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EVEffleiHl CAPITAL VOL. I. NO. ID. I JUST FROM EXCELSIOR! >'Jf- ■rr- • . as m —ssascssssaac• i.. ♦ I [ j "t'jj I 'KRSONAL. I N it your desire to be well dressed? I IJy that term we mean sensibly and I gentlemanly attired. If ho, and in need I of any masculine apparel, please eall *1 on us. We have justly eaYned the re ft potation for the production of gar incuts of the handsomest outlines, ft truest balance, and best average form, ■ securing to the wearers, of good or bail ft shape, an expression of style and fit I not attainable in this city outside of ■ the best class of merchant-tailoring es ■ tablishments. We show garments to ■ day which are as fine as it is possible ■ for human hands to produce at any ■ price or by any methods, and can sup I ply every want of public demands in t) (p) @ CIiOTHINO K @ On I> supply you with any arti inay wish in the way of ; and Furnishing Goods. aking a great slaughter in l are closing out this depart early if you want bargains. B CLOTHING COMPANY, > Baltimore and l.lglit Nta., Ml way and Eastern Ave. BALTIMORE, MD. OPENING. : OI.I> RELIABLE IDS and GROCEHY OUSE, iducted the late George E. Franklin,) fiened under the firm-name of FRANKLIN & CO., • [II IK €ll STREET. known house having enjoyed lence of the people of Anna le Arundel County for more mtury, is now reopened, and cted upon the same business d wc solicit the patronage of Our stock will comprise a ment of ' Goods, : GROCERIES Gtoods, Fruits, &c., general assortment of t*rs' Hardwa re, ral Implements, &c. 3 fat ting <£* Oil Cloth , th a general assortment ■ merchandise. 2. FRANKLIN & CO., No. 110 Church Street. GH NELSON, NEV AT LAW office: jh Circle &' West St [NAPOLIS, MD. - in the Courts of Anne Arundel AN INDEPENDENT FAMILY JOURNAL— DEVOTED T\) THE BEST INTEREST OF THE STATE. CITY AND COUNTY. ANNAPOLIS, MD., MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 2, 1884. THE Eveni-ngCapital An Independent Family Journal. W. M. ABBOTT, - - - * Publisher . Nos. 3 and 4 Conduit Street, Up Stairs. MONDAY EVEN I NO. JUNE 2. 1884. BATES OF ADVKRTINI.Xii : Oneklnch, one day, 75 cents ; two days, SI.OO ; three days, $1.25 ; one week, $2.00; two weeks, $3.00. Liberal rates made with those advertising by the month or year. Local notices and political or special communications, 5 cents per line. Ordinary announcement of marriages and deaths free, but obituary notices will be charged for at one-lialf the usual rates of advertising. TIMK TAIILK. Arrival anil Departure of Trains. TRAINS LEAVE. TRAINS ARRIVE. Mail, - - - 6.35 a. m. Mail, - - * 8.55 a. m. Aceoin., 12.05 p.m. Accom., - 1.50 p.m. Mail, - - 4.20 p. m. Mail, - - 6.35 p. m. Sunday Trains - - - - 8.55 a. m. 4.20 p. in. Through freight to and from Baltimore every day. Local freight Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 9 a. m. BRIEF NENTIOXIKU. —Wm. E. Brooks, Esq*, commenced the erection, to-day, of a store and dwelling on the lot recently purchased of the late Richard Goodwin’s estate, on Main street. Mr. James R. Tay lor, is the contractor and builder. —Mrs. J. G. Taylor has moved into her new store on Main street, adjoining Mr. Lindenborn’s bakery and confectionery. —Wisdom consists not in the vast amount we acquire, but in the lute distinction between what is good, what is bad, and what is in different. —With energy for the sails, dis cretion the helm, common sense the ballast, the good ship rides out the gale, and makes the port of success at last. —Three houses and a store are in course of erection on Cathedral street. —A father is a treasure, a brother a comfort, but a friend is both. —Martha Smith, insane pauper, has been placed in jail here. —The Board of Public Works re elected to-day: J. H. Vansant, John Ireland and Wm. T. Iglehart direc tors of the A. <fc E. R. Co. —The piano to be used during the evening of the supper and festival for the engine is one of Ilinekamp’s make, kindly tendered by Mr. J. S. Hayes. Navy. The United States steamer Dis patch left the Washington navy yard Saturday for Fortress Monroe with Secretary Chandler and Secretary Lincoln and other officials as passen gers. Naval Cadet C. H. Howland re ported for final examination to-day. The practice ship “Constellation,” Lieutenant Walter Goodwin, com manding, arrived here to-day in tow of the “Tallapoosa.” Democratic Primaries. The democratic primaries, were * held in this county last Saturday, to elect delegates to the county conven tion which meets in this city to-mor row. The delegates chosen in this city, were—Dr. Geo. Wells, Dr. W. C. Claude, I Wm. P. Killman, Aider man Williams and Richard Wells. This county convention elects dele gates to the State and congressional conventions. Dr. Wells will probably be chosen one of the district delegates to the Chicago coventicn. Executive Appointments. The Governor has appointed Benj. F. Terry Justice of the Peace tor the 18th district of* Cecil Co., vice self failed to qualify. Dr. Edmund G. Wa ters has been appointed manager of the House of Refuge vice J. R. Ward deceased. LOCAL NEWS. To WN AND Co UNTY | Here and 'There. Kcruion to Young Men. Rev. R. 11. Williams, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of this city, preached a sermon yesterday morn ing to the naval cadets some of whom are about to leave for their three months’ cruise and a large number of whom are graduates and will leave for all time. The sermon was par ticularly adapted to the occassion and was in every respect a fine pro duction. In his closing remarks he said : a large number of young men of this congregation have completed another year of their preparation for the work of life. Another year of my work for their spiritual good is end ed. With great regularity, young gen tlemen of the Academy, you have at tended our services. To some of you the opportunities here offered for spir itual good now come to a close. From you who go out from us, not again to return, we would ask a kindly re membrance. In other days, and amid other scenes, it may delight you to remember this church, where iu youth you so frequently worshiped. May the memory of these services, “like a chime of evening bells,” come with sweet and refreshing effect in times of loneliness, in times of duty and danger, in times of sickness and sorrow.. As you go forth to perform the nofcle duties of your calling, and to form other companionships than those you have had here in the period of preparation, see to it that you walk in the counsels of the wise. We would have those of, yoiFwho return feel that this house of God, like the home you have left, has an open door for you, where you may that kind hearts are interested in your welfare. It is hardly necessary to say that a welcome awaits you on your return from cruise. By the rules and train ing of the Academy, many valuable traits are developed, such as prompt ness, and punctuality, aud obedience, and generosity and self respect. But there are other things which should not be neglected. Conscience, and all the religons affections, should be carefully trained. Situated as you are, this must, to a large degree, be a work of your own. Let, then, all strive to be companionable in the highest, noblest sense, and let each contribute to the good of all. Hold fast to the memories of home, and take the Word of God to be a lamp unto your feet, and a light unto your path. Seek fellowship with Christ, and thus holding converse with the noblest objects and persons, you will become wise, as our text states, in the highest, noblest sense. Supposed to be Browned. A seaman named Samuel Walker, on the United States practiceship Dale, lying near the Naval Academy, in the Severn River, has been miss ing since Friday night last. Lieut. Dillingham in charge of the Dale, was notified, and a general muster ordered. All the men could be ac counted for except Walker, the sea man.. He had not been seen since the above evening, and bis absence at the roll-call led to the conclusion that be had been drowned. It was also ascertained that his canvas bag of clothing has also disappeared, which strengthened the belief that Walker had attempted to swim ashore, about an eighth of a mile, and in his efforts had been drowned. Walker was a young man, about 32 years old, and came with tl e Dale from Norfolk. Henrj Campbell, a fisher man, on Saturday evening recovered a bag of clothing and a sailor’s cap in the Severn river, and it is supposed they belonged to the drowned man. Picnie. The Suuday School connected with the German Lutheran Church of this city, gave a p ; cnic to-day to South River Grove. The children proceed ed on their way with faces beming with delight, bent on a £ppd time. Personal. Ex-Gqvernbr P. Francis Thomas, of Talbot county, arrived here on Saturday evening on business with the executive. Mr. and Mrs. Jewitt, son and daughter, are visiting Annapolis. Mrs. Craig, of Illinois, mother of naval cadet C. C. Craig, is visiting | Annapolis. M iss Atkins, daughter of Dr. I Atkins of Easton, Md., and ’iss Wallace, of Cambridge, are board’Jg at Mrs. Owen Iglehart’s. M rs. P. R. Fend all, of Portsmouth, N. 11., and Mrs. Wm. B. Webb, of Washington, I). C., are visiting Mrs. J. It. on Gloucester street Miss Sperry, sister of Lieutenant Sperry, is visiting Annapolis. Miss Field, sister of naval cadet Field, is visiting friends here. Mi ss Katie Sampson, daughter of Commodore Sampson of Washington, is visiting Mrs. Hendrickson. Miss Mary Fiss, of Philadelphia, is visiting Mrs. Prof. Munroe. Miss Dorsey, of Howard county, is visiting Annapolis. Miss Carrie Baker, daughter of Chief Engineer Baker, is visiting Chief Engineer Farmer’s family. Miss Nora Clarke, of Howard county, is visiting Annapolis. Miss Lizzie Claude arrived home on Saturday after three months stay in Baltimore. • •Miss St. Johns is visiting Mrs. Lt. Knox in the Naval Academy. Miss Carrie Simpson, daughter of Commodore Simpson, is visiting her sister Mrs. Capt. Thomas in the Navul Academy. Miss Theresa Makensie, of Balti more, is boarding at Mrs. Owen Iglehart’s Mrs. Paymaster Carpenter, of Washington, spent Sunday in An napolis. Passed Assistant Engineer J. P. S* Lawrance, brother of cadet W. 11. Lawrance is in the city. Miss Rose Huntington Butler, is visiting friends in Annapolis. Mrs. and Miss*Briscoe are board ing at Dr. Kennedy’s. A Capsize and Rescue. On Saturday afternoon a bateau being sailed by Mr. Guy Thompson, in which were several companions, was capsized by a heavy flaw of wind off Bay Ridge, and the parties pre cipitated in the w r ater. They clung tenaciously to the upturned boat and succeeded in getting on her bottom, when Mr. Harry C. Thompson who was near by in a boat, at the time of the capsize, went to their rescue, and took them off and brought them safely to shore. It is useless to say all the parties received a good soak ing, which no doubt marred, iu a measure, their enjoyment of the sail. Committed to jail. John Jackson and Charles Foster, colored, of the crew of the schooner “Annie Cumber,” of Baltimore, were brought here yesterday from Magotby river, charged with locking the cap tain and mate in the cabin of their vessel on Saturday night while they were asleep, and for attempting to steal the yawl boat. The noise in at tempting to break the chain of the yawl boat, aroused the imprisoned officers of the vessel, who, bursting open the cabin doors rushed on deck and captured both of the fugitives. They were taken before Justice D. C. Thompson, who committed them to jail, until to-day when they were re leased for the action of the United States authorities. Promenade Concert. The promenade concert which has been twice postponed came off Satur day night at the Naval Academy grounds. It was the finest affair of its kind since Admiral Porter was stationed at the Academy. The grounds were beautifully lighted by numerous Chinese lanterns, and the mnsic excellent. Hundreds of ladies and gentlemen strolled about the grounds, and enjoyed the music and picturesque scenery. PRICE ONE CENT. The Utf JHnira Andrews. The remains of the late James An drews were brought here this morning . from Baltimore on the steamer S. J. Pentz, and were met at the boat by a large number of friends of the de ceased. They were taken to the First M. E* Church of which the de ceased had for many years been a consistent member and officer. The impressive services were conducted by ltevs. Leech and Amis, and the choir rendered the usual solemn music. The church was filled with sympathi* zing friends of the deceased who fol lowed the remains to their last resting place in the city cemetery where they were interred in the family burial ground beside the grave of his daugh ter. The pall bearers were, Messrs. J. 11. Forbes, Julian Brewer, James Monroe, Sr., James Hopkins, I)r. T. O. Walton and James Corner who filled the place of Mr. (1. W. Watkins, who while lifting the corpse was in jured and was conveyed to his home in a hack. Mr. Watkins at the time of this issue is much improved. He was attended by Doctors Tuck and Thompson. • C. & 0. Canal. The stockholders of the Canal held a meeting this afternoon in the Exe cutive Chamber, in connection with the Board of Public Works. Qov. McLane presided. From what we could learn the meeting was not al together harmonious. It was finally determined that the election of a Pres dent be postponed to a meeting in December, that the* Board may see the affect of tne policy adopted by the present President and Directors. The Governor offered a resolution as in structed by the Board of Public Works, reducing the President’s sal ary to $3,000 per annum ; requesting the directors to reduce other salaries ten per cent., and to cut down all ex penses to the lowest possible rate. The resolution was unanimously adopted ; and the meeting adjourned to the first Monday in December. KxritinK Itout Race, An exciting boat race, in which four 12 oared cutters, manned by ca dets, participated, was an interesting feature of the day Saturday. The course was on the Severn river distance l£ miles, and the race was won by cutter No. 4, commanded by cadet Davis, in 8 minutes and 44 sec onds. Lieut. Commander Elmer, the refe ree, awarded the annual prize in the cutter race—an artificial rooster, of handsome plumage—which was han ded Cadet Plunkett, one of the stroke oarsman. The other members of the successful boat’s crew were Cadet Davis, coxswin; McKean, stroke. Lawrence and Dashiel, 3 and 4; Bootes and Russell, 5 and 6, and Miller, Taylor, Edgar, Reiley, Carna han and Iloggalt. The winning boat took the start at the commencement, and continued the lead till the close. Arrivals at the Maryland. The following are the arrivals at the Maryland Hotel to-day : J. A. Henderson, L. L. Young, U. S. N.; Mrs. S L. Young, La.; B. Fawcett, W. B. Hazeltine and wife, J. W. Thomas, P. Aamil, Jno. Hum bird, Chas- Roberts, J. P. Thomas, H. Kimberly, J. K Hines wife and daughter, J.. B. Oldershaw"and wife, J.'E. Lamb, Md.; Mrs. C. D. White, Queen Anne’s county; E. B. Barnum, Washington; Mrs. A: B. Smith. Fire In thefCounty. Four dwelling houses at the “Cove,’* near Fair Haven, were destroyed by fire on Thursday last. The fire origi nated from a steam mill. Nothing was saved, and the property, it is said, was not insured. The houses and mill belonged to the estate of the late Henry Owings of S. Loss about $2,500. Order of Kierriin at the Aemdemy. The following is the programme of exercises at the Naval Academy for to-morrow: 10 a. m. f first class in steam tatics; second class in signals; third and fourth classes boats under oars, 4.30 p. m. battalion of infantry.