OCR Interpretation

Evening capital and Maryland gazette. (Annapolis, Md.) 1910-1922, May 24, 1922, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88065726/1922-05-24/ed-1/seq-2/

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faipuittg (Eapital
Established 1884.
f f Lsublisbed 1777. *
Published Daily K*o*p< Sunday by
T la on aala at tba following pis res:
Iborn W. Jdm ID* Mala Street
jWIIIImn Scbultw 34 West Street
lleorge J. I>avts 74 Maryland Are
l%aa G. Peltitaeyer 50 Maryland Are.
►Bliebird Cuf< (lot ry” King George St
KtUkau ballet Writ A Cathedral Sla
. H. it A. Nevratand, Short Line Terminal
If. Miller 234 Want Street
W. Mandrla, Third A Severn Are., Kastport
g)r. Cbarlea H. lieukel .’At Maryland Are.
Ireiivered In Annapoife, Knati.ort, Ow
gmtitown and West Anaapolia by carrier
for 45 cents per month.
You an have the EVENING CAPITAL
aaalted to you alien away from the city
by leaving your name and sddreaa at the
offle. for 45 cents per month; 85.00 per
year, parable In adran<-e, to any postoAce
in the United St a tea or Canada.
Entered at Annapolla Poatofllee ae
Beeontl-Cluss Matter.
'~" - / ~
Member of The Associated Preee
The Associated Preae la eTclo
alveiy eutitled to the uae for re*
publication of all newt credited to
It or not otherwise credited In
thta paper and alto the local newa
publlahiol herein. All rlghta of
re * publication of apeclal dla
pateh;# herein are alao referred.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 24. 1922.
In this issue of the Evening
< apital appears another com
munication from Mr. W. Meade
Holladay tin the County Commis
sioner law, to which we also have
to respectfully take exception.
After having stated in his first
letter that “as a matter of fact.
Baltimore county does not work
under a three commissioner law.
'I hat county has five commis
sioners from five commissioner
districts and pays each Commis
sioner S?,4OP a year,” Mr. Holla
day states that he “was perfect
ly aware of the fact that Balti
more county had a local law put
ting the affairs of the county un
der three commissioners, and I
was also aware of the fact that
said law does not go into effec
until next year, and 1 cannot un
derstand that we can draw
any conclusion that the law is a
gfiod one eighteen months before
it goes into effect.”
In this connection it is to he
liorne in mind that the three com
missioner jilan for Baltimore
county is not one to go into ef
fect for the first time next year,
hut is a plan that was in opera
tion in Baltimore county until
changed to the five commissioner
plan by Chapter -198 of the Acts
of 101 L. Section 65 of Chapter
495 of the Acts of 1908 and Chap
ter 100 of the same session espe
cially provided for a hoard of
three commissioners.‘After about
six years trial of the five commis
sioner hoard, Baltimore countv,
apparently without any contro
versy, decided to go back to the
three commissioner board, in pui
suance of the Acts of 1920, —
Chapters 28 and 19. The action,
therefore, is based on actual ex
perience under the two systems,'
and was originally referred to in
these columns simnlv byway ofj
illustration of what this progres
sive countv had experienced in
the way of choosing its form of
.County government.
Another point in Mr. Holla
day’s communication to which
We have to respectfully take ex
ception. is the uncompleted quo
tation from yesterday’s editorial
in the Evening Capital. Mr.
lfidladav states “you say that
under the present law ‘there is
not fair representation,’ and call
attention to the fact that the
Eighth district is without repre
sentation.” A reference to the
editorial will show that the lan
guage used is “as Ion" as the sub
ject has been mentioned at this
time, it is relevant to call atten
tion to the fact that, even under
the present plan, there is not ‘fair
representation’ in the sense re
ferred to.” This latter was deal
ing entirely with the argument of
the opponents of the bill that
“fair representation” meant a
“home commissioner” for each dis
trict of the county, and we also
stated that if this argument were
carried to its logical conclusion,
it would simply mean that there
would have to he a county com
missioner front each and every j
election district of the county, no
matter how many districts there
might be.
We are reluctant to have to
take exception to any statements
expressed hv our correspondents,
whose communications on public
questions are cordially welcomed,
but when it appears to us that
any mistakes of fact are shown,
we feel that as a matter of pub
lic information correction should
l>e noted, so that when we come
to the realm of discussion as to
the merits of the law in question,
we need he under no misunder- ;
Standing as to the facts.
Local followers of the athletic
fortunes of the Navy and St.
John’s will have an opportunity
of seeing the lasel>all teams of
two institutions clashing
this afternoon for diamond
supremacy. The annual tilt will
he staged on the Naval Academy
grounds, and, aside from the
Army-Navy game, which will be
played next Monday afternoon,
today’s affair is perhaps the
one game of the season in which
local enthusiasts are most inter
Annapolitans as a general rule
evince great interest in the ath
letic achievements of l>oth Navy
and St. John’s. Victories turned
in by teams representing each
school are haled with delight by
the rank and file of loyal, local
rooters, while, in defeat, the ath
letes always receive the same
kind of faithful support from the
local fans. Usually, on Saturday
mornings, the local hand of faith
ful rooters may he found on the
St. John’s field lending their vo
cal encouragement to the Orange
and Black team, while in the aft
ernoon the scene is shifted to
Navy’s field, with the same hand
sending forth their cheers for the
Blue and Gold.
With sentiment among the
town-folk, therefore, sort of neu
tralized owing to the intimate as
sociations the local rooters have
had with both teams, we may ex
pect to find them impartially dis
tributing their cheering during
today’s game. And if the contest
is as replete with action as some
of the Navy-St. John’s diamond
frays played in past years, this
year’s battle will afford ample
opportunity for dual applause.
Both Navy and St. John’s will
be represented by good teams.
Neither squad has come through
without feeling the sting of de
feat. hut upon occasions this year
each team has shown itself cap
able of' playing top-notch base
ball. With both teams showing
the top of their form, a scintil
lating contest should result to
* : ..I- A
I i
4 —■-- 1 - ry-
Mr. Hollmluy Makes Supplemental
Statement Itegnnlltiu New County
Commissioner Law.
To the Editor of the Evening Capital
Mr. Editor: IMcase allow me a few'
lines to uiißwer ydtir editorial of yes
terday on the throe commissioner bill.
I was perfectly aware of the fact
, that Baltimore County had a local
law putting the affairs of the county
under three Commissioners, and I was
also aware of the fact that said law
does not go into effect until NEXT
YEAH, and 1 ehnnot understand that
we can draw any conclusion that the
law is a good one eighteen months
before it goes into effect. Nor am I
willing to follow Baltimore county al
ways. Baltimore county has had a
one man government for practically
half a century, and still has, but I
see no rob son for Aune Arundel going
{HACK to that condition. If next yoar.
! when Baltimore county has its elec
tion for three Commissioners, and
they all come from Tcwson, I predict
that even the Baltimore county dele
gation would not stand for It, and
the Legislature cf 1924 will Le askod
to change it. I know it is easier to
control three commissioners, and that
Baltimore county wants only three, is
no surprise to me.
Your reference to “the possibili
ties of governmental chaos under
leven commissioners” is not quite
clear. You were counsel for the com
missioners for ntanv years previous to
‘ho present loard. and while I know
that it was deemed wise to have the
Legislature pass a big bond issue law
to take care of the large floating debt
left by preceding boards. 1 did not
understand that “chaos” was pending.
You say that under the present law
there is not fair representation." and
call attention to the fact the Eighth
district is without representation.
Well if it is unfair that some times
one district goes unrepresentated.
how much more unfair is it that cer
tainly four, probably five, and pos
sibly six are not represented, as
will be the case if the three commis
sioner bill is not defeated at the polls
next November?
You say that I should have express
ed my oppositin to the bill at the
conference in Senator Brady's office.
My recollection is that Senator
Brady asked me the direct question,
i and I told *. him I would te opposed
! to such legislation, as I was alsomp
i posed to his Road Commisslner bill.
Very truly yours,
Eastport Colored Dance
There will be a colored dance to
night in the Eastport colored school
for the benefit of school funds.
College Baseball Scores
Colgate. 8; Springfield College, 2.
Chicago, 6; Wisconsin. 1.
“Did you ask ttye doctor if smoking
was hurting your* “No.” Why didn't
your* “I was afraid he’d tell me It
i was."—Boston Transcript.
(Continued From Page
1 - i" j
stricken out. The motion was lost.’,
however, as a result of a tie vote
Voting with Mr. Brice were Commis
sioners Kelly and Watts. Against the
motion were Commissioners Walton.'
Duvall and Carr, . I
Again Split On Hoad
The lineup of the Board on road'
matters especially as regards the j
Third district which is represented by •
two commissioners, one Democratic j
and the ofthur Republican, again bob-1
bed up Tuesday and blocked-action on j
a proposition for opening a proposed
new road. The movement was to ap- j
point a commission to consider pub-
lie' necessity of a road from Jones*'
Station to Manhattan Beach. Com- 1
misßicner Duvall suggested for the in-*
vestiguting commission Severn K.
Arnold, Sprigg Harwood and William
Beatty. Jr. Com miss: oner Brice-named
Harry Hurst, Christian Roeklitz and f
Frank E. Ridout. Messrs. Walton,*
Carr and Duvall, voted together for '
the Duvall commission; anti Watts.]
Kelly and Brice lined up for the Brice j
commission. The resultant tie vote {
puts the matter in abeyance.
To Open This ltoad
Upon the question of opening a roa.l
from Jones’ Station to the top of
Wharf Hill and ending at the line of
the property of T. Langley, Jr., a dis-f
lance of 1 1-2 miles. # the property >
owners having agreed to give tlm
right of way through lands, the nam- \
ing of a commission was unnecessary j
and Engineer Mtmroe was directed to!
prepare a survey and plat said road. {
Engineer Munroe has also been au
thorized to repair the Round Bay,
road, leading from the State boule
S. Kemp Dawson requested of the
Commissioners that steps be taken to
)pen the road front Churchton to
Franklin Manor Beach, as the com
mission appointed to investigate had
made a favorable report some months
ago. Referred to Engineer Munroe.
Hoad Request Held Over
The Board held over for future con
sideration the petition of William T.
Stallings. Marmaduke Hamilton and
William J. ltpth, requesting the open
ing of a public road leading from the
Mountain Road, south about one mile
to Sullivan's Woods, in the Third dis
trict. < *
Hull Payment Of Rills
Because the county books have been
closed in preparation for making the
annual tax levy, the Board passed a
minute to the effect that no bills will
be paid after May 81, pending the
levy, except those chargeable against
accounts that have funds standing to
'.heir credit.
WILL flilliiST
t-- 1 ! , * • .
If you are Hick aud want to (let Well
a lid Keep Weil, write for .life'nlture that
tells llow anti Why ‘tlds alroost unknown
and wonderful new element brings relief
jto so many' stiflVrers from Constipation,
lllieumatism, Kelutiva, Gouts Neuritis. Nou
tulgia. Nervous Prostration, High Blond
lhreaeuri* and diseases of t ike NtoinaVn.
Heart. I. units, Mver. Kidneys nnil other
ailments. You wear Degnen's Ilsdio-Ae
rlve Solar Pad day and night, receiving
the ltadio-Active ltays eonUnuously Into
vour system, eausing a healthy emulation,
overcoming sluggishness, throwing off Im
purities mil restoring the- tissues and
nerves to a normal condition and the
next thing yon know you are gettiutr well.
Sold on a test proposition. You arc
Mtoronghly satisfied It is helping you tar
fore the appliance is yours. Nothing to
do but, \vi ar it. No trouble or expense,
and the most wonderful fact about the
sppllauee 1* that it Is sold so reasonable
that it is within reach of ail. both rich
and poor.
No tuatter had bed vour ailment, or how
'ong standing, wc will be pleased to have
vou trv tt at our riVk. For full informs
•lo!i write today— not tomorrow. Itndium
Vnpltance Co., 151) Bradbury Itblg.. Los
Angeles. Calif. —(Adr.)
IJ® gk The Thrifty Citizen Who
i Caught the Plugged Nickel
Blii\ r BROWN had swallowed hia lunch and had
m V-/ '- 0 - paid his bill. Cautiously he counted his change.
Here!” he said, sharply, “Take back .this plugged
’ y nickel and give me a good one!”
gpy' wn waJked proudly out. They couldn't
m m But rid Erown had fooled himself. B
H i S^S d ? yW^h sl VyanddaD - Grape-Nuts is a scientific food
He lacked pep. There was a whose delicious, appetizing flavor J 8
A-owsy spell when end crispness are an ihtroduction to
he needed to be avvake the direct well-balanced nourishment—a ffl
ar-i natural result cf heavy, starchy nourishment easily and quickly as
takCn ° n sinriated, so that body, brat/and
faith and Without question as to nerves are weU fad and kent free
, ue % *h e lories of the stored up poisons left by so
and tasted hire food. many ill-selected foodT .
Thousands of shrewd business Served with cream or eood milk
ways ready, always a delight to the
That’s what builds up the eani- taste—and qhrajra a safe selection
torium business, and puts the tired for the man Who thinks his stomach
all-done” feeling into the mid- is entitled to sonrj c th;? same pro
afternoon of a business day. tection he gives to Ho pocket. <
• t
Grape-Nuts—The Body Builder l
“ There f s a Reason” *
Made by Postum Cereal Company, Inc., Battle Creek, Mich. ‘ *
w -1 - 1 I ,
James Mai nosky. who resides at
1200 South Ellwood avenue. Balti
more, was slightly injured about the
head when the machine in which he ;
was riding with his wife and child j
collided with that of J. I. Tucker. of|
near Camp Parole. The accident oc-i
! curred tm the Annapolis boulevard, I
near Saunders Range, at 7:30 o'clock;
Sunday evening.
The injured man was brought to
Glen Burnie. but refused the neces
sary medical aid which was proffered 1
there, taking the Short Line train for*
Baltimore to have his wounds dressed j
; by his family physician.
Michael P. Oppold. 3232 Foster are- j
{nue. Baltimore. driver of the car. was!
arrested by State Officer J. L. Nelson.
And brought before Justice John H.
Muhly on a charge of passing another j
vehicle when the way ahead was not j
clear. He was fined 126 45, which was ■
A tr< mettdous romance with the j
! Alps of Switzerland, the Gardens of
j Versailles, aud Parts and London es-1
tates as the background, written by!
Eljnor Glyn, and starring Gloria
! Srnii*on. is “Beyond the Rocks,” a j
Paramount picture which will be
shown ar the Republic Theatre Thurs
tday, Friday and Saturday. The themo
| is a lesson to women who marry wlth
• out love and shows what happens
when they do find the man of their
heart. Rudolph Valentino is featured.
| The principal roles are capably
i ~ |
Instant Hit For New I
NEWEST of the Chandler Six
models, the Royal Dispatch, just f
announced, is the embodiment of
smartness and individuality. Nothing
like it has ever been shown except in
I the highest priced and custom-built
: cars. It embodies:
L wire wheels (a Individual fenders with
' f spare on each side). leather splashers.
►< i f | Gleaming nickeled Solid Aluminum trunk
radiator, lamps and rack and bars to pro
windshield. tect body.
Windshield side Finish in Twilight
wings. gray of Chan Jfi ef
Aluminum steps. maroon.
Powered for fleetness with the S
■ . marvelous Chandler motor it rides I
buoyantly upon the new, low under- I
slung springs.
This latest addition to the Chandler
family of new and distinguished
J models is phenomenally low in price.
173-175 West St. Annapolis, Md.
5 the chandler motor car co. \
Price F. O. B. Factory CLEVEI AND ||
played by Robert Bolder, Alec B. j
[ Francis. Mabel Van Burrt). Gertrude j
{Aster, Edythe Chapman, June Elvidge.
F. R. Butler. Helen Dunbar and Ray
mond B lath way t.— (Adv.)
Information Of Prkriw.s Value To
Every Annapolis Citizen.
How to act in an emergency is
] knowledge of an inestimable worth,
; and this is particularly true of the
diseases and Ills of the human body.
If you suffer with kidney backache,
urinary disorders, or any form of kid
ney trouble, the advice contained in
1 the following statement should add a
. valuable asset lo your store of knowl
[ edge. What could be more convinc
j ing proof of the efficiency of Doan's
Kidnoy Pills than the statement of an
| Annapolis citizen who us<d them and
] who publicly tells of the benefit de-.
{ rived?
Mrs Edward Miller. 20 Madison St..
: Annapolis, says: “I have been rec
] ommending Doan's Kidney Pills for
! the past year; ever since they cured
me of kidney complaint. A severe
! cold settled on my kidneys and left
me with a weak and lame back. Morn
, iags I felt so tired out and dull. 1
! couldn't do my housework. Head
acres almost drove me frantic. My
kidneys acted irregularly, also. 1
read of Doan’s Kidney Pills helping
others and used them, getting my
supply from the West-End Pharmacy
They were just what I needed and
soon strengthened my back and kid
neys. I have had no further trouble."
Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan’s Kidney Pills— the same that
! Mrs. Miller had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
MTrs., Buffalo, X. Y.—(Adv.)
General Semenoff. the “Terror of
the-Red* Battalions." says he is a "wo
man at heart," That explains every
thing.—St. Paul Pioneer **resß.
Notice Is hereby given that the sub
scriber, v>f Anne Arundel county, has ob
tained from the Orphan*’ Court of Anne
Arundel county. In Maryland. l.etter of
Administration on the |i+raonal .estate of
late of Anne Arundel county, decease 1
All persons haring claims against the Ge
<ei.sed an* hereby warned to exhibit the
same, with the vouchers thereof, to the
jiuhst ril/er on or before the
lltii DAY OK OCTOBER, 1.
Tliey niny otherwise. by law. In* excluded
from all hvnotit of said estate. All i*er
*oll* indebted to ulil estate are rei|Uomed
to make iiamediau* liajSUW.
Given under m.v hand this U'h day of
April, 1U28..
In the Matter of the Sale of the Mort
gaged Heal Estate of Holib Coinl/s
and Wife.
No. 4G58 Equity.
In the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel Co
Ordered, till* 17th day of May, 11122. that
the sale of the property, mentioned In
these |>r N-eediugw, made and reported by
Willson }. liwtt. Attorney, lie rail lied suit
continued. uni *sa auav to the—contra ry
thereof be shown on or before the
ith t* w or ji m;, i.
Provided, a copy ‘*f this order lie inserted
In Home newspaper published In Anne
Arundel county, owe in each week of
three successive weeks before the lath dav
of dune. 1P22.
The report states the amount of the sale
to be lifty-three hundred dollars tS.V.tNMNI.)
True Copv. Test
WM. X. WOODWARD; ( letk.
In the Matter of the Sate of the Mort
gaged Heal Estate of Hohh Comb*
and Wife.
No. IWO Equity.
In the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel Co.
Ordered, this 17th day of May. 1022. that |
the sale ot the property, mentioned In j
these proceedings, made and reported by j
Wlnson G. (Jott. Attorney, la- r.itilled anil
•ontiruied. unless cause to the contrary
•hereof he shown on or before the
mill DAY OK JI NK. im*.
Provided, a copy of this order lie inserted
!ii some newspaper published m Anne
Arundel county, oner in each week of
•lui* successive weeks before the lilth day
if June, l'.tr.'.
The report states the amount of the sale
'.o be sixty-live hundred Ilfty dollars
• AVM. X'. VOODWARD. Cleik.
l’rne Copv. Test ;
WM. X. WtmliWAl.lv Clerk.
W. B. & A. Electric
Half-Hourly Sbrvlee Morning and Evening
Between Annapolis. Baltimore an d
W'jislilngtoii n n,l Camp Meade
(Washington and Camp Meade
passengers change at Naval
Academy Junction.)
West Street Station
TlO. xG.OO. (120, r,r*J, 7.3 D, xf2o. 11.20
10.30. 11.20, A. M.. 12.20. 1.20. 2.20, 0.30
54.20, x 1.50, 5.20, Sts.2o, 7.00, 8.20, 10.20
11.20. P. M
Leave Naval Academy Gate 10 minuter
earlier; State House Station, liladen
Street and College Avenue, seven (7)
minutes earlier.
Connecting at Odenton with I’. It. R.
(Effective Bee. 18, 1021.)
Rluden Street Station
>.20 A. M. nnd half-hourly thereafter at 20
and M minutes utter each hour until
0.50 I*. M.. then at 7.50, 8.50, 0,50. 10.50
and 11.50 P. M.
5.20 mid 5.50 A. M. trains daily except
0.35, x 735, 8.35. 0.35. 10.35, 11.35, A. M„
12.35, 1.35, 2.35, 3.30, x 4.05, 4.35, x 5.05,
All trains receive or discharge passengers
at local points between Annapolis and
Naval Academy Junction nnd at Ship
ley nnd Llnthicum on Hignal.
(Effective Bee. 18, 1021.)
Howard and l ombard Sts.
5 A. M. and half-hourly thereafter at 15
and 45 minutes after each hour until
0.15 P. M.. then at 7.15, 8.15. 11.15, 10.15,
11.15, P. M.. and 12.15. A. M.
0.15 anil 5.45 A. M. trains dally except
i.OO, 0.45, 800. si* 00, 10 00, 11.00 A. M„ 12.00
1.00. 2.00, 3 00, 3.30, 54.00, 4.30, 5.00
0.00, 7.00. ft 00. 11.00 I*. M., 12.10 A. M
x—Bally except Sunday.
For tickets and Information apply at our
city ticket offices: West Street Station
State House- Station. College Avenue and
liladen Street; Cat vel Hall, Maryland
ft panting, Sheet Htal n d state Work
PHONE ttl-W ,
Estimate* Cheerfully Given.
.. Contractor and Builder
Residence: Shop:
lUI Charles St. . jpj Gloucester Ht.
•>. . V *<• Anndpplls, Md.
lit the Matter of the Sale of the Mort
gaged (teal Estate of Robb Combs
and Wife.*
* No. 4001 Equity.
Ia tlie Circuit Court Tor Anne Arundel Co.
Ordered, tt is 17th ('ey of May, 1322 that <
the sale of the property, mentioned i u
tap* male and reported by i
W insoii <). <,otr. Attorney, he ratified and
continued, unless cause to the contrary ■
thereof be shown on or before the
lth DAY OF JUNE. I9g*.‘
Provided, a copy of this order be inserted 1
tn some newspaper published in Anne <
Atuudel county. once in each week of
♦ hree suc.- s,iv w.ks In fore the 10th dav ’
of June. 1022. i
The report states the amount of the sale i
($5 15U OOr tty ° DI - hundred fifty dollars I
WM. N. WOODWARD. Clerk, j
True Copy. Test: 1
WM. N. WOODWARD. Clerk. j
♦ m
LOST lver Johnson .'tv --J
loaded; between Abort 1 v ,
-Supply Depsrtmfnl. \ I
Finder please notify \ ' 9
Express Co. (
W ANTED- \\ o.icm '->■
housework. Apply |j;i p 1
" ft NYED
cerj and confect ionctv v I
Ir-n-l and King o.igV I
W ANTED I nfurnlshed
small house: desir.ibi. ; I
dress reply li. 1C
FOE SALE Ftfrlght pi 7 *>■
kkne. Price SSO. Apph M
Madison street.
FOR HALE— Light room ,p
*Ue. lty. hot.watcr a,-..
Nv 37 Madison stre. <. \
Tltcwcr ,V Son.
FOR SILK* Two lots „ u ~s
l*ly S. S. Stevens. Wells -
FOR MALE—AII-round vTai/i
; pl.v John A. Milh-j. Ced.u
lK s\ | t
move. Apply 118. Capital
FOR -NALL* Oltl.v desk
safe. Apply Frank W
Clniivh Circle.
FOR SALK Reed baby ,h
'3O Fast street. Phone is, v, '
FOR SALE—Four fi p.‘ |;,V i~ '■
glue: In g.M.d running
stration can be seen i .i
side, Md. Telephone '.Mil u
FOB HALE—IIOO will puivi '
7-passeuger; fair condition > "■
Market street, ’I
TOR HALE—Che\ndeb”\l . ■
rublw-r? new battery; or u
for Ford Touring. H. v i
brills, Md. Telephone |v:-
FUR SALK - Ford Coup, . , . |
running order. Appls i '■
West Annapolis. Phoin-
KOK HALE -Corumlda R.,.
I leut eotulitlou. M. II sprit ,
,ray avquuc.
FOR SALK—Wlloox .X t;|M,,
• sewing machine. In perf.v i
W7. Will mdl for Lin. i,,,,' ■
west stiwt.
FOR SALK—Modern dwelling < 1
,or unfurnished; in g. K .d
Hon. Lot 50x20) feet. p r |~
reasomibie. Tlins-i tory i r:iu„
No. (si Uloiieester street \n ,
newly pa'uted and’ ,1,
y.i.OH) (sish required, riiarh.
Telephone tlO.'i.
Hilt sale—Lot on German strcct.dM
ieet. Apply 43 Dean street.
FOR KENT -Nicely furnished r, . I
•J Murray avenue. Telephone I
FOR RENT —June Ist. furidMlml
■lent. Apply 'ins Pfin.-c . 9
!’ ■ -•* ■ *
FOB KENT- Two double and on. .fl
rooms, for June Week. Appi. i H
p. m.. l:;:t Charles street.
FOR RENT—Two furnished hmiu,
the Severn liver, near Ann.-tt... u S
Allen Lester Fowler. 1()2 Collcg.- JH
; - -' " ■ * M
FOR KENT—For June Week.
furnished house; four bed/ . ■
three baths. Apply •Til ShlpwrigM
FOR KENT Office A \\ : I
141 UloUccNtcr strwt.
Ftllt RENT—FIat, t rooms and Ira
ply <3 West street.
furnished, for summer. T ll hi, 1
Cathedral street.
I-OR RENT—FIat, 4 rooms and hr
ply (3 West street.
FOR RENT—Kiegantiy furnivh.d J
ment; few minutes from .Vn
emy; available about June l
Box 115. Capital office.
FOR rKNT—I-'or”June”W,7k. ~r ' ■!
ier, four-room, eomphieiv •
apartment. 11. B. Whn In n. ~ ■
RA WLINOM—On May -ill,,
resliletna*. 84 CotuprniniN, -■ 9
K. UAWLINON. aged 77 ■
Hie late William J. ItnwiingM.
Due funer/ii will h.
Wi* wish to cxitresM our vii n 'i9
Tor the kliidness shown In ltd
prisoners by Night Wat l.a/.-m -W
Jones, of the Cify.
LEONAJtI) WlN|iv | l,H
oWtkn Tkoi i
ST A.Vi, E y wIN I >s* 'll ■
Healed proposals will be r-
V. , e Board of Educatin i:
Md.. until 12 noon. June ti, in..' f ■ 9
roonr addition to Annapolis il . H
•wo-mom Industrial Buildin. ’ S
School, Annapolis: one-roon 1
jMio/01 at Mayo, Anne An '
lor detailed information, ai i
George Fox. Board of Ed a u 'H
MoUft, Md. Deposit of *5 wi t ■
b insure return of plans • ' H
Hons. The right to reject am or 1
la, reserved.
I’ltOF. OKOitt ItlV
Suiterlntendent ISnai f I
tion of Anne Arut • * 1 1
AJI delinquent taxpayers 9
the levy of 1921 are he--by
fied to pay their taxes on ?' J
fore June 30, 1922, and the-*
save themselves the additic*
cdst of $1.25 which will be -S
ed to each and every bill fer -S
of serving levy notices, under*
hv virt-tio 0 f the P'ttho^ ; *v M
Acts 1910 of the General As-'t*
bly of Maryland.
j-iO Collector and Treasured ■
j T . - ; . } m

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