. . . Joyous Christmas ‘
@hp ttntp is here again for an editorial ex
-2z pression of the Christmas meaning. We
* mf"?’/fi_ have a feeling of inadequacy at this
- holiday, as we do at other holidays.
Willis E. Stone, chairman of the Liberty Amendment com
mittee of the United States, has an effective appreach. Here
is what he says:
“It’s CHRISTMAS again, that wonderful season in
which the goodness of mankind becomes manifest, and the
miracle of the nativity holds us enthralled.
“It’s the old story, ever new. It is now 1963 years since
the Christ child came to dwell amongst men. He was the
Prince of Peace, the fulfillment of Prophecy, yet He was born
in the poverty of a manger behind the Inn at Bethlehem that
He might better lead mankind along the way to freedom and
“A crown of gold was His for the taking, for there were
multitudes, then as now, ready to follow a leader bent on
plunder and conquest, but He chose a Crown of Thorns. His
mission on earth was to give, and not to take.
“He taught the fundamental principles cf life by parable
and example, yet there were few to do Him honor, and fewer
still to belicve in the Divine concepts of individual liberty,
equality and justice which He gave the world. His life con
(Continued on Page Four)
Gas Storage Field
Will Be Activated
The Power Commission at Wash
ington has approved a billion dol
lar project designed to provide a
long-terin supply of natural gas for
north-eastern markets at a stable
The project involves construc
tion of natural gas pipeline facili
ties at a cost of about $125 million,
by Texas Eastern corporation of
Houston, and Algonquin Gas Trans
mission company of Boston.
It also involves the sale of some
$843 million worth of natural gas
from the west Delta block 27 field,
offshore Plaquemine parish, Louisi
o by the Gulf Oil corporation
fouston to Texas Eastern.
Eastern is to increase the
iy capacity of its Texas to
?k pipe line system by 408,-
cubic feet over a 4-year
i at a cost of about S2OO mil
- .aigonquin - will build facilities
costing about $15.2 million to in
crease its system capacity to en
able it to sell for resale an addi
tional 20,934,000 cubic feet of gas
The commission said the sale by
Gulf guarantees the availability of
a substantial quantity of gas at a
price which, when taken at a high
load factor, is in the public interest.
As part of the project, Texas
Eastern was authorized to convert
and activate the Accident gas field,
an existing gas producing facility
in this county, into an underground
slorage reservoir.
——e ) ————————
84 Percent of 1963
Real and Personal
Taxes Is Received
Approximately 84 percent of the
1963 real and personal property
taxes has been coliected by Joseph
H. Welch, county treasurer, up to
the first of December, he revealed
Saturday morning.
Mr. Weleh said he was expected
to collect $760.,500 in real and per
sonal property taxes and had re
ceived $646,308 up to this time, of
about 84 percent. This compared
with 82 percent collected at the
same time last year.
On Railroad and Public Utilities
he was expected to collect some
$290,575 and had collected $288,000
up to this time for a total of 974
Taxes on business properties had
not been collected to any such per
centage. On a total of some $83,000
the treasurer had collecied $33,681
for a total of 40.6 percent. This was
less than the 47 percent of last
year. He said that business men
had been in the habit of paying
their taxes about the time they
apply for license renewal the fol
lowing year. Most of the tax money
on business propesties will be paid
next April or May.
-_——— ———
Bloodmobile Visit
Oakland January 8
The next visit of the Johnstown
Red Cress bloedmobile unit to
Oakland will be Wednesday. Janu
ary Bth, it was announced by Mrs.
Grover C. Stemple, blood recruit
ment chairman for the local Red
Cross chapter.
The bloodmobile will be at the
Oakland fire hall from 12 o'clock
noon until! six o'clock p. m. Mrs.
Stemple said the usual commit
tees would function in the canteen,
in the reception room, and in the
other areas.
The Oakland chapter just made
its quota of 100 pints at the Sep
tember visit, and Mrs. Stemple
was anxious that this would be ac
complished again. The quota again
is 100 pints.
- -
Delbert Bittinger
Named Chairman
Of Sanitary Group
Delbert Bittinger, of Mt. Lake
Park, was named chairman of the
County’s Sanitary commission
which was organized at a meeting
last Wednesday night.
Earl Haenftling, Accident was
named secrctary-treasurer. Law
rence Grove, Mt. Lake Park, is
the third member of the commis
The three members of the com
mission will meet with the County
Commissioners on Monday, De
cember 30, to discuss pollution and
possible sewage systems, and Mr.
Bittinger said at that time the
Commissioners were to decide
whether to appropriate sufficient
funds that would be made avail
able to the commission to hire an
engineer to make a survey of the
The district includes Oakland,
Mt. Lake Park and Loch Lynn
Heights. The commission is con
sidering the possibility of a sew
age disposal plant and the lagoon
system of taking care of the prob
lem. The lagoon system is by far
the more economical, it was stated,
and there is a chance that such a
system would be the best for this
area. Bittinger said that there are
state and federal funds available
whereby each would furnish 25
percent of any cost of construction.
Bittinger also said that any
money provided by the County
Commissioners would be return
able to them if any system of pol
lution control was adopted by the
sl s e T
Named National Vice
President of F.F.A.
Jim Teets, Terra Alta, was elected
National Vice President of the Fu
ture Farmers of America represent
ng the North Atlantic Region dur
ing National FFA Convention heid
recently in Kansas City, Mo.
Jim is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Clem Tects who have filling sta
tions in the area, and is currently
enrolled as a sophomore in the
Coilege of Agriculture of West
Virginia University, Morgantown.
He will join the other five na
tional officers the latter part of
January when they start the an
nual Goodwill Tour covering many
of the principal cities in the
‘Unitcd States.
.~ Much of the student’s time dur
ing the coming year will be spent
representing the National Associa
‘tion at state conventions in the
‘North Atlantic Region of the
;Unitcd States. He expects to re
;sumc his studies at the beginning
of the 1965 semester.
t Bond Sales Are Up
Maryland's E and H bond sales
;fm' November were 16.7 percent
ahead of November, 1962, it was
?:ixmr)um-o(l. Series E sales were up
206 percent while series 1 sales
i\\vro off 14.7 percent.
Cumulative sales for 11 months
totaled $72.360452 and were 13.2
' percent higher than the similar
1962 months. Nationally, sales of
these bonds of $333 million were
$6 million over the $327 million
for November, 1962.
| Here’s how Garrett county stood
in the picture. The quota for the
year 1963 was $193.000. November
Tsalcs amounted to $16,422, making
total sales from January to No
!vombcr. $174,071, compared to $160,-
609 for a similar period last year.
The percentage of reaching the
quota was 90.2. The county stood
16th among other counties of the
state. Seven counties had gone
over 100 percent,
Named President i
Monongahela Power x
. ; |
e 3 S I
RN 5
T |
o PR
Donald M. Kammert was elected
president of Monongahela Power
company last Thursday. He will
succeed Don B. Potter, who re
tires from active service on De
cember 31.
Two new vice presidents were
named to the company’s executive
staff. They are Donald E. Hollen,
now special representative to the
executive staff, and Cecil G. Mc-
Vay, presently with the Potomac
Edison company.
The elections were announced
at the December meeting of the
company’s board of directors. Kam
mert and Hollen will assume their
new positions on January 1. Mec-
Vay will not take over his ny\\‘l
post until March 1.
Potter also announced that Rnh-!
ert H. Pell, manager of the uun-‘
pany’s power generation (va:n't-‘
ment, will become Director of Per
sonnel and General Services, re
porting to Vice President R. S.
‘Soule, who is in charge of those
it.\\‘n departments. Pell’s appoint
im’-nt. like McVay's, will become
effective March 1.
; Kammert, administrative vice
president of Monongahela since
January, 1962, has been associated
with companies of the Allegheny
Power System, of which Mononga
|hvla is a part, since 1943. A grad
uate of the University of Illinois,
’ho worked for a Chicago public
accounting firm and with various
'milities in the middle west before
joining American Water Works and
|Elvctric company, a predecessor
of Allegheny Power System, Inc.
In 1948 he became assistant comp
troller of the parent company. 1
In 1951 Mr. Kammert was clected
comptroller of West Penn Power
company, another Ailegheny Power
System subsidiary, and served that
western Pennsylvania utility in that
capacity until 1960 and as a vice
| president and director from 1953
until his 1962 assignment in the
Monongahela organization. |
In Fairmont, where I\lmmn;:a-‘
hela’s general offices are located,
(Continued On Page Twelve)
el e e |
Homemakers Plan
Study of Clothing
[ Homemaker clubs of the county
will begin the new year with a
clothing study of “Line and De
sign” through personality traits, it
was announced by Miss Ethel
Grove, home demonstration agent.
The clubs will also reorganize for
‘lh(' coming year. |
’ Just one meeting was scheduled.
January 2, New Germany club will
mcet at 1:30 p. m,, at the home of
Mrs. Floyd Broadwater. Mrs. Park
er Warnick will present the cloth
llng topic. Mrs. Everett Oester, new
club president, will preside at the
‘l'(‘()l‘;.l&illil.’lli"ll and business ses
‘siull. s
| _———
. ‘
}Obscrves Ski Patrol
| . |
Bill Manring, section chicf, and
‘ Larry Pease. regional testing chair
man of the National Ski Patrol
)S)hl('lll of the Southern Appala
chian Mountain Regional section,
l\\'(‘r(' here on Saturday testing and
'nhsvr\'ing the ski patrol of Marsh
\Mnunl;nn for their annual regis-,
traion with National Ski Patrol
}:\_\'Sl(-m, They have been 1'(';!i.~lvrc(l:
for the past four years. Mr. Man-,
ring and Mr. Pease were satistied |
with the performance of the ski
patrel, according to George Ko:m:,!
member of the patrol.
|Earns Army Commission
I Gary G. Friend of Swanton, was
l(mc of seven R. O. T. C. cadets at
West Virginia university to earn
I.'n'my commissions, it was announ
’('Cd by ‘he university military de
partment They will serve as sec
lond lieutmants in the regular army
after grawation, |
Commisions were restricted toi
unmversity students receiving the
i Distinguisbd ~ Military Siudent
award. The award is traditionally
’rescr\'cd fc seniers who rank in
the upper lird of their military
Iclass and th upper half of their
academic cla, Of the sixteen stu
dents receing the DMS award
seven applie for regular army
commissions. ‘he other cadets ex
pect to be comissioned in the re
Friend is 1960 graduate of
Southern Highichool, and has re
quested initial uty at Fort Lewis,
Wash., beginninjn June. He is the
son of Mr. an Mrs. Weston W.
Friend. |
eo |
. ) . |
Robinson 'eceives
lOak Leaf (uster
ok l
Colonel William Robinson, S()I],
of Mrs. Ernest E. binson. of Ca
tonsville, and husbg of the fo,-_‘
mer Jane Fraley (Qakland, re
cently was awardeche first oak
leaf cluster to the force com- |
mendation medal. |
General Mark Edgradley, Jr., ‘
commander, air forcegistics com- '
mand, presented th gwarg to .
Colonel Robinson, wlwas cited
‘fm‘ his work as directof logistics ]
|support and later asymmander 1
of AFLC’s air procurcmnt region, l
’lfar east. |
| Colonel Robinson, Wiwas as-,
|signed to the Far East ft. Novem- |
‘!erA 1960 to August,¥63 was |
lcredited with outstandi\ loader- .
ship and professional flity in"
| suceessfully executing mtenance :
‘| and modification progratn sup
port of the sth and 13th forces J
|in the Pacific area. 4
I Recently reassigned to Hquar- ;‘
ters air force logistics comyd. he g
"{is chief of the procurememan- ;
- agement division of the digrate U
-of procurement and produq. ’”
' Col. and Mrs. Robinsongide |
" on Margaret drive in F'om.'
' Ohio. They have two sun\](\ni
" and Stephen. Mrs. Fraley the| |
l daughter of Mrs. Neil C. Jey
' 4th street, Oakland, and thyte
: Judge Fraley. 12
' e (e W
- Among Graduatest "
- State Police Schoo |
- . p.
: It was graduation at the he
' quarters of the Maryland Sf
. police at Pikesville on 'l‘hurs.u'
- Décember 12. Governor J. Mill
"l‘a\\'cs called upon the sv\'m}w‘
graduates of the 51st recruit claF
~ to uphold always the fine traditiu}a
tof courage and courtesy long a
‘sucialcd with Maryland State lrouq
ers, and to attack the highwa
traffic problem with vigor.
Among the graduates were
Trooper Richard Eugene Edwards
| He is the son of Mr. and Mrs
, Harry John Edwards, Jr., of Locl
, Lynn. He was graduated fron
. Southern High school in 1956. Hg¢
~ then served in the U. S. army fo
| three years. Trooper Edwards wil
- be assigned to the Bel Air barrack
. —_—
$ 2,250 Get Treat
Uy —_—
. Approximately 2250 youngster:
. up to twelve years of age were
. treated Saturday afternoon at |
- o’clock at the Oakland fire hall, i
- was announced by Charles L. Brin
- er, chairman of the Christma:
treat committee of the Mt. Toj
!Chamher of Commerce.
| The day was clear and cold anc
for the first time it was possible
{to get many of the children inside
The treat formerly had been helc
~at the corner of Second and Lib
| erty streets.
‘ Ilach child reccived some candy
~ popcorn balls and an orange. The
- amount needed for the treat, S7OO
.~ was provided by contribution:
~ from business men, organizations
y\mnpunics and individuals.
: Those contributing not previous:
4 ly mentioned were Michael Candy
| Oakland Coca-Cola, Dr. B. F. Sel
by, Leighton Brothers, Ralpl
E Pritts, Donald Helbig, Peters Fuel
"and Armv and Navy store.
& 5 r ST SR
| = From Fach OFf §'s .. . 3
] B -
| :fin It is the sincere wish of the statf of The Republican that you §
’ § share abundantly in the blessings of the holiday season, and that dur- 5
' :% ing 1964 we record only good news for each of you. :
‘ e
AR "s* ;
A s ,)r" ® Donald R. Sincell ® George H. Hanst g
bl J ®Elsie Sincell e Wilbur W. Close =~
o - ’ © Robert B. Sincell @ John Castilow %
P ,'}4~ m ®James H. Nordeck @Jack Glotfelty §
i ;% = )"‘xé?mff“i?[,fy ond & lon. ®Grace Falkenstein @William A. George i
A LS L Ry, ST =9
’ b. T “"N%Qw%?f . @Robert Ruckert ® Rubie Zimmerman %
SN b S SO S ok PR =
G e f::, ?‘f: 4// %M %fi, _s‘2 @ Pat Sacher J“
§EY " M e T 4 . b
i[t. ' "'-‘ -- i ~ @Af%{é’ ALA eA R eAALB AT A M X $
‘gx oW ,f-”x‘f'i-~-i§’
l ——————e e —_— o
,Apartment Damaged
In Friendsville
' Fire of undetermined origin par
tially destroyed the apartment
above the Lawson Country club
in Friendsville and caused water
damage to the club itself last Fri
day afternoon.
Friendsville firemen fought the
blaze for some two hours and dam
age was estimated at several
thousand dollars. The structure was
of concrete block for the first floor,
with a quonset type roof. The
apartment on the sceond floor was
-I"-:u\i d by Marlin Lawson but
ne was not at home at the time,
A son was looking after the prop
erty when the fire was discovered.
Cecil Schroyer, one of the
Friendsville firemen, said flames
also caused about $1,060 damage
to the home of William Frazee last
Thursday night. The blaze was dis
covered about 6 o’clock. Friends
ville firemen also were called in
this instance. No other departments
were called. {
—_— !
Ski Excursions Start
The Baltimore and Ohio railroad |
ast Friday night inaugurated its |
veek-end ski excursions which will f
'un through March 13. i
The cars will be attached to train :
No. 1, leaving Baltimore at 5:10|
ind arriving in Oakland at 11:07 |
. m. }
The paczage tours include rail|
ransportation, two nights’ lodging,‘
wo days’ fees on ski tow on Marsh ]
Tountain and all transfers. The |
rain returns to Baltimore on Sun- |
ay nights. }
T'o Present Program I
.+he Underwood Church will pre- |
st the Annual Christmas Pro- |
.M on Christmas Evening, l)c-!
n ber 25, at 7:45 p. m. The pro- H
m includes a three act, (mc‘
e | Play entitled “The Forgotten !
v | Presented by a cast of twenty, 1‘
11 | ety minute candlelight ul()n;.:f‘
k. Selections of traditional Christ- ‘ :
larols and contemporary music ]i
Pted by the church choir. The | l
Pm is sponsored by a youth |
Slof the church and the playll
han directed by Miss Ivadine |.
S | Mys, garl Foster is rcspnnsi-[(
€| bl (he music with Charlo.sw,]
ii Tee, assisting at the organ.f;
1- l £ | t
e C<Collectlng Is I"
Prable For Youth ¢
d o
" | Se
e I'hip collecting can be ajp
e 3 |
C. p"“““obby is very true for |
d|Frankg 18, son of Mr. and|
- | Mrs. m Finch, Swanton. {“
Afteming a classified ad in S
V.| the Cuand News, which read 50
c|U. S. K 909 SVDB, AG, SC,
0, | SIOO. Pigakland, Md., DE 4- SC
s | 4016, Frigt good results when |jd
s, |he sold goin to Paul Parker 81
Wlliams Romney, West Vir-|
;- | ginia, for, o
y,| The allighing is that Fraunk|vi
I- | has two 03 coins. He has been
h|calectingy Iyttle over a year
1, {while Paupeen collecting for |pa
abut two . o
1| New Year’s Issue
! .
i Will Be Early
l The Republican’s New Year’s
issue will be published early.
t] The issue will be dated Thurs
h! day, January 2, but actually
r{ will be published on Tuesday,
-| December 31, in order that the
i New Year’s greetings from our
numerous advertisers may be
C distributed crior to New Year's
- Day.
I’ Because of the early date all
ik corres.ponde_nts are urged to
send in their material by Sat-
I urday, if possible, or not later
> than Monday evening, to insure
s its publication in the week’s
t issue.
| News articles must be in the
, hands of the editer by Tues
- day morning.
| S e
| Winter Officially
| Arrives on Sunday
| .
' Winter officially arrived early
| Sunday morning, December 22, but
everybody knew it. Weatherwise it
(had arrived at least two weeks ago
with at least two rather severe
I A new storm blanketed the area
!\\'ith some five inches of additional
| snow prior to Monday noon, and
| additional snow was predicted.
| Some four inches of snow fell with- |
lin a two-hour period. |
‘ The early part of the week ha(l‘
:bvcn near zero and below. Four de
| grees below was registered lasti
| Friday. Skies were sunny and the
temperature got up to 9 dcgrees,
throughout the day and by 4 o'-|
clock it was back to 6 above. Four |
{abovc was registered Saturday with ‘
;somc snow in the air but clearing
later. It got up to 14 degrees dur-!
‘ing the day. |
Sunday was clear and \\‘armingl’
with the temperature going as far |
as 22 degrees. However, after a
clear night carlier in the evening,
‘it clouded over again and snow be
gan to fall by early morning.
—eee ) —————
Has Interesting Hobby
Mrs. Bernard Dixon, route 219,
near Deep Creek Lake, has an in-]
teresting pastime which also pro- !
vides her with extra spcndinu’
moncey. She makes doll clothes | |
and at this time of the year is],
making them for gifts. |
Mrs. Dixon said she made dresses |
primarily for name dolls such asl;
“Barbie”, “Tommy”, and “Chatty|
Cathy”. The dresses or outfits run ! .
anywhere from $1.25 to $1.75 zmdll
up, depending upon the amount of | f
trimming that is desired and the
time she spends on each outfit.
One bride outfit she made in- -l
cluded everything, the dress, head
piece, etc., all the way to the (‘()r-i {
sage and little blue garter. It takcsl F
rom one to one and one half hours' C
o complete cach outfit. i<
Mrs. Dixon has been . making i
hese clothes since September.
some seventy of them have been
old in Cleveland, O. Iu
A graduate of Northern High fc
chool, Mrs. Dixon said she got the l b
dea very easily, “I have three ol
mall daughters of my own.” Mrs.'b(
Jixon is the granddaughter of Mr. le
nd Mrs. Leslic Savage, of Friends- , at
ille. .
Fire destroyed over $300,000 in
aintings and art works including |my
R i i e D e
Additional Forestry
Camps Are Proposed
The Advisory Board of the State
!Foreslry camps which met in spe
’cial session last Friday at Cumber
{land, is in favor of establishing
fthrve additional forestry camps in
| Western Maryland.
l David L. Curran, chief of division
I"uf Training Schools, said that the
| State Planning commission had
| been asked to include the request
'in the capital improvements portion
!o[ the governor’s budget during the .
| meeting of the Maryland Lt‘-gisla-i
[ture in February. |
' M. Curran pointed out lhal!
| since an administrative coordinat
‘iing unit has been set up for thc]
| three camps now located at Green |
IRidgo. near Lonaconing and Mca(l-i
‘o\\ Mountain, the Western I\lziry—l
i land counties are the logical place |
b'fm' the location of the three u(kli-'
| tional camps. |
| Construction cost of each has|
| been estimated at between $115,000
_!and $125,000 according to Mr. Cur
*ran, who said they eventually
would be 35-bed camps. Exact sites
| have not been determined. Two of
| the present camps are in this coun-
J ty.
}' Also discussed last Friday was the
| opening of a new temporary ad
!ditionu] camp at Victor Cullen hos
| pital at Sabillasville.
“ Other business discussed included |
“ Christmas vacations and parties for
!thc boys at the three camps. l
| Associate Judge Stuart F. Ham- |
| 111, Oakland, chairman of the board, )q
!prcsided at the luncheon mecting.’l
|()thcr members attending were |
| Robert W. Stemple, executive di-| 1
!rcclor of the county welfare board ||
|in Oakland; Frank Powers. J. Wil
| liam Hunt and Louis A. Fatkin. (
| - :
Entertain Brownies 1
The Oakland Brownie troop (
with 26 members was entertained
at the weekly meeting of the Oak
land Rotary club on Friday eve
’ninp.. The club is the troop spon
} sor.
This is an annual event and| ¥
there was 100 percent attcnduncc'c
by the Brownies. They gave two a
group recitations and sang several p
numbers as cntertainment. Logan | j
Weber was in charge of the pro-| g
This Friday there will be a l:
“stag party” with several of the |
members presenting brief lalks,’“
followed by games. !Sl
—— O lo
. . ’B]
To Leave For Nigeria e
Frances G. Ruegsegger, dauthm
ler of Dr. and Mrs. Franklin I\l.'ol
Ruegsegger, Pennington street,
Dakland, has begun a two-year as
ignment as a Peace corps volun-|
cer in Nigeria.
She is one of 50 volunteers now ]
m home leave prior to departing| p.,
or Nigeria, December 31. They ey
vill teach primarily in the fields | )
t English, history and drama at| g,
oth the secondary and university |zt
evels. They trained for ten weceks |5
t the University of California at I
05 Angeles. rai
—_— e tivi
The Bittinger community will|We
eet Friday, December 27th at 8] lec
T T —. R .
> Churches Plan
g‘ -
: Special Events
& |
| -
: For Christmas
4 S
E"Candlelight Services, Other
éi Activities To Conclude
% Christmas Programs
ai Candlelight services and other
s}sol‘\l(-(-5 will conclude the pre
-s!Christmus and Christmas activities
yat the churches of the neighbor
b Episcopal Church, Deer Park
ll These special services will be for
¢ | Christmas at St. John’s Episcopal
5 church in Deer Park as announ
b ced by the Rev. Fr. Thomas Staup,
5 vicar:
b' On Christmas Eve, December 24,
Bglhc choral Christ mass will begin
jat 11 p. m. Assisting with the music
5 will be the Young Churchmen’s
b | choir with Mrs. Gilbert Filsinger
b as organist. During the offertory
5 Miss Katie Thrasher will sing
“Song of Mary,” assisted by the
choir. Acolytes assisting Fr, Staup
- | will be Buddy Thrasher, crucifer;
'Bobby Rollman, server; Walter and
Allan Latimer, torch bearers. Ush
l ers will be Darrel Wotring, Sr.,
| Harrison Thrasher, James Rollman
|and Everett Deßerry.
J On Christmas day the Holy Eu
- | charist will be celebrated at 9 a.
-Im. The Church school Christmas
i‘pm'ty will be held Friday, Decem
l‘bcr 27, at 2 p. m. On December
31st, the Eve of the Feast of the
\}Cir('umcision. the Holy Eurcharist,
"\\'ill be celebrated at 11 p. m. An
| Open House at the Vicarage will
!hc held following. The public is
r St. John’s Lutheran
| The choir of St. John's Luther
[ an church, Red House, will pre
!S(‘HL a Christmas cantata on Christ
'mus eve, beginning at 8 o'clock.
“'ln the Fullness of Time,” is the
| setting of the Christmas story, be
'ginmng with the account as an
inouncod by the Apostle Paul in
| Galatians.
E The candle lighting service will
|cunclu(lo the program with all par
St. Peter’s Catholic
Ushering in the programs at St.
(Continued On Page Fourteen)
Hurt in Wreck
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lipscomb,
of Horse Shoe Run, W. Va., were
injured in a one-car wreck Sun
‘dny evening about 7 o’clock on U.
S. route 219, about two miles south
of Red House.
The automobile ran off the high
way and struck a tree. Mrs. Lips
comb suffered a compound frac
ture of the right leg and possible
concussion. Her husband was
treated in the emergency room and
The wreck was investigated by
Cpl. Robert D. Henline, of the
State Police, who said the car was
badly damaged. The man was
charged with reckless driving by
Cpl. Henline.
—_— e
To Help at Library
The Board of Trustees of the
Ruth Enlow Library of Garrett
County on Saturday, December 25
ipproved the appointment of two
art-time assistants for the library,
t was announced by Miss Edith
3rock, librarian,
Mrs. Dorothy Purbaugh, of Oak
and, will work two days a week in
he main library. Mrs. Purbaugh,
vho is a graduate of Fairmont
tate college, will assist with cata
oging, reference and clerical work.
drady M. Boyles, of Accident, will
e in charge of bookmobile oper
tion. Mr. Boyles is a graduate of
)hio university.
——— (e
Retires From B&O
Ray Wilt, of Westernport, who
as been serving as clerk and
(tra agent at the Baltimore and
hio railroad station in Oakland
r the past two years, retired from
tive duly on Sunday. December
He had been employed by the
ilroad for the past forty-three
itics and duties, is mayor of
esternport and is a deputy grand
turer of the Grand Masonic