OCR Interpretation

The Republican. [volume] (Oakland, Md.) 1877-current, December 19, 1963, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88065202/1963-12-19/ed-1/seq-6/

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- |
The following surprised Mrs
Wanda Humphrey on her birthday,'
Wednesday, December 11th My
and Mrs. A. W. Fike, Mrs. Lace
White, Mrs. Artenis Harsh, W
Elwood Edeburn. Mrs. Galen Fike
and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Fike, all
in Eglon 4
Rev. and Mrs. Clyde Hylton and
children, accompanied by Mrs. El
va Bland and Miss Lois \\‘inh-r-:.‘
all of Eglon, went Sundav, Decem- |
ber 15. to Brideewater, Va lni
hear the Bridgewater college glee |
club perform Handel's “Mes .uh‘fl‘
at the College Street Church of
the Brethren. They also \MI(-(!]
Mr. and Mrs. Landon Goehenour |
and family, at Woodstock, Va
Mrs. Nellie Bolvard, of Aurora,
is a natient in Preston Memorial
hospital, Kingwood. l
Mrs. Anna Westfall, of New Jer
sey, is spending the winter months
with her sister, Mrs. Alberta Par
sons, on Mt. Top
Mrs. Effie Henline, who resides
with her son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gnegy, near Eg
lon, became quite ill on Monday
and was taken to the home of an
other son-in-law and daughter, Mr
and Mrs. George Clem in Terra
Alta, where she could be attended
by a physician,
William Baker, of Brookside, is |
a medical patient in Garrett Coun
ty Memorial hospital. ‘
John Beckman, of Aurora, re-|
mains a patient in Preston Me
morial hospital.
Larry White, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford White, of Gnegy Church
spent the week-end in the Alfred
Wotring home at Brookside.
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These and many others
now at our new
Cash '’ Carry !
Shop |
Open for the Christmas |!
season for your I
convenience in the |
Fazzalari Building, ;
116 Third Street. |
L :‘
Floral gifts by order
from our Greenhouse
Showroom |
OPEN 9 ‘til 5
DE 4-2147
J I 188 G H I SIS,
! M iss Wagner Weds James Fiddler, Jr. i
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{ The wedding of Miss Dewnu’
Louise Wagner and specialist
fourth class James Marshall Fidd
ler, Jr.,, took place Sunday after
noon, November 24, at 4 o'clock in
the Evangelical United Brethren
chapel in Winchester, Va.
The double ring ceremony was
performed by Rev. Paul Slonaker
{ before a background of yeilow
i chrysanthemums and bronze dais
| ies.
i The bride is the daughter of Mr.
fand Mrs. Marvin E. Wagner, route
3, Winchester, and the granddaugii
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charies Bliss
Wagner, of Swanton. The groom
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James
M. Fiddler, Sr.,, of 200 Euclid
Avenue, Winchester, Va.
¢ The bride was given in marriage
by her father. She wore a gownl
of white chiffon over satin with
a white lace jacket. Her shouder
length veil of white illusion fell
from a tiara of seed pearls. Her
bouquet was oi yellow orchids.
She carried a white Bible and a
white lace handkcerchief loaned to
her by her grandmother Wagner.
| Mrs. Sandra Andrews, cousin of
the bride, was matron of honor.
She wore a waltz length gown of
emerald green over taffeta. Her
headpiece was white feathers trim
med in emerald green. Another
cousin, Patricia Thompson as
bridesinaid, wore a yellow \\ullz.|
{ Last rites were conducted Fri
day afternoon at Stemple Ridge |
church by Pastor Clyde Hylton,!
Eglon. for Elmis Lemasters, 82.|
who died December 10, in a Mor-|
gantown hospital after a lengthy |
illness. Burial was in‘ the (‘hur(-h‘
cemetery. He is survived by two|
daughters in this area, Mrs. Lucille
Arnold and Mrs. Nellie Brock, E_u-)
lon. |
The body of Adam Moats, 78.:
who died at his home in Rowles-|
i -
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Season's Greetings from the Gerber Baby—The Christmas dis- &
play pictured is present in Browning’s Foodland and was set | I
by W. J. “Knobbv” Walsh and Pete Canistra, local representa- {
tives for Gerber Baby Foods. ]
s seßl e e e
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| é}’i o F \< T ) w>y
: Wil VRO R e L T
Different? Definitely! Optional automatic transmission and 4-wheel drive Single
Selector Knob for ‘Jeep’ 4-WD traction Optional independent front suspension, first
in any 4-wheel drive wagon America’s only automotive overhead camshaft engine
Handles loads other wagons can’t! The rear opening is Higher (cargo height 3 ft. 5 in.),
Wider (4 ft. 7 in.), and with tailgate open it has a cargo length of over 9 ft. The ‘Jeep’
‘Wagoneer is the first family wagon to offer the comfort, looks and ll
performance of a passenger car—Plus 4-WD traction and safety. a Ilew
2-WD models also available. Step in! Size it up! Try it out today! ‘
P p! Try y all Jeen
? [MSER Jeep CDRPDRATIQN World's largest manufacturer of 4-wheel drive vehicles
Third Street Qakland, Maryland
See ‘Jeep’ vehicles ¢m L 99 =
| inactionin - Tk GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH"Ch.4&S, 9 p.m. Tues.
iiongth gown with a headpiece Oftl
white feathers trimmed in yellow. |
Another bridesmaid was Miss Bar-‘
bara Lillis, childhood friend of the ||
bride. She wore a mint green gown i 1
with headpiece of white feathers | .
trimmed in mint green. ‘
Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. '[‘humpsonl:
and Miss Lillis carried bouqucts |
of yellow chrysanthemums and |
bronze daisies. j‘
.Best man was James M. Fiddler, l'
Sr. Ushers were Darewood \\'uu-i
ner, brother of the bride, 3ob Fidd- I
ler, Berryville, cousin of the |
groom. Miss Dorma Lee Wagner |
was flower girl for her sisier She |
wore a white dress with pink rose
buds and carried a basket of dais
ies. Master Charles Van Sickle, |
|(-ousin of the bride, was ring|
bearer., |
Mother of the bride wore 2 melon |
pink dress with black accessories. |
‘The bridegroom’s mother wore a
pink and white brocade dress \\'i'.h;
pink accessories. .
Mr. Fiddler is with the U. S. army
stationed in Hawaii. Mr. Fiddler |
will return to Hawaii December |
20 to complete his tour ot duty. ]
Attending the wedding from this |
arca were Mrs. D. A. Tucker, Mt |
Lbake Park: Mrs. R. S. Fazenbzaker, |
Swanton, aunts of the bride, and | .
Mrs. C. B. Wagner, Swanton, grand- |
|mutlwr of the bride. i
burg, December 14, after being hit?
by a car while attempting to cross |
' the highway, was brought to the |°
| Aurora cemetery for burial. |
" John L. Wilson, 78. died Monday | |
| unexpectedly at his home at Etam. |
The body was lhm_up:hl to the Au-i
rora cemetery for interment.
Dale Roth, Eglon, school bus £
driver, has been ill at his humc;i
for the past few weeks. Ellis Teets, | |
Eglon, has been driving his school |
bus. f
e 1
R | (
- Howard Robinson, aged almost
ninety, died last Thursday Decem
ber 12 at the Maryland Masonic
Home at Cockeysville near Balti
more. He was the last surviving
member of his immediate family.
NMr. Robinscn was a brother of the
late Dr. John Robinson of Oask!land,
and is an uncle of Mrs. Neil C.
Fraley. I"clix and Jarvis Robinson,
of Oakland.
Services were conducted from
the Brooks Funeral home in Tow
son on Monday morning at 10 o'-
clock with interment in Loudon
Park cemotery. He was husband of
the late Claire Price Robinson. The
ccupie had no children. Mr. and
Mrs. Robinson had visited in Oak
land many times in earlier years,
Miss Ruth B. Emery, aged 55, of
Bittinger, dicd last Thursday, De
cember 12, in University hospital,
A native of Bittinger she was
born March 19, 1908, a daughter
of the late Jerome B. and Laura
Wiley Emory.
Survivors include a brother, Le
roy, of Bittinger, and a number of
nicces and nephews.
She was a member of Emmanuel
Lutheran church of Bittinger. The
body was taken to the Newman
Funeral home in Grantsville.
Funeral services were conducted
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock in
the Emmanel Lutheran church by
Rev. Hugh Schroeder, pastor. In
terinent was in the Bittinger ceme
Charles Franklin Harvey, 61, died
suddenly Saturday, December 14,
at his home at Kitzmiller.
Deceased was a son of Mrs. Ma
mie Harvey, Morgantown, and the
late Orvus Harvey.
Besides his mother he is sur
vived by his wife, Blanche L. Har
vey:; one stepson, Paul L. Castle,
Hancock; five step-grandchildren:
four sisters, Mrs. Norman Boley,
Mrs. Lillie Mast, Mrs. Dorothy
Bard, all of Detroit, Mich.; Mrs.
Isphene Snyder, Mullens, W. Va.
The body was taken to the Pritts
Funeral home in Kitzmiller. Fu
neral services were conducted
Wednesday afterncon at 2 o'clock
from Mt. Bethe! Methodist church
in Kitzmiller, with Rev. Curtis and
Rev. Koons officiating. Interment
was in the Nethken Hill cemetery
near Elk Garden. |
William H. Landon, aged 91, of
Mt. Lake Park, died Monday, De
cember 16, in Oak Rest Nursing
home in Oakland, where he had
been a patient for six weeks.
Born in Pacific City, lowa, he
was a son of the late William E.
and Sarah Vinton Landon. His wife,
Rlanche Dawson Landon, died in
1954. |
Mr. Landon was a retired plumb
er and was a member of the Na
tional Association of Master
Plumbers, and the Bethel Metho
dist church in Mt. Lake. |
Surviving are two sons, William
E. and Fred G. Landon, both of
Mt. Lake Park; 12 grandchildren
and 28 great grandchildren.
The body was taken to the Lcip.h-;
ton-Durst Funcral home in Oak
land where funeral services were
conducted Wednesday afternoon at
2 o'clock by Rev. James F. Remley,
pastor. Burial was in Oakland
cemetery. 1
Mrs. Dorothy Curran aged 60, of
Mt. Lake Park. died yesterday, De-|
cember 18, in Garrett County Me
moria' hospital where she had been
a patient for one month.
Mrs. Curran was a daughter of
the late George and Anna Gilbert
Rippard, and was a native of Nor
folk, Va. A resident of Mt. Lake
Park for the past ten years, Mrs.
Curran previously resided in Pitts-
burgh and maintained a summer
residence in the park {
| Surviving are her husband, Ed
ward L. Curran; a son, Thomas
t Curran, Monroeville, Pa.; and
- three grandchildren. |
‘ the body was taken to the '
- Leighton-Durst Funeral home in
3| Oukiand wiere funera! services are !
! being conducted tcday at 1:30 p. |
"m, by Rev. James F. Remiey, pas- :
-i!nr of Bethel Methodist church. !
The body then will be taken to "
.| the Cock Funeral home in Baiti- |
more for addiiional services. Inter- (
‘iment will foliow in Louden Park I
| cemetery in Baltimore. |
‘| John Wolford, 76, died suddenly
'| vesterday, December 18, at hi.sl
[l home at Shaw, W. Va. Born at ;
-ll}!')' Fork, he was a son of the l
|i;m- Isaac and Julia Woiford. (
{ He is survived by his widow \
'.\inmiv V. Flanagan Wolford; three
| sons, Clarence, Paul and Dewey :
| Wolford, all at home; three daugh- l
| ters, Mrs. Nettie Whetzel, Beryl;
Misses Velma and Madeline, at
'l home; a sister, Miss Lula Wolford, |
Dry Fork, and one grandchild. )
The body was taken to ch‘
Sharpless Funeral home at Blaine.
. ,
~- = |
Assembly To Seek |
|Hike In Income Tax'
\ —_— I‘
State officials disclosed that the '
|{ Maryland Legislature would be |
| asked next February to increase
-lincome taxes to finance a boost in
-] state aid to education and mcct‘l
.} future spending needs. |
“Gov. Tawes said, however, that
surplus revenues and a sound
economy would permit delaying |
| the effective date of the tax in
.| crease until Jan. 1, 1965. I
The plan under (‘Hll\!(i’.‘l‘;lli()ll;
calls for boosting the rate on or
‘| dinary income from 3 percent to
4 percent of net taxable income.
"] The increase would yield an esti
‘l mated $42 million more a year. .
: The program designed primarily |
to provide more money for in
'| creased school teacher salaries, wiil ]
cost an estimated sl6 million in its
1 first vear and edge upward after |
that. :
|Fifteen Are Killed .
|On State Highways |
| & ]
, Fiftcen persons were killed on
'll\l;u‘)lun(i highways last week, ac- .
"(-nr(lm: to the weekly survey pub
lished by the Maryland State Po
lif\'v :
‘ Eight of those killed were driv- 1
jers: two were passengers; and five
| were pedestrians. {
Alcohol was a contributing fac
tor in four of the deaths; speed in
‘{five; and ‘“driver error’ was pre-.
‘M'ni(‘(l in twelve of the fatalities. ;
“Last week alcoho! and speed, in
‘(ii\'i(ilmil_\' or combined, were re
sponsible for taking eight lives on
‘.\].’n'_\'};md highways,” commented
| Colonel Carey Jarman, Superin
~ tendent of the State Police, “add
ing to already substantial evidence
{ that these two factors arc an ever
‘pl'cwnl menace.
'_——) e e e i
Two Listed For Violations |
Of Motor Vehicle Laws |
| :
i Only two persons were listed
with Trial Magistrate Robert M.
Maroney for alleged violations of
the motor vehicle regulations dur
ing the week ending Tuesday af
ternoon. [
l John Riley O'Haver, Oakland, |
[ forfeited collateral of sl2 and costs
on a charge of reckless driving.
I Three charges were lodged y
"against William A. George, ():,k—i
land. two by Hobart Shillingburg,
city police, and onc by Trooper
first class D. A. Tucker. George
entered pleas of not guilty in all
three instances but was found
guilty by the magistrate and fined
$125 and costs. He entered appeals
in the three cases which will be
heard in the Circuit court at the
March term.
He was fined $lO and costs on a
charge of excecding a posted 25
miles per hour speed limit; sls
and costs for failing to obey an
officer signal to stop; and SIOO and
costs for exceceding 70 miles per
—— S ————— ——
It’'s NOT too late
2 : s
f s
with. YOUR name
#.k ;;sfl
s 5 M SRR . SRR A A NN O -
Church Women Meet
| On Decembeyr 8, the LCW of
Zion Lutheran Church, Jennings
met in the home of Mrs. John
Goerhringer at Cumberland, with
an attendance of tweive members
and one visitor.
Mrs. Staniey Stanton presentea
the topie, “A Christmas Parable”,
which challenged the group to pre
pare for and receive Christinas as
a blessing at a time when com
mercialism crowds Christ out ot
Christmas around the world. The
seripture lessons were read by Mrs.
Kermit Bittinger and Mrs. Alonzo
Mrs. Herman C. Meyers pre
sided over the business meeting.
Decision was made to pack a
Christmas box for &n elderly mem
ber of the local congregations.
Greetings and a Christmas offering
were received from the Rev. and
Mrs. C. H. Runze, a former pastor.
Church Year calenders were pur
chased by the group and presented
to members of the congregation.
Prior to the meeting luncheon
was served to the group by the
hostess and Mrs. Kermit Bittinger.
The home was decorated with the
Christmas motif. An exchange of
gifts followed the business meet
Mrs. Joe Resh will lead the topic
“Southern Asia in Lutheran Orbit”,
when the group meets in the home
of Mrs. Kenneth Buckel on Janu
ary 12. The related mission study.
“Christian Issues in Southern Asia”
will also be opened. The commit
tee chairman will submit annual
reporis to the group.
j _
" The EUB church will present a
Christmas program on December
22, at 7:45 p. m. Everyone is in
vited to attend.
.~ Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Brenne
man, AKkron, visited their mother,
Mrs. Ruth Brenneman, over the
Mrs. Nora Glotfelty returned to
her home Saturday after spending
a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Speicher and daughter, Grottoes,
Va. Mrs. Speicher and daughter
and the latter’s fiance, Don Dixon,
brought her to her home.
Asa Glotfelty returned to his
home last Friday after being a pa
tient in Garrett County Memorial
Miss Virginia Kershner is a pa
tient in Garrett County Memorial
Mr. and Mrs. William Bowman
and son were Sunday evening din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wachter,
Jr. Morgantown, announce the
birth of their first child. a son, on
December 13, at the Altoona, Pa.
hospital. He has been named Wal
ter 111. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wach
ter, Sr., visited them on Sunday.
Mrs. Geraldine Hurst visited her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Glot
felty over the week-end.
Mrs. Iva Carr visited relatives
last week at Everett, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew DeWitt
e ———————————————————————————————————
5 e
of our
| b WV i‘;%\, ig.* i !
e| 5 1
e i !
- =0 A
Route 2 —_— Qakland
His Buck: 12 points, weighing 155 lbs.
His Prize: Model 50 Winchester Semi-
Automatic Shotgun.
Third Strect Qakland, Maryiand Open Day and Night
yand children visited Mrs. Eth(‘l!\
| Enlow ard Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dc-‘.
f Witt and children, last Friday cvc—l
s | ning. !
n| . Mrs. Asa Glotfelty visited Mrs. |
. | Ruth Brenneman, Monday. I
11 Recent guests of Mr. and MrsA[.
S { G. J. Ferguson were Bobby Mi(-kvl.]
Raymond Ferguson and Roy Wy-,
. | land, all of Baltimore; Melvin Wy- |
. | land, Sonny Wyland and Melvin |
*| Green, all of Lonaconing. i
4 Miss Nazomi Savage, wio is em-/|
s [ ployed in LaVale, spent the week- |
.iend with home folks, Mr. and Mrs.!
[| W. R. Savage. :
; Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. |
1 C. 1. Wright were Mr. and Mrs. |
‘ Lyle Wright and family, of Cum- |
) | ——————————————— . ————— s. A S———— —, S S—————— e—— .
| orerune neee | Scotch and
| 1) eristmns hezs | _
: Ty ~% | Red Pine
' ;"; '.‘.@;s_ ‘“5 \}gf& Place Your Orders Now
‘ SRS s L -
- Q. -
! Lome pick your pastel shades Blue or white
trees at our plantation.
Located one mile north of Mt. Lake Park on Ma‘ryland Rt 135,
e | adjacent to 135 Drive-In Restaurant. Call at Drive-In and see
{ what we have.
- <D Album No. 3 o
B -
- B e ]
S tod
|B ) S
i ‘3 for your family’s Holiday Pleasure %%
| B .?gh IE GREAT -
\1 f L ‘.\m:ei:\\:%n\ui.}; (\: ‘:!4!;\';'\‘:‘:’2;‘
| M \H‘H!-i;érfi::;\“mii}mf- §§
7 % el oo e B s van € L
: I . § %20 great Christmas ’%
1 o favorites s oo fii
: f;Q ’ * Leading Artists of our time éz
1 | g~z * ’:‘:lllsugi.’iilp is a Goodyear 3.98 VALUE x’i
1 l 2. % A fine gift for friends and . ka%
i B relatives .o
_ , ’Vi __ Just Released Available Now :3'
|7 s .
r % E
l %/’ “ia;“:g Chrysler Plymouth GMC Trucks
.~i % = a Phone DE 4-2137 Oakland, mMd.
berland: Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Wiles
and daughter and Mrs. C. H. Bate:
man, Westernport: Rev. William
Feathers, Sang Run; and Mr. and
Mis. Herman Rodeheaver.
For Your Insurance Needs
Casualty wlnland Marine
ERIE Home-Protector
ERIE Farm Protector
~Auto v Fire
Phone MOhawk 2-6131
Springs, Pa.

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