OCR Interpretation

Evening capital. (Annapolis, Md.) 1884-1910, July 20, 1903, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88065721/1903-07-20/ed-1/seq-1/

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i July Beduction Sale)
- 4 HIM US’
IA Summer j
|\f Jl If?' Foo,wear I
Nn at imluard of. prices, |
j whit'li f>r quality and |
m m t I style are uus' |
|£9 nX-'OBDS, ££“• I
• f Kid. worth $3 & $3 50 a pair, j
For $2.89. 1
-j- i
.j. ()xfords comprising all leathers and in 1 tie-up in
4 all the improved stylos ; all shapes and tfi QQ H
4 heels, well worth $2.75 and £2 50 a pair, for wZiJJ 4
?‘' ' 1
t +
t M This Out, It Is Valuable. • _. „ . J
1 his Coupon is good for I
25c on all purchases of I |
jUI $2.00 or more if presented 1
at our Store between July I
+ Cut This Out, It Is Valuable. 7th and 17th j* > > I
V V |
t BAER’S 36 Market Space, !
t °"" a " ANNAPOLIS MD. f
jf ;-t- J-;-. .-fr .-h +
.+.++.s+i+-.+i+*+#4 + • -I—-w-f-• -I—
-| L. H. REHIN I
)To Close Oil ysiu ess!
f Great Bargains •
t In Dry (iiioils, Noli mis, Mimi s. Hoys I
I and Youths’ Unuly i Soihing,-$
i. <,Mil’s Furnishing (> Oil . liml-rwcur, |
| iVt*.,’Straw Hats at half-price, also line |
I lot of Mattings, Oil Cloth, Linoleums, \\
| lings, &C., &C. ;;
J* !■ ■“ • •
| On account of the sale of the property now occupied h
+ by me for the past 30 years or more, as a general Dry !!
t Goods and Notion House, I will offer for sale my entire !!
t stock of gtxids consisting of a general assortment of Dry !1
* G(K)ds, foreign and domestic Dress Gtxids, Hosiery, Un- ! j
f derwear, Notions, Ready-Made Clothing for Men, Boys, 1!
t and Youths, of the best make, also Mattings, Oil Cloths,
t Linoleums, Rugs, &c. Also for sale the Store Fixtures, !!
consisting of Counters, Show Cases, Iron Safe, National ..
t Cash Register, etc. ;;
fcgTSale to continue from day-to day for the next 30 ; |
I days, until the entire stock is disposed of. !!
1 L. H REHN. j:
$ j 2 j Cor. Market Space and Main Street, i
t r . .- —T-. -I-..! .. i ■ n l*M +
4 ♦♦♦♦< ♦*t
X 1
♦ J
2 I t a You will find what you \'
t y ~ w r ant in
/ j Furnishings j
♦ x i j I For Men and Boys. <
thk *' t \
X \f | M 50c. Negligee Shirt made <
I fMI ji.oo ■■ i
| * fj J Bath Robes, j
i & Medium Weight and |
.Im ||| /j ot Weather l T n- <
* * derw r ear. !
; v J
♦ I}®*SUITS Ready-to-Wear or Made to Your Order.
jFrank A. Munroe
* ,3a and 1-40 /Wain street. <;
/ _ a
Burglary Insurance*
Something New in Annapolis.
Insure vour Residence, Stable, Stone,
Rde. Bank. Baggage and Hotel agams*
by burglary and loss of theft by >
owt, servants.
ior information apply . .
i '
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(gpcniwd ja^^^tefeCopitol.
Aui nsenaent Hall
Tuesday Evening, July aist. 3
KKOM TO 19 P. I*.
ggp-TUi* Uall For Kent. Telephone W6r
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I Five Hundred Elks Received And Entertained
i By Annapolis Lodge No. 622
At Their Hone.
fm v * \
3:-4| I
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V k
Col. Luther H. Gadd
Elks’ Exalted Ruler.
There was a sound ot revel y this
afterroon at the handsome old colonial
home of ihe .local lodge of Elks, where
were entertained three hundred visitors
fiom the grand convention of Elks,which
is now in session in Baltimore.
) Charles A. Zimmerman
Past Exalted Ruler,
The home was beautifully decorated in
purple and white, both exterior and in
- terior. and the latch-string not only hung
f on the outside, but every doer flood wide
• ■ f
■ ' rftliifc J.<- -X* dtb-jt. 1 ... .ttfewjgg i
open and the word "Welcome” in every
available space bespoke Southern hospi
tality in its broadest sense. The following
composed the reception commifee from
the local lodge ; Dr. W. G. Tuck, chair
man; Nevitt Steele. Robert J. Berryman,
E. Stanley Toadvin, Luther H. Gadd,
George W. Wilcox, James W. Conroy,
John R. Sullivan, William B. McCready
and J imes P Hannon
John B. Flood
Trustee ot the Elks.
Eveiything was done to make the
visitois enjiy the occasion. They were
shown the si es of An-tapolis, ancient and
modern, not among the least of which
was the Elks’ Home, built in 1756 by
Jo'hn Shaw, of England. The Annapolis
Lodge No. 623, P. P. O E , ha p-e
--pared a handsome souvenir volume bound
V ' ,-■£ -t .*
John R. Sullivan
O .e of the Committee of Reception.
in purple, the outer cover being beauti
fully embossed in an elk’s head above
the face of a clock, the hands of which
point to eleven. The frontispiece is an
exterior view of the Elks* Home. The
volume contains a number of intetesting
sketches of Annapolis, handsomely illus
trated. It also contains the roster of the
local loyige and pictures of the leading
officers and members. The souvenir
volume is a credit to the local lodge
and the event it celebrates.
i 1
Dr. Wash. G. Tuck
Chairman of the Reception Committee
The volume was distributed to the tx
cursionists, who were in charge of a com
mittee, of which Thomas F. McNulty is
chairman. It was solely and exclusively
for the members of the Grand Lodge.
Elks who are not members of the Grand
Lodge were not invited. The reason for
this is that today was practically the only
opportunity the members of the Grand
Lodge had to enjoy themselves duiing
the reunion, as they will be kept hard at
work attending business sessions in Ford’s
Opera House, Baltimore. Moreover, the
Latrobe would not accommodate any
more than the Grand Lodge members.
The Latrobe returned to Baltimore in
time to see the* illumination from the bay,
1 1 The Sooial Whirl—Those Who Go And
Those Who Gome.
Miss Katherine Hill, of Newark, N. J.
is visiting friends here.
Mrs. J. Wesley White and son Percy,
are visiting the family of Mr. Francis O.
Mrs. William T. Iglehart and daughter
Miss Annie have left to spend the sum
mer in Virginia.
Miss Mallerv, of New Jersey, daughter
of the Grand Exalted Ruler of Elks, of
that city, visited friends here yesterday.
Mr. William Fincham of Washington,
D. C. who spent Saturday and Sunday
with the family Mrs. Nason on North
West street, has returned.
Miss Lottie Gardiner and Miss Edna
Burns, who have been visiting Mrs.
Robert Barber, Washington, for several
days, have returned home.
Mr. D. Claude Handy is now located
in Boston, Mass, where he has secured a
position with the Atlantic Construction
Co. Mr. Handy is a recent graduate of
St. John's, and has the good wishes of
many friends for bis success in business.
Miss Stops, of New London, Conn., is
visiting her brother, Prof. K. Otto Stops
at Hotel Maryland. Miss Stops sang a
beautiful solo at St. Anne’s service yes*
terday morning, accompanied by her
brother, who is organist of St. Anne's
Rioting At The Primaries.
Rioting occurred during the Dtrao
era ic primaries in the Filth district of
Anne Arundel county Saturday when
the organization forces tested their
strength with the independent element,
Ird by Wm Gischel, who has espoused
the cause of the young men that have
political a-piraiions.
As a result three men were arrested
and locked up at Curtis Bay.
Ju*i<e Hawkins released the prisoners
in SIOO nail.
Annapolis. Washington And Baltimore
The entertainment committee of the
Elks have made arrangements with the
Annapolis, Washington & Baltimore
Railroad to have a special train Tues
day, Wednesday and Thursday nights,
leaving Camden Station, Baltimore, at
tf.3op.rn., arriving in Annapolis at
12.30. The fare for round trip, $1.25;
good for five days, also good on special
trains of the three nights. All Elks and
friends are requested to attend conven
tion via this road leaving West street
station. By order,
jiß Elks' Committee. .
Soldier Boys Return..
The soldier boys of companies G, and
M from Camp Saunders returned home
Saturday afternoon in fine shape. They
were cheered along the line of march
from the station to the armory and re
ceived a rousing welcome. Captains
Porter aod Riley were congratulated on
the good snowing their men made at
Camp Saunders.
-- - \
Kodol Gives Strength*
by enabling the digestive organs to di
gest, assimilate and transform all of the
wholesome food that may be eaten into
the kind of blood that nourishes the
ofhres, feeds the tissues, hardens the
muscles and recuperates the organs of
the entire body. Kodol Dyspepsia Care
cares Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Catarrh of
the Stomach all all stomach disorders.
Sold by Feldmeyer Bros. City Drag
II if ID
: Leo XIII Passes Away.
(Special dispatch to Evening Capital.!
Baltimore, Md., July 20. —A
cable to the Associated Press
says the Pope is dead, llis
Holiness Leo _ XIII, passed
quietly away at 4.04, Home
time, today. The* end came
peacefully, and the Pontiff
was conscious at Intervals un
til the dissolution came. Death
was expected since last night
at 6 o’clock, lie called his
attendants and bade them a
last fureufell. It is thought
death was duo to blood poi
soning as a result of derange
ment of the kidneys.
Immediately on receipt of
the telegram at the Capital
office a messenger was dis
patched to Father Rector at
St. Mary's Church and the
church bells tolled the solemn
death knell.
Inspect The Naval Academy-
A party of Government official* from
Washington with several Baltimoreans,
enjoyed a trip to the Naval Academy
Saturday afternoon on Mr. W. H. Evans'
steam yacht.
The visitors were met at Camden Sta
tion by the Baltimoreans and the party
left Baltimore, from foot of York street at
2,30 o'clock.
When the yacht was off the Naval
Academy a salute was fired. After the
party had been brought ashore on the
Standish they were met by Commander
Badger, of the Academy. The party
made a thorough investigation of the
buildings that are being erected.
Supper was served in the evening on
the yacht and Batti nore was reached
about 9.30 o’clock. Thoie who made
the trip were:
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury H.
A. Taylor.
Supervising Architect of ihe Treasury
James Knox Taylor.
Col. J. P. Lowe.
Mr. J. A. Sutherland.
Mr. J. A. Whitmore.
Mr. J. E. Powell.
Mr. J. W. Pierson of the Supervising
Architect's cffice, all of Washington.
The Baltimoreans were:
Former Congressman W. W. Mcintire.
Mr. Otto G. Simonson.
Mr. Louis F. Deitz.
Mr. William F. Stillwell.
Mr. Kush Marshall.
Messrs. William A., John A. and Hen
ry Smith.
Emergency Hospital Case.
The outcome of the Emergency Hospi
tal case, which is expected to come up
for heating on bill of complaint and an
swer next Thursday, is being awaited
with eager interest. The very existence
of the hospital is believed to be at stake
and the city city is, therefore, vitally in
terested in the result. There are (many
phases of the controversy, but the point
directly at issue in the litigation is as to
whether or not the board of managers
has the sole power to dismiss a superin
tend- nt appointed by it and to control
the affairs of the hospital pending the ap
pointment and confirmation of a succes
sor. The element of personality has been
elimira'rd from the law suit and the case
w4i probably be decided on legal points
Trustee’s Sale.
Mr. J antes R. Hrasbears, trustee, will
sell tomoirow at 11 o'clock at public auc
tion at the Court House door the valua
ble property on Maryland Avenue known
as the Taylor estate. Mr. J. Roland
Brady will be auctioneer. For particu
lars see ad. in another column.
Valuable Lot To Be Sold.
Tomorrow at noon at the Court House
door Messrs. Kabert Moss and Daniel K.
Randall, trustees for owner will sell at
public aucti m the valuable lot and small
dwelling on the south side of Paca street
in front of the new freight yardp of the
Short Line railroad. For particulars see
ad. in another column.
Do Ton Enjoy What Ton Eat
It yon don’t your food does not do you
much good. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is
the remedy that every one should take
when there is any thing wrong with the
stomach. There is no way to maintain
the health and strength of mind and
body except by nourishment. There is
no way to nourish except through the
stomach. The stomach must be kept
healthy, pure and sweet or the strength
will let down and disease will set up.
No appettite, loss of strength, nervous
ness, headache, constipation, bad breath,
sour risings, rifting, indgestion, dyspep
sia and all stomach troubes are quickly
cured by the use of Kodol Dyspepsia
Core. Sold by Feldmeyer Bros., City
Drag Store.
- - \
Tl| | fVJT . Ayer’s Hair Vigor has been
ijiaCK Jn. Qir restoring color to gray hair for
fifty years, and it never fails
to do this work, either. And you can rely upon it
for stopping your hair from falling. .lUoJ.tESEuTk--.
Immmrnimmmmmmmmmmmm—mmmmmmm—mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ■■■!
' Wells -Bannon Faction Won
In All Districts—The
. County Slate.
Democratic primaries were held in this
county Saturday to elect delegates to the
county convention, which Is to be held
in this citv July 28. The returns show
that the Y\ ells-Hannon forces will con
trol the convention, which will make
nominations lor all the county offices and
also elect delegates to the State conven
The principal contests were in the First,
Fourth and Fifth districts, between the
State administration forces, under Elijah
Williams and Kaac Nuiwell on the one
side and the YVrlls-Hannon combination
on the other. The latter were successful
in each ot these districts, as well as in
the second and Sixth (Annipolis), where
there was no contest.
In the First district, Mr. Samuel B.
Hardy won his tight against Mr. Gallo
way Cheston by ihe election ot drlrg.ites
favorable to his nomination for Sheriff.
His majority was 43 votes. The result
in this district is also favorable to the
nomination ot W. T. Jones for County
Commission! r, as against Mr. Wayson,
the incumbent.
Mr. Janies P. Bannon carried the
Fourth district by 10 votes. In the Fifth
district the Wells-Banoon forces, under
Mr. Peter Potee, carried two out ot the
three precincts, their total majority being
137 votes. Curtis Bay gave 166 majority
and Brooklyn 22. Harman's gave $1
majority for the administration forces.
In Annapolis the election of delegates
was by acclamation. The following were
chosen : James R. Hrashiers, John M.
Davis, William E. HDckburn, John R.
Sullivan and George Wells.
In the Third and Eighth districts Dr.
Williams and Mr. Nutwell were success
The only contest likely to be made will
be over the nomination tor Sheriff. The
strongest aspirants now seem to be Sam
uel B. Hardy and Enoch Downs. Mr.
Hardy will be backed by the delegation
from his district and has other sources of
strength. It is practically settled that
Edward C. Gantt will be nominated tor
the Senate and Janies W. Owens for
Slate’s Attorney. For Clerk ot the Cir
cuit Louit Dr. Geoige Wells, the incum
bent, will be nomtn ted. The nominees
for the House of Delegates have not
been finally decided upon.
At Last. Sparetta Has Conquered Where
Others Have Failed.
After a fair trial of SHAKKTTA does not
prove satisfactory, we guarantee to re
fund your money. Spakktta is a won
derful cure tor dysjiejisia and all stomach
troubles, malaria, liver complaints, and
General Debility. SPARKTTA has lieen
used for years by the surgeons in the
English Army in India, with wonderful
results and cures. Si'akktta is a com
bination of valuable drugs making the
whole a beautiful and valuable prepara
tion. For toning the general systems to
recover the normal condition of the or*
gans of vitality, after the long use of
drugs or Simulants, Shaketta is great.
As a tonic, Spakktta has no equal.
Among those from whom wc nave re
ceived testimonials, we mention:—Robt.
E. Strange, John H. Wells, P. Kashner,
L. C. Heintz, ). F. Pophani, R. W.
Welsh, George Gcbhart, Jas. F. Strange,
John Nason, J. Stewart. All of Annap
olis; Geo. H. Gates, 517 Second street,
N. W. Washington D. C.; Clias. Neu*
mann, 119 T street, N. YV. YVashington,
D. C.
Trial size, 25cts, Regular size socts,
Manufactured by
K R. Smith,
110 Main street,
m2B Annajiolis; Md.
Elks Welcome.
1 will not be in Annapolis on Wednes
day on account of the Elks convention
but will be pleased to have any who wish
to make my office their beacquarters dur
ing the week. Leave their wraps or
packages, etc., 5 West Lexington street.
3t. YV. S. Ly DECKER.
Lieut. J. F. Hines is detached from
command of the Gwin and ordered to
continue other duty at the Naval Acad
Naval Academy Notes.
The Standish left this afternoon with,
mail and supplies tor the ships.
The Topeka sailed South today.
Lieut.-Comdr. D. C. Redgrave has re
ported for duty.
The torpedo boat Gwin has been de
tached from the Naval Academy and or
dered to join the fleet atJNorfolk.
Midshipman H. Burnham has return
ed Irom sick leave, passed his'physical
examination, apd has been ordered to
join his class on tbe Hartford.
And Children Invited*
All ladles and children wbo cannot stand
tbe shocking strain of laxative syrups,
cathartics, etc., are invited to try tbe
famous Little Early Kisers. They are
different from all other pills. They do
not purge tbe syetem. Even a double
dose will not gripe, weaken or sicken ;
many people call them the Easy Pill.
W, H. Howell, Houston, Tex., says
nothing better can be used for constipa
tion, sick headache, etc. Bob Moore,
Lafayette. Ind., says all others gripe and
sicken, while DeWitt’s Little Early
Risers do their work well and easy. Sold
by Feldmeyer Bros., City Drug Store

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