Newspaper Page Text
EVffllNeHw capital VOL. I. NO. 15. NOTICE. G. A. REPUBLIC. JI'ST received suits for G. A. K., with two set* of buttons which can be changed. For mile cheap, at L. 11. lIEHN’S Cor'. of Market Spore and Main Street. I. N. RICHARDSON* The Tailor, 9 Francis St. C'OMF, AND NKK Till, SPRING OPENING IN Men & Boy’s Cork-Screw Suits Something entirely new in the clothing line. Also a specialty in Boy's Sailor Suits. These goods are from first-class manufacturers, in New York, and warranted as represented. Come and see my Nobby Straw'Hats, in all the latest styles at prices to suit the times. tar Remember, all my goods are new and fresh from the wholesale markets of Npw York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, having disposed of all my remaining stock from the late fire. MY ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods and Notions, is full and complete, and will com-' pare favorably with any house in the City. I have also for sale the celebrated PIVOT CORSET, that expands and contracts with the breathing, and yields to every move ment of the wearer, constantly mak iug it an easy and elegant fit. We* invite the ladies to call examine it. L. H. REIIN, ’ i (at the old stand) Cor. Market Space and jit. * Annapolis, Md. —♦ REOPENING. Till: OI.U RELIABLE DRY GOODS and GROCER! H OUSE, (Formerly conducted by the late George E. Franklin.) Has beenjreopened under the firm-name of GEO. E. FRANKLIN & CO., HO Cltl'RC'H STREET. rpIIIS well-known house having enjoyed A the confidence of the people of Anna polis and Aupo Arundel County for more than half a century, is now reopened, and will be conducted "upon the same business principles, and wc solicit the patronage of the old firm. Our stock will comprise a general assortment of Dry Goods, FINE GROCERIES Canned Goods, Fruits, &c., Also a general assortment of Ruilders' Hardware, [Agricultural Implements, &c. [ Carpets, Matting & Oil Cloth, fTogether with a general assortment of merchandise. GEO. E. FRANKLIN & CO., No. 110 Church Street. AN INDEPENDENT FAMILY JOURNAL—DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF TIIE STATE, CITY AND COUNTY ANNAPOLIS, MD., WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 28, 1881. THE Evening Capital! An Independent Family Journal. W. M. ABBOTT, - - - - Publisher. Nos. 3 and 4 Conduit Street, Up Stairs. 2ZZ3. WEDNESDAY EVEN'D, MAY 28,1884. K ATKJ* OF ADVERTISINfit One Inch, one day, 75 cents ; two days, SI.OO ; three days, $1.25 ; one week, $2.00; two weeks, $5.00. Liberal rates made with those advertising by the month or year. Local notices and political or special communications, 5 cents per line. ) Ordinary announcement of marriages and deaths free, but obituary noth**# will be charged for at one-half thejjFtiitl rates of advertising. * ■■ ... 111 - 1 % VIMU nULE. y Arrival and Dr part lire of Trains. TRAINS LEAVE. TRAINS ARRIVE, Mail, - - - o.3\a. m. Mail, - - - 8.55 a/rn. Accoin., 12.05 p. m. Acoom., - 1.60 p.m. Mail, - - 4.20 p. m. Mail, - - 6.85 p. m. Sunday Trains - - - - 8.55 a. m. 4.20 p. in. Through freight to and from Baltimore,, everyday. Local freight Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 9 a. m. I , ■■ j IIK IFF ItIENTIOXIXCI. The naval cadets expect to have tournament at the gynybasum o£ Wednesday, June 4th. * i Goodman's Fountain was erected for/yom Go drink of his Soda ail sparkling with "detv —For the finest and largest stock of Toilet articles in the city, go to the Cityi Drug store. J / <* —Your choice of an assortment of hats, at L. H. Rehn’s, cof. Main street and Mar ket Space, for 50 and 25 cents. A game of base-ball was played this afternoon between a picked nine and the College nine. —Giving them away—dress goods of all kinds at from 5 to 8 cents a yard, and many other goods at your own price, Kramer's. As failures are fnow the order of the day, the young man fails to to ar rive on time to his engagement. —For the fnosjt delicious Cream Soda, go to liullman’s City Drug store. The largest and m<*t improved Fountain in the city. / Mr. JnnHjs Farrell has the appointmentt>f paymaster’s yedman On the practice ship Dale, and Mr. John F. Wooley ship’s writer on the Constellation, for the summer cruise. C2TSOc. 50.—Kramer is selling (At a lot of boots Und shoes, all sizes from 2§ to 50 cents a pfir. • 1 —The body, weary and exhausted by fLe heat of Summer, will rapidly recover Sr £ormer activity by a glass or two of Good\ man’s Cool Sparkling Soda. ' Swimming time has arrived and sore backs will soon be in order. —Dr. Pinkard’s original Compound Syrup of Blackberry, for Diarrhea, Sum mer Complaint, Colic, Ac., at George Rull man’s City Drug store, 25cts. —Strawberries, green peoas, cu cumbers, Ac*, are becoming cospicuous in our market, and are retailing at reasonable rates. —Ye lovers of “good things,” remem ber that the Maryland avenue Drug Store is now ready to slake your thirst with the grandest of "Soda and most delightful Root Beer. —Music given away at Geo. Rullman’s City Druij Store. Call early, the supply being Hooted. We don’t mean trash, but first class sheet music. Every purchaser of from 25 cts. and upwards gets a piece. —Many additional improvements have been made to Bay Ridge this season, preparatory to its opening in June. C3T‘Bargains t Bargains ! if you want to get bargains in ary goods’ notions, boots, shoes, hats, caps, hose, Ac., go to Kramer’s (F. O. White’s old stand) to night. —Come early if you want to avoid the rush, and secure bargains at Kramer’s on Francis Street. —The contract for furnishing the Court House offices with fuel and ice , for two years, was awarded yester day, by the County Commissioners, to J. S. M. Basil. —Welcome the beautiful Spring, but hrice welcome the glourious Summer time, when we can hie us to Goodman’s tnd sip charming Root Beer and delicious aoda. LOCAL NEWS. Towtyi® County II ere and There. St. College. With the approach of commence ment day, old St. John's begins to present a scene of activity, in the way of preparation for the coming exercis es, take place June 2Gth. The clasjlnumbers this year twelve—the larlpsk since the reorganization of the C v dlfeaj, in 1865. The following are and the order in w hich tney*jitand: B. 11. Anderson, of Anne Arudael County ; W. Burgess of Bal timJfc* City; Frederick Clash, of Quelu Aune’s County; Joseph Col bcmfn, of Somerset County ; E. C. Harrington, of Dorchester County; f. Johnson, of Worcester County; W Jiatt \\ r . Randall, of Annapolis, City, J Joliii Be veil, of Anne Arundel Coun- C. Schooley, of Howard Coun ty} George A. Steele, of Cecil Coun ty; R. Ik Tippet of St. Mary’s Coun ty 11. |l. Wilson of Washington oounty./ Frederick J. Keech, A. 8., pf Charts County, Md., will deliver the Address before the Philokalian Society, and. the lion. Charles J. Bonaparte, of] Baltimore, will deliver the Annual Oration at the joint cele bration of the the two literary socie ties. v irnm* Naval Notes. Capt. George H. Perkins, has ten dered his resignation to Secretary Chandler. He was recently ordered to command the Hartford, flagship of the Pacific station, from which duty he asked to be excused. Pay Director Jas. I). Murray has been ordered as inspector of provis ions and clothing at Mare Island navy yard. Pay Director W. W. Willians, as navy pay officer at San Francisco, Cal., on 30th June. Civil Engineer T. C. McCollum, to special duty at New York. Ensign Jno. H. Fillmore, detached from the Smithsonian Institution and ordered to the hydrographic office. Pay Director James Fulton, from kduty at Mare Island, Cal., 30th June, to return heme, settle ac cents and wait orders. Tay Director Caspar Schenek, from tbeLnavy pay office at San Francisco, Cal\ 30th June, and ordered to settle accoints and w T ait orders. Tltf 17.* S. S. Ossipee arrived at Gibratar on 27th instant from Nor folk, \a. Assistant Engineer J. A. Hender son haaarrived here for duty on the Passaicl Pqurt of Appeals. Chief Alvey delivered the opinion of the Aurt to-day in the case of Neurath an\ Long vs. Moses Hecht. The plaintiff filed a bill ask ing an injunction w restrain an exe cution, on the gro|to i of usurious in terest, The court%elow refused the injunction asked? and the Court of Appeals affims this decision and dis misses the bill. Asignments of the Court of Ay peals for to-morrow from 41 to 45 inclusive. Executive Appointments. The following commissions were i issued to-day by the Executive De partment; Ate Sherry, of ; B al t imor^frw?esi denf of the State j<h, vice Dr. Ward, jfljjhe Governor has also re aPP°®ed sSppl H°ckecker and Thotlr s ijfay, J ustices of the j Peaeeifor thf f sixth and twelfth dis ! tricts of enroll county. " m Board of Visitors. The order for the reception of the ■ Board of Visitors to the Naval Acad emy, has been issued. All officers, professors, assistant professors, and iustruotors attached to the academy, will assemble in the large room of the library building at 10 a. m., on Saturday, May 81st. in full dress uni form, anl will be presented, in the order of their precedence, to the Board of Visitors. The Academic Board will accompany the visitors in the inspection of the battalion and of the buildings. After the review, the instructors in the departments of seamanship, ordnance and gunnery, navigation, steam engineering, physics and chemistry, will repair to the buildings of their respective depart ments, and be ready to assist in ex plaining whatever may be of interest to the board. All other officers will be excused from further attendance. The following is the list of Board of Visitors as furnished by the Secre tary of the Naval Academy : Hons. George 11. Pendleton, and Angus Cameron, U. S. Senate ; Hons. S. S- Cox, Jno. 11. Evins, Nathan Goff, Jr., House of Representatives ; Hon- Robert C. Schenek, Washington, D. C., Rear Admiral R. W. Shufeldt, U. S. Navy; Hon. D. B. Eaton, New York; Hon. Stephen H. Allen, Bos ton, Mass.; Mr. Edward S. Joynes, Columbia, S. C.; Mr. Edwin S. Jew ett, Kansas; Mr. William 11. Upham, Marshfield, Wis. Lieut. R. T. Jasper is detailed as Secretary to the Board of Visitors. Anne Arnmlel Truck. Long Dock, Baltimore, presented a scene of business activity, by the first large arrival of boats from the truck farms of this county. They were freighted with large quantities of lus cious strawberries, which were sold at good prices. The Sun says : a feature of the truck fleet was the handsome appearance the boats made. All have been recently painted in bright colors. Many were decorated in bunting in honor of their first trip with the season’s products. On the return trip,mosl of the boats carried dow r n bands of pickers, consisting of men, women and children. The ar rangements of last year, by which there were night and day boats, will be carried out this year. This is done to avoid the great inconvenience that would grow out of so many vessels being in the dock at one time, as well as afford a better chance for shippers to get off their truck for local points by early trains, or have it in market in the morning. Annapolis Cornet Band. Now that the weather is getting to be pleasant w r e w r ould suggest to the members of the Cornet Bajid of this city the propriety of utilizing some suitable spot on the State House Hill during some specified evenings in each week in exercising their musical talent. We feel confident it would meet with the endorsement and kind appreciation of Annapolitans general ly and especially the ladies. Such a movement would be something new and attractive. Now gentlemen we have given you the suggestion, will you heed it? We hope so. Personal. Mr. John Sands, an old Anna politan, and for several years a resi dent of the West, reached here last evening, on a visit to his aged parents and was greeted by many of his old friends and associate. Base Ball. The St. John’s College base ball j club have challenged the Naval Acad emy club for a game of base ball on Saturday, 31st. The game will take place at the college grounds. The same club have also challenged the South River club for a game on Sat urday week, June 7th. PRICE ONE CENT. Annapolis Harbor. Who aro interested in the material improvement of our harbor? This question has been frequently pro pounded, but we think one need not £0 around Robin Hood’s Rarn to lind||p explicit answer. Every one, both in this eity and county, has an interest in this matter, and especially | our City Council, who have the “gen ! eral welfare” clause in their keeping. Some SIO,OOO has already boen ap propriated by Congress to remove the Greenbury and Horn Point bars, and as the annual river and harbor bill is yet to be reported, would it not be a good move on the part of our „ City Fathers to pass a resolution asking Congress to appropriate the necessary amount, as recommended by Engineer Craighill, in his last report, to deepen and otherwise im prove our harbor? Arrested for Mutiny. The cry of ‘mutiny on the Dale,’ star tled the marine guard at Naval Acad my last night about eleven o’clock, and a squad of six marines hurried to the ship, lyidg in the Severn to ar rest the mutineers. It appears that the officer of the ship ordered the hatches battened and the yards braced to meet an expected blow. When the hatches went over their breathing holes, the sailors down below who, it appears, had broken in the liquor chest and pantry, and, with alcohol and sugar had made toddy, rushed for tne upper deck. This demonstration [the officer in charge construed to be mutinous, and the marine guard was sent for to ar rest them. A number of sailors were found by the guard half-seas over, lying quiet in their hammocks and were not disturbed; but two others were arrested aud placed in confine ment. Flitlierim-n Before tin* Uorernor, A delegation of fishermen of this place, composed of Messrs. Geo. W. Clark, Geo. W. Quaid, Frank Mit chell, Henry Campbell and John Wayson waited on the Governor this morning to ask him if he thought the law which prevented any person, save Queen Anue’s county people, from fishing in Eastern Bay, was consti tutional. The delegation was accom panied by Mr. John E. McCusker who acted as spokesman. The Gov ernor, whilst he expressed no opinion said he would have the Attorney- General to investigate the subject and give him his views. m m 0 Arrivals at the Maryland. The following are the arrivals at the Maryland Hotel to-day : Benj. Fawcett, Md.; J. A. Henderson U. S. N.; Key Compton, Baltimore; Samuel Gardner, Bristol, Md.; L. C. Smith, Hagerstown;Wm. A. Mintzer, U. S. N.; K. L. Robinson, N. Y. DIED. TAYLOR.—On the evening of the 25th inst., Lemuel Kennerly, in fant son of Mary E. and Lemuel K. Taylor. “He foldeth the Lamb in his bos som.” I’ll take this little Lamb said He; And fold it to my breast; Protection it will find in me; In me forever blest. M. E. B. FESTIVAL AND SUPPER. rpilE Ladies organization to aid the En- X gine Fund wilfrhold an entertainment consisting of supper and refreshments, at the Assembly Rooms, on the evening of Tuesday, June 3rd, 1884. Donations and contributions will be ad dressed to the ladies in charge as follows; Mrs. James Revell, Mrs, Edward Munroe, Mrs. Joseph Basil, Miss Maggie Hyde, Mrs- Brewer Gardner, Mrs. L. liehn, Mrs. 31. M. Smith, Mrs. F. Vollmer, Mrs. Ed ward Powers, Mrs. Woodard, 3liss Lucy Harwood, 3lrs. 11. D. Todd, President. Doors open 6o’clock. Admission 10 Cents. R. 11. WELCH, Secretary. For Sale. A Child’s Willow CARRIAGE, Price $3.00. Apply at The Evexixo Cap ital Office