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PAGE EIGHT Welfare Head i (Continued from Page One) sociate Judge Stuart F. Hamill State's Attorney Fred A. 'l‘hu_\'vr.' Attorney to the Commissioners, Lewis R. Jones, and social worker | 11, W. Perry Shaffer, will attend Dr. Irvin Thalheimer, chairman of the state board of public wel fare; David Curran, chief of divi sion of forestry camps and train ing schools, and David Semer, field supervisor, will accompany Mr. Hobson. The state officials are \i\inn:‘ e b | MONUMENTS ] (/RO ; BARRE np’ GRANITES \agFs/ ; DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN RED GRANITES ’] Johnson Memorial Company 5 Meyersdale, Pennsylvania | BUY FROM THE MANUFACTURER AND SAVE ‘; Duplications Our Specialty RUSSELL H. WOLFE BAYARD, W. VA. I, Phone OWen 3-4151—DEerfield Numbers May Dial Direct NSRS ) ) / A B s PR\ == A = \L N T < ALY B J O S a @ & ;gJ ¢_’ & Q}) A S @} \LASO ) e owep 7oIS oy ff TS AT g ] VR B R AR IR T A Y ,\? hh 7 / s : L,w ‘:._l;_, L3l‘ \ ,::]l‘\ A .d,.._*,!l :'fl o | VN R |p— \'&Y’ a8 ‘U ¥ o \iR % W/ LR | A&o- W & ® | j [\// \/A N\ \ ‘/) yr },Z % At R%VX 8\ /7 |7 N d / ; \\hm \t ; : l SOOI VY SRR ; : l § ...come on in!...see for yourself how you can save on our every day sensational buys: = a bk ¥ o fi%’q T b ’ - California Sunkist \\\E ! S ER LR A By 7§ NAVEL = S RN L W [ ORANGES - \ "TBobßl B ? e A = N i g fim:‘ ) ,}f‘ |By f;fi"ét‘,fi e 2 e o - i doz. ! g //y;y/ ;_:_::\?\\\\:i;? \\f \\ N £ VR P R R oLS , : e Ye. = 20 ; ,/ - ~_“‘\:\:\\\\\\\ W 0 h‘\‘“" ,:;‘ i ,":, ‘ .‘t‘; f ~,_; By o," 33 .“ 3 - Florid A// ://f;f%—%\\\"\\:\\\\k‘:k \\\x LR mtE oy BEELT MR R SR i P SR e ey 1% =N Ul s O O B IR TANGERINES [l /7 /:'—:§s§“\\\\\\\ % e N NN s . 3 A /;‘\ NI Phone DE 4-2123 eor 4-2124 Open Nights Free Parking 3.. I.CO /c/z/é; xfi\s o : = g . :. . o- . . . . /f/ \ \\\ t_\?‘\;‘\:‘\\\\\\\\‘\\\\\\\\‘ Florida i MANN \& e . = N GRAPEFRUIT B \( ({ ot TN e B e W S SRS e ’ DS L ekl & B 4 Blade Cut i =R i g g T AP e eyl | ,fi,.% & g FRESH " Oyster Crackers e x emgel T GARRETT COUNTY -, e 35¢ Wi st " N 8" ../ mbiiof § 1 & guuuumnuulm|||||||ifiiimllf.if;:umum:'iil:ul||if%%fi;;|l'|"|?i‘|'|“ififfim|;||||LEE Ib S g" Q , ‘ ROCKINGHAM TURKEYS— & Order A Gift ‘CENTER GUT 39:° SWIFT BUTTERBALL TURKEYS # | FrRUIT BOX S e % g - p Standard and Select Oysters Sor Rolukives ShOUlder RoaSt e©ooo olb 5 5 - ¥ And Friends Sy ; English Cut Chuck ... .69 ®my 0 s ol 1.00 B f f S c ’-fi;‘,‘y‘ o 5 Food Is A Perfect Gift i- LEAN) 6 5 Y e- T ———— - ¥ ~,)., LAid? i ROCKINGHAM SAUSAGE 3 .. 1.00 > e e e Jumbo Rousted Dromeda ry . MOTHER'! A CHRISTMAS CANDIES PEANUTS Bsy Fone T'“!,E,:,",Psg ;Lace o Just Chocolate Drops .. 2 Ibs. 59¢ ASSORTI‘E'D“’\E\;{I()'(‘Z‘OI,.AIES I 49(: CITRON—GREEN CHERRIES Buy Onc Pkg. And Get One Pkg. Free! Orange Slices 2 IBs. 55¢ e Bof“s ORANGE PEEL ?lm Medal |b b v . i e @ Complete Selection ENGLISH WALNUTS LEMON PEEL N ............ 300 D ¢ Bisie Mix ... ........ .2 s 006 Still Available PECANS—FILBERTS—ALMONDS o 10% Discount to Churches and Orqanizations BRAZIL NUTS—MIXED NUTS 19¢ . Choc. MOFSfiIE ¢ ETOZ! pkg. 25¢ the forestry camps in Allegany and | Garrett counties before coming to Oakland. i Robert W. Stemple, director ufl ilhv county welfare board, said thol ' public assistance program and the | | county’s budget for 1964 would hcl‘ | presented and discussed by him,l‘ 'Mr. Hobson will discuss the state ‘ “pmgr;nm and the state department’s §‘ | budget request for the coming] vear, He also is expected to com- | 'ment on public welfare lv:_:islmin'l' ;lu be considered at the .lunlmr.\"] i.wssinn of the Maryland lc_uisln—| ture. | ‘ . Construction of 21.33’ - Miles Road Proposedi The State Roads commission on! December 6 proposed ('ons:ructi(m. of 21.53 miles of new highway mn—i struction in this county, as part ul's the five year projected pmy:rum.‘ ending June 30, 1969, and begin- | ning next July 1. § Some of the projects listed were | in the so-called *“Go"” program . which is effective until 1965. Be cause of an overlap in the two programs both wcre consolidated. | Most of the items have h(-vn;( listed in previous stories in 'l'lu-l_ Republican, | | The program calls for a one-cent l increase in the state gasoline l:a.\;.:l a one percent increase in the titl- | ing tax, and adjustments in lll(-" mecthod of financing the State Po- )4 lice and Department of Motor \’v-,, hicles so that the State Roads (-um~f | mission and political subdivisions | would realize more money from the ’ Motor Vehicle fund for highway l work. Legislation would be needed ‘ ' by the gencral assembly. ll The projects listed for this coun- | 1y l ] Primarv svstem: new construc- | 1 THE REPUBLICAN, OAKLAND, MARYLAND. : . - With Our Men - In The Service Martin C. Lowers, boilerman third class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil C. Lowers, of 212 South Second st., Oakland, is serving aboard the destroyer USS Robert H. McCard with the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean. McCard left Charleston, S. C, in October, *® @k % Staff Sergeant Donald R. Glass of Accident, as completed the course for United States Air tion of 14.10 miles route 40 from Allegany county line to U. S. 219: reconstruction and rchabilitation of 3.76 miles on same route; new construction 420 miles U. S. 219 from U. S. 40 to Northern high school; new construction 3.03 miles U. S. 219 from Deep Creek bridge to north Sang Run road. Secondary system: reconstruc tion of .87 miles Maryland 38. north end bridge to 4 miles west of Kitzmiller; reconstruction, rehabili tation and pull lane 3.26 miles, Maryland 135 from Maryland 38 to Maryvland 495. Force technical instructors atl Sheppard aiy force base in ’l‘c.\'as.l Sergeant Glass was trained in lm‘inciplvs of learning, use of' training aids, lesson pianning and | ' practice teaching. He was chosanl' lltn become an Air Force instructor | ' because of his experience and!' ' | capability. |f | The sergeant is the son of Mr. | 'l and Mrs. Carl V. Glass of R. D. 2.;‘ Accident, and is a graduate of ' | Northern High school, Cove. “ *%B & ; Receives Promotion | , Charles Weimer, of ();lklzmd.| .l\\‘hu had been serving with the |’ 1 armed forces in Germany sin(-ol ,IN()\‘(‘HH)(‘l‘. 1962, was recently pro-|! | moted from the rank of private | first class to Specialist 4. !; ; Weimer entered the service in |, | January, 1961. He is a son of Mr. | ) and Mrs. Everett Weimer, of Oak-’v | land. i . ——C——————— ~— |I : James William MecCrobie, of the ! Red House section, underwent l; | surgery in Johns Hopkins h()spital,}l | Baltimore. He is expected to re r!turn to his home on Saturday. l< ! it (st sese i l In November the rate of employ- | i:mom rose from 5.5 per cent to 5.9 i i per cent of the total labor force.! - “ Paid For Idea | e .I An idea of the Bittinger Girls 4-H club was used in the Decem—' ber issue of the National 4-H club | news. An advertiscment by the Wrigley company features the plan ' for a service project which was ] conducted by the club. The club . received $35 for the contribution‘( to the magazine. Karen Sha\\']cy.'l club member, said the moml)(-rsiI were pleased the company thought i the idea a good one and uses al-l‘ ready have been found for the ; money. ’. Mrs. Ralph Buckel, leader, had |- sent in the suggestions. The service project was call(‘dl a modern day “quilting party.” The girls collected woolen patches andl materials to make tops for two warm colorful comforters. They cut and sewed the patches together to form tops for the comforters, The comforters were knotted at a special meeting with mothvrsl being inivted to assist. This was considered one of the most suc-l cessful meetings held with both groups having an opportunity tol share in a service activity. “Planning Meals for Good Nu-' trition,” was the topic of the girls' | 35 Home Ec. Girls Take | Betty Crocker Test Dec. 3 i The yearly Betty Crocker Home maker of Tomorrow test was given on Tuesday, December 3, to all| senior girls taking Home Econom- | ics. Mr. Spoerlein, who adminis- | _— club meeting last Thursday (-\'n-} ning. A luncheon menu was plan ned to be prepared at the home of | Mrs. Ralph Buckel December 31, Following the meal the members will do smocking on aprons, cush—% icn covers and smocked hats. | A The listing of physicians’ office hours as pub lished in The Republican of December 6th was incor rect so far as my hours are concerned, The correct time of my hours is as follows: 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., by appointment, except Wednesday. 1 No Sunday hours. \ Dr. E. 1. Baumgartner THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1963 |u'rv(l the test, said that about 5o ]uirls took part. Objective questions made up the ’muin part of the test, and the girls | were given 35 minutes to work on ;theso questions. An essay question | comprised the second part, tor | which 10 minutes was allowed. | The girl who wins this contest jat Southern will be awarded a *B(-tly Crocker cookbook. She will | go on to take a state-wide contest, {which includes, if she wins, a trip ilu Williamsburg, Philadelphia and ;i!\'c\v York. A nationwide dinner l\\'ill be held at the Waldorf As toria hotel in New York.