Newspaper Page Text
...THR (JHEAT HOUSE Ol . *3saac £jenesch & Sons 123. 126. 121 Main Jtreet. Jinnapoiis . Mii Watch This Space For Daily Historical Events The Marquis tie Lafayette, was born 153 years ago today, lie was fhe French champion of the American war of Independence. Can Anybody in This World Do More The great providers for the home and family are entirely at your service today, the Fame as they were yesterday; the same as they were more than 50 years ago; the same as they will be tomorrow and ever after—and such a wealth of honest satisfaction in the service we give, too! In our business with our fellow-men, there is a higher principle involved than the nx-re -.i.i , of merchandise at a profit. We hold ourselves strictly account able to you for honest and faithful service. The unlimited resources of this Great House are yours to command. moo Liberal Credit Terms Ip America | sls Worth of Merchandise, 25c Down, 25c WeeKly | S3O Worth of Merchandise, 50c Down, 50c WeeKly | M $45 Worth of Merchandise, 75c Down, 75c WeeKly § h $75 Worth of Merchandise,sl.oo Down,sl.oo WeeKly y ll*. THIS EXACT HfiCliEK ** FT/V IKON BED fefeY flylD Jm= mm '3t' saieat Bed, Spring and Mattress. , y ' av- iiri i- otmmefed in ,/ tvlillp er ?i,‘cn t.n.l lnr; Lrasr trim- II V . ( ,|a mine . tli. matt.;.- as ti.i < ottou lop Jkt/ 4®* —f! -$12.00 VVi . Ktit. | THIS EXACT COUCH This Iron 7V* Bed. | 1| LU,U4JXIi ttUd Mat " j with frame.* of '- >tsoldon oak; up- J|h 1 0 qSj! *l’ •! ||r bolstered in imperial jtvab W r r *s‘ I l ! 'Hi/ unnner; on -spc.lal s.le^7 # w 2kly. M / jir>- whiiki v ~~ J Isaac Bencsch & Sons, t 123-125-127 Main St., Annapolis, Md ■ - I. —I Colonial Theatre To-Night, i FRED W FALKNER manager THE LEADING HOME OF AMUSEMENT ALWAYS A GOOD SHOW VAUDEVILLE AND GOOD MOTION PICTURES! j Admission c P Vaudeville Changed Monday and Thursday. Pictures Changed Daily. A LOT OF Fine White Madrass Shirts, Sizes 14 to 16' j. One dollar quality, THIS WEEK ONLY at - - KJ'** We have reduced the price of our Men’s CTO C/) and Boys’Clothing. *slß Silk Lined for 4 *l fc**/v IV. H. THOMAS <£ CO., 143 Main Street, Annapolis. s — ~ . ! GREAT ATTRACTION AT , The Lyric Theatre This Week J-F. EBLINC Manager The Latest and -Best Moving Pictures Come and enjoy good vaudiviiie, change of hill twice each week. Don't miss it—Special attraction 3 days. 5 cents to all Program Starts at 7 o’clock. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30 p. m. ADMISSION—S CENTS TO ALL. i I Tllifi EVEMXG ANNAPOLIS, MD., SEI’TKMKEK 7, U>lo BRIDES DON’T WORRY You May "Reot” Your Trousseau —Mer chants have Readv To Wear Nuptial Robes —A New Departure Enter modern methodsfexit another chapter of romance- the filling of the | ’ bride’s chest and the making of the - trousseau. For now comes the news • from the East that even the sacred business of making fluffy things has been taken from the fingers of the bride to-be and given to the merce- , nary and professional hands of shop < girl and seamstress. Be married in j a rented trousseau? Horrors! Who ( ever heard of such a thing? Prosaic as it may seem the practice | of wearing rented wedding garments 1 has grown to an extent that makes • it profitable for the garmnet renter j to carry a large assortment of mar . ital clothes. It is in the West, too, ] and in San Francisco there are sev- | era shops that cater to the marry- | in-a-hurry population. Kansas City has yet to open its first trousseau shop. A canvass recently of the i shopkeepers who deal in rented gar ment brought forth varied expres sions on the new whim of the American public Sure, they had ( heard of it, but start such a prc- j tice in Kansas City? Well,perhaps, if the demand made it profitable to , do so. “But don't start anything like 1 that,” one customer advised a re- I porter. “The women are too partic- ular now. When one rents a hat for an opera she selects it with all . the care of a purchaser. Goodness, if | they begin renting trousseaus ” ( and the speaker stalled, unable to think of a figure to express the con sternation he felt and that showed in his face. Another dealer was less frightened at the prospect of a'new branch to his business. “Sure, we will handle trouseaus, if the women want them and plenty of them doubtless will, when they learn that it is becoming a fad. Trouble in pleasing a bride: Don’t you believe it,’ and the dealer winked with an air of knowing wo mankind. “The blushing bride,who is too busy to make her own trousseau, will be an easy customer. Show her a wedding gown, inadvertently hint that itwas worn by Mrs. Hobbleskirt when she was married, and the outfit will be rented in a minute ” To a third dealer the probability of a trousseau shop presented the ethical side* "No, I don't carry ready-to wear wedding garments,but suppose 1 shall have to in time,” he said. ‘‘l have heard about the trade in the East, and figured on doing a little my self when Kansas City got on to the latest in the hasty wedding line. 1 have no doubt it will come in time. Men rent evening clothes for oeea sional wear, and why should a woman buy a lot of finery that will become useless before there has been time to have the marriage certificate framed Object to wearing clothes worn by others? Not if some one sets the style.” Y’iiiing Old Humid*? Ground Mr. Edward I\ Banks, a former An napolitan, now on the staff of the New York Herald, is visting his mother, M rs. W. H. Banks, on Carroll street. I Mr. Banks has been engaged in news paper work for some years, but recent ill health has incapaitated him for ac tive duties. He is now doing work. Mr. Banks is heartily greeted by old friends and fellow 7 citizens. NEW YORK’S BIGGEST SHOW “The Summer Widowers” at the Broadway Theatre is the biggest show hit of the season. This being the case, the songs publised by Chaiels K. Har ris for that show are attracting lots of attention. Ever alert to get the best, The New Y'ork Sunday World has se cured the “rights” of printing one of the best songs in the piece. It wil be given with The Sunday World next Sunday words and music complete. DEEDS, NOT WORDS - y Annapolis People Have Absolute Proof of Deeds At Home The deeds of Doan’s Kidney Pills. For Annapoils kidney sufferers, Have made their local reputation. Proof lies in the testimony of Anna poils people who have been cured to stay cured. Mrs. Louise Klakring, IRS Dock St.. Annapoils, Md., says: “In July 1907 1 gave a public testimonial telling of a great cure Doan’s Kidney Pills had ef fected in my case after many remedies and doctor’s treatments had proven of no benefit. I aan say now that the cure has been permanent as 1 have had no return attack of the trouble. I w-as in a bad way as the result of kidney com plaint when I began using Doan’s Kid ney Pills. My back was weak and ached so severely that I could sarcely attend to my housweork and on one oc casion I was confined to my bed. I had only taken the contents of twmboxes of Doan’s Kidney Pills before! felt as well as ever. My kidneys became nor mal and my health was improved. In return of the benefit I have derived from Doan’s Kidney Pills, 1 highly rec ommend them.” For calc by all dealers. Price, 60 cents. Foster-Mil burn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Kemembei the name—Doan’s —and take no other. v DIED DAVIS —On September C, 1910, MISS MILLIE AGNES DAVIS, daughter of Mrs. Milie Redmond Davis and the late James Davis, of Anne Arundel county. ] The funeral will take place tomor ! row (Thursday) afternoon from the 1 home of her aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth I Dorsey, West street. OYSTER SUPPER AND LAWN FETE Under Auspices of the Weemstown Improvement Association, For the benefit of the Weems town Public School Fund, TO BE HELD IN BOUSCH'S GROVE, Opposite Wellrview Church. Wednesday, September 14th. SUPPER, ~*s CENTS. fc£“Tce Cream and Cake for sale 67 LEARNING THE GAME The Slory Told Rv “A deathman From Mississippi" At Colonial Theatre Saturday Sept. 10 William A. Brady announces the big comedy success, “A Gentleman from Mississippi,” at the Colonial Theatre Saturday matinee and night. It is now in its third year. The story of “A Gentleman from Mississippi.” which is the joint work of Harrison Rhodes, the novelist, and Thomas Wise, the comedian, is brief the story of an old Mississippi plant er, who suddenly finds himself thrust into the very vortex of society and political intrigue in Washington, as the result of his election to the Uni ted States Senate. Senator Langdon is a veritable babe in politics. His assets are his droil humor, his rugged honesty and his unshakable faith that all national politicians are “gentle men of honor, sir.” To save him the trouble of learn ing the game” as it is played in the nation’s capital, he persuades young “Bud” Haines,an aleit, clev er voung newspaper correspondent, to become his secretary “Bud” quickly takes entire charge of the Senator’s doings in the Capital and is in reality Senator himself. But even he does not learn of a plot of which his ’’Senator is to be made the victim until by chance he dis covers the identity of the coterie of scheming Senators who are plotting to defraud the government in a gi gantic land steal —and place t-be blame on Senator Langdon’s shoul ders. AUGUSTA EVANS’ NOVEL At The Colonial theatre Tomorrow Even ing—“ Beulah” I An announement that will be warm I ly welcomed is one that Augusta J. | Evans’ novel, “Beaulah,” has been dramatized and will be seen in this city on Thursday, September S, at the Colonial Theatre. This particularly fascinating story of southern life by a southern author has, for many years, been one of the most popular by a native author. The play is the work of Alice E. Ives, who has won fame by her “The Brook lyn Handicap’ ’ and “The Village Post master. ” The scenic production will be elaborate and the cast will be head ed by Miss Janet Waldorf, well known to thearegoers throughout the country for her work as the co-star with E. J. Morgan in “The Etefnal City. ” During the past few seasons he has been absent from America on a tour of the world, in which times he appeared in ail the English speak ing centres of the Orient. BRITISH ROYALTY. Expenses of the royal household are 1675,000 a year Since the Conquest, only three heirs o the English throne have married English women. Until Kiug Edward's death, May was the only month which had not seen the death of any British mon arch King George, iike King Edward, was a second child. Hi 3 elder brother, the duke of Clarence, died January 13, 1892. Probably not one man in a thou sand dies in the house in which he was born. . King Edward was born and died at Buckingham palace. Kiug George is the thirty-eighth ruler of his country since the Con quest. Six men were murdered, two executed, and four died violent deaths from wounds. For forty years King Edward had a seat in the house of lords, yet he only • recorded one vote, that being on the question of marriage with a deceased wife’s sister. Six British rulers have died in the sixth month of the year. It is a curi ous fact that the sixth day has also been unlucky for royalty. Henry 11. died on July 6, Richard I on April 6, Edward VI. on July 6, Charles 11. on February 6, aud Edward VII. on May 6. TO TRY ON YOUR FRIENDS A dry eye denotes a hard heart. A pouting lip means timidity. An open mouth, an empty head. Coarse hair, a coarse mind. Full cheeks show a good digestion. A pointed nose means a meddle- j some disposition. Thick, curly hair means great phys- j leal strength. N A dimpled chin is pretty, but sug gests feeble Intellect A broad face Is a proof of self assur ance and obstinacy. Full temples mean mathematical gifts. Thick eyelids covering half the pu pils, denote great artistic powers. Bumps on the forehead mean great intelligence. Compressed lips prove secretive ness. tegrlhe “Mary M.,” will leave An napolis on Saturday, September 10th, at ll a. m , and 4.30 p. m., for West River. Tt _ __ GUIDEBOOK FOR SALE. The new Annapolis and Naval Acad- J emy Guide Book is for sale at the Capital Office Price per copy 35 cents m2O tf. Wants, lost, Found, for sale, £r Advertisemcnt* under tbif* tied a, t exx ■ nti line*—3 times 25ct t•* . k ■■> !*■ • -t tor chi Ii additional line. WANTED. WANTED— HOUSE MAll* AM* IUMi3I HOT. Must l*a*e reference Apply at once NO. 8 Mary hold A\e. WANTKI* a GOOD COOK. Apply lit I“.' HiaoTer Btrfi i 3t *7. WANTKI* -GIRL KrtHOKV ERA I. HOUSE work. Apply :*t once M-\ Gloucester I St’ **• I ' , W/ANIKD -FUHNi UKll ROOM FOB ! n ;irrii*tl couple; tioai 1 tor wife only.— state term*, which must In- mihlpiuO Ail dress "IVnMiitiit," Box 597, A until Kills. t-inv WANTKI*- AT uNCK A COOK AM* V Housemaid. Kaeb uiuat furnish • fcrences. Apply at rici.leuce of Mr George W. Wtlleox, Southgate Ave.. Murray Hill Hsi WANTKI* YOUNG MAN U m IS YEARS old tor the grocery buflinc:- xddn . • *9. F It." Hi. x •i. AuMpOlt*. I - WANTKI* HALE! I.AdIIES FOR K\Kl.\ kal.l. BUSINESS. K x perlence not necusbury but preferred. Periuanent position Address stating age, experience if any and salary expected Manager of Isaac )i<*iies?li & Sons, A nuupoi Is, Mil. al-tf. * O H REN r. POP RENT RIGHT Ft MM HOUSE WIT II K mII conveniences on Murray Mill, ya) per luouth Gould A l.ei-telephone to lit sf> FOR KENT -IAKUK IHUGHI’ It'tOM with board, all convenience)*: cent i illy located. Apply No. II Carroll Ft. '.it s 5 F OK KKNT I.AKOE.KI K' IHIII DHol sE ou Maryland Ave . ii Nav-d AcMeuiy. Address "A. A. A." Box Ort'., Annapolis, mi COlt KENT-SIX liOOM MU' : i GOOD ■ neighborhood. Apply to Capital otlice. sit COK KENT— HOI 8E No. VJ Varyland Ave ■ nue. All modern Improvements Will rent furnished or unfurnished. Apply to K. U THAN KV. 16# West Ml reel si t f COB KENT-2 HOUSES AND A FEAT FOR * lent. All modem improvement* Apply to C. A. Friemel. 79-81 West St ifllw FOR KENT—FIVE-ROOM HOUSE at Wells’ View near Severn River, good location.— Well of good water near bouse, also laeire dry cellar. Hi nt, $7.00 Apply WAGNER’S Rail way, Wrem’sCieeß. a5 FOR KKNT-HOl SF. OFT ROOMS. KuR .particular,--apply a• Capital office j?stt I O S A L F. poK SALE-WHITE HEATH PEACHES. -■ good for preserving, pickling and hramly lng for sale basket, apply to Ouy Douglas Thompson- Phone 305-tn. 3t-eT FOR KENT-A STORE ON i iHPUOM • E ht, also Store 125 Prim e George Mt Ap ply to 1. Hohberger, 190 Main St. :it e.7 P<R RENT—A SIX ROOM FLAT AND * bath room, all modern improvement-, also a 6 room house at State Street. Fast port. Ap p'y to 193 Main Street. 3t-s7 pi iH Ht LE—G l NNINO PRIYIi ROES ON ■ my farm of^hootingSquirrels, Partridge, Rabbits. Woodcock and Doves Special pri vilege |*s for the season. Apply to If. H. Winchester, Annapolis, or telephone. :i n poKSAFEOR KENT—BY THE FIRST Of ■ Octolier. seven room House with bath. Inquire of Mr>. J. F'. Rbllng. Market Mt. sti t f. COR SALK-Kfc'IBENCK, No. 21 Madison ■ Stieet. 9 Rooms and Attic, gaa and alt other conveiiiercps. Apply l<> No. tin West Ntreet. • M PAH SAFE -OJff: up THE BEST LOTS IN Eastporf. -Lot Mxlf.T ft. High and dry.— Hood fruit, < herrles. Apple, Pears and Plnms. Emjulre at 38T Severn Ave., East port. alTtf DR. BROWNE. THE EYE AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS MARYLAND AVE.. NEAR STATE CIRCLE, ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND. Slimmer consultation hour 10 a. m. daily. .tPftFOR RENT, mt From October Ist, a Dwell ing near Naval Academy- Parlor, Dining Room, Pantry land Kitchen, Ist floor; Six j Bed Rooms, large bath room. | All modern conveniences, and I heated by hot air. j JULIAN BREWER & SON, ; 9 School St. shtf FOR SALE Ten good Laying Hens and one ock erel of S. C. Rhode Island RedsJ of Hansen’s World's t hampion Strain at a reasonable price. Address “H. F. H..” Box 597, Annapolis. alOtf ' FOR SALE Power CANOE. 34 ft. long, 7 ft. wide, 7 Horse-Power Double Cylinder Knox Engine and Magneto. For particulars apply CLARENCE E. TYLER. allm 581 Severn Ave., Kastport. A CARD. The undersigned has bought the Dredge Machine, Pile Driver and Flant of Charles Ritter, and is now ready to do business. All orders now left-at 183 Church street will receive prompt at l tention. F 2w-a29 W. N. FRENCH* Melissa : KMSffir' hM *£SS!f NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Owing to the increase in my lmi im and better quarters, was compelled to m\. <>.. {September 1, 11*10, I will occupymv cnmtnodi i;- *' t!7 Maryland Ave., where 1 will c<ndu. t Souvenir Arcade and Amateur Headquarter full line of Amateur Supplies, ami I will mi ,i , n work left at hVltluu\er’s Book Store aft' r ' ■ [>t*: Any one wishing me to do their Amateur \\,.i!, . i ~ , in mind and bring their work to 67 Maryland Ave , The Annapolis Amateur Headquarters, lie mils j where vou get prompt service and lirst 1 la * s wo 1 y*ou for past favors, and soliciting \our futm m | lim your for business. W. E. BOYER. Proprietor. j Colonial theatre.; FRED W. MI.KNFR Lm and Ma tter. THURSUAY, Sept. Bth. MISS JANET WALDORF, ■ w In a Powerful Dramatization of “Beulah” From the- Fascinating South ern Romance by Augusta J. Evans, Author of “St. Elmo.’’ Prjppq , .25,35,50, 75ct<*., sl. mica, nox Seats, - S!SU Seats nowron sale at Feldmeyer Bros. City Drug Store. k[{ Clever Clothes FOR AUTUMN VA/E’RK showing the newest models V latest fashion plates and weaves of handsome woollens. You can't do better no matter how much more you pay. We’re .showing fabrics that are guaranteed and will make them up for you by band juat as you want them - Call and be convinced. B. Pietrangclo, /Tierchant Jailor 27 Maryland Avenue, :: Annapolis, Md. Cleaning and Cresting Work called for and delivered. Phone v Special Clearance Sale Of a few lots of Odds and Ends at very low cut price for a few days only 1 lot of Monarch fl 00 shirts, for SOels. each, 14 size only. 1 lot of White Overall Jackets, best 50c. grade for JttJets. each 1 lot of Checked Overalls and Jackets, best 50c grade for JJOcts. each. 1 lot of Boys’ Jersey {Sweaters, high neck 17ets. each. 1 lot of Men's Oolf Caps, regular 25cts. grade for I Sets. each. Hei'rqaq ‘Fbeisz, Popular Men’s Store 161 Main Street. Phoce itui. Store Closes at J P. St Agent fur Steam bauortrj. j j f HELLO EATTY! Where have you been eating lately'' you seem to have doubled your Weight. OH! DON’T YOU KNOW! i always t ake iny meals at the Academy bluing Roofhs. '1 hat is if here you can ret tbe purest aud best variety of food produced in season. PRICES MOD EKATfe. Home, made Pies. liotne tnake Loots. Finest Ice .Cream served w.t h each meoh Patrons are cordially incited to Inspect cur kitchen Academy Dining Room 163 Main Street. 3w-s3 | Colonial theatre. Satin day, Sept. 104 America s Great st ( onicdy Hit WM \ ltd th\ JIIIU.UII, : fi GOIiIEIM HI {MISSISSIPPI j By H mi -n Rhodes and I Ihd'H l \ \\ he Now iii its 1 bird Triump hant Year. “lively Decent American iod See It” I’p ulent ’laft. Given with (Ik- j- ..1 * lei ( ’oiupuny, an iiumii .in PRICES: 50c., 75c., SIM 1 Ih>.\ : l. \T , !I > Re-erved Seats now on de a: f#f meyer’s 1 hup Store When you tired and hun| yourself at ai a .'II apjeoriti ■ *’•, and enjoy the he • Hr maria i *■ Aiwa? : . UKSIAURaM ltrlicioti meats, vegetabh U'i" ' ,/,r / . v and fragarento ..• that can ty • fr mlure : ! ptasure and prol tions of the Vm i| Popular prices alway Annap oI iK est a u r fl S. POI \I)3S A 2->4 Main Street . . ~o I,’d " j. II ft If vou haw o• " I ‘ . clothing and pvr h> 1 give * Service, we woill 1 ui*e ,||‘ “ We stand for all | na , u l i>f gr**Mlre In the Ta ■ WE BUT KIUHI y. g Moreover, we a*-'ir<- • ■■ ' lu & y cientrervice. !* -grk dealing with us. !•*“* . CnlJ Frank Panuska^ 5 TAILORS a 70 ,M a rv l a n d HERVEII't 4 STEVE**' e# . Bean. Herve.o* . m ,lf|l* ..CONTRACTORS A# D 8 ,- AD’.l[nefcR ,^,Ul ' PhoDt^llur