Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, DECEMRER 12, 1963 Pal:land Persondals Mike Cook returned to Washing ton, D. C., on Tuesday after spend ing some time here, . Mrs. Franklin Ruesegger, Pen nington street, is spending some time in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mahaffey and Mrs, William E. Beckman were re ceived into membership at St. Mark's Lutheran church Sunday morning by letters of transfer. T. W. Ashby, who has been at the home of his niece, Mrs. Earl Evans, for the past couple of months, has gone to Webster, Fla., where he will spend the winter, ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Glade re-! turned to their home at Falls‘ Church, Va., after Mrs. Glade had visited here with her parents, M. and Mrs. Harry Stemple, Center sireet, ! Jay Beil, Donald Friend, Robert Ault and Stanley Callis, one of the harbershopper quartets, provided the program for the weekly meet- | ing of the Oakland Rotary club last Friday evening. They are! known as the Tune Tumblers. The regular monthly meeting of Chapter No. 67, Order of Easternx Star will be held at the lodge | recoms, Tuesday, December 17. Ati that time there will be election of | officers and a short Christmas% program will be presented. i Willard 1. Hawkins, county su-| perintendent of schools, was the | speaker at a meeting of the Alle- | gany county council of Parents and | Teachers, one evening last wcek.l He spoke on his analysis of Swe- | dish and American schools. l At a recent banquet honoring the Varsity and Junior Varsity foot- | ball players at Fishburn Mililary‘ school, Waynesboro, Va., cadet G.: Joseph Kerins, 111, received his’ varsity letter. He was startingl tackle on offense and defense, and Coach Phil Marshall said he did' “a g¢great job at both pcesitions™. ! i Shriners attending the Ali Ghzml fall ceremonial from this vicinity! included Paul B. Naylor, Mel‘lcl Willard, David Walter, Harold | Harned and Melvin Kesner. Candi-' datggwincluded John Wolf, William Ashby and Harold Ashby. The ceremonial was held in Cumber land on December 7. Dr. and Mrs. Jack Liller and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roth went to Pittsburgh Sunday where Mrs. Roth continued by plane fur‘ Fort Knox, Ky., to visit her son and daughter-in-law, Capt. and ' Mirs. Jack Roth. A daughter was born this past week to Capt. und‘ Mrs. Roth. I Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hoffman and two children, Bel Air; Mr. and Mrs.i Paul V. Fleming, Fairmont, W.! Va: Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Kah! and | two children, L.aVale; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kahl and three children, Eckhart Mines, and Walter Kahl vere dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Kahl at their Deep Creek lake cottage on Sunday. 1 TO THE CORNERSTONE LAYING OF THE | NEW FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Being Erected On SECOND STREET IN CAKLAND., MARYLAND SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14 AT 3:00 P. M. Hon. ). Glenn Beali, U. S. Senator, will officiate at the ceremonies. Music by Southern Higk Baud, directed by Glenn W, Patterson. J Doun't Miis JE! -l Miss Marion Leary, Center street, - is visiting with Mrs. Margaret !'l‘m\'nshond of Washington, D. C. -’ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Matecr, Jr., [formerly of N. Bradley lane, moved into their new home south of l Oakland, on Thanksgiving day. . Mi. and Mrs. William Faherty, 1 Frostburg, spent the week-end with /1 the latter’s father, Floyd L. Wensel, south of town. | Darvin Sanders, Eastlake, 0., | visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ';.lamcs Sanders, Fingerboard road, yover the week-end. Geerge E. Coddington, grand vice chance lor of the Knights of | Pythias of Maryland, was among those attending a lodge function al Lonaconing one evening lasi week. ‘ W. Brooks Hamilton, Jr., of Oak fland, recently sold an Aberdeen- Angus bull to George and Mary IA, Shaffer, Rowlesburg, W. Va. | ’ Mrs. Edwin Blaker and (luugh-i { ters, Keyser, W. Va., visited the ;former's father-in-law, Mr. Earl ! Blaker, who is now at the Cuppett Weeks Nursing Home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Riley moved linto their new home on Wilsun‘; i street the day before Thanksgiving. | Elt had becn in the process of con | struction for the past scvorull jmonths. i | The girls of the Monte Vista 4H. { Club are going to Cumberland this | ISaturday for a roller skating party. z lEach girl is to bring a guest. Mrs. | |Ross Crowe and Mrs. Taft Qursler lwill chaperone. l ' Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Jones, of% IColumbus, 0., have returned 10! their home after having visiicd; | their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. | ‘and Mrs. Marvin Jones and chi)-i tdren, in Mt. Lake Park. ‘ ’ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johns,| |Alder Street and family traveled ! |lust week-end to Saltsburg, Pa., lto visit with Mr. Johns’ p:n-('nls.t EMr. and Mrs. Raymond Johns. l'l’hey returned on Sunday. ! Mrs. Leburn Mpyers and four Ichildren plan to leave bhere Fri | day for their new home at 21 ’Munor road, Livingston, N. J. Her husband was a former principal of the Crellin School. Mrs. Myers and | chiidren had spent the sumnwrl | months in Mt. Lake Park. | Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscarg Lee, in Mt. Lake Park, over the | week included Mr. and Mrs. George E |Lcc, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Edgar, | ,Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Brant, Orrville, l .O.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bo]yardi and son, Kingwood; Mr. and Mrs. ‘Mason Paugh, Mt. Lake Park; Mrs. | lJoy Tressier, Oakland. | Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Na_v!or.' lWi!son street, entertained with a birthday dinner for Mrs. Mason |Glotfehy on Sunday, December 8, at Cornish Manor. Nine guesis were present. They included Mr. Mascn Glotfelty, Mrs. Marg’,:\rct’ Castee!, Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Bar- | rick, Kitzmiller, Mrs. Frederick { Thayer, and Mr. Gordon Mealy. ' Returns From Meeting i Dr. E. I. Baumgartner returned }ln Oakland Monday from Portland, | Oregon, where he attended a meet ;ing’ of the Council on Post Gradu : ate Assembly of the American ‘!Mv(li(-ul Association. This council EM‘ which Dr. Baumgartner is a .{membm- is composed of nine per | sons who are charged with the | responsibility of the Scientific por tion of the two yearly meetings of the Association as we!l as other | Post-Graduate education activities. i'l‘hv meeting of the Council was 'thvld in conjunction with the An i nual Clinical Session of the Medi ,'c:nl Association. Following the lclosp of the Portland Asscmbly Dr. ,:‘Baum,qzn'!nm- spent two davs in lSan Francisco where he conferred ;\\'ith members of the local plainning | commitice for the 1964 Annual Ses gs,mn which will be heid in San | Francisco in June. j —_— | Mrs. Fred Brown returned to | Cumberland last evening after hav ing spent several wecks here with |‘hm' sister, Mrs. Edith Schlossnagle. { E Sunday Church School officers {ut St. John's Lutheran, Red House, | were elected last weck and in %clud'cd Eugene Flinn, adult supei intendent; Baity Ridder, assistant; Mrs. Mildred Shaffer, children’s | superintendent; Mrs. Florence Rid i(lcr. assistant; Donna Lee Shaffer, isccl'(‘uu'_\': Mrs. Barbara Flinn, ! treasurer. | P el ‘ YOUR :;; ; ,;:{:" e ph ot |EEEY e - |Pharmacist ! =& ‘!‘ri “‘wfi - | Message g l el §F !‘ By Robt. E. “Bob” Proudfoct, | | The home medicine cabinet t provides a great source of re | lief for many ailments, but it ! can, if unwisely maintained, ! cause no small amount ot grief. ] Unfortunately, some cabinets | hold poisonous articies within the reach of small, curious hands. Then, too, there is al ways the likelibood that an adult will carelessly or acci dentally pick up a wrong bot tle and we have the making of an unfortunate accident. i If there are youngsters in the household, be carefu! where vou ’ store drugs, candy-coated as pirin and household poisons. As \ for the adults, make it a prac l tice to read labels carefully wien seeking relief in the medi | cine cabinet. ! 1t is a good idea. also, to make 1 it a2 practice 1o trade A&t | PROUDFOOT'S OAKLAND i PHARMACY. In n(_ldi!.i(-.n fo o i complete prescription depart -1 ment there i.x? a ia:"u-vsumu'ws section carrying Lanvin, Coty, Chanel and Max Facior Cos ’ metics and Russell Stover can i dies and IHallmark Greeting | Cards at PROUDFOOT'S OAK LAND PHARMACY, 106 South ' 2nd Street, phone 334-3815. —— THIS WEEK’S HOUSEHOLD HINT: Note to handymen paint ers: When you finish a paint ing chore, place a rubber band | around the can at the level of ! the remaining paint. For the next job you won’t have te open I the can to see what is left. THE REPUBLICAN, OAKLAND, MARYLAND, i . ‘ | Four Births Occur I i A l , Four births occurred during i!w[ (past week at Garrett County T\ll'-I; morial hospital, three girls and one | boy. { On the 6th a daughter to Mr. and l Mrs. Robert Wayne Whitacre, Kitz- | - miller. # On the stn a daughter to Mr. :mdi Mrs Robert Dean Kisner., route 2,11 & ; SR T B e, e oy @ R TS ; SEES Rl @) S : AT o@D B N B TPRNEE Bt W " e S Y [t W% @ ) ‘E\ i ‘H:fl?l‘\ & T S VO el \3\ Y o iSRS TR é‘:w.-? 3 b \\ RO (‘) N4JI fi ) :: ,oys B R o “fi‘ TR Ly RTINS RR Py e LGy S L ”. % (;5..;" M *k“f:“ \&,\ '::,' % / e If there’s a MAN in your Christmas, you're sure at .y7 . y . to find at Rudy’s the gift that wiil ’ be right on the target of his heart’s desire. We've a wide selection of styles ' &Y to suit his particular taste...and your ““ |’\ “ ._ particular budget. Rudy's. .. today! ML UL B B Give Him The NEW * nex-si7Zer s “ -~ Wy e & gt § & & L Siaee LI~ ~;\/‘._ o s 0 . P e oY - : T oo B _‘s 3 S \ = i @ k| s e l‘ . A(* S D we \ 5 g -~ % \s\" ,‘} % = - ' -~ st ww SN T = = /gi S 0 & ee e -~ F’i -7N & b 3 I~ = .. 000 it NI/ YN & A0 M e By AN N - & g .. 2 1:‘-.;' B"\")i’ / “ /_:/,,:,, \\;‘fi:— i,; h ._._,4:..:;;;;;;.i.:._‘:;_:.J.‘;:.‘:'E:)‘ X § X g & ol 1 / - s PBB 000 OO s O R Ry 2 v B ' A LRSS e D e S {‘,.r.::": ‘:,_:“',‘"’r\"</‘y #".'. :l/"‘* i S fi‘ ’é } \,:(( ‘ % s . oA\ 1 = £™o sif UF & J; Y = Qo™ ) s 2 ] ; & 8 ¥ ; b { i E T Jd | 7 3 > .Ay A- ,‘ Auallir & # £ é’: a § - N | 2L i 1 & es"!::b._v,-- o S & % PROVEN! PERFECTED! PATENTED! = b, 2 F N % |&£o o F 3 b Rew viteuted vention il Nox St ailhs 7 & H L /A s e ew patented invention makes Nex-Sizer collar S ir & f’ ' ,/ . = adjust to your size—even if you're an in-bhetween ':*A\ 5 .?‘ /.f:f;' s \é size—yet keeps its smart appearance. No longer ’% ,‘/ £ % Mf 5 £ = need your collar be too tight or too loose—ever, | % 5' i &;{s‘/, g. C 4 So change over to day-long comfort today ’%’\ & 3 o ‘{ t P = change to Nex-Sizer, by Wings, ;‘-‘A i i gil f, @// sl~ ‘i' quality broadcloth ? 5 59:5‘; F ‘ S, ,‘: single needle tailoring E‘fi v & ? % = Fine styling, quality and fashion leaaersnip = spread or easy-tab collar § in hats mean Dobbs to men who are particular = GUARANTEED FOR COMPLETE & about their wardrobes. To them, Dobbs is @ :. COMFORT 'fi symbol of good taste and correctness in dress. 9 & Shown, one from our fine Dobbs collection, $5.00 e : 1595 3 /],Q/M @ . g . L = . Gwines NEX-SlZer 8111111 TSI SIS GGG IS 1111 GI I Yo. : 5 d § You're sure to be right with a [# Step into [eisure-[and with o ® ° ® ie w eale ® L . . : / : " FOR B MEN . B E B £R g m*"'"fi’fy."fi REC s T % ’}”fi SR\ ! e R ge w g B L e .N, e SRe LAY b &@‘%?z@jfi W” - LN, N T ,:.Jfi*iisfit’x& i!" e L e N . N eIVSN VR B sR T, NGRS, . sty L “?u e ;'Al:‘i.-f:"‘f?'.‘fifi'a’ Tgt PR S A ; : : ‘"' S SER o N s SRR ] T . h LRe L : L 1:,;;.\:\, e gfiw e L Indoors and out...enjoy greater comfort and have es S e |s 5 more fun in smart, durable Jiffics! COMPLETELY oSI TR S & MACHINE WA5HA8LE............... $ 300 shop E Night Untili 9 = = Shop FKvery Night Untid 3 - - Oakland: a son to Mr. and Myrs. Charles Camden Cosner, Mt, Storm, W. Va. On the 16th a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Rayvmond Allen Stanley Tichnell, Swanton. I During the week the hospital ad mitted 37 patients and discharged a7. Census this morning was 37, i e e e () e e e e ey A Senate tax cui approval cm‘ly| in 1964 was forecast. | [ | { BITTINGER | Mrs. James Glotfelty entertained ! Etvn members of the llumumakcrsl club, recently. Mrs. Lawrence Brvn-l neman presented the topie, “Silver ware—lts Use and Care”. Refresh ments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fread and Herbert Beitzel, Canton, 0., and Paul Beitzel, Philadelphia, were! i recent visitors of their mnthor.! | Mrs. Leah Beitzel. | i Mr. and Mrs. Herman Neslinel ?:.nd family, Baltimore, spent .s‘vvor-' ’ul days last week with their par-| ents, Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Buck el , Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Beitzel and Ruth Ann, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bud Brenneman and family, Sun day evening, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Brenneman ’:md family were Sunday dinner lguests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest | Brenneman, L en . | Subscribe for The Republican ! PAGE FIVE I Mrs. Edith Schlossnagle left yes i terday for Woodstown, N. J., where she will spend the winter months with hep son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn T. Hoffman. ' Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gower are leaving today for Baltimore where they will visit their two sons, lernm'(l Gower and Harold Gower, a'so a niece, Mrs. Vera Collins, un i s . X A il after Christmas.