Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1963 1 S e . . Ciassified Advertising MiInCELLANEOCUS . . . M l GREGORY’S Refrigeration Sorviee PHILCO SALES & SERVICE Mt. Lake Park, M. i Dial DE 4-4192 T A S A WORLD BOOK Encyelopedia. Mary R. Martin, Mt Lake Park, Md, phore DE 4-3141 or DE 4. \dv. 20-tf, I—m‘u—_m_- JFast, Rotary ‘fl - - well Drilling *Complete Water Systems in stalled. *Financing arranged. . @ For prompt service and guaranteed work. . .call - Deimar Dilley DE 4-3158 YTAR - A . N——. . BACK HOE work of all types; septic tanks installed. Sam Beachy and Sons, Salisbury, Pa., phone MO 2-6472. —Adv. 27-tf m—_ 808 MORELAND PIANO TECHNICIAN 729-1484 Sohmer and Starck Pianos REBUILT BABY GRAND Reduced to $599.00 RATS AND MICE eliminated forever “Get Star Prolin”. New, new. safe, sure, guaranteed. Brown inzs Hardware, City Roller Mill, Oakland: Kolb's Grocery, Accident. —Ady. 28-14t* l—n—-—-—“ McCULLOCH Chain Saws Sales and Service POWERS GARAGE Mt. Lake Park, Md.—DE 4-2254 . AW A e e FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Insurance—Sß22 filings promptly made on suspended or revoked licenses. Ray Teets Insurance Agency. Phone DE 42137 Oak land, Md. —Adv. 39-tf —L% oakCland, mo.e)flanc' ‘ . | 22' ALDER STREET | (Nationwide Insurance Office) | DE 4-2611 ‘ b { Listings Needed For | Lake Properties e o ) Featuring a Wide Variety of @ Residenticl @ Resort ® Country Properties TYPICAL FALL SPECIAL ' Harvey's Peninsula—4 bed- I rcoms, large living room with fireplace, 21l modern convenien ces, including oil heat. Fur nished in beautiful Early American. Price reduced to move now! Other Desirable Lake Prop erties To Choose From OAKLAND-MT. LAKE PARK AREA RESIDENCES 1 Two bedrcom, 3 bedroom,_ 4 i bedroom hemes listed in a price range to suit you. Choice loca tions avaiiable on Golf Course Road, High Street, Second Street, downtown Oakland and Mt. Lake Park® T R ——— OCRDER TAKING and Delivcry—— Permanent position for married man. Can carn SBO.OO a week lus future and advancement. Car and phone nrecessary. Write P.O. Box 85, Cumberland. —Adv. 17-tf e o T Dvt e Bl REPAIRED t a9 GiBSON'S AUTO PARTS LOCH LYNN IT L A W e O SOAR TO T A Se ST - VISIT OUR PERFUME BAR— Wind Song, Stradivari, Chanel No. 5, Arpege, Miss Dior, Tweed, My Sin, Blue Grass, Xmas in July, In timate, Faberge, Chantilly, Quel que Fleurs, Black Watceh, Can_)c,‘ Tabu, Evening in Paris, Whlt(.“ Shoulders. Gonder’s Cut Rate, Oak land, Md. —Adv. 38-5 t MM DEL BUILDERS, lnc. | 3 ‘:”g‘f‘g‘.fi’[&- yl",‘ (i i D. R. “Deb” Bittinger Elementary School Building Mt. Lake Park, Md. FEATURING ® Custom Built Cabinets ® Kitchens and Bathroems @ Floor Tile by Kentile @ Ceramic Tile WE DO THE COMPLETE JOB Remodeling Repairs —— New Houses | CALL DE 4-2332 LRAIR Li L WA PTV LI TS 1 CUSTOM Snow Blowing. Joni J. Miller, R 2, Oakland -Adv, 41- { | WE THREAD PIPE, day or lilghl. Bring it to Browning’s, Inec., i lfhir.l St., Oakiand, Md. —Adv. 12- | i ! Authorized ! | Philco Factory- A Supcrviced Service il o ! We service ALL makes and .l models of television, radios and ‘ phonographs. ® I _ Call us for day or night serv ice. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.,, DE 4-4123; after 5 p, m., DE 4-2984. ® | Third St. Oakland, Md. REGISTER NOW for a free General Flectric dryer to be given away December 24, Mast's, Grants i\'ill(‘. Md.—Adv. 33-10 t. 5 | ORVILLE “STUB” EVANS Homelite Sales & Service : Phone 735-3681 , HORSE SHOE RUN, W. VA. | ! WILL BUY, sell or trade coins. [Alsn. for sale, 1963 Jeep pick-up {or will trade Jeep for coins. Call 4 DE 4-2666. —Adv. 40-tf l| R i 555 VO 4RS 8 .0188 RST M e ;! Real Estate Broker 'i 113 S. THIRD ST. ‘ OAKLAND, MD. | PHONE 334-3340 ! Selling property is our business. | Satisfying customers is our | pleasure. ‘ 5 Honesty is our policy. | ,; ‘ [| ALL MAKES Sewing Machines | tleaned, oiled and adjusted. Work | i guaranteed. Singer Sewing Ma- | !chine Dealers, Alder street, Oak ‘ land. —Adv. 34-tf I T L VAT AT eTR MiLN I RY3 | ELECTROLUX | ! | | Sales and Service | I ' ! ‘ Contact j | “ 1 1 A.W. Smith | i | | Route 1, Box 252-A | I! Horse Shoe Run, W. Va. 1 e FREE—'2 acre mobile home lot! with large garden area. Year 'round ! | living. District No. 1, 2 miles from | Decp Creek Lake. Write Eugenie | MacFarline, 5 Francis St., l,uurcl,i Md. —Adv. 40-4 t i | TO BUY —TO SELL | 1 FURNITURE CONTACT |/ | { || MORGAN COPEMAN | i AUCTIONEER ! | Crellin, Maryland ! B ee e LATEST EDITION— “Forty-four * | Years of the Life of a Junter,” by | | Meshack Browning. $5.00 postpaid. | R. Getty Browning, publisher,' 1012 Harvey St., Raleigh, N. C. —-1 Adv. 4-tf j LOST AND FOUND . .. i | LOST-—Small Benchieg Beagle, | “ male, in vicinity of crystal springs. | | Call DE 4-3367. —Adv. 40-2t* ; | LOST—Grey sofa bed cushion | 1| along route 219 or Deer Park-Sand | | Flat road. Phone DE 4-2372. Ro-! ]l\\'ard. —Adv. 40-3 t | e—— e e s —— | WANTED . .... | WANTED—Bacon type male ]mg.! Call DE 4-2856. —Adv. 40-tf | WANTED—Man or woman tol cook —morning shift. Stone Tavern, Deep Creck. Phone 334-9841. ~-:“.(lv.l 41-tf | WANTED Girl for general| housework. Apply Etta Teets, Decrl Park, across from ball diamond. Adv. 40-tf 1 WANTED—Two elderly men tol room and board. Call DE 4-4777. Mrs. Herman Davy, Eighth street. —Adv. 39-tf. JOB WANTED Painting, ex terior and interior. Phone 334-9231 Rev. W. Allen Taylor, Loch Lynn. —Adv. 24-tf | WANTED lmmediaté¢ employ | ment for nurses aids and laundry | workers. Phone DE 4-2319 or DE 4- 13289. —Adv. 21-tf , WANTED TO RENT—2 or 3 ! bedroom house, in or near Oak {land. Call 334-3922, 8:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. —Adv. 40-2t* ] T M TLSA ATR TR W S ST GO\ R T I ; WANTED Hard Wood Mine Posts Call DE 4-3793 NEEDED NOW Women with the ambition to earn money. Good income, part or full time. Phone 453-3372, for Deerfield dial 16-453- 3372. —Adv. 22-tf WANTED—Experienced man to make maple syrup this spring. Con tact Mrs. Howard Cosner, Wilson, W. Va., after 6 p. m.,, phone DE 4- 2706. ——Adv. 41-tf HELP WANTED—Capable young woman for night shift from 11 p. m. to 7 a. m. Mt. Top Restaurant, ! on route 40, at Grantsville, phone | Cleda Baker, TW 5-5271 or TW 35- issßfi. —Adyv. 41-2 t | FOR RENT . . . { FOR RENT Apartment. Miss Bernadine Warnick, 203 S. 7th St., Oakland. —Adv. 33-tf FOR RENT—Office on Alder strect formerly occupied by Oak land Taxi. Will alter to suit tenant. Phone DE 4-3923. —Adv. 41-3 t | FOR RENT—Unfurnished apart | ment, 3 rootns and bath, first floor. i"‘lmu- DE 4-4374. \dv. 40-t1 { FOR RENT First floor apart ‘l‘mom, 4 rooms and bath, on Oak lSi. Call DE 4-3166. —Adyv, 32-tl i HOUSE FOR RENT—Near Red [ House. Six rooms and bath, per %[ tially furnished. DE 4-2526. —Adv. i | 97-tl. li_———-—-—__—.—.——-- H Power ' - I Chain Saws | o | FOR REMT i BY THE HOUR, DAY, WEEK e k || Powers Garage DE 4-2254 MT. LAKE PARK, MD. l TR SAR 0. SRR AT STR W T MM e I'OR RENT 2 communicating office rooms in office building on Third S{, Oazkland, Md. Phone DE 4-3491. —Adv. 37-tf FOR RENT Five-room house with garage attached. Economical utilities. Write Box 1., ¢ 0o The Re publican. —Adv. 41-3 t FOR RENT—Three-bedroom mo bile home with expanding living room. Located along Rt. 219, at Deep Creek Lake. Call 334-3951. —Adv. 28-tf FOR RENT—Lake front rock dwelling, 3 bedrooms, furnished, automatic oil heat. On Rt. 219, Deep Creek Lake. Phone 334-3132. —Adv. 34-tf FOR RENT—Six offiicc rooms | on first floor, in building recently | purchased by . Garrett Lodge No. 113, Knights of Pythias. Call DE 4- 2343, —Adv. 40-tf FOR RENT—3 rooms down town Green St., Oakland, Md. These rooms can be either used for of fice rooms or a 3-room apartment with private bath. Phone DE 4-3491. —Adv. 37-tf NEW HOUSE for rent in Oak land. Two bedrooms, garage, full basement, automatic gas hot water baseboard heat. insulated. Call 334- '2483 after 5 p. m. All day week ends. —Adv. 41-tf | ——e fOR SALE .. FIREWOOD FOR SALE—Phone DE 4-4266. —Adv. 18-tf | FOR SALE—Hay. Everett Deßer ‘r_\‘. Deer Park, Md. —Adv. 38-tf ‘ FOR SALE Beagle rabbit !!mumL Call 334-9271. —Adv. 40-tf | SPRUCE Christmas trees for | sale. Phone DE 4-4402. —Adv. 41-2 t | L ——————— | | j ® ALTERNATOR | | eceneraToß | i @ STARTER | ; a | ’ ! | GIBSON'S AUTD PARTS | | | | LOCH LYNN g i ' FOR SALE—Eskimo Spitz pup-| | pies, SIO.OO. Call 826-8112 or 245- | | 2351. —Adv. 38-tf f } CHRISTMAS TREES for sale. | | Frank Turner, 5 miles east of ! Grantsville, on Route 40-—Adv. 39- | |at. | D e S ST CHMCRT (R A & S T ; FOR SALE | 1 10x47 Richardson House Trailer. § | i{§ Contact Bill’s Marine Service, i} Deep Creek Lake. ‘ i | CALL DE 4-4200 im-—z'm——v——- \ i FOR SALE Siios and barn I eauipment. Brenneman Farm Su;-‘ | ply, Keyser Ridge, Md., phone VA | |6-8326. —-Adv. 38-tf 4 | FOR SALE Complete used| il)alhrm)m ensemble, excellent con-| dition. Bargain. Call Western Union | ]()f!'ic(-. Second St., Oakland. —Adv. ! i4o—lt’ ‘L | FOR SALE—¥icke's corrugated | | cement stave silos, Silo-Matic silo | ]unloaders and Scru-feedr, Bulk-| O-Matic feed bins. Phone VA 6-! 8163. ——Adv. 30-tf | m‘ KSR A | O t | USED(CA | \‘ * | ‘ y ' v“ r | | 1961 MG 2-Door Roadster—Ra dio, heater, 4 speed floor shift. 1960 Doclge Dart 4 Door Sedan I —Auto. drive, heater. 1( 1960 Plymouth Fury 4 Door Se dan—Radio, heater, auto- ’ matic drive. 1960 Mercury 4 Door Sedan | Radio and heater. Std. | trans. | 1957 Plymouth Belvedere Hard- i top. l 1957 Mercury 2 Door Hardtop —Radio, heater, automatic i drive. 1957 Piymouth 4 Door Sedan— Standard transmission. SPOERLEIN ACCIDENT, MARYLAND VA 6-8171 Open ’til 9 L 7LB PO TR TR TS NSRS LTS AW . FOR SALE—I9SS Willys, 1954 Chevrolet, 1952 Chevrolet, 1951 Chevrolet, 1952 G.M.C. truck. Also used parts. V. & V. Used Auto! Parts, I'riendsville, Md. Call 746- 2656. —-Adv. 37-tf. | FOR SALE—American Standard g2s furnace, forced hot air, all duet | work included; gas heater, room size: 30-gal. gas hot water heater, |7 Venetian blinds, 54-in. length; 1’52 Chevrolet ‘2-ton pick-up with new 6-ply tires, cheap. Dial DE 4- 4178, —Ady. 41-tf THE REPUBLICAN, OAKLAND, MARYLAND. ' FOR SALE OR RENT——-Four ! room house. Call DE 4-2117, —Adv. | 40-tf ! .| FOR SALE—Two voung horses. | :' Robt. Murphy, Swanton, phone 245- | [ 2952, Adv. 40-4¢ || TOR SALE--Upright piano, good - plaving condition, Phone 34- | 2461, Adv. 38-tf | 00l e | { 1 RASRL . - D ! | Why Pay Rent? | R :E SEE THE NEW | ; 1964 LIBERTY b 1 MOBiLE HOME ' { 10’ Wide so’ Long ! Two Bedroom—Center Kitchen §! t All Atuminum Exterior i { | ©Only $3,695.00 | i Full Price | |j $495.00 Down 554.00 Month || | Now on Display ! at 1 n ! Piper Elec. Co. | l. Oakland, Maryland e e o eot e, ‘ SCOTCH PINE TREES for sale, | .| SI.OO each. William B. Lohr. Phone | g‘ DE 4-3634. —Adv. 40-3 t } .| FOR SALE OR REZ\"l‘—~M()(l('r‘nl .| two bedroom house on High sl:'cc!.l ‘('ixll DE 4-4876.—Adv. 39-tf. | .l FOR SALE—I 946 Ford ‘'a2-ton .|pi('i\-up‘ runs good, SIOO. plmnv‘ "453-5’.22}3. Kitzmiller. —Adv. 40-3t* | T AAL B AR R S o7 4 S——— S T AT TR | ! | | | FOR SALE | e | || Six room stone veneer || l | . | {house with two caor ga- | 'l rage, full tile basement, } '5 - 5 ! breezeway, oil automatic j t heat. Built-in kitchen ! _ { | : | | | | Edw. Fitzwater | | { Phone DE 4-3486 || ' | Deer Park, Maryland | |RNT GO T LSTST YST T FOR SALE—Registered Hereford | { bull, and heifer calves: Palomino| | colt. Lee Shillingburg, Deer Park. ! | 4 2 | =AUV 4t { FOR SALE—Gas space heater,| ,\\'ilh thermostat and automatic | }lhio\\'mx excellent condition, \(fi' !]Rol_\':ms. --Adv. 33-tf | l FOR SALE 3-bedroom mobile | | home, 10x50, with awning. Phone| | Cumberland 729-3552, or Oakland ij DE 4-3183. —Adv. 40-2 t ‘ | FOR SALE—I 962 Ford pick-up. | :. excellent shape and winterized. | i} Will sell due to illness, $1,595.! ‘i‘i‘iu-nl' DE 4-4497. —Adv. 41-1 t | | [ s SEE i: 1 Potomac Mobile Sales {| ! for ] 1 FHA APPROVED I < Mobile and tI '§ Permancai-Style Homes “ 14 Modzls Mow on Display { E S ¢ I 1 o s E2a ; ! C“—. = - 8 ‘ o R | e 1 = | | | | Lonag Term Financing Ef 3 At Bank Rates i | —— = Investigate Bifsre You Invest 1 ‘ Located on the Finze! Road i! l (Md. 546) at Pennsvivania Line. §|! || For local info. ca!ll DE 4-3463. §|| |# Our mailing address is Rt. 2, ” ; Box 520, Frostburg, Md. i1 L. AL WAGNER, Owner {§ Open Daily Closed Sundays E‘; B | | I FOR SALE—Berkshire and York- I | shire feeder pigs, ready to go. Con | tact "David Otto, Swanton, phone | 334-2927. —Adv. 35-tf FOR SALE—Six nice small type Terrier puppies. Ready for Christ mas. Mrs. Mary Ross, phone DE 4- !. |2019, Swanton, Md. —Adv. 39-3t° || CHRISTMAS TREES for sale.|] ’3{)’\: to 400 can be bought at a blx!'!E gzin, on Route 50 at Aurora, W.| Va. Denald M. Hugiaes, phone 735-| 8512, —-Adv. 41-2t* { SRR RRNNs oT AR A | s ‘ MEN'S BOYS' | . 3 | RUBBER | ! | FOCTWEAR | ‘ o . B Y Lowest Prices— R |} Men’s, Boys’ insulated i | Full Lace 9 | ‘ BOols ... P 4. 4 :,', Il Men's 4-Buckle | Work Arctics. . . 3.94 & Men’s Zip-Up or 4-Buckle Dress Arctics .. 3.87 = '8 Boys’ 4-Buckle i . Arctics. .oL 2.@4 5 5-Buckle 1 Work Arctics.... 5.47 ALSO PLENTY OF \ WORK OR DRESS | | RUBBERS IN STOCK E} # | | ARMY AND NAVY f& 1§ DISCOUNT STORES 1§ 229 E. Alder Oakland 1§ 55 Armstrong Keyser I e | FOR SALE Three-bedroom | | house, coal hot air furnace, full| .| basement, 2-car garage, about 2% | | acres ground located along Crcl-) | lin-Underwood road. Seen by ap | pointment only. Phone DE 4-3836. | —Adv. 23-tf | | FON SALE—Locust posts, 5 or| 6 ft. James Holler, phone DE 4-! 4977. —Adv. 38-tf { I'OR SALE—#64-in. double druin; sink, good condition. Call VA (i-: 8264 alter 5 p. m. —Adv. 34-tf | LS AT T NSP WAL GIT T ar— I ; VACUUM CLEANERS | ! New & rebuilt, Fuily gquaranteed | “? service, all makes. Pick-up and §i § delivery. Phone DL 4-2560. ! ! GERMAIN & GROVES ! f Alder Street Cakland l | M S 7 S ORI AT BRO LR SO - | ‘ FOR SALE Christimas trees.| Many sizes and varieties. Timothy | | Moon, Mt. Lake Park, phone DE 4- | 2429. Adv. 40-3 t | FOR SALJ—~-3-bedrcom house on | ' High St., near Ligh school. Fll‘l; ‘h:'-mvm with garage. Phone XJE; | 4-2559. —Adv. 5-tf { | FOR SALE—Small wood andi | eoal kitehen heater. Ideal for cabin. | | David Otto, Swanton, phone 334- | §'J:.'27. —Adv. 19-f | gre Y \ Rolyans | Used Furniture ond | | Appiiance Bargains | L i ] Combinatien gas and coal '} cooking stove, good condition, || 524.95. | | Mahogany bedroom suite, '} complete with springs, $24.95. i 1961 GE 40-inch range, good § condition, $29.95. | | Sofa and chair, worn but ‘ clean, $14.95. | Metal bed with springs, good [ | condition, $19.95. ‘ ) Kelvinator electric ranage, || $39.95. | GE 30” electric range, $29.95. ® | Large selection of used gas | heaters, from $7.95 up. \ | ? DE 4-2150 Oakland, Md. l ———- FOR SALE—Solar bulk tanks. Finance aveaoilabie. Harold and Sam' Steyer, Loch Lynn-Gorman road. Phone DE 4.2900. —Adv. 18-tf | FOR SALE Zero buik milk | coolers. New and used. Call or write David J. Beiler, Crantsville, Md., dial TW 3-5567. -—Adv. 10-tf R e———— | Buy Your 1 CHRISTMAS GIFTS § at the | ARMY AND NAVY i DISCOUNT STORES §I i.owest Prices Anywhere |} . G e < . . A || S S - S A | Boys' Army Fatigue | Pants and \‘ Jackets . .....ea: 2&67 |{ Special Lot—Men’s Thermal [§ i Insulated Hooded g el Sweat Shirts .. 3.8/ : 1 i Men's Flannel !\ Lined Leather , Dress Gloves .. 1.94 ‘ Men's Gift i Lounging Siippers 2.87 R | All Wool He!mets g | {Double Knit W 'i‘,.g? \: U. S. Navy Ali Woo! m + B i Waich Caps i7# 8 | Best Selection of ! g Men's Fiannel 4 Shirts ..from ‘.94 ‘ I Extra Heavv All Wool | E‘Nooirich Cioth 8 87 ! g adacshirts . . @ i iM:-n's and Boys’ i Trooper Caps... 2987 Men’s and Bovs’ Nvion Insulated, Quilted 8 87 | 3 Sl | !‘ 2-rz. Undersuits ® j‘ fl Heavy Weight Corduroy { MEN'S PANTS | 4474924 § Large Stock of “Lee” ; Dungarees and Overalls | At Lowest Prices = L.erge stock of Jack Knives, i Binoculars, Scopes, Hand b warmers, Hunting Knives, Lanterns, Billfolds, Western Belts and Buckles, etc., etc. ) s se S S eAL R s ~ OPEN 'TIL 9 EVERY NITE TiL CHRISTMAS Starting December 13th THE ARMY & NAVY § DISCOUNT STORES 55 Armstirong St, Keyser v 229 E. Alder St. Oakland ~ FOR SALE lO-cotrumn eleetric National adding machine. Adds, multiplies, subtracts in red. Instant totals always visible. L.ess than % original cost. Fully guaranteed 1 year. Call 334-2225 or 334-2898. Adv. 13-tf Y TTR IT T RN AR TRR Y i See your | |* 3 ‘ b | ; used car ‘ WIE ANNY : | . ~_ Specials 4 ) H \ | : 1 I F.D.AF. _ O M T UTR SR AR SL M SO e S e | . FOR SALE—CoaI, $7.00 ton do-l livered. Harold Upole, phone DE 4- 3223, —-Adv. 50-12t* ; | FOR SALE—R and R coal. Oak :I;m(!—S:m;: Run area. We deliver. | Phone DE 4-4049. —Adv. 35-6 t | FOR SALE Sueep: 22 mixed | breed ewes, registered Suffolk ' buck. Phone DE 4-4208. —Adv. 28- E tt | | - TODTENANNY 1 | . USED CAR | | . ! ‘@-'2?%}%‘:‘,‘:f""i-’"-.t;w‘b'*‘tV‘-'&HQM | | See your | FORD ~ DEALER | NOW! AT YRR RW 5 AP MR Y SN, SR 5. RYE FOR SALE As soon as harvested; also Holstein heifers. Call MO 2-6501. G. Ernest Yoder, Salisbury, Pa. —Adv. 22-tf I FOR SALE—6-yr.-old Palomino saddie mare, bred to American saddle stallion. James Gower, Deer Park. Phone DE 4-2895. —Adv. 40- 2t ! FOR SALE Good, lumpy, honeycomb house coal. Located at John Kiotz farm, Bittinger, phone CH 5-2312 or MO 2-4957. —Adv. | 2341 | | FOR SALE—I3S acres. 75 acresi ‘:.'ounf: timber, 3 springs, excellent ' hunting range. Contact Joe DeWitt, McHenry, or phone DE 4-4446. Adv. 40-21 e o eO & S . AT M£ S ST O SPECIAL POTATOES FOR SALE || Grade A Size Comm. Potatoes Ib. 50 bag 75¢ Saturdays Only At ! | Sand Flat Storage Storage HARVEY BROTHERS ! SWANTON l P —————” - ————_ A wer——— ! FOR SALE 1954 2~hodmomf | house trailer, terms if wanted. | Piper Electric Co., Oakland, Md., | phone DE 4-2643 evenings and | i\"(‘(‘!@(‘!\(l.‘h —Adv. 40-tf | FOR SALE -srmstrong room ! | heater, 70,000 BTU, fan and Honey-] } well controls, used one winter only, | 1 $90.00. May be inspected at The | ' Republican, Second St., Oakland. | —Adv. 27-if ' | LTI TN TT L IS T W T 7SO N sit - | | | FOR SALE | \ Sncw Blowers and Snow Blades. ; 1 Brenneman Form Supply ' ' Keyser Ridae i | Phone VAlley 6-8326 | e e e— . TWO FARMS FOR SALE—One' ir)n route 219 about 2 miles north‘ i"f Oakland: one about 3 milcsl southeast of Oakland on Finger- | ' board road. Can be financed for | ;’sm:xl! down payment. Contact DE | ' 4-2564. —Adv. 24-tf | . FOR SALE—Small farm consist- | ing of some 36 acres, bank barni \40“3!. 10-room house with l)ath,| full bascment with hot air coal fur-' ‘naco. all modern conveniences. | ' Borders on Rts. 135 and 38, 6 miles | from Deep Creek Lake. Mrs. R. L. | Scbold. Deer Park. —Adv. 14tf | | | ' NOTICE l Pursuant to Sections 161A-161KK -of Article 23 of the Annotated Code jnl' Maryland, the Board of Build inZ., Savings and Loan Association {(,‘nmmissiun(-r.\: intends to adopt |thv following Regulation at its’ meeting on Thursday, January 9, }1961 at 1:30 p. m.. in Room 1405 of’ ' the State Office Building, 301 West | | Preston Street, Baltimore, Mary-l ' land, 21201. Any interested party | may submit his views cither orally E()r in writing, at such time, pro | vided that such party file with | the Board, no later than Friday, December 27, 1983, written notice of his intention to protest. The proposed regulation reads as | follows: 108.5 Filing of Continuation, Re newal or Verification Certificate Kach association shall annually file with the Department, within thirty (30) days after the promium' anniversary date of its bond, :ll certificate from the surety or bond-! ing company, which shall (~ontain’ the follewing information: 1. The number of the bond. | 2. The current penalty or face amount of the bond. 3. A statement that the bond is currently in full force and (\ffccll and contains the provisions re-! quired by 108.2. 4. The premium anniversary date of the bond and, if the bond is is sued for a definite term, the date on which the renewal term will end. 5. The date of issuance of the certificate. €. All certificates shall be duly signed by an authorized repre sentative of the surety or bonding compainy. ‘ 108.51 In the event an associa tion has prepaid its bond premium for a period in excess of one year, and appropriate evidence of such foet is furnished the Department, the provisions of 108.5 may be com plied with by filing the certificate within thirty (30) days after the expiration of any such prepaid period. —Adv. 41-2 t TRESPASS NOTICE No hunting or {trespassing on the land of Thomas J. Johnson, lo cated in District 14. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. —Adv. 40-2 t ASSIGNEF’S SALE| | —OF VALUABLE 3 REAL ESTATE | 1 Situate In The Town Of Crel-| lin, Election District No. i 14, Garrvett County, Maryland l —_— ! Under and by virtue of a power ‘m' sale contained in a certain mortgage from Allen F. Armstrong | to Kray Coal Company, Inc., dmv(l‘; the 15th day of January, 1961, and recorded in Liber R. L. D. No. 233, | folio 283, one of the Mortgage ! Records of Garrett County, Mary-| land, default having occurred un-| der the terms and conditions ofl said mortgage, and said mortgage | being duly assigned to the under-| signed for the purpose of fm'('-! closure, I hereby give notice that, I will on ] SATURDAY, THE 21st DAY OF DECEMBER, 1963 At the Hour of 11:00 A. M., E.S.T. on the property hereinafter (los-l cribed, offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest l)id-’ der, the following property, to-wit: All that piece or parcel of lnnd‘ situate, lying and being in the town of Crellin, Election District INo. 14, Garrett County, Maryland, which is known and designated as Lot No. 9, which is particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at an iron pipe stand ing in the east margin of the Pres ton Railroad right-of-way, said pipe standing North 22° 31' East 60.35 feet, thence North 21° 52’ East 80.22 Ifcot from the second corner of the parcel of land that was con -Iveyed by John A. Connell, et al, to the Trustees of the Mcthodist‘ Episcopal Church of the United States of America, by deed dated June 29, 1896, and recorded in Liber 30, folio 382, one of the Land Records of Garrett County, Mary land, and running thence from saidl beginning iron pipe, with the cast| margin of the Preston Raih‘oa(ll right-of-way, North 17° 38 East 165.95 feet to an iron pipe, lhenc(-i North 78° 20’ East 16.75 feet to an { iron pipe, thence South 30° 30 | East 14860 feet to an iron pipe, thence South 76° 44" West 14590 feet to the beginning, containing 0.27 of an acre, more or less. Excepting, however, all coal, gas, oil and other minerals andi | mineral substances underlying said Ipropm‘ly and also a certain l‘ightl of way over the same for water| 'and sewer lines. i Together with all right, title and | interest of the said Allen F. Arm | strong in and to certain water fl'ighlw‘ to the said town of Crellin. i The above described property is the same which was conveyed to the said Allen F. Armstrong by | deed from Kray Coal C()mpany.! Ilnc.. dated January 15, 1961, and| recorded in Liber R. L. D. No. 232, | }folio 437, one of the said Land| Records. I The above deseribed property is improved with & two-story frame ((l\\'clling containing eight rooms and bath in good condition. Terms of sale: Cash on day 01“ sale. State and county taxes will bej adjusted to date of sale. | i Stephen R. Pagenhardt, Assignee for the Purpose l of Foreclosure lm-Adv. 39-4 t. i I COMMISSIONERS' MEETING ‘ { NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN} | That the Board of County Com | missioners for Garrett County, IMarylamd, will be in session ior! | the transaction of all routine lbusinoss that may properly come) | before them on | MONDAY AND TUESDAY | DECEMBER 16 and 17 i By order of the Board MRS. VIRGINIA FIZER l Clerk | | |3. : - X | B Pee B { X hy Y e b B , ComEml | | ','fl R | monthly payment ) 1l A a ean wipe out ; § , . —~ , ‘ | 8 ik "i 4 | t S s R e, \ | B an - kil : ‘fT ; ; A [ | g 5 ) 3 . TS TTR v s T R 3 IR & ’ AT | | . | i 3 ' o i E 2 | ! i Add up all you owe on installment purchases, arrange a UFC | CONSOLIDATICN LOAN and pay everything off. Then you make | only one convenient monthly payment instead of 5, 10 or more! ' And you pay UFC less than you're paying now! Loans from £4BO to $1,500 made on automobiles, farm or other equipment, livestock, trucks and Ist and 2nd mortgages l‘ on real estate only. How Much Do . Hrathin CASH YOU GET You Need? " 12 18 24 See samplc‘ of pay- " | Mos. Mos. Mos. ment table for amounts S2O [seeee. 5i.... § 40320 meeteas | B un 25 08 ; ; 2. 635. : w'det "a"etg - - SSO | 544.00 799.00 1032.00 QP §S Che S6O | 656.80 961.20 1238.40 ment plans. Then for . ! fast service phone or - " visit our office today. Above leans made on Industrial Finance Law | We Are Open Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri.,, 9 to § Thurs., 9to 12 Sat.,9to 1 UNITY FINANCE CO. 217 East Alder Street Oakland, Md. DE 4-3935 RIS AL NI A4 ST USSP N RGN T UGS WO I T SRR SN LW7 SO Se VT IS, ST WTS 0, PAGE FIFTEEN ! . ! Public Sale | OF ! . v tf ’ Dairy Cows & Hetifers | e ! | At the V. J. Luecas dairy farm, located one mile north of Graf ton, W. Va., just off route 50, en t SATURDAY, THE 21st DAY OF DECEMBER, 1963 Beginning at 1 o'clock P. M. LIVESTOCK [ Twenty-one head Holstein Cows {ages 4 to 8 years old: 4 Guernse: I(‘m\'s:. 12 Cows just fresh, Calves lI)y side; 3 head Ayrshire Cows, |2 Guernsey Cows, balance to {resh len in January and February; 6 | 2-year-old Heifers to freshen in |l“obru;n':\‘. 17 head Holstein Heif jers, ages 8 menths to 2 years old; | & Holstein Steers, wt. 893 to 1000 Ilbs, Herd TB and Bangs tested. i Two thousand bales good mixed | hay. TERMS OF SALE: Cash. JACK LUCAS, Owner Grafton, W, Va. [ Phone Grafton 788-R Ira Mahaffey, auctioneer Terra Alta, W. Va. Phone 3231 —-Adv. 41-2 t ——————————————— NOTICE TO CREDITORS THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscriber has obtained from the Or phans’ Court for Garrett County, Mary land, Letters Testamentary on the es tate of DANIEL 8. LICHTY late of Garrett County, Maryland, de ceused. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof duly authenticated, to the subseriber, on or before the 28th day of May, 1964: they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All per sons knowing themselves indebted to sail estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 26th day of November, 1963, VERNIE LICHTY Executrix Route 2, Oakland, Maryland Ih:m~ of Ist. publication: Nov. 28, 1963 | Adv. 39-3¢. | NOTICE 1o CREDITORS THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subseriber has obtained from the Or. phans’ Court for Garrett County, Mary land, Letters of Administration on the cstate of GLEN S. HOCKMAN inte of Garrett County, Maryland, de ceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof dluly I:nxthonticnwl. to the subseriber, on or before the 12th day of June, 1964: they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons | knowing themselves indebted to said estate are reouested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 10th day of Deceember, 19635 ALTHA COLLIER Administratrix Accident, Maryland Date of Ist pubiication: Dee. 12, 1963 Adv. 41-3 t. I'red A. Thayer, Assignee for the pur- I pose of foreclosure ‘ VB. |}'v-'h-“ . DeWitt and Margaret DeWitt, | his wife 'Nn. 5264 Equity. In the Circuit Court for Garrett County, Maryland. ORDER NISI 1t is ordered this 27th day of Novem ber, 1963 by the Circuit Court for Gar rett County, Maryland, in Equity, that the sule made and reported of the prop erty mentioned in these proccedings by Fred A. Thayer, Assignee, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary Ilh('ru-f be shown on or before the 23rd day of December, 1963, provided a copy of this order be inserted in some news paper printed in Garrett Countv, Mary land, once a weck for three successive weeks before the 13th day of December, 1063, The report states the mmount of sale to [l(' £3,000.00. Richard IL. Davis, Clerk True Copy. Test: Richard L. Davis, Clerk. Adyv. 39-3¢. TRESPASS NOTICE All persons are hereby warned not to .enter upon, C€ross over, or in any manner trespass upon the property of the undersigned lo cated along Fingerboard road, ex cept by written permission. Charles W. Newhall, Rt. 1, Oakland, Maryland. | —Adv. 40-3t* T ———)