Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1963, Northern High Bows To Terra Alta 67-44 Terra Alta High ts‘(-hnol defeated Northern High School’s basketball team Monday night on the Huskies' court by the score of 67 to 44. The ilefeat was the second straight for the Huskies. Kelley and Parsons sparked the attack for the Preston countians with 22 ond 19 points, while Fraley contributed an even dozen tallies. Gregory Edwards was high' scorer for Northern with 15 tallies. Northern was limited to 15 field ooals while the visitors collected a total of 30. Other scorers for Northern: Sexton 2, Shoemaker 8, McGraw 4, Hawks 7, Nicklow 7, Georg 1. Frickey and J. Friend did not score. | Terra Alta held a 17-6 lead at the quarter, 38-19 at the half and 57-29 at the end of the third peri od. Northern outscored the West Virginia team 15 to 10 in the final period. The Huskies got 14 of 28 fcul tries while Terra Alta man aged to hit on 7 of 15 attempts. e e e e()e e e . Try Our Want Ads—They Pay. SHARPS MOTOR CO. . "Our 34th Year” - COME IN: AND“SEE ' THESE VALUES 1963 Chevrolet Impala Sedan—' 1957 Buick 4 Door Special Se -4 Dr. Hardtep with_Vß and dan—Auto. trans., radio, auto. trans., radio and: heater and padded dash. heater. Like new. ! Solid white. 1963 Renault Caravelle Coupe|gs7 p| 5 T ymouth Fury Sport Cpe. h-r} *speeg :rans.i radio and —VB with Power-flite trans. IGatel, Sae Eh e i Radio and heater. Tip 1963 Chevrolet Bel Air 4 Door| top shape. —VB with Powerglide ! . : I;'avns., heater and gdef__zlSSG Ford Victoria Coupe—V-8 tinted windshield and pad- | with automatic trans., ra ded dash. { dio, heater and power 1952 Chevrolet Impala Spcrt! T f\jo‘“?c"\‘_llg_ fl\:\”l}: automatic | y 055 Mercury Convertible Cpe. ;"';1,," ?C‘",,'l‘,,"f;cfsri!.ngéx-';‘:; V 8 with automatic trans., 110, heater, ana p wracuo Nids & E s rear axle. Extra clean. Only | OTN A JOW 11.861 miles. i e 1962 Corvair Monza Coupe —| USED TRUCKS Nicely equipped with Pow-! er Glide, radio, heater, back 1561 Chevrolet 2 Ton Pickup— up lichts and tinted wind—{ V 8 with automatic trans shield. Best tracton. } mission, radio, heater and 1360 Studebaker 3-Dr, Sedan—'y defrosters, turn signals and V 8 with automatic trans-: custom comfort equipment. mission, radio and heater.: All new tires. One owner. 1959 C':;Cvl’i’)‘lvnt ‘ ?mfl:nala_ Hardtopfl9so GMC 5500 Tilt Cab—Equip- V 8 with automatic trans., | ped with 401 V 6 engine, 5 power steerina and brakes.] : 5 sp. trans., 2 sp. rear axle, radio and heater. Real| o . i fuli air brakes, power steer shate Hardt ! ing, radio and heater. Good 1958 Plymouth 2-Door Hardtop! b i 0 : VB-—With automatic trans—s 51‘9?)(20 hc’j'ets 0? St Wioe. mission and power steer-i Op condition: : ing. 11959 Studebaker %2 Ton Pickup 1958 Chevrolet Station Wagon— | Big “6” engine with three- V 8 with automatic trans., ) speed transmission and power brakes, heater and “twin-traction” rear axle, back up lights, Winter electric wipers, turn sig treads and positraction for | nals and htr. and def. & “GO” power. | body. NEW 1964 CHEVROLET PICKUPS ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Half ton Pickups with 78” or| Three-quarter ton Pickup 98” hodies, 6 cyl., big heater| with 98” Stepside body, big SIX and defroster, rear bumper, HD: engine, 4 speed trans., and springs and clutch. | rough rear tires. i G.M.A.C. TERMS LOY G.M.A.C. “SHARPS MOTOR (0. /[CHEVROLET/ . g % % L Spr . : A ” : ® :_:,“'sl" L Third 5t Oaklend, Md. Phone SRR -o 05 EaeE s somn s g smalm i o & e— pEEE AT G G SmEite eBEE sMR i bmegamt Biy i So o e BRAD ooW § “%g 'S i NIl T g oamar e W ARG PR i i WPI N L VR .;(."; 5.% %fif o BR B i, G £ @t BgyTRG Si Y Bsߥ o3y & 278 e ¥ Vi YR )w &Aafi I%’ % i %;'By = RS S e- ¢4 R 3 5 s b it 137700 o e 0” t ose Who th’n oun % “fil; . 3 s it A . sB ey i 3 ! i)s i e e X : i it 0 L : < 3 e s t R ! (i R R DR : T . f'},', { Ll e B e ’f‘*, RB “ R 0 -RO . e s Y B G R % . e oB i e is, S 2 i ' T P s, ‘2’*&‘” CERE sSR i 3 fome : <,§‘ RAR SR R s R ? 2 b .. S s I ’éfi%g‘}g;:?:x:; BB Cow : R G o s 3 o B 28y R T e i 8 & g w e.e e i . e . 000 a4 E : e e bR R S :W W ; e % w 0 . S o : . y’% i%y b % Eae T £ SR i e s W e Dags i L i ; S 4 e g NG i o ; 5 S PBt S @ I e T i il es i 5 Gool s 5”3 e A SR, S .-a:’:::t?:i:i.':fi.fiv;’/-:2::1:1;.5:::E:f S £ % 2 iTy G S o % oE RR e g 4%5 ;5:1:‘-"‘f"jt}i.;f.':“f{ G %'l' PR A A B R R R Sooa i A O AR e P s b e. A b A i G R g s E Yz, o RS GR RO SRR s e il G A e G e ie e T L e Bi e N S R R o (IR T S E L B4R ’; R; ; ‘”’% £ f/:”’ LR .R F b ‘Q‘ :78 A . SY G G P oSR Tl wi 7R oV Ra 9 ”M‘% g s % 7 5 s £ .AR s :;:::;,-::'/_:;::1-:::::1:v:1<:5:-"-'J 7 ; e L G g N d THE R e iR AR T e o R SEE % e T ‘:-I’-E:E::é;&::?if:iiiEf?:ffefiffffffi;‘éi?if*f'l-:' BO e s s 3 ; o Vug, GF 1 i N ;’-iff??iii:'l3’?7:l"s?:;?sl3s?:l‘?l"’3‘3s-‘%.""‘5'55-'::"555::: AT e S fi i e % 7 AR RTR e4 5 ARG T 2 S :AR TS, i Y& Y 2 i e ; i B g R .oy T i R Jg PR S SRS o S R ey % E ¢ o A B Bl 5 0 SR R R T & % o 3 ‘ A SRS e aE 5 . P N i i T’Q"‘g,;,’ 55 S -, %% a P AT SRI g kRS e o & e G\\Y @ @ By SLR B - Ai e L 0 D \s\ Ri i R 58D Re- 7"9 i % N s BLk :s'_-:-' i PRweEs *!,‘s ""; {“-‘fi e B &2 ’ R ‘,‘ g - = 7 S "/§ R7iR 3R % TM R o io R S R, i ie e o e ‘::-:*E:ZE:&:;:E:E‘}ESZ':E:}."'2%'36‘ R e Bo%' LR P G R K\'S e, S e g eé, B N S RX, O PR s R R 5 ... i _44_::'.‘_“:.:‘._s,\::::. L DT OA S ':,,\,4}'&‘},o‘.-, g $ . G eßy ol T ""4‘3% R e . S i e PR s B .:7:"’- 4ibß e T ::':" ol : iy i e R s o RR A R s e :: x e G "‘-’-“%“f}” eik . B |AR o a7 o W ot . M @, RBR SR s iy Ty e T g M KO 7 Kt 00, - RS K ARV AR gy T TSRoS s S W\ e SRR . NGNS S ee, SRR R BRI Bptis e :PR 4eR R o TR eL Sl es R P TSR 73 b ARED RSy RS Ty ‘i~f:‘\ | BRES ,’jéfiéf} ,/?M if’&”& e i s T A-}.‘;':::i;:;: E ER RN O iR R e BRIt ¥ 4 B R e Vgr e P A Wfi“bfi;fi Re, T y % RS SLR e B G ;-, i BRe2,AR SSR PR RA R 5755 Gy S I H B KT, B R Mfi,k&fi,f’ AR AR i\lvrr_\' season, busy season . good time Frirrirk ;i, ‘-'v‘ '{lk<_- time for Pepsi! Light, bracing } 1104 " ? u‘",\‘j( "I’_‘ matches modern activities with ¥e R £ | . ~,"' \w(:':‘"li.l'":"'l“"" taste that’s never too ey ¢ i & . g @Efi?;}:k : sweet. Nothing drenches your thirs i i o : ) E thing b 3 irst like 3 |~ F y ips lA a cold, inviting Pepsi. Think young— éé LG 5 ‘ B ‘pE say “Pepsi, please!™ 7 s 5 l " : , as . A ? P , Bottled by Pepsi-Col i | Pe | | led by .psi-Cola Bottling Com- £ | P‘qui | ptlt i § pany of Cumberland Under /£ i 1 U il P v Sy : ment From epsi-Cola ('4‘:‘l:‘l;‘l'llAl\ym”\)'l:': "“""“““““mfl \/MV_.—J it J . Yo M% , 16-OZ. RETURNABLE 12.0 Z. RETURNABLE WALF-QUART 642.02. NON-RETURNABLE RETURNABLE { - - Partial Deer Kill | Thursday Kills at Oakland i Dorothy Michelmann, Baltimore, spike, 94; Robert Carr, Baltimore, 15, 95; Paul P. Herman, Baltimore, ' spike, 105; Frank Bolyard, Crellin, 'B, 143: George Steadman, Gor lm;lnin. 6, 136; Earl L. Evans, Oak 'land, spike, 104; George E. Brady, Jr., Kitzmiller, 4, 94; Luke Bow man, Oakland, 4, 115; Melvin "(::mk. Crellin, spike, 111; Harold ' Lantz, Crellin, spike, 105; Paul F. Phillips, Kitzmiller, 5, 114: Henry Prickett, Oakland, 4, 110; Ralph l Keefer, Oakland, €, 124; F. L. Woll, route 2, Oakland, 6, 97; Ronald Dil ll(\\x Oakland, spike. 94. Donald Miller, Westminster, 3, IRS; John Malichi, Severn, spike, 99; . Peter Nichols, Takoma Park, spike, ']00: Donald G. Poling, Baltimore, 2, 107; Guyer Penn, Mt. Airy, ‘spiko. 108: Robert Snapp, New Car lisle, 0., 8, 144: Albert Bowders, ;Bultimm‘c. 3, 82; Gary Cooper, Gormania. 5, 105; Amy E. Playard, Waldorf, 4. 95; Bradley Cooper, Gorman, 4, 94; John Pitzinger, Bal timore, spike, 85: Joseph S. Fine gan, Baltimore, 4, 95; Robert E. Kuchling, Silver Spring, spike, 110; Thomas Hamil’on, Silver Spring. 7. 134; H. J. Warnick, Baltimore, 5, 102; Carman DelSignove, Lans downe, 4, 99; Clifford White, Oak land, 7, 112; B. F. Knepp, Jr., Oak ll:m(i. 9, 155; Broarn Holden, Bel Air, 5, 101: Gary Glotfelty, Oakland, {4, 88. Friday Kills, Oakland Edwin E. Beachy, Oakland, 7 100; Sebert Skipner., Oaklond, 5 97: H. M. Austin, Kensington, & '1136; Glenn G. Hansford, Lishon IMd., 4, 112: Russell E. Crosco, Jr. lOokland, 8, 151; Ralph O'Neil, Den {woed, spike, 96; Donald Deal, Bal timore, spike, 87; John Shanon {Frostburg, 5, 95: Robert Brady. ]Shn‘lm:u'. 3, 98: George E. Porter, ’()uklnn(L 5. 94; Frank Sparks, Bal timore, spike, 96; Shirl Dodge. 'S\\'m‘mn. 4, 128; Neil Walfe, Joppa, lM(l.. 3, 100: Jerry Dever, Dundalk, ‘6. 106; Paul H. DeFord, Denton, 6. 115; Dorsey Rumer, Crellin 4, 101; lFrgmk!in Knox, Oakland, 7, 128; Ollie Beckman, Mt. Lake Park, 5, |105; Ernest Nazelred, Crellin, 4, [93: William Loe, Oakland, 6, 118: |Carl Brenneman, Onkland, 5, 105; | David May, Friendsville, spike, 92. ! Thomas Spiker, Kitzmiller, 8, 1160; Donald Sell, Ozkland. 6. 116; IHn'bort Harvey, Mt. Lake Park, 6, 1110: Edward E. Sollars, Hanover, 3, !100: Jackson Thomas, Jr., Oakland, 18, 106: Edward Wilburn, Oakland, 8, 103; Frank R. Gessford, Mt. Rainer, 6, 110; C. Wayne Shilling burg, Deer Park, 5, 104; Theodor> Kirkwood, Kentland, 5 94 | William P. Bennett, route 1, Themas., 10, 165; Robert Johnson, Oakland, 4, 140; Maxwcell DeWitt, Mt. Lake Park, 9, 140; Larry E. Steadman, Gormonia, 4, 85. Saturday Kiils at Oakland Richard Mat ow. Akron, 10, 132; 0. H. Nestor, Mogodore, 0., 5. 91; Samuel J. Yoder, Oaklund, 4, 107: Donald Callis, Mt. Lake Park, 3, 116; Thomas E. White, Mt. Lake Park, 4. 115; Marjorie E. Hardesty, Deer Park. 4, 98; Lee Rapp, Lan ham, 6, 101; Carl Bittinger, Gor mania 7, 100; Cosrlton Stillingburg, Deer Park. 4, 102; Gilmore Necdy. Emmittsburg, 4, 98: Rcobert J. Smith, Jr., Baltimore, 5. 103; Amos J. Isaaes, Severn, 6, 105; Irven Stacy, Damascus, 4, 95 Willard Riley, Hyattsvilie, 5, 107; Melvin Eyler, Frederick, 8. 111; Matthew Long, Baltimore, 8, 133; Lester Lonrg, Ellicott Citv, 5, 100; Daniel J. Yoder, Oakland, 9, 116; Gerald E. Friend, Sw:onton, 8, 124; Calvin R. Parish, Swanton, 6, 100; Edwin 1. Howard, Cottage City, 5, 86; Paul W. Burnhard, Jr., Landover Hills, 5, 107; Robert Green, Balti more, 7, 121. Bill Hermanr, Oakland, 5, 114; Ted Ludwik, Indian Head, 2, 94; Carl Capron, Oxon Hill, 4, 109; Lyle Sharpless, Vindex, 4, 104: WwWil liam G. Weclech, Dser Park, 5, 104; Alton J. Yoder, Oukland, 8, 125; Arnold Feather, Oakland, 5, 92; Donald T. Rijanowski. Baltimore, 6, 85; Robert L. Stine, Mt. Airy, spike, 95; Herman Luciyur, Frede rick, spike, 98; Ronuald Cecil, Frede rick 5, 104; William L. Srelton, Bai timore, spike, 102; Dwight Liller, Mt. Lake Park, 8, 121; Richard L. Bernard, Swanton, 6. 103: Henry Smith, Baltimore, 3, $7: H. C. Bit tinger. Jr.. Oakiand. 4, 103: Albert M. Harvey, Jr., Mt. Lake Park, 8, 145: William J. Race, Hagerstown, 8, 133; Chester Mosser, Oakland, 5, 88. | William A. Barnard, Swanton, 6, 113: Wallace Evans, Kitzmiller, 11, 126: John F. Galton, Baltimore, 6, 102: Buford T. Sanders, Baltimore, 8, 118; A. A. Harvey, Jr., Swanton, 8, 111; Howard Janoske, Laurel, 4, 88: John Wilt, Deer Park, 4, 95; Glenn Green, Swanton, 10, 155: Santo Paul Aliamo, Baltimore. 4, 107; Paul Stover. Towson, 8. 150: Harvey M. Tabler, Mt. Airy, 8, 163; | Lewis E. Kolb, Bethesda. 6, 93: George O'Brien, Swanton, 8. 124: Frederick Metheny, Burtonsville, 6. 113: Stysher Plowman. Baltimore, 6, 94; Sdward D. Miller, Joppa town, 5, 77: Stanley C. Poumski, Dundalk, 4, 87; Rcobert W. Thurs by, Baltimore. 7, 114; Vernon W. Rochule, Randallstown, 8, 120: Mi chazel Rhodes, Jr., Swanton, 8. 119 Ernest Menchi, McDonald, Pa., 6, 115; Steve Harvey, Oakland, 10, 127; John Harvey, Deer Park, 6, 193. Deer Kills at Friendsville First Three Days Fred A. Cupp, Hyattsville, 6, 140; Pau! O. Frazee, Friendsville, 5, 133: Paul E. Sisler, Friendsville, 8, 126; Omar D. Sydnor, Hyattsville, 3, 140; Floyde Frantz, Friendsville, 9, 135: Clarence Friend, Jr., Friends- THE REPURBLICAN, OAKLAND, MARYLAND. ville, 6, 108; Donald Myer, Ohio, 3, '](il; Donald Ferguson, Ohic, 7, 110, Harry W. Frazee, Washington, D.C., l(i. 141; Eddie Fike, Fricndsville, 5. 111, Myren C. Umbel, Friendsville, 6, 151; W. E. Dunham, Friendsville. 6. 108: Rayvmond Schlossnagle, Friendsville, 9, 115; Jim Wass, Ad cdison, Pa., 5, 105; John K. Holliday, Friendsville, 8, 135; Jonas L. Fazen baker, Accident, 4, 115; David Gra ham, Glen Burnie, 4, 100; Robert E. Lowdermilk, Friendsville 4, 103; Tom E. Fike, Friendsville, 7, 133; Bernie J. Miller, Oakland, 4, 99; Merle Morgan, Jr., Uniocniown, Pa., 7, 167; Vic Selby, Friendsville, 5, 150; Harry Vitez, Accident, 9, 157. 150; Harry Vitez, Accident, 9, 157: Jesse P. Bradford, Mitchellville, 6, 98; Carlos Friond, Friendsville, 6, 104; Frankie Paugh, Accident, 2, 117; Ervin R. Lowdermilk, Friends ville, 11, 145; Raymond C. Van- Sickle, Friendsville, 2, 95; Ralph Smearman, Addison, Pa, 5, 97; Troy Smearman, Addison, Pa., 8, 141; Charles E. Tate, Baltimore, 6. 98; Ray Coddingten, Friendsville, 6, 100; E. E. Bengies, Baltimore, 4, 92; Glenn Wass, Addison, Pa., 2, 91; Homer A. Griffith, Wickliffe, Do 6, 117, William C. Griffith, Addison, Pa., 7, 100; S. W. House, Friendsville, 4, 106; Paul E. Warehime, Balti more, 8, 116; John A. Warchime, Baltimore, 3, 103; Richard G. Rimp, Jardroad, 6, 108; Ernest J. Reed, Rustustan, 8, 125; Roger K. Mec thenia, Frederick, 9, 103; Joseph F. Ward, Jr., Owings Mills, 5, 124; Harvey E. McCracken, Cedarhurst, 6, 106; Kenneth Durst, Accident, 4, 104; Sterling E. Tropp, Greenbelt, 9, 113; Ted McCvitom, Adelphi 5, 92; Kenneth W. Maye, Hyattsville, 7. 108; B. H. Sherrod, Baltimore, 3, 123; Ward Frazee, Friendsville, 8, 118. Dwayne Fearer, Markleysburg, Pa., 2, 115; Dale E. Frazee, Friends ville, 5, 115; E. T. Tristee, Calvert County, 2, 88; James W. Codding tcn, Damascus, 4, 123; Harry R. Tressler, Friendsville, 13, 124; James E. Gray, College Park, 4, 165; Elmo J. Enzor, College Park, 2, 98; Gary Enzor. College Park, 6, DON'T WAIT ... IT'S GETTING LATE ... SHOP R&P , r,:‘_"— ‘-: VTR ‘ "r 5 Z\'fl = ‘/'o ?M Santa Glaus dtore 4 -z i ety 18 . | s;:’ggn v @ “ ( Quickest way to get the most complete picture W= of what’s newest and most wanted in the wide, won- 22V o ’ derful world of toys is to stop in now for a look around. {X o N i You can do vour Santa Clausing easier, betier at R&P %j $\\PR SR where toy prices are o e Ak UNDISPUTEDLY THE LOWEST ANYWHERE! ). - 4 Check prices on these nationally famous toys and you'll see that R&P has the T '.‘;‘. i ] ™ lowest by far. Come, shop today! y/ /) . d -~‘ Remco Skydiver ......................1488 749 @ L . ATV Advertised Toys s 2 Remco Rarracuda Atomic Sub .......1395 695 ~Gibert Y & Hashro Mentor ....................... 8% &9 S Remco Little Red Spinning Wheel ..... 795 399 Mattel . Ideal Odd Ogg ........................1295 595 *%K SN 3k sy ‘\\‘ v 8\ - Remco Showhoat .....................1295 399 g ‘= P o bt ... W L. ™ L' . . ideal Gaylord the Pup .................171.95 1195 ::5;:;",5,'0,(, S S e Mool Kbp Z0r...................... 008 B 8 5. has et Beed ... ................78 W= " a N e Matte! Talking Charmin’ Chatty ......1995 1266 (O B e '7.‘ ’T4 | v '\.:'“:i Mattel Chiatty Cathy ..................1595 995 4&%% i‘L"’" ’fl fi Mattel Tiny Chatty 8aby..............11.95 795 J{ LN Mattel Chattyßaby ...................1595 995 giflim%mmflsmzfl;#;mmmmmmrj;mm_y;@ Marx Project Mercury ................ 600 398 % LAY-AWAY = Tudor Eleciric 8a5eba11...............1598 1095 & wsc o Lovawey vour < Marx Operation Moon Base ..........1598 895 & iciwe conmweliy GOW S Marx Space Ranger ...................17.98 995 &T e fifg”f‘ . = = NN PN 3z > v.§i Lione! HO Train Sets ..................1995 1295 ‘IEEEERRAAEER BRE Tico HO Streamlirer ..................2988 19.95 WP Jim Cropp, Owner Third Street Oakland, Maryland Phone DE 4-4123 |North Star Club Meets The North Star girls 4-H club held a craft workshop following the regulap business meeting Mon day, December 2, at the Accident fire hall. The nine members attending ex hibited and explained a craft which \tlw‘\' had made. The club had a tour of the Davis Weaving mill at hl(-llonry on November 29, A ‘WR: Walter E. Crismer, Ellicott City, 8, 103; Philip R. Plerponi, tWin(lsm' Mill, 2, 81. | Frederick P. Sisler, Friendsville, 8. 126; Ralph Humberson, AKron, 'Ohio, 4. 103; Clyde VanSicklc, Friendsville, 4, 107; Roland C. Ken 'nv(ly. Brookville, 5, 149; Ronald R. Schroyer, Accident, 2, 99; Joseph 'A. Fazenbaker, Accident, 8, 119; Jack Hayes Jr., Odenton, 8, 105:; Charles Enlow, Friendsville, 6, 135; Renald C. George, Accident, 6, 128; Vernon George, Germantown, 6, 99; Doyle H. McCuliough, Friends ville, 8, 11; Wm. Lee Shoemaker, Gaithersburg, 6, 105; Dorsey A. O!and., Mt. Airy, 4, 100. DEER HEADS MOUNTED Deer Hides Tanned; Gloves, Handbags, Jackets, Wallets, Etc. Made From Your Deer Skins Hours During Hunting Season 9A. M. to 10 P. M. Mt. State Studio of Taxidermy WILLIAMS AVENUE (MAIN STREET) DAVIS, WEST VIRGINIA Christmas party is planned for De cember 23 at the home of Carol Ann and Donna Haenfiling, ————e ) ————— The Elder Hill Sunday School will present its annual Christmas program at 7:30 p. m., on Sunday, December 22, Everybody welcome. Members of the Sunday School will sell Christmas trees Friday, the 20th until 24th, at the church, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schlossnagle, New Castle, Pa.,, and Larry Glass, Cove, were Sunday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Schlossnagel. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Paugh and Janet, and Edward Millican were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Friend. Aubrey Bren neman was a caller on Thursday. George Bishoff and James Wil burn attended Guard meeting in Oakland, Sunday. Mrs. John Bishoff and daughters were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Carr, near Accident. Mr. and Mrs. Montell Friend vis ited Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Fike, Sun- day. i Mr. and Mrs. James Vitez and | children were Sunday dinner| guests of Mrs. Webb DeWitt. | Myr. and Mrs. Faul DeWitt ;m(ll Billy, of Oakland;: Mrs. Webb De- | Witt and Owen DeWitt were Tues- & 0 ; WAE = 'm...... For Your Shopping Convenience We Are til } | Every Night ‘til Christmas! -. o ':!!Illllllllilumw TOy 2 7 o Third St. Cakland, Md. DE 4-2150 PAGE THIRTEEN day evening guesis of Mr. and Mrs Nierle Wilburn and family. Mrs. R, Claude Bishoff was shop. ping in Pittsburgh, Pa., on Mon: day. e R e Subscribe to The Republican,