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PAGE FOURTEEN Maryland Trees Used o In Many Industries Every part of Maryland trees is going into manufacturing except the sigh of wind through tall lob lolly pines, according to George W. Hubley, Jr., director of the Maryland Department of Economic Development. Sawdust from the state's 400 saw mills and planing mills is in strong demand on Maryland pouliry farms. Wood chips and other wasie from forest products awe being shipped in truck and carload lots to paper and pulp mills. A factory under construction in Oakland will convert hardwood waste from the area’s sawmills and planing mills into a superior bowl ing pin. Sher-Wood Products, Inc., is the manufacturer. Cumberland Charcoal company is building a $750,000 factory at Luke, to manufacture charcoal from bark stripped from cordwood in the nearby paper mill of West Virginia Pulp and Paper. Garrett county has another plant converting saw miil waste into charcoal. Cordwood cut in St. Mary’s coun ty for a northern paper mill holds the long-distance shipping record for that commodity. Many of the buildings and other structures at the New York World's fair were erected on piling cut from pine forests of the Eastern Shore and Southern Maryvland. Barrel staves are manufactured in Mary!and, 365,097 cords of timber going into this product in 1961. Lumber consumed 179.726.173 board feev and veneer 13,409,175 board feet of Maryland timber during the i it NOTICE TO CREDITORS THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscriber has obtained from the Or phans’ Court for Garrett County, Mary land. Letters Testamentary on the es tate of HENRY L. POOL late of Garrett Connty Marviand, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are herchy warned to exhib it the same, with the vouchers thereofl duly authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 28th day of May, 1964; they may otherwise by law be exciuded from all benefit of said estate. All per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediatc payment. Given under my hand this 26th day of November, 1963, ‘ EMILY ELIZABETH POOL Executrix | Kitzmiller, Maryiand ‘ Date of Ist. publieation: Nov. 28, l‘.'.}".‘ —Adv. 39-3 t. sAR S o B L o A3AA eS ey oTSR STV o - I ATTENTION | CHAIN SAW OWNERS! | We are now equipped with a new i NEILSON GRINDER | To sharpen chains fast and accurately, any make, any iwngth. l OREGON-CHIPPER-CHAIN i In stock. To fit most power saws. Any length. i | NEW AND U%EE_A_Y‘VS FOR SALE i sates MeCULLOCH scrvice i CHAIN SAWS i POWERS GARAGE l MT. LAKE PARK, MD. DE 4-2254 B B l ' I! Rnlvafls BhrlSimaS Specla Sn l N|| e N | i 1‘ pe—— 1fi! : moti g g 1 : . EEE— g . LT T JISS ] - S’“% V" /f?%\. ;{’ g,: i%‘ HAMPERS & = AL Start TABLE LAMPS 5-95 1 0-95 pair T oWL AT T g e ee T ST S S R ———— W S———r D YTS T Solid L I S oo L TR R T CHESTS O’f fa Start at . 29.95 =aag; i [T '&.“,’ SR AL Third Street Oakland, Maryland DE 4-2150 S S —— | Feotball Awards Given Football awards were given out at an awards assembly at Southern High school. | Elks, last Friday night. | Coach Leroy Bolding presented | .!lho footbail awards to the pla,vcrs.i | Those receiving letters for the first | | time included Richard Lemlcy.‘ | Terry Imhoff, Rob Sharps, Bill ‘(‘m'bin. Bill Mattingly, Chester ! Qines, Carl Schoonover, Mike 1 Friend, and Tarry Palmer. ’ Those boys who were veterans |of more than one campaign re | ceived bars. Getting bars this year | were Harold Mosser, Charles Dav is. Charles Dintaman, Jon Thayer, | Richard Perrine, Rick Mattingly, Jim Stewart, Jim Hinebaugh, Tom ‘P()\\‘('l's. Jack Rowan, and Vonl ' ’ Johnson., I The two managers of the tcam‘ jalso got letters. They were Brad | ley Stewart and Bill Renninger. i A SR -’s:um- year. The State Department ‘t(;f Forests and Parks reports 248.- ;347 cords of puipwood sold by i Maryland farmers in 1951 to paper and pulp mills. One of the fastest growing in dustries in Maryland is wood furni ture manufacturing. The Depart | ment of Economic Development re ports eight new or enlarged plants ithis year. Forest products are pro i!\‘(‘ssod by 600 Maryland manu : facturers. ‘ The last census of manufactures I placed an estimated value of $12.- ‘EGSO.(‘,UO on the annual harvest of | ({Maryland timber products. Thcl ‘!harvcst provided employment for, ’1,500 men. Manufacturing. market \Aing and transportation added 8126.-’ 11906,000 to the vaiue of the timber ;’cmp and created 58,300 jobs. I The value of Maryland's limbcrl ciop is equivalent to about cne | fifteenth of the vaiue of ail oth(-l‘l | Maryvland farm crops. Maryland ltnmbor goes into the manufacturc! {of many paper products, fux‘niluro.] | plastics, veneer, plywood, con | tainers and countless other prod ; ucts. i State Forester H. C. Bucking-l lhum assures these economic bene- Ix"its {o landowners and industry as | i long as Maryland's woodlands :u’(‘i sll]llnil,‘_',( d wisely. li¢e said this \\‘us’ | the primary concern of the forestry lsl.;zi‘f of the Department of Forests | and Parks. l o i o School Prayer Gets - Support By Mathias = Rep. Charles McC. Mathias, Jr., expleined last week-end that he lha(l introduced a bill November |l3 which should provide pm‘wc-" | tion of civil liberties and religious lfreodom without involving the dif-l ficulties of a discharge petition or the cumbersome problems attcnd-l ant upon amending the Constitu tion. . Rep. Mathias issued the state ment after receiving petitions and letters signed by thousands of Maryland residents requesting ac !t,i(m on the Becker amendment to 'Hm Constitutions out of committee and onto the floor of the House. He said he had read the fulll opinion of the Supreme Court in the praver case decision and that! the “rule laid down is neither as| far reaching nor as drastic as car-| ly reports indicated.” “The Court,” he added, “has not prohibited all religious exercises in schools but has only proscribed those compulsory religious exer cises which are ‘established’ by ‘la\\‘ or under legal authority. 'l‘hcl court opinion does not indicate | that voluntary, spontaneous rolifli-l ous exercises would be unconsti-! tutional merely because they oc-i cur on public property.” ! Rep. Mathias said a discharge petition as proposed by R(‘p‘g | Becker in H. J. 693, presents a ’(lifficult legislative problem, is| usually chaotic and is of dubious‘ ‘ advisability. He said his bill would impl('-! ‘mcnl the First Amendment by stat-* ing “Be it enacted by the Svnatc‘ ‘an(l House that no officer, a:zcnl' 'or employe of the United States'! }ol' any state shall prohibit, restrain i or interfere with the free exercise fof religion.” | | | ' Additional Church l l Services i Rush Baptist Church, Rev. Nc':d| |Mzlyse, pastor. Services every ! | other week, 11 a. m.; Sunday iSchonl, 10 a. m. i .~ Oak Grove Church of the Breth-i ren, near McHenry. Donald Mat-l ’ thews, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Worship, 11 a. m. ! | Grace Brethren Church, Acci- | dent. Rev. Frederick Crawford. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Worship, | 11 a m. ' Laurel Run Church of God, | Friendsville, Rev. Howard L. Pentz, pastor. 10 a. m., Sunday School; 11 a. m., Worship Service. Sermon by' the pastor. —_— { Bear Creek Church of the Breth-| ren, Accident, Rev. Duane Lcwcl-l len, pastor. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m.; Worship, 10:30 a. m. St. John’s Chapel (Episcopal),l Deer Park, the Rev. Fr. Thomas P. Staup, vicar. The Holy Eucharist, 9 a. m.; Family Worship, 11 a. m. Pine Grove Church of the Breth ren, Swallow Falls, Rev. Donald Matthews. Sunday School, 10 a. m,; Preaching Service, 7:30 p. m. Corinth Methodist. Worship, 151‘ \Sunday. 11 a. m.; 3rd Sunday, 7:30 p. m THE REPUBLICAN, OAKLAND, MARYLAND. 11 Persons Killed High On State Highways e ii " FEleven persons were killed on Maryland highways last week ac ;cm-dim: to the weekly survey pub 'lished by the Maryland State }’o-l {4 lice. | I Five of those killed were drivers; ' | four were passengers; and two were pedestrians, Alcohol was a coniributing fac tor in three of the deaths; speed in six; and “driver error” was pres ent in ecight of the fatalities. | “Last week six persons lost : their lives because of excessive| speed,” commented Major G. E. | Davidson, Chief of Operations of 1 the Maryland State Police, “and |, here again we see considerable | evidence that too many drivers are | I\\'illfully or negligently disregard-} |inu the motor vehicle laws and the * ! |lu\\'s of common sense regarding . the hazards of speed on the high-| l\\'ay. ‘ e e—— e e e e—— NOTICE TO CREDITORS \ THIS IS TO GiVE NOTICE, That the | sthseriber has obtained from the Or phans’ Court for Garrett County, Mary land, Letters of Administration ¢. t. a. on |, the estate of | LYDA GROSE late of Garrett County, Maryland, de ceased. All persons having claims against | |the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof duly | I authenticated, to the subseriber, on o before the 28th day of May, 1964} Ithoy may otherwise by law be excluded | from all benefit of said estate. All persons | ’kx‘owingv themselves indebted to said estate | are requested to make immediate payment. | Given under my hand this 26th day of November, 1963, ‘ | WILLIAM E. GROSE ‘ Administrator c. t. a. ‘ 128 Sweetbrier Street | Pittsburgh 11. Penna. ' JACK R. TURNEY | Resident Aert ! Oakland, Maryland ‘Date of Ist. publication: Nov. 28, 1963 | Adv. 30-3 t. ‘ i NOTICE ‘ { All persons are hereby warned| not to trespass in any manner onj{ the properties of the undersigned in District 5. Violators will be | prosecuted. < i Edward Hackman | Ralph Kolbfleisch Ralph Georg George Hetz Henry Glass | Harvey Harmon ! Rob Roy Paugh Harry Hackman i Robert Havener | S. E. Friend i Woodrow Friend | | Claude Fike i Bert Griffith i Accident, Maryland —Adv. 39-3 t. ’ NOTICE TO CREDITORS | THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the | {subseribers have obtained from the Or-| iphans’ Court for Garrett County, Mary- |- land, Letters Testamentary on the es-{; tate of WILLIAM T. HANLIN f {late of Garrett County, Maryland, de- | feeased. All persons having claims against { the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit ] the same with the vouchers thereof duly authenticated, to the subseribers, on or] | before the 12th: day of June, 1964:E. they may otherwise by law be excluded lfrnm all benefit of said estate. All per sons knowing themselves indebted to said ,n\mh- are requested to make immediate payment. ] I Given under our hands this 10th day of | | December, 19635, ] VIRGIL W. HANLIN Box 114, Bayard . West Virginia ALMA V. HANLIN 152 Bowling Avenue Bowling Gieen Cumberland, Maryland “ Executors Date of Ist publication: Deec. 12, 1963 Adv. 11-3 t. NOTICE TO CRED!TORS THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscribers have obtained from the Or phans' Court for Garrett County, Mary land, Letters of Administration on the estate of GEORGE F. GEORG fate of Garrett County, Maryland de-: coased. All per:ons having ciaims against the deceased are hereby warnod to exhib it the same, with the voucners thereof duly authenticated, to the subseribers, on or before the 28th day of May, 1964; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All per sons knowing themselves indebted to said | estate are requested to make immediate | payment. Given under our hands this 26th day of November, 1963, LAWRENCE P. GEORG Grantsville, Maryland HILDA G. BEALKY 609 Henderson Avenue P. O. Box 744 Cumberland, Maryland Administrators Date of Ist. publication: Nov. 28, 1963 Adv. 39-3 t. NOTICE TO CREDITCRS THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the .übseriber has obtained from the Or shans' Court for Garrett County, Mary and. Letters of Administration on the state of PAUL W. WELCH late of Garrett County, Maryland, de ceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit he same with the vouchers thereof duly withenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 12th day of June, 1964; hey may otherwise by law be excluded “rom all benefit of said estate. All per ons knowing themselves indebted to said wtate are requested to make immediate avment. : - Given uader my hand this 10th day of December, 1963, ANNA E. WELCH Administratrix R 2 Oakland, Maryland Date of Ist publication: Dee. 12, 1963 Adv. 11-st. TRESPASS NOTICE All persons all hereby warned not to enter upon, cross over, or i any manner irespass upon the lands of the undersigned in Elec tion District No. 14. Grace Sines Van Sickle Friendsville, Md. —Adv. 38-3t* TRESPASS NOTICE All persons are warned not to enter upon, cross over, or in any manner trespass upon the property of the undersigned located along Steyer Mine road in District 10. Paul F. Nazeirod Oakland, Maryland —Adv. 40-3 t s T e i TRESPASS NOTICE Persons are hereby warned not to enter upon, cross over, or in any manner trespass upon the land of the undersigned in election district No. 14. John H. Deßerry P. O. Box 244 Havre de Grace, Md. —Adv. 38-3t* Trustee’s Sale OF VALUABLE . . - Coal & Mining nghts[ - - Containing 9,032 | 1 Acres, More or Less l Sitvate in Election l)istrict' No’s. 4 and 11, Garrett (‘oun-i ty, Maryland. l Under and by virtue of the| powers vested in the undersigned | as Trustee, by a decree of the ('ir-' cuit Court for Garrett Counly.l Maryland, bearing date the 13th day of November, 1963, in a cause wherein John E. Raine, Jr., Trus tee is the plaintiff and Thej George's Creek Coal and Land Company, a corporation of the State of Maryland, is the defend ant, the same being No. 5267! Equity, in said Court and in u; cause wherein Leslie N. Gay is the plaintiff and The Gvnrgo‘s: Creek Coal and Land Company, a| corporation of the State of Mary land, is the defendant, the same| being No. 5268 Equity. in said Court, I, the undersigned Trustee, duly appointed by said Court, do hereby give notice that on SATURDAY, THE 28th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1963 x At the Hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. in front of the Court House in the| town of Oakland, Maryland, 1 will| offer for sale at public auction to| the highest bidder, all the coal contained in the several seams or veins which are in Garrett County, | ‘Maryland. as the official bounda-| ries of said Garrett County now| ‘exist, and which underliec and are | enclosed within the boundary lines | of the hereinafter listed tracts or| parcels of land, together with all| the sundry mining rights apper-| taining to the same, which said| coal seams and rights were con-| veyed to the .said The George’s| Creek Coal and Land Company by George's Creek Coal Company, ln(-..! by deed dated December 1, 1952/ and recorded in Liber No. 175, folio | 546 of the Land Records of Gar-| rett County, Maryland, viz: | (a) A tract of land known as “Beatty’s Plains,” and or “Resur vey on Beatty’s Plains,” situated originally in Allegany County, inow mostly in Garrett County and described in a deed from Wil liam S. McPherson, Trustee, to John H. Alexander and Philip T.| Tyson, dated September 4, 1837,| and recorded in Liber A.B. No. T, folio 327, of the Land Records of Allegany County, Maryland. | (b) All those certain tracts known as (1) “Now or Never,” (2)]| “Recknors Purchase”, (3) *“New| Ireland”, and (4) part of “Come by | Chance”, and (5) small tract south-| easterly adjacent to “Now or Never”, described in a deed from| Thomas A. Liichael, et al, to the George’s Creek Coal Company of | l.onaconing, Allegany County, | Maryland, by deed dated August] 11, 1917, and recorded among the | Land Records of Garrett County, TRESPASS NOTICE ! All persons are hereby warned not to enter upon, cross over, ()r‘;l in any manner trespass upon the| property of the undersigned 10-| cated in District 6, Sang Run. | Jobhn F. Friend | Samuel Thomas I Sang Run, Md. | —Adv. 38-3t* [ e L R e, oPt e St . S P ——— (T~ The kind of go—6 or VB—you’d expect from one of Chevy’s great highway | performers. Come on down and drive it. | /,M'—""—'""""'""""'” e v / o - 4 i f-'5,"7'2?-:’:':ff'3;:,;’ffii':'f':'_:'{'"s?:3\_"E‘"?E:=‘=‘l‘?E-‘:*;:s:s:s§:ffi:#§3sss;§;§£§£§;s:ssss3s£§\sJ32_ Ro A - kind of comfort you'd o EEEER i’ {j’i{f{{?" ,“ SR R expec i age nterir. eeUAN S S 8 Come on down and sit in it. . | .. U O O Y| 8 Vm? o P* I e oot eNS TIECTR Do e i Pet ‘ *cw L e e e e e ¢ /:’..'.. B .‘_:-‘T'\ &;oy : 2 % S 18 ,("‘:! bPR S ;: % (\omval e e ee S s s e e > A ,/” oA N :Q!/ ~-__—__-.—_——_—=( b[s\ \ ¢ S AN T— s ;==_=—=s :) S A 1— A / % = R e—— : o R ee 21 ;CBEVEH X‘ s f A S —— = al 7 The kind of fresh styling—inside and out— that makes it the year’s smartest surprise. : . Cosiie: dawst and shiton ot 18 New Chevelle Malibu Sport Coupe Now-Ch irit i : irit in a new kind of car! ow-Chevy sp | i We built this one to do more than just stand around way it muffles noise and cushions bumps. looking beautiful. Held its weight down in the 3,000- And the fine hand of Body by Fisher eraftsmen shows pound range. Then built four lusty engines—two sixes up beneath this one’s suave good looks, too. and two VB’ s—with output all the way up to 220 horses*! Sound good? There’s more. Like the fact that Chevelle And if that makes you think this is one frisky car, comes in three series with eleven models—convertibles, you’ve got the right idea. sport coupes, sedans, wagons, even Super Sport models You've also got a roomy car here. Yet its 115-inch with front bucket seats. Like the fact that (and see if wheelbase keeps it highly maneuverable in this isn’t one of the nicest surprises of all) the traffic and very easy to park. new Chevelle comes at an easy-to-take price! With its Full Coil suspension, it’s got a ride Like to hear more? The listening’s wonderful that reminds you of the Jet-smooth kind the at your Chevrolet dealer’s—and so’s the driving. *Optional at extra eost See five entirely different kinds of cars at your unevroiet snowroom— CHEVROLET, CHEVELLE, CHEVY 11, CORVAIR & CORVETTE Authorized Chevrolet Dealer in Oakland In Grantsville SHARPS MOTOR CO. CASSELMAN MOTOR CO. Third Street Qakland, Md. Grantsville, Maryland AT T TN A Re N 10, eNN Nl N TPN DA A S N . G UPNI oS m Maryland, in Liber No. 72, f()li()l 270. | (¢) Military Lots Nos. 3871 uml[ 3872, conveyed to The George's Creek Coal Company of Lonu('(m-I ing, Allegany County, Maryland,! by Elizabeth E. Fazenbaker, et vir,| | by deed dated August 11, 1917, and! | recorded among the Land Records of Garrett County, Maryland, in IHI)H' No. 72, folio 271. l (d} All those certain tracts of 'l:md known as “Don’t Turn with | the World”, part of “Glory” and | part of “Come by Chance”, con |\'('yo(l to The George's Creek Cuul' Company of Lonaconing, Allcuun,\'l County, Maryland, by William A. Michael, et ux, by deed dated ()(,'-! | tober 25, 1920, and recorded among 'suid Land Records in Liber No. 79, folio 283. ! | Excepting and reserving lhc} three following parcels: | (1) A tract containing 73 acres,| | being part of “Beatty’s Plains”, | conveyed by The George's Creek' Coal Company of Lonaconing, Al-| legany County, Maryland, to Hoffa | Brothers Coal Company, Inc., by | deed of confirmation dated July '3O. 1918, and recorded among the Land Records of Garrett County, Maryland, in Liber No. 74, folio 250. | | (2) All the coal underlying al | tract containing 133 acres, being| part of “Beatty’s Plains” con-| | veyed by The George's Creek Coal | and Land Company to James R.| Thrasher by deed dated March 31, 1958. and to be recorded among | | the Land Records of Garrett Cnun-1 | ty, Maryland, at Liber R.L.D. No.| 209, folio 512. | [ (3) All the coal contained in lh(‘| ;Pinshux'gh and Bakertown scams | underlying a parcel containing| 24'3 acres, being a part of "Bcnl-l ty’'s Plains” conveyed io Edward' J. Cross and Bernard . Cross l)y! George's Creek Coal Company, | Ins., by decd dated May i 5, 1946, - and recorded among the Land Rec | ords of Garrett County, Mzu‘_vland.‘ | in Liber No. 139. folio 593. | Reserving and excepting, a one-| | eighth interest in any oil, gas or| other minerals of every descrip-| tion, other than coal, and any lim(ui stone, fire clay, sand, or other/ | marketable mirerals or rock fm'-l | mations located in or on any nfl [ the properties herein m(‘mimv(i| | and described, which weas cm‘n’oyod| by The George’s Creck Coal and | Land Company to Virginia E. Sl:nll~| ings and others, by deed dated July 31, 1936, and recorded among | the Land Records of Allegany | County, Maryland, in Liber No.| 279, folio 487, and which said deed, has alsc been recorded among the | ' Land Recerds of Garrett County. | | The above described coal is 10-| | cated in Election District Nos. 4 and 11 in Garrett County, Mary- | —_— e = O STRLBAT e S A S AT 5" I | © PRIVATE ! | PARTIES | | @ DINNERS i @© LUNCHEONS | .o at o ; 1 | PENN ALPS | 3‘ i Mile East of Grantsville ‘ | v L Reaturing . . | | © Home Cooking | | ? @ Handicrafts | | .fi ®Closed Sundays 1 / Dial TW 55171 ) - - B A— | TA A S .A M Y A AStS —— T TS \ S ———— . {lun(l. near the town of B;u'tnn.i Maryland, approximately two miles | Il'rom the tracks of the Western |Marylund Railway Company, West ern Division, | TERMS OF SALE: One-third l cash on day of sale, one-third in six months, one-third in twelve | months, or all cash as the pur \clmsvr may elect, the credit pay-! ment to bear 6 percent interest ‘ ’_‘—-_————_— §os | T e B ————— M. AX A S .A— . A A— A————— | | . eBB 3 | e 9 Vi S B G e " ) G W S PR e R SR Ry A o B = 95 St 3 SEARGY S This 525__ D 5 .‘n ! Dexren 5 . - i mobile W - N el . Un Xi % g rinse-tub \ N b{; i,. e °w°“co | ¥ Cash dlu washer | \ e our \ /}X '} for Y Qg ~ 2§ . % 577/ When you buy this ( U *;\*’ SUPER DEPENDABLE | N\ v/ I v \ | DEXTER QUICK TWIN | ‘ ’ | \d S | g 20 \m\S\-\ | T = ) leSl | &R s | Automatics . TERkee || ®OoOOEvw | average about .t s y 4| 30 minutes el a8 i tg complete . & | each load ARSI : * % . o R | ouiex Twin : I s A | compietes - RO i aload every ‘ 1 4 minutes In less than an hour you can do the biggest week's wash lO loads or more because the Quick Twin completes a load EVERY 4 MINUTES! To match it would require FIVE automatics that take at least 30 minutes per load. Small washings benefit proportionately take minutes instead of hours. The Quick Twin saves water too saves soap and softener eliminates bleaching and hand-treating gives you the cleanest, brightest clothes you ever saw. " g ALDER Sl. OAKLAND, VMD. DE 4-3381 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1963. ifmm the day of sale, and to be ' secured by the note or notes of | the purchaser or purchasers, en -1(101’50(1 to the satisfaction of the I Trustee. ; W. Dwight Stover, Trustee { Garrett Nat'l Bank Bldg. | Oakland, Maryland a Telephone DEerfield 4-2561 —Adyv. 41-3 t e e eee——