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THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1963, s, : e Fo o ‘ Faadows vah e | My ki 1 L (i | i ARy ‘Bn ‘ cak - ) T e | & y M ’;_!io‘..- | oY e 9 | SPG ) e .4"_!' . | & 1 gt | o A ; e _"_;l:‘,\‘i{“ e ‘;‘ ffi&. - ¢ £ Pis S n”tfe B : e i ‘;; G i .(' PR L~ s Sk . ‘1 SR o 1 | ‘_ R "N e @ E oo i { £ e . - - P e P B ,3,1{ R | % o ; L +4 e ‘%’fw e b ' i Picturcd above are the Junior Varsity Cheerleaders: left to right, Rita O'Brien. Stanya Snyder, and Anne Gibson. J. V. Cheerleaders Chosen For ’63-64 Cheering for Southern's J.V.'s this vear during the '63-'64 basket ball secason are J.V. cheerleaders Rita O’Brien. who was a J.V. cheerleader last year: and Anne Gibson and Stanya Snyder, who were junior high cheerleaders last vear., The girls were appointed on November 6th: they will begin the season at the opening game to be held on Tuesday., December 10th at Valley High. Rita is a junior this year, while Anne and Stanya ore sophomores. All are members of the G.AA. J. V.'s Open Season Junior Vorsity coach, Tom Kuhn, is faced with a maior rebuilding task this vear. Of all the boys on the J. V. squad last year, only Keithh Cannon, Buddy Thrasher, and George Evans will be return ing. This yecar's team will consist of fifteen boys. eleven sophomores and four juniors. They will open their secason tonight when they batile the Black Knights at Valley. —_— Te Study Diseases Of tan And Animals Dr. Kenneth L. Crawford recent ly was appointed a public health veterinarian, division of Epidemi ology. Maryland State Department of Health, Chariey B. Miller, local sanitarian announced this week. Miller said the man will develop programs for investigation of pre ventio and “Tontrol of those dis cases which are transmissable be tween man and animals. He is available for consultaiion on problems irelated to these dis eases and to help local and state cfficials plan programs for "control of rabics and cther diseases of this group. Marks Red Cross Event The Garrctt Cdunty Chapter of the American Red Cross has placed a screen in the Garrett National Bank in observation of the 100th Anniversary of the Red Cress in the United States The screen entitled “Red Cross -106 years of Werld Wide Humani tarian Service,” depicts the vari ous phases of their work, such as, disaster relef. refugee relief, lo cation and reuniocn. The exhibit was arranged by Mrs. Paul B. Naylor, county Red Cross chairman. | Shop Cc;f:nd First. . . "SHOP-RATED" " DRILLS 4 (78 )| \ ig\ é&,(‘:‘ A :‘ AR ] , ' B/ POWERFUL! 99 : Pistol gri . istol grip ® : control and > huck s'*‘/ gear-type chuck. WE GIVE Chooz:2 from our long list of B EPEF Al home-shep toels and accessories ’ VBl tc make Dad’s Christmas one sMI long remembered, Gifts for Mom, GREEN fco, in name-brand kitchen ap- STAMPS) pliances and home accessories. 11‘ 5 E Browning’s HARDWARE, Inc. Open Dav and Night Third Street Oakland, Md. B —————————————————— ' |Band Concert '‘December 12 :! Southern High bands will pre ;’s'.onf a concert, December 12, at {8:00 p.m. in the Southern High ;lg_vmn:wiumi The bands, under the )idirvclinn of Mr. Glenn Patterson, 5 will prusf‘m a program of Christ \ I mas music. 5 Some of the music tnat the Jr. i Higch Band will present will con- HSM of “Christmas Greetings,” a march by Walters, “Yuletide at ‘Ym'ksi:ire." also by Walters, “O I Holy Night,” by Adams, “March '|of the Little Tin Soldiers,” by Pierne, “I saw Mommy Kissing ISzml:n Claus,” by Comnor, "The | Christmas Song.” by Torne and | Wells, and “Here Comes Santa | Claus by Autry and Hasldeman. | The Senior High Band will play | “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town,” "by Gillespie and Coots; “White ‘| Christmas,” by Berlin; “Sleigh ilßid(‘.” by Anderson; the “Green ‘|Sloc~vcs.“ Traditional; Jesu, Joy '|of Man’s Desiring,” by J. S. | Bach: “The Messiah,” a selection |by Handel: and “Christmastide.” ib:.' E. Delamater. | = e 1 . .iNew Sanitary Laws | Effective Jan. Ist !l New regulations regarding the lsuhmission of plans for public ,gsz‘nilany facilities will become ef : } feetive January 1, Charley B. Mil i ler, local sanitarian for the Health _!dwpa.r:mon‘u. stated this week. i These regulations apply to such llptlblic facilities as water supply, j storm and sanitary sewerage and :‘ refuse disposal systems. ‘é James R. McComas, chief divi : ! sion of Sanitary Enginecring, State ' i Health department, has stated that ' the use of the new regulations will P oxpedite the process of approval !hy the State Health department .I:.f plans submitted by assuring the !':1\('“!@1‘::1 of adequate information | | necessary for review. l: Plzns for engineering projects i and related documents must be { prepared by, signed by and bear _él'z(- seal of a registered profession | al engineer, Miller said. ; Copies of these reguiations may . : be ohtained by contacting the local i health department. e s ' Four Amecricans are still being ‘lhcld as hostages in Bolivia by the ' Communist led miners. . . Form Organization | To Boost Economy A major organization was formed recently to assist the people liv ing in the region of the Allegheny Mountains in Pennsylvania, Mary land, and West Virginia to regain economic independence and to pre serve and promote their vital cul tural heritage. The Council of the Alleghenies already has launched plans., Economic presperity is supported in a variety of ways. A program of adult education for areas remote from educational centers is under way; a program {o retrain moun taineers in making their native crafts and then seiling the prod ucts to tourists and city-dwellers has already met with large success; a unified tourist program is being set up. The Council hoves to gain the confidence of government and business groups in each county in the Alleghenies so that an over all tourist promotion plan that will attract citizens from all over the country will soon materialize. Next spring the Counceil will host a history conference on the area in Frostburg. and it will lend sup port and guidance to folk festivals. A series of publications includ ing a quarterly journal containing material on the history, arts, and letiers of the Alleghenics already has been distributed. Further information is available from the Council of the Alleghen ies, 503 Chamber of Commerce Building, Pittsburgh 19, Pa. —e O A wave of vandalism in Cumber land was being prchbed by police. ' The Little Store Tl e . 4.; v - - - <l _ with | 5 hargains! S i Ale \L AZ 78 g ‘< 7l Gifitstfiorathelnome ’:fi* GIWWE LASTING PLEASURE 77 100% Cotton White P, , v ffw | e Sheet Blankets ¢ .70 | i 60x76 1019 K Superior Quality 100% Cotlon £W% f"& A ERE R i e Pastel Plaids = g “HERITAGE” fiw Health Blankets .- athins Double woven 727x34”", completely ’m\'\ v' i mcthproof, 75% ravon, 259, cotton. . %gi - el o Machine washable and machine dry- %7 %l o Cee able. Comparable {5 5.5 blankets. In S TR pink, green, beoige or blue. ::,_ b oX &Y gB e e, A “HORIZON” m& Thermal Blankets ™™2 72’x90”, 909 rayon and 10% nylon. e Advertised in “Life.” Ten vear guar- oow antee against mecth damage. Non-al- Mg lergenic, mildew resistant, Warmer, ’& yet comfortably light. The finest waf- e fle-weave thermai blanket in the ks land. Comparable to 7.95 vaiue. In tan “Eanhan” plaid or areen plaid. ; G BATH TOWELS 4 o Size 20x49, extra heavy ® = ed’b duty. Pastel stripes. eeecvecereerererreevereegy | Re 9 59 and 6% Double Bed Size “Majestic” &Qfi & Comforiers Cherille Soft and light, mothproof, odorless. BED SPREADS 509, Dacron, 50% ravon filled, White | Full size. Red, white, with pink or blue fiower print on sne | Pink. blue. beige, tur side, solid pink and blue on the other, | Qucise and brown. Comparabkle to 10.95 comforters. Reg. 3.49 SOF | 2.79 o ~ el e LS ea . Sofa Pillows Printed Plastic Large assortment of solid foam-filled TABLE CLOTHS scfa pillows. Variety cf shapes and cover materials. Values to 1.59. Flannel back protects E G@ table top. Wipes clean o with damp cloth. Water- DT CRTE VSRV ECLCECCCNIT. proof. Printed - we .. . 499 Cheniile Rugs Fringe g‘dge, .foz_m backs. Pastel .- 1.93 l colors, Size 2%x31 . Reg. 1.59. st (.00 R mEEEREE R R EE RBRS (A z < O] § VIKING AUTOMATIC > >BB ) = w ELECTRIC CAN QPENER 3& Guaranteed one full vear. Com- = S pleteiv portable. You may use it é & on any convenient counter or W ,a, mount it on the wall. Reg, 8.95- % ?3 9.95 value. a8 = BRI, B RS Oakland Bargain Cent Second Street Qakland, Md. DE 4-3353 THE REFUBLICAN, OAKLAND, MARYLAND | . ~ | McHENRY | - | Asa Glotfelly is a patient in Gar rett County Memorial hospital | Wayne Clotfelty, Gary, Ind., vis-| ited hiz grandmother, Mrs. Nora Glotfelty, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Giotfelty on Saturday c¢vening, He and his father-in-law wet her iunting deer. i daward Wagner, Caseyville, Ili, | has been transferred to Martine {burg, W. Va., where he will be { emnloyed. e is t'i n of Mr L and Mrs. Claude Wa < N | Wagner wili remain in Cascyville i until sprin |l Mr. and Mrs. Kral, Aberdeen, | spent several days last week with | Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Savage, to | hunt deer. '| Roy Glotfelty, Robert L. Glot | felty, Mrs. Nora Glotfelty, Mrs. .| Walter Bowman and Mrs. Ernest | Knotts, Crellin, went to Grottoes, | Va., Sunday, to visit Mr. and Mrs. | Ross Speicher and daughter. Mr. | Speicher remains a patient in the |"'::‘.'x|v shboroc Comiunity hospitai | Mrs. Glotfelty remained there with I} her daughter, Mrs. Speicher. | Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Parley \’S:n‘z::v the past week were Mrs. | Earle Coddington, Ronnie and | { Janet, Sgt. Wade Ceddington and .[.—--v—-—--w - —————————————— L R AR, T PP A .TR W See The New | FORANO | Snow Blower | Rear Mounted Back Through | $410.00 ! [ F.O-B. ; Call for Appointmant to See : This Blevier in Operation. l Kinzinger Repair Shop Rt 2 Oakland, Md. g DE 4-9853 i AT TT TR TIE RATUK SBT LMW YO O €gt. Leonard Shelton, New C‘um-l kerland, Pa, . Murrell Savage received his (lis-‘ charge atfter serving two years in| ‘arn:od forces, e returned homer e T FRESH FRYING CHICKENS ~ : S B g AT G o Y e LT B e (R ¢ a)) Trhoy Twi kb S ulk NG TR e e vl ) s Capy X i 7 ~s ;‘ ‘:';’2:‘;. \Q‘\ . \'(u:l l' o 3 ,': & ". - ’.-:;r- “" AN, fgl/ o W ?i/; V) o, YmE o Splits 29¢ .(‘;&.‘_ A_.-_'.‘{l'.-?.f',’-'."{';’zl A% \\:’“&"“"flb‘ “‘- oTR .‘:' N "‘Nv”_y 7 WL " CutUp 29¢ ‘ & 16 ibs Tender Young TURKEYS ~-:- 35/ G 777, PORK LOIN ROAST %fi" g’gfiéw;‘ - T e Ceatp AT St e ° Ch s s { Loin End End ot el B/ A B ) e 354 Ib s i 4 DA N NN TS A P & - ° . Pork Loin Roast woue . 397 Pork Loin Roast ovue . . 49¢ PO?;{ E:@E“ E@ast WHOLE s # 43¢ POfk sausage AEI}A::R 4 :oll:: sl.oo Sliced Bacen acomwmo 2.5 197 Boneless Cottage Butts . 59¢ &0, By 1 ap = & lOICE CEN RCHASE! PORK CHOPS .&soms 69¢ WBiews. .65¢ - —Quistanding Grocery Buys— Cherry Pie jweonicr ¢ o an B Grupef?uit Juice 4 8o T Salad Dressing sumw . “ 39¢ Orange Juice v . . o 57¢ . o - MQ‘&%@TS Oats QUICK or REG. 4:_&;2 @s¢ Bfiended JUJECG A&P s B ign‘;z 89F’ Tuna C’hfifig‘é?fi Chickan of the Sea 3 65:..:0:&9,’-{ Tomato .Euse;e A&P : B 4:2:: 99’1 Roll Butter en crramey e 69¢ Kelloga's Rice Krispies o 41¢ White Eggs Svvias. .2 .. 89¢ Clorox Bleach gal. 592 ~ g T B TEE R | 100 cxra Ml Sioos | 100 Bitve Phuied Shiites | 075 EXTRA | “—uay | saicees | ‘A/ é{’ &= 8 &'\ ‘g E‘\“;Jh~ = l €2.00 cr Mere : $3.00 or More in 1 " A IR 2m A AGIR @ ot &Ba ; A ade PLAID STARAPS | tiiienis | il | CLIP COQUPGCNS AND BUY STIPULATED ITEMS !__G___'__“___‘__:"___':__‘“‘_"_{ Good Thru Dec. 14th—Pgh. Unit Aeps | ——————— - - - ——— |W— . ———— —— - ——— "—"-—_-—_——————_-l | 100 Exira Pluid Stamps i 100 Exxira Pigld Sizimps { 50 Exire Plaid Stamps : 50 Extra Plaid Siamps | : with coupon and purchase of : with coupon and purchasz of : with cooupon and purchase of i with coupan and purchase of : CHASE & SANZOEN ANY VARIETY LLIETTE SUPER I I : Instan? {efize } Me'lowmood Hyiors i Blue Blades : Lisierine Antiseptic I : 120 z jar $1.59 : Box of 2 Pairs : ke ef 15 SI.OO 114-0 z bottle QB¢ : | Goed Thry Dec. 14 I—rgh. Unit AGPs | Good Thru Dec. 14:h—D"gh. Uait A&Ps 1 Good Tivry Dec. 14ih—Pgh. Uait ALPs ! Cood Thru Dec. 14th—Pgh. Unit A&Ps : Po o ————— . " -—-—-—-————-——-—-—--—-—-—-;--—-—-——-—————-————-'i—-——————-——.————- : 50 Exira Piaid Siamps : 100 Exira Plaid Stamps { 50 Cuira Plaid Stamps | 50 Extra Piaid Stamps = i with coupon and purchaze of : with covpon and purchas2 of : with coupon and purchase of : with coupon and purchase of : i l Plastic Pail : Warwick Choceclates : Fazole Corn O : Ange! Food Cakes { I 11 quart size E:‘:’ | A:zsi. 5-ib box 5‘23,2‘3 | 43-0 z botile 99;_/ : large size 49¢ { : Gooad Thru Dec. 14th—Pgh. Unit A&Ps ! Gesd Thru Doc. 14ih—"gh. Unit AGPs : Good Thru Dec. 14:h—>2gh. Uait A&Ps l Good Thru Dec. 14th—Pgh. Unit A&Ps | ————-—-———————-—"-—“"'l—-"-"-'—'-'——'———"—""——-——————'———-—:———————-————————-‘ : 50 Exire Plaid Stamas : 25 fxira Plaid Stemins : 25 Exira Plaid Stamps ; 25 Extra Plaid Stamps : : with coupan and purchase of | with ccupon and purchase of | with coupon and purchase of 1 with coupon and purchase of : JANE PARKEIR I I KRAFT | : Fruit Cake : Crispo Ginger Snaps : Spaghetti Dinner : Pizza With Cheese : } 3-1 b cake $2_95 I 18-0 z bex 39% I 19 % -0z pkg 49¢ | 15%a-0z pkg 49¢ : ] Good Thru Dec. 14th—Pgls. Unit A&Ps ! Good Thru Dec. 14:h—Pgh. Unit A&Ps : Good Thru Dec. 14th—Pgh. Unit A&Ps : Good Thru Dec. 14th—Pgh. Unit A&Ps | ¥oeees eei o e L 4 o ee e . eee. oe e e eS S SS o, ee,e,Se,eeS, See, e . e I 25 Extra Plaid Slomps : 25 Exira Plaid Stamps : 25 Extra Plaid Stamps : 25 Extra Plaid Stamps : : with coupon end purchase of I with coupon and purchase of 1 with coupon and purchase of I with coupon and purchase of 1 I OCTACON | | SUNSHINE | 1 | Liguid Datergent : Action Bicach : Hydrox Cockies : Rome Beauiy Apples : : 48-0 z container 69}2’ I 22-0 z pkg 79¢ : 16-0 z pkg 49¢ : 4-1 b bag 49¢ 1 L Good Thru Dec. 14ih—TPgh. Unit A&Ps ! Good Thru Dec. 14th—Pch. Unit A&Ps | Geod Thru Dec. 14th—Pgh. Unit A&Ps | Good Thru Dec. 14th—Pgh. Unit A&Ps :,_*é___ e e e e e _—l ’&: b ¢ Crisp Carr o PERSOMAL SIZE 22-OZ BOTTLE 69c¢ 421,-OZ pkg $1.09 2 giant cans 49¢ fvory Soap Ivory Liquid Premium Duz Comet Cleanser 4..29¢ 2 3Q¢ 2= 59Q¢ =S 3-—':;3—6-02’. PKG 93¢ WHITE & PASTEL COLORS KING SIZE $1.29 LARGE SIZES Spic & Span Camay Soap Tide Detergent lvery Soap e 4 4877 | =7s¢:=34¢ | 2..35¢ DETERGEN—% GIANT PKG. 89¢ 44-OZ BOTTLE $1.14 GIANT PKG. 87¢ Joy Liguid Silver Dust Ajax Liguid Fab Detergent 2 3Q¢ 2:=75¢ |%Tl¢ird43¢| 2. 73¢ The Golden Shertening LARGE SIZE MEDIUM SIZE 17-OZ BOTTLE 49¢ Fluifo Shortening fvery Socap fvory Soap Downy Fabric Softener 33. 3 cl:n 83¢ 2 cakes 35¢ 4 cakes 45¢ bofi?ez 87¢ 23-OZ PKG 45c 1-LB CAN 34c q THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY, INC. Salvo Tablets Crisco Shortening HY WL 7 : AP Super Markets I:r:go 87¢ 3 can ss¢ 2 AM!&I(A'; DEPENDARLE FOOD MERCHAMY SUICE (859 on Waednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carr and deughter were Thursday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. An drew DeWitt an~ eaildren. ' Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cunning-'] 1! hkam and family, Pittsburgh, visited] | the MclLeans, Sunday. l Mr. and Mrs. Andrew l)(-\\'illl and children visited Mr, and Mrs, | PAGE SEVEN Harland Bernere, Wednesday eve ning. et et (Yt Try Our Want Ads——Thoy Pay.