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If l I \ j \ ’ i - Social and Personal IT The Earth-Dweller (Hdene Mullins in The Forum.) Because I play in the sun, H<> you think its rays Never scorch me? Because I laugh at life, Bo you think it never thrust Its sharp point Into my heart? VisititiK At Murray Mill M, of E:i t Orange, N. J., visiting pr and Mra William X B'*tl;H. y. Southgate avenue,and 11 ir *ly remain In Annapolis a Week or 10 days. (• iM“>t Oi. Mr. Anil Mrs t.union t lamle Mi s I’eggy Baxter, daughter of '•aval Conatructor \V. T. Baxter, l;. N and Mrs. Baxter Is the guest of .Mr Gordon Claude for a week. nder-Fislihtirn t\ eliding Tin* marriage of Miss Isabelle Fish liurn, daughter of Mrs. Louise Gif 1< n l'i hhurn. to Ensign William Val < ntim Alexander. Jr, United States Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Valentine Alexander, took place at noon today at the homo of the ! i 1 < mother. Only the two families and a few intimate friends witness 'd t ceremony, at which the ltev. Or. 11. I'. A1 rnon - Abbott officiated and which was followed by a large breakfast. Miss Fishburn wore a gown of white satin trimmed with M e point lace with a court train. Her veil was made of tulle and' re e point caught with orange blos soms, and she carried a shower j I iimjnet <.f lilies of tho valley and! bride roses. Ensign Alexander is at i pro cut attached to tin* Atlantic I Fleet. * | Oilicers’ Mop l.ust \itrlil The last ofneers’ hop of the season ! given lard, night in the Naval Acad emy odleers’ mesa was largely attend < d. and was preceded by a number of dinners and supper parties. These \\ > dtirrdny night dances have been among the most popular affairs of tlie part winter. Slipper I’jhlj A! \A ardour Mr and Mrs. Carrvl Bryan, of War dour, gave a supper party last night ' in compliment to tile Superintendent i of l lie Naval Academy and Mrs. Wil ■ on. Many of their guests afterwards went on to tho officers’ hop in the Naval Academy. Mill (.ire l adles’ Luncheon Alt James M. Munroe will onter t:ini at luncheon tomorrow in compli ment to Mrs. Henry 15. Wilson and Mr;. Uhillips Lee Goldsborough, of Baltimore. Mirr Jessie Garrison, who is visit ing friends on the Eastern Shore, will i return home Saturday morning. Milliter I'arty l ast Mght (' unmander and Mrs. T. deF. Harris gave a dinner last niglit afterwards taking their guests to tho officers' hop. Covers were laid for twelve. Clipper Parly ill' s altirila> Mr and Mrs. George A. Webster have nt out invitations for a supper j : m y next Saturday niglit, which will • v erved al fresco on the lawn of tin*! 1 ■'<’ ; • on Luce’s Greik. which they! • r or, apying for the early summer. 'li 1 B. ’oopof, of Honolulu, gave <'t t" it ' runtherland Arms yesterday j in i or r of her son. Midshipman Jack (’nope Mrs. Cooper and her daugh ter ar m their way home front a to Europe. Mere Fur June Meek Mi tohbfe Jett and her mother, dr:'. .1 "o!ii9, of Kansas City, have ’’nc i A ;. John A, Larrimore. who is npyi the Cusachs house on King c.corge root for the spring, and will '■tin vith her until after Junci W, ek. I.uin been Party Vt -Seu in" Mrs. 1 'hard Morton of “Severn.”j ts ent ut invitations for a ladies'j l.:ruh. in on Wednesday next. i cave Ki r Mine l.’blge Summit Airs 1 oort Milligan, widow of! ihar-Vd;: a! Milligan. and her ■■■ iter Miss Mollie Milligan, who ond he inters at Carvel Hall, have' :.e to i io Ridge Summit and are! > tabiislu for, the summer in the! cottage Mrs. Milligan’s other; daughter, Mrs. Tench Tilghman, of Norfolk. BREEZE INN A\N\!*OMS MOUI.FVVHI) Minutes out LUNCH and TEA fcptrial: (li rken Waffle Dinner. Sl.tS. BAXCtSO. CARDS, l’tion, : Aruiiger. V F-15. ; n- Captain And Mrs. Mere Captain and Mrs. Stanford E Moses spent a few hours here yesterday vis iting his neohew, who is a midship man. Captain Moses is in command of the Arkansas. Vl*if,r Vi ii..ltiiiiore Flower Mart Among tb? Annapolis visitors at the Baltimore Flower Mart yesterday were Mrs. George Abratfn Moss and, Miss Sara Sutherland, who were ac companied by Mrs. Arthur Owens, of Greenock. Of particular local inter est was the exhibit of the work done at Crownsville. which was sim'lar to that shown last November a* the Anne l Arundel Co inty Fair held in the Bladen street armory. C.i'r<i Pert lee In County Mrs. Arthur Owens, of Greenock, will give a card party on Saturday afternoon for the benefit of the Near East Relief Fund which is being rais ed by tho Women’s Club. This will ie the second subscription card party for this purpose, cne being given to night at the Duvldstmvillo Hall by j Mrs. St. George Barber and Mrs. Jos eph Bigelow, Jr. Mrs. Kate Kerr, of Cambridge, was the overnight guest of Miss Lucy Red mond, of Madison street, yesterday. K< tnrnv From Hospital Commodore Edward Lloyd, who has been a patient at the Naval Hos j pital for the past three weeks is much j improved and has joined Mrs. Lloyd ; .it their apartment in tho Bryce j House. • Curd Party At I Murray Mill Captain and Mrs. John S. Strahorn I are entertaining a number of their married friends at two catd parties, tlie first of which they gave last night. There were nine tallies of players, who entoyed a game of “*>oo.” The first prize was won by F. J. Schmidt, the second by John R. Taylor, and tho third by Mrs. Albert Lefller. Captain •ml Mbs. Strahorn will give a bridge party this evening. ; Buffet Supper Last Night Lieutenant and Mrs. Wallis Gearing gave a large supper party last night. ! before tin* officers’ hop in the Naval Academy. Guests who came from Baltimore for it were Mr. and Mrs. John Brooks. Miss Virginia Jenkins, of Norfolk, is also a house guest of j Mr. and Mrs. Gearing. Airs Lucas Visiting in Washington Mrs. Sara Bell Williams Lucas and her sister. Miss Elinor Williams, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Thomas A. j Chatard in Washington. Mrs. Wil liams will re-open her summer home at "Naumana” on the 15th of this month. , i Mrs. Edward I). Washburn is en- I tertaining at three tables of bridge this afternoon. 1 —’Schiller. Special Bargains! For Two Days Only Friday and Saturday AT MAX SNYDER’S 57-59 WEST STREET Our Spring Offering of Ladies’ and Gent’s Footwear Ladies’ Pat. High Heel GREAT REMTTIONS IX Pumps. $5.00 Value, yg CHILDREN’S PI MPS • N °' ,v All Styles All Shades. Ladies’ Low Heel Patent Special reductions in our full 1 uml “- *2 98 “° ( *•"•* Sko., and Ox- Rubber Heel* fords at the right price. Ladies’ Tan Trlraraed Men’s Tan Wing Tip Ox- ? rt , Q& fords in the want- dQ QQ Oxfords. . .-. tD *l/0 up ed ishaties -. xbO*i/0 up Ladies’ Satin Pumps Baby Mens aDtl Boys’ Sco „ ts _ . n."l 3 .. . 52.98 „„ $1.69 $1.981 laidios Tan t alf Wmg Tip ORF VT ltFnn'Tinw iv nrn Brogue Oxfords. dJO CA rAT ni.IM l TIIrXN IX OCR Rubier Heels U n EI’LL LINE OF MEN’S - AX’D BOYS’ C LOTHING Ladies' Vici Cushion Comfort Prices- cut in half. High and Low Shoes— ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ $1.69 nnd 81.98 , B r: 98c „ These unmatchable values cannot be beaten anywhere, and as the sale is for Friday and Saturday only, come early and avoid the rush. MAX SNYDER, 57 West Street. '*•< \ - Y-* * • • *1 (’1 l' *' NOTED ATHLETE AWN SHAPE Jos. F. Green Declares Tanlat Has Completely Restored His Shattered Health Nearly everybody in Elizabetl either knows or has heard of Josept |F. Green, the popular athletic direc j tor residing at 132 East Jersey street Mr. Creeti Pas conducted a gym nasium in Elizabeth for the past foui years. He is also a veteran of the World War. a member of the Ameri can Legion of New Jersey, and has the respect and esteem of all who know him. Mr. Green has suffered much annoy ance during the past two years, due he says, to a bad case of stomach which resulted in a general run-down condition. As his ailments persistently 'tfused to yield to the ordinary treatment. Mr. Green recent ly concluded to try the new medicine. Paiilac. Thaf first bottle helped him so much that he purchased another. But let "Mr. Green tell his own story Here is his statement: "Tanlac has just the same as made ;> new man of me. It is the only medi cine I know anything about that does all that is claimed for it. I was in , such a badly run-down condition on account of stomach trouble that 1 wonder now how I ever managed to keep on my feet. 1 had no desire for food of any kind and often went all day without eating a bite. After eat ing I would suffer awful pains in and about my stomach and all foods, even milk, affected me the same way. “1 lost twenty pounds in weight and my friends expressed so much con cern about my condition that I be came alarmed and began to worry. My sleep was badly broken from nerv ousness and I would get up mornings feeling even worse tired and worn out than when I retired at night. I had no energy and felt unfit for any thing. “It certainlv was lucky for me that I began taking Tanlac. for I am now as physically fit as I ever was in my life. Gone are my sleepless nights, and talk about appetites; my, I can hardly eat enough to satisfy me, and food has never tasted better or done me more good. AM my stomach mis ery has left me and I have never felt more active and energetic. 1 have al ready regained ten pounds of my lost weight and am still on the gain. Tan lac is well worth recommending to everybody who is in need of some thing to build them up, and after what it has done in my case I cannot praise it too highly." Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. —(Ailv.) Apricot Sherbort Take one large can of apricots, or the same quantity of dried apricots after they arc soaked for several hours; one lemon, three-fourths of a cup of sugar, the stiffly beaten whites of four eggs, a pinch of salt and one ■ half cup of water. Rub the apricots j through a sieve, add the apricot juice. ! the strained juice of tho lemon, the sugar, water, salt and. whites of eggs Mix and freeze. —Washington Star. Against stupidity the very gods Themselves contend in vain. WORLD LECTURER TO SPEAK ABOUT - ETERNAL LIVING h k ® V&KKr ,{9 I, 1 A. H. MacMillan, internationally < known platform speaker anil keen o student of economic conditions, will - lecture at the Circle Playhouse on j . Sunday, May 14. at 3 o'clock. The! i title of his address will be “God’s . Kingdom Imminent”—Millions Now Living Will Never Die. During his travels in the United B States, Canada. Great Britain. Ger - many and various other parts of Eu * rope. Sir. MacMillan, it is stated. 1 learn facts which brought him to the 1 conclusion that the world need look * *or no relief from its sufferings, so ) far as human agencies are concerned. r He states from the platform that ' present conditions were accurately " foretold by Jesus Christ, and that the ! World War, subsequent famines, epi -1 demies, revolutions, etc., were writ-" ( ten in the prophecies of the Scrip * tures. The fact that Mr. MacMillan as serts that many who are now living will, through the medium of right un , derstanding and proper attunement. with God’s arrangements, perpetuate I their Jives on this earth, perhaps ac counts for the tremendous crowds which, it is said, invariably flock to < , the halls where he is to speak. Re- i . ports are that In numerous instances r where the crowd was so great that < but half might be accommodated in i ~ ————iwim— Unknown Focds A ,- V < ft > ' -ft ft 0 I * \ I You do not ask your fatty to sit down to the table witlyn known guests. Are you equally careful at&t the meats you invite them to Equally sure of wherethey co% from, what they are, who start sponsor for them? Nowadays, fortunately, th • risk is not great. But witf Swift & Company’s products n ' there is none. * j jj , . Swift & Company’s products are the result of years of experi ence, of careful, conscientious effort Wcll-knewn Fod of Their quality is a constant fac- Wcfl-known Qualify tor * always to be depended upon. The consumer is doubly pro- Ujjj SV )Ham PremiUm tected because, in addition to the 1 c . care used by Swift & Company, 1 Cooked Ham. Swi “ s food products are care- * 1 Swift’s Premium fuUy inspected by government Bacon. employes and bear the federal Swiffs Premium inspection stamp. Sliced Bacon S WOTd “Premium” on ham Dried Beef. or bacon means that we stake ' Swift’s “saver* our pride and the reputation of leaf* Brand years on that ham or bacon. Pure Lard. Jewel Shortening. , Swift', Premia® T heS ? P™*"* B hflve Oleomargarine. selected, cured, smoked, and Gem Nut handled by workmen who take Margarine the same pride in our products Brookfield Brand that we do. Pork Sausage. Brookfield 110(1 thus make certain that no . , Butter., strange or unknown food is in- Brookfield Eggs. troduced into the family circle! | / Swift & Company, XJ. S. A. V- - the auditorium, the speaker gave his iceture, dismissed one audience. saw the hall refill with a second audi ence. and lectured again on the same topic. Xo admission fee is charged at the lecture and no collection taken. Lo j cal citizens arranging for the lecture urge all to go early. ’ Young Women's Christian Association “I am come that they mltrbt have life and Unit they might have It more abundantly.** H‘- - ' In so far as w e arc a trne As- - delation wo ar* what we are be cause individual women and girls in the years of ~u r history have boifcvod in thfc principle of asso ciated effort. Annual Membership Meeting ■ lit* Annual Membership meeting of th< Anna;,oils y. \\ c A w|l , , u . hel.t at the Association building on !>ta,e Circle, Friday evening, May 12. at 5- o'clock. Reports will be given of all the work of the year by offl cei-. serrearies, and chairmen of each standing committee. Miss Safa Deitri k. National Town and Countv Secretary from Philadelphia, will bo the speaker of the evening. Miss Deitruk Is just returning from the Nation:! iCoi: vent ion at Hot Springs. Arkans.s, and every woman of the I town anl county, is urged to be pres ent to l*ar „f the “Y” work of the past >eai riiere will also he an elec-' tion of Heard members to fill sev eral \acaies The business meet ing will b>followed by a social hour. I 4l Of Directors The regul.l n.onthly meeting of the Board of Bilptors will be held Mon day afternoi May 15th, at three o’clock. ItusineM Women's Club Last Monda\} V ening the Business Women met fo thc ]ast ()f thfi Rerjcs of lectures by *of. Ward Browning on “Higher in Business." The subject of k talk was “Making Hood in Businec The Hnb mem . hers have enjoyek n ,i appreciated the talks given bv Prof. Browning, y, next meeting will be next Monday aft ernoon and they will have a picnic at which Miss Dietrick will le the gues, of honor. June Week There are a number of requests daily for rooms for one. two and three days during June Week. Tho e hav ing rooms to rent for the last few day* will please register them at the Y. W. C. A, at once. I EMnomicat 11.u1... I |j ,1’ Pneumatic Tirce I Drmountabim I Rime. Your ehoica I I o f either tHc prv M Do you realize that the f tk**tandardfoar I Ford One-Ton Truck fo “£*•"*'*>**&£ ! at $430 is not only the most wonderful truck value ever offered but the most economical means of solving your haulage and delivery problems, whether you are a farmer, merchant or manufacturer? Let us give you all the facts. Colonial Motor Co. 204-8 West Street IXa-U .JLZA~. — T| lt t _ Strength, Security and Service! YEARS THIS BANK HAS SERVED THIS COMMUNITY FAITHFULLY AND WELL AND OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES FOR JRANSACTING EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BANKING BUSINESS. UUM OF Assets Over . . $2,500,000.00 WE PAY 4% INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ovep*soo° N DAILY CHECKING balances I DEL COUNTy ATIONAL BANK IN anne ARUN ~ THE ... Farmers National Bank OF ANNAPOLIS, MD. jj-Ltgi-ix . 1 illlThat Cold With ASCARA D QUININE Mpet and Coifhi L> Grippe I Neglected Colds are Dangerous / *ke r '.nccs. Keep this standard remedy handy for the firet aneeea. Breaks np a cold in 24 hoars Relieves Grippe in 3 days—Excellent for Headache Qoininerfg form docs not aifoct the head —Cascar* is bee. Tonic Laxativt Opiate in HiU’a. A DRUGGISTS SELL IT antr ' Clev v daughu. **-*>-> I for ne.irt, Foley's Honev l is now gone, it so she could raise u Honey and Tar is just should have for fever. 1 rough*. * snuffles” and tight breathing. Be sure to get Fo. lt checks croup and whooping oou too— (Adv.l