Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1963 - . 22 Marriage Permits Granted Past Week Twenty-two marriage licenses were issued during the past week ending Monday morning, Decem ber 9, from the office of Richard 1.. Davis, clerk of the Circuit court. This brought the total for December thus far to 24. Three of the licenses issued were marked “don’t publish.” Robert J:mes Wilson, 21, stock manager, Cassville, W. Va., and Mabel Loretta Garrison, 18, Mor gantomn, W. Va. Clyde Wilmer Van Gilder, Jr., 21, laborer, near Catawba, W. Va,, and Sylvia Jean Carpenter, 19, near Fairmont, W. Va. Edward Lee Collins, 19, (par ent’s consent), no occupation, near Confluence, Pa., and Carol Diane Colflesh, 16. (parent’'s consent) Contluence, Pa. Arden Deaole Huffman, 20, (par ent’s consent), construction work er, Harman, W. Va., and Patsy Yvonne Cork, 18, Glady, W. Va. Edward Allen Mitcheltree, 17, (parent’s consent), student, near Sharpsville, Pa., and Gail Elaine Pearce, 16, (parent’s consent), Sharon, Pa. Robert Lee Dillard, 18, (parent’s consent), laborer, and Barbara Jean Davis, 17 (parent’'s consent), both Clarksburg, W. Va. Bruce Elwood Propst, 25, truck driver, Franklin, W. Va., and Betty Louise Eye, 20, Hinton, Va. “ Thomas Bayard Lentz, 18, (par ent's consent), logger, Irwin, Pa., and Beverly Gail Hamilton, 19, Larimer, Pa. | Robert Ellis Hall, 21, farmer, and Nancy Elizabeth Piper, 18, both Mt. Morris, Pa. | William Jordan Keefe, 28, self employed, and Doris Jean Gardili, 28, both Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 Archie Lee Koontz, 50, retired, and Mary Margaret Harker, 20, both Fairmont, W. Va. Thomas Elisworth Gorbey, 36, bus driver, near Morgantown, W. Va.,, and Gloria Eileen Hilling, 32, Morgantown, W. Va. Alfred Junior Glover, 29, r()()for.‘ and Wilma Jean Dunn, 20, both near Morgantown, W. Va. : “Raymond Edward Landman, 20 (parent’s consent), laborer, and Eleanor Faye Butler. 18, both near Lament Furnace, Pa. | Richard Lee Cozad, 21, lubm'C".| L.umberport, W. Va., and Regena Lou Law, 21, Hepzibah, W. Va. ‘ John Harold Snyder, 21, laborer, Hutton, and Patty Lou Bowman, 18, Oakland. ‘ Holmes Burkholder, 63, (‘zu'mcr.‘ near Grantsville, and Bertha Ellcu: Deal, 72, Addison, Pa. | Alba Myrl Willis, 56, factory su-| perintendent, Elkins, W. Va. and © \ Y N\ ‘ NN N % \\ \/// ! \\ \a MULANMNNN KNOCH ON ALL DOORS THEN SEE CASSELM&%TOR co. FOR THE BEST DEAL YOU CAN GET! This is the year to compare. This is the year to see why more people buy new CHEVRO LETS and CHEVY TRUCKS than any other. CASSELMAN MOTOR CO. will be happy to show you why—and show you how easy it is to go CHEVY. Ty e gt e ... sbeaialll . = . ... = 55 Che et 4 Door ¢ e . = 5 Sotzfiilon Wagoen ...... s3nn - Eil.;fi:;:g:)etCoupc $895 ¥ ;?;?ion Wagon s3s[] e .. TRUCKS B sst can .DN 5l 1 s T R 1 - :’grr::‘L 18 I;)::lidcrs s 3203 ... = s ot T e \glla‘tliyosn Wagon . X 330[] Motor Company YP7 . - Grantsyille, Maryland ATy I‘\/lnrian Hutton, 52, Huttonsville, W, a. | Billy Carl Haught, 23, barber, near Fairview, W. Va,, and Betty | Alice Stiles, 19, near Spraggs, Pa. | Licenses Recently Issued Clifford Dale McGuire, Jr.,, 22, laborer, and Belty Lee Simmons, 19, both Freeport, Pa. Ronald Dale Hall, 20, (parent’s consent) trackman, and Patricia Ann Schroyer, 18, both Connellsville, Pa. Kenneth Negly McDowell, 25, filling station operator, and Mary Ellen Ingram, 27, both Fairmont, (W, Va, ! Marvin Ray Myers, 20, (parent’s consent) hospital maintenance, and Cellene Donnell Zirkle, 17, (parent’s consent) both Belington, W. Va. | Harold Vinton Landon, 28, heater, and Barbara Gail Hartzell, 19, both Alliance, O. James Ray Wright, 24, mainten ance man, near Fairmont, W. Va,, and Katherine Marie Howvalt, 18, Reedsville, W. Va. | Clifford Junior Daniels, 20, (par ent’s consent) insurance agent, '"¥lkins, W Va . and Barbara Diana Layman, 19, Fairmont, W, Va. | Ciaylon Marchant Bane, 23, stu-| dent. and JoAnne McLaughlin, 17, (parent’s consent) both Wollsburg,} W. Va. . Patrick Daniel Raines, 23, tire recapper, and Jo Anne Propst,, 21, both Brandywine, W. Va. l | Richard Lee Evans, 19, (parent’s 'consent( construction worker, and | | Delores Ann Martin, 19, both Gm‘-l ;m:min. W. Va., residing in Garrett' L county. Haydn Robert Jones, 19, (par ent's consent) student, and Terry ‘l"mncos Smith, 18, both Morgan town, W. Va. l | Doy Morgan Richards, Jr., 21, ilj. S. Navy, Mahone, W. Va.,, and Barbara Anne Jack, 18, near Cairo, ' 'W. Va. Chauncey Andrew Beardsley, 21, lgzn'a;.v man, and Nancy Lou Swa ger, 18, both Warren, O. | . SUNNYSIDE ‘ Harlen Stahl and son, of Balti-l more; Mrs. Josephine Ladd and lson. of Shepherdstown, W. Va; Miss Sharon Lantz, Warrenton, Va.; Ispvm the Thanksgiving holiday with their mother and grandmoth er, Mis. Effie Stahl. Others visiting in the Stahl home were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Savage and children and Mrs. Merle Stemple. Aiiss Denise Arnold, of Mt. Lake Park, spent one day recently visit ing Miss Kimberley Stahl. Allen Ladd and Gary Stahl were overnight guests of Kevin and Kristen Stahl during the holiday week-end. Mrs. Grace Myers. of Farming ton, W. Va., spent a few weeks re cently visiting Mrs. Effie Stahl. Mrs. Myvers is visiting friends and relatives in Terra Alta. | Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wiltrout and children, of Eighty-Four, Pa.;| Mr. and Mrs. Chester Silfies and l.!.xync Ann, of Deemston, Pa., and Mrs. Cecelia Silfies and daugh- Ilvr Virginia, Fredericktown, Pa., spent the holiday week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stahl and family. Mrs. Effie Stahl received word -.~-_‘| .-..‘ .."‘-\1 .)‘ .:... . . ¢ PLI B e L el L J gt ™S A SRR e T \ ' . : sao s . '_-‘::.‘:.j.;:;‘-"é £.. Ve TR A NS et RNy Y $Lt , £s SN LSRR R, e2 S E S . T T T S e NS e N Clieos \-‘..:;;f'.%_:ta-.n-u .R : 6 ‘-: ."‘:.:::.“..::':_':._"E‘:‘::,‘.',:._;'::. ..: ; . :" ~ = . : el_ :'."’“‘:\""6'o\s"::—-'-‘-"" \.o .! ié—?“\? :' i i /o o '.:t’.:"‘ -:’._.. e .\. ..-~,~. 2 : g'.‘ . .‘_‘: ...:.‘..‘:':::\‘_':‘:“ “"'.“S. i e “-: ‘-:‘- ‘%4 . z . ‘~_J'~'~":--."."."; cereossere® 8 "..‘ s.\ ‘l‘-‘:'i_;f;,': ; - .- 2 ..‘ ..-‘. S 0 o ‘~. -. e .. e . “-':-_-_ T= < = . A g‘ AN s Q §s 2 .._.’ i i ‘.. -."‘ ol .- “a:-‘." ':E:ZE:-‘.".‘ .S A . . %'.. - l'.- E:"~' oR [N (-". 5 ~\. 1," . ' ,' 'e . p ..".::..:':‘:_":':.‘.-:.‘:-‘Z:: .‘. . ..- L. L . -. . c\q. ~:‘= . . S y ; 4 . ":"‘:'. ::,':' % l Te's Christ™* A Y S (Chnrm s ’ 0 o e ob v % ~ 4 " 5 .: N oy et -1 : s } o g: ’ d : : -~ !a@ X . 3 % & l TEEw e . SR = ; & . M . e ? L . - ""H-P" performs sheer magic \ ‘5 & ’) ; ]ER &7, \ o 5N * N &f} ' g ':5:;;’ 5 A GIFT FOR H '.,’— ; f .\\. famous%r avm sPe.. LS ‘ ; headlined <" with an extra large choice o Y, errerteemeai ¥ | % Tl o, More than 20 beautiful styles .. . di 5 W . SetTN Y I . gty ; ) & e bt L and KODEL. Cardi- b : W 2 eiR ot . Nk 2 23 \& it R A he luxurious WOOL a ; i R : : for Christmas. (‘\ NG a @ . s K Pe o LY t(?llustrc:ted left) in a sparkling Cl"'(ro\k O.t TH gift selections k‘l‘(.‘i:‘. \\\\\\‘\ i ,’_/,.-.-‘ N & il T .; R . gan igns. Bulky-Kni SO\ . : —-%r- P=PR TR ‘Z’ . d Jac uard deslgn & SSI \~SNLY . s ot 0%, *tee Lo R lid colors an q . & fashions o\ Wty !'f . .S e e J%fi :”x %: i ;(;l:der and glossy, singed-wood buttons ;f‘f* A wonderland of family fash “"\3-}\“\"{ 4 @ . .}“ 9 u"s‘fi}vh :A,“ 57 o 7 : % R .& A . m; \e A b . 79 5 OTHER STYLES ¥ ... each one aglow with the J s LR < SI 4.98 to 5. T : —y ¢ 7§ :;; t 34 to 40 . . S happiness of the Holiday season. . 7"y e 5 A . = R & G ; !"‘ 7 4‘4 . APN| G i ft' ’Hi mA D ress Sv t fANVsP&A\ £g S, v eese S ; 0 N NN AN 1B LB T Thaaes M g ford cloth and bro i P\ A (f G . B ! / forized, fine combed Ox llars witt \ N ?}K " “‘}9}6 a8 GIF T FOR H’M i Snowsoxh?frg Button-down collars and spread co N \:% ;&Fz\’ /e (4 i ‘{% % "‘X B some °e7;‘;if,“"s"'-’. and_ruggeq,, hong. B & i;;ECK SIZES 14 To 17 09 G Ylren | S asd J i \ ’:’rgf'ed above Gt; ;l;f) i‘;”dEOn (illys. B - * 198 N\ iQe fit..‘,:/ 2 ; .. )o el wcenws Dress Shirts s"w & % b We;fsorwi(e2~fign ’Og % thCHond wool f i X a o Snug_fitg: 4 44 O ) W[ oo e g Sport Shirts 4 w - fi/ o 3 3 & 3 &3 ot \ & SMA‘:#S E | election of long sleeve styles .. . incluod(; .v :o " f tion : o UM xtra orlqe SEit s tton-down or spre ¢ ‘K 7 fremendous Se‘;:l rkas LARGE 8- 9 5 ing f°m°“sh' D.O”, R“;,‘:;de?s"",ffi—; thtjipgs with Hi-boy Roll 2 ;&"k’ G ’ llars, authentic Ivy ’ S OIS, i : Women's & Girls 3 me“ S LQMb's W, EO : leeve patches .. . and many . o (Wo Car Couts i swe"en °°’ and Orlop, collars onfj sle . 1.98 to 3.98 i Sfl'E'l'Ch Pants & &' &5 eßk | Men’s sizes SSM-L .. . . 148 to 2.98 b d Slacks ' ¥ 6 9 A- .. / Boys’ sizes 6tolß .. . ; Tupere -. W& 5 - 6.95 , (3 Paien ‘b- NP 7 ear "4\ 75 ob WOO', 25 C,’O Nylonh . % : Girls', 3.98 to Z __': oy Lo 4 ~ PRt } /Lo —3\ g‘ R 5 ble reinforced self stir- oA i& / ST =e, am[ ’ 'K” i} 12 ‘ ';J'/."-'-;; k;‘,', b ~;‘ RoR Ui \ OLi Bk Blue, Loden, GreY, : ‘ % /’e“,‘T_— / g Al T*ely3 %‘* RN rups. e ’ond Brown, -k Me“’s Rev Qm\é e e & G. $< R vel’m| : 795 B 5 i SR AR e 7 ives k- A MEN’S 4t A+ “000/o Ny\?‘z - TRAVEL-TESTED L“99°93Ml;':‘°e;v SR E’.’ffia e ... 2‘98 2 3Ne. A i y : S ) qres: Mt -t ol Mirrored Train Cases ...... 9.95 A T . ¥ / e 1 ° N i; " ¢¢BOv e . g P Boys' sizes 8e o ‘)K e 21" Week-End Cases .. ... 12.95 ilv} : p ] e S R 3 ¥By >ol ° ib o . %sS 5T W i 25" Tourist Cases ....... Member Of Your Family:: szl \P& destl Pl’icedl For Evel'y € 1001 Quality Gift Ideas, Modestly | . ' Christmas Party For . Woodmen Is Planned | The annual Christmas dinner of : Oak Camp No. 11, Woodmen of the World, for members and their | wives and friends, will be held ' at the Southern High cafeteria on ‘| Saturday evening, December 14, at ' 16:30 o'clock. Some 300 persons are | expected. . Speaker is to be George E. Owen, [ vice-president and general attorney . for the organization. | v D ,_/.éfi; ”‘fi;\," - b TREERTOT e T k. * : | | . o ‘ i r F i George E. Owen I Assuming the post in April, 1960, he was serving at the time as as | sistant attorney general of Florida, "but consequently moved from Florida to Omaha, Neb. He was graduated from Univer sity of Florida Law school in 1948. | He was head of the law enforce | ment division in the office of the | attorney general until his resigna 'tiun, In 1954 he received a Worthy ’(‘nm-ns‘ award for outstanding work in combatting racketeers, hoodlums and other undesirables in that state. , Prior to moving to Omaha he served as consul commander of a WOW group in Tallahassee and { was named “Mr. Woodman of 1955.” lllv was elected head consul of Flerida in 1959. An ardent fra ternalist he is a member of the Elks, Optimist club and P.-T. A. He is also a member of Tallahas see’s first Baptist church. He is married and the father of two chil dren. l Serving as master of ceremonies - this week that her son Harlen, of Baltimore, was making a two ' week business trip for his employ ’(-rs to Florida. { Mr. and Mrs. Harry Canan and ! sons were Sunday afternoon vis itors of Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow | Rolf. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rolf | and children, Hyattsville, were vis | iting home folks and also deer | hunting the first of the week. ‘ Milton and Larry Canan were visiting Ernie Swiger, who is home | from the navy for deer season. THE REPUBLICAN, OAKLAND, MARYLAND. will be Dr. Frank Custer. Among the guests will be Henry J. Shep herd, state manager, Charleston; Cecil Schroyer, past head consul, Friendsville; Carlos Snyder, Head consul, Parkersburg. Musical entertainment will be furnished by members of the seni or high chorus at Southern. The Rev. W. Shelby Walthall will de liver the invocation, ——————————————————— One Day This Week In Oakland Christmas shopping is a great, wonderful carnival. All of the shops are gaily decorated and joy ous Christmas music is everywhere. People are gay, store clerks are smiling, customers are merry, chil dren wander about the store aisles with eyes wide, staring at all of the tinsel and color and the won derful toys. Christmas shopping, during the four week period before Christmas, is our great national carnival. With Christmas itself comes the true, spiritual meaning of Christmas with carols sung in church and the celebration of the coming of the Christ child, and this deeply sig nificant celebration of the great est event in the history of the world transcends the carnival at mosphere of the shopping period because of its deeply religious meaning. But, as a national cele bration, the 20 shopping days 'til Christmas are fun. During this one month of the year people enter in to the spirit of giving, of sharing, of making others happy. This year’s free drug store cal endar is the prettiest yet with a fresh, bright picture for each month of the year and large, easy to read numerals. The weather for the whole year is predicted, and the weather is also predicted in the Farmer’s Almanac, also being giv en away this year. It will be in teresting to compare the two pre dictions . . . they disagree on some points, and both can’t be cor rect! A third gift at the drug store this season is the American Greet ing Date Book. It is just as attrac tive as the American Greeting Christmas and special occasion cards, and it too is designed by America’s foremost artists. In it is space to write down the birthdays and anniversaries of all one’s friends, a reminder calen dar, a list of the proper gift for wedding anniversaries, and other items of interest in a similar vein. It is a gift especially for the ladies, and all they have to do to get one is mention that they'd like one. This year the drug store is im printing greeting cards with your name in beautiful gold lettering, while you wait. They are using a new Kingsley machine which does the imprinting at 250 degrees heat, literally melting the gold foil on to the paper and assuring a rich, brilliant stamping. This same ma chine is used to imprint names or initials onto the fine leather Amity Billfolds, too. A gift personalized with one’s name is appreciated so much more. It is a sign that the lgivor thought enough to give that something extra There is a big se lection of Bibles, in a variety of printings and different qualities of leather bindings, which can also be imprinted. 1 especially like the white Bibles with all-around zip per. 1 believe that this is one of the most appreciated gifts a little girl can receive, her own Bible with her own name in bright gold letters on the cover. There are ex pensively bound Bibles in black morocco with thumb index and large, easy to read print that can be imprinted with the family’s name on the cover in gold, too. Another practical and thoughtful gift is a box of Eaton stationery with one’s name imprinted in gold at the top of each sheet. The family games this year are more unusual than ever. In addi tion to the old favorites, like Bingo and Monopoly, there is the game of Beverly Hill Billies, and Video Village, and Life, and . . . the list ‘is endless. With all of the long winter evenings ahead there is going to be a lot of opportunity for whole family fun, gathering around the dining room or kitchen table cracking nuts and playing these exciting, entertaining, and often instructive games. When 1 saw the stack of games on display, and knew that they would all be sold by Christmas, I realized that there is still a lot of family living and playing together in our com munity. | I mentioned in an earlier column the excellent value in the portable tape recorder. On the day I was SN R T G I% % FLLOWERS o FOR THE s HOLIDAYS b %@ Let flowers fill the house with 2 holiday cheer. All traditional i, § 5 Yuletide favorites, they make b zé perfect gifts for those dear, 3 ® Poinsettias ®Corsages \@ & ®Home Decorations ‘*é e8: / 2 ® Arrangements ®Candles d R\ t v Order Early % g‘ &%? JAN florists /45\,:'. 7 4) a0 " tong Twe’ '\ v:_:;.r e 2.4 gk 5 s akiand, Md. :./‘-, A '-! N “ L DE 4-4832 ° SIRINTTN § 0 3555-7 L s m B - {‘ Yool 0 @ WES BB g Ui s ST "*”‘ilgf oy A | pns B VIR o L waaamre § R A‘f:é/‘(?‘ ¥ ;s .4.;..-::”::‘ in the store it was turned on and people were taking turns record ing their own voices and listening to their voice being played back. Anyone who wants to try it out is always welcome. I also am very much impressed with the portable i phonograph as an ideal teen-age .gift. This item is expensive, but it is made by Norelco and should last for many years and give count less hours of enjoyment. The new Kodak Instamatic cam eras are on display. Both the model 100 and the automatic elec tric eye model are absolutely fool proof! Anyone, but anyone, can load them even with their eyes shut tight, and it is impossible to double-expose them. A further un usual and handy feature is the flashbulb one carries in the special I compartment ready for instant use. |lt doesn’t go off until you pop it i into position by pressing a special | button so it's always ready when Iyou do want to use it. This Insta | matic is one of this year’'s OPEN | ME FIRST gifts by Kodak. | I bought a box of Eaton station | ery, 24 sheets with a simple flower | design in one corner, and asked lto have it personalized with my daughter’s name across the top. ers. Meyers, the saleslady, took the stationery back to the office. !Sho turned on the machine, and lwhilc waiting for it to get up to | the proper heat, she set my daugh ter's name in the type-holder. When the machine registered 250 degrees she placed one sheet after another into the machine, pulled down the | handle and impressed the gold from a long spool of foil onto each sheet of stationery. It was a very professional and attractive job. Hurrah for the national carnival season, the month of shopping be fore Christmas. I love the biting cold outside, and the warmth of the stores when inside, and every body busy seeking gifts to make ieved At Home e ' e—— ——— . I ’ Quickly: - - . g i i Now You Can Enjoy Benefits of .~ ) L NE\ - i N R lewoved i S Sy e it i amooses WL S i : , o for FAST temporary relief of minor aches J R % " and pains often associated with 7rue lafra-Red Ray* “‘Q” T ® Arthritis @ Cold Discomforts Gives You Hel N ® Rheumatism e Simple Headaches Deeper-Down Help .qg‘:;!iig.’if ® Sinusitis ® Muscular Strains 7haa An Ordindry e, '55 ® Lumbago and Sprains Heating Pod TR ® Backache @ Stiff or Swollen S @ Neuralgia Joints Seckache? Ty pemscration & R © Nouritis @ Tired Foot ipcidormim T @0 . pe : c ViR p @ Muscular Aches i wistps from cease. kaoued up s ;‘;‘,—f Goes To Work Where it Hurts? T o T Glowing Infra-Red beat rays penctrate deep £ &3 AR -—t.d down——quickly flood the painful area with blisse %* Ve e ful warmth...soothe and relax nerve endings which give you feeling of pain...quickly help 3 3 80 case nagging misety out of your muscles. 3 3 Blessed relief for tited, & Apply (with or without massage) to achingarea ¢ 3 achuog feer! E we.back, neck, shoulder, hips, chest, jaw, temple, P pY:. oo @rms, thighs...goes right to work where’ it = ol W hru' for speedy pain relief! You feel oh-so- i 2 2 e 2 good! . 8 o esngt B 2 Just Fiick The Dial-Gives oo e . g . “Spot Massager™ e 4 Different Kinds of Relief L IR D R Simply plug Infra-Massage unic into wall socket F N R R ‘UL/; and set dial to either 1) High Heat 2) Low T e 2 Heat 3) Massage, or 4) Infraßed beae plus #5600 M /"0t T e & ¥ your nerves are on edge...see how relaxed B e '{b 2 { - end relieved you feel in just 2 few moments! If AR st "'W"’w " A L your muscles nag you with pain and stiffness S W R from cold or over-exertion, notice how quickly :': ‘:‘t‘w'f(::;::": your Infra-Massage promotes a glowing feeling ¢ Recommended By Doctors andsamely bored. of well-being. If your head throbs from a simple o Safe-Easy-Pleasant To Use headache, if you can't sleep... see how soothing G e i Qaly s 95 its radiant, gentle massage can it helps ® SUmuiaies Locai Liculation ou sleep like a baby whenever deep-down ® Helps Relieve Muscular Tension | ;nfrml(td heat and massage can be of benefit! @ Exclusive Contour Shape For Maximum Contact With Pain Areas—Extra Comfort, Too g : ® Weighs Only a Few Ounces—Carry Anywhere Beiw Blissfal "on the spos” relief ® Scientifically Engineered For Many Years of Use -""5“ enytime of dey or night ... @ Tax Deductible When Purchased for Medical Care & . abomeorawey e e e £ \s‘ .. oo mmumma enall coupon now or phone 5 W e, T 8 ' Ry oo : [ i 2 ’é * w sss§s ; Eng fander S; DE 4-2333 . R v e R R T Slease send me —— Tofra Massage TIOLA for ooty $99 each. § . [ Charge [J Check or Money Order Enclosed [J C.OD. : ~ An Ideal | ' in iaea B e § Christmas i ' 00 et G- E addre Ift : ey 0N e 0¥ ALDER STREET UAKLAND, MD. STORE HOURS—Daily 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Sundays and Holidays 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. PAGE THREE others happy. 1 like the Christmas carols and the hot chocolate at the fountain when I stop for a short rest, and the bright color every where. And, best of all, T like to anticipate Christmas day itself, a day of joy for everyone. And, I like shopping at Englander’'s Phar macy, of course.—Adv.