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THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1963. Bayard High Cagers g y Rout Deverly 82-52 With nine player contributing to the orin attack Bayard romped over Beverly High school 82 to 52 last Friday night at Bev erly. Don Kessell and Don Knotts tossed in 17 and 18 points respec tively, as Bayar dposted its secc ond in a row. The Pingley brothers accounted for all but nine of Bev erly's tallies Bayard scored 31 field goals and 20 of 28 fouls compared to 17 ficld goals and 18 of 33 fouls for Beveriy. Bavard was ahead at all stages of the game, 24-12 at the auarter, 42-19 at the half and 62- 34 at the end of the third period. b To Present Nativity Play At the generai meeting of the WSCS of St Paul's Methodist church on Wednesday evening, De cember 18, at 8 o'clock, a nativity play, “The Coming of the Prince of Peace,’ will be given by the junior and senior choirs of the church under direction of Mrs. Dean McFarland. The narrator will be John Durst. The public is invited. There will be a council meeting at 7:30 of all officers. Ll A car-train crash in Alabama killed 11 persons in one family. BB EEEEEEEREY. Something - in SIFTS ... N this year ' make it from Weber's ® 0 & Mo 0 fui i dur GF g M TR P X = o TS S & [@}"’ ’\:\:\-.',_SL 205 fop .\(z‘”'l" i a2 A i 5 RS %' TS YN ‘ = _i-; . fi&’g} 4 a G mfl% S 9" Qe \ ® § 0 Sidas . \A . i S R =g %4}“_ - L " Py ' B by L S R SRS I AN N Y ":‘:l Vo vex Sl I o These and many others now at our new Yea? Cash 'n’ Carry Open for the Christmas season for your convenience in the Fazzelari Building, 116 Third Strect. ® Fioral gifts by order from our Greenhouse Showroom OBEN 9 ‘til 5 @ THE and COMPANY DE 4-2147 CAKLAND, MARYLAND G RIS BDS 181 DD i |t & ’ | % | L | ) ! | | * g | O i | . ! ‘ Miss Barbara Colabrese and Miss Carolyn Lambert, shown above, will direct the junior and senior high school chorus in the annual Christmas concert on Thursday, December 19 at 8:00 p. m. in the Southern High school gymnasium. \ - - Choral Program Of Christmas Music To Be Given In Gym December 19 The Christmas season will be ushered in this year at Southern by the annual Christmas Concert. which will be presented by the com bined junior and senior choruses. The program will include both tra ditional and novelty numbers, and a pantomime will be staged. The date set for the presentation is Thursday, Dec. 19; it will be held in Southern’s gym at 8:00 p. m. The choruses are extending an invitation to the public to attend. i The Junior chorus’ traditional processional “O Come All Ye Faithful” will be followed by a rousing opening number, “The ‘Slciu':\." Selections done a cappella from the “Christmas Crib” are {‘"l'h(' Star,” “The Shepherds,” “The \ - . ‘Treat Contributions | Reach $4Ol Thus Far | S Contributions for the annual Christmas treat have reached a total of $4Ol, it was announced by Charles L. Brner, charman. The committee for the Mt. Top Chamber of Commerce wi!l need an addi tional S3OO before reachung its goal. Normally some 2500 chldren of the area are given a Christmas treat each year and the cost runs S7OO or more. The treat will be distributed on Saturday, December 21, at 1 o'clock, and will take place in front of the Oakland fire hall on Third street. The list of contributors up to the present time include Gortner's Store, Rudy's, Elza E. Bray, Rich ard L. Davis. E. R. Jones, Garrett National Bank, Ace Radio and Electric, Dr. Alvin P. Friend, Or der of Eastern Star, Dr. F. D. Cus ter, Highland Park Dairy, Mt. Lake hotel, Motel Oak-Land, Inc., Robert W. Lohr, distributor, S. R. Pagen hardt, W. W. Dawson, Gregg's Pharmacy, Englander’s Pharmacy, Leighton-Durst Funeral Home, Dr. H. C. Ashby, W. Dwight Stover, Del Builders, Inc., Gonder Insur ance agency, Joseph M. Hinebaugh, Judge Stuart F. Hamill, Herbert H. Leighton, M. D, J. W. Jackson company, Woodmen of the World, Shaffer Ford Sales, Inc., Forman's Barber Shop, DeWitt and Deßerry. Gonder’s Cut Rate, E. R. Fike, Fred E. Beachy Lumber company, Quality Lunch Room, The Republi can, Carnation company, The H-P Stores, Inc.. Kight's Insurance Serv ice, Oakland Rotary club, Legion Club, Inc., Browning, Inc¢., Harco Lumber company, Inc., Sharps Motor company, Dr. J. R. Flaherty, American Legion auxiliary, OQOak land Lumber company, Knights of Columbus, Proudfoot’s Oakland Pharmacy, City Roller Mills, A. D. Naylor and company, Inc., Millers Market, Inc., Dr. James H. Feaster, Jr. | This Christmas, lead 9 him into the world 4 of leisure with i 3 ) B SN ™ C /fi'/" V7] e S| - | I oy [/% N~ Lol For B mEN w fj}fl‘\ j fEd } So easy to give . . . so g o welceme a gift . . . they're ‘:“' made for indoor and o 14 outdoor comfort. Styled L from Doe-lan plastics to €G- 587 ?, : imported ltalian leathers. P s Jg‘% ¢ Szveral styles are machine S fis g washable. b *" g $3.00-57.95 M “Quality” Is The Buy Word Marvin’s Men’s Wear Second Street Opposite First National Bank Dial 334-9211 OAKLAND, MARYLAND A e e | Wise Men,” “The Angels,” “The ' Animals,” and the beautiful “Jesu ' Bambino.” Other possible num ' bers include “Christmas Was ! Meant For Children,” by the girls’ * | chorus; “The Carol of the Star,” " “Fum, Fum, Fum,” which are both " Spanish songs; “Sleigh Ride,” “Jingle Bell Travelogue”—a nov elty number taking you to Spain, . Russia, China, Vienna, and Amer ica;, and the “Beautiful Little || Lamb, Who Made Thee?”, a tra , ditional number with the chorus :is their version of the “Twelve Days of Christmas.” The closing . | selection is “We Wish You a Mer . ry Chrisumas.” Director of the Jun .|ior Chorus’ part of the produc [ tion is Miss Barbara Lee Cola ; | brese. ‘ The senior chorus will stage and | pantomime “The Nativity” for its | Christmas program. It will begin ./with a Candlelight Processional | accompanied by the organ and a | brass ensemble forming a star in |the center of the gymnasium. | Among the musical selections to | be used in the program will be “Fanfare for Christmas,” “Ave 11\'('1'11111," “Jesu Joy,” 'Sicillian | Bagpipers,” “Adoration of the {M.‘l,’-.'i.” “Christmas Day,” ‘Carol of ‘il!u\ Bells,” and the “Hallelujah i('h()l'us' from Handel's Messiah. | Soloists in order of appearance | will be Patty Martin, Sandi Kight, .| Jerry McClung, Diane Gentry, Ron .%Mcl)anivl. and Duane Schroyer. .‘('harlcs O’Haver will serve as nar | rator, with Carol Roberts and Sal l\ Buchanan as accompanists on | the organ. Miss Carolyn Lambert will be directing the senior chorus - performance. | ————————————————————— v T .TSR 7 300 ST R B WD | UNUSUAL GIFT BOOK - Limited Edition (autographed) “Sing, O Mountaineer!” , Walter W. Price \ Ask For It At OAKLAND PHARMACY | GONDERS NEWS STAND I_ THE REPUBLICAN, OAKLAND, MARYLAND. D YRR " Ly o "gt oB B i g uA, m.._.,ffw,.jij-_w . g * BRE ot g iy % / o . N 9"' L . N s e o ‘ ' :fi fi Fvl A g . |’J g g “' 5 ,5 ’f ‘i "%mw&@" ,; / “j& ~.‘jg - 3 . _:} : . 2 f/é ; ‘4-_-\. 2;;;‘..1‘ S / \;‘&\Mwu'/f/ ;"‘t * -/:-{-;v_, #%W BROWNING'S |+ —— 100 SOUTH THIRD ST. OAKLAND, MD. Everyfl"e En The ‘1 - Area Is Talking & | ing | LY | s e, | :;J3 y . s i s We Reserve the Right *L HN-G S FQODLAND d These Prices Effective to Limit Quantities ij LOW Pr'ces A " : Dec. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 *Fl‘ee S&H G on Aif PrOductS ‘ G reen Stam el e o : ; riendly, Courteous Servige % TP e et _All-Weather” Parkipe IVi S gi,Yb e) O “a : | [P k. ™ Grade “A” Sterling eML NP WY I~ln f Fresh fce Pack (R NGy Whole = B 3‘ )":,4%*:3‘# R RS . f i \ e UT UP 91 Le , EJ Ay C e | | MEATY LEGS As¢ | TENDER BREASTS . 43¢ BAGKS ANB NEGKSIb ]flc‘IMEATYL N ¢ WLh Dlt o ¢ SMOKXED |l FRESHLY CHIPPED : : OSCAR MAYER HOPS 75¢ | WIENERS 53 PORK CHOPS ...19 i; CHOPPED h&fl i . ¢ | WIENERS 100 03F Erie Shore 2 Ib. 59 ’ l Aunt Jane’s Pickles—Kosher Dills A& S RO ey Strawberrv Preserves .. . jar ¢ ‘ Hamburger Dills . ... .48-oz. jar fi‘ sPAR;(I. lN G PROB UC E WHOLE KERNEL m\ “If It's Fresher Than Ours, It's Still Growing" N or T TN NG CREAM STYLE | Ao A Tonie) @ GiRRAY £oo bR 303 [ ICEBERG (5 N\ STOKELY ' STALEY'S TOMATO JUIGE 4 = $1 | WAFFLE SYRUP 24 3§¢ e cans | : btl. heads c ffiw’”. No. 27, _ e CALIFORNIA NAVEL E S oL . O o | £ PACK S = PUMPK‘ ; U MPpy IN | U. S. NO. 1 MAINE d | bag t L e i 2 ] DULANY VAC-PACK SOFTEX T@MATOES 2 49 ‘ 19 < SWEETPOTATOES 4281 | NAPKINS __lso.: 1, 19¢ Tubes | (o] i FROZEN el ‘ffilij;,"v” ';?!sssr's R 303 2 .o 5 Fn, tv;' Py %" 3 R ob @b s < 4 LIBBY POT PIES "Tncmu MUSSELMAN | FOODLAND 1 9 h T T YY L . //__:’") Bi \ YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR CHRISTMAS CANDIES " 46-052 % Complete Selection Low Prices : : N g A& b @2\,&!@‘}%) s o CEfi (gel_igi’o::g@ Brach’s Famous Coconut - \ A8 D TRe P QN 0N g tte-b. § % ; i R RGN o o o S R M R I A Copm T LTI SEAMLESS 2 9 Old Fashion Chocolate ' NYLCN HOSIERY ... . 2..79¢ ROS b. N.B.C. Swiss ‘n’ Ham 2 75¢ h MUBESS 59¢ o . pkg. N.B.C. i : ... 24ct pkg ¥ -—E—C:flep—eri-—-——p'-(-gi—-————————-m—(—fi)f—q—— 10% Discount On All Christmas Candies FRUIT CAKES S s 2 b 89¢ For Churches And Civic Organizations PAGE NINE