OCR Interpretation

Evening capital and Maryland gazette. (Annapolis, Md.) 1910-1922, November 02, 1921, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88065726/1921-11-02/ed-1/seq-3/

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Social and Personal
11 m
ii * •
The Little H*ad
... a little road that runs
• .* n g;:y lands or bare,
r t that Love keeps smoothly
r wept,
} r*- many pilgrims fare.
in or stress or windy hours
,:.a its way they sing,
... r t jil-stained arms unconscious
. ...• heavy load they bring.
;m- are young, and some are
.ill have joy to bless
:t!e shining love-kept road
name Is Happiness.
: r >tt< Becker, in the New York
H< raid.
Mj*. tV ilson's
\i: Henry B .Wilson, wife of the 1
nti ndent of the Naval Academy,
it home” this afternoon from 4
As isting her were Mrs. I). M.
,n. in, Mrs. Harry Cooke, Mrs. 8.,
itißois. and Mrs. T. deK. Harris,.
Mr Wilson will receive callers the
Wednesdays in the month during!
the winter season.
Itm'iel Supper
.Mi and Mrs. K. Bartlett Hayward j
... i give a buffet supper on Saturday!
>: : 11 .it “Diawyah,” their home near
i.ipolis. Mr. and Mrs. Hayward re
cently returned from a month's hunt
ing trip in Maine.
Pinner For Admiral
Vihl V!rs. Wilson
I,ii ut.-Commander and Mrs. H. B.
Mi ideary gave a dinner last night for
tin Supecintendent of the Naval Acad
iav and Mrs. Wilson. Their otlier
gin sis were: Governor Ritchie, the
rmimiandant of Midshipmen and Mrs.
Kurtz, the Aide to the Superintendent
mil Mrs. Tisdale, Lieut.-Commander
and Mrs. James Parker, and Com
mander P, J. Dashieil. Pink roses
were used as table decorations.
Mrs Robert G. Furber is spending
the winter with Mrs. Henry G. Fuller.
Pa . are occupying one of the apart
ments in the Wells house on Charles
street. .
Week- Fml Guests Of
Vilinirai <nd Airs. Wilson
The Assistant Secretary of the Navy
ami Mrs Theodore Roosevelt and his
aide. Lieut.-Commander Lee Pettitt
Warren, will be guests of the Super
ii—ndent of the Naval Academy and
Mrs Wilson for the coming week-end.
Mrs James Parker and her cousin,
Mis- 7. it.i Langhorne, were guests at
him liemi parties in Washington to
Aiming Into
Mr and Mrs. Roland O. Meade and
t miily have moved from their farm on
He. ns Creek into the house on Con
tlui* street, formerly occupied by Mr
ami Mrs Charles B. Abbott. Mr. and
Mrs. \hbott went to Washington to
live on the first of October.
I'ari) For Mi*s knight
Viol Mi-x Gordon
Lieut.-Commander and Mrs. W. D.
P "n : n have sent out invitations for
■ rtt supper on next Saturday
evening in honor of Miss Kitty
K- ah; and Miss Ellen Gordon, who
spend the week-end with them.
Mrx. AleFeaters*
bridge Part)
Mrs c P. McFeaters, of TO Phy
n Road, was hostess at a rielight-
Hallowe’en bridge party -Monday
omoon. The rooms were attrac
'v decorated for the occasion, j
-e playing bridge were: Mrs. J.
1 Brown Mrs. O. L. Downes. Mrs. W.
N Hu hardson. Mrs. T. M. Shock. Mrs.
1 G Patrick. Mrs. D. H .Stuart. Mrs.
i v Waddington, Mrs. G. C. Barnes..
Air- A Knox. Mrs. H. M. Briggs, and
Air- c. G. Gilliland. Other guests
re Virs B. 11. Lingo. Mrs. E. T. Mc
's,‘ley. and Mrs. Parrish.
;, s - were won by Mrs. Briggs and
A't' Waddington.
'lt's, keester’s
“Vt llmne"
A'rs George B. Keester. wife of
-Commander Keester. held the
of her afternoons ‘‘at home” on
- er.lay. Assisting her in the din
r 'in were Mrs. John Halligan,
poured tea. and Mrs. Henry G.
0 er. who served “frappe.” Mrs.
■r: G. Furber, a cousin of the
e-s. also assisted. Mrs. Keester
be “at home” on Tuesdays in
N ‘veinher.
Art Needlework
ttni-ni Society and THeaher and
jrtlla Stamped Good* Columbia W**b
Hip Star—Will not Bott or Break
A elephone Jot n Cornh m street
Luncheon For
Japanese Oftieers
V’ice-Admlral H. Saito, of the Jap
anese Navy, and the party of visiting
officers from the Japanese ships Yo
kuma and Izunia were entertained at
a stag luncheon today by the Super
intendent of the Naval Academy.
Washington “Debs”
Prominent among the Washington
debutantes this winter are several
who are well-known in Annapolis. Of
1 these the first to make her bow to
society will be Miss Laura Lejeune,
daughter of Major-General and Mrs.
Lejeune. who will be presented at a
tea-dance at the Marine Barracks oa
Saturday, December 10.
i Surgeon-General anti Mrs. Edward
Rhodes Stitt will entertain at a tea
dance December 14 at the Washing
ton Club to introduce their daughter,
Miss Mary Raguet Stitt.
Rear-Admiral and Mrs. R. S. Griffin
i will introduce their daughter. Miss
Helen Griffin, at a tea at Rauscher’s
j Saturday, December 17.
Captain and Mrs. Raby will intro
; duce their daughter. Lady Jane Raby,
I at u dance during the Christmas holi-
I days, as she is a student at Vassar
j College.
Mrs. Kurtz'
Next Reception
Mrs. T. R. Kurtz, wife of the Com
mandant of Midshipmen, will be “at
home” on next Wednesday afternoon
from 4 to 6. This will be Mrs. Kurtz’
only reception during November.
Mrs. Edwin Thayer McNeely, mo
ther of Mrs. H. G. Patrick, will go to
Washington on Monday for a ten
days’ visit to her son and daughter-in
Hallow e’en
A very pretty dinner party was
given at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Howard Thomas on Hallowe’en night
by the Ladies’ Social Club of East
port. The house was elaborately and
beautifully decorated, and about 50
guests enjoyed their hospitality.
Beautiful costumes anil music added
much to a perfect evening of pleasure.
Exhibition Of
Chinese Art
There will be an interesting exhibit
and sale of Chinese artcraft products
during this month at the studio of
Miss Katherine Walton in School
street. The collection of articles,
many of them of rare beauty, is im
ported directly from China and will
be ready to be seen on Friday.
Wedding At
Baptist Parsonage
A quiet marriage took place last
evening at the College Avenue Bap
tist Church parsonage, when the pas
tor, Rev. Dr. John S. Sowers, married
Eugene L. Shipley and Miss Gladys
R. Hullett, both of Baltimore city.
Capt. Preston
In Baltimore
Capt. Charles F. Preston, com
mander of the battleship Maryland,
visited the mayor of Baltimore to
thank him and the city for what he
termed the splendid entertainment
given the crew of the battleship dur
ing its recent visit.
Capt. Preston was on a trip from
New York to Washington.
Card Party
Mrs. Albert Knox, wife of Lieut.-
Commander Knox will give a bridge
party tomorrow afternoon at the
Ship’s Inn.
i _
Get this
Hand-book for traders.
It tells:
j , —The How and Why 4 f
of many things you j
e should know about
j stock market trans- v i:
actions, - j
j „ —Market Terms and |
their definitions,
| ; —Trading Fractions, % j
1 | —Commission Rates, j
I - —Deposit Require- j
ments, etc. r
I AskforC-511. Mention
stocks which interest you. \ j
X j
; ■——j
i lUJonessl Baker I
. Members New York Curb Market j
. Direct Private Wire*
a • New York Chicago Boton Philadelphia
* Pittsburgh Detroit Baltimore Cleveland
433 Equitable Building !
k Telephone: St- Paul Msl
j ’
I4IL. L ... ll\ Vj t. wi i Aa. .V. .ii.A.V .1— A. \.J Vj. a.. . ic., AN N . .i’A L. IS.-1 . six ■*- , , .
(Continued From Faso 1.)
It is thought, however, his incapacita
tion will last for only a few days. A
good hard scrimmage ended the af
ternoon’s program, and plays were
reeled off with sharpness and sub
stantial gaining.
g % ■
i Killinger, State’s Star
VjOne of the greatest tributes to the
• coaching of Hugo Bezdek is the bril
| liant work of Glenn Killinger, sensa-
I tional Penn State quarterback who is
leading the field in that position among
> eastern colleges to date. Usually, a
1 star performer on a college team can
1, trace his start back to his prep school
f days and it is very seldom that a man |
> is entirely developed after he reaches
, college. Killinger is just such a man.
The Blue and White field general
i hails from Harrisburg Tech where he
i made a great name for himself in
basketball and baseball, but where he
1 was totally unknown on the gridiron.!
• In his Freshman year, he did not even
• report for the yearling eleven at Penn
, State. The following fall was the S
A. T. C. year when Penn State did j
i not have a single veteran footballer
i on hand. Killie was just a youngster
i but he decided that it was up to him
to help Hugo Bezdek out so he report
■ ed for the team.
, Luid Off For Year
Bezdek sized him up at once and be- j
• fore the season closed, Killinger was
the star halfback on the scrappy little;
Nittanv eleven. Then he disappeared
from the football horizon for a year,
only to bob up again last fall as var
sity quarterback—ig post for which
Bezdek had been gradually grooming
him. The Harrisburg catapult, who
raced 90 yards through Georgia Tech
last Saturday, made quite a record
last year; but this fall he seems to i
be coming into his own at last. No
quarterback of the year has shown
so much great playing as has Killing
er. and in his brilliance, he is a won
derful tribute to Coach Hugo Bezdek,
wizard coach at Penn State.
“A Day With Jack Dempsey” is
showing at the Garden Theatre tomor
row. Some of the old-time ring cham
pions would probably turn over in
their graves if they could see the pres
ent title-holder training for the fight
of his life in white flannels on the
tennis court.
This film does not show Jack Demp
sey as a ‘‘movie” idol; however it
portrays in consecutive order every
phrase of his strenuous course of prep
aration for his fight with Carpentier
on July 2nd.
“A Day With Jack Dempsey,” as
shown at the Garden is the only au
thentic film actually taken in the
champion’s training quarters and from
his present form he appears to be in
the pink of condition.
at its best
J The strongest com- I
I pliment ever paid to
Scott’s Emulsion
is the vain attempts at
imitation. Those
who take cod-liver
oil at its best, take jn II
Scott's Emulsion — J&jjL,
Scot* &. Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J.
also Makers of—
(Tablets or Granules)
Your state of health largely
depends upon the food you eat
No one who is physically ailing in any way
I can afford to take chances with the food he eats.
For upon the selection of your food, and upon
its perfect digestion and assimilation largely de
pends your state of health.
The most important thing in connection with
the digestibility of any cereal food is the way it
is prepared —and the length of time it is cooked
or baked.
Grape-Nuts, the rich cereal food made from
whole wheat flour and malted barley, is probably
baked longer than any other cereal food.
IA large part of the starch of the wheat and
barley is changed into dextrin and grape-sugar in
preparing Grape-Nuts. This is one reason why
Grape-Nuts is so easily digested by even the
most delicate people.
Grape-Nuts is wheat and barley so processed
as to make it delicious and appetizing; even young
children thrive on it and grow strong and rosy.
Go to your grocer today and get a package
of Grape-Nuts. Eat it as a cereal with milk or
cream, or make it into a delicious pudding. It
will be enjoyed and relished by every member
of the family.
Grape-Nuts the Body Builder
“There’s a Reason”
He arises at 6 o'clock, takes a brisk
walk before breakfast. Then a more
strenuous bit of road work, inter
■ spersed with shadow-boxing. Next
comes a session with the punching
bag and chest works, after which the
j champion takes on four or five of his
; sparring partners for brief but brisk
ring practice. The rest of his day
is devoted to hand-ball, tennis aud
golf, with stimulating work-outs at
the hands of his corps of rubbers and
; trainers.
It’s worth your while to see the
' present-day methods of conditioning,
which include games and exercises un
heard of in the old days of the ring,
j Jack Dempsey’s day seems more like
the routine of a college athlete than
the usual conception of a World’s
Heavyweight Champion fighter pre
paring to defend his title.
‘‘The Foolish Age” is a farce, a pic
ture that will amuse the young fel
low and his girl who come not to do
any heavy thinking but to laugh and
enjoy a bit of good fun. It is a light ’
comedy of good quality, breezy, fast
moving and presents the star. Doris
May, as a sprightly and pleasing young |
heroine encountering many amusing ,
adventures. The patrons of the Circle E
I will find it a welcome relief from such .
pictures as “A Wife’s Awakening” and j
other examples of pictures designed !
to force a bit of deep thinking on an : ,
The story deals with a young lady t
whose advertisement for -a secretary
brings so many applicants that she j (
is what authors call “beseiged.” One j
! of the job-hunters, gentleman with a
tin ear and a protuberant chin lands
the position by ousting all the others.
The above description is sufficient to 1
place Bull Montano in the part in the *
minds of those up on screen charac- .
ters and it is he who gives us one of
his most laughable roles. How the
girl Margie tries to uplife the gang of
Tracey's Landing Grade and High
School will give “Rosemary,” a
Southern play, in the near future and
the grade children will assist with
another short play. This club has
the distinction of having five first
class Girl Reserves, who have worked
j off over one hundred and twenty
j honors. They also have several sec
, ond-class Girl Reserves, working off
over a hundred honors. These honors
are under Health, Knowledge, Serv
ice, and Spirit.
Contractor and Builder
Weather Strip* for Door* and Window*.
Is That Cold and
Cough Hanging On?,
YOU will be convinced that Dr.
King’s New Discovery does just
what it is meant to do —soothes cough
j raw throats, congestion-tormented
| chests, loosens the phlegm pack and
I breaks the obstinate cold and grippe
I attack, relieves the congestion in the
i head. No harmful drugs, therefore
j good for children as well as grownups.
| Right away you will notice the
I change for the better. Has a con
i vincing, healing ta;tc that you will
| appreciate. Buy a bottle at any drug
gists on the way heme to-night, 60c.
I Dr. King’s
New Discovery
For Colds and Coughs
Lazy People, Lazy Bowels. Don’t
neglect constipation. It undermines i
the health, takes all vim out of '
you. Dr. King’s Pills will invigorate |
the system, stir up the liver, move the j
bowels. All druggists, 25c.
Dr. King’s Pills
toughs and her adventures with them
make a picture that is bound to please
those enjoying the lighter type of pho
A Harold Lloyd comedy, also on the
bill, gives us some more good fun.
making a program in which the comic
element is stressed. The Pathe Re-;
view has some especially interesting
features tonight.
Consumption of artificial gas by j
households and industries in the j
United States has doubled since 1910, j
the total amount used in 1920 being
319,887,813.000 cubic feet.
It seems likely that the Yap prob
lem may’be adjusted before the dis
armament conference, which will, at
least, settle the status of about 10
acres of the earth's surface. —Colum-;
bia Record.
A Little Sound Advice Mill Help,
Many A Sufferer 111 Annapolis
No woman should consider herself
healthy and well if the kidneys are
weak. Toisons that pass off in the
secretions when the kidneys are well,
are retained in the body when the
kidneys are disordered. If the kidneys
and bladder become inflamed and
swollen worse troubles may quickly
follow. This is often the cause of
bearing-down pains, lameness, back
ache, etc. Uric poisoning is also fre
quent cause of headaches, dizzy spells,
languor, nervousness and rheumatic
When suffering so, try Doan’s Kid
ney Pills, a remedy that has proven
effective in thousands of such cases.
Ask your neighbor! Let an Annapolis ■
Feel Old?
Overwork, worry, anxiety or sorrow
undermines strength and health. These
causes contribute to kidney trouble, end
weak or diseased kidneys make one
feel old in middle age.
|oley pills
help weak, overworked or diseased kid
neys and bladder so that the syetem is
free from waste end poisonous mutter
that causes one to feel old, tired, lan
guid. They banish backache, rheu
matic pains, sore muscles, stiff joints.
Mrs. J. D. Miller, Syracuse, N. Y.. v/rites:
* For many years i suffered with kidney troublo
and rheumatism. 1 bad n severe backache and
lelt miserable end all ployed out, 1 got to a
place where 1 had to do something After tak
ing two bottles of Foley Kidney Fills 1 can nay
my backache ia gone, und where I used to lay
awake et night with rheumatic puina I cun now
alaap in comfort und emoy a good night'a real.**
Oscar Shack’s Dept. Store
Friday, Nov. 4
. i . ■"■■■' 1— "*
Great Anniversary
and Clearance Sale

I Our Enormous Stock of goods, at such low
I prices, that should change the entire situa-
I tion in Annapolis. ,
It Will Pay You To Wait!
See Tomorrow’s Evening Paper
I For Full Particulars
I Oscar Shack’s Dept. Store
1 35-37-37y 2 West Street /;
woman tell of her experience.
Mrs. W. T. Cadell, 113 Charles St..
Annapolis, say?: "1 can recommend
Doan's Kidney Pills as a reliable rem
edy. I have used them with benefit.
, M.v kidneys were weak and 1 often
had dull backaches and felt run down
and languid. The action of my k!d
ueys was irregular. 1 us.'tl Doan’s
l Kidney Pills as directed an l they re
lieved the backaches and other signs
j of kidney complaint."
Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan’s Kidney Pills th> line that
Mrs. Cadell had. Foster-Mill.urn Co..
Mfrs. Buffalo. X. Y.
People Notice It. Drive Them
Off with Dr. Edwards’
Olive Tablets
A pimply face wifi not embarrass you
much longer if you get a package of
Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets. The skin
should begin to clear after you have
taken the tablets a few nights.
Cleanse the blood, bowels and liver
with Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets, the
successful substitute for calomel; there’s
no sickness or pain after taking them.
Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets do that
which calomel docs, and just as effec
tively, but their action is gentle and
safe instead of severe and irritating.
No one who takes Olive Tablets is
ever cursed with a "dark brown taste, ”
a bad breath, a dull, listless, “no good ”
feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad
disposition or pimply face.
Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable
compound mixed with olive oil; you
tvill know them by their olive color.
Dr. Edwards spent years among pa
tients afflicted with iiver and bowel
complaints and Oliye Tablets are the
immensely effective result. Take one of
two nightly for a week. See how much
better you feel and look. 15c and .40c.
1 Finds countless uses in the
kitchen. It cleans cutlery,
kettles, tins, porcelain, china,
MM L* earthenware, linoleum, oil
cloth, refrigerators, tile, marble,
mIM shelves and floors. See that
I * S r.\ | the name SAPOLIO is on
... , j Sole Manufacturer*
y V— * New York U. S. A.
Notice this delicious
flavor when you
smoke Lucky Strike
it’s scaled in by
the toasting process
CL! ■' —i i
I The strongest com
pliment ever paid to
, Scott's Emulsion;
I is the vain attempts at |
imitation. Those L
who take cod-liver I
oil at its best, take ; l/ |
L Scott's Emulsion. a
Scoff K Bowi’C, Hh' rtnflj. I*l, N J 2ft

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