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New Victor Record Hits Out Today Swanee River Moon-Medley Waltz \ Introducing “Indiana Lullaby” ) . ... International Novelty Orchestra 10-inch Do It Again—Fox Trot (from “The French Doll”) v 75c Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra Mammy Lou Peerless Quartet) i B BB4 Pick Me Up and Lay Me Down in 10-inch Dear Old Dixieland Peerless Quartet) 75c California—Fox Trot Club Royal Orchestra) igggo Who Believed in You—Fox Trot 10 inch All Star Trio and Their Orchestra ) 75c Some Sunny Day—Fox Trot \ Paul Whiteman and His Rosy Posy—Fox Trot (from “The Blushing Bride”) v 10 j nch . Club Royal Orchestra McCREADY & CO. Francis Street at Main Headquarters for Victrolas and Victor Records AT THE CHURCHES ST. ANNE’S I’AHISII (I’rolroliint K|iUl'<i|>ill S Founded lAVt.) HKV. HOWARD l. JOHNSON, I*. I*. Hector. ST. ANNE’S < 111 IM Il 7:rtO A. M.— Holy Communion. 9:30 A. M.—Church School. 11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer. (First Sunday, Holy Com munion.) H:00 I*. M. —Evening Prayer. All sittings free and unassigned. ST. LI KE’S CIIAPKL KAHTI’ORT ItKV. Gl’.OKGt: It. SAVAGK 3:00 P. M.— Sunday School. 4:00 P.M.- Evening service. NAVAL ACADEMY CHAPEL 8:46 A.M. Celebration of the Holy Communion. 10:45 A. M.—Morning prayer and sermon. Preacher, the Ilight Rev. Charles H llrent, 1). 1)., Bishop of Western New York. Divine service (Morning prayer and sermon) will also be held in the Audi torium (Muhun Hall) at 10:45 A. M. CALVARY M. K. CHURCH 11. W. M'KGAN. l’astor. 9:45 A. M — Sunday School in Re ligious Education Build ing, Maryland Avenue and Prince George street. 9:45 A. M.—B rotherhooj Bible Class, held in church building. State Circle. “MANY AN OLD MAN is wearing young glasses. The glasses were all right years ago. but now lenses for older eyes are needed. This is a serious mistake which many make and which should not le overlooked. Let us examine your eyes every few months and care for thorn. “Rea./ our optical science articles" SADLER & SHARPE ASSOCIATE Optometrlsts-Optirlans *95 MAIN ST. ANNAPOLIS CALL 13 FOR TAXI SERVICE 11:00 A. M. —Church Nursery. 11:00 A.M.—Sermon by pastor. 7:15 P. M.—E p worth League Bright Hour. 11:00 A.M.—Sermon by the pastor. Public cordially Invited to be present. trinity m. e. CHURCH, south KKV. A. K. OWENS, Pastor. 10:00 A. M.—Sunday School and Men’s Bible Class. 11:00 A. M. — Sermon by the pastor. 7:45 P. M.—Epworth League. 8:15 I*. M. Evening service. A. J. Williamson, Afsst. Supt. . Anti-Saloon League will speak. Public invited to attend all services. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. S. K. PERSONS. I>. !.. Minister. 9:50 A. M.—Sunday School. 11:00 A.M.—Sermon by miuister. 8:00 1* M.—Evening grdi:3. ST. MARTIN’S EVANGELICAL 1 LUTHERAN CHURCH 5 FREDERICK 11. (3RAKPEK, Pastor. 9:45 A.M. —Sunday School. 11:00 A. M.—Preaching. 8:00 P. M. —German evening serv ice. A cordial invitation is extended to all. EASTPORT BAPTIST CHURCH IR. JOHN HOWARD EAGER, Pastor. 11:00 A. M.—Preaching service. 2:30 P.M.— Sunday School. 8:00 I*. M.—Preaching service. 8:00 P.M.—(Friday) Prayer • meeting. | All church members are urged to attend and public cordially invited. EASTPORT M. E. CHURCH REV. JOHN T. JAEGER. Minister. 10:00 A.M. —Men's Bible Class. 11:00 A.M.—Sermon by the pastor. Subject: “Father.” 2:30 P.M. —Sunday School. 7: 15 P. M. —Epworth league. 8:00 P. M.—Sermon by the pastor. The public is cordially invited to all services. EDWARDS CHAPEL REV. JOHN T. .lAEGEH. Minister. 2:00 P. M.—Sunday School. 3:00 P. M.—Sermon by the pastor. Subject: “Father.” The public is invited to all services. BIBLE STUDENTS KnishtN nf Pythias Hall 10:00 A. M. —Children's Bible Class. 11:00 A M.—Bible Study. “The Di vine Plan of the Ages.” 7:30 P. M.—Study. “Chronology.” All are welcome. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES 5* STATE CIRCLE 10:00 A. M. —Sunday School. 11:00A.M.—Subject: “Soul .and Body.” The reading room is open every j Wednesday from 3 to 5 P. M.. where . all authorized Christian Science lit erature may be read, borrowed or pur | chased. All cordially welcome. MT. MORIAH A. M. E. CHURCH REV. P. J. JORDAN, Pastor. 11:00 A. M.—Preaching by pastor. THE EVENING CAPITAL AND MARYLAND GAZETTE, ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND. SATURDAY, MAY 50, 1025 Subject: “I Can Not Come Down.” 2:30 P.M.—Sunday School. 8:30 I*.M.—Preaching by ttfe pas tor. Subject: “Without God in the World.” 8:30 P. M. —Wednesday. B i s h o p W. Sampson Brooks, of West Coast of Africa, will preach. Our friends, white and colored, are in vited to hear him. ASBCRY M. E. CHURCH 11:00 A.M.—Sermon by the pastor. 2:30 P.M. —Sunday School. 7:00 P.M. —Epworth League. 8:00 P. M.—Sermon by pastor. The public is cordially invited to attend all of these services. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (COLORED) REV. H. IT. PIERCE, Pastor. J. T. YOI’NG, Church Clerk. 11:00 A.M. —Sermon by the pastor. Subject: “Man and Woman—Choice.” 1:30 P. M.—Suiday School. 3: OO P. M.—Sermon by the Rev. Thomas Robison and singing by Mount Calvary Band. S:00P. M.—Sermon by the pastor. Subject: “Be of Good Cheer.” S:00P. M.—Tuesday. Entertain ment. Admission, 15 cents. All are welcome. Come one, come all. BIG PROGRAM^ ARRANGED FOR FARMERS’ DAY (Continued From Page 1.) dens, disease resistant tomatoes and cabbage, lime in relation to garden crops, gardening under glass, Irrigat ing garden crops. Orchard Fruits: Farm and com mercial orchards. Selection of var ieties. Pollenizations, making over an old peach orchard, spraying and cultivation, storage, propagation of fruit trees. Small Fruits: Varieties, culture, j training, insect and disease control, hot-house grapes. Floriculture: The relation of light* and length of day to bloom. Lawns,! trees, shrubs, perennial and annual flowers. College Baseball Scores Illinois, 11; Notre Dame* 3. Haverford, 6; Franklin and Mar-! shall. 5. Villanova at Holy Cross—rain. Dartmouth at Seton Hall—rain. C C. of New York, 3; St. Francis. 2. SAMUEL W. BROOKS & CO.I CIIAS. NELSON BROOKS PAINTING DECORATING PAPER HANGING Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. Color schemes for furniture paintings. Cpholxtering and Gold Line Work. ISV4 DEAN ST. PHONE 344-W. -—■ - . JUST BASEBALL Daily Scores, Schedules, And Club Standing Of The Major Leagues NATIONAL LEAGUE Scores Of Yesterday St. Louis. 10; Brooklyn. 6. Cincinnati, 9; Philadelphia. 1. Other games postponed (rain). Today’s Schedule Boston at Chicago. Brooklyn at St. Louis. New York at Pittsburgh. Philadelphia at Cincinnati. Standing Of The Clubs W. L. P. C. New York 20 8 .714 St. Louis 18 12 .600 Pittsburgh 15 12 .556 Chicago 15 13 .536 Cincinnati 14 18 .437 Philadelphia. . ..11 15 .423 Brooklyn. . ..,..12 17 .414 Boston 8 18 .308 AMERICAN LEAGUE Scores Of Yesterday New York, 12; Cleveland, 4. Chicago, 7; Philadelphia, 4. St. Louis-Boston (rain). \ Washington, 3; Detroit, 2. Today’s Schedule Chicago at Washington. St. Louis at New York. Detroit at Philadelphia. Cleveland at Boston. Standing Of The Clubs W. L. P. C New York 22 11 .667 St. Louis 19 12 .613 Philadelphia. . ..15 15 .500 Detroit 15 16 .484 Boston 13 14 .481 Cleveland 14 18 .437 Washington 13 , 19 .406 Chicago 12 18 .400 INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Scores Of Yesterday Buffalo, 4; Toronto, 3. Jersey City, 5; Reading, 2. Other games postponed (rain). Today’s Schedule Baltimore at Newark. •Buffalo at Toronto. Reading at Jersey City. Syracuse at Rochester. •Two games. Standing Of The Clubs W. L. P. C. Baltimore 19 11 .633 Rochester 18 12 .600 Toronto 19 13 .594 Buffalo. . 16 16 .500 Jersey City 15 16 .484 Syracuse 13 16 .448 Reading 12 20 .375 Newark 11 19 .367 CHECK! The bosun’s mate, he felt quite sore. He had no income tax; And so he growled with mighty roar, “The Navy’s gone to Hailfax!” And from far out across the sea Midshipmen answered, “So are we!”; —Naval Academy Log. HE KNOWS WHEREOF HE SPEAK J. F. Harper, 416 Navarre St., San Antonio, Texas., writes “I consider Foley’s Honey and Tar absolutely the best cough remedy on the market. I know whereof I speak, having tried it in my own family. My wife took a severe cough and at night it was al most incessant. I gave her a few’ doses of Foley's Honey and Tar. In a little w hile she went to sleep and ; slept soundly the entire night. Your remedy acts quickly and relief is per manent.” —(Adv.) I FOR SALE I CHEAP i; ■ j Refrigerator, in good condi- 8 tion. Just right for use in gro- 8; ; eery store. Apply n j jjj; THE GREAT A. & P. TEA CO., | 118 Main Street, fz Annapolis, Md. SUNSET || OPEN-AIR MOYIES AT GARCIA’S GARDEN Rain Protection For Colored TODAY—4 PICTURES ADVENTURES j j OFTARZAN Western and two Comedies. i- ; f i American History DAY BY DAY By T. 1\ Green MAY 20 Christopher Columbus died at Valladolid on May 20. 1500. Two thousand troops left Boston to subdue Acadia on May 20, 1763. The Mecklenburg Conven tion met in North Carolina on May 20. 1775. A Perpetual Union was adopted by American colonists on May 20. 1775. North Carolina seceded from the Union on May 20, IS6I. A slavery abolition treaty between Great Britain at 1 ! United States was ratified on May 20, 1562. MAY 21 Connecticut Puritans bought Indian rights to Newark, N. J., on May 21, 1666. Friendly conference with Georgia Indians \\*is held by Oglethorpe on May 21, 1733. Johnstown. N. Y , was burn ed by Tories on May 21, 1780. Michigan Central Railroad was opened from Chicago to Detroit on May 21, 1852. Property of aliens was con fiscated by the Confederacy on May 21, 1861. U. S. Grant was nominated for the Presidency on May 21, 186 S. RIVAL CREWS * C. ;J* ON EDGE FOR RACES TODAY (Continued From Cage 1.) No. 7, Donohue; stroke, Engren; coxs wain, Mung. Other Sports Events Today- Four other athletic contests will be in progress at the Naval Academy ti.j afternoon at the same time that the races are being pulled off. The pro gram follows: Baseball—Gettysburg College at 3 o’clock. Field and Track—Lafayette College, at 3 o’clock. Rifle Shoot Seventy-first Regi ment, New York National Guard, at 2:30. Tennis University of Pennsyl vania. One thing in support of Conan Doyle’s claim that death is pleasant is the way John Barleycorn has thrived on it! —Washington Post. Garden (Matinee Dally at 2 P. M.) TODAY i I I Also* Rrreen Snapshots (peeping Into the private and professional life of famous movie stars) and Comedy. “ADVENTURES OF TARZAN” | FIFTY-FOUR CANDIDATES FOR MINISTRY ABANDONED VOC ATION AFTER THE WAR (By The Associated Press.) CHARLESTON, W. VA., May 20. Fifty-four candidates for the ministry abandoned this vocation after return ing from the World War, according! to the report of the Executive Com mittee of Christian Education and Ministerial Relief to the Southern Presbyterian General Assembly here. The committee added, however, that it i has been in communication during the last year with 505 young men who \ have decided to enter the ministry. The report stated that whereas for ! forty-four years the proportion of (candidates for the ministry to the (membership of the church was one candidate to each 609 members, the l ratio last year was one to 1,117 mem i bers. The committee reported receipts for its general funds for educational and ministerial relief last year of $298,688 or $56,894 over the amount received the previous year. Total receipts for all causes amounted to $380,165. which with' the balance from the year be fore made the total amount handled during the year $1,990,252. As rewards for the recitation of the catechisms from memory, the publi cation department of the Southern Presbyterian Church last year gave 1.553 copies of the Bible and 4.977 | copies of the New Testament, the largest number it had awarded in a single year. This was reported to the Assembly by the Executive Commit tee of Publication and Sabbath School Work. In addition to these awards. ■ 1,504 copies of the Bible and forty copies of the New Testament were awarded in Korean and 125 copies in the Brazil mission. “Dear John,” the wife wrote from a fashionable resort, "I enclose the hotel bill.” “Dear Mary," he responded, “1 . enclose check to cover bill, blit please |do not buy any more hotels at this | Jigure^Rbey^jire^heatUig^yo^ > 1 . —— Flowers To Plant Now! 5 Cannas, Scarlet Sage, Coleus, Geraniums, Dusty Miller, Alysnim, Petunias. Verbena, Snapdragon, Nasturtium, Dahlias, Rose Bushes, 1 and 2 years old, and Hydrangea. GEORGE E. HAMBRUCH Florist and Nurseryman STORE 189 MAIN ST. GREENHOUSE, EASTPORT. PHONE 170. PHONE 906. 1 lir. j t , I ' “ | REPUBLIC THEATRE MATINEE DAILY TODAY MONDAY Marshall —IN— I Neilan “The Lotus I'reHentH Booth Turkinet ii’k Eater” “PENROD”. _ WITII _ Marshall Neilan T~ | | With ii hig rant, liuliiillng Wrulry rreckles osirrv Ann., q. Mi >wn , riin More, .1. Bur no.v sherry, j !★ Star Theatre ★ TONIGHT BIG TIME VODAVIL FEATURING : j Charlie Anderson, Clark Sisters, Bern, One-Piece Jazz Band; Tinny Bradford; Johnny Rucker, Funny Comedian. riCTCKEK: SM B POLLARD COMEDY. WILLIAM FOX FKKBEHTB “TDK ROSE or THE WEST.” i j A<l " ltw ' 35 Crntw. CTillilren, 15 l ent-. MONDAY ! | SUNSHINE COLORED SAMMY | The First Picture as a Star, After Signing $10,600.00 a Year Contract. ijj Ml? VISIT J The Buffet Lunch i AND SOFT DRINKS I ’ : Cigars Cigarettes and Tobacco | ARROW-SPECIAL on draught, sc. a glass. i j HOT DOG SANDWICH sc. CHEESE SANDWIC H > H HAM SANDWICH 5. SOFT DRINKS 5c . PIES AND CAKES. j POSTOFFICE CLERKS ' SEEK 8-HOUR DAY President Harding was asked in a memorial presented to him yesterday by Thomas F. Flaherty, secretary of the National Federation of Postoffl. Clerks, to assist in obtaining a “pro; er observance” of the postal eig • hour law. Mr. Flaherty said that many clerks in the larger postoffii were working ten hours daily and added: . “We want to strengthen the Presi dent’s position in his commendab! efforts to secure a shorter w. rkday for workers in the steel industry, ba it is obvious that the govtrnmen. must apply, this principle in its lan est civil establishment before it can ‘ consistently urge its adoption by the Steel manufacturers.” Headless Elecutloner Why do my knees ! shake in making a public appearam. Xecutioner -They’re trying to tak.> | off their caps to the ladies. Chap . parral. “Prosperity is in its infancy,” say . I a hanker. It acts like it. — Newspap. Enterprise Association. ’ “A S6O liat?", “Yes.” “My husband " wouldn't buy me a S6O hat." “He 1 would if you started to yell for a * grand piano." Louisville Courier- Journal. MANAGERS WANTED! ■ p j Excellent opportunity and wages 1 ! Men with salesmanship ability and grocery experience only need , write. l THE GREAT ATLANTIC \NH ] PACIFIC TEA CO., p P. O. Box 105 South Sia s tlon, Baltimore, Mil. i