Newspaper Page Text
MOON’B PHk. r, CfK, 3 1,1.™ U * : “ *?£& 25. 4 THE GRAND JUBTS REPORT. r\ 1l^ ,e P o of the .Grand Jury which wasnndtd in today contains a number of valuable suggestions and recommenda tions, which if put into practice would revolutionize affairs in this county, and bring about "a consummation, devoutly to be wished." After commenting upou the public schools, to the advantage of the colored school over the white in the matter of exits, fire escapes, and commodious class rootps, the Grand Jury deplores the un necessary expense thrust upon the. tax payers of the county by summoning w,t|- nesses who “know nothing." Especially is this true of witnesses brought before the Grand Jury to testily in cases of flagrant violation of the law at Curtis Hay and Brooklyn. The Grand Jury also deplores the in creasing number of small cases at East port and in the lower part of the Third district, and suggests that the Legislature pass an act abolishing the offices of magistrate in these localities, ai d the cases be placed under the jurisdiction of magistrates in the city of Annapolis. They call attention to a loose observance ,r ... i o. mt iuw pnysicians to report contagious diseases, and suggest the Court take notice of the matter, and enforce the strict requirements of the law. The Grand Jury suggests that something be done to expedite matters in the way of completing repairs on South River bridge, the delay of which is the cause of much reasonable complaint on the part of residents in the lower part of ihe county. The report is complete and comprehensive, and it is hoped the recommendations and suggestions con tained therein may be productive of good to the taxpayers, and all others interested in the county’s welfare. At the meeting of the city council last night, two additional applications for saloons on Market Space were re fused. The refusal to grant same was bitterly fought for and against the saloons. At the last meeting, the con sideration of these applications was, on motion of Alderman Henkel postponed so that protests could be heard. Tem perance organizations and parents pro tested that they were unnecessary, and in too close proximity to the public school. Counsellor Claude made an eloquent speech in which he set forth the un wholesome influence of the saloon on the public school children, and he opposed them not only for this reason, but be cause they were a menace and a curse to any community. Counsellor Claude "•plications were not in good • were signed by men in most of whom were ss themselves, and resident of llalti ditional saloons he urged the ations which 'incus vote *he stand 'e, and t.d.gating .y influence ... ...c children of this noh Smith has issued his sgiving Proclamation which ap. another column. In his procla mation the Governor says “The people of Maryland have great cause to be thankful, that through the mercy of Al mighty God we have been free from pestilence and disaster, and have been blessed with peace and prosperity." The (iovernor in compliance with the President’s Proclamation, sets apart Thursday, November 28, as a day o* Thanksgiving and prayer, and he asks the people to “rest from all secular em ployment, and devote the day to appro priate religious gatherings, social festivi ties and helping the poor and unfortu natc." Strikes A Rick Find. “1 was troubled lor several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debili ty,” writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster, N. H., “No remedy helped me until I began using Electric Hitters, w hich did me more good than all the medicines 1 ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health toyyears. She says Electric Bitters are just splendid for fe male troubles; that tney are a grand ton ic and invigorator for weak, run down women. No other medicine can take its place in our family.” Try them. Only 50 cents. Satisfaction guaranteed by Feldmeyer Bros. City Druggist. * HMdache b*d? Oct Dr MU' Pain Pina. V o{B. of the da,,, en alike. Out ed 65 of them got u*. waa reached and carefully *>. wrong handle bar to assist then. , alighting. Out of 114 men none took 1 other than the proper clutch contriv ance. Seven of them, however, invited the foo’killer'a attention. They jumped off while the car was speeding rapidly. Any Washingtonian can prove the truth Conductor 9999’s assertion by keeping eyes peeled when street car riding. DEAEH MISSED HIS MARK. Harrow Eieapei of Ballroa* Men from Impending l)later—One with a Toneh of Comedy. A group of railroaders ant and talked on narrow escapes, says the Philadelphia Record. One of them said: “On a certain afternoon I was walking over a one-track trestle 50 feet high. A train came on me and I. had to step off the track and stand -m the little space—a space less than A foot wide—between the track and tho trestle’s edge. I stood there, facing the train, and as it went by, to keep myself from losing my bal ance, for only my toes were on the ties, mv'ntfMg 11 in the air —I had to take hold nncv\jjj R P ,, l n of the various parts of ttt* en F’ n< ’ and of the coaches. Of cot^' se . train wasn’t going fast. Oth^j, vv^so * should have been shaken ofT\ u . n< t. killed. t “In the way of scares I hnve\J iaf * my share, too, but one of my greft/* est shocks had comedy In it. We haH*, on our division a shifting engine that ran as softly and silently as an en gine in a dream —a wonderful ma chine she was—for fair. Well, one day I was walking the tracks and thinking, when a pleasant voice right behind ine murmured: ‘Say, hadn’t you better get off and let us go by?* I turned in astonishment, for I had thought I was alone, and the shifting engine was halted with her cowcatcher hardly a yard from my back. They had shut off every thing, glided down on me and tried to see how near to me they could stop.” OLDEST DOLITn AMERICA. “Geornln," Ownel By Mrs. Lincoln, of Chelsea, Massachusetts., Has Ex isted In Three Centuries. The oldest doll, as far as known, in any part of this country, is “Georgia,” the property of Mrs. Alice L. Lincoln, of Chelsea, Mass. “Georgia,” being over a hundred years old, can well boast of having “lived” in three centuries. Four gen erations of children have petted and beaten her by turns, and, although her smiling countenance bears many a mark of “tho whips and scorns of time,” and her shapely brown head, with an occasional ugly dent, would seem to indicate that the skull might easily stand a little trepanning, never theless this children’s idol of bygone duys is in a remarkable state of pres ervation. “Georgia” was originally a “south ern lassie” and was raised in Mil ledgeville, Ga., “befo* de wah.” She was given to Mrs. Lincoln’s mother, in exchange for a ring, by Miss Weekes, nn old schoolmate. The latter’s mother had previously paraded the doll in the doll carriage of her times, and perhaps if Georgiacould only use the artificial tongue with which she is provided her previous family history might prove her right ful eligibility to the Society of Coloni al Dames. A Hoard of Shlnplaaters. A rather unusual and unique de posit was made at the Lynnrille bank recently. Aunt lletsy White, an old negro woman, brought a large roll of “shinplasters,” amounting to $9.85 in 50, 25 and 10-ceut pieces. The pa per bills show they have been handled with care, despite the fact that the old woman claims to have had them in her possession since 1863. Big Money In Potatoes. It is estimated that one county on the eastern shore of Virginia, con taining a population of about 13,000, sold this year 550,000 barrels of Irish potatoes at a profit of $1,000,000, which means that every man, woman and child in the county would be en titled to receive, if the money were distributed pro rata, something more than $75 from one crop alone. To remove a troublesome corn or bun ion: First soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soften it, then pare it down as closely as possible without draw ing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice daily; rubbing vigorously.for five minutes at each application. A corn plaster should be worn for a few days, to protect it from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains, btuises, lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm is unequal* ed. For sale by Feldmeyer Bros. City ! Drug Store. * Id the tim. ANNE fKANku.*, rsctiou or her La*t Wifi a her Exactor. In the Orphans’ Court for Anne Arundel County, Maryland. ORDKKKD this 7th day of November, nineteen hundred and one. by the Orphans’ Court lor Anne Arundel County, Maryland, that the sale made by J. Wirt Randall, Executor of the Last Will and Testam.-ntof ANNE KHaNK- Lin. deceased, under the authority and in ac cordance with the directions of a*id last will and testament, ana reported to this Court, be ratified and conttrxcd, unless cause to the con trary thereof b. shown on or before the 7th DAY UK DECEMBER NEXT. Provided a copy of this Order be inserted in some newspaper published in the City of An napolis, once in each of three successive weeks before the said 7ih day of December next. Ihe report states the amount of sales to be ♦5,060. ALFRED IJAMS, C. J. HENRY WOUUWAKD, A. Ji True Copy Test : LUTHER A. PALMER. Register of Wills lor Anne Arundel yelintjr. ORDER NISI. ;- In the matter of the Sale of the MortgagbS Rfa! Estate of RACHEL tiUEKN, RICHARD BADEN, Trustee. tn the Circuit CourJ for Anne Arundel County No. *2381 Equfly. ' ORDERED, this tith*day of T.HH That the sale of th# property meutionyH in these proceeding* nlinS mJ repotted hy /aihe M. Muuroe, Attorney named In the-tSorVaße tiled in this case be rat ified uiVi confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof,,. be khoifai olkd* before V \ A V-T ' E Oth DAY 0* DKCKM OKV, Provider, a cogy ot, this order bMuseTCd On some newApapo* published-in Ahm- Aruu 'bC county, once i%\each of throe successive weo\& before the of Deaetaj^r next N ' ' ' The report s, A to£ ttto amount of‘iiles To be Traeropy, Test- . r 4 *-- Proposals will be r.eckiviolMiik Bureau of Nafiamion, fiav* Washington, D. 12 -tfclSck noon, Wednesday, NovemtjfOfc liWI, rfjfdthere pub licly opened thereatttr, lor a Cadets Quarters HuilditigMm the U. h. Natal Academy. Annapolis, Wdff Blank forms of proposals and specifications will _be furnished, and plans may be seen, on application at the Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department, Washington, D. C., at the U. tJ. Naval Academv, Annapolis, Md , or at the Office of Ernest Flagg, Architect, 35 Wall Street, New York Bids will oe received on all or any part of the work. Contractors wishing to bid on all the work may obtain complete sets of drawings (So sheets) at the Architect's Office, 35 'Wall Street, New York, by depositing S6O, $lO of which will be refunded on the return of the drawings. Contractors wishing to bid on part of the work only, may obtain such of the draw ings as they will need, to be used by them for a tew days and returned, on application to the Architect. No charge will be made for these drawings if promptly returned to the Architect. -A. S. CROWNINSHIELD, Chief of Bureau. Oct. 16, 1901. 021 NOTJ C E Stockholders Meeting W. B. & L. Assn. The annual meeting ot the Stockhold ers or the Workingmen's Building and Loan Association ot Annrpolis, A, A. County, Md., will be held in the office o the Association, Main or Church Street, 0a Wednesday Evening, November 20, *Ol, AT 8 O’CLOCK. It is desirable that all Stockholders who can possibly make it convenient to attend, will be on hand. LOUIS H. REHN, President. SAMUEL JICKLING, Secretary. 029 FOR SALE or to LEASE. A Water Front Property. A One of the most valuable Wharf Properties ITT A.rSTTT-A.IPOXJIS HARBOR 5 Situated on deep water in the Basin about 80 feet front and running back about 200 ft. to Compromise street, ana belonging to the AN NAPOLIS CAN NINO CO. This is a rare op pot tunity to purchase at a reasonable price, a deep water wharf property with Brlok Building of present usefulness and of great prospective value, due to the Govern ment’s gradual absorption on the available water frontage. For full information, price, Ac., inquire of J. BUCHANAN HENRY, 0237 For Owner, Hotel Maryland. Miss Mart Nicholson Migroder, (A graduate of the Elliman Kindergarten Train ing School of New York City.) WILL KE-OPEN HER KINDERGARTEN. Oor. Maryland Avenue and State Circle, (Y. M. O. A. HALL.) Wednesday. October 9tti, 1001. For Circulars of terms, etc, apply to 52 Glou cester Street or Jones’ Book Store. 8.4 m THE IXNAPOUB Savings Institution. OPEN DAILY (Sundays and Legal Holidays excepted,) From 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. OPEN TUESDAYS <C SATURDAYS tLegal Holidays excepted.) From 4 p. m. to <i p. m. INooody need have Neuralgia. Get Dr. MUoe Pfki PUla t*m druggists “One om*t a doaa* f i ' r ‘ | Htlanttc anfc pacu.. I Eea Company * 14 Main Street. 1 i i: They Will Put | t New Life in You. o T if Excelsior . . . ♦ t | . Malaria Tablets, l i Sure cure for Chills, pre- ♦ <► vents .Ague, Malaria, Bil- | iousness aud all Stomach t <> and Liver Troubles. <► i <► Sold at alNlruggists, 25c. 2 ifAlFiin House For Real.lMl Also Murkri FarmiM anti iinild* iaig LAIN For Kale. The undersigned, owner, will rent tho Farm House aud grounds of the same by the month, on the farm situate on the shell road near the city, adjoining the Davis and Courtis property. Also will sell at private sale, B*i±XcliXL lx*ts fronting on the shell road-in any size to suit purchasers per front foot. Will also sell the lots in the rear ol the property, suitable for small truck farms, on bids. The properly is most eligible for cottage residences, being with in a quarter of tT mHc T>f the city limits, with <i*tvantage of reservoir water that passes in (root of the property. For furtner information adil\v-s, 1 I. K. CARI.INO, Sl4 1217 Argyle Avenue, Baltimore, Md. ®AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAxaaaa f • • < Doing Business t \ at the Old Stand 1 ► ]L. CLAYTON, Agt.| * Has reopened liis Store ► < with a Fresh Stock of £ ]FAMILY GROCERIES,| 4 AT THE OLD STAND £ * ► • 38 Market Space, Annapolis, Md. t 1 ► < where he hopes to see ► 5 all of his old customers. ► * Orders promptly at- t j tended to and goods de- ► 3 livered free. ► l L. S. CLAYTON, Agt„ J 38 Alarket Space. fTumTTmTTTffumTf* Jos. A. Brown & Go., Refllsterefl-Sanitaru # PLUMBE RS^ And Gas Fitters NO. 7 FRANGIS STREET. Orders by -mail promptly attended to and estimates furnished. si 3m FOR SALE. £ BUILDING LOTS* Near Annapolis, on Bay Ridge Road. The undersigned will offer at private sale, sev eral BUILDING LOTS fronting on the shell road near Spa Branch Hill, about quarter of a mile from Annapolis. The-e lot* win be sold to 1 suit purchaser, with a depth of I*so feet, and at a bargain. T.iese los are desirable as resi dent*. only a few minutes walk to the city. For full particulars apply to W. D. K. LKE, or FRANK H. STOCKETT, 3 63m Annapolis Md Notice to Oreditorß. 1 _____ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Sub scriber, of Anne Arundel County, has ob tained from the Orphans’ Court of Anne Arundel County, in Maryland, letters testa mentary on the personal estate oi ANNK FRANKLIN, late of Anno Aruade! County, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased, are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers, there of, to the subscriber, on or before the ‘2Bth DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1901. They may otherwise, by law, be excluded - from all benefits of the Baid estate. All per -7 sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 28th day of - May, 190 L J. WIKT RANDALL, Executor. d la judt'l week 8 astaut. ,K, Judge. True copy, , „O , BUJ , c , OTt , ORDER NISI. In the Matter of the Mortgaged Real Kstste of RASIL QI’KKN and MAKGARtiT QUEEN his wife. In the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County No. 2375 Equity, ORDERED. this fourth day of November nineteen Hundred and one. That the sale of the propi rty mentioned in these proceedings, made and reported bv l'auiel K. Randall, At torney, te ratified and confirmed unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or tssforo THE FOURTH DAY OK DECEMBER NEXT. Provided, a copy of this orderin' insert ed in some newspaper published in Anne Arundei County, once in each of t hree successive weeks before the fourth day of December nest. The report states tlie amount of sale to be one bund ed and fifty dollars. GKO. WELLS. Clerk. TmeCopy, Tost GKO. WELLS. Clerk. Notice to Creditors. Notrk is hereby oxven, That the subserib cr, of Arundel county, has obtained from tlie Orphaus’ Court of Anne V ~ a 1 conut... in Marvlaud, letters testament* * ’ “ personal estate of LUCKKTI V TYDlfc. of Anqe Arundel county, deceased. Ak claims against the deceased, ai-S Tt* to exhibit the same, with the AjfiOL to the subscriber, on or before tii 30th DAY OK APKII.. AHW. They may otherwise, by law. be excluded, from all benefit of the said estate. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 30th day of Oc tober, 1901. SALLIK E. TYPINGS, Executrix. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given,that the sut seriber. of Anne Arundel county, has ob tained from the Orphaus’ Court of Anne Arundel county, in Maryland, Letters of Ad ministration on the personal estate of AGNESC. DITTY, late of Anne Arundel County, deceased. Ali persons having claims against the deceased, are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 3,lth DAY OK JANUARY, 1902. They may otherwise, by law, be excluded from all benefit of the said eßtate. All per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Olven under my hand this 27th day of Aug ust, 1901. ROBERT H. DITTY, .. Administrator Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given. That the subscriber. Of Anne Arundel county, has obtained from the Orphans’ Court of Anne Arundel county in Maryland, letters of ad ministration, on the real estate of CATO RKAM, late of Anne Arundel county, deceased. All person having claims against the deceased, are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before THE 10th DAY OF JANUARY, 1902, They may otherwise, by law, bo excluded from all benefit of the said estate. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment. Given under my hand this 9th day of July, 1901. UANNAH PRAM, Administratrix. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given, k hat the subscriber, of Anno Arundel county, has obtained from the Orphans’ Court of Anne Arundel county, in Maryland, letters of administration on the personal estate of JAMES HENRY COLEMAN, late of Anne Arundel county, deceased.— All persons leaving claims against the deceased, are hereby warned to exhibit the tame, with the vouchers thereot, to the sulsaSfter, on or before the 3rd DAY OK JANUARY, l!*fc They may otherwise, by ;w, be clfcxcluded from all benefit of the said estate All indebted to said estate are requested flo make immediate payment. Given unoer my hand this 2nd day 1901. Jr WILLIAM F. MINNU Admin A <JIIIII’ Notice to Credi Notice is hbrebj ora * subscriber, of ABne • has obtained from the O-aK Anne Arundel County, tr y ’ oi administration to John 31. •' personal estate of Gabamas Anne Arundel County, having claims against the si nereby warned to exhibit toe vouchers thereof, to the or before the •2nd I*AY OF APKIL, 1W They may otherwise by law, b from all benefitsof the said estate, sons indebted to said estate are retyf make immediate payment. Given under my hand this f October, ISWI. JOHN H.MATTHKW"C Notice to Cred NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Tt sc fiber, of Anne Arundel county, K from the Orphans’ Court of A*i\ county, in Maryland, letters of a4>\ & on the personal estate of HOHAJP \ OCT, late of Anne Arundel county, 4 All persons having claims against tttt are nereby warned to exhibit the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, cs^ re . THE 12th DAY OF DECEMBER \ They may otherwise, by law, be \ all benefit of the said estate. All p| , n . \ debted to said estate are requested to i| m . 1 mediate payment. - if Given under my hand this 12th dayi nP \ 1901. ’ V FRANK ROGERS RIDOCfe Admin ■ Building Lot* For Kale. SIX OR BIGHT BUILDING LOTS tt Sb Road nearly opposite Duval • Qr n* city limMß. Apptjr to J MW WM. IT 1 / xHi r . '* burg, woiuu 8. 3U p. in da iaio, 1 via t 8,46 p. ui. 0- burg, hi~a Dams port, a w eaters a way);) ole Niagara t 11.41 u. m. Idtt^fc-'i. Kali' . For fut .sei into. Pass ~ er Agt-ut Sou.tuuc net t tcenth and u su., vs a Jf. E .iOTCHIMSOH, J. ik, Gen. Manager coo. . • tfesieiii flarjiaM HaiMS. l aving effect sept. 29, A t*ol. Trains leave Hi lieu Malum, Uaito. at follows daily; 48U is- last man for N A W. 'outbann south , w 'Ot.Gtjiidou, .\ = et • \v ~ • Union liilugt-. Men a. a:s , t ! t- lL U) .<% i.i U XK,4‘ . v■ . lit: y ( V, 1 H ‘ port, 1* V H it. DAILY XXOBBT BDSbAT 7fix m. Aeeoui. to, division, era: u line oast ... also U a H it. 81’ugi-Mt.u Liai, bmppi :i j.-k, Kmmitstnir#.' and n'.ov , - 10 12 a m—Accommodal;>. u o; < 1 points on G a It ' Jt p ui- Accommodation for I’nion h. I.C |i m —Express ior kora ami i> ,v hi 4 lie p m Express lor pointson main line to Cherry Run, It * 0 V an-i N w .. for points south. 6. 30 p m—Acoocu. for Emory Grove. <li p m--Aoeom or Cuiou linuge. 11.25 p. m. Aocuiu. tor Emory urove bum days; 9<jb a m ■ Aeoom tor Union bi aa6 - p m —Accom for Union Ji 4 0 1 p ni-iiVOuainiuJui io" .0 ** r tAvevxmi. tor ' Ticket and baggag* Ail trains stop at U Fulton, Walbrook, iNc J. M. Hood, o. m., B. wjul f*uvr-iu, VYHOL few** ND US ' Alt. LdALSh COAL. ♦ d -AND- ) ♦ Olten Coal A Full Weight i tuarraLU rfaving 01. larged my iJoi 1’ ard and having a fuli supply of the beat READING COAL Of all the various sizes, 1 will sell to the public at the LOWEST LBIOEiS. Special prices will be given those who intend buying laigi quantity. 1 also handle STOVE WOOD, delivering It In lengths desired. Wrt. DUVAL, Jr.,* “ No. 129 Woet Stroet. HIEIITO and LUTES? ISTABLESt No. 61and63 West Street. J. H. V ansant, - Proprietor. W. H. VANBANT, Manager. Horses, Carriages, Phatoas aad Buggies, iTixi.© Clarences For Weddings. Visitinge, Ac. Teams Hired by tbe hour, day or week, at "■aonable rates. Attention paid to Roardlng Horses. *- v [ 4^. | iiiioic, tor Meamerslea Hh o.j ) -ir p. 1,. HHB a. 11. uocJUlc' H fcjt• Uls -WT n ■Y- ij uadexV MLf ei-n leaving 1' daV G daj 111 d hi, nUk dayb. w> • 1 1. 5.,.™ audVv ccatcr Point „H, I .1 , •’ pOIUUI btu'.e- Nos. K9.t ■PpfVPh eru y. oil •< No. 1, REUBEN t O T KX | Gem 1 a. .:, k T. 11. McDAN.NI I, I hvV/B §§ 1 “KTiin | WANDERINGS < AN D% f W| i 1 Saunter j • ings Through Pic 3 turesque Colorado?) 3 ILLUSTRATED