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PAGE TEN Sunday Services In The —hurches of the Community St. Mark’s Ev. Lutheran, Oak land, The Rev. Wm. Ernest Fox, Matins, 8:30 a. m.: Sunday School, 9:30 a. m.; The Service, 10:45 a. m,; Christmas Fve scorvice, Tuesday, Dec. 24, 11 p. m St. Paul's Methodist, Oakland, Rev. Lawrence Sherwood, pastor. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m.;: Worship Services, 10:45 a. m.: Candlelight service, Dec. 22, 5:30 and 8 p. m Church of the Nazarene, Bth and Alder Sts., Oakland. Rev. Robert C. Roberts, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Worship Service, 11 a. m.; Junior meeting, 11 a. m.; Nazarene Young People’s meeting, 6:45 p. m.; Evening Service, 7:30 p. m. Praver meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 pP. m, St. Matthew’'s Episcopal, Oak'and, The Rev. W. Shelby Walthall, rec tor. Holy Communion, 8 a. m,; Chureh School and Morning Pray er, 11 a. m; Holy Communion, ist Sunday, 11 a. m. | e | Church of St. Peter the Apostle, Rev. Fr. Michael K. Carney. p:m-f tor: Rev. Fr. Joseph W. Krach, as sistant. Masses, 8 a. m. and 10 a. m. Confessions, Saturday, 35| and 6 p. m, 7:30 to 8:30 a. m., and| Sunday before each mass. Immacu iate Conception, Kitzmiller, Mass, Sunday, 10 a. m. : First Christian Church, Oakland, | Rev. H. B. Rittenhouse, minister. | Christian Hour of Worship, WMSG, | every Sunday, 11 a. m. to 12 noon. . No Thursday night services until further notice. | Oak Park Church of the Breth-l ren, near Oakland, opposite South ern High school, Rev. J. Stanley Earhart, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.: Wership, 11 a. m.; CBYF, 7:30 p. m. First Baptist Church, S. Second St., Oakland. Rev. E. H. Wilt, pas tor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Wor ship Service, 11 a. m.; Evening Fellowship, 7:30 p. m.; JOY club, Tuesday. 4 p. m.: Prayver and Bible Stady, .30 p. m. Kingdom Hall of sehovah’'s Wit nesses, Donald W. Stull, minister. Sunday: 3:00 p. m, Public Bible Talk; 4:15 p. m., Watchtower Study. Tuesday: 8 p. m., Bible Study. Fri day: 7:30 p. m., Theocratic Ministry School; 8:30 p. m., Service Meeting. Swanton E.U.B. Churzh, Rev. Roy Butler, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Worship, 11 a. m,, Ist and 3rd Sundays; 7:30 p. m., 2nd and 4th Sundays. Prayer service, Wed,, 7:30 p. m. Youth Fellowszhip, Thurs., 7 p. m. Missionary meeting Ist ¥ri day of every month. Crellin E. U. B. Church, Rev. Charles Teets, pastor. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m.; Worship Serv ice, 11 a. m, Ist and 3rd Sundays; 7:30 p. m., on the 2nd and 4th Sun days; Youth Fellowship, 7:30 p. m,, Ist and 3rd Sundays. Prayer Serv ice, Wedresday. 7:30 p. m. Mt. Lake Park E.U.B, Rev. O. W. Hull, pastor. Loch Lynn: Ist and 3rd Sunday, 7:30 p. m.; 2nd and 4th Sunday, 10 a. m. McHenrry: Ist and 3rd Sunday, 11 a. m.; 4th Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Paradise: Ist and 3rd Sunday, 10 a. m.; 2nd Sun. day, 7:30 p. m. Mit. Bethel: 2nd and 4th Sunday, 11 a. m. . g ok AMERIGH | : 4@4#**“ FIA | o x R | £ g 5/ Ly B ; : IR [ P ‘(‘ "/ "'\‘ Q \‘6 'fl\fl\ J : x Rl Rl ¥O. LT | &G 0 N D /& e Cetin the MONEY 18 ‘ Check State Farm's | Ilow insurance rates | for careful drivers— rates so low thatone | out of two may save important dollars. And check State Farm service—so good that people in , sure more cars with us than with anyone else. Call today? - - Paul W. DeWitt 5 Second St. DE 4-4827 suiee) STATE FARM MUTUAL &S | AUToMOBILE insußaANcE msomance ] COMPANY, HOME OFFICE: “ =/ BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS ATTENTION CHAIN SAW OWNERS! We are now equipped with a new NEILSON GRINDER To sharpen chains fast and accurately, any make, any ..ngth. OREGON-CHIPPER-CHAIN In stock. To fit most power saws. Any length. NEW AND USED SAWS FOR SALE saces MeCULLOCH service CHAIN SAWS POWERS GARAGE MT. LAKE PARK, MD. DE 4-2254 | St Paul’s Lutheran Church, Au rora, W. Va. Sunday School, 9:30 r’a. m.; Worship Service, 10:45 am,, with a Gettysburg student supply ing on Ist, 2nd and 4th Sundays. ',\ lay reader will officate on the 'l remaining Sundays. f Christ Lutheran Church, Grants iville, The Rev. David E. Fetter, The Service, 8 a. m.; Sunday School, 9:30 a. m.: Luther League "I social at St. John's, Salisbury, 8:45 ; p. m.: Candlelight Holy Eucharist llut' the Nativity, Tues., 11:00 p. m. Zion Lutheran (Missouri Synod), ||Accidon(. C. F. Dauphin, pastor. | Sunday Scheol, 9:30 a. m.; Wor i ship service and Holy Communion, " 10:30 a. m.; Children’s Service, 7:30 I p. m., Dec. 24; Worship service on :}('l!l'lslm.!\'. 10:30 a. m. i —— ,I Accident Ev. Lutheran Parish, the Rev. Wm. E. Carison, pastor. iSt. John's, Cove, Service, 9 a. m.; | Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Christmas '. program, 8 p. m. St. Paul’s, Acci i dent, Sunday School, 9:15 a. m; | Service, 10:15 a. m.; Christmas pro | gram, Tues.. Dec. 24. 8 p. m. Grace, '| Friendsville, Sunday School. 10:15 a. m.: Service, 11:30 a. m.: Christ ‘ mas program, 8 p. m. ‘ i St. John’s Lutheran (Missnurl‘ | Synod), Cove, The Rev. Arthur M., i Bicker, pastor. Sunday School, 9:30‘ | am.; Worship Service, 10:30 a. m, 5 | | Bittinger Lutheran Parish, Rev. ‘Hugo W. Schroeder, pastor. St. ! John’s, Meadow Mtn., worship, 8:45 | a. m,; Sunday School, 10:15 a. m. | Emmanuel, Bittinger, Worship, ] 10:15 a. m.; Sunday Scheol, 9 a. m. . Zion, Jennings, Worship, 11:30 a. m.; Sunday School, 10:15 a. m. Holy Communion in each church the |3rd Sunday of each month. | | Mt Lake Park Methodist Charge, | The Rev. James Remley, pastor. 1 Bethel: Sunday School, 9 a. m.; | Worship, 10 a. ‘m. White Church: { Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Wor ~ ship, 11 a. m. Kurtz Chapel: Sun . day School, 10:30 a. m.; Worship, 1 7:30 p. m. every 2nd and 4th Sun - days. All services on Standard ' Time. | Aurora Methodist, Rev. Frank P. | Snyder, pastor. Ist Sunday: Amboy, 19:30; Aurora, 10:45. Stemple Ridge, 7:30. Second Sunday: Erwin, 9:30; | Bethel, 1:00; Aurora, 7:30. Third Sunday: Stemple Ridgs, 9:30; Au ' rora, 10:45; Amboy, 7:30. Fourth ' Sunday: Bethel, 9:30; Aurora, 10:45; Erwin, 7:39. . Sand Flat Assembly of God, Rev. ! Hartley L. Wigfield, Jr., pastor. ' Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Worship, 11 a. m.; Evangelistic Service, Sun days, 7:45 p. m. Bible Study every ' Tuesday, 7:45 p. m. | ! m— | Bloomington Methodist Circuit, Rev. Gene Eaton, pastor. Ist Sun ! day, Cross. 11 a. m.: Bloomington, R p. m.;: Ist Wednesday, Mt. Zion, 6 p. m. 2nd Sunday. Nerth Glade, 10 a. m.; Swanton, 11 a. m.; Bloom ington, 8 p. m. 2nd Wednesday, Chestnut Grove, 8 p. m. 3rd Sun tday; Chesthut® Grove, 10 a. m.; Cross, 11 a. m.: Bloomington, 8 p. m. 3rd Wednesday, Mt. Zion, 6 p. m. 4th Sunday, Chestnut Grove, 8 p m: North Glage, 11 am; | Bloomington, 8 p. m. 4th Thursday, Swanton, 8 p. m. Loch Lynn Heights Baptist, Rev. I. Luke Walter, pastor. Sunday School, 16 a. m.; morning worship, i1 a. m.; Training Union, 6:30 p. m.; | evening worship, 7:45 p. m.; Prayer meeting Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Fern | dale: Worship, 9:45 a. m.; Sunday School, 10:45 a. m.; Prayer meeting, | Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. L, \ ‘ The Church ot God of Prophecy, Loch Lynn, Rev. Walter S. Bellis, pastor. Sunday Schoel, 10 a. m.;| Worship Service, 11 a. m.; Evangel-| istic service, 7:45 p. m. Auxiliary | services, Wed., 7:30 p. m. Eaglel | Rock, Mona Hebb, pastor. Sunday | School, 10:30 a. m; Worship, 11:151 | am.; Evangelistic service, 7:45 p.| | m. Auxiliary services, Thurs., 7:45 p. m. . Eglon Church of the Brethren, | Clyde E. Hylton, pastor. Maple lSpring: Sunday School, 10 a. m.; iWorship, 11 a. m. Glade View: | Worship, 9:20 a. m.; Sur:day School, |10:30 a. m. Brcokside: Sunday { School, 10 a. m.; Worship, 11 a. | m. Mt. Grove: Sunday School, 10 | a. m.; Worship, 11 a. m. Gortner { Union: Sunday School, 9:30 a. m,; | Worship, 10:30 a. m. All evening | services at 8 p. m. | Kitzmiller Methodist Circuit, The | Rev. Orvis A. Koon, pastor. Short | Run: Worship, 10:15 a. m.; Sunday School, 11 a. m. West Vindex: Sun day School, 10:30 a. m.; Worship, 11:30 a. m. Kitzmiller: Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Worship, 7:30 p. m. | p. m. Sunday School, every Sunday, 10 a. m. Laymen’s Scrvice, 4th Sun day, 7:30 p. m. Rosedale United Pentecostal, Rev. R. J. Rifile, pastor. Sunday School 10 a. m.; Evangelical Serv tce, 7:30 p. m. Bible study, Tues { day, 7:30 p. m.; Young People’s Service, Friday, 7:30 p. m. 7:30 p. m. 1 rfl-vnw’fl/ffi*' :/ ) J /F / ,'{ Ty S ¢’:L?TR ” e . 7 ” o, ‘.Mw,v‘..::” \ & £ A - - // 5 / 4 v hc 3= ) 3 K 3 & ] J,_\. / ‘:/ ¢ -_“ G 4 : > V.. ' i oy S s - 3 O 000 ~<-z?".-“y’v':l‘w . - . ,fi’;, i SR AR AL A SRV ELY ' 222 g AR " so B e gG P g N*;/’;"‘":fé L e N fi:‘a:.;:,:.:&:;: B SIBD NI S <t o % G i A # e g oy B MERIAE Vo SR : . e e e 2 4+ @0 E .. = eRt R et N@’ £ et SP et e R ”; e, o : ol e S e e g v ‘i;*j (RS R R sS e : GeT PP o R R e P g It’s an old family custom. I hang o, ‘fif{.?“j’- f\w*:"?‘ e Ree T D RIS : . ~ . Y 5 e R bSRRe Sl A R eR Y SRR SR SR T PR o i up my stocking for Santa to fill. FEEEIas %, RR TR S °v,- e i h rery has to be very quict s, el SURISIREEE IV eI e sy g AT Then everyone has to be very cuict RX R e ERR R T i i hyi Sty T e L AN L PSR R Y P, e i $ while Daddy reads the Christmas i SRR 3, R E gfiégf Story from our big family Bible .. . |3& ; PRt V,&fi+ e %éi{ - . PS A R eo T eUL S A R e . S, S 2] about the Shepherds ... how they EEEEREE T SllgE i G ds ¢ o ; watched .. . and listened. That's FESSEEEE ”;f e e . 0 : why they knew Jesus had come: be- [EESUSNEE @ aidileiiias s s } S i LR e O R 4 4 S : cause they listened! 7?":'%543%:2{-‘; Mag o fr"f e 8 it i S R N L RN Y SRR e s R o e e ; i 3 s 7 U oREI Sl e T e ; Again today, Christmas brings §ix s u}’,flfiw&fiw i good tidings ... of peace on carth [EEHE RB G OLee 332:'5," G il . WL L eSe g, ; e good will toward men. Church *;("*,;,\3 5y %&v‘,fi‘?,figg@é,&x o, ::: R N ; bells ring .. . children sing carols (’{?’i;'.*,xggfi,fl 3&';,1;!;5‘ .. . the Story of Bethlehem is told fi&iffii’;é :wg#“%‘\n‘w : . P A eTRX S R e SPO again. B 3;%’,;..?.4.,‘-’-.-"'f e‘% : = i A AR e T SRR : . zg%“m%%”*wé%m’ It means Joy to the world: if we ,@r;;w da e ]iStL‘]l! ’P>'°' e ot Pl i (/D SRR &L =/ Copyright 1963, Keister Advertising Service, Inc., Strasburg, Va. , %\\ 4 Y/ e Sunday Monday Tuezday | Wednesday l Thursday Friday Saturday : J Isaiah Tsaiah Jeremiah | Micah | Zechariah | Matthew Luke 52:3-10 66:7-14 | 23:1-8 | 5:2-9 ; 9:9-17 | 2:1-12 2:8-20 L T - 3 ~ Al 1) 3 B TSTSe L Wye R e e LTR A‘x e These Fi nvite 0 ouse Worship Eac ee ese Firms I YOU To A H Of p E W J. P. RiLEY, DISTRIBUTOR Gulf Oil Products PHONE DE 4-3291 OAKLAND, MD. MILLER'S SANITARY MARKET Benson and Naylor PHONE DE 4-2176 OAKLAND, MD. GRANGE SUPPLY CENTER Use Check-R-Mix Feeds Made With Local Grain MT. LAKE PARK, MARYLAND THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK A Growing Bank In A Growing Community OAKLAND - FRIENDSVILLE AND DEEP CREEK LAKE Friendsville Methodist Charge, Rev. Charles Hinkle, pastor. First Methodist, Ist and 3rd Sunday, Church School, 10 a. m.; Worship, 11 a. m.; 2nd and 4th Sunday, Wor ship, 10 a. m.; Church School, 11 a. m. MYF each Sunday, 7 p. m. Selbysport, Worship, Ist and 3rd Sunday, 9:45 a. m.; Church School, 10:45 a. m. MYF each Sunday, 7 p. m. Hoyes, Church School, 10 a. m.: Worship Ist and 3rd Sunday, 7:30 p. m.; 2nd and 4th Sunday, 11 a. m. MYF each Sunday, 7 p. m. Bicoming Rose, Church School, 10 a. m.; Worship, 2nd and 4th Sun jay, 7:30 p. m. Cherry Grove Church of the Brethren, Route 40 and Avilton- New Germany road, Rev. Earl Harper, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Worship Service, 11 a. m. Deer Park Methodist.. Sunday School every Sunday at 1) am, Preaching 2nd Sunday of month, %1303. m.; 4th Sunday evening 3t ?ii% Factory Fresh i All Nylon N g - LITARY = TIRES e A oA 600x16 6 ply nylon 13.95 8 s, %G 65016 6 ply nylon 16.95 %%m i 700x15 6 ply nylon 18.95 8. g 700x16 6 ply nylon 18.95 e, 0 900x16 8 ply nylon 34.95 ,ofi‘w"fig 75020 10 ply nylon 34.95 w 8 85x20 10 ply nylon 42.95 o 990x20 10 ply nylon 49.95 Y @g 1000x20 12 ply nylon 59.95 Co 1000x22 12 ply nylon 69.95 ""“*"? 1100x20 12 ply nylon 69.95 s 1200x20 14 ply nylon 99.95 \*‘W’%/ Plus federal excise tax. R Free installation. SHARTZER TIRE CO. Route 40 Farmington, Pa. DAvis 9-5523 Route 219 at Paul Friend Road Oakland, Md. DE 4-9853 THE REPUBLICAN, OAKLAND, MARYLAND. OAK GROVE DAIRY C. W. Wagner & Sons Producer and Transporter of Milk McHenry, Md. Phone DE 4-4242 KELLY’S APPLIANCE AND FURNITURE STORE Thomas K. Vance, Owner Admiral, Phiico and Motorola Appliances New and Used Furniture DIAL DE 4-3926 MT. LAKE PARK, MD. SHARPS MOTOR COMPANY Chevrolet Sales and Service Phone 534-3928 19 'N. Third St. OAKLAND, MARYLAND Maple Grove Assembiy of God, Rev. Arnold W. Smith, pastor, Acci dent, W. Va. (Horse Shoe Run). Sunday School, 9:45 a. m.; Wor ship, 11 a. m.; Youth meeting, 6:15 p. m.; Prayer service, 6:30 . m,; Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Faith Tabernacle, Rev. Roy W. Shewbridge, pastor, 2'2 miles south on Route 495 from Grantsville. Sunday School, 10 am.; Worship, 11 a. m.; Evangelistic service, 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wed., 7:30 p. m. outh service, Friday, 7:30 p. m. Fairview Mennonite Mission, Fairview Rd., 2 miles off New Ger many Rd., Norman H. Teague, pas tor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Morn ing Worship, 11 a. m. Special Sing spiration every 3rd Sunday at 7:30 p m Pentecostal Holiness Church, Corinth, Rev. Franklin Bishop, pas tor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; morn ing worship, i1 a. m.; evening serv ice, 7:30 p. m. Prayer service, Wed., MILLER MACHINE WORKS Mine and Mill Supplies Sheet Metai and Wire Products—Expert Machine Shop Service SPRINGS, PA. PHONE MO 2-6431 LEIGHTON-DURST FUNERAL HOME Phone 'E 4-3388 Ambulance Service OAKLAND, MARYLAND FRED E. BEACHY LUMBER CO. Lumber and Builders’ Supplies PHONE DE 4-3258 12 N. Golf Course Rd. OAKLAND, MARYLAND Fairview Church of the Breth-! ren, near Table Rock, Rev. Eu-j gene Matthews, pastor. Worship! service, 9:45 a. m.; Sunday School, 10:45 a. m.; Youth Meeting, 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs., 8 p. m. Crellin Methodist, Rev. Henry A. Lee, pastor. Worship, Ist Sun day, 7:30 p. m.; 3rd Sunday, 11 a. m.; Sunday School every Sunday,l 9:45 a. m. Prayer Meeting, Wed- | nesdays, 7:30 p. m. Laymen’s serv-! ice, 2nd Sunday, 7:30 p. m. ! Rockydrean Aassembiy of God,’ J. C. Skipper, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Worship, 7:30 p.| m. Glendale: Sunday School, 7:30i p. m.; Worship, 2:30 p. m. Worship, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. ! Mt. Zion Methodist church, Rev.l Emery McGraw, pastor, route 40, | 7 miles west of Frostburg. Wor-! ship on the first, third and fifth | Sunday at 11 a. m.; Sunday School, | every Sunday at 10 a. m. i Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‘ Cay Saints, Mt. Lake Park. Sun day School, 10 a. m.; Sacramental | meeting, 11 a. m. MIA (youth pro-! gram) Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Relief | society, 8 p. m. .i Assembly of God (Full Gospel Church), Deer Park. Rev. Gail | Hixon, pastor. Sunday School, 9:45] a. m.; Worship, 10:45 a. m. Evan- | gelistic service, 7:45 p. m. Wed,, 8! p. m,, Bible Study and Prayer serv- ; e - Deep Creek Baptist Church “The Church By The Side Cf The Lake” DR. CHARLES P. ANDERSON, PASTOR SUNDAY SCHOOL. ... .. i iiiiviiniiedusesivin 9:45 a. m fMorning Worship ... Iwam Christmas Message and Music “A Song Of Bethlehem” Cantata.. 8:00 p. m Cherub, Carol, Concord and Church Choirs ALL ARE WELCOME Walnut Bottom Assembly of God, Rev. Pete Saleskey, pastor. Sun day School, 10 a. m.; Worship 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., Friday, 7:30 Pl 1 #* Loch Lynn Church of God, Rev. W. Allen Taylor, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Worship, 7:30 p. m.; Thursday night Worship, 7:30 p. mi Haven of Rest Evangelistic Tem ple, Rev. Wm. BPenny, Jr., Pleasant Valley Grange hall, 2 miles from Loch Lynn. 3 p. m. Sunday after noon, Evangelistic service. Crellin Assembly of God, Rev. M. E. Wolfe, pastor. Sunday School 10:30 a. m.; Evangelistic Service 7:30 p. m.; Prayer Service, Wed,, 7:30 p. m.; Young People's Service, ¥, ¢330 p. m. United Pentecostal, Sang Run, Rev. Wm. Feather, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Evangelistic Serv ice, 7:30 p. m.; Young People’s Service, Wed., 7:30 p. m. Laurel Run Church of God, Friendsville, Rev. Howard L. Pentz, pastor. 10 a. m., Sunday School; 11 a. m., Worship Service. Sermon by the pastor. Deep Creek Baptist, C. P. Ander son, pastor. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m.; Worship, 11 a. m,; Training Union, 6:30 p. m.; Prayer Service, Wednesday, 8 p. m. | THURSDAY, DECEMRBER 19, 1962 . 4 e, (232 s | N SPEAKS RRY Sunday School Lessons by L LLLR AL L To Make Men Free Lesson for December 22, 1963 Bible Material: Luke 2:1-20; Galatians 3 throuzh 4. Devotional Reading: Luke 1:53-69. AQUESTION that can be asked | about every baby, but never answered, is: “Why was this baby born?”’—meaning by “Why?” not the circumstances under which his parents met, his ancestors and so on, but rather: “What is going to 2 be the main pur ; TR pose in life for At this infant? For R what will he be s #FSRE remembered?” Nc %'z one can answel B %. a8 that. The baby* i, %ie 5 mother knows, or g 6 £4 thinks she knows; .’ but how often B #B2 mothers have Dr. Foreman been disappoint ed! The Baby Jesus had a God-given reason for being born. His mother had high hopes of him, too. She was sure he was born to be King. | She was disappointed, but not as most mothers are. For instead of failing to come up to the height of her hopes, he grew far beyond them. He who—DMary sang in her heart—was to be King of Isracl would be more, much more. He | would be King of mankind. His | very name (in Hebrew) means | one who sets men free. { Free from law The strange and wonderful | thing about Jesus is that he is a person who though he died is not separated from us by his death. He can not only be remembered, | He can be known. Those who do know Him, know from their own experience that He does set men free. A man begins to be a heart- Christian indeed when he goes be yond saying, Christ sets men free, to saying Christ has set ME free. Free from what? First cof all, He set us free from the law. That sounds a little strange, doesn't it? We tend to regard lawless pcople as dangerous. What doees this mean, to be saved from the law? | _ What law? Well, Paul wrote the letter to the Galatians on that one point mostly. He got quite excited ‘ Bethesda Chuich of the Brethren, Grantsville, Rev. Saylor Wampler, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m; | Worship, 11 a. m | Bear Creek Church of the Breth ren, Accident, Rev. Duane Lewel- . len, pastor. Sunday School, 9:30 1 a 1m: Worship; 10:30 a. m. Grace Brethren Church, Acci dent. Rev. Fredcrick Crawford. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Worship, i1 a m. Rush Baptist Church, Rev. Ned Mayse, pastor. Services every | other week, 11 a. m. Sundayi School, 10 a. m. l Oak Grove Church of the Breth- | ren, near McHenry. Donald Mat- | thews, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. I m.; Worship, 11 a. m. [ St. John’s Chapel (Episcopal), Deer Park, the Rev. Fr. Thomas P.l Staup, vicar. The Holy Eucharist, 9 a. m.; Family Worship, 11 a. m. ; Pine Grove Church of the Breth- | ren, Swallow Falls, Rev. Donald | Matthews. Sunday School, 10 a. m,; ‘ Preaching Service, 7:30 p. m. Wesley Chapel. Worship 2nd I Sunday, 7:30 p. m.; 4th Sunday, 11 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday, l 10:30 a. m. ' ?‘; 200 "’““’”'“"'"‘""’“""'*’"""'."--.--.,wvw,w,m‘fl.*&"‘"'-‘f"’'""‘5""”"7““'"”“fl? T e RieE. .. 7 % ® oonng - S G :‘:\;s &,.mmm Soo RN O m\.:% <47 Used Cars 1963 Falcen Tudor Hardtop Big engine, Fordomatic transmission, radio and heater, Like new. 1861 Ford Country Squire Sta tion Wagon—Eight cylin ders, Fordomatic, radio and heater. Sharp. 1960 Thunderbird Convertibie— Complete power. Clean. One owner. 1560 Mercury Convertible Eight cylinders, automatic trans., radio and heater. Clean, 1959 Thunderbird Hardtop . Auto. transmission, power steering. One owner, All white. Sharp. 1959 Mercury 4 Door Sedan Radio, heater, automatic trans. Power steering. All white, Sharp. New enagine. 1959 Ford Custom 300 4 Door Sedan—Six cylinder en gine, standard trans. Radio and heater. Clean. 1958 Ford Tudor Sedan—Eight cylinder engine, standard trans. Radio and heater. New paint. Red and white. Shaffer Ford Sales, Inc. over it. What Paul was driving at was this: All his life he had been a Pharisee, one of those proud people who were most proud of the way they kept the law of Moses which they took to be the very laws of God. But what both ered Paul was this: He knew Ged would be satisfied with nothing less than perfection, gnd he was sadly aware, as many Pharisces were not, how far short the bost of men come to wheily pleasing God. So Paul tried and tried to be good, to follow the law to the let ter. But the law became a kind of terrible pursuing monster to this man, threatening hiim wiih the thousand and one times he had forgotten or not done this or that. Free from sin Some people have thought that “freedom” means absolute free dom to do anything at ail, to be as free to do any one of a million things as any other one. That is not it (and if you think about it, you don’t want yourself or any one to he “free” like that). The freedom Christ was born to bring is freedom not only from the law as a slave-driver, but free from sin itself. Free from its power, its frightening power, free from its corruption, its weakening poison, Voices from the darkness that rims the life of man cry, “What you are, you must be; what you are and do is written in your blood. Sin you must, for time and circumstance hold you in chains.” Against these dark voices comes the challenge of Charist: “The truth shall set you free.” Frea from fear Christ was born also to set men free from their worst fears. Not that Christians are reckless dare devils, not that there is nothing fearful in this world, but free from the paralyzing dreads that haunt so many. A former Buddhist told this writer that all he could remember of his childhood was this: “There were eight hundred gods and I was afraid of them all.” Simply to learn that there is one and only God, a God of love and power, who ‘“has the whole world in his hands”—this comes as a great message of freedom to prisoners of despair. Men without fear of demons or of heathen gods are nevertineless afraid all the time of death, the “last encmy.” Christ who himseif conquered death sets men forever free frem the fear of it. (Based on outiines coprrightcd by the Division of Chrisfian Edecation, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U. 8. A. Released by Community Press Service.) Maple Grove Church cof the Brethren, Grauntsville. The Rev. K. Dean Huntley. Sunday School, 10 a. m.: Worship, 11 a. m. v Corinth Mmetnodist. Worship, Ist Sunday, 11 a. m.; 3rd Sunday, 7:30 p. m v L . e The four Americans and cther hostages in Bolivia were released YT oionly = | e -] Mogtag wilbm-wads trms B ity budgith A. D. Naylor & Co, Liberty Street 7 Rolyan’s Third Street OAKLAND, MARYLAND A T WO AT MR TR T SR A M eS BV o - 11957 Ford Tudor Hardtop : Eight cylinders. automatic I trans, Radio and heater. Tutone paint. Ciean. -1 1956 Ford 4 Door Ssdan—Eight . cylinder engine, automatic . transmission, | Trucks and Pickups 1861 Ford F-250 3; Ton—Four : wheel drive. New paint. : Good tires, 1958 Ford '2 Ton Pickup—Six i cylinders, good tires, new - paint. I 1957 GMC Z 7Ton—iong wheel!- { pbase, 8 cyiinder engine, 2 :l speed axle. Good tires, Has |l flat bed. 11956 Ford F-350 1 Ton—With | dual wheels and cattle : rack. New tires on rear. ) ’1950 Chevrolet Pickun 2 Ton— : Good engine and tires. | | 1955 Studebaker > Ton Pickup . Priced right.