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eveningll®capital. VOL. I. NO. 10. 2sT OTIOE. G. A. REPUBLIC. 1 ÜBT received suits for G. A. It., with 9J two sets of button* which can be changed. For sale cheap, at L. It. REHN’S Cor. of Market Space and Main Street. 1. N. RICHARDSON, _ The Tailor, 9 Francis St. CONE AMD MKK Tilt: SPRING OPENING IN Men & Boy’s Cork-Screw Suits Something entirely new in the clothing line. Also a specialty in Boy's Sailor Suits. These goods are from first-class manufacturers, in New York, and warranted as represented. Come and see my Nobby Straw Hats, in all tho latest styles at prices to suit the times. |3gf~Remember, all my goods are new and fresh from the wholesale markets of New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, having disposed of all my remaining stock from the late fir©, MY ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods and Notions, is full and complete, and will com pare favorably with any house in the City. I have also for sale the celebrated PIVOT CORSET, that expauds and contracts with the breathing, and yields to every move ment of the wearer, constantly mak ing it an easy and elegant fit. We invite the ladies to call and examine it. L. H. RE UN, (at the old ttand) Cor. Market Space and Main St. Anuapolis, Md. REOPENING. the old reliable HI GOODS and GROCER! .HOUSE, (Formerly conducted by the l/te George E. Franklin,) Has been reopened under the firm-name of GEO. E. FRANKLIN & CO., 110 CHU RCH NTKEET. r pHIS well-known house having enjoyed A the confidence of the people of Anna polis and Anne Arundel County for more than half a century, is now reopened, and will be conducted upon the same business principles, and we solicit the patronage of the old firm. Our stock will comprise a general assortment of Dry Goods, FINE GROCERIES Canned Goods, Fruits, &c., Also a general assortment of Builders' Hardware, Agricultural Implements, &c. Carpets , Matting <f* Oil Cloth, Together with a general assortment • of merchandise. IGEO. E. FRANKLIN & 00., No. 110 Church Street. AN INDEPENDENT FAMILY JOURNAL—DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE STATE, CITY AND COUNTY. ANNAPOLIS, MD., THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 29, 1884. , THE Evening Capital An Independent Family Journal. W. M. ABBOTT, - - - • Publisher . Not. 3 and 4 Conduit Street, Up Stpirs. THURSDAY EVEN'D, MAY 29, 1884. RATEM OF A OVERTIMING : One Inch, one day, 75 cents ; two days, $1 .00 ; three days, $ 1.25 ; one week, $2.00; two weeks, $3.00. Liberal rates made with those advertising by the month or year. Local notices and political or special communications, 5 cents per line. Ordinary announcement of marriages and deaths free, but obituary notices will be charged for at one-half the usual rates of advertising. TIME TABLE. * Arrival mid Departure of Trains. TRAINS LEAVE. TRAINS ARRIVE. Mail, - - - 8.85 a. m. Mail, - - - 8.55 a. m. Accom., 12.05 p. m. Accom., - 1.50 i>.m. Mail, - - 4.20 p. m. Mail, - - 6.35 p. m. Sunday Trains 8.55 a. m. 4.20 p. m. Through freight to and from Baltimore every day. Local freight Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at U a. m. BRIEF MEKTIOMIMU. —Workmen were engaged to-day in repairing portions of Conduit street which has been in bad condition for some time past. Goodman’s Fountain was erected for you, Go drink of his Soda all sparkling with dew —For the finest and largest stock of Toilet articles in the city, go to the City Drug store. * —Persons who had discarded their winter clothing for more summer-like apparel during the few warm days in May w r ere glad enough to take them on again this week —Your choice of an assortment of hats, at L. 11. Rehn’s, cor. Main street and Mar ket Space, for 50 and 25 cents. —Giving them away—dress goods of all kinds at from 5 to 8 cents a yard, and many other goods at your own price, at Kramer’s. —Workmen are busily engaged in laying water pipes on Doctor street. —For the most delicious Cream Soda, go to liullman’s City Drug store. The largest and most improved Fountain in the city. HTSOc. 50.—Kramer is selling out a lot of boots and ||)oes, all sizes from 25 to 50 cents a pair. —White dresses and linen dusters are playing hide and seek:--now you see me—now you don’t see me. —The body, weary and exhausted by the heat of Summer, will rapidly recover its former activity by a glass or two of Good man's Cool Sparkling Soda. —Dr. Pinkard’s original Compound Syrup of Blackberry, for Diarrhea, Sum mer Complaint, Colic, &c., at George Rull man’s City Drug store, 25cts. —South River bridge which has been out of repair for several days is expect to be mended by tomorrow. —Ye lovers of “good things,” remem ber that the Maryland avenue Drug Store is now ready to slake your thirst with the grandest of Soda and most delightful Root Beer. Messrs. Taylor and Russell have engaged in the hard, soft and deviled crab business, and have established an agency in the West for the sale of their goods. They are enterprising youug men. —Music given away at Geo. Rullman’s City Drug Store * Call early, the supply being limited. We don’t mean trash, but first class sheet music. Every purchaser of from 25 cts. and upwards gets a piece. —Base ball this afternoon between the Cherapeake and College teani3. —Welcome the beautiful Spring, but hrice welcome the glourious Summer time, when we can hie us to Goodman’s tnd sip charming Root Beer and delicious aoda. —Chesapeake Tribe entertains the Great Icohonee and his tribe to-night at the Assembly Reems. tST’Bargainsl Bargains I if you want to get bargains in dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, hats, caps, hose, &c., go to Kramer’s (F. O. White’s old stand) tee night. —Come early if you want to avoid the rush, and secure bargains at Kramer's on Francis Street. LOCAL NEWS. Town AND County Here afacL There. —— Court of Appeals. Judge Miller delivered the opinion of the Court of Appeals to day in the case of Thomas Henson vs. State. The accused objected to certain tes timony and appealed. The court re versed the ruling and avarded a new trial. Judge Miller also delivered the opinion of the Court in the case of the City ef Baltimore vs. Reverdy John son and others. This case arose on the refusal of the appellants to pay as sessments to pave Covington street, Baltimore. Decree for injunction to restrain rhe collection of the tax af firmed. Judge Irving delivered the opin ions of the Court to-day in the Jcases of F. Slonier aud Joseph Machin vs. State. They wore con victed of violating the local option law of Harford county, one came up on demurrer, the other on 'appeal. Both cases brings up the same state of facts The Court says it is not neces sary for an indictment to give the act violated nor does it find any of these positions of the appellant tenable, and affirms the judgment of the Court be low in favor of the State. Judge Stone delivered the opinion of the Court to-day in the case of Stephen, [adm'r vs. Lewis, adm’r. The appeal is dismissed because it wss not taken in time. The time al lowed by rule of Court from date of judgment to take an appeal is two months. Judge Stone also delivered the opinion of the Couit in the case of Griffee vs. J. and 11. Mann and Co., and Hurst, Purnell and Co. The ap peal in this case is dismissed because no appeal from an interlocutory judg ment overruling a demurrer will lie. Sudden Death. Richardson, colored, 18 years age, daughter of G. F. Rich ardson, residing on Market street, died suddenly yesterday morning about 6 o’clock. Rumor had it at first that the girl had .broken her neck, which upon investigation proved untrue. A representative of the Capital visited the house of the deceased and ascertained the follow ing facts as to the cause of death : She had been from iufancy subject to fits, her mother heard her fall and went to her assistance and placed her in bed, and went for a physician Upon the arrival of Dr. Wm. Ridout, the girl was found to be dead. An in vestigation was made as to the cause of death, which the doctor pronounced as resulting from epilepsy. The sad affair created considerable excitement in the neighborhood. .Her funeral will take iflace from Mt. Moriah Church tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock. Fire Plugs. Frequent complaint* has been, and is being made, on account of the im purity of the reservoir water. This may be attributed in a measure to the heavy rains of late. We would, how ever, suggest to the superintendent of the water plugs to open the same at least once a week so as to allow the water to run off and thereby cleanse the pipes of the stagnant re fuse. ■ • Base Ball. A game of base ball was played on college green yesterday afternoon, between a picked nine, from town, and the college nine. The game re sulted in the victory of the latter with a score of 4 to 25. Reopened. The raafty friend* of'lr. Charles Dexter will ft# pleased to hear that he has Bis bowling alley and place oflbusiness on Maryland avenue. Give lim a call. Hymeneal. Mr. William P. Leveiy, clerk in the Annapolis postoffice, was married here this afternoon in the First M. E. Church to Miss Fannie M. McNeir, j daughter of the late Walter McNeir, Esq. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Leech and was witnessed by a large company of friends and relatives. The ushers were Dr. G. 11. Claude, James M. AI unroe, J Guy Thompson and James Brashears After impatient waiting, the bridal party arrived at the church which was decorated with more than usual taste. Over either isle, under which the bride passed hung a large t arch of orange blossoms, roses and ever , greens. Beyond- it hung pendant , the lighted gas jets, two beau . tiful baskets of flowers. The pillars on the pulpit were covered with gar lands of flowers, while vases of flowers decorated the stand. The | effect of the decoration was exquisite The Jorgan presided over by Miss Nannie Stockett, pealed its strains of the wedding march as the } bridal party entered. The bride was [ attired a travelling suit, of light green cloth, and the groom in the customary black. The ceremony | over, the couple left on the afternoon train* for Washington, where they P will remain for several days. We wish them a bright and prosperous future. i No Money to Pay Teachers. This is the subject of an advertise ment which has appeared in the weekly papers of this city for the past ' month. What does it mean may well be asked by the tax-payer?—“No , money to pay the teachers!” Where does the money of our tax-payers go, ’ anyhow ? Who is responsible for , this condition of things ? Are the tax-collectors in default ? A serious and all important duty is devolved upon,the Board of School Commis sioners of our county, who are entrus ted with the proper regulation of our , public schools, and they should see to it that no delay or delinguency be permitted or tolerated on the part of the tax-collectors to pay over prompt ly the school tax collected, necessary to run and keep open our public school. I , A Full House. The fashionable boarding house ' which is presided over by the affable Mrs. Schwarar is full of guests from * various sections, who are here for the Academy exercises. The house is an ! old fashioned one with the spacious apartments which belong exclusively : to one of its date, and it is peculiarly i adapted to the convenience of strang [ era who are visiting the Navy, as it is located just outside the wall. Be " side these advantages the house has > the reputation of having daily a fine menu, only equaled by that of a hotel, and with this attractive feature it is J sure to maintain its standing as a first ' class boarding house. A New Batcher in Market. * Our Annapolis butchers are to be met by a competitor in their line of business on Saturday morning next in tfce form of a stranger who we learn has already leased a stall in our l market. If he can teach our butchers ■ the art of dispensing meats at a lower 5 rate than at present, the lesson will 5 be, at least beneficial to purchasers ' generally. If this new comer sells j his meats at more reasonable rate? f than others in that line of business, he will be welcomed as a bon ami. State Fishery Foree. The board of public works to-day | elected Capt. W. R. Gordy deputy commander of the State Fishery Force and assigned him to command ! of the Steamer Hamilton. Naval. Paymaster Murray has received orders to report at California. Passed Assistant Engineer W. A. Mentzer and Passed Assistant Sur geon J. M. Murray, reported for duty on the U. S. S. Passaic. Naval Cadets H. L. Hawthorne and A. T. Clarke reported for final examination. PRICE ONE GENT. A Court of Inquiry* There has been an investigation, or court of inquiry, ordered iu the al leged mutiny here on the U. S. Sloop Dalejon Tuesday night. Capt Ramsay superintendent, of the Naval Acad emv is in Washington, and nothing will be done until be returns. It is understood the seaman, Lewis, and boatsman’s mate, Murray, who wero arrested as mutineers, and subsequent ly released, will make charges against Ensign Woodworth who had com mand of ship at the time and ordered their arrest. Personal. Miss Maggie Heap, of Washington, is visiting the Misses Marchand. Assistant Engineer King and wife are boarding at Dr. Kennedy’s. Dr. Lith and wifo are visiting An napolis. Mr. D. O. Parlett, Jr., of this city, sou of Alderman D. O. Parlett, hav ing finished his course of studies, and received his diploma,.at the Bryant and Stratton, business college, of Baltimore, returned to his home yes terday. Sudden Illness. Mrs. Minnick, wife of a member of the N. A. Band, during the latter part of the services at Ist M. E. Church last evening was taken suddenly ill. Dr. Kennedy was immediately sumj moned but beiug unable to attend Dr. Thompson rendered medical aid. She remained in Church until about 10 o’clock when she was carried to her home. •bortly to Leave a*. Revs. Fathers Wynn and Lowe kamp will shortly be transferred, the former to Boston, and the latter to Philadelphia. Father Wynn has been here three years, and Father Lowe kamp sixteen. Their places will be supplied by Rev. Fathers Mclnerney, Lettz and Currter, the first named was pastor of this parish for six years. / No Show. The Kennedy Comedy Company failing to have a sufficient number in attendance last night to justify a performance—refunded the money to the few unfortunate pleasure seekers, who were present, and shut up shop. Query—Why did not more turn out? Answer—Did not advertise in all the papers. the Maryland. The following are the arrivals at the Maryland Hotel to-day :—• Dr. J, M. Murry, U. S. Navy; J. Frank Turner, Md.; L. J. Anderson, Georgia; 11. Kimberly, Baltimore; H. L. Hawthorne, U. S. Navy. [Communicated.] PAVIXO CHURCH CIRCLK, Editor Capital /” Your recent editorial in which was suggested the paving of “Church Circle with Concrete or Asphaltum” has not only attracted my own but the attention of others in this city. As mentioned by you, the difference in cost between the present pavement and that proposed, would be but small if we take into consideration the cost of the material with which it is now paved. I am told that one of the pres ent street employees—(Mr. Meachen) thoroughly understands this character of work, a sample of which is to be seen on the State House Hill. It is to be hoped our city custodians will appreciate the views and adopt the plan suggested by you. Large bodies move slowly, however, yet “faint heart never won fair lady.” Pbogbess. For Sale- A Lot of Second-hand WINDOW S aSJI, ready-glazed. Also a lot of WIN DOW FRAMES and OLD MANTELS. For particulars, apply at The Evening Capital Office. For Sale. A Child’s Willow CARRIAGE, Price $3.00. Apply at Tub Evening Cap ital Office