Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19. 1963, s | Classified Advertising | & MiSCELLANEOUS ... ! L DTR TR W) Re S R TO T -_ . | GREGORY’S | Refrigeration Service | PHILCO SALLES & SERVICE ! Mt. Lake Park, Md. ; Dial DE 4-4192 | “_—.m \ WE THREAD ¥PIPE, day or| night. Bring it to Browning’s, Inc., ! Third St., Oaklané, Md, —Adv. 12- , tf | Fast, Rotary § Well Drilling | g | *Complete Water Systems in- |/ stalled. i *Financing arranged. : . ) For prompt service and l guaranteed ) " 1 Deimar Dilley | ! DE 4-3158 : WCRIL.D BOORK i-‘.nnyfl-:)podla.t[ Mary R. Martin, Mt, Lake Park.‘ Md.,, phone DE 4-3111 or DE 4- 2224 —Adv. 20-tf. | LAT T VLAY RTV R l ECE MORELAND ;‘ PIANO TECHNIC!AN l 729-1484 ' Sohmer and Starck Pianos I REBUILT BABY GRAND i Reduced to $599.00 | T T LW G swl € A | BACK HOE work of all tyves; | septic tanks installed. Sam Beachy and Sons, Salisbury, Pa., phone MO | 2-6472. —Adv. 27-tf | TSR A WL Y S TEMAT LA LAY MM -e MRS ST { McCULLOCH Chain Saws . Sales and Service i POWERS GARAGE Mt. Lzke Park, Md.—DE 4-2254 n—-—_'—__-_ ALL MAKES Sewing Machines tieaned, oiled and adjusted. Work guaranteed. Singer Sewing Ma chine Dealers., Alder street, Oak land. —Adv. 34-tf “‘*l ockland, inaeyland 22 ALDER STREET (Nationwide Insurance Office) DE 4-2511 | Listings Needed For i | Lake Properties Featuring a Wides Variety of & Residential ¢ @ Resort ® Country Properties TYPICAL FALL SPECIAL Harvey’s Peninsula—4 bed rocms, large living room with firaplace, all modern convenien ces, including oil heat. Fur nished in beautiful Eariy American. Price reduced to move now! Otiher Desirable Lake Prop erties To Choose From OAKLAND-MT. LAXE PARK AREA RESIDENCES Two bedroom, 3 bedroom, 4 bedroom homes listed in a price range %o suit you. Choice loca tions available en Golf Course Read, High Street, Second Street, downiown Oakliand and Mt. Lake Park® S ——————————— FINANCJAL RESPONSIBILITY Insurance—Sß22 filings promptly made on suspended or revoked licenses. Ray Teets Insurance | Agency. Phone DE 4-2137, Oak- | land, Md. —Adv. 39-tf AT v OB TMI M T i .SR T a | REPAIRED } GIBSOR'S AUTO PARTS LOCH LYNN i R7AT L X B VAN 5 VR AT T, ORDER TAKING and Delivery— | Permanent position for married | man. Can earn $80.60 a week prlus | future and advancement. Car and | phone necessary. Write P.O. Box | 835, Cumberland. —Adv. 17-tf | e e ss e o A LB AN | EETRAE B PUBLIC AUCTION SALE The following Dairy Cews and Equipment will be sold at the old Dalten farm, located V 4 mile south of old Kingwood pike, two miles east of Morgantown, 2 mile east of Greenbag Cement Road. cn | SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1953 | Beginnina at 12:30 o’Clock | LIVESTOCK | Thirty-seven Hoistein Cows, 21 milking, 16 to freshen in spring: & 2-year-old Holstein Heifers, bred to freshen in August and September: 8§ yearling Holstein Bulls, 3 yearling Hoistein Heifers, 2 yearling crossbred Holistein and Hereford, 2 Ayrshire Cows, 1 milking, ! to {reshen in spring; 1 Guernsey Cow, milk ing now. If you are in the dairy business and need replacement cows or heifers, piease attend this sale. Herd T. B. and Bangs tested. MILKING EQUIPMENT Cne Dari-Keo! 500 gal. bulk Tank with cooling unit, 4 In ternational miiker Units, 1| milk Pumon and Motor, International; 2 milk Strainers, 1 can Rack, 1 double wash Vat. 1 gas Stove, 1 paper towel Rack, approximately 30 Stanchions, 1 Roller, 30 ft. | iong. Milk base cf 914 ibs. ner dav will be scld. Terms of Sale—Cash. STERLING FARMS, Owner . Morgantown Community Association | Ira Mahaffey. Auctioneer ? Terra Alta, W. Va., Phone 3231 | i ; DOLORES TRULY candy nn} sale now at Rolyans by the AAUW, | | —Adv. 41-2 t | | CUSTOM Snow Blowing. Joni J. Miller, R 2, Oakland. Ady, ‘H—‘ |t l P ————— { Authorized i ; Philco Factory- { 1 Supervised Service | |@ i ; t We service AL.L makes and §| | § models of television, radios and Ii |} phcncgraphs. i ; 2 | i Call us for day or night serv- | ‘fice.9a.m.tos p. m, DE 4-4123; é after sp. m., DE 4-2984, { o ) § Third st. Oakland, Md. | T R TS SR T M 0 WL W VIS MY AST W , REGISTER NOW for a I'l'ool ! General Elcetrie dryer to be a!,i\'(-nl I:nt ay December 24. Mast's, Grants- Lville, Md.—Adv. 33-10 t. ! i-—-—m:—n-—_—l | i Real Estaie Broker I | 1135. THIRD ST, i CAKLAND, MD. | ' PHONE 334-3340 i Seiling property is our business. | § Satisfying customers is our | pleasure. Honesty is our policy. | ARG |XST VA M U (ST .AWSY A| . | LATEST EDITION-—"“Forty-four | Years of the Life of a Xunter,” by Meshack Browning. $5./0 postpaid. R. Getty Browning, publisher, | 1012 Harvey St., Raleigh, N. C. | Adv. 4-tf ELECTROLUX !g A Sales and Service I j Contact | ! . | A. W. Smith | Route 1, Box 252-A ! Horse Shoe Run, W. Va. | e et e s oet | FREE—IS acre mobile home lot with large garden arca. Year round living. District No. 1, 2 miles from | Deep Creek Lake. Write Eugenie MacFarline, 5 Francis Si, Laurel, Md. —Adv. 40-4 t | T —— TG BUY —TO SELL | FURNITURE CONTACT ‘ MORGAN COPEMAN !} AUCTIONEER Creilin, Maryland VISIT OUR PERFUME B:\R—' Wind Song, Stradivari, Chanel No. | 5, Arpege, Miss Dior, Tweed, My | Sin, Blue Grass, Xmas in July, In- | timate, Faberge, Chantilly, Quol-! que Fleurs, Black Wateh, Canoe,| Tabu, Evening in Paris, White| Shoulders. Gonder’s Cut Rate, Oak- | land, Md. —Adv. 38-5 t ! -u'wm_-———wmm.i DEL BUILDERS, inc. i HOME | IMPROVEMENT | o i n"%@% o T | | | D. R. “Deb” Bittinger 1 Elementary School Building ‘ Mt. Lake Park, Md. ! FEATURING i |3 ®Custom Built Cabinets | ‘ o Kitchens and Bathrooms ' { ® Flcor Tile by Kentile | | @ Ceramic Tile { WE DO THE { COMPLETE JOB | Remodeling Repairs New Houses { CALL DE 4-2332 e AR T S S S DTS TEEIT FLITUS .M A WANTED..... | WANTED—Bacon type male hog. | Call DE 4-2856. —Adv. 40-tf | WANTED—Man or woman to cook —morning shift. Stone Tavern, | Deep Creek. Phone 334-9841. —Adv. | 41-tf | ' WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply Etta Teets, Deer Park, across from ball diamond. { Adv. 40-t1 i JOB WANIED - Painting, ex terior and interior. Phone 334-9221 Rev. W. Allen Taylor, Loch Lynn. ‘i —Adv. 24-tf } WANTED - Immediate employ ment for nurses aids &nd laundry workers. Phone DE 4-2319 or DE 4- 3289. —Adv. 21-tf El | . | WANTED 1] Hord Wood Mine Posts Call DE 4-3793 WANTED—Snow hlowing, drive | ways and lanes in Gortner section | ¥ el : ; | or close around Kinsinger repair shop. Dial 334-98335. —Adv. 42-f NEEDED NOW Women with the ambition to carn money. Good | income, part or full time. Phone | 453-2372, for Deerfield dial 16-453- 3372, —Adv. 22-tf ‘ WANTED—Experienced man to | make maple syrup this spring. Con -1'!:'('! Mrs. Howard Cosner, Wilson, 1| W. Va,, after 6 p. m., phone DE 4- | 2708. —Adv. 41-tf | HELP WANTED-—-Capable young | woman for night shift from 11 p. | m. to 7 a. m. Mt. Top Restaurant, ‘ on route 40, at Grantsville, phone Cleda Baker, TW 5-5271 or TW 35- | 5586 —Adv. 41-2 t FOR RENT .. . FOR RENT Apartment. Miss Bernadine Warnick, 203 S. Tth St., | Oakland. —Adv. 33-tf 1 FOR RENT—Unfurnished apart ment, 3 rooms and bath, first floor. Phone DE 4-4274. —Adv. 40-tf FOR RENT First floor apart ment, 4 rooms and bath, on Oak St. Call DE 4-3166. —Adv. 32-tf HOUSE FOR RENT—Near Red House. Six rooms and bath, par | tially furnished. DE 4-2926. —Adv. | 37-tf. R e ‘ Power | - | | Chain Saws | FOR RENT ! BY THE HOUR, DAY, WEEK | ° {a ; | |Powers Garage | DE 4-2254 I MT. LAKE PARK, MD. | FOR RENT—One large furnished room ror light housekeeping, avail table after Dec. 28th. Call DE 4- 1?125:2. —Adv, 42-t{ \ | FOR RENT 2 communicating joffice rooms in office building on| | Third St., Oakland, Md. Phone DE 14-3491, —Adv. 37-tf | FOR RENT Five-room l‘-u'zso“ with garage attached. Economical | utilitics. Write Box L. ¢/0o The Re }rul)!;v..; ——Adv. 41.3¢ ‘ i ' FOR RENT —-Office on ;‘-_in‘.t‘lj\ { strect formerly occupied by Oak:] { land Taxi. Will alter te suit tenant., | Phone DE 4-3923. —Adv. 41-3 t | ! FOR RENT—Three-bedroom nm-1 | bile home with expanding Hving‘ |room. Located along Rt. 219, ut‘ i])ovp Creek Lake. Call 334-3951. | —Adv. 28-tf 1 | FOR RENT—Lake front rock "dwelling, 3 bedrooms. fm'nishcd.| ‘automuti(' oil heat On 'Rt 219 che;) Creek Lake. Phone :?Z)4-3132.] | —Adv. 34-tf 1 | FOR RENT—Dec. 15, furnished | trailer, almost new, in Oakiand: | Jan. Ist, furnished 3-room apart- I ment in Qakland. Prentice Deßer [ ry. —Adv. 42-1 t | ! FOR RENT—Six officc rooms| lon first floor. in building recently | i purchased by Garrett Lodge No. {ll3, Knights of Pythias. Call DE 4- | 2343. —Adv. 40-tf | i FOR RENT—3 rooms down t()\m} Green St., Oakland, Md. These | rooms can be either used for of-; fice rooms or a 3-room upm‘tmentl with private bath. Phone DI 4-3491. | —Adv. 37-tf ; | NEW HOUSE for rent in Oak-| |l::nd. Two bedrooms, garage, full basement, automatic gas hot water | hasehoard heat, insulated. Call 334- 2483 after 5 p. m. All day week-| ends. —Adyv. 41-tf l B = ———-——'_—'_-; FOR SALE . . l FIREWOOD FOR SALE—Phone DE 4-4266. —Adv. 18-tf l FOR SALE—Hay. Everett Dcßer-I ry, Deer Park, Md. —Adv. 38-tf SPRUCE Christmas trees for sale. Phone DE 4-4402. ——Adyv. 41-2 t A R A A AT NRSWLLAR SO U, B @ ALTERNATOCR ® GENERATOR ’ ’ ® STARTER | REPAIRS | o e | GIBSON'S AUTO PARTS LOCH LYNN |—v—m | FOR SALE—Butcher hog. Eli ]A. Yoder, R 2, Oakland. —Adv. 42- It* ! FOR SALE—Eskimo Spitz pup-| pies, SIO.OO. Call 826-8112 or 245-! 2351. —Adv. 38-tf ' CHRISTMAS TREES for sa]c.’ Frank Turner, 5 miles east of| Grantsville, on Route 40.—Adv. 39-] 4t. | A s TR UGS "\ & S T LRI TN FOR SALE ; 10x47 Richardson Hcouse Trailer. Contact Biil’s Marine Service, Deep Creek Lake. l CALL DE 4-4200 ' 1 2 e S O S Y FOR SALE Silos and barn equipment. Brenneman Farm Sup ply, Keyser Ridge, Md., phone VA 0-8326. —-Adv. 38-tf l l FOR SALE Complete use;l‘ ! bathroom ensemble, excellent con | dition. Bargain. Call Western Union !Officc, Second St., Oakland. —Adv. 40-tf THE REPUBLICAN, OAKLAND, MARYLAND. FOR SALE OR RENT-—-lour [ room house. Call DE 4-2117, Adv. | 40-tf | FOR SALE—Two young horses. | Robt. Murphy, Swanton, phone 215- 12952, —Adv. 40-4 t t FOR SALE-—Upright piano, good i plaving condition. Phone S3d lffi’:;l. Ady, GB-tf ea 0 S TA S S T T 1S | W Y ’a BEST BUY | M VRO, | / Qe . i 3 \ SWaW | 1962 Dodge Poiara 500 Convorti ' hie Radio, heater, auto | aatic drive. nower steer | ing, power brakas. Sharp. | 1952 Valiant 4 Door Sedan . Radio and heater, white | walls. Standard transmis i sion. Cne owner. | 1952 Valiant 2 Door Sedan—Ra { dio and heater, white walls, I std. trans. One owner. i 1960 Mercury 4 Door Sedan Radio and heater. Std. ’ trans. } 1957 Plymouth Belvedere Hard | top. | 1957 Meircury 2 Door Hardtop —Radio, heater, automatic drive. 1957 Piymouth 4 Door Sedan— Standard transmission. Aill used cars inside for your ‘ convenience. ’ SPOERLEIN'S i ACCIDENT, MARYLAND ! VA 6-8171 Open 'til 9 | i SCOTCH PINE TREES for sale iSI.U() each. William B. Lohr. Phone | DI 4-32634. —Adv. 40-3 t | FOR SALE OR RENT—Modern t‘ two bedroom house on High street | Call DE 4-4876.—Adv. 39-tf. | FOR SALE—I 946 Ford ‘a-tor ! pick-up, runs good, SIOO. phone { 453-3235, Kitzmiiler. —Adv. 40-3t* IM i; ’ l, Six room stone veneer }\ - ;éhousc with two car ga !;rcsgc, full tile basement, “brc:zewcy, oil cutomatic ! | heat. Built-in kitchen | | = b | BEdw. Fitzwater | % | }; Fhone DE 4-3486 ; Deer Park, Maryland i | FOR SALE—Registered Hereford | bull, and heifer calves: Palomino | colt. Lee Shillingburg, Deer Park. [ ——Adv 41-tf | FOR SALE—Gas space heater, {with thermostat and automatic | blower, excellent condition, $865. | Rolyans. —Adv. 33-tf | FOR SALE—Ficke's corrugaied | cement stave silos, Silo-Matic silo | unlcaders and Scru-Feed'r, Bulk- O-Maitie feed bins. Phone VA 6- | 8163. —Adv. 30-tf | FOR SALT--Berkshire and York | shire feeder pigs, rc ady to go. Con | tact David Otto, Swanton, phone | 334-2927. —Adv. 35-tf { FOR SALE—Oats. For prices call | TW 5-5183 day time: TW 5-5385 or |CH 5-2581 at nizht. Southern | States, Grantsville Branch. —Adv. | 42-3 t | CHRISTMAS TREES for sale. | 300 to 400 can be bought at a bar { g2in, on Route 50 at Aurora, W. | Va. Donald M. Hughes, phone 735- i{j.",-111. —Adv. 41-2t* | TA R R R Re R il MEN'Ss—goOYS' § 1 RU ER | | ey BB b t b ! Lowest Prices g (| Men's, Eoys’ Insulated 3 |} Full Lace 9 | mOOts .. ... 40 4 ‘ I Men's 4-Buckle " Work Arctics... 3994 , Men’s Zip-Up or : 4-Buckle Dress Arctics .. 3.87 R [ Boys’ 4-Buckle 9 IF Arctics @.. . 2. 4 f |§ 5-Buckle ! Work Arctics. ... 5.47 % = ' ALSO PLENTY OF WORK OR DRESS ’; RUBBERS IN STOCK ¥ | ARMY AND NAVY § | DISCOUNT STORES & [l 229 E. Alder Oakland ! i 55 Armstrong Keyser i\; | i | e mmmmameeacases s s mamesmen . o zrsmemn | FOR SALE—I9SS Willys, 1954 I(‘h(wmlvi. 1952 Chevrolet, 1951 Chevrolet, 1952 G.M.C. truck. Also lu.w! parts, V. & V. Usea Auto Parts, Friendsville, Md. Call T 746- 2656. —Adv. 37-tf. FOR SALE Three-bedroom house, coal hot air furnace, full lbascmont, 2-car garage, about 2'% | acres ground located along Crel { lin-Underwood road. Seen by ap |pointment only. Phone DE 4-3856. —Adv. 23-tf FOR SALE—American Standard | gas furnace, forced hot air, all duct i\'.m‘:; included; gas heater, room ‘-E':-n: 30-gal. gas hot water heater. 7 Venetian blinds, 34-in. length; '52 Chevrolet ‘a-ton pick-up with new 6-ply tires, cheap. Dial DE 4- 4178. —Adv. 41-tf ! | -1 FOR SALE-—Berkshire shoats. . 1 Joe Holtsehneider, Deer Park, { Adv. 42-2 t .| CHRISTMAS TREES foi sale at | - | Parson’s Motor Co,, Mt. Lake Park I f==Adv. 42-1 t ; d| FOR SALE--1852 Pontiac Sedan. | - | Call Paul Calhoun, phone 334-2351, | | --Adv. 42-3 t | | PIGS FOR SALE—Elmer How-| [ell, Deer Park, phone DIE 4-288). | —Adv. 42-2 t ‘ { FOR SALE—Locust posts, 5 or | {6 ft. James Holler, phone DE 4- [ 4977. —Adv. 38-t! | | FOR SALE--Extra good second | !('uliinu hay. Elwood Blamble, Au-| I‘r.n'u. W. Va. —Adv. 42-5 t [ | FOR SALE—Jersey cow, 6 years old, just iresh. For ix:turl\.uliunl | call DE 4-3210. —Adv. 42-tf i VACUUM CLEANERS | ] New & rebuilt. Fully guaranteed ‘ l service, all makes. Pick-up and § l delivery. Phcne DE 4-2560. : GERMAIN & GROVES ’ I Alder Street Oakland | R LSRR ATRII W oSN TN LR SRR ST PO 1 P eWi { FOR SALE—Gas stove for ('-' | room house with all fixtures and { fan. Phone DE 4-3360. —Adv. 42-tf I FOR SALE-—Used refrigerators, §25 up. Southern States, Grants |\'illv Branch, phone TW 5-5133. i'\(l"" 42-3 t i FOR SALE Christmas trees. ‘Mun_\' sizes and varieties. Timothy Moon, Mt. Lake Park, phone DE 4- | 2429. —Adv. 40-3 t | FOR SALE—3-bedroom house on | High St., near high school. Full | basement with garage. Phone DE | 4-2559. —Adv. 5-tf | FOR SALE—Small wood and | coal kitchen heater. lideal for cabin. David Otto, Swanton, phone 334- !2927. —Adv. 19-tf ‘ | | | Coal For Lease | | | UPPER FREEPORT | | : .2 = 165 acres, 2 miles to cleaning e plant, n! 20 acres, 6 miles to cleaning t.|§ plant. I ! One tract cf several thousand NiY acres—2 seams—on the main | el‘ line of raiircad. ‘ | i | 1§ LESLIE HALBRITTER | Phone LO 8-2357 | .‘ TUNNELTON, W. VA. ] FOR SALE Used automatic | washers, $25 up. Southern States, Grantsville Branch, phone TW 5- | 5183. —Adv. 42-3 t [ FOR SALE—Solar bulk tanks. | Finance available. Harold and Sam | Steyer, Loch Lynn-Gorman road. i Phone DE 4.2900. —Adv. 18-tt | FOR SALE Zero bulk milk ! coclers. New and used. Call or | write David J. Beiler, Grantsville, | Md., dial TW 5-5567. —Adv. 10-tf {| FOR SALE—Used sectional, 3- ' piece, with sofa-bed, clean, geed | condition, 589.35; used Barcaloung | er, excellent condition, $60.00. Rol i yans. s=Adv. 42-10 oW, BE 3 e RR A TEALNN o LRI RSo WY L 4 Buy Your . - CHRISTMAS GIFTS p at the ‘ ARMY AND NAVY : o} DISCOUNT STORES B . | Lowest Prices Anywhere ; | S tEe e ee D i es e 2 q Boys' Army Fatigue b o|f Fants and ¥ -] Jackets ......ea. 2.67 ; '1 Spcciali Lot—Men’s Thermal B {f Insulaied Hooded K =ll Sweat Shirts. .. 30&7 5 e!§ Men’s Flannel i ! Lined Leather ) I|} Dress Gioves .. 1.94 1 [ Men’'s Gift : f‘! L.ounging Slippers 2.87 % "Il All Wool Helmets : |} (Double Knit).. ... I’l7 ‘-' U. S. Navy All Wool h l Watch Gaps . 77# i ,71 Best Selection of .| ] Men’s Flannel b -;. Shirts . from I '94 4! Extra Heavv All Woo! E q Woolrich Cloth B E Jac-Shirts ... .. 8 87 i . ® % | Men's and Boys’ ) l Trooper Caps... 2.87 i|§ Men's and Bovs’ Nyion %2 | insulated, Quilted 2! 2-cc. Undersuits 8.87 v i Heavy Weight Corduroy # 3 MEN’S PANTS | | ) Large Stock of “Lee” Dungarees and Overalls : At Lowest Prices 3 Large stock of Jack Knives, ! 4[l Binoculars, Scopes, Hand 3 | Warmers, Hunting Knives, g § Lanterns, Billfolds, Western Hi “ Belts and Buckles, etc., etc. il OPEN 'TIL 9 EVERY NITE § b | "TIL CHRISTMAS | : | Starting December 13th ‘ -—.._._—.——.-—-—-__————- | R | 118 THE ARMY & NAVY | i|| DISCOUNT STORES s|4 55 Armsirong St., Keyser i § a 229 E. Alder St. Oakland i| - o ?‘im | 4| FOR SALE l¢-coiumn electric | I;National adding machine. Adds, 0 | multiplies, subtracts in red. Instant 0 | totals aiways visible. Less than % )-| original cost. Fully guaranteed 1 | year. Call 334-2225 or 334-2898. n | Adv. 13-tf ‘ 1| FOR SALE—id-in. bench saw, 2 | wood frame, top size 30”x30” with l-[mi(ru cat-ofl guide, rip guide and -; 3 h.p. Briggs and Stratton gasoline . | engine. James Friend, N St, Mt | Lake Park, phone 334-3881. —Adv. i 42-1¢ t; FOR SALE —lO-ft. double-duty n | meat case, Remington typewriter, 1 Westinghouse electric dryer, Ben | dix gas dryer, 12-ft. upright freez h| er, 18-ft. upright freezer. 24-ft. up l-] right freezer. DeWitt and Deßerry. | —Adv. 42-1 t | FOR SALE—CoaI, $7.00 ton de-l l livered. Harold Upole, phone DE 4- 3223.—Adyv. 42-10 t. | | FOR SALE Sheep: 22 mixed' Ihrood ewes, registered Suffolk | buck. Phone DE 4-4208. —Adv. 28-| | tf | FOR SALE—3 6-can milk ('(ml(‘r:‘:,’ | Int.; 50 i¢-gal. milk cans, can hoist. | Eli A. Yoder, R 2, Oakland. —Adv. jag-tf ‘ FOR SALE—26-in. cast iron fur nace equipped with pipe, $125.00. !()A Halsey, phone DE 4-3018. —Adv. | 42-4 t | FOR SALE—Used wringer wash ers, $25 and up. Southern States, t(:r;;nt::'v'i!lv Branch, phone TW 5- 1 5183, —Adv. 42-3 t RYE FOR SALE As soon as harvested; also Holstein heifers. Call MO 2-6501. G. Ernest Yoder, | Salisbury, Pa. —Adv. 22-{ ‘ FOR SALE—I96O Impala Chevro ‘;iot convertible, good shape: one owner car; 27,00 actual mileage. ’ Phone DE 4-2976. —Adv. 42-tf Aek . S AN Y 5 S S so W & | SPECIAL POTATOES FOR SALE Grade A Size Comm. Potatoes ! Ib. 1 50 bag 75¢ Saturdays Only At I Sand Flat Storage | Storage ] HARVEY BROTHERS SWANTON T R S .—— AAT T S FOR SALE Good, ilumpy, ! honeycomb house coal. Located at John Klotz farm, Bittinger, phone | CH 35-2312 or MO 2-4957. —Adv. 23-tf ‘ FOR SALE 1954 2-bedroom | lhouso trailer, terms if wanted. Piper Electric Co., Oakland, Md., phone DE 4-2643 evenings and week-ends. —Adv. 40-tf FOR SALE sarmstrong room heater, 70,000 BTU, fan and Honey well controls, used one winter only, $90.00. May be inspected at The Republican, Second St., Oakland. —Adv. 27-tf e—— | | FOR SALE | | \ Snow Blowers and Snow Blades. i Brenneman Farm Supply ‘ Keyser Ridge | [ Phone VAlley 6-8326 ‘ e s 3e -t e s ‘ TWO FARMS FOR SALE—One lon route 219 about 2 miles north | of Oakland; one about 3 miles .isouthcust of Oakland on Finger i board road. Can be financed for ‘;smull down payment. Contact DE | 4-2564. —Adv. 24-tf ! FOR SALE—Used Jamesway hy | draulic barn cleaner equipped for | 40 cows: 30-in. barn fan with motor, l;.").‘_’~,:;;:l. hot water heater. This all | used less than two years. Excellent | condition. Contact Ted Klahre af ’t(‘r 7 p. m., phone 652-3071, Clear | ville, Pa. -—Adv. 41-3 t ! FOR SALE—Small farm consist ’in,fi of some 36 acres, bank barn 40x60, 10-rocm house with bath, t full basement with hot air coal fur ‘nz:co. all modern conveniences. | Borders on Rts. 135 and 38, 6 miles ifrcm Deep Creek Lake. Mrs. R. L. Sebold. Deer Park. —Adv. 14-tf E Pursuant to Sections 161A-161KK | of Article 23 of the Annotated Code { of Maryland, the Board of Build ing, Savings and Loan Association | Commissioners intends to adont liho following Regulation at its in!(-minez on Thursday, January 9, {1964 at 1:30 p. m.. in Room 1405 of | the State Office Building, 301 West | Preston Strect, Baltimore, Mary [ land. 21201. Any interested party may submit his views either orally or in writing, at such time, pro vided that such party file with the Board, no later than Friday, December 27, 1983, written notice | tof his intention to protest. | The vproposed regulation reads as follows: 108.5 Filing of Continuation, Re newal or Verification Certificate Each association shall annually file with the Department. within thirty (30) days after the premium anniversary date of its bond, a certificate from the surety or bond ing company, which shall centain the following information: 1. The number of the bond. 2. The current penalty or face amount of the bond. 3. A statement that the bond is| currently in full force and effect and contains the provisions re- | quired by 108.2. | 4. The premium anniversary date | of the bond and, if the bond is is sued for a definite term, the (lm-"! on which the renewal term will end. | 5. The date of issuance of ’.hc! certificate. G. All certificates shall be duly signed by an authorized repre sentative of the surety or b()nding] company. 10851 In the event an ussocia-' tion has prepaid its bond premium for a period in excess of one year, and appropriate evidence of such fact is furnished the Department, the provisions of 108.5 may be com plied with by filing the certificate ! within thirty (30) days after the expiration of any such prepaid ! veriod. —Adyv. 41-2 t NOTICE TO CREDITORS ‘ | TEIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subseriber has obtained from the Or phans’ Court for Garrett County, Mary land. Letters of Administration on the estate of I PAUL W. WELCH ‘ late of Garrett County, Maryland, de ceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof duly authenticated, to the subseriber, on or befor: the 12th day of June, 1964; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estote arc requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 10th day u'." December, 1963, ANNA E. WELCH Administratrix R 2 Oakland, Maryland Date of Ist publication: Dec. 12, 1963 Adv. 41-3 t. | | ASSIGNEE’S SALE { OF VALUABLE i | REAL ESTATE | i | Situate In The Town Of Crel lin, Election District No. [l‘ 14, Garrett County, : Maryland ! Under and by virtue of a poweri of sale contained in a certain| morigage from Allen F. Armstrong | to Kray Coal Company, Inc., dated | the 15th day of January, 1961, and | recorded in Liber R. L. D. No. 233,/ folio 283, one of the Mortgagc‘; Records of Garrett County, Mary- | land, default having occurred un-| der the terms and conditions of| said mortgage, and said mortgage} being duly assigned to the under-| signed for the purpose of fore-l closure, I hereby give notice that I will on { SATURDAY, THE 21st DAY OF DECEMBER, 1963 ‘ At the Hour of 11:00 A. M., E.S.T.! on the property hereinafter dvs-l cribed, offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest bid- | der, the following property, ln-\\'it:; All that piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the! town of Crellin, Election District | No. 14, Garrett County, Maryland, which is known and designated as Lot No. 9, which is particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at an iron pipe stand ing in the east margin of the Pres ton Railroad right-of-way, said pipe standing North 22° 31’ East 60.35 feet, thence North 21° 52’ East 80.22 feet from the second corner of the parcel of land that was con { veved by John A. Connell, et al.,j to the Trustees of the Mothodist. Episcopal Church of the United States of America, by deed datc(l] June 29, 1896, and recorded in Liber 30, folio 382, one of the l,zmdl Records of Garrett County, Mary land, and running thence from said | beginning iron pipe, with the east| margin of the Preston Railroad | right-of-way, North 17° 38 East | 1 165.95 feet to an iron pipe, thcncc| i North 78" 20" East 16.75 fcet o an | !ir()n pipe, thence South 30° 30 | Bast 11860 feet to an iron pipe, thence South 76° 44" West 145.90 feet to the beginning, containing 0.27 of an acre, morc or less. ! Excepting. however, all L'\)lll.l gas, oil and other minerals and | mineral substances underlying said | \pmpcrly and also a certain ri;:ht; | of way over the. game for, water, luml sewer lines. = % ; | Together with all right, title :m(l' ‘intm'csi of the said Allen F. Arm-| strong in and to certain water | | rights to the said town of (.‘x"cllm.l { The above described property is| ltho same which was conveyed 10! the said Allen F. Armstrong by | | deed from Kray Coal Company.! Inc., dated January 15, 1961, an(li | recorded in Liber R. L. D. No. 232, | |l'ulio 437, one of the said Land| l Records. | l The above described property is' 1 improved with a two-story frame dwelling containing eight 1'()()ms‘ | and bath in good condition. Terms of sale: Cash on day of | | sale. ] : State and county taxes will be adjusted to date of sale. ‘ Stephen R l’agcnhm'dt.‘ { Assignee for the Purpose ’ of Foreclosure | —Adv. 39-4 t. : ICOMM!SS(()NERS‘ MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ] I'hat the Board of County Com- | ~mis;‘.ioners for Garrett County,i | Maryland, will be in session for | the transaction of all routine| !business that may propeily cu:nel | before them on 1 1 MONDAY AND TUESDAY l | DECEMBER 16 and 17 ’ ! By order oi the Board MRS. VIRGINIA FIZER. ‘ , Clerk | i ST R > : v“ AR i i hly payment " | can wipe ou | l R > ] e S 3 | v, P ¢ “ 1 * A R e eeTo Ty B L OTt , AT | | PRI g | S | o 5 | - id l Add up all vou owe on installment purchases, arrange a UFC CONSOLIDATION LOAN and pay everything off. Then you make ! only one convenient monthly payment instead of 5, 10 or more! And you pay UFC less than you're paying now! icans from 8430 to $1,500 made on automobiles, farm or i other equipment, livestock, trucks and Ist and 2nd mortgages i on real estate only. | E How Much Do " | 3 Ty | casH you GET ayment | ‘ You Need? ¥y 12 18 24 i See sample of pay- ‘v Mos. Mos. Mos. f ment tabie for amounts S2O |s.4 cive Seio.. § 4030 | you need. Choose from i ;Z}g , i g;l;g 313.20 ! < id i 4 132.0¢ 5. 24.80 ; = "t"a"ezy 5% S SSO | 5400 79900 1032.00 nlvhe e ey S6O | 65680 961.20 1238.40 ment plans. Then for fast service phone or l visit our office today. Above loans made c¢n Industrial Finance Law | We Are Open Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri.,, 9to 5 i Thurs., 9 to 12 Sat., 9 to 1 UNITY FINANCE CO. 217 East Alder Street Qakland, Md. DE 4-3935 [ RP a5 5 TETAT MBI GVT TS BTA TR T VIR BBTLRS WTP TR " M WA, RAT L PAGE FIFTEEN . Public Sale , OF . . . Dairy Cows & Heifers At the V. J. Lucas dairy farm, located one mile north of Graf ton, W. Va, just off route 50, on SATURDAY, THE 21st DAY OF DECEMEER, 1063 Beginning at 1 o'clock P. M. LIVESTOCK Twenty-one lhead Holstein Cows, ages 4 to 8 years old; 4 Guernsey Cows, 12 Cows just fresh, Calves by side; 3 head Ayrshire Cows, 2 Guernsey Cows, balance to fresh en in January and February; 6 2-year-old ieifers to freshen in February, 17 head Holstein Heif ers, ages 8 months to 2 years old: 5 Holstein Steers, wt. 800 to 1000 Ibs. Herd TE and Bangs tested. Two thousand bales geod mixed hay. TERMS OF SALE: Cash. . } JACK LUCAS, Owner | Grafton, W, Va. " Phone Grafton 788-R Ira Mahaffey, auctioncer "Terra Alta, W, Va. Phone 3231 ——Adv. 412 t ~ Constable’s Sal | onstabie’s >aie By virtue of a writ of fieri facias, ‘i.v,suvd by Robert M. Maroney. a Trial Mazistrate of the State of Maryland in and for Garrett Coun ty, and to me directed, at the suit of Willard Feather and Alice Feather, his wife, against the goods and chattels of Charles Madigan, Jr., 1 have seized and taken in execution all the right, title and interest, both at law and in equity, ‘nt the said Charles Madigan, Jr., in aind to the following property, ‘ to-wit: ! One I's-ton Chevrolet Truck. ! | And I hereby give notice that on Jonuary 4th, 1954, at the hour of | i1 o’clock a. m., at Swanton, Mary | land. I will offer at public sale, to ! the highest bidder, for cash, the 'pr(n‘.orty so seized and taken in I execution, to satisfy said claim and i Ccosts, : JOHN EVANS, Jr. Constable { —Adv. 42-2 t ; j————— i NOTICE 16 CREDITORS ¢ | THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the | subseriber has obtained from the Or |nh:nn~z' Court for Garrett (‘u\{nty, Mary il:nn!. ],flu-w of Administration on the cstate of f GLEN S. HOCKMAN | late of Garrett County, Maryland, de !-a-:nsv:L All persons having claims against | the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit | the same, with the vouchers thereof duly , authenticated, to the subscriber, on | or before the 12th day of June, 1964: ‘plu-y may nthf-r\\'ise !\y law be excluded | from all benefit of said estate. All persons l knowing themselives indf bted to said estate | are requested to make immediate payment. : Civen under my hand this 10th day of ‘])u'r mber, 1962, | ALTHA COLLIER ! \~lqli'v'i~i|:lt:'ix ' Accident, Maryvland |l‘:.lo of Ist publication: Dec. 12, 1963 Adv. 41-3¢. l TRESPASS NOTICE All persons are hereby warned 'nm to enter upon, cross over, or ]iu any manner trespass upon the i property of the undersigned Ilo cated along Fingerboard road, ex ‘(-epl by written permission. Charles W. Newhall, ’ Rt. 1, Oakland, Maryland. i —Adv. 40-3t*¥ ‘ EXCITING READING IN I PARADE MAGAZINE { . Thete's a reading treat in store il‘m you in the exciting pages of I!’zn-nd:‘ Magazine distributed with the DBaltimore American. Take '”"" “Personality Parade” feature for instance. In it you'll find out | important facts you've been asking vourself about important person alities. Be sure to read Parade Magazine every week with the | BALTIMORE AMERICAN | On sale at your local newsdealer