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PAGE TEN 0 CEIURE. Aevice. (T 8 CHIRISTMAS Sunday Services In The | Zhurches of the Community | St. Mark’s Ev. Lutheran, ()nk-I land, The Rev. Wm. Ernest Fox, | Matins, 8:30 a. m.; Sunday School, ! 9:30 a. m.; The Service, 10:45 a. m,; | Christmas Eve scrvice, Tuesday, | Dec. 24, 11 p. m. | —_— I St. Paul’'s Methedist, Oakland, | Rev. Lawrence Sherwood, pastor.l Sunday School, 9:30 a. m,; Wurshipl Service, 10:45 a. m. I St. Matthew’s Episcopal, Oakland,l The Rev. W. Shelby Walthall, rec-| tor. Holy Communion, 8 a. m.;I Chureh School and Morning Pray- | er, 11 a. m.; Holy Communion, ist Sunday, 11 a. m, , Church of St. Peter the Apostle.i Rev. Fr. Michael K. Carney, pas- | tor: Rev. Fr. Joseph W. Krach, as-| sistant. Masses, 8 a. m. and 10 a. m. Confessions, Saturday, 5| and 6 p. m., 7:30 to 8:30 a. m., and | Sunday before each mass. Immacu- | rate Conception, Kitzmiller, Mass, Sunday, 10 a. m. Church of the Nazarene, Bth and | Alder Sts., Oakland. Rev. Robert C. Roberts, pastor. Sunday School,. 10 a. m.; Worship Service, 11 a. m.; Junior meeting, 11 a. m.; Nazarene | Young People’s meeting, 6:45 p. | m.;: Evening Service, 7:30 p. m.I Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. I Oak Park Church of the Breth- | ren, near Oakland, opposite South- | ern High school, Rev. J. Stanley | Earhart, pastor. Sunday School, | 10 a. m.: Worship, 11 a. m; CBYF,] 7:30 p. m. First Christian Church, Oakland,l Rev. H. B. Rittenhouse, minister. | Christian Hour of Worship, WMSQG, | every Sunday, 11 a. m. to 12 noon. | No Thursday night services until further notice. | First Baptist Church, S. Second | St., Oakland. Rev. E. H. Wilt, pas tor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Wor- | ship Service, 11 a. m.. Evening Fellowship, 7:30 p. m.; JOY club, Tuesday, 4 p. m.; Prayer and Bible Study, 7:30 p. m. Crellin E. U. B. Church, Revw. | Charles Teets, pastor. Sunday | School, 9:45 a. m.; Worship Serv- | ice, 11 a. m,, Ist and 3rd Sundays; | 7:30 p. m., on the 2nd and 4th Sun days; Youth Fellowship, 7:30 p. m,, Ist and 3rd Sundays. Prayer Serv ice, Wedresday. 7:30 p. m. Swanton E.U.B. Churzh, Rev. Roy Butler, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Worship, 11 a. m, Ist and 3rd | Sundays; 7:30 p. m, 2nd and 4th| Sundays. Prayer service, Wed,, 7:30 p. m. Youth Fellowskip, Thurs., 7 p. m. Missionary meeting Ist Fri day of every month. I Mt. Lake Park E.U.B, Rev. O.| W. Hull, pastor. Loch Lynn: Ist| and 3rd Sunday, 7:30 p. m.; 2nd and 4th Sunday, 10 a. m. McHenry: Ist and 3rd Sunday, 11 a. m.; 4th Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Paradise: Ist and 3rd Sunday, 10 a. m.; 2nd Sun. day, 7:30 p. m. Mt. Bethel: 2nd and | 4th Sunday, 11 a. m. s _— I | Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Wit- | nesses, Donald W. Stull, minister. Sunday: 3:00 p. m, Public Bible | Talk; 4:15 p. m., Watchtower Study. | Tuesday: 8 p. m., Bible Study. Fri- | day: 7:30 p. m., Theocratic Ministry | Scheol; 8:30 p. m., Service Meeting. : e MAYTAG | | Washers and Dryers | @ | - | Fitzwater | Furniture | | Deer Park DE 4-2612 I £\ AT B G T O I T TN LA S >W L .TS ¥ U AWW3 TL S TR TSI TT I W W YTR T S AT | A SB4DO MM LTI NL, L sEeRaRe ¢ | O eG e %%&*\4’% .. : . e e e e, W W UL e et g HlnphMnße 4N t‘:‘< ‘I %L:;I P I\II <j I"\\’b{‘ffa‘*’ Nt BN oy A sFY MBS I &'y 00 e & . @%fi;/@% B T . maka (AT e i e \ M el oo 95 A Voo o R B i Guee May your ,'( 5 4 ' S " y DT . Day be merry and light, s N and may all your Christmases i@ oST be bright! Best wishes to everyone. C. MELVIN KIGHT DRY CLEANERS Center St, Oakland, Md. | Accident Ev. Lutheran Paiish, { the Rev. Wm, E. Carison, pastor. [ St. John’s, Cove, Service, 9 a. m,; Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Christmas I program, 8 p. m. St. Paul's, Acci ]donl. Sunday School, 9:15 a. m.,; | Service, 10:15 a. m.; Christmas pro i gram, Tues., Dee. 24, 8 p. m! Grace, i Friendsville, Sunday School, 10:15 { a. m.; Service, 11:30 a. m.; Christ- I mas program, 8 p. m. St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Au rora, W. Va. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m.; Worship Service, 10:45 am., I with a Geilysburg student supply -1 ing on Ist, 2nd and 4th Sundays. ' A lay reader will officate on the ‘ remaining Sundays. | Zion Lutheran (Missouri Synod), Accident. C. F. Dauphin, pastor. Sunday Scheol, 9:30 a. m.; Wor ship Service, 10:30 a. m.; Watch Night service, 8 p. m., Dec. 31. | Christ Lutheran Church, Grants ivillc. The Rev. David E. Fetter, The Service, 8 a. m.;. Sunday | School, 9:30 a. m.: Luther League social at St. John's, Salisbury, 8:45 p. m.: Candlelight Holy Eucharist | of the Nativity, Tues., 11:00 p. m. I Bittinger Lutheran Parish, Rev. Hugo W. Schroeder, pastor. St. John'’s, Meadow Mtn., worship, 8:45 | a. m; Sunday School, 10:15 a. m. | Emmanuel, Bittinger, Worship, 10:15 a. m.; Sunday Scheol, 9 a. m. Zion, Jennings, Worship, 11:30 a. m.; Sunday School, 10:15 a. m. Holy Communion in each church the i3rd Sunday of each month. } St. John’s Lutheran (Missourl Synod), Cove, The Rev. Arthur M. l Bicker, paster. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m.; Worship Service, 10:30 a. m. I Aurora Methodist, Rev. Frank P. I Snyder, pastor. Ist Sunday: Amboy, | 9:30; Aurora, 10:45. Stemple Ridge, | 7:30. Second Sunday: Erwin, 9:30; Bethel, 11:00; Aurora, 7:30. Third | Sunday: Stemplie Ridge, 9:30; Au | rora, 10:45; Amboy, 7:30. Fourth | Sunday: Bethel, 9:30; Aurora, 10:45; i Erwin, 7:30. Mt. Lake Park Methodist Charge, The Rev. James Remley, pastor. | Bethel: Sunday School, 9 a. m,; | Worship, 10 a. m. White Church: | Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Wor | ship, 11 a. m. Kurtz Chapel: Sun | day School, 10:30 a. m.; Worship, | 7:36 p. m. every 2nd and 4th Sun | days. All services on Standard | Time. | Bloomington Methodist Circuit, Rev. Gene Eaton, pastor. Ist Sun | day, Cross, 11 a. m.; Bloomington, | 28 p. m.; Ist Wednesday, Mt. Zion, |6 p. m. 2nd Sunday, North Glade, | 10 a. m.; Swanton, 11 a. m.; Bloom |ington, 8 p. m. 2nd Wednesday, | Chestnut Grove, 8 p. m. 3rd Sun day,. Chestnut . Grove, 10 a. m.; | Cross, 11 a. m.; Bloomington, 8 p. | m. 3rd Wednesday, Mt. Zion, 6 p. Im. 4th Sunday, Chestnut Grove, 8 p. m;; North Glade, 11 a. m; | Bloomington, 8 p. m. 4th Thursday, | Swanton, 8 p. m. | The Church ot God of Prophecy, | Loch Lynn, Rev. Walter S. Bellis, | pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; | Worship Service, 11 a. m.; Evangel listic service, 7:45 p. m. Auxiliary | services, Wed., 7:30 p. m. Eagle IRock, Mona Hebb, pastor. Sunday | School, 10:30 a. m.; Worship, 11:15 am.; Evangelistic service, 7:45 p. | m. Auxiliary services, Thurs., 7:45 ‘p. m. o I Loch Lynn Heights Baptist, Rev. 'L Luke Walter, pastor. Sunday | School, 10 a. m.; morning worship, 11 a. m.; Training Union, 6:30 p. m.; evening worship, 7:45 p. m.; Prayer | meeting Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Fern | dale: Worship, 9:45 a. m; Sunday School, 10:45 a. m.; Prayer meeting, IWednosday, 7:30 p. m. . | ] Kitzmiller Methodist Circuit, The | Rev. Orvis A. Koon, pastor. Short | Run: Worship, 10:15 a. m.; Sunday | School, 11 a. m. West Vindex: Sun | day School, 10:30 a. m.; Worship, [11:30 a. m. Kitzmiller: Sunday | School, 10 a. m.; Worship, 7:30 p. nl. | p. m. Sunday School, every Sunday, I 10 a. m. Laymen’s Service, 4th Sun day, 7:30 p. m. ' ! ‘ ’f’fi.\‘;h ;‘da’:.[ < :’;.‘"v:',-; %" 3 l""}& : w:, {rv. '; T % -'.‘-:f;;'v'f AR ( n, ‘ d el i R uf*g‘ T L | | : SR e S € RPN GSY AS 5 S No S A N M Vit At (i et St R SRRy 7 fon RS el v ' i PUESGEE I fi’fi‘}'f!“fifi' SR RER e ol "‘l‘a‘;yi’{i“ eel §:#’ 3‘”, }6{@ ; - ORI A 0, e o $ BN S R (R R e | . "q e’l :' %}& ? 'Wi{@fi“‘s IW\ gt B s‘”':?.':',s. 'IN ; I’{};?" I'.r;_. 5g 2 5 ,y” R A g . DRSS Wi ¥ BSt Tl !s'g\""f""-"" i ?{, R %"' A s eSR R B : I Ry f% ig :# iil Bt SR L T‘l o P | ' RS 7Co e AR T e ST RO se DR (BRSPS D R 0 8 R N Lo RIS KRR a3 ; ) e b '-.‘,’;,.z--;lf'w} i ",.é* ~i+"‘% ‘A*m st Se Cr s e ; soy ,f&“ PR LG AR e ;“fl“é‘}'c’tfl’; b AR e e R e : R VATI eO 8 S@, R &} Aea SU S R S SST e ; IR CR T, S 8 SRR D SRR DG o o LR e 7 SRS ol KRy oy 4’.&3 s R A Se RO ~“fifl R e R T T ‘ b '@-"&‘ BTR GO FRiR i BbR AP SN (R R N s B At Cp 2 b, R R S g 8 JRR R i e A | ' g S ARt 55 oy ...."'4:;::4313""?1:""?:‘EL':z? Fj%' eo, G b " I ’ S GBBB ot B M g"fi“’“‘“f sDI 00l TR R A : . ol T RV T geß i G ihaae MR 5O R T R o ‘ - 6 16, O e SRR Dil G eTI b ke Y i I eel R TR SV G e e(R B ;e . : AP R ORS RN -gl *f\w ..-:‘<:;: i R e e s | \ o RSN All Grc: E B PVe >T ek oRYO M SO DA RS & By s B R e . | iy '&9. el M s \*flwfi;ffim e ;";fl“'};::; ‘, SReRR : &‘ “ STy NS AT W i R SR BS N O g T gB NS R £ B P R SR R SRR S IUP fim JRBRIG So { BRI TR AR & | i S R PR RR R eT R ISR e il o R LT . 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R D > i S | : R R R A e, PR e g | " " X e TSR T | Wiy SR imo B | : S : L e e ee e : 7 "esxs”',;w*’s;“fi A e ; : v i . i ¥ ’ 4 NSRS '*'-I*':'-.<:'::‘:-.;'.z§i;=:ag;;e;;-:;;;.;.:.;,.":“,'?5?’;}:,‘:fi,.::,a_,,;._- ; Ao A3RR e T Sk |os e e | I o e ¥ P SRR T e e R e e i l Bekie s A 5 NHEe Le S s °\*W”‘ G e ‘ RS aRN RS R et eee camsblE R iR, s RS e e * . st g R R R R ':--23%5:‘1:;&:524:2:'v:‘-:l:t-.*‘C‘-"”"J.‘An s S AR S ."??”’% e G M_}%;\*,rhw‘ | J Mo Db D e a AR R ‘1 RER DB PRe o T BT i ee S ee s ’ZR e R 2 i R On the holy night, the Christ child was born to an unknown carpenter , : ‘ T and his wife in Bethlehem. _' e g o No palace physician attended the Prince of Peace perhaps a mid-wife ] P B B 2 RR < R . ” . 1 | PSRty AR G e or a serving maid. O R i A S S 5 . . . 5 ‘ 3 - CE ed e ),+,’ No fine linens were prepared for the mother; no crib for the Babe—just [ RR A : I SAL ,\"“*L,/g'?*&‘ the straw and the manger weve theirs. : SR B e R 5 : . . r the bravine Sl mel i%: No royal salute was fired to announce His arrival only the braying of B RR N R e ; oA Sl y ; - { l \f’f‘i;‘z:fi;w the animals in their stalls was heard. ‘ ' “ri Never was royalty greeted with less pomp and circumstance, 1 - e e B ey : : . 3 | : e o Why? Because man could not raise himself to God! ; : Ca So God sent His Son to light up our hearts and minds with His Divine \ : B G Presence, ' & i His living Spirit brightened the most ordinary and commonplace tasks of | [ i the day. ' § . 1 > . Q - | i A 4 If He could so hallow that stable, can He not hallow our homes, our I ’ e dQU Y I\ places of work, the whole of our lives? ‘ y VNN x T L . G " E 5 & = . . . . { . E 1\ \% %/ Vi Of course! Consider again and again the miracle of His birth. Be in church | l R [/ ‘:f:, on Christmas to welcome anew the Christ child in your heart. : :[Y 3 \ | i . | ' & /,.I, X —ip & . gt b o L 4 bl _ | St g 'i"‘}!’ ¢ gkrtfiv L jfii”ei §Mén Sk ARG B I A f NP ) & T / A\ A o S Qjfi‘.\ S R S, ey, vzE] 2g, b i Tg e | - = ; Z Lol SR NALY/ e : . 2 :‘Sv 8 N w RS NV TS ‘ _ 4 oo ey t & : £ AN y-“;g‘:\\k\ ‘l{ @A L { 5 3 ] T ,m S .:‘n-f t-!"fl p'e | : SEGE ) ¥ 18 l i % LEEEDT by o N v:% I : S \\;“\:\'\';"/‘:i}‘ \ ;—@ |!1 I [ ,/..."T‘:.;“ Boare s e / I S~ X/ T e T T TST P ' P RN {:‘s,“:’ i = ‘:‘*\.... | | . e \ /A Copyright 1963, Keister Advertising Service, Inc., Strasburg, v ... ! I - S ; | Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday S‘ntur.da,\- ! 4 Psalms Isaiah Isaiah Matthew John John Galatians I i 149:1-9 7:10-17 9:1-7 1:18-24 1:43-51 7:40-52 4:1-4 I : s $ L PR P P N ASR TR R R 2 s . , | T ' 1 Worship Each Week | hese Firms Invite YOU To A House Of Worship Eac ee | | II HAWKINSON TREAD SERVICE Fred Glotfeity, Prop. I Distributors of U. 8. Tires and Tubes ' THIRD ST. OAKLAND, MD ‘- PROUDEOOT'’S ' : OAKLAND PHARMACY OAKLAND, MARYLAND . RAY TEETS GARAGE : Chrysler—Plymouth_Valiant—lmperial—GMC : Trucks , DE 4-2137 OAKLAND, MD. | Faith Tabernacle, Rev. Roy W.| | Shewbridge, pastor, 2'2 miles southl on Route 495 from Grantsville. Sunday School, 10 a.m.; Worship, | I 11 a. m.; Evangelistic service, 7:30 | | p. m. Prayer meeting, Wed., 7:30' | p. m. outh service, Friday, 7:30 p. | ’ m. ' Walnut Bottom Assembly of God,| Rev. Pete Saleskey, pastor. Sun-; { day School, 10 a. m.; Worship 11| la. m. and 7:30 p. m., Friday, 7:30 | I p. m, . Pentecostal Holiness Church,l Corinth, Rev. Franklin Bishop, pas-| tor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; morn- | ing worship, i1 a. m.; evening sery- | I ice, 7:30 p. m. Prayer service, Wed., 1 v i e- e- o -y e T i ASR AR ML U Y SOL S B PRSRRES. CED I II ryfmfi Factory Fresh I | ’f?f,% First Grade ! | S { B T -__-__,,‘_-:__. 2 | | O | £ @ TIRES ‘ s s 600x16 6 ply nylon 13.95 | | 1 i 650x16 6 ply nylon 16.95 %" 700x15 6 ply nylon 18.95 | . 700x16 6 ply nylon 18.95 I; i : e, 900x16 8 ply nylon 34.95 i l 5 r,;”’“‘*‘i;; © 750x20 10 ply nylon 3495 || | | @ a0 10 ply nylon a295 || f e s 900x20 10 ply nylen 49.95 1 ; o sf,é 1000x20 12 ply nylon 5995 ||| : o, Sy 1000x22 12 ply nylon 69.95 || | *““W‘:? 1100x20 12 ply nylon 69.95 | | B %@g” 1200x20 14 ply nylon 99.95 [ “Wii‘ Plus federal excise tax. | C, gl Free installation. [ | SHARTZER TIRE CO. | Route 40 Farmington, Pa. DAvis 9-5523 “ KINSINGER REPAIR SHOP | I Route 219 at Paul Friend Road Oakland, Md. DE 4-9853 I THE KerosLICAN, OAKLAND, MARYLAND, SOUTHERN STATES OAKLAND COOPERATIVE, Inc. DE 4-3121 LIBERTY ST. PETERS FUEL CORP. Amoco retroleum Products LIBERTY ST. Phone 4-2509 OAKLANC, MD. OAK GROVE DAIRY C. W. Wagner & Sons Producer & ‘Transporter of Milk McHENRY, MD. PHONE DE 4-4242 e eet S et | Rosedale United Pentecostal, IRev. R. J. Riffle, pastor. Sunday { School 10 a. m.; Evangelical Serv-’ i ice, 7:30 p. m. Bible study, Tues -Iday, "7:30 p. m: Young People’sl 'Servicc, Friday, 7:30 p. m. 1 17:30 p. m. ' I Sand Flat Assembly of God, Rev. Hartley L. Wigfield, Jr., pastor.' ISunday School, 10 a. m.; Worship, i 11 a. m.; Evangelistic Service, Sun [days. 7:45 p. m. Bible Study every { Tuesday, 7:45 p. m. ] I Fairview Church of the Breth- | ren, near Table Rock, Rev. Eu | gene Matthews, pastor. Worship | service, 9:45 a. m.; Sunday School, 1 10:45 a. m.; Youth Meeting, 7 p m.I Prayer meecting Thurs., Bp. m. i MINNICH FUNERAL HOME ! OAKLAND, MARYLAND I THE GARRETT NATIONAL BANK IN OAKLAND The Bank With An Eye To The Future CASSELMAN MOTOR CO. Chevrolet Sales and Service General Tires and Kraft Recapping PHONE TW 5-5252 or TW 5-5115 GRANTSVILLE, MARYLAND | Eglon Church of the Brethren,l Clyde E. Hylton, pastor. Maple ISpring: Sunday Schoel, 10 a. m,; ]Worship, 11 a. m. Glade View: ] Worship, 9:30 a. m.; Surday School, 1 10:30 a. m. Brookside: Sunday! School, 10 a. m.; Worship, 11 a.l m. Mt. Grove: Sunday School, 10| a. m.; Worship, 11 a. m. Gortner lUnion: Sunday School, 9:30 a. m,; Worship, 10:30 a. m. All evening Iservices at 8 p. m. . TR e e—— T ———— ———— . 22 ot F z | A JOYOUS |l | oy ! | ; ~.f; ..‘i* z:__::_‘ T | | o % g/, oot the joy of Christmas 5 I a 4,7 g 0 reach into every heart, " | B?t‘ as with scripture, song | I T ~'&\} Gsf%== and prayer, we recall the | I }( b ~’§ fig . wonder of His birth, [ I b I€, gAN Q%‘ e‘*“ | ‘ ¥ WIS | I RN Voo R | | i | Garrett Truck & Implement Co. | I North Third Street Oakiand, Marland ‘ I‘m Il I Fairview Mennonite Mission,l Fairview Rd., 2 miles off New Ger many Rd., Norman H. Teague, pas-‘ tor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Morn ing Worship, 11 a. m. Special Sing | spiration every 3rd Sunday at 7:30 |p. m. I _— | Maple Grove Church of thel Brethren, Grantsville. The Rev. K. Dean Huntley. Sunday School,l 'lO a. m.; Worskip, 11 a. m. . ee L o. A T £ S s(e T e THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1962 THE I © r " "B | ~~ SPEAKS = ] BY DR; KENNETH J:' FOREMAN. - - | Freedom For What? | | Lesson for December 29, 1963 @ible Material: Mark 10:32-45; Galatiang | 5 and 6. Devotional Reading: Romans 8:1.11. FREEDOM IS a great word, a rousing word, one that in all times has thrilled the hearts and fascinated the minds of men. But it is also a misunderstood word. It is no more than half understood when people forget that freedom is both freedom from and freadom k. for. ... Moses had | his troubles with | s GEGEENEE the Israelites on | &* ki this point\ All | T they could ‘think @i M of was getting out ; of Egypt. Free- | 5 y : dom was their | hope and dream. | Dr. Foreman But when they ac tually became free, when Egypt’s chains were broken, those Israel- | ites didn’t care for their freedom after all. They actually wanted to go back to Egypt. They discovered that freedom meant work, danger, ! uncertainty, risk, and they pre- { ferred the protected assurances of | slavery to the adventures of free- | dom. | Freedom from what? I Freedom can be misunderstood | on the other side. This is particu larly true of Christian living. All through the New Testament the | reader seems to hear the bugles | of freedom. Christians are re minded on page after page that freedom is good and that Christ came to set men free. But people then as now sometimes got a wrong idea about this. They sup posed that they were now set {ree from obligations, they “wore no man’s collar,” so to speak. Paul (among others) sets us straight | about this. He underscores some- | thing quite different. Christ was not born to set men {ree from ob- | ligation to each other nor to God. On the contrary, the Christian more and mecere recognizes the duties, services, and ways of help which he can render to other people. I The worst masters | Being free from ourseives, we Friendsville Methodist Charge, Rev. Charles Hinkle, pastor. First Methodist, Ist and 3rd Sunday, ' Church Schooi, 10 a. m.; Worship, | 11 a. m.; 2nd and 4th Sunday, Wor- | ship, 10 a. m.; Church Schoo!, 11 ' a. m. MYF each Sunday, 7 p. m. ISerysport, Worship, Ist and 3rd Sunday, 9:45 a. m.; Church School, i0:45 a. m. MYF each Sunday, 7 p. m. Hoyes, Church School, 10 a. 'm.; Worship Ist and 3rd Sunday, | 7:30 p. m.; 2nd and 4th Sunday, 11 a. m. MYF each Sunday, 7 p. m.' ‘ Blooming Rose, Church School, 10 'a. m.; Worship, 2nd and 4th Sun lay, 7:30 p. m. | ey - Deer Park Methodist.. Sunday School every Sunday at 10 a. m.; Preaching 2nd Sunday of month, 11 a. m.,; 4th Sunday evening at 7:30. Mapie Grove Assembly of God, Rev. Arnold W. Smith, pastor, Acci dent, W. Va. (Horse Shoe Run). Sunday School, 9:45 a. m.; Wor ship, 11 a. m.; Youth meeting, 6:15 p. m.; Prayer service, 6:30 p. m.; Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Crellin Methodist, Rev. Henry A. Lee, pastor. Worship, Ist Sun day, 7:30 p. m.; 3rd Sunday, 11 a. m.; Sunday School every Sunday, 9:45 a. m. Prayer Meeting, Wed nesdays, 7:30 p. m. Laymen’s serv l ice, 2nd Sunday, 7:30 p. m. . . —————————————— S S T § R o ee e U - 4 | % RO SRR NTMYL RTR o e | v_-," #“ 9\“\ \V:""_.' '4_-' | Wi e i S | \ Z2N) {,:. |]o \ v | Joy to the L We wish you I world on this : \ the blessings ‘ Christmas! ‘l‘l“l[l'f N\ '\ of the Day. I 2 ; },I II"III \ | L) s U 0 I (“ N ! . 3 ) )|} o - f ~' f f A \j \ &l e ‘ = . = \ b Pry lll‘ A0 ° o XN ’§ Lo , ¥ BGB &8 B Ll L 2 L e e ATeanlamrte - S A. D. NAYLOR & CO. Since 1885 OAKLAND. MARYLAND are free from those tyrants that so cruelly dominate the lives of those who have lost touch with | God, Fear, for one thing. The man | who by God's grace can forget | himself, even for a while, has a | vacation from fear. Fear of death, | of disgrace, of failure, of unnopu larity, of pain, of frustration. If | you were asked, what is the great | est evil, the harshest crueity, un | der which men suffer? What are | the necessities to which men bhow I their heads—and their souls” You | might well answer: Certainly two of the greatest enemies of peace | and freedom in the individual life | are fear and sin. When a man | commits a sin, even one that | hurts him personally, doesn't he say, nine times out of ten, “I | couldn’t help it”? When he stops | to think why he fears death, | doesn’t he say again, “I can't help it”? That’s simply admitting to | being a slave. Fear and sin are | hard masters, cruel, relentless and ruinous. But the Christian in their | presence is a free man. | Freedom for what? I But knowing this, or thinking | about it two weeks in a row, as we I have tried to do, does not clear up | all the trouble we have in under | standing what freedom means. | The New Testament lays equal ] stress on freedom-for, as on free | dom-from. Paul puts it in a single | sentence: “Through love be ser | wvants of one another.” To use free | dom selfishly is to misuse it. To | use freedom selfishly is to go back | into slavery to ourselves all over | again. To serve others in love is | not a rule, but like the “golden '[ rule” (of which it is a twin) it is a guide to the traveler through this tangled world. To serve oth ers is not to meddle in their af | fairs. To serve others does not | mean to force helpfulness on | them. Serving others grudgingly, | enviously, is to miss the mark en | tirely. Serving in love is the right | use of freedom. | In a harbor of a great seaport, | two ships are free. Each is being | pulled by tugs. A sudden burst of | wind snaps the line that ties one | ship to one of the tugs. The ship is free, but unprepared; and it lurches, crashing into nearby i craft, spreading destruction. The | other ship, at the right moment, | casts off its lines and is free—free | to sail under power to the ends | of the earth. Which ship is the | better illustration of Christian freedom? (Based on outlines copyrighted by the | Division of Christian Education, Nutional Council of the Churches of Christ in the U. S. A. Released by Community Press | Service.) | Rockydrean assemply of GCod, |J. C. Skipper, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Worship, 7:30 p. I m. Glendale: Sunday School, 7:30 | p. m.; Worship, 2:30 p. m. Worship, | Thursday, 7:30 p. m. | o | Mt. Zien Methodist church, Rev. | Emory MecGraw, pastor, route 40, | 7 miles west of Frostburg. Wor | ship on the first, third and fifth Sunday at 11 a. m.; Sunday School, every Sunday at 10 a. m. I Church of Jesus Christ of Latter | Day Saints, Mt. Lake Park. Sun | day School, 10 a. m.; Sacramental | meeting, 11 a. m. MIA (youth pro { gram) Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Relief ;Society. Bp. m. . : Wesley Chapel. Worship 2nd | Sunday, 7:30 p. m.; 4th Sunday, 11 | a. m. Sunday School every Sunday, :l 10:30 a. m. o w | MADIGAN'S 3 UPHOLSTERY :] Deer Park, Md. ; Make Your Oid Furniture : Look Like New l Used Refrigerators and Stoves. USED BEDROOM SUITES 'I WASHING MACHINES | Reupholstered :I Suites and Chairs | CALL 334-2562 L T . SDIOST MTN A KT Sm————— e e e R e