turning Capital Established UM. /|XD IARIUHD OAZETTB Established 1727. 'ANNAPOLIS. If D. Published Hally Kirryt Sunday by ffHI CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY feW THE EVENING CAPITAL F" !• on aala at the following placet: Decree \V. Jones ....JIM Main Street fertilwni B<'hultxe..., M West Street (George J. Pavla 74 Maryland Are. Cbas. O. Krlilwryer M Maryland Are. rr.lieblrd C’onfecttoi *i y ” King George St. William Baker Meat A Cathedral Hta. MV. B. A A. Newataud, Kbort lAne Terminal B. Miller 234 Meat Ktreet W. Mandrla, Third A Severn Ave., Kaalport K>r. Charlea 11. Ilealud.,.2V Maryland Are. Delivered In Annapolla, Kaatport, Ger- Bamtewn and West Annapolla by carrier for If cents per month. Yea can have 4be EVENING CAPITAL Inalted to you when away from tbe city by leaving your name and addreaa at tbe #mi, for 45 cent* per monlb; 55.00 per bear, payable In advance, to any poatofflee In tbe ('tilted Stale* or I'auada. Eulcrgd at Annapolis Poatofflee as V Second-Class Matter. M—bar ef Tbs Associated Preee The Associated I’reaa Is exclu alveiy entitled to the use for re nublb-ailon of all news credited to ; or not otherwise credited In this paper and alao tb* local news published herein. All rights of re - publication of apeclal dla patth a herein are also reserved. I SATURDAY. JUNK 10, 1922. * - -- ' PRIVILEGE* AT WORK Another idea of the economic iniquity of the McCuinber pordney tariff bill which a Re publican congress threatens to fasten ujmui the people is disclos ed in the silk schedule. Its ef fect will be to increase the war drobe hill of every woman using silk, and that means virtually every woman. Woman’s sweaters, stockings, underwear, dresses and an end less variety of other articles math of silk can he boosted retail lifty per cent, if this measure becomes a law. It is estimated that tin nation’s silk bill will go up at least $874,000,000 annually. Under the present Underwood tariff law, the silk business in tht United States has increased three-fold. That has been since lUJ4. This would surely seem to indicate that the industry is no longer in its infancy or that it has suffered from tariff restric .tions. Furthermore, it is declared that 'American manufacturers need not fear competition from abroad because the industry is largely in their hands under present condi tions. The only purpose, then, for a high tariff' measure is to build higher the wall keeping out foreign competition, not to save the industry hut to permit it to gouge the public by boosting prices. , If that is what the American kilk purchaser wants, she is go ing to get it unless there is pro test and protest. The brand of special privilege is burned deep in the silk schedule. The New ( Vork World declares that the clauses were actually written by the silk interests’ president, am) adopted after the committee had increased the rates for good pleasure. Predictions made long since *that “special privilege” would control the tariff bill are amply fulfilled. Rut despite the fact that the pending tariff measure has been bitterly denounced from nearly every section of the coun try, the forces of “special privi lege” are functioning as usual, utterly unmindful of the public’s interests. ISOLATION IMPOSSIBLE During the latter part of the World War, when the punish ment which was to be meted out to the former kaiser was a fav orite subject of speculation, a London newspaper promised as an alternative to execution that he be exiled to the island of Tris tan de Cunha. This is probably one of the loneliest spots in the world inhabited by civilized men. Its area is Iti square miles and it lies in the Pacific Ocean 2.000 miles west of the Cape of Good Hope, 4,000 miles northeast of Cape Horn, and 1,500 miles southwest of the island of St. Helena where Napoleon Bona parte was exiled. Tristan de Cunha was thought to be the safest place in the world in which to imprison the kaiser because of the fact that years frequently elapse without a ship putting in there, and there would be little possibility of his com municating with the rest of the world. Exile there was deemed almost equivalent to solitary confinement in a dungeon. But even Tristan de Cunha Ito longer to be cut off from the rest of the world, for a mission ary has gone there with a radio outfit. Isolation is, in fact, be coming impossible, Jh wireless (THE EVENING CAPITAL AND MARYLAND GAZETTE ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND, SATURDAY, JUNE 10. J 322 is linking the loneliest and most desolate spots of the earth with the most crowded cities. I he difficulties experienced by the missionary in reaching Tristan de Cunha illustrate what an iso lated place it really is. He had to search for eighteen months be fore he could find a ship going anywhere near there. At last he found a Japanese vessel bound from Cape Town for the River Plate in South America and suc ceeded in inducing the captain to deviate from his course and touch at Tristan. One of the earliest settlers of the island was t an American named Lambert, a sailor from Salem, Mass., who took posses sion in the early part of the last century and declared himself sov ereign in a proclamation in whict he said he grounded his right and claim “on the rational ami sure ground of absolute occupancy.” Lambert was drowned while fish ing, in 1812, and about that time American cruisers used the is land as a base from which to prey on British commerce, and this led the British to occupy the island and formally take possessions A garrison was maintained there until 1817. On the departure of ihe soldiers, a corporal and his wife and two other men were left behind at their own request and they became the founders of the present colony. And imw, after more than a century of isolation, the mission ( iry and his radio will bring the island people into close touch with the outside world. AI M CHURCHES ST. ANNE’S PARISH (Protestant Kplaropul; Pounded tan:.) UEV. KDII'AUD D. JOHNSON, I>. I. Kectof. ST. ANNE’S Ilit HIH 7:llft A. M.—Holy Communion. 9:30 A. M.—-Church SUtuoi. j 11:00 A. M. —Morning Prayer. (First Humiay, Holy Com . muuiou.) 1 8:00 P.M Evening Prayer. All sittings (roc and unassigned. ) ST. LUKE’S CHAPEL EASTPORT ItKV. GKnKGK It. SAVAGE 3:00 P.M. —Sunday School. 1 4:00 P.M.—Evening service. NAVAL ACADEMY CHAPEL 1 8:45 A.M. —Celebration of the Holy Com mu n ion. . 10:45 AM.—Morning prayer and i sermon. i CALVARY M. E. CHURCH ) H. W. BUKUAN, Pastor. 9:45 A.M.—Sunday School in Re ligious Education BulltJ i ing, Maryland Avenue and Prince George street. 9:45 A. M.—B rotherhood Bible Class, held in church building. State Circle. 11:00 A. M. —Church Nursery. 11:00 A.M.—Sermon by pastor. 7:15 P. M.—E p worth League Bright Hour. | Visitors in the city cordially invited | to he present. OLLEGE AVE. BAPTIST CHURCH KKV. JOHN S. sow EH K. Pastor. 10:00 A. M.—Bible School. H. H. Hall, Superintendent. 11:00A.M. —Morning worship. 8:00 P. M.—Evening service. 8:00 P. M.—(Wednesday)— Prayer Meeting. Meeting of Trustees at close of morning service. Short business meet ing at close of evening service. Cordial invitation to all. TRINITY M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH KKV. A. K. OWENS. Pastor. * 10:00 A.M. —Sunday School and Men's Bible Class. 11:00 A.M.—Preaching by pastor. 7:45 P.M. —Ei.worth League. 8:00 P.M.—Children's Pay service. Public invited to attend all services. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES 3 SIITK CIKIJ.B 10:00A.M.—Sunday School. 11:00 A.M.—Subject: “God the Pre server of Man." The reading room is open every Wednesday from 3 to 5 P. M.. where all authorised Christian Science lit erature may be read, borrowed or pur chased. All cordially welcome. EASTPOKT 31. E. CHURCH KKV. JOHN T. JAKGEK, Minister. 10:00 A.M. —Men's Bible Class. 11:00 A. M.—Communion. 2:30 P.M. —Sunday School. 7:15 P. M.—Epworth League. 8:00 P.M. —Sermon by pastor. The public is cordially invited to all services. EDWARDS CHAPEL REV. JOHN T. JAKGEK. Minister. 3:00 P.M.—Children’s Day service. Tbe public is invited to all services. ST. MARTIN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH ■ PWlft>P’Ul. D., Mala ter. 9:50 A.M.—Sunday School. 11:00 A. M. —Baccalaurcate sermon by Rev. John S. Conning of New York to St. John’s College graduating class. 8:00 P.M—Lecture on “Romance of the Heavens, which declare the Glory of God.” ANBURY M. E. CHURCH 11:00 A M.—Sermon by the pastor. 2:30 P.M.—Sunday School. 7:00 P.M.—Epworth League. 8:00 I*. M.—Sermon by pastor. MT. MOKIAII A. M. E. CHURCH KKV. P. J. JOUDAN, Pastor. 11:00 A. M—Bateau laureate sermon to the graduates of Stan ton School by the pastor. 2:30 P. M. —Sunday School. 3:30 P.M.—Memorial services by K. of P. 7:30 P. M.—Song and Praise serv ice. 8:30 P. M.—Sermon to the Fair banks Association by the pastor. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (COLORED) KKV. H. f, PIKItCK, Pastor. J. T. YOL’XG, Church Clerk. 11:00 A. M.—Sermon by the pastor. Subject: “And He Walk ed and Talked with God." 1:30 P. M> —Sunday School. 3:00 P.M.—Sermon by a stranger. Singing by Mt. Zion baud of Baltimore. 8:00 P. M.—Sermon Ly pastor and Communion. 8:00 P. M —Tuesday. Prayer meet ing. 8:00 P.M.—Friday. Prayer and Covenant meeting. All are welcome. Come one, come all. PHti transfers IN CID AND MW RECORDED IN COURT ! From The C. W. Martin Company to George W. Riley and wife, lot of ground at Eastport. Second district. Fiom The C. W. Martin Company to , Karl A. Smith and wife, lot of ground in Eastport, Second district. , | From Ray H. Wakemun and wife to Harold B. Herty and wife, lot of ground at Germantown. Second dis ; trict. From Walter H. Hart and wife to August Weber and wife lot of ground at Cedar Park. Second district. I Strength, Security and Service! 1 FOR 116 YEARS THIS BANK HAS SERVED THIS COMMUNITY FAITHFULLY AND WELL AND OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES FOR TRANSACTING EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BANKING BUSINESS. A*sets Over . . $2,500,000.00 8 WE PAY 4% INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AND 2% ON DAILY CHECKING BALANCES I OVER S9OO. THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN ANNE ARUN DEL COUNTY. ~ THE „ Farmers National Bank OF ANNAPOLIS, MD. EAGLE No. 174 For Solo at jroor Dealer Made m five *rd€ AMC FOB THE YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND EAGLE MIKADO EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY. NEW YORK From Charles L. Tate and wile to the County Commissioners cf Anne Arundel couuty, lot of ground at Ar nolds, Third district, containing 6-10 acres. From Lawson Brooks and wife to Martin Anderson and wife, tract of land in this county. from irvmg Uwings and wife to Joseph f. Harvey, tract of laud at Deals, Eighth district. Frcjfi Irving Owens and wife to Harry W. Alace. 2 lots of ground at Pen!#, Eighth district From The Arundel Packing Com pany and others to Josephine L. Bes son. lot of ground at Chalk Point. Eighth district. Frotn The Ashburton Realty Cora p.iuy to Joseph Blid and wife, lot of j ground at Manhattan Beach, this ecuuiy. From Carey L. Meredith and wife to Kings Apostles Holy Temple, lloli ncts Church, lot of ground at Parole. Second district. From Wiason G. Uott and wife and other:; to George L. Branzcll, lot of ground at Eastport, Second district. From Charles M. Balder, attorney, to The Parkway Company, Incorpor ated. 3 lots of ground in the Fifth district. From Ccorgc W. Scible, single, to Thomas H. Kirby and wife, lot of ground at Germantown. Second dis trict. From Christian Pamincycr to Rog coe C. Rowe, lot of ground on Prince C.cargo and R tndall streets, this city. From David Scarlett Ross to Mar guerite Mac Phillips Livingston, lot of ground at Riverdale, Third district. [ P“Cdet ißrstkaßaßraaiera. It’* sell-A(ja,linj, and simply alias aver the head, clasps at the waist sad under ann, aad smooths oat agly lines. If four daalar can‘t ft it, smnd actual 1 i*. add cm; and C,rcl " prm ' Nemo Hygienic-Fashion Institute 120 East 16th Su, New York. D.p’t M. " j- Palmer Engine BENJ. E. SARLES AGENT Ph**he Wll-IK Annapolla, Ml. TRUSTEE’S SALE —OF— VALUABLE REAL ESTATE In the City of Annapolis, Mtl. By virtue of a deer**; of tbe Circuit Court for Auue Arundel Couuty. p.iss*Ml on the fourth day of August, In ihc year IV*—l. in a t an*' lit tuid Court v. In rein William It. liutlcr el ui are complainants and Addle Ireland et al. arc d< fendeiits, designated aa No. lot* Equity. the uttder aijtuVd Trustee will otter at public sal< at the Court House door, iu the t'ty of Au napoiia, Maryland, ou Tuesday, June 27, 1922, * At 11 O Clock A. M., the following projierty, in the Cty of An napolis. vis: All that lot of grottn I located on the Northeast side ol luke of Gloucester street, from ing thereon forty feet, more or less. Htid having a depth therefrom of ouc hundred feet, more or leas, improved by a Isrg.- three story brick dwelling des ignated us N mutter 11> Gloucester street substantially liuilt and iu excellent condi tion, containing 1- rooms nud hath, s bed room , front and took stairway, -elMr containing store-room, pantry and kitchen aud fuel room, alley-way four f-et wide on one side, and a driveway I'J fH‘l on the other side of dwelling: large yard nad brick smokehouse, eouid he converted into apartments at small cost. TKK.MS tK SACK -One half r the purchase money to be paid in cash on the dav of sale, or at the option of the Trus tee on the iinal ratification of such sale by the Court and tbe balance In six mouths fiom the day of sale, or all cash at the option of the purchaser, deferred payment to bear Interest from the day of sale and to he secured by the bonds of the purchaser with security to bo approved by the Trustee. A deposit of *.•)!) will lie re quired ou the day of sale of the purchaser One-half of purcbMc money can be ob tained cji mortgage from undersigned. NICHOLAS II GKKF.N, Trustee. 11 Church Cl rile. Annapolis, Md. Just the thing for your Rowboat or Canoe Caille Bantam 2 11. r. PRICE $75.00 LATROBE & CO. MARINE : ENGINEERS ANNAPOLIS, MD. E. O. LEAGUE ROOFING IptsMai, Sheet Metal aud Mat* Wark 4TOTBS MIU FURNACES ISBUMII AMD REPAIRED I’MONE 781-W TUKI'UON'G 643-M. JOB WORK A. W. PHILLIPS Contractor and Builder Kniilpiu t: Shop: 101 Charles St. 149 OloucMlrr St Annapolis, Mil. CHAfcLES M.CARLSON 100 (iLOI'CKSTGIt N'JKEKT CON THAI’TO II { and BUILDER Ktluaii Cheerfully Given, PHONE 37 PIANO TUNING~and CHaTr CANING PROMPTLY DONE! - Work Called For and Promptly Delivered! I*ll ONE 352-M. IWM. MUHLMEISTER zo WEST ST. *24 W. B. & A. Electric Railroad MID-CITY TERMINALS I (DVTLIGHT SAVING TIME.) Half-Hourly Service Morning ami Evening Between Amiapifli *. Baltimore and Washington and Camp Meade (Washington and Camp Meade passengers change at Naval Academy .1 unction.) LEAVE ANNAPOLIS West Street Station 5.10. x 5.50. 6.20, x 0.50. x7.srt. 5.20, 020 10.20, 11.20, A. M.. 12.20. 1.20, 2.20. 3.20 4.20. x 1.50. 5.20, 6.20, 7.00. 5.20. 10 20 11.20, I*. M Leave Naval Academy Gate 10- piinutes earlier; State House Station. Bladen Street and College Avenue, seven (7) minutes earlier. Connecting at Odtyiton with P. It. R. (Effective Dec. IS. 1021.) ANNAPOLIS SHORT LISE DIV. Bladen Street Station 5.20 A. M. and half-hourly thereafter at 20 and 50 minutes after each hour until 0.50 I*. M . then at 7.50, 8.50, 0,50. 10.50, and 11.50 I*. M. * 5.20 and 5.50 A. M. trains daily except Suuday. LEAVE BALTIMORE—W., B. A A. 6.35. 7.35. 8.35. 0.35. 10.35, 11.35 L A. M., 12.35. 1.35. 2.35, 3.35. xt.os, 4.35, xo.OO. 5.35. 0.35, 7.35. 0.35, 1135, I*. M., 12.35. A. M. All trains receive or discharge passengers at local points between Annapolis and Naval Academy Junction and at Ship ley and Linthicum an signal. (Effective Dec. IS, 192 L) ANNAPOLIS SHORT LINE DIV. t Howard and Lornlmrd Sts. 5.15 A. M. and half-hourly thereafter at 15 and 45 minutes after each hour nntil 0 15 I*. M.. then at 7.15. 8.15. 0.15, 10.15. 11.15, P. M.. aud 12J5. A. M. 5.15 and 5.15 A. M. trains daily except Sunday. LEAVE WASHSGTON 6.00. 0.45. 8.00, 0.00. 10.00. 11.00 A. M.. 12 00 - 1.00, 2.00. 3.00, x. 3.30, 4.00. x 4.30, s(¥*' 0.00. 7.00. 0.00, 11.00 P. M., 12.10 A. M. X —Dally except Sunday. For tickets anil information apply at our city ticket offices: West Street Station. State House Station. College Avenue and Bladen Street; Cairel Hall. Maryland Hotel. WILLIAM H. MOSS Auctioneer j < MORTGAGEES SALE —OF— t Valuable Fee-Simple Real Estate i < in the City of Annapolis. Maryland. , Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a mortgage from Rudolph i; ■ Smitli to Martin M. Smith. bearing oat*' I On* (Mk day of April, lIMS. and ddiy re* orded among the land record* of Anne .\rumlcl County, Maryland, in tf foreclosure will sell, at public aud.on. at the Court House door. Itt the City of Aunapolla. Maryland, on Thursday. June 29. 1922, At Eleven o'clock A. M., the following described rial estate, situ ale. lying and iivliig on the north side >: Main street, sometimes KmAvn as Church j struct. lu Hi* 1 City of AituajMilla, near Mar ket Space, atul oeserlbed as follows: k'l KST: All that lot of ground. Im < proved bv u tbrve-stor.v brick btilldiug known as No. Jtu Main Street. Auiiapolts. 1 having a troutage ol iouucu tect on salo . Main street, and occupied on the llrst lb , as a drug store, anil known as "Smith* Pharmacy," and on the up|>er Hoorn as . . dwelling house, the lot ruuuing back for the distance >f ltllJ* feet, and having a ! width at the rear of ten feet and two I iuebes. with the use in common of a four r foot allev on tin- West side thereof, and being the tlrst piece of property non . ttoned in atol couveyed by a deed from Martin M. Smith au*l wife to Rudolph I! Smith, dated the litli day of April. IW-*. auil duly recorded among the laud records ol Auue Arundel county In Liber l ‘ l T,,r • All bids or proposals will be opened at 12 o cloc k noon on Mon day. July 3rd, 11*22. In the presence of the County Commissioners. Solti bonds wll ! not be sold for less than their par valut aud accrued Interest. On the opening of said proposals as many of said bonds as Lave been bbl for. not exceeding, however, the amount foi which proposals are Invited, may be awarded to the lilgln-st responsible bidder or bidders therefor for cash; and if two or more responsible bidders have made the same bid and such bid is the highest ami the bonds so hid for by such highest re. sponsible bidders are in excess of tin whole amount of bonds as offered for sale then such bonds may be awarded In a rat- I\ r l , I? >r *l°P to SU< J responsible bid ders bidding the auiiii* prhx* The County Commissioners of Anne Arundel County may. in their discretion ae t s>,.t one bbl for all of said loan, or separate bids for parts of said loan, but are not for 1! .aml they the rlirht auv* b'ilr dilltret,on ' to reject all bids or ilblders are referred to the said Chapter of ~1( ‘ General Assen*bir of Maryland of 11*22. as containing tin terms and provisions of this loan. T!e Countv Commissioners of Anne CoERtr. at Annapolis. >ij.. May 8. O. TILGHMAN. Clerk. FLORIDA LOTS’ Invest in St. Petersburg lots—the grow ing and prettiest city of the South. Good land; low prices, and terms to suit you Sure Investments; see my plats, and make money while sleeping. A. W. PHILLIPS, Annapolis, Md. PHONE G43-M. Residence: Office: 101 Charles St. 149 Gloucester St -yd& 'Broth ers Plmbing and Heating I*2 MARKET STREET PHONE IflO-J. PROMPT SERVICE! ... } CLASSIFIED . ♦ LOST unT nv.'ii plain i center. Rewsro if return, Road Naval Academy I *"> i P - kethM>k . garet's and Skidmore i,, N \ Taylor, Skidmore stnr> N tl. Ih'stnl Ulli BAI.K lOK s tl.l. Meet rlc Ihii r. f ply 257 Hanover street , ... idr mu cai>a< ity SB pßUmts Apply -II Murray hv. , , '■ .BMW. 1,1 V FOR SAI.K -*(0 Vietlolt. In perfect condition, im > ' Madison street. or plioin \\ POK MLI pure bre*l; great iuiik>i \\ , ,i hats t port. Ft IK SALK- dlUce desk i fit West street. FOB BALK 11 H t tloli; new cords; ,\t . Vl ,. di uooistr.ition, call ol J FOR SAKE Overland u, Jiisi overhauled. l*iii*u<- i-i* i ‘ 1 FOK SAKE -Columbia 1:. Ivitt condition. M. II ra.v avenue. FOK SALE—Velle Coup. .j . senger; e*|ul|ipe*t witii i;, , * 1 tim-utal motor I! i. a i. . A l vosditlou. John \ m Park. Phono s’si. FOR SALE One bl. y, Ie Apply 20 Jefferson site, t FOR s.M.K Four room front; good bathing. I'lc.tn _v. h : mu BALI 1' chine: cost sn.'i. Price Wheeler atol Wilson >SS. Price $25 \\ |b o\ mafic: cost slo7. Prh <• >., ( 11 Northwest street. FOR Mi l i lb] Im lies; 11 11. P. Ferro shape. Price. f J.'u \|... Wheeler's Railway. K.istp.Ml WANTED W ANTED ..\ I idd. Must be in good •. 11 Murray avenue. Teh-plmat i l ' - ' ' 5=5 Y 0& BENT FOR KK VI Furnished room Dfild ileoriti* ulrwt, non r t?jirvH H i 1 two Kuntliiiu'u. <’aii .Mil i;. FOK KFfc’T KuriiinlM m lioiit*,’' at' I dear euu be rented for suwiue rooms; all conveniences < lew t, era; shade trees; rowboat Ti. i 9fil-J. FOR UK VI Hot beginning July 15, Apply ..Mr dress. | rtlK RENT—House at is Stall' (V* three moulbs. Apply above .* FOR RENT Huilgalow. I>l Point, Kastport: ft room*. |.r * pantry ami bath; its* feet t all modern i-uuvciiiemeH. gc a Apply next door. I FOR RENT—Attractive furuUlte. i ~ for summer month*, or for .... t Call ut iso (jiouccotcr Mtriet. a phone :>7ii-J. FOR KENT L'nfurutabcd aparte •n: ply Os*ar Hbacks. :;j West #irw FOR KENT—Five-room fnriitste-: I ; must for three ißouths. In gin i lb. Apply S Maryland iivemi. FOK RENT—Fntll Oetuber M. tea 1 house; good bicatioli and ioll'.iiiS Naval A Shlpwricr * j Pimm* J. ' FOK KENT Five-room turn ■ ' Apply 93 Conduit street. HELP WANTED *} HEIJT AA .ANT Eli W men I - r 1 lion doing f.imy work- l ■■ | spare hours, to write inm ll 1 I'tnlerwisid Art Hoods ’ '■ mouth. Oliio. t _ _ . „ -— —- HELP WANTED--Reli.il .• n. trlct Su|H-rlnteudeut •> “Cl ornamental tr*s*s. rs busls -1 bery, seeds, efj-.; also engage aW JJ '' vise aab-ugeuts E\. u*i' * Pay weekly. Apply at "H" | Nursery ('