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PAGE TWO Accident PPersonnals Any used clothing or toys that anyone would want to donate to the Salvation Army. please contaet Mrs. Benj. Rush, Accident, Md., phone VA 6-8145. The Grace Brethren Church of Flatwoods will hold its Christmas program on Sunday evening, De cember 22, The Bear Creck Church of the Brethren will hold its Christmas program on Sunday evening, De cember 22, There will be recita tions and a play “The House On the Rock.” Mrs. Eugene Georg and infant daughter, Lisa Lynn, returned home last Thursday from Meyers dale Community hospital Robert Bowman, of Baltimore, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Deal and friends. Jesse Bradford and son, of Mitch ellville, Md., spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Rush and family. George Deal, of Baltimore, and Fred Deal, of Newark, 0., spent several days with their grand mother, Mrs. Emma Deal. Now at Martin’s. .. Robin Hood e ...... .25 B LY Remarkable—2'2 can . ... ... Argo s .......7T coms 1O Mi-Choice Salad Dressing. . .qt. 35¢ Golden Mayonnaise .....qt. 49¢ Baker’'s Semi-Sweet 6 oz. pkag. Chocolate 8it5.....2 39c Baker’s Coconut ...... .pkg. 29¢ Cracker Jacks. . .. .3/25¢ Luden’s Assorted Gum Drops... .2 Ibs. 45¢c Kraft 10 oz. pkg. Marshmallows ......19¢ Kraft Caramels .. .2 pkgs. 69¢ Hipolite Marshmaliow Creme. .19¢ - C. P. Martin DE 4-2115 MT. LAKE PARK, MD. 135 [)j//z/ Restaurant oot |A [ o ] Lake Park, Md. S . \,s\_;7 @_gj ‘ Day apd Night ’ On Md. Rt. 135 | \g R2=" til ? Our “"Welcome Mat"” Is Out To All HUNGRY DEER HUNTERS Stop In For Tasty Snacks And Dinners R Lt ol >g e N - stainless AAEACTIIINT by. /MEASURING | ! . ~-~ 'H'.‘\ \[' ”””fl; \, l,: ‘”lff’f @ & i) )\ with Hanging Rack Gleaming stainless ; steel adds a bright €& & decorator note to y 4 any kitchen. Highly ¥wa polished cups in 1, & " %, % and Y 2 cup 8 . ( sizes. Stainless rack. l % i utility and beauty combined! A. D. Naylor & Co. Established 1884 LIBERTY STREET OAKLAND, MD. I Wayne Smith, of Alexandria, Va., i spent several days with Mr. and |Mm Kenneth Keller. | Mr, and Mrs. Erman Frazee vis | ited Mrs. Glenn Fraiz and family cn Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Deane Rush and family and Mrs. Margaret Rush "were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. iand Mrs. Dale Rush and son. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Goehringer were Sunday afternoon visitors of | Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Zinkan. | Mrs. Naomi R. Dixon was a Wednesday and Thursday after noon visitor of Mrs., Earl Deal. Mrs. Harold Georg, Mrs. Artie | Burkhart, Mrs. Homer Deniker | and Mrs. Waldo Zinkan were shop ping in Cumberland. on Monday. i Mrs. Sarah Zinkan spent the l\-.'ovk-ond with her son-in-law and l(l:m,','htnr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Het rick, of Frostburg. l Mrs. Clarence Deal, Mrs. Emma |Doal. George Deal and Fred Deal i were Friday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Darius Fike. Saturday and Sunday visitors of Mrs. Eugene Georg and infant daughter Lisa, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Deal, were Mr. and Mrs. Darius Fike, Mrs. Emma Deal, Mrs. Ray Artice and son, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith and son, Mrs. Mitchell Rush, Mrs. Dores Hanline and son, Mrs. Allan Fratz and daughter, Mrs. ' Glen Schlosnagle and son, Mr. and ers. Donald DeWitt and son, of Gaithersburg; Mr. and Mrs. Wil | liam Beckman and daughters, of !()aklzm(l; Mr. and Mrs. Ike Tur ney, Mt. Lake Park: and Fred Deal, of Newark, O. ) George Deal, Robert Bowman, of Ballimore: Fred Deal, of New-, ark, O.: Earl Deal, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Richter were Saturday eve- Inim{ visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Deal and family. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fratz and family and Paul Fike were in Cum berland on Wednesday. George Deal, of Baltimore, and Mrs. Emma Deal and granddaugh ter, Mary Ellen, were Sunday din ner guests of Mr., and Mrs. Clar ence Deal and family. Mrs. Glen Fratz, Marjorie and Connie, visited Mrs. Margaret Rush, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeWitt were Sunday dinner guests of Mr., and Mrs. Kenneth Keller and fami ly. ' Ralph Kolbfleisch spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Rush. ' Mr. and Mrs. Deane Rush and l family visited Mrs. Margaret Rush Friday evening. | Joe Miller spent the week-end |\‘.‘itil Junior Upole. | Mr. and Mrs. Darius Fike vis- Church School Program | Set For Sunday, Dec. 15 | St. Mark's Evangelical l,uflwran{ chureh, Oakland, will present its annual Sunday Church school Christmas pageant on Sunday, De cember 15, at 7 p. m, The title of the play is “Lo, He | Comes.” It is based on ancient| symbols and antiphons used by | the early church in observance ()fj Christmas. All children from thc| Sunday School will participate in‘ the presentation which involves several speech choirs and nm‘rn-:! tors. John Sanders, Harry Fox,| Susan Glotfelty and Teresa Pritts, are the narrators. —_———— AURORA - EGLON ; e ! Mr. and Mrs. David Stemple, of | Aurora, left by plane on Saturday | for Florida to attend a National| Milk Producers Federation meet ing. The Stemples were the win ners for this district. Mrs. Sadie Gnegy, of Red House, is helping care for their children at the home of the paternal grandparents, Mr. | and Mrs. Fred Stemple, Aurora. i Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Selders, | Aurora, spent the week-end at the home of their son and daughter-in law, Mr. and Mrs. William Selders in Morgantown. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Fike, Morgan town, visited Sunday at the home of the former’'s sister, Mrs. Mary Snyder, Brookside. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pusey moved on Friday from their home in Youghiogheny Forest to the Don Wotring home on Mt. Top. The Wotrings are temporarily residing in Kingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slawter, Au- | rora, have been notified of the| change of address of their son,| Pvt. Henry Slawter, RA13757636, HO and HO 7th Ord. Bn., Home stead AFB, Florida. The third and final “drink” of the Sabin cral vaccine will be given at the Aurora school on Sun day, December 15, from 1 p. m. to 4 pm Mr. and Mrs. Harley Donham and family, of Frankford, spent the holiday vacation and also the past week-end at their respective homes near Eglon. Russell Beckman, son of Mrs. May Beckman and the late Ken neth Beckman, of Eglon, left on December 3, for Fort Jackson, S. C. Jackie Snyder, of the U. S. army left recently for Germany. His wife and two children accompanied him. Paul Dixon, Jr., who resides near Eglon, is a patient in Garrett County Memorial hospital after having been accidentally shot in the hip. His condition is satisfactory. His wife and infant son are staying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dixon, Oakland. Mrs. George Lipscomb, of Mt Top, fell and broke her arm, on Saturday, at her home. Her arm| will remain in a cast for six to} eight wecks. | John Beckman, Awurora, was| taken by ambulance on Monday lo; Preston County Memorial hospital, | where he is a medical patient. Mrs. Lester Wilt, Mrs. Melvin Harsh and Rev. Galen Fike, of Eg lon, accompanied by Ernest Spoer lein, Oakland, went Saturday to] Bridgewater college, Bridgewater, | Va., where they attended meetings.' In the evening, Rev. Fike and Mr. Spoerlein attended a basketball game in which Bridgewater triumphed over Randolph Macon. Saturday evening, Mrs. Wilt and Mrs. Harsh visited Mr. and Mrs. Bllis Harsh, who were formerly 01" this area, but who presently live | in Bridgewater. | Miss Judith Marie Fike, Eglon, was honored by a surprise birth day party, on her 17th birthday, given by her parents on Sunday, December 8. The party was at-| tended by thirty members from her high school class, Sunday School class, and the CBF. _..____._.___o.____.—__—- GRANTSVILLE COMMUNITY SALE Hogs: top barrows and gilts, 14.90 to 16.50; hvy. butcher, 12.30 to 16.50; light butcher, 10.25 to 15.10; butcher sows, 11.90 to 14.00; feeder shoats, | 425 to 7.25. ! Veal: good, 30.00 to 36.25; stand- | ard, 24.00 to 28.00; utility, 5.00 to 16.00. Sheep and Lambs: utility, 15.00 to 18.70; slaughter ewes, 6.80. Steers: good, 2100 to 22.70; standard, 17.50 to 19.00; utility, 16.00 to 17.00. | Heifers: standard, 18.25 to 19.90; | utility, 14.00 to 16.25. | Cows: commercial, 13.50 to 14.50; | utility, 11.50 to 12.00; canner and | cutter, 8.40 to 10.00. Bulls: commercial and good, 16.00 to 18.60; cutter and utlity, 12.70 to 14.00. Eggs: jumbo, 42 to 52c¢; large, 40 to 48¢; medium, 32 to 38c. i - ited the latter’s mother, Mrs. Em-| ma Deal on Monday. i Ray Artice and Alvie McCombie | were Thursday dinner guests of| Mrs. Laura McCombie. i With our low prices, you can save extra money far that Christmas shopping, Economv offers vou the lowest prices pos sible. Check these specials for the week-end and then shop Econ omy and save. PICNIC Fresh Pork Sausage.. 3 !bs. 1.00 HAN’S Bacon Ends . ...... .4 IBs 10D Pork Liver ........ 32 obs. | B 3 ¢ Bolsgne ...........3 sIB b DS fih ek Sin ... &K B —Saturday Lunch Special— . & Young Roast Turkev and Dressing, .TOXI Servuce Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Kraut, Roll and Butter, Coffee. @ Christmas Cards 59¢ =EN L PR~ ® Christmas Candy | Banana SPHE ... .. c.oiio .00 29C OAKLAND, MD. DE 4-3547 THE REPUBLICAN, OAKLAND, MARYLAND. DIED MRS. JAMES L. KITZMILLER Mrs. Helen Lecna Kitzmiller, aged 84, died suddenly last Wed nesday, December 4, at her home in Keyser, W. Va, Born near Shaw, W. Va, she was a daughter of the late John and Helen L. Dixon Dixon. Mrs. Kitzmiller was the widow of James L. Kitzmiller, and formerly re sided at Emoryville and Shaw. Surviving are three nieces, Mrs. Rosa Green, route 1, Elk Garden; Mrs. Myrtie Junkins and Mrs., Ma bel Junkins, both Keyser. Services were conducted Satur day afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Nethken Hill Methodist church by R. Robert Armentrout. Burial was in Kalbaugh cemetery. MRS. E. G. MEYER Mrs. Gertrude Veronica Meyer, aged 77, widow of E. G. Meyer, died Sunday, December 8, at her home in Davis, W. Va. Born at Kersey, Pa., she was a daughter of the late Paul A. and Rosina Krause Hivick. Mrs. Meyer was a member of St. Veronica Catholic church. Surviving are three sons, H. W (Jim) Meyer and Paul Meyer, both of Davis; Charles Meyer, Oakland; four daughters, Mrs. Mary Marshai, Washington; Miss Rose Meyer, Davis; Mrs. Katherine DeWitt, Morgantown; Mrs. Zita Rockwood. Daley City, Calif.; a sister, Mrs. Bertha Shea, Weston; and seven grandchildren. The body was taken to the home of her son, H. A. Meyer. A re quiem mass was celebrated Wed nesday morning at 10 o'clock at St. Veronica church by Rev. Fran cis A. Spillar. Burial was in Davis cemetery. FRANK S. MULL Frank S. Mull, aged 80 years, of Terra Alta, W. Va., died Friday, December 6, in Garrett County Memorial hospita! in Oakland. Deceased was a cattle dealer and was born in Somerset Township, Pa., January 6, 1883. He was a son of the late Gillian and Elizabeth Hay Mull. surviving are his wife, Olivette Muil, Terra Alta, W. Va.; one son, Elmer B. Muil, Pittsburgh, Pa.; one step-son, John C. Newman, Balti more; two daughters, Mrs. Rena Walker; North Canton, O.; Mrs. Mary Leighton, Oakland; one granddaughter, Miss Norma Jean Newman, at home; one brother, Charles Mull, Fricedens, Pa.; 7 grandchildren and 11 great grand chidren. 4 Mr. Mull was a member of the Somerset Ev. U. B. church, Somer set, Pa. Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon, December 8, at 1:30 o'clock from the Fike-Watson funeral home in Terra Alta, with Rev. W. C. Dunson and Rev. Robert L. Mocre officiating. Intermert was in Somerset county memorial park at Somerset. MRS. WILLIAM O. BITZER Mrs. Beulah Benton Bitzer, aged 81, of Mt. Lake Park, widow of William O. Bitzer, former trial magistrate at Oakland, died Wed nesday morning, December 11, in Garrett County Memorial hespital where she had been a patient for two days. She was a native of New Castle, Pa., a daughter of the late Harry and Emily Shaffer Porter. She was a member of St. Paul’'s Methodist church in Oakland. The last surviving member of her immediate family, she is sur vived by daughter, Mrs. Betty Lay hew, Brownsville, Pa.; four grand children and three great grandchil dren. The body was taken to the Min nich Funeral home in Oakland where funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Rev. Lawrence Sherwood, pastor, will officate and burial will be in Oak land cemetery. MRS. ANNA MAY LANDIS Mrs. Anna May Friend Landis. 77, died last night, December 11, in the Oak Rest Nursing home in Oakland where she had been a patient for five weceks. Mrs. Landis was a native of Swanton, a daughter of the late John B, and Harriett Comp Friend. She was the widow of Clyde Landis, Keyser, who died several years ago. She was a member of the Evan gelical United Brethren Chuich of Keyser, Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Rexroad, Mt. Lake Park; a son. Eden C. Landis, Keyser; nine grandchildren and two great grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Burr Savilie, Romney. The body was taken to the Leigh ton-Durst Funeral home in Oak land where services will be con ducted Friday afternoon at 2 o'- clock, with burial in the King cemetery near Loch Lynn. MISS HAZEL MILLER Miss Hazel Miller, aged 87, of Grantsville, died yesterday, Decem ber 11, at Meyersdale Community hospital where she was admitted on Tuesday. Born in this county she was a daughter of the late John and Lou vina Colflesh Miller. She was a member of the Casselman Menno nite church. Surviving are three brothers, Nevin and Elmer Miller, of Grants ville; Peter Miller, Oakland; two sisters, Mrs. Ethel Kinsinger, Well man, Iowa; and Miss Edith Miller, of Grantsville. The body was taken to the New man Funeral home in Grantsville where it will remain until Friday at noon when it will be taken to the Springs Mennonite church for a service at 2 p. m. Rev. Walter Otto and Rev. Roy Kinsinger will officiate. Interment will be in the cemetery at Springs, Pa. JOHN IRVIN SHAFFER John Irvin Shaffer, 43, of Deer Park, apparently died of an elec tric shock at the Chapel Coal com pany near Howesville, W. Va, around 3:45 Wednesday afternoon. He was taken to the Preston Me morial hospital where an attempt to revive him failed. He was transferred last evening to the West Virginia University medical center at Morgantown to determine the exact cause of death. A cable fell across the ma chine on which he was working. He was a veteran of World War 11, serving 26 months in the Euro pean theatre, and had been em ployed with the Chapel company for the past four years. The coal company has its main offices in Richwood, W. Va. He was a member of the Wood men of the World and the Nancy Hanks post 3518, VFW, Keyser, W. Va. He was born in Elk Garden, W. Va., March 28, 1920, a son of the late Benjamin and Elsie Barrick Shaffer. He is survived by his wife, Hazel Sweitzer Shaffer, Deer Park; one son, Benjamin E. at home; one daughter, Martha V., at home: one brother, Ward Shaffer, Kitz miller; four sisters, Mrs. Russell Adams, Mt. Morris, Pa.; Mrs. Lewis Barger, Arthurdale, W. Va.; Mrs. Thomas Henderson, Roswell, N. M.: and Mrs. David Sweitzer, Decer Park. The body was removed to the Minnich Funeral home in Oakland. It will be taken to the residence tomorow. Funeral services will be conducted Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the Deer Park Pente- - NOTICE - Tread Service will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, December 24 and 25 In Observance Of The Christmas Holidays Christmas Comes More Than Once A Year When You Give A to the NINE ADMISSIONS to Comedy. . Mystery... Tragedy Plays in the Blue Barn along the shores of beautiful Deep Creek Lake. Save $1.50 Over Regular Subscription SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GIFT SUBSCRIPTION s'| Mail To Garrett County Playhouse, Box 304, Oakland, or contact the Service Clubs of the area. !24 Deed Transfers 'Recorded In Week Twenty-four deed transiers were recorded in the office of ithe State Department of Assessments and Taxation in the Court House in Oakland during the past week. i’l‘hc_\' included the following: Andrew Koval and wife to Kirk Moore and wife, Baltimore, 2 lots and dwelling in distriet 1, Swanton, Allen L. McDaniel and wife to William L. Pugn and wife, Cum ]bvrlan(l, 2 lots and dwelling in dis triet 1. ; I Kathleen Winters to Charles W. !I\‘lalone and wife, Severn, .34 of an | acre of land in district 14, west Oakland. Herbert S. Ritchie and wife (o Richard N. Travis and wife, Oak :lan(l. 2 lots and dwelling in dis | trict 14. Kray Coal Company to Trustecs of the Terra Alta Circuit Par sonage of the Evangelical United | Brethren Church, 1 lot in district 'l4. Orville G. Stark and wife to Ira | Monn Stark and wife, Lonaconing, 15 acres of land and dwelling in district 15, Avilton. Harry F. Paugh and wife to Gil bert Newman Harvey and wife, Pittsburgh. Pa., 1 lot, dwelling and garage in district 10. Ernest L. Weise and wife and Roger K. McDonald and wife to Ellsworth Green and wife, Bethel Park, Pa., 9 of an acre of land in district 10. Alphonso T. Tasker and others to Ralph Pritts and wife, Oakland, 2 lots in district 16, Mt. Lake Park. James Paul Kemphfer, Jr., and i\\'ii‘e to Charlotte A. Kemphfer and ‘lhusband. Oakland, 1 lot and dwell -ling in district 7, east Oakland. I Richard N. Travis and wife to VY Harry L. Yost and wife. Oakland, 31 of an acre of land and dwelling lin district 7. i S. R. Pagenhardt, trustee, to Wil llard L. Donham and wife, Mt. | Lake Park, 3 lots and dwelling {and garage in district 16. S. R. Pagenhardt, trustee to | Lewis M. Donham and wife, Mu. Lake Park. 2 lots and dwelling in district 16. | Willard L. Donham and others {to S. R. Pagenhardt, trustee, 5 lots, l 2 dwellings and garage in district 16. Foster L. Thomas and wife to Marvin N. Thomas and wife, Friendsville, .92 of an acre of land and dwelling in district 2, Friends ville. George W. Mocon and wife to Donald R. Moon, Swanton, .34 of !un acre. of land and dwelling in | district 4, Blcomington. l Jeremiah Bell Tasker and others to Russell L. Tasker, trustee, and others (Tasker Cemetery), 1 acre of land in district 16. Virgil T. Steyer and wife to Virgil T. Steyer, Jr., Deer Park, 50 acres of land in district 3. Ryan’s Glade. Mason G. Gibbs to Elmer H. Hanft, Accident, 1.19 acres of land in district 2, Friendsville. Harry E. Dotson and wife to Glen A. Simpson and wife, Mt. ,costal church, the Rev. Gail Hixon, | pastor, officiating. Interment will lbe in Deer Park cemetery. The body will be taken to the church it 130 Extensicn Dates Listed Dates of Homemaker club moet ings and other extension service activities were listed this week by Miss Bthel Grove, home deron stration agent, j Dec. 15, Mcadow Glade club, 12 noon, for Christmas dinner at Faulkner's restaurant in Oakland. | Dec. 17, Swallow Falls club 1 p.‘ m., in basement of Deep Cr(‘('k‘ Baptist church for Christmas party. Bittinger club 1 p. m,, at home of Mrs. Lawrence Brenneman for a‘ Christmas program. } Lake Park, 1 lot and garage in dis {riet 16, | Jcseph A. Umbel and wife to Herbert R. Sanner and wife, Friendsville, 1 Ilot and small dwe ling in district 2. Manilla Friend and others to Waltcr M. Welch and wife, Bel Air, 1 lot and dwelling in distriet o Lelia M. Helbig and husband to Wiliam Howard Clary and wife, Mt. Lake Park, 2 lots in district 16. Loomis Ltd. to Vauda B. Mel iinger, Oakland, 1.79 acres of land and buildings in district 16. P Yy > ' i o 5 50U 8 T 48 o) o b o = RYRORHR VRORERUROR R YOUR PRESCRIPTION 1S g o 8 3 . . .ol YOUR PASSPORT TO HEALTH [ . When vou are sick vou should go t> a phy- g sician. After a careful analysis of your problem, pi 0 he prescrihes the one particular medication his d"“ R judgment decides is best for you. ER Your prescription is then prepared especially ~‘ for you. The physician specifies the exact dcsagye '-_' = a person of your weight should take. During ~'_‘ B your journey through life. your prescriptions are “?i:f,,-'; R your meoest important passports to better health. " o S D - v * .A L A great many people entrust us with their R. prescriptions, May we compound yours? R ' Gregg’s Pharmacy (2 8 s b G Oakland—334-9100 Terra Alta—442l R g “YOUR HEALTH IS OUR BUSINESS” “ =VA - so P Bi gt a _.‘ R K seelz TS RRLo e Y o THIS DRYER SAVES YOU IRONING! 3 ; B ——— I = m \\\ T et é//uv; sm& T e EE N L aeatIIRR . Gl TS \ | | | ety \\\\\\s&:_l\s_\ A LMK 1 SR SR ph MODEL KDE-42 : ’ s . v YWrinkle-Free Drying Special ij 2 & You iron for less when this new Keivinator dries your clothes. Many things need only “touch-up” irening, or none at ali. For wash 'n’ wear. a specia! cycie takes out wrinkles, but keepos in pre-set ereasss. P o Triple sa'e"~usn3~esaf¢“‘.°"‘, PrICL Lt TLI Only & SR TN e Completely Installed LT L A p;ei_’.’ Df,‘es.c'mh‘ theml S 7YY T “r’ae: Kelvinator bri:\gs you greater RN S’ value! TR, ; SPRCRERATL L Instead of making costly annual mode: o Lifetime LT L Lot changes, Kelvinator concentrates on basic ; Y il improvements, bringing them to you just P W CONCMI BAR TR as soon as they are tested and approved. o L'f)l LI e 5 Because of this Constant Basic Improve- ' et SR Y ment program, you are always sure of Tt Ry the newest with Kelvinator! ALDER ST. OAKLAND, MD. DE 4-3381 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1963 Dec. 18, McHenry ciub 1 p. m, tin Ev. U. B. church basement. A | cident club, 7:30 p. m,, in fire hall :Zn(' Christmas part Dec. 19, Oakland club, 7:30 p. m, | at home of Mrs. H. GG. Gortner for | Christmas party | Feuous MAYTAS qualily, . - gt deodsonly | (T6=4 ’ (’.’s‘: ? MA “ ; WMHER' ' “ | ‘ - Megtigwstsm-wade Trms. | B [tyeabudgitd A. D. Naylor & Co. .. Liberty Street L y - Rolyan’s Third Street i OAKLAND, MARYLAND ‘—“