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RAUKUAi* aJUKTUT. BiLTimit t liiiHusi ELECTRIC railway. the ELECTRIC LIME . ~ y HOI K FROM ANNATOUS ISAiN- r - ~TF> OK FAKE une Way Hound Trip more. ftocia . i.oo; A*b***' a ililxj*ton.M< ta 1.501 auwi* . vKKIED ON ALL TKAINS BAiio v * vnnapolta time indicate* Wert I*'™*?, liiitralna leave IT. S. Naval H- ' u ’ ' u:h earlier and Oovornor’a minute* earlier. *“•*'’ v „ lin'd more from Terininai Station n--". . Liberty fit., near Lexington. ' wv- .Ington from Treasury Hldir. i') ,„k Ave- N. W lAt& * • ; ' l.reve Hatllluiore fur Ait tia|Mlta , , . m BJft A. M! •it 7.r. - ’fl •• .: “ h ft i lOJK 11. a 12. P. M *ii i* m. : Ir.n ** t. “ .;ft 7.:ft -ft I* - • u ,ri' to Naval Academy Jet. ■.Transfer Naval Acad * * i i Itrot^k tint j ' ______ |,„llt l.dir VlliinK'<in Or'u ktoo r, *e Aia|Mlta . , m 6.00 A. M ' *h: “ iH.U'i *} *IOW “ ~ lO.Jtt xlitr. I*. M. ii'>i r M IEM ** ri.ii', “ ~; *4M p. m. H.M •• 4 V. “ lL- *Kr .. r n ,iii • “ ai “ i*.u) i n or, “ ; 1 l < l„ l ij i/ i Naval Academy Junction. I#"i im ►<• car* at Aca*letny Junction for ffeiiiitiKt' n. imint .fit >• tnnaiHilUi for Annapolia June twu. t c..i 11 a> a. M.. aud !*. M. i_iM AniMiMilla Junction'for Anna v m . p. M. ror ii.naL and Information apply at our ~,v ||. h. t ottlcea: West street Hiatlon. ( vi.tiiau t Hotel, arvel Hall, T. Kent ■ .reau't lirur store Malu H1.,1 Wm. ll.Mok*. , (lf , , Avn. and ittadan St.l Poet ; I.ffli. I N A. for otnt'era, midshipmen Ml . ti with Naval Academy. , CHESAPEAKE BAY NAVIGATION CO. OIYUCHTPASSENGER SERVICE UCTWECN \ ANNAPOLIS and CAMBRIDGE. MD- ! SItAMER ‘'IDLER" J Leaver Annapolis, at 4.45 p. m. I Leave* Cambridge, at—7.oo a. m. I Arrives at Annapolis... .11.00 a. m. • IK, lit Si*inlay. I I I Akl One Way. $1 K°und Trip, $1.75 I iTi, kcl-tlood Until Used.) :t .i,iitioii:ii mf'iriuation address the Com- ■ liuy si Aima|<oli*. Mil. ulatf \KP ‘l*t* \MHHIP CO. ‘CHESAPEAKE LINE.” ] ■ iTkOAN I l‘\ ss i N.IKK STKAMKKS f •lOi rMIIIV ANI) "AIHAUMTA.” , rut <O.O IMIM CuMKOItT Slid NOK 1 no.K V\ I nmur ihv* cmiimora daily (axceyt • ► ..• ai hw y ui. nrrivliiK <od Point r i ■: i hi <i lai h hi and Norfolk at 7.U0 a <n. • ..... is .•• 11. m i. made with the Hat] C f*il I‘IIH* fill H|l iKilUte Stuntll. ( "YORK RIVER LINE.” H MIAN l I'AHSKNUKK HTKAMKK “AT lAM \ for Wkm i‘POINT and ltlt‘ll MONO, VA. NiMinvr* tav Haitimora fueedav, Tliura- < day and Saturday, at 000 p. m. and arrives *wi I'.' hi i' it iii. amt Itlchm.nid al Van in f aeaiunro .'all hi tilouceater Point. York | RNu < ■< t lay Itank and Alliuoud’s, M SfKAMKIiMi KAVK KAI.TIMtAKK KKOM i riKKM I- AND IM LIGHT XT. WH.AItK. furoii<n ticKeiM to all point* may hmb | tiiiv.l iimkilhllh checked nod stateroom* r* atvel from t; city ricket lidles, u K NalUuiors Hlrool AKflllMl W. UUUSON i. lialtlinore street, or tli* nit **. l.lsht and Leo streets. Haiti- M.l AJ.t’HIMM N.CHAPMAN, tieiii < \gt. Ast. Gent, Pass. Ant- ' EDWARD I. BEAVIN Electrical and 1 Gas Supolies And Fixtures. I At. Mil llh I’IvKMKNTING tiik h. w. loHaS M \N\ II.LK CO. AHHKMTtKJ ■ a.'KK- t l< IKK KX I‘l NUIMHHKKH.J 1 Piooipt Attfntion givrn to all kinds 1 Klrctrlcal Constructiop. orders Promptly Attended Tc No A CHURCH Cl RCi E. im t - - f t *" > im— iryn.! ■ ■ ■■Mia- mm H 8 PHONE IOS Lawn Mowers 1 Garden Hoses Sprinklers Hammocks Lawn Swings Ice C earn Freezers 11 Water Coolers And the celebrated j Lite Frost” Me- Lt Refrigerators. i ...The... Henry B. Myers 1 Company, !Nos. 4b-47-49 West Street. i ! times and C iquorsf] "fHE'BEST. QUALITY! Crandall’s l, *-114-\'.ftlain J'treet. 022 Warmer Tonight Washinoion, Sept. S, Io.o*. m. Kor Maryland—lncreasing cloudiness with showers late tonight or Friday; warmer tonight cooler Friday after noon. v* L MOORE. Chief of W father Bureau. Maximum temperature ,81 Minimum temperature 61 SEPTEMBEBgTIiIO ~ Sun Kises 5.42 a. m I Sun Sets... 6.26 p. m M nnN > S M<)on •* 8.49 p. in ( Moon South... 3.41 a. m SNAP-SHOTS Consistency is a jewel we always admire-in other people. —The average man is too busy preaching economy to his wife to prac tice any himself. Many h fellow’s only chance to win a girl lies in the fact that her family are opposed to him. Annajiolis Banking & Trust Com pany opeu till 6 P. M. Saturdays Plenty time to deposit your savings, t —Pe sure you are right and then go ahe; Don’t turn around see if your neighbors are looking. —True love has no greater test than for man to eat free lunches in order to take'll is wife out to dinner. —Get at safe FREE from Annapolis Banking ft Trust Co. open Saturdays till 6 P. M. other week days till 4 P. M —Starboarder—“I am a firm believer in the theory that might is right.” Hullroom— ‘ ‘How about strong butter. ” —The softest powder puff in the world isn’t as agreeable to the touch of a spinister’s cheek as a three-day’s growth of beard. —The trouble with the man who reaches the top is that ho seems to think he is exempt from the laws of gravitation. sioo If it Kails to Cure. Therein more Catarrh in this sectiou of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to tie incurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease and prescih ed local remedies, and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proved catarrh to he a constitutional disease and tberfore requires cousitu tional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Ouie, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & 00., Toledo, Ohio, is the only con stitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from IS drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly ou the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They oiler one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars aud testimonials. Address: F. .1 CHENEY <& 00., Toledo. Ohio. Sold by Druggists. 75c. lake Hall s Family Pill for constipa tion. NHW YORK’S BIGGEST SHOW “The Summer Widowers” at the Broadway Theatre is the biggest show hit of the season. This being the case, the songs publised by Chaiels K. Har ris for that show are attracting lots of attention. Ever alert to get the best, The New York Sunday World has se cured the “rights” of printing one of the best songs in the piece. It wil he given with The Sunday World next Sunday words and music complete. tgftf FOR SALE, HO USE AND LOT on Severn Avenue, the el>A|Ht place In Ea.Ht|N>rL Store aJjoiiiing House, Lot feet. House (i-rooms. Large little, brick cellar, large summer kitolu-n, out houses, sprlllir water. Apples. |eHfS. peaches, cherries, ki uuos. Apply at NOVELTY STORE. East (tort. Price away down. Bw-jl. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED Repaired and Packed Work Carefully Bone at Moderate Prices LOUIS M. HOPKIXSt •.: Shipwright St. Trial orders solicited s‘tint ALWAYS ON HAND AND TO ORDER HARD GRABS, CRAB MEAT AND DEVILED CRABS m 17- m MRS. POPHAM, Phone 595. lIS King George St LOUIS GARDINER & CO CONTRACTORS_AND BUILDERS. Thanking my friends md the public fo. their past patronage, 1 am now prepared to furnish Drawings and Specifications free to those patronising me, or I will furnish plans and specifications and t>u|<erintend work at a small per cent. Apply or address •123-fim 113 MAKKKT STKKET. RHOTOGRA RHS MADE BY MACHINERY Kor All Cuiiitnrrrlal I’nrpowi. Souvenir Postal Cards My Specialty. All I Need is a Good Photo or the Negative to Work From. From $2-50 Per Hundred L’p. GKO. U. MERIiIAH, •47 Ksit Gad Strt. t, j> hS Jin Nov York < Ity. FOR HIRE By l>ay or Week LAUNCHES. Sail or Row Boats. ALSO LAUNCHES FOR SALE. tin account of lequireiuent* of the law 1 offer for sale aJI ray launches. _ -21 m WAGNER S. Piinnt 667-H Nta- Weems’yreek ftridgg W. il. W. TAYum Tayt.Rß TAYLOR BROS. Sanitary| Plumbing & Gas-Fitiing .Hot Water and . Steam Heating Pump Work. 139 Main St., Annapolis, Md. Fstimate* CheerfiHty Given. FT" All Job Work will receive prmnpt attention. Phone, lod-y. Shop t-treet. 11 - Tiiifi EVENING CAPITAL, ANNAPOLIS, MD., SEPTEMBER 8, 1910* £ er Sarsaparilla J Power A BEAL STORY 1 “Beulah” To Be Seen Tonight At The Colonial Theatre 1 1 if i I 1 i ■ ' yfil > t - ’ • r V ■J-- l I ! j* ■ I > - I JA^T.VVALSfiRE Miss Janet Waldorf, the beautiful star of “Beulah,” returns to America to appear in this new play of Miss Ives, and it is generally believed that in the character of Beulah, with its wide range of emotions she has the one part that offers her the opportu nity of her career^ Shorn of its long philosophical pas sages, the real story of “Beulah” stands out strongly dramatic and the author has adhered closely to the story while writing an intensely in teresting play. Few persons need to be reminded of the proud and self willed orphan girl, whose pride pre vents her from accepting the happi ness offered until it seems almost too late. The characters are well known, the interest lies in the skill with which the dramatist has woven the various incidents together into a strong and vitally interesting play. Beulah, an orphan, made a protege of Dr. Hartwell, a fashionable practi tioner in a southern town resents the suggestion maliciously offered that the doctor’s interest masks his matri monal intentions. Her pride hurt, she rejects the physician’s offer to his heart to disprove the gossips and she nearly succeeds in wrecking her hap piness. But the doctor returns from an extended journey and Beulah at last gives her hand into the keeping of the man who for so long has been the possessor of her affections. Some of tfe other character of the book have been made into flesh and blood beings, notably Eugene Graham, Mrs. Chilton, her daughter Pauline, Fred Vincent and Harriet, the aged serv itor. FAMOUS AMERICAN COMEDY “A Geniltman From Mississippi” At The Colonial Theatre Saturday Matinee And Night The Colonial Theatre has for its offering on Saturday matinee and night the famous American comedy, ‘AGentleman from Mississippi,’ writ ten by Harrison Rhodes and Thomas A. Wise, and presented by Wm. A. Brady. Local theatregoers ore more or less familiar with the merits of the play, which is one of the most suc cessful comedies produced in twenty years. The story deals with a number of very ludicrous adventures of a newly elected Southern United States Sena tor, four little love romances and much intrigue and political trickery. A simple cotton planter from Missis sippi is sent to the national Senate from his state and the play opens at the time of his arrival -in Washing ton. Here he is met by a young newspaper reporter, Bud Haines, who impresses him so favorably that the Senator makes him his secretary. Bud is well versed in the methods employed at the national capital and saves the Senator from many pit falls. A shady land deal is engineered by some politicians and the Senator is compromised by his own son and daughter, being induce 4 to invest in it. He finds a _way, however, to de feat the schemers and saves both his money and his family honor. “A Gentleman from Mississipp” is load ed to the guards with uproarious com edy and the result is a roar of laugh ter from tLe first entrance of the Sen ator too the fall of the final curtain. William A. Brady will bring his special cast here for this engagement, prominent among whom are Robert A. Fischer, as Senator Langdon, John Butler, as the newspaper reporter, and John Arthur, W. H. Townsend, Arthur Ebbets, Thomas A. Irwin, Ernest Evers, Frank Hartwell, E. H. Bender, W’alter Pollock, George H. Palmer. Emma Meffert, Leah Beard. Jane Otley, Jane Fernley.Beu ah W’atson, Lute Adams and others. Severn Boat Club An important meeting of the Severn Boa Club will be held tonight at the Club House foot of "Duke of Gloucester street. All members of the Severn Boat Club are earnestly requested to be present. LIFE A FJMNY ROAD Man comes Into this world without bis consent and leaves it against his wilL During his 6tay on earth his time is spent in one continuous round of con traries and misunderstandings by the balance of the species. In his Infancy he is an angel; in his boyhood he Is a devil; in his man hood he Is everything from a lizard up; in his dotage he is a fool. If he raises a family he is a chump; if he raises a small check he Is a thief and the law raises the devil with him. If he is a poor man he is a poor manager; if he is rich, he is dishonest. if he is in politics he is a grafter; If he is out of politics you can’t place him and he is an undesirable citizen. If he is In church he is a hypocrite; if he is out of church he is a sinner and is damned. If he donates to foreign missions, he does It for show; if he does not, he Is ; stingy. When he first came Into the world everybody wanted to kiss him; before j he goes they all want to kick him. i ’ ! If he dies young there was a great future before him; if he lives to a ripe old age he Is siniply living to save : funeral expenses. Life is funny road, but we all like to travel ii just the same.—Ml i Alice . Donahue. NUTS TO CRACK Fine feathers at least make fine beds. Even with a square deal some of us are bound to get poor bands. . Many a girl who refuses to stay single also refuses to stay married. I *The fellow who buries the hatchet may still have a knife up his sleeve. ! There is no fool like the peacemaker who interferes between husband and wife. A mail Is apt to 6et a pace in his 1 love letters that he is never able to follow. I - t A business man’s leisure is simply the time he doesn’t know what to do with. The minute a man begins to try to save money his friends call him a tightwad. If there Is plenty of room at the top, why do people who get there continue to fall off? | _ | Nothing short of a surgical opera- j tlon would take the conceit out of some peoplo. Just because a man doesn’t want to he a knocker is no reason why he ' iliould he some other fellow’s anvil, i I A girl is never really In love until , she thinks more about a cerfaln man j than she does about her dressmaker. ' j TO TRY ON YOUR FRIENDS Coarse hair, a coarse mind. A pouting lip means timidity. | An open mouth, an empty head. Delicate features, a refined mind. A dry eye denotes a hard heart. Full cheeks show a good digestion. Full temples means mathematical gifts A pointed nose means a meddlesome disposition. Bumps on the forehead mean gnat intelligence. Thick, curly hair means great phys ical strength Compressed lips prove secretiveness and acquisitiveness A dimpled chin is pretty, but sug gests feeble intellect. A broad lace is a proof of self- as surance and obstinacy. I Thick eyelids, covering half the pu lls. denote great artistic powers TRUISMS Because a woman is short on p*n •aoney doesn’t mean that she will be hort on long hat pins You con’t tell by the way a man treats his books bow he could treat a book agent When a young man doesn’t know what to say he Is apt to say what he afterward knows he should not have . aid. There are men whose lives are like : n open hook, and others whose lives are like a closed pocketbook. Our national tune seems to be the cartoon. —Judge !)ep* nit vnur savings m Anna pulls Banking & Trust Company. 3J per cent, interest bank open 9A. U. to 4 P. M. Saturdays 6j P. M ITHE NEW WAY | Teeth Without Plate AL *( I T 1 : | COUND TKETH will be yours || i; if you consult Dr. STONER, ; j and have him treat the decayed j y members before it is to late. j 1 Our branch office in Annapolis j ! opened over a year ago for your j j j|' convenience, where thousands of >! |jl satisfied patients will testify {! that 1 can positively save you | j ! money with little or no pain. ; ; ThUSet of Teeth is Guaranteed for *l s rs. ;!’ Filling 75c. up. jj l tt Gold Crown* and Bridge Work. $4 up. 1 PAINLK V 8 EXTRACTING. jj I FITZGERHLD'S | | Dental Parlors! £ Main St., and Church Circle. |< I DR. HARVEY MJTONER. Prop. | ;> Office Open Tuesdays and Saturday. I j ilalto. Office, 121 Park Avenue. DAVIS Typewriter Ribbons, (All Sizes ) Carbon Paper, Stationery, Newsdealer, &c. A Complete Line of Spalding Atheltic Goods, &c. GEO. J7DAVIS, ' 74 Md. Avenue. j Phan* 88-y FURNISHED ROOMS While you are iu town atop at the Maryland Restaurant 168 Main St.. Cor. Andrews’ Alley. We rent Rooms by the day week or month. WE SERVE Regular Dinner, 25c. Soft Shell Crabs, Deviled Oral*. Hard Mhell Crabs—Fish of all kind. Everyhting Cookedto your Special Order Metis Served it all hour*. Everything Elrst Clui. S. Samaras & Bro •Phoue ssn-v. id Tickets gold at a spectn r vte or meals served by the week or mouth BARGAIN SALE THIS MONTH > Be Sure to Visit the Shoe Stors of M. KOTZEN. 38 WEST STREET. SHOES For M?n, Women and Children. We are now offering great Bargains In Men’s. I I.adies and Children’s Shoes and Oxfords, Also a line of Gent's Furnishings. It is the high-grade and serviceable wearing qualities of all Shoes we sell. WO beg ot you to bear In mind it is not the mere selling of Shoes, , but to sell good Shoes—Shoes that we know I will give satisfaction to the wearer is what we do. We have always done so. I Shoes and Furnishings now offered at special , low prl< es. Presents given away with every dollar purchase at MAX KOTZEN, alt 38 Wat St. I P. CON ITS’ Confectionery Parlor 164-166 MAIN STREET. A full line of Lowney’s and Headley’s Chocolates and Bon-Bons. All kinds of Home-Made Candies at Lowest Prices. Ice Cream Soda served with Crushed Fruit gc. Sundies of all kinds. Try our famous Merry Widow, Chop Suey and Banana split Sundies—loc. Our ICK CREAM is the best in Town— ; Strawlierip Vanilla and Chocolate >I.OO per gabon. Ice Cream Parlor Attached. Phone 375-M. c c cs 22 . It Is Like Picking Up money to trade here, and you don’t have to come down off your high horse to do it. The best people in town deal with us, and know that they are always sure of tip-top values as well as a large Assortment ot new and attractive lines to select from- We would like to add you to our already large list of satisfied patrons. Why not try us once? NIGH IR GRADE, BUT ROT IR PRICE. CHARLES WEISS, AiinapDlis'Bist Liquor House, 8 Market Space. Telephone 67. I ANNAPOLIS SHORT LINE Operated by Electricity the Entire Distance Between Annapolis and Camden Station, Baltimore. SAVING OF 15 MINUTES IN TIME OVER \NY OTHER LINE THE ONLY LINE which makes the run between Bal timore and Annapolis in FORTV-FIVE MINUTES HALF HOURLY SERVICE. From 6.00 A. M. to 6.00 P. M. cars will leave Cam* dem Station Baltimore, and Bladen Street, Annapolis, on the hour and thirty minutes after, then at 7.00, H 00. O-00, 10.00 and 11.35 P. M. All trains (on proper notice to conductor*'will stop at any station to let oft passengers, or take them on. on proper signal. The running time between Annapolis and Baltimore (Camden Station) will be 45 minutes from 6.00 A M to 6.00 P M., after that hour, 50 minutes. The first car will leave Annapolis, also Baltimore (Camden Station) at 6.00 A. M., and the last car will leave Annapolis at 11.35 P- M. also Baltimore (Camden Station.) Special Baggage or combination cars will leave either t end on the hour and at 11.35 P.-M. E > Cars Leave Annapolis from Bladen Street Station Cars Leave Baltimore from Camden Station CI3I SPA-VIEW HEIGHTS LOTS now offered for Sale by FRED W. STEHLE, adjacent to Murray Hill, the finest residential section of the city. Beautiful Water Front Lots, High eleva tions. No city taxes. Prices range from $150.00 to $1,500.00. Terms arranged to suit purchaser. For plats and other information apply to R. G. ELLIOTT, Real Estate Agt., Phone 388 m. Arundel Building, Annapolis, Md. j Special This Week. I Sultana Peas, a can, .... lOcts. \ > Marshall’s Kippered Herrings, 2 cans, - 25cts. I > \ \ Skipper Sardines, a can, - - 15cts. J % Armour’s Corned Beef, a can, - - 14cts. ; I Armour’s Roast Beef, a can, - - 14cts. J Campbell’s Soup, all kinds, 3 cans, - 25cts. ; Prunes, 4 lbs. 25cts. ; Hawaiian Sliced Pine Apple, a can, - 16cts. j Hawaiian Grated Pine Apple, a can, - 16cts. ; Laundry Starch, 7 lbs. - - 25cts. \ Parowax, a box, - - - lOcts. J Y 1 EtOIN CREAMERY Main St J BUTTER <f]lf Annapolis, Md. j 35c. per lb. Phone 44-v ! If Your Horse, Dog or Cow / S S/ O K W CALL DR. THOMAS G. CORNELIUS, Veterinarian, Permanently located at A. H. Wilson’s, : -.Ho. 185 West Street. 159 WEST ST. RICHARD G CHANEY THE LEAPING Hiring, Livery, Sale and Exchange Stables Of Annapolis and Southern Maryland. THE FIRM OF K. O. CHANBT. 1> known by its careful selection of experience and reliable employees TEAMS of all kinds tor hire by day, week or month, including fine Saddle , Horses. BAGGAG BTRAN'SFEKRKD and checked from residence of patrons to any point ‘ Hauling to all trains, I AUTOMOBILE OARAGE for storage, and Automobiles for hire by the hour. - FIRE PKOOr STORAGE WAREHOUSE. Furniture and Plano’s stored, packed and shipped to all parts of the world. Our furniture vans are the beet. * ATTRACTIVE RUBBKRTIBB CARRIAGES, for weddings and funerals We now have an up-to-date BLACKSMITH SHOP In connection with our other Puisnes*. Repairing and Horse Shoeing a specialty. m TO CURE A COLD IN ONE Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablet*. Druggie ta refund money if it * fail* to core. E. 'V. ÜBOV'B’H eigna tux* v* on aac* ho* **• PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any eaae of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pile* in 6 to 14 day* or money refunded. 60c.