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THE Evening Capital An IndeprnJrnt Family Journal. W. M. ABBOTT. * - - Publisher . Mm. 3 and 4 Conduit Street, Up Stain. .A.3W W.A.aPOX.I *: WEDNESDAY EVE'NG, MAY 14, 1884. RATKN OF ADVCBTiaimOs One Inch, one (lav, 75 cents ; two days, SI.OO ; tljree days, $1.25 ; one week, $2.00; two weeks, $3 !00. Liberal rates made with those advertising by the month or year. Local notices and political or special communications, 5 cents per line. * Ordinary announcement of marriages and deaths free, but obituary notices will be charged for at one half the usual rates of advertising. TIME TABLE. Arrival and Departure of Trains. TRAINS LEAVE. TRAINS ARRIVE. Mail, -- - 6.85 a. m. Mail, - - - 8.55 a. in. Accom., 12.05 p. m. Aceom., * 1.50 Mail, - - 4.20 p. m. Mail, • - 6.35 p. m. Sunday Trains - - - - 8.55 a. m. 4.20 p. m. Through freight to and from Baltimore every day. Local freight Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 9 a. m. HRIKf NEDITIONISICI. A curious thing is love, It cometh from above, And lighteth like a dove, Ou some. Rut some it never hits, Unless it gives them fits, * And scatters all their wits, Ah, hum ! A bear shot.—The North Pole. ~-Qur streets are in a remarkable 'clean and healthy condition. —A good, livo, active newspaper is sure to advance the interest of a place. A dessert waste —Scooping out the inside of a pie and throwing away the crust. The heavy fall of rain last night, gave the streets and gutters a good washing out. • The attention of the City sioner is directed to the lower | King George M ■■ mi i Board and the Board of Public Works uieet here to-morrow. —The 12.05 train broke down at Waterbury on the way up, and was delayed in getting back to AnnaptAis. —Messrs. Dexter & Martin, two enterprising men of this city, are about to engage in the “Picked Crab- Meat,” and deviled-crab business. —Your choice of an assortment of hats, at L. H Hehu’s, cor. Main st. and Market Space, for 50 and 25 cents. —This section aas visited last night with copious showers of rain, accompanied by hfavy peals of thun der and vivid lightning. —Bill-Heads, Cards, Dodgers, Tags, Envelopes, &c., printed at this office, neatly, cheaply, and with dis patch. Cal! and see our specimens. —The body, weary and exhausted by the heat of Summer, will rapidly recover its former activity by a glass or two of Goodman’s Cool Sparkling Soda. —An Illinois editor returns thanks for a centipede sent by mail from Texas, it being the first cent of any kind that he has recieved for several weeks. —Your choice of a lot of shoes at James Munroe’s dry goods house, 42 for only 75 cents. Just the l ®Tniug for school, and much cheaper than going bare-footed. —Welcome the beautiful Spring, but thrice welcome the glorious Sum iuer-time, when we can hie us to Goodman’s and sip charming Boot Beer and delicious Soda —By order of th e Board of Pubilc Works two large flower urns are be ing plactd in the garden of the exe cutive mansion, and one<on the State House bill —Ye lovers of “good things,” re % member that the Maryland Avenue Store is now ready to slake iiyour thirst with the grandest of Soda Hand most delightful Root Beer. ■Goodman' s Fountain was erected for you driuk of his Soda aH sparkling with dew W “The steamer “Phlox,” left here I last night for Washington Navv 1 Yard, to get guns for the Naval ea( j_ lemy and to bring back sueh other ■naval stores as are needed here for she coming cruise. i cheap and artistic j Q b LOCAL NEWS, j Town AND County! Here and There. The State Board of Health. I)r. Chancellor, secretary of the State board of health, bad a con ference yesterday, with Dr J J. A. Steuart, health commissioner, with reference to calling a meeting of the State board. There are three vacancies in the board, which it is desired that Obe Governor should fill at once, one caused by the death of Dr. J. Robert Ward, president; and the other by the Senate failing to confirm the appointment of Dr. Steuart and Dr. Teackle. Dr. Steuart has since become a member of the board ex-officio, by virtue of his being health commissioner. The Governor has promised to make the appointments at an early date,laud will doubtless do so upon bis next visit to Annapolis. Onr Cemetery. In view* of the fact that our City Cemetery will now be closed to all except lot owners, as a place of lHurial, it behooves the proper authorities to move t once in this direction and provide some appropriate place of burial for our dead. Let a meeting be called, and the subject discussed, and a plan laid down as a basis to work upou. In reference to this matter (which was referred to a committee of the City Council at a previous meeting,) Counsellor llevell stated to the board at their meeting ou Monday night, that he had obtained a copy of an Act passed by the Legislature, author izing the Corporation to establish a cemetery or cemeteries, either w ithin or without the limits of the-city, but 8 they had seen the said Act for the rst time that; evening, they were not prepared to report on the matter, and further time was granted thevcom mittee in which to make their re- and was to have exhibited last night at Market Space, but the big L tent was not up The monstrosities i{ had to be. kept in a side tent till the exhibition tent was raised. Mean > while the Annapolis gamins gathered. i They are very good boys (?) at least strangers that come here and meet &ith the Annapolis juvenile, go P away and say that he is : the best boy in badness they ever iriet. So the boys gathered and whilst the three horned cow lowed, the good boy pul led up the tent cover to see the show - without a nickel. The crack of the showman’s whip, the bellowing of the cow and gyrations of the boys con tinued till ten o’clock, when all the ac tors in the farce went to their lodges. Governor’s Guards. . • * The Governor’s Guards, V com manded’ by IstLt. Wells, and headed by the Annapolis Cornet Band, made their usual weekly parade last night. Besides the head torch of the rbands men, two floats with lighted torches, borne by four boys, were on either side of the band. The music was fine, and altogether it was a ,most creditable turnout. The Cornet Band has now become a part of the organ ization of the Governor’s Guards. Personal. Miss Quiuby of Rochester, X. Y., and Miss Robinson of the Eastern Shore, are visiting the Misses Ran dall, Md. Ave. - Miss Stewart of West River, is visit ing Paymaster Murray’s family at “Acton.” M ss Nellie Gassaway gave a party last evening from 5* to 8, which was* much enjoyed by a large number of her young friends. Before the Magistrate. Wm. Jones and Geo. Savage, were arrested and carried before Justice Wm. H. Gassaway this morning, charged with violating the local op tion law of this county, by selling Whiskey to John James. In default of S2OO security, they were commit ted to Jail till 12 o’clock to-morrow, when they will have a bearing. Released. John Jackson, who was sentenced by Justice Thompson to 30 days in Jail for firing a pistol on the public streets, was released yesterday, on account of sickness. j. Army ami >arjr. Capl. Francis M, Ramsay, super intendent of the Naval Academy, was in Washington Monday in coanec|*on with the naval <*Bdets’ examinalion which begins at Naval Academy ’to-morrow. Capt. Ramsay states that about IS of the six-year classmen who are to underpo their final exn'iiica tion will be retained in the navy, of whom 13 will lie assigned to the junior grade of midshipmen, 3 x> the engineer corps and 2 to vacancies. The members of this class completed a four years’ academic course hi 1882 as cadet midshipmen and cadet en gineers By an Act of Congress of 1882 the remainder of the class who pass a successful examination will re ceive nn honorable discharge and $1 ,000. The examination of candi dates fur admission as naval cadets also begins to-morrow. There will be 77 applicants. The irou-elad monitor Passaic, at the Naval Academy has been fitted ont and will leave in a few days for Norfolk, where additional repairs will be ma le ( The Passaic is attached to the home squadron, ami will be used for short cruises. The probable retirement i i a short time of Col. Wm. B. Remev, United States marine corps, as judge advo cate-general of the United States navy is being discussed in naval circles, and it is said quite a number of naval officers (including a prominent Naval Academy official,) are applicants for the place, which is a desirable one. The practice ships Dale and Con stellation, which are to take the na val cadets on the summer practice cruise in June, are expected to arrive next week from Norfolk. Ensign Uidgely Hunt has been ordered to examination for. promo tion ; Iveut. William I Moore has been detached from the Franklin and suspended. The Naval Board of Inspection, accompanied by Liuet. Abbott, left Washington yesterday for Fortress Monroe to inspect the U. S. steam ship Pensacola, The President yesterday designated Brigadier Gen. S. V. Beaet, Chief of Ordnance United States Army, to act as Secretary of War during the tera ■Murary ab.-cenco of Secretary Lin- / Commaader W. T. Sampson, of ' the U. S. N., has been selected by i the President as one of the delegates ' on the part of the United States to the International Meridian conference, which it is proposed to convene at Washington in October next. I Examination* for Candidate*. The following is the order of ex amin ition of candidates at the Naval Acidemy :—Friday, May 16, English studies; Saturday, May 17, Mathe matics; Monday, May 19, re-exami nation in English studies; Tuesday, May 20, re-examination in mathe matics ; examinations will be held in the Armory. Candidates are ex pected to be in their seats in time ap pointed, and must provide their own pencils and rubber. Candidates who fail in any subject are allowed a re examination. The names of candidates to be re examined will be posted in the bulle tin at the Recitation Hall. English Studies at l p. m., Salurday, May 17; Mathematics 1 p. m., Monday, May The Lamboru Road Machine. In our report yesterdiy of the ac tion of the County Commissioners in purchasing one of these machines for each district in the county, there was a mistake in the pric* 1 named. The price of this machine is $l5O, but where several are purchased by any one county, a liberal discount is made. It is said the Conutyt Commissioners had offt-red $l3O, fol this machine, but no definite terms had been argeed upon between them a#d the agents, Messrs. Clement an Porter ; hence the mistake that tn machine bad been purchased for /we price named in our report yes ei***r. Arrivals at the 3t*ryl n!. The following are| the arrivals at the Maryland Htf*l to : Jose d Navarro, Spanish Consul , C. B. Roberts, Maryland ; J. A. L. Boncf, Maryland; C.jj. M. Gwino, Maryland ; G. L. Carfien, California; W. M D. Rowan, itnion. W. Va.; Wm. Baya, and W. fe. Baya, Jack sonville,*F!a.; Jacob Ik Rnoernschild Wisconsin; W. R. \V|*d*ier, Cbarlee County ; Jno. P. Baltimore S. Gambrill, Laurel. ■ The A. and E. Railroad in Caurt. The Court of Appeals heard argu- i ment to-day in the case of Stewart Brown and Arthur George Brown, I trustees, vs. the State of Maryland and the Annapolis and Elkridge R. R. Co. The State owned $300,000 of stock in the road. In 1872, by j chap. 425, the Legislature authorized ; the mortgage of the road to secure certain bonds that the same Act granted the directors permission to issue. Ou tof the issue of these bonds, grew the famous Drum Point R. R. transactions, by which the A. & E was involved with the financial dfficulties of the Drum Point Road. The questions before the Court of Appeals are mainly two: First, what part of the bonds issued are claims against the road ? Second, is the State a preferred stock-bolder before the bond-holders? The Com pany takes the ground that the Act of 1872, granted the issuance of the bonds to build the road to tide-w’ater, which was never done. However cor rect this nay be, the Act was so word ed that the directors were at liberty to use the bouds for any purposes of the road, and the State having sanc tioned the mortgage, it is exceedingly doubtful that it can maintain its claim as a preferred stock-holder. Attorney-General Roberts appears for the State, Charles J. M. Gwinn and John Ireland for the Company, and S. T. Wallis and Brown <fe Brune for the Appellants. False Alarm. Quite an excitement was caused in the vicinity of the State House this morning, about 10£ o’clock, by smoke issuing from the door of the Steam House situated under the House of Delegates. It seems that a lump of hot coal fell out of the furnace and ignited some chips that ’were lying near. Mr. Himmelheber, the engineer, was not present at the time. 0-0 TO W. H. TAYLOR’S, On Market Space , FOR TOUR CHEAP GROCERIES, AND - -A. _ . imams* mmm Received daily by Express from Balti more, and sold at 20 per cent, less than , any other dealer. FRESH BEEP, PORK, MUTTON, SMOKED AND GREEN 8A USBAOK, At Baltimore Prices. All my fresh meats are kept in a large arctic . cold ice-box. Country Produce of all kinds bought or exchanged for goods. SUGAR-CURED HAMS and Bacon a sjjecialty. tW™Goods delivered free to any part of the City. Remember the place. •W. H. TAYLOR, 15 Market Space, Annapolis, Md. JTOJR Pure Drugs AND CHEMICALS GO TO THE CITY DRUG STORE, (Opp. City Hotel.) Physicians’ Prescriptions accurately compounded day or night. Always on hand all the Standard PATENT MEDICINES or THE DAT, ALSO A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Fine Toilet .A.rticsles, —IN— -4 Comb*. Brushes, Toilet Soap, dee., together with a variety of Usually kept in a first class Drug Store. ARCTIC soda, 5 CENTS A OIsAMs ■ Wi ' h V f i this during the season. ParUcu 1 &nU?n piw uffilling country orders. f GEORGE RULLMAN, Proprietor. , V. nr*l—MEM YV H. F. WILSON & SONY AGENTS FOR THE o If m One M Unite i 1* V * Boss Coffee Pot, AMD DEALERS IN -Stoves, Jin and Sheet Iron Ware, PLUMBING , HOOFING , SPOUTING , HEP A THING, AMD GENERAL Wheel Workers, iVor. 29 a/irf 81 Alain Street , ANNAPOLIS, MO. 'OS*E AND EKE THE SPRING OPENING IN Men & Boy’s Cork-Screw Sute Something entirely new in the clothing line. Also a specialty in Boy’s Sailor Suita These goods are from first-class manufacturers, in New York, and warranted as represented. Come and see my Nobby Straw Hats, in all the latest styles at.prices to times. jpgf*’Remember, all my goods are new and fresh from tho wholesale markets New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, having disposed of all my remaining stock fom the late fire. L . 1 MY ASSORTMENT OY Dry Goods and Notions, is fuft ajd complete, and will com* pare favorably with any house in the 1 City. I<have also for sale the celebrated PIVOT CORSET, that expands and contracts with tbt breathing, and yields to every move • ment of the wearer, constantly mak ing it an easy and elegant fit. We invite the ladies to call and examine it. L. H. REHN, (at the old eland ) Cor. Market Space and Main St, Annapolis, Md. R. R. IHAGRUDER, Dealer la Plae FAMILY GROCERIES, * AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT COUNTRY PRODUCE, SUCH AS BUTTER , EGOS, POTATOES, dec. Also for gale Crockeryware, Chinaware, Wooden ware, Tinware, &c., together with everything found in a first-class Grocery. Farmers and Gardeners are called to our general jissortment of FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, which have been selected with great care from reliable houses. We strive to please our customers. *-. tSTGood* delivered f*** .Ahe City. D. R. MAGRUOER, M I ATTORNEY AT Prince Feeder Co -1 "Practices in the of i drf 5 i Wnce C °G^rg^ al ChlVle^S k ‘^ P yijary s Counties, and of Baltimore and ' Washington Cities. OFFICE AND ADDRESS: Cot. West St. and Church Circle, MM. \