will be held on Thursday, December 19, in the fire hall. Mrs. Leslie Guard will be installed as the new president, and Mrs. Paul Lytle will be the new treasurer with Mrs. Kenneth Savage as retiring president, and e et .st ———e ————e . . ee e |Mrs. Chet Kelly, retiring treasurer. | Mrs. Savage will install ufficvrs.s There will be an exchange of gifts and refreshments will be served. | Goes To Germany l | Mr. and Mrs., Ernest Savage and |Robert Savage, accompanied their daughter, Mrs, Elizabeth Stanton, "n Pittsburgh, Pa., on November Joth, where she left by jet for | Frankfurt, Germany. Mrs. Stanton's hushand, Pvt. Daniel Stanton is stationed there with the military police. He has been there since October and will remain for an | other yeat and a half. { Mr. and Mrs. Olin N. Friend vis lile(l on Wednesday with Mrs. Ruth "l'io. who is a patient in a Union town hospital. Eugene Skidmore and children, of McHenry, were Sunday evening Idinncr guests of his mother, Mrs. Julia Skidmore. | Week-end visitors of Mrs. Mar i garet Rush were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Rush and family, Mrs. Glen Fratz and daughters, Accident; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas and family, Green Gables, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Friend and family, Blooming Rose, were Sun-| day dinner guests of Mrs. Helen Devine, | Mr. and Mrs. Donald Chisholm and John Cowen, Baltimore, vis-| ited Mr. and Mrs. James Lininger] and family, for several days. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fike spent Saturday in Uniontown, Pa. 1 Miss Bonnie Frickey, of Grants-|: ville, was a Friday overnight guest] of Miss Sherry Friend. < W. J. Glenn, Severn, spent the{ week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Selby and son. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Frantz and|’ Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Rush spent]' Tuesday in Uniontown. ( Curtis Townscend, Brownsville, was a Friday overnight guest of] Mr. and Mrs. Amos Friend and] family. Tuesday supper guests were | Mrs. Mayne Friend and son Don ald, and Mrs. Eugene Friend and| daughters, Christy and Genia. Other callers were Raymond Thom as and daughters, of W. Va.-Md. line. t James D. Williams, Silver Spring, spent the week-end here with his! parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wil-| liams. Thursday evening callers were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright, Akron, O. and Gordon Wright, Prince Frederick. l Mrs. J. E. Barnard and children, Mrs. J. K. Spear and children and Mrs. E. W. Shoemaker spent Fri day in Cumberland. ! William Shoemaker returned t()s Gaithersburg, Sunday, after sever-| al days’ visit here with his paronts,l Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Shoemaker and sons. | Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Friend, of ! Carrollton, were week-end guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. ‘ Friend. They spent Saturday eve ‘lning in LaVale. | Mr. and Mrs. Dean Rush and ‘family, Oak Hill, and Mrs. Mar | garet Rush were Sunday dinncrl i guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Rush! and son, Accident. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Benedek, of, Cleveland, 0., and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Van Sickle and family were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Trimpey, Somerset, Pa. Mrs. Benedek was formerly Miss Barbara Ann Van Sickle. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Selby and children, Baltimore, and Johnny |Capcl. College Park, spent the] week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John! Capel. Mrs. Johnny Capel accom panied her husband back to Col lege Park. Paul Richter, Alexandria, Va, spent the week-end here with his mother and sister, Mrs. Arthur I Richter. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stever and family, Mt. Lake Park, were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Olin Friend. Mrs. D. L. Fike returned home Wednesday after several weeks’ visit in Pittsburgh with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barnard and children returned to their homeJ THE REPUBLICAN, OAKLAND, MARYLAND. GARRETT COUNTY L|VESTOCK% : Calves, good, 26.75 to 31.60;: medi um, 19.75 to 22.25; common, 16.75 | to 19.00. I l Steers, medium, 20.25 to 22.00. Heifers, medium, 16.25 to 18.25. | | Cows, medium, 1175 to 13.10;] ’('umnmn. 9.60 to 11.30. | Hogs, 15.00 to 16.10. Pigs, hd., 7.00. o—— e——————— Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith, of Cleveland, spent a few days here 'with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.| Henry Glass and Mr. and Mrs. F.| K. Smith and son. They were given an old-fashioned serenading on Saturday by friends and relatives ‘at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Glass. ’ Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oren Bender and family were| 'Mr. and Mrs. Denver Beitzel, of !LGn'(*l: Mr. and Mrs. Cleland| ‘anu-l and daughter, Bittinger; | ‘Mr. and Mrs. Olen Beitzel and | family, Grantsville. ! Thursday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Collier and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Collier and family | at Roslyn, Pa., on Sunday after noon after visiting at the Dunham- Shoemaker home since Thursday. The Barnards were Saturday din-|" ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R.|, Spear and family. James Coddington and sons, of Damascus, spent the week-end here with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Darchicourt and daughter, of Baltimore, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Van Sickle and family. Other callers during the week-end were Dennis Dumire, Washington, D. C.; Danny Van Sickle and friends, of Mentor, O.; Mr. and Mrs. Cloyde Van Sickle and family, of MecClel landtown: Mrs. Ada Kahl, Acci dent, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Van- Sickle. .~ Mrs. Mabel McCuen, Mrs. Bess 3Schlusnugiv. Allison, Pa.; Mr. and|] | Mrs. Byard Liston, Harnedsville,| EP;..; and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Friend | | and Mrs. C. R. Thomas spent Tues | day in Cumberland. Mrs. McCuen, Mrs. Schlosnagle, who had visited relatives here for a week, accom panied the Listons to ther home !for a week’s visit. Mrs. Paul Stover, Canton, O; !Mrs. Lawrence Stover, Jr. and children, Mt. Lake, were Saturday !gllests of Mr. and Mrs. Olin Friend. { Janie Stover remained here over | night with her grandparents, the | Friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Selby | and children, Baltimore, arrived | Friday evening for a visit with her ! parents, the Friends. Linda and | Kathy Selby returned home Sun day while Mr. and Mrs. Selby and son Lawrence will visit for the week. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks !zm(l appreciation to all who were so kind in our recent sorrow, also ’t:) Rev. James Tichnell for his . kind words, to our neighbors inl Vindex and West Vindex, to (‘m-‘ 1])1(;3'(-5' of Hamill Construction company at Bayard, the St. An drew’s Methodist church for flowers, and the Miidred Sharpless Funeral heme at Blaine, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. James Clark, Sr. | —Adv. 41-It* ; R l ’ | { | | ! I | ! | A i . | | | ’ | i I | \E | - | personalized water heater Is a Gas family-rated water heater. > Every new Gas water heater has its own family-rating number . . . to show what it can do. Every family has its own family-rating number . . . to show how much hot water it needs. Your dealer will help you find the right Family-Rated Gas Water Heater to match your needs. Columbia Gas of 1 Maryland, Inc. ] SRSG. T Tl ST T L 0 TR R % AR i\\'ere Mr. and Mrs. John D(‘Foy.l Cuyahoga Falls, O. A Saturday dinner guest was Jacob Miller, of ’ Brownsville. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Butler and family moved from our community to Levittstown, N. J., on Tuesday of last week. Saturday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs., Everett MceClintock and family were Mr. and Mrs. Warren Beachy and infant, Fort iill. Sun day visitors were Earl and R(mul(ll Richter, Robert Sanders and Roger ‘ Smith, 1 | Rev. and Mrs. A, M. Bicker were ! Sunday. overnight guests of Mr.| ‘and Mrs. Julius Kerns and l‘umil,v.l Glen Savage, Pa. | ~ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hachmanl were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mrs. Rhuie Rush, Accident. | | Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter| Richter and daughter for S(-vorali days were Mr. and Mrs. Reed Rich-; ter and son, Willoughby, O. An additional Sunday dinner guest was Mrs. Mazie Ringer, Accident. Other afternoon visitors were Em erson Frazee and daughters, Oak-| land: Mr. and Mrs. Owen Bach zmd‘ family, Accident; Mr. and Mrs. | Dennis Margroff and sons, Mr. and! Mrs. James Margroff and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Richter and family. | Mrs. Lawrence Hockman was al Friday afternoon visitor of Mrs. ———————————————————————————————— : CHOICE 7 , ) eSS TRezs | Scotch and | .2 ok Red Pine -. e R [, 2 eeo AR oTR(K AN Place Your Orders Now [2% ‘.;S'";"lz'f o] s . 3;3:?;'\ ‘ :"\W' *' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL o™ o : Come pick your pastel shades Blue or white trees at our plantation. | SANDERS ENTERPRISES, Inc. | Located one mile north of Mt. Lake Park on Maryland Rt. 135, ’ adjacent to 135 Drive-in Restaurant. Call at Drive-In and see what we have. e £ SR e 1 TTo T T SRR TS eee R e 3 *® I Southern States Cooperative Presents 9 Appliance Bargains Your Chance to get Quality SS . . - Appliances at Money-Saving Low Price | Take Delivery Now ‘ ’ y | NO REGULAR PAYMENTS DUE 'TIL’ MARCH! l Only $56 for 30-gal. glass- Only $63.50 for 52-gal. Only $16.85 for Westing- Only $275 for 21 cu. ft. ~ lined gas Water Heater. glass-lined electric Water house Automatic Electric Freezer for 740 lbs. food. : Only $5.60 down. Heater. Only $6.35 down. Heater. Only $27.50 down. . §o] | s s = 1l _ Only $235 for 15 cu. ft. Only $225 for 12 cu. ft. Only 335 for 14.88 cu. ft. Only $189.95 for All-fabric : Freezer for 529 Ibs. food. refrigerator. Only $22.50 Refrig.-freezer Combination. Automatic Washer, Only | Only $23.50 down. down. Only $34.50 down. $18.99 down. i | ' ~ : i fame G e er *w ! Only $129.95 for All-fabric Dnl $159 for 36’ depend- Only $234.95 for deluxe 36” Only $119.95 for depend | Automatic Dryer. Only able Electric Range. Only Electric Range. Only $23.49 able 36” Gas Range. Only | $12.99 down. $15.90 down. down. $11.99 down. : a\ (W e ) giw Only $32.95 for new Con- guy $213.75 for 3% HP Only $97.70 for Shallow-well Only $67.50 for heavy-dub trolled Air Tank for your S:b¥nerssible Pum%r wit4h fit- Watyer System complete l3 HP Convertible vr’um?. water system. Ends water- tings. Only $53.43 down. pump, tank, foot valve. Only Only $16.87 down. logging, glass-lined. Only $24.42 down. $8.24 down. ¥ %} SATURDAY, DEC. 21 s ; Only $196.50 for deluxe 36” Eas Range. Only $19.65 Southern States Oakland Cooperative W. H. Fratz, Inc. OAKLAND, MD, DE 4-312 i ACCIDENT, MD. VA 68121 = Clem Teets Farm Supply Southern States Cooperative TERRA ALTA, W. VA, GRANTSVILLE BRANCH TW 5-5183 W Il.ucin(lu Kolbfleisch. | Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Harman were Mr. and Mrs, Herman Long, Morgantown. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Collier and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Richter and] family, Grantsville, \ Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Selby were Mr. and Mrs. Val Elbon and family and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright, Akron, O. } Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holliday and family |\\'crc Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ber | nard and family, Addison. Little | Emily Holliday was ill last week |with the flu, but is much improved i at this time. ' Stanley Green, Frederick, is | spending a few days with Mr. and |Mrs. Edward Hachman. i Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and | Mrs. Henry Glass were Mr. and! iMrs. Stewart Moser, State Line., | I Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Richter andl family were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs., William Simmons, Grantsville. Mr. and Mrs. Everett McClintock, iaccompaniod by Miss Carrie Dull,! '[lurn(-dsvillc, were shopping in | Somerset last Tuesday. | A Saturday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hanft and family Iwas Tommy Holliday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomas and e ———————————————————————— family and Mrs. Lewis H:urmzmg A4 were shopping in Meyersdale nn' | Saturday. ; Saturday evening visitors of Mr. | [yand Mrs. Lawrence Hockman an(l‘| ,}sons were Mr. and Mrs., Parley | [ Deal and daughters, State Line and Ralph Kolbfleisch, . : Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Selby | Jjand Mrs, Blanche Wright were | Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Worley Wright, Brandonville. Mrs. A Wright remained to spend some |time in Brandonville with her son Jand daughter-in-law. | ' A number of families from this | | community attended the funeral ul‘f | Glen Hockman, last Sunday. Burial | was in St. John's Lutheran ceme- | | tery, Cove. l e ey | GERLIENRYOL N Ii K ' - : - - | Deer Heads #Animals *Fish | Have Your Deer Hides [l ] i L ( Made Into | o \d | wlackets JrHandbags '! Nl AN *Gloves YMoccasins | !’( H F \ AR i g ' 9 These Make Fine Christmas : \ ( F - Gifts And Are For Sale Now i e: R \ Men’s and Women'’s | 753 o\ Buckskin Gloves | pi : ".-f-b Both Lined or Unlined | o o N\ Buckskin ( Moccasins & Billfolds | ” : Also Some Fine Unclaimed I Whez:eof,:tps?,”ence Mounted Deer Heads | | JOHN RECKNER, SR. | ACCIDENT, MD. CHestnut 5-2931 i On McHenry-Bittinger Road Near Accident Road Intersection THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1963 The Young People’s society of St. John’s Lutheran church, Mis souri synod, met on Wednesday evening. Host and hostess were David and Janet Bentz, s e() e . Subscribe to The kepublican, i ——— A—— A A—— KIGHT’'S insurance Service Dial DE 4-3252 Second Streel Has your operator's Ilicense been revoked or suspended? Need filings to get your license? Open Saturdays 'til 9