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u II Social and Personal _J r ~ - ~ f ‘ r I - n II NAMES <T W. Jones, in Judge.) i/l all the things that bend the back Of that old peddler, Fame, The cheapest bauble In the park I* an immortal name.- one cost the Good Samaritan Two pennies at the inn; \nd Charles the King, at last a man, A thought for Nelly Gwynne. Kinr Alfred as a rook unbent; Duke Harold spake a Joke; A ip of water Sidney spent \nd Raleigh spoiled u rloak. •'ep up: to think you must he flush To buy a name is wrong: Codivu bought one with a blush * And lam-lace with a song. Siipt. Wilson’s l uncheon lo South \nierleans The ambassador of Peru, Senor r /it; the ambassador of Chile, Senor Muthieu; the meiiibus of the Peru- 1 and Chilean embassy staffs, and j Ho Peruvian and Chilean delegates to t lo* Tarna-Arlca conference, now be ing held in Washington, were hinch- I •on guests of Admiral and Mrs. Wil f m today, and afterwards made a tour ..I the grounds and saw the drill at 2:30, f Patient Af i iiiergeiie) Mrs. Howard Rogers, of New- York, who has been spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Wolcott E. H ill, Is a patient at the Emergency j Jlo pital, where she had a serious j operation performed yesterday by Dr. Shipley, of Baltimore. Mrs. Rogers’ condition today is reported as very good. Mr. Rogers will return to New York tonight, coming hack Friday venig to remain over the week-end. Newton flullck, of Washington, iToiight Ills step-daughter. Miss Win terholrn, and Miss vou Beyer over to see the Academy yesterday. Ictniiig For tmiy-Xavy Oh me Mr. and Mrs. Roger Williams, of Stan n Island, will ho guests of Lleut.- Conimandcr and Mrs. James Parker fur the Army-Navy baseball game. Both Mr. and Mrs. Williams have many friends in Annapolis, where he served several tours of duty b -. Me resigning from the Navy. Mrs. .Wil liams is a niece of the Misseß Randall of Randall Place. Ikre For Week-Fnd l.ieut. -Commander and Mrs. F. E. M. Whiting wil he week-end ghests of Lieutenant and Mrs. Muhlon Tisdale and will remain over the Army-Navy baseball game. , I nclinn tress 111 Goes To Atlantic City Captain and Mrs. A. F. Gonzales and their son, A. F. Gonzales, Jr., left yes terday afternoon for Atlantic City, af ter a visit to Mrs. Gonzales’ mother, Mrs. Daniel Burtis, Prince Ueouge street. They are making the trip on tlie lieautiful housiboal Enchantress HI. which luts been in local waters for several weeks, being fitted out for summer cruising. Liout.-Commander and Mrs. D. .T Hunter will give a small supper party on Saturday night before the i'mvcl Hull dance. Feel Old? Overwork, worry, anxiety or aorrow undermine* strength and health. These t au*es contribute lo kidney trouble, end weik or diseased kidneys make one tccl old in middle age. foiey flldney plls help weak, overworked or ducoicd kid ney. and bladder so that the.ryrtcm ia free from wante and poisonous ntr.tter that one to feel old, tired, lun fuid. They banish backache, rheu luatic pains, acre mut-clce, atifi joint*. Mrs. J. D Miller, Syracurr. N. Y., writes: r.-r rr ir.y *ers I (ußcred with kidney tronl-lo vi ineutnatKß. i had sexv-rc bockackic and *•'* nil.-rallc vnd all rluyvd out. I act to a i lve whrro l hod to do sotnethu,*. After tah i-nl io cf Kok-y Kidney Pills I enn say is* Sarksth* i* gone. Mid whore I used to lay •* **ah* wah rheumatic turn I con now • ** v ln “““dort uud ei.ioy avd night's rost.** FLORIDA LOTS Ini"and iVreit' Intn—4hr gratv- S| , P - i.,.,,-,.., • rtn ' tepnm to suit you money uliile aWplnl l>Ut *‘ “ m ‘ , A. W. PHILLIPS. Annapolis, Md. KCUcnec, * mi ( iinHw m. t 49 tilM^|w S| Shady Oaks Our 1 ried f'liirkcn Dinners can’t l> heat. kihms for ji xk mkkk visitors t.OI* MIRK' \XI> OAKCtXU. Phone liS-M. jld BREEZE INN ANNAPOLIS BOILLVARD Ihnites f)st ”** LUNCH and TEA Special: thicken Waflle Dinner. $1.75.! HAMM.NiI. t'AltnS. l’ ArmiKer. 9 F 15. ,*f tr.-yt v • j • .*-{ \* , ' I Morrison-Feddcma n Wedding • Of Interest to a number of Anna- j polltans Is the marriage of Miss Mary j ; Earle Feddeman. daughter of Mr. and I I Mrs R. Earle Feddeman, of Centre- j j’ville, to Ensign John Harry Morrison, j U. H. N., son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. i Morrison, of Greeley, Col., which took place on May 20 in St. Paul’s Protest ant Episcopal Church, Centreville, the ! Rev. William C, Marshall, rector of the church, officiating. The church was decorated for the occasion with a profusion of potted plants and orange blossoms, with tall candles entwined with orange blos ' soms, placed at the end of the pews, making a Dath of light for the bridal parly to walk up. i The bride entered the church on the , arm of her father, by whom she was . given in marriage, and was met at the | chancel by the bridegroom, atfended ■by his host man. Ensign Logan Mc- Kee. She wore a gown of ivory satin and Spanish lace with wide girdle of pearls. F|er tulle veil was arranged in fan sh and fastened with orange , blossoms, ami she carried a shower I bouquet of orchids and lilies of the ; valley. She was attended by her sis ter, Miss Julia Goodwin Feddeman, as maid of honor, who wore a costume of turquoise' taffeta, with matching turquoise hat, trimmed with silver roses, and who carried pink roses and snapdragons. Miss Jessie Earle Forman was flower girl and wore a white net dress witit hat of net trimmed with pink and turquoise ribbons. She carried an j old-fashioned bouquet of roses and forget-me-nots. The ushers were: Ensigns D. W. Roberts, G. W. Lyttle, B. C. Culver, R. E. Hanson, W. W. Widrner, and Midshipman John F. Gordon. They wore full dress uniforms and formed an arch with their crossed swords for the bride and groom to walk Under aR they left the church. Immediately after the ceremony an elaborate reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents, after which Mr. and Mrs. Morrison left by motor for a two-weeks’ wedding trip. On their return they will live in N4w York until July 1, when they expect to go to the West Coast. Ensign Mor risou is a graduate of the Naval Acad emy. class of 1921, and is now station ed on the U. S. S. Arkansas. Annupolitans who attended the wed ding were Mrs. W. H. Itullman and Miss Mollie Goodwin, aunts of the bride, and Lieutenant Walker Coch-t ran. • J. Mrs. Theodore Richards’ Luncheon Mrs. Theodore Richards entertained at a beautifully appointed luncheon party yesterday for the committee that assisted her recently In giving the subscrintion card party for the benefit of the Annapolis and Anne Arundel County Chapter of the Red Cross, which cleared sllO2. Miss Ruth Morrison, of Oak Hill, III.? is visiting Miss Mollie Goodwin, 199 Prince George street. | Why She Changed: “I have always used ' the cheaper baking powders, supposing them just as good as a Royal but I invested in a can of Royal 3 Baking Powder and now find all my bak -4 ing so much improv ed that 1 will use no other kind.” Miss C.L.B. ROYAL Baking Powder Absolutely Pure t ' Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste , . Send for New Royal Cook Book 1 ' , —k ’ FREE. Royal Baking Pow derCo^l26WilU*ntSt^NewYork PIANO TUNING and CHAIR CANING PROMPTLY DONE! Work Called For and Promptly Delivered! NlflNE SlMt. WM. MUHLMEISTER -0 U'KST ST. d"4 -n . ' is the time to have your! | | sewins machine cleaned or re i paired. Work called for and de ! 1 live red. Call or drop a postal. • jSRWIXfi MACHIXE EXCHANGE, 21 Nort Invent street 1 Air— Taking latenshe Training Coarse Neal R. Johnson, local manager for j the R. L. Bollings Company. Invest- ] taent bankers, is spending the week ( at the company's main Eastern office ] In Philadelphia, attending the sales- ; 'men’s intensive training school. Mr. \ ' Johnson will return to Annapolis next j Saturday. - - , Mr. and Mrs. L Legum were guests |ai the Pennsylvania Hotel in New ; | York last week. Rohm* Party j In Aldan Lieutenant and Mrs. Edmund Kid jder and Miss Lucille Thomas spent i I last week -in Aldan. Pa., with. Lieuten- ■ i ant and Mrs. T. L. Schumacher, bro ther-in-law and sister of Miss Thomas, who entertained at a card party for 'their guests on Wednesday evening and took them to the navy | yard dance on Friday. The party mo- j tored to Annapolis on Saturday, where Mr. and Mrs. Schumacher will remain until after June Week with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. W H. Thomas. Mrs. Kidder, who is stopping with her husband’s mother, Mrs. E. H. Kidder, of Shipwright street, will be joined by Kidder over the coming week-end. Hrldire-Luiifheon Af Murray 11111 Mrs. 'Edward H. Connor, of 29 Southgat avenue, gave a large bridge luncheon yesterday. The guests were seated at small tables, placed both iu- , doors and on the porches of the house, which was effectively decorated with roses and peonies. There were nine tables of bridge players, with other guests for luncheon. The prizes for the game were card table covers. Mrs. Connor will entertain again at a J card party on Friday afternoon. I Bennett —MILLINER y/ I HAND-MADE MODELS IN Sport and Dress HATS for June Week ’ Reasonable Prices Open until 9 O’Clock ■■■-"MljpiH 11 ■■■■■■■ ■—'mmmmmmmm c i/ our J wife will tell you to install ARCOLA now! ‘x - I S ( HE hasn’t forgotten the discomfort of last winter—the cold rooms and the dirt that comes from a hot air furnace or stoves. ■ She knows that winter things (coal, winter 3 overcoats, etcO always Cost less* in the Spring. ARCOLA also costs less this month, NOW, than ever before in its history. * Make a profit on your foresight. Don't wait for die rush in the Fall. Ask your wife to tele phone your Flurriber or Steamfitter, and get a • free estimate ofARCOLA’S cost installed iri your home at the low price NOW. • . * - 6 Anyone Can Afford Alt COLA, she says; ... . 1 **■'•• • - t We know that anyone can afford Arcola because a little over a year ago when we installed ours we had v just bought our home and furniture, and had no big nest ‘ $ egg to help us out either. Yet today we can truthfully say ‘Our Home’ and ‘Our Arcola,’ and With these two, the long winter months don’t look half bad.* MRS. H. B. Hartzell, Lincoln, Nebraska Give your wife the comfort this woman enjoys: get an estimate today. i AMERICAN RADIATOR COMPANY' Ideal Boilers and American Radiators for every heating need n 336 North Charles Street -Nl 3 J j ... *. _ * ■ h |fo| A fine Arcola book will be 11 1 •tilß 'lfeCi: mailed to you if you will write 1® wS ; to the address above. And tele- 1 (t&f j mwr 0 J phone your Plumber or Ste*nfit- 1 jf* j 1 |OQIO3J ter for that estimate today , NOW. l|j| Return T* Baltimore Mrs. L. A. Juslin. of Baltimore, and her two children, who have been spending the peat taro months with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Riddle, have joined Dr. Joalin at their town'residence. Commander and Mrs. William Hal sey will be guest* of Lieut.-Com mander and Mrs. William C. Wickham for the Army-Navy game. Captain and Mrs. John Greenslade will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carryl Bryan for the Army-Nary baseball game. They will arrive next Sunday morning. Blanch Jordan almonds, dry them between towels, then strew over n baking sheet ami place in a medium hot oven until delicately browned. When cold dip one at a time Into melted chocointe. Drop them on a cleun baking sheet to harden. Cleaning Hint. Use one-half capful of kerosene oil in a pailful of water to wash* your whitlow sashes ami pills,. Wash glgsg with ammonia and water. DAVIS t ■ * ' ak I Repair Fountain Penp ' ’ i 'l7 f . ' y -*(, , * i r PoMtlbly your pen need* n new Rae, new tip, or rnrltlni of the feed, or general cleaning. Eversharp Pencils Also Repaired. 1 carry a good assortment of Watermen Pens ft Kversharp Pencils. GEO. J. DAVIS W Maryland Avenue • • i. ~ ! . . —UiAi J- MISSION SOCIETY HOLDS MEETING - , (Continue From I’M* I. - ■ ' ,ii i this part of the meeting by reading portions of Scripture from the eighty ninth Psalm and from the sixty-thtTd chapter of Isaiah. Following the reading of the Scripture, a very ap propriate talk was given, the closing thought of which was the story of how Mr. Toplady came to write the grand old hymn, “Ro#k of Ages.” Kills Of Mohammedanism , It has teen the custom for soma time to have the honorary members of the society take charge of the pro gram for at least one meeting during the year. They decided to do that this year in Ma>*. Professor C. C. Bramble was selected by the men to be the presiding officer. After a' few ; introductory remarks, which were spicy and to the point. Prof. R. E j Root was introduced. His talk cen tered around the “Why” of the mis sionary movement. He traced the his tory of the Mohammedan religion from remote times to the present. As there are 250,000,000 Mohammedans in the, world today and they are increasing * all the time, they are a great men- j ace. Christian missions must also in crease to overcome this evil. Although the PrOphet iiripreksed upon all his I i ’ ■■ ll * Taste is a matter of tobacco Mate our the tobacco* are finer hence better taste) than Sn any other cigarette the mmam 111 1 fMUmmr "Sgir y /jPL 1 , * << ■ -w tn Chesterfield j CIGARETTES ‘ of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos—blended . f * 9 * • ** ] ; 'M | ..,^r ; Ear'fen Hollars and Ninety / \ ,\ <?mms-9 1tis30x3'AUico / j , p fifcdfctbelieving his money is -J . . [ going farther in tire value than it iVfflßfilh r ever has gone or could go before. Js§ ;, r Naturally he appreciates the qu ah GSSkM I. ity of USCO. That was established f i It is still fresh in his mind that 1 J USCO hd the national market - j into the $10.90 price range. Jr: Zt| * * I Tho makers of U. S. Tires JeWlSksSklw fkHfc J r alimy 30 x , j | est value in. its 1 7 USCO j I I I HO 9° i > : w^fc.k.^.k.k.. . Where KRAUSE GARAGE. ANNAPOLIS. MD. I you tan ' ~ < * A colonial motor co., annapolis, md. 4 i jIJL, ♦ . state* garage.. Annapolis, md. * ~ WINTERSON-PHIPPS AUTO CO., ANNAPOLIS, MO. L/*S.Tires: i '*•/. rt; t ri ' followers the value of knowledge, this . is only for the men. for women are not supposed to have any souls and their brain is onlv as good as thaV of a cow. The fact that $$ yer cent, of the women of Islam are illiterate is a strong proof of the falseness of this religion. Phases Of Christ lan Missions Prof! P. E. Hemke next sod the leading phases of the Christian mission, or the "What” of the work. These three phases are the Evange listic. the Educational, and the Medi cal. From some blackboard illustra tion, Prof. Hemke gave a very com prehensive idea of the work Icing done by each of these branches. There is great need of physicians all over the held. In China alone there is only one doctor to 250,000 people. The location of conferences, schools, hos pitals, etc., to the "Where” of Chris tdao^jnissiogs^wasgivenbyßeod^V. HOLLY BEACH FARM PHONE 18C7F-2 ! —Jersey Milk^ Us Leave You Trial Bottle FREE TOMORROW II - j—. * ; James, who by means of some very j carefully gathered statistics showed J the vast extent of territory covered f by this agency. Yet even this is but i a small beginning to what must still ! jbe accomplished. Between the talks musical selec tions were given. The first number was a duct, from Stainer’s “Cruciflx ion,” bv Prof. W. E. Olivet and Mor ris Feldtneyer. The second was a solo. “Comfort Ye My People," hv Mr. Feldmeyer. Both of these selec tions were beautifully rendered and added much to the program. Profes sor Bramble closed the men’s part of the evening’s entertainment with a brief prayer. After giving the hon ; orarv members a rising vote of i thanks for the splendid program, the ladies of the; May group with Mrs. Dawes as chairman, served ice cream md cake