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_™, 'Wfc s i 'K./ I' V : " /' y" \1 A “W - AN INDEPENDENT FAMILY JOURNAL—DEVOTED TO THE REST INTEREST OF THE STATE, CITY AND COUNTY. ■ VOL. I. NO. 20. luST FROM EKCELSIOHI PERSONAL. Is it your desire to be well dressed? By that term we mean sensibly and gentlemanly attired. If so, and in need of any masculine apparel, please call on us. We have justly earned the re putation for the production of gar ments of the handsomest outlines, truest balance, and best average form, securing to the wearers, of good or bad shaj>e, an expression of style and tit not attainable in this city outside of the best class of merchant tailoring es tablishments. We show garments to day which are as tine as it is possible for human hands to produce at any price or by any methods, and can sup ply every want of public demands in ft) (w @ | CLOTHING! | v) Wc •an also supply you with any arti cle you may wish in the way of Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods. We are making a great slaughter in SHOES, and are closing out this depart ment. Come early if you want bargains, EXCfLStOR CLOTHING COMPANY, |. w. lernpr klnltlmorr nml l.lglit Sli„ And Broadway and Eastern Ave. 0.,f. BALTIMORE, MD. REOPENING. Til K OL ItELUBLE to GOODS ami GROCERY 1 L O USE, [Formerly conducted by the late George K. Franklin.) Has been reopened under the firm-name of GEO. E. FRANKLIN & CO., IK) CtIVBCU STREET. * I MHS well-known house having enjoyed, J. the confidence of the j>eople of Anna polis and Anne Arundel County for more than half a century, is now reopened, and will be conducted upon the same business principles, and we solicit the patronage of the old firm. Our stock will comprise a general assortment of Dry Goods, FINE GROCERIES Canned Goods, Fruits, &c., Also a general assortment of Builders' Hardware, Agricultural Implements, &c. Carpets, Mattiny <£ Oil Cloth , Together with a general assortment of merchandise. GEO. E. FRANKLIN k CO., No. 110 Church Street. HUGH NELSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW office: Wor. Church Circle <£• West St ANNAPOLIS, MD. Hfractices in the Courts of Anne Arundel HRidjoining Counties. ANNAPOLIS, MD., TUISDAY EVENING, JUNE 3, 1884. THE 1 Evening Capital! An Independent Family Journal. iyfjb ■ - I W. M, ABBOTT, - - - Publisher . Not. 3 and 4 Conduit Street, Up Stain. -A.2.T2.T-A.3©X.XO. 3^35. I TUESDAY EVEN I NO, JUNE 3, TBB4. BATES OF ADVEKTINIVOs One Inch, one day, 75 cents ; two days, SI.OO ; three days, $1.25 ; one week, $2.00; two weeks, $3.00. Litoral rates made with those advertising by the month, or year. Local not ices and political or special i communications, 5 cents per line. „ Ordinary announcement of marriages and deaths free, but obituary notices will be charged for at one-half the usual rates of advertising. It 151 EF WF.VTIOMVO. — Tw’o steam barge 3 reached here yesterday loaded with coal assigned io Mr. J. B. Flood. —lf you want to have an enjoy able time go to the festival and sup per to-night at the Assembly Rooms. —Mr> Geo. W. Watkins who was injured yesterday in lifting the re mains of Mr. James Andrews, is much better to-day. —Remember every cent that is spent at the supper and festival to nigh, is that much towards securing a steam fire engine for our city. —The Annapolis Amatuer Orches tra will give a concert to-night at the Assembly Rooms during the progress of the Sapper and festival for the steam fire engine. Deceased. Mrs, Jane Holland Sands, wife of Capt. James Sands, aged 68 years, died at 3 o’clock this morning at her late residence on Prince Georg* st. Mrs. Sands has been a patienUsuf ferer for many years and her death has been expected for some time.— She was a lady of estimable charac ter, and beloved by all who knew her. Although 'death came at an advanced age, it but too soou bereft those left behind, of a devoted wife, a fond mother and a firm and true friend. Mrs. Sands leaves a husband and six children. This is the fifth death, within a year, in the Sands family. Mr. P. W. Wit wright, a well known citizen of this cofluty, aged about 60 years, died on Sunday. To be Uniformed. The Commander of the State Oyster Police Navy, determined to give our oyster police force all the appearance of a naval fleet, clothed with authority from the seat of government, has or dered the officers and crew' of the sev- ; eral vessels of the fleet to be clothed in a uniform of navy blue and brass buttons, emblematical of their author . ity. We think this a move in the right direction. School Board. The School Board of this county j received to-day and referred to Dr. N. S. Knighton a communication from j the authorities of Calvert county rel- j alive t*“ children on the border attend ing Schools of this and Calvert conn ties. A petition relative to the ap pointment of trustees of school at Jessup’s Cut wa# received. The Oyster >avy. Charges of drunkenness have been preferred by Capt. James I. Waddell, ] commander of the State fishery force, against Samuel G. Cupper, mate on the oyster police steamer Governor ! Hamilton. He w ill be tried at the [ next meeting of the board. Executive Appointments The Governor uuder Act of 1884, ] has appointed Jacob E. Zimmerman I atd Roger R. Neighbors, Justices of the Peace for the 21st district of Fred erick county, and James McKensey, register of the same district. —Music given aw'ay at Geo. liullm&n’s City Drug Store. Call early, the supply being limited. We don’t mean trash, but i first class sheet music. Every purchaser j of from 25 eta. and upwards gets a piece. I LOCAL NEWS. - -• To WN AND Co UNTY | THE COUKTY CONVENTION TO-DAY. Harmonious Proceedings. :o: THE SUPPER AND FESTIVAL I >i:igram of tlio I lall. A SUMPTUOUS FEAST PREPARED, % 1 tero and There, l’ro(> > <linekr the County Convention. The Democratic County Conven tion met here to-day, at the appointed hour, and was called to order by Gen. F. A. Bond. Dr. Thomas Welch was made chairman. Dr. Welch said that they had met to take meas ures to elect a democratic president and a democratic congressman for the sth district, and that he wished them God speed. Mr. Edwin Gott was made secretary. There being no contests, there was no committee on credentials appointed. On motion of Mr. Grafton Duvall, the conven tion proceeded to the nomination of live delegates to the State Convention. The following gentlemen were nominated Samuel S. Acton, Grafton Duvall, Dr. Jos. R. Owens, Robert M. Cheston, Win. T. Iglehart, George M<> Murry. Mr. Duvall withdrew his name and the five left were selected by acclamath n. The following were nominated as j delegates to the congressional conven tion: IT. H. Brogden, Wm. E Shipley, Dr. W. S. Williams, Wm. Snowden, Elijah Williams, Captain Frank L. Griffith. f Dr. Williams withdrew his name. By authority and for the sake of har mony, Mr. Gott- withdrew the name of Mr, Griffith. Dr. Williams insist ing on withdrawing his name, Mr. Gott nomination of Mr. Griffith. The five left were declared ; elected delegates. The following were elected as the ; county central committee: Augustus j Hall, Wm. S. Williams, 11. Tydings, Benj. Carr, Geo. N. Potee, Wm. T. Iglehart, E. E. Gott, Jr. Mr. 11. 11. Brogden offered the following resolution: Resolved, by the democrats of Anne Arundel county, in convention assembled, that we but voice the I unauimous sentiment of the people we represent when we urge that ; Samuel J. Tilden, of New York, should be nominated for the high ; office of which he was deprived bv the fraud and military pow* r in 1876. The opionion universally prevails among the democracy of I Anne Arundel county that uuder his leadership a victory will surely be won for reform in the tariff, for abate ment of the burdens of taxation and for | a restoration of official honesty and I purity. Mr. Wm. F. Williams seconded motion amd it was unanimously adopted: General Bond offered the followii g | resolution: Resouled, by the representatives of the Democratic party of Anne Arun del county or convention, assembled, i that in view of his well-known and deserved popularity, his faithful party allegiance, his services and qualifica tion as a public and his merit as a man and a'citizen, the Hon. Barnes Compton of Prince Geoige’s county is regarded as the most suit able and available candidate of the democratic party for congress in this district, and that in the opin on of this convention, he should be nomi nated as suc& candidate. Adopted. Dr. Tbos. Welch offered a resolu tiou, favoring the nomination of Tilden and Hendricks, and opposing the Morrison tariff bill, which was adopted and the con ventftin adjourned. A meeting of the Central Committee was held immediately afterward to i arrange for campaign. ' si'--.';} f,. . • v ;11 Supper ami Festival To Night. Now i 3 the time to show patriotism j by turning out to-night with the de j sire of benefiting the noble'cause of securing your city an engine. Every inducement is offered you for a good time. Music will be furnished through out the evening by the Annapolis Amateur Orchestra and Cornet Band. Th is will of itself be an attractive fea- ! ! ture, not to speak of the choice supper and confectionery, the . soda-water fountain and shooting gallery, and the j numerous polite and attractive wai tresses, who will show you every at tention. Go, one and all, with the 1 desire of having a good time, and the dssire of doing good in this highly commendable cause. Give liberally— spend freely, and in the end you will not regret it. * H I O ~n i ■ I UJ I m > a The above is a diagram of the ball, and the position of the tables : A—Shooting Gallery. B—Presbyterian Table. C—St. Anne’s Table. D—German Lutheran Table. E—Weslsy Chapel Table. F—First Methodist Table. G—St. Mary’s Table. o—Soda Fountain. H—Band Stand. The Maryland Hotel. For several weeks past this hotel so long and favorably known to the travelling public, has been advertised for sale or lease. It has been con ducted successfully for the past twelve years under the preseut management, and we venture to say no hotel in the State daring that time, has eDjoyed a more lucrative business. The many friends of the present managers of this hotel, will regret to learn of their retirement from the business. No city or town in the State is better adapted for the hotel business than Annapolis—situated as it is with its beautiful scenery, and water sur*ound ings—with railroad and steamboat communicatian with Baltimore and Washington daily; the United States Naval Academy, the Court of Ap peals, aud the Legislature—are of themselves a sufficient guarantee of a successful business in this line. In short Annapolis could not do with out a first-class hotel, such as the Maryland has been. Kometliln* Xfw. There cinie to our notice today “Cram’s Atlas of the World,” a hand somely bound book entirely new and remarkable for its complete maps and almost unlimited amount of statisti cal information. It is a complete library in itself, a historic and geographical dictionary of the world, containing diagram* of public buil dings, latest postal information and key to the holy land; beside various other information. Every lover of knowledge shook! have a copy of this Atlas. L * '1 „ • _L_ PRICE ONE CENT. Order ofKverrliri. u( tlte Icwdemy. The Hoard of Visitors, Naval Acad emy, witnessed to-day steam tactics, by the l\rst class, under I it. \. L, Houston. “There were eight steam launches in the drill, and it made au interesting spectacle. The class, un* der Lieut. A. C. Dillingham, jk’avo an exhibition of signaling, under Myers System. There were seven stations, about two hundred yards apart, under charge of cadets Taylor, Poe, Gilmer, Evans, Fenton, Dutton and McKay. The message as follows: general ket tle drum will proceed at once to the support of General Bombshell on the left of the liue, was selected by the Board of Visitors, and started away from the Board House. TLe curiously colored flags began to wave, first at one station and then at another until at the end of a half hour it re turned to the Board House without a syllable missing. The third and fourt classes were exercised in boats under oars Lieut. W. P. Clnson. An artillery drill took place this afternoon. Suspicions Movements of Vessels. A correspondent in the neighbor hood of Eastern Bay, and other oys ter bars, writes to the Centreville Observer of Saturday as follows:—- “We have been informed that there are occasionally suspicious crafts cruising around on the waters of Chester river and Eastern bay. A close watch is constantly kept upon such characters. If they mean dredg ing, just let them pitch in, and they will soon lind out at a severe cost that oyster thieves under the present State law will be shown but little mercy. Already efforts are being made to evade the law by conveyiug oysters upon our waters to northern markets, claiming to have been caught in other States. Phis thing is, how ever, being investigated by the pro per authorities. We regard that the letter of the present late oyster law is very'much better than the proba ble spirit of the same. Don’t touch an oyster •until the time is out, should be the honest motto of every of the precious bivalve.” Personal. Kev Robert 11. Williams, of the Presbyterian Church, left here to-day to attend the Lincoln University commencement at Oxford, Pa. Governor McLane and daughter can be seen most any pleasant after noon taking in the beautiful scenery around Annapolis, in their handsome “turnout.” Miss Margaret Watkins, of A. A. Co., is visiting Miss Mary Iglehart, daughter of Wm. T. Iglehart of this city. D.r and Mrs. Lawrance, brother and mother of naval cadet W. 11. Lawrance, are visiting Annapolis. Mrs. Pyle and daughter, are visiting Mrs. Prof. Tood, in the Naval Acade my. M rs. L. M. H nes, and the Misses Nannie, Jennie and Katie Hines, daughters of Jesse K. Hines, Insur ance Commissioner are visiting An napolis. Mrs. S. L. Young, Louisina, is visiting Annapolis. Mrs. C. I). White and Mrs. A. 11, Smith, of Queen Anne’s county, are visiting Annapolis. Navy. I’he U. S. S. Constellation was put iu commission yesterday for the cadet’s cruise. The Iron-Clad Passaic will leave to-morrow for Norfolk. Passed Assistant Surgeon James M. Murry Las been detached from the Passaic, and ordered to the Constella tion. Assistant Surgeon Wm. Martin has been detached from the Constellation, and ordere i to the Passaic. Bay Ridge. It has been definitely determined, we understand, that the steamer Pentz wili ply daily between Balti more, Bay Ridge and Annapolis.— This will enable the people of Wash ington, as well as our own citizens, to make frequent trips through the season, to that beautiful resort on the Chesapeake. i _