OCR Interpretation

The Republican. [volume] (Oakland, Md.) 1877-current, December 19, 1963, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88065202/1963-12-19/ed-1/seq-9/

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Thumbnail for PAGE NINE

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Piciure Out OF The Past l
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Original First Nat’l
Was In Building
Stage During 1902
“Sidewalk superintendents” had
a field day when the First National
Bank of Oakland began to take
shape in 1902—just as they have
had more than 60 years later, while
the bank’s new building on Second
street has been under construction.
This early view, taken from Sec
ond street looking up Alder, shows
some of the spectators and work
ers on the scene as foundation work
was being done.
The area must have been a busy |
one, judging by the amount of
stone, lumber and building sup
it A e i
Brin, e |
9 out the pegy i
Get our URES
ex :
o Righ-quality finisp,
/;" us for ‘\‘L X |
“Pendable KO s
\fk fi,mr too!
7 j
Oakland Terra Alta
334-9100 4421
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| plies piled high along Alder street.
’The late Joseph Cogley was maslm'!
stone mason for the job, and per
haps he is one of the werkers shown 1
‘in the picture.
| Prior to erection of the bank.!
\;tho site was occupied by the Cen-|
| tral hotel, and a small frame build
|ing next to it on Alder street.
' In the original photograph, al
|though probably not discernible in
the printed reproduction, is the
‘lold Lutheran church, on the cor-‘
iner of Third and Alder, a site now
loccupied by Rolyans. I
| - o = |
Environmental Hygiene
'Meetings Being Held
’ Two meetings being held in the
| County this week concerning En
| vironmental Hygiene program has
lb(‘on announced by Charley B.
Miller, local Sanitarian. I
' Thomas Shives, Sanitary Engi
|nucr, State Department of Hcallh,!
ialong with County Health Dcpart-l
| ment officials. met with the officials !
.’ of the Town of Kitzmiller on Tues
iday evening and, with a joint ses-
Esion of the County Commissioners
Ian(l the Sanitary Commission on
IWC(lncsd:ny cvening in the Court!
t House. Both of these meetings were t
| for the purpose of organization and
I making necessary application l'nr'
'whzut Federal Aid might be receiv
ed for certain projects in the Coun
Communist China’s Premier Chou
| En-lai and Egypt's President Gam
| al Abdel Nasser held a three hour
closed-door discussion.
s . I
!Sallsbury Is Winner
lOver Huskies 64-57
Salisbury High school defeated
}Nm‘thcrn High Huskies last Fri
| day night in a 64-57 battle on the
Pennsylvanians’ court. It was the
third straight loss for Northern.
! Brown made eight field goals and
| connected on eight of 11 foul shots
'to take scoring honors for Salis
i bury with 24. Shoemaker paced the
lHuskies with 19. Edwards had 10,
Sexton 1, Nicklow 6, Friend 2,
| Hawk 4, Georg 3 and McGraw 22
to round out the scoring or the
Northern had a slight edge in
field goals, 23 to 22, but made only
11 of 21 foul shots while Salisbury
was making 20 of 31. Salisbury led
at the end of each period.
—_— )
l Dr. Alexander Gordon Gilliam,
558. professor of epidemiology at
i Johns Hopkins school of medicine.
!dicd Dec. 12. !
e il
s7e e ee e e e
f YOUR 1964
| Join Today!
'Constructnon Details 1
Cn Power Station
lTold to Rotarians ?
s |
’ Some detrils of the construction |
of a mine-mouth power station
?noar Mt. Storm, W. Va., were mxt-i
lined at talk delivered before lhe§
fil{otm‘_\' ciub of Oakland last Fri-|
| day cvening,
' The talk was schcduled to have
'bmn given by Dean McFarland,
i\\‘ém is project manager for con-|
| struction ef the impounding (lumi
for the George F. Hazelwood com-|
lpun_\'. but he was called to Lus:
Angeles, Cal.. en busincss and hisi
talk was given by his wife. The lu‘.ki
was acccmpanied by a number of
slides showing the progress of con
The mine-mouth power station is
‘b(‘ing built by the Virginia Elec
tric and Power company. Mine
mouth literally means that this is
being built where the coal is,
rather than transporting the coal.
Recent technical advances have
made it practical fo transmit power
through 500,000 vo!t transmission
systems, making it possible to ef
|foct a savings in gencration of
power through cutting coal trans
portation costs.
The power station presently being
built will have two 500,000 kilowatt
units, the first to be placed in
service in mid-1965, the second unit
a year later.
Power is to be transmitted over
a 350-mile locp system extending
from Mt. Storm to Waynesboro to
Richmond, Va.. to Washington, D.
C., and back to Mt. Storm.
It has been estimated that dur-i
ing the first ten years the plant is
in operation 2.8 million tons of
coal will be consumed per year.
The plant will have a permanent
staff of approximately 75 men with
an average annual payroll of about
The dam will impound the water |
which will provide steam and the
cooling water for operation of the
steam gencrators. The project be
gan in February of 1962. The first
step was to build roads rrom cxist-i
ing highways to the site, through|
[ virgin timber. ,‘I
In the construction of the dam!
it was necessary to clear the land
and either destroy or bury all
material that would fioat. The river
]hud to be contained. To do this
Iu 9 diameter concrete pipe was
| cast. It carried the river through
| the entire peried of consiruction.
1 The state of West Virginia con
structed a new asphait bighway
!fmm Bismarck to the dam and at
the end of December the first four
mile stretch of road will be up
for bids for the highway that wiil
| lead irom the dam to Davis, W.
Va. |
All materials for the dam came.
from the immediate area. After
‘Hle dam was completed the nine
|fu()t diversion conduit was capped
with a concrete gate weighing somol
40 tons in October of this year. A
conereie plug in the pipe 120 feet
long is calculated to insure thai‘
the conduit ncver will be a source
of leakage. |
The watcr had risen about 35|
feet and eventually will go over |
the spillway under the highway |
bridge. |
The lake is to have a surface area
of approximately 1,200 acres, cum-l
pared to 4,800 for Deep Creck. The |
lake is expected to be filled in the
next year. Average elevation of the
lake will be 3,243 feet above sea
It is expected that the area will
be developed for recreational pur
poses much like Decp Creek. With
‘ ap
' We sincerely send our best wishes to every- g
i one. May the holiday give you much comfort
and pleasure and the coming new year bring
i R you everything your heart desires. R
t We also want to thank our loyal customers ;
| : for their patronage. We appreciate your selec- o - i
: tion of us to be your personal pharmacy. We !
! will try our best to continue to operate a good |
‘ : pharmacy wiin dependable service and reason- ok f
| R able prices. R ;
|D* U |
| |
i A great many people entrust us with their D w
| iy |
! R prescriptions, May we compound yours? R |
| : i
! * 1
& Gregg’s Pharmacy n
j : |
¥ E
| Oakland—334-9100 Terra Alta—442l s
i ' poat | v e- 3e e B " |
\ |
'Bayard Loses Pair
! e B
| During Past Week
i e
| Petersburg’s Vikings edged out
| a 53-61 victory over Bayard last
| Thursday nizht at Bayard, spoiling
| the host team’s first Potomac Val
i ley conference appearance of the
| season,
{ The Vikings chalked up thei:
| third win but had to stave off a
| determ ned bid as DBayo.d reeled
{eff the first five points of the final
‘pvri-.! to crecate a 945 dead
| the $500,000 payroll at the power
Eslmihn. the increased coal mining
| activity in the area, and ill(‘l'(‘d.x‘l‘(l'
;l'(‘(l'(':ili\llil: facilities, it was fet
‘()uklnnrl would enjoy incrmsv(é'
| business. |
: Mrs. McEkarland also (‘:\pluinvtj’l
the number of slicies which were
‘ (Continued On Page Fourteen) I
‘ . WL T
| Chiristinas Trees |
! Plus ‘
: 1000 Tax l
These are sheared Red Pine
Trees and may be purchased at
my property south of Oakland,
on the Underwood Road. Select
l your tree and cut it.
e R
i!ock, Petersburg snapped the tic!
and led thereafier. l:
- Each team scored 21 times from !
the floor but the visitors converted
11 of 23 foul attempts to 9 of 15
or Bovard.
Brodengeyer headed the winners'
itack with 15 noints, Ted More-
@ LLU LR (e del S o
- N v ‘l; ‘ “Our 34th Year” j
L Ty - ’
QL BT 8178 (T RN 15
1963 Renault Caravelle Coupe
—A speed trans., radio and
heater. Extra clean.
1963 Chevrolet Bel Air 4 Door
—VB with Powerglide
trans.,, heater and def.,
tinterd windshield and pad
ded dash.
1962 Chevrolet Impala Sport
Coupe-—VB with automatic
trans., power steering, ra
dio, heater, and positraction
rear axle. Extra clean. Only
11,961 miles.
1962 Corvair Monza Coupe
Nicely equipped with Pow
er Glide, radio, heater, back
up lights and tinted wind
shield. Best tracton.
1961 Chevrolet Impala Converti
ble—V-8 with automatic
trans., power steering and
brakes, radio and heater.
Positraction and winter
treads for “GO” power in
1961 Chevrolet Impala Sport
Coupe—V-8 with automatic
trans., radio and heater.
Excellent condition.
1960 Rambler American 4 Door
—6 cyl.,, std. trans., back
up lights and turn signals.
An economy compact.
1960 Studebaker 3-Dr. Sedan—
V 8 with automatic trans
mission, radio and heater.
1959 Chevrolet Impala Hardtop
V 8 with automatic trans.,
power steering and brakes,
radio and heater. Real
1958 Plymouth 2-Door Hardtop
VB—With automatic trans
mission and power steer
Half ton Pickups with 78" or
98” bodies, 6 cy!., big heater;
and defroster, rear bumper, HD'
springs and clutch.
land and Don Kessel accounted for
33 of Bayard's tallies.
~ Bayard High also lost to Elk
Garden 54 to 47 Monday night at
Elk Garden. Melvin Smith hit 21
points for the Elks. Stullenbarger
had 10. Ted Moreland paced Bayard
with 18 while Ed Shaffer had 16.
> | 1958 Chevrolet Station Wagon—
J | V 8 with automatic trans,
| power brakes, heater and
- | back up lights, Winter
2 treads and positraction for
5 “GOQ"” power.
. | 1957 Buick 4 Door Special Se
dan—Auto. trans.,, radio,
t heater and padded dash.
A Solid white.
| 1957 Plymouth Fury Sport Cpe.
. —VB with Power-flite trans,
; Radio and heater. Tip
top shape.
1956 Ford Victoria Coupe—V-8
: with automatic trans., ra-
W dio, heater and power
* ] steering.
" | 1955 Mercury Convertible Cpe.
V 8 with automatic trans.,
; new top and paint job.
- | 1954 Chevrolet 4 Door Sedan—
| 6 cylinders with standard
' trans.,, radio, heater and
i turn signals, Clean,
F 1961 Chevrolet 2 Ton Pickup—
: V 8 with automatic trans
: mission, radio, heater and
: defrosters, turn signals and
g custom comfort equipment.
o All new tires. One owner.
* {1960 GMC 5500 Tilt Cab—Equip
ped with 401 V 6 engine, 5
: sp. trans.,, 2 sp. rear axle,
¢ full air brakes, power steer
. ing, radio and heater. Good
) | 900x20 tires on cast wheels.
| Top condition!
11959 Studebaker 2 Ton Pickup
I Big “6” engine with three
-1 speed transmission and
| “twin-traction” rear axle,
‘l electric wipers, turn sig
l nals and htr. and def. 8
Three-quarter ton Pickup
. with 98” Stepside body, big SIX
l engine, 4 speed trans., and
rough rear tires.

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