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An Up To Date Daily Newspaper VOLUME 11. NO. 328 _ is| / v ' J i v * /•. . v _ § 4 u cil H#p I ii: for u K tift ’.r; ; pr Ta'nrS" i I svjetf T;an6 jf B it? *?! k I a&s&sii CUT CLASS. If you wish a tine |m cv of cut glass, cheap. sue our ih*w stock. —C. S. Henry & Co. SAFETY VALVE JARS. The new safety valve fruit Jars are the jjest fora ever invented. Something ncw §o(l easy to seal. For sale by C. S. Henry * Co. BUS SERVICE ! BUS SERVICE. Having purchased Mr. LcComple s bus, I will be prepared to meet all boats and trains, and promise the best service possi ble. Give me a call. Phone 150 C, Allen T vlku. Cream Puffs! Cream Puffs! The Cambridge Bakery bas begun to make again the cream pulls for which it ia justlv noted Call or ph>n • and have your wants supplied. Cambridge Bakery. •phone 264. <e> /k ®t ■A : 4-> VL ~ U&. m Y?ei fisvs U'nys Boagft •T PILES ••f hare mnffered with piles for thirty-six years One year ago last Ap-il I began taking Cabarets fo’iconstipation. In the course of a week 1 noticed %fae piles began to disappear and at the etui of sis Weeks they did not trouble me at all. t arets have done wonders for me. 1 am entirely cured and phel Ifkea new mau." George Kryder. Mapoleon. O. Best For M The Bowels CANDY CATHARTIC Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Good . Do Good, Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe. 10c. 25c. 50e. Never mold In bulk. The genuine tablet stanipoil CCO. wnaranteed to car© or your money back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 593 MiUALSAU, TEN MILLION BOXES PIANO TUNING All Work Guaranteed. Not Here One Day and Gone The Next. PIANO & ORGAN BUMINS EDWIN non, Expert Piano Tuner WITH LeCOMPTE & HARPER. CAMBRIDGE, MD. 1 FOLEYS HOHEWAR The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. For coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic. Good for everybody’. Sold every where. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR is ia § Yellow package. Refuse substitute*. . Prepared only by I Foley At Company, Chicago. McALLISTER'3 I'll A KM AC V FOR SALE 24 BUILDING LOTS. I The undersigned offer at private sale 24 I building lots in the town of Cambridge, I Md., and located as follows: Four on the 1 west side of Choptank avenue, between ■School and Water streets; Twenty on the Beast side of West End avenue, 3 lying bc- Btween Water street and the river, 0 be- Kween School and Water streets, 6 be Hween School and Travers streets, and 3 Between Travers and Church streets. All these lots have a frontage of 50 feet or and a depth of 125 feet. prices and terms, call on T Sangs ■ THOMAS E. TRAVERS, 1 Hg-lfi-tf ARTHUR B. TRAVERS, Trustees. fcIEYSILLtItUIIt I |BhkM NMnava auj Bladder Hiaht THE DAILY BANNER. S CHINESE REPUBLIC Discovered in Barren Country on Russian Territory. SOME CF ITS STRANGE LAWS The Whipping Post For Gamblers and Collectors, and Burial Alive For More Sericus Infractions of the Law. St. Petersburg. Oft. 14. —An account is published in the Bourse Gazette ot a hitherto unknown Chinese republic on Russian territory in the Far East, on the litiaii river, between Bialy and Dyassyan. a barren country not far from Vladivostok. The Chinese repub li.- made a set of laws of its own ami is called the Republic of InuW.m. One of the paragraphs of its laws, called “The first law of the Turkey Red Fus tian,” contains the constitution and rules of conduct as follows: “Brothers, we have taken the oath in tne sight of heaven to govern the I man valley and its neighborhood, as well as the guests and newcomers among us. according to law and jus rice. and all violations of our statutes will be punished without the slightest clemency in accordance with the fol lowing rules: Gambling, card playing, keeping bank, etc., is permitted only one month in the year, from Novem ber 15 to December 15. Those guilty of violating this rule are punished by a fine of 500 pounds net of their mov able property, a fat pig and 20 blows with a stick; this punishment affects only gamblers who have not the right to gamble, not being registered In the list of ‘Cross brothers.’ The bank keeper, the house owner and the gam bling clerk are equally subject to pun isbment. It any of our subjects steals sable skins from another's house he is pun tshed by burial alive. Whoever steals the precious Dgeijshen root is put tc death by drowning without any ever rise to mercy. Whoever steals panti opium je buried alive without clem ency, “Guests have the right to three days’ free board and lodging at every house in the republic. After this term expires they must pay 40 copeks per day for food, and if they happen tc arrive during the celebration of the .Chines? New Year they must con tribute T 5 rubles for the said eelebra tion. Everybody is obliged to keep a watch dog at his house; if he has none he must borrow one from his neigh bor. and if such a dog dies the neigh fior has no right to claim if hack. For violation of this law- one ts punish able by 40 blows with the stick. “If any workmen or guests are seen to fraternize according to the myste rious rites of the Cross brotherhood and the landlord does not report such fraternization to the authorities, he is fined 400 pounds of movable property, while the guilty ones receive 20 blows of the stick each. Old debts may be collected from the Orochon natives, (tut loaps in genera} are hereafter for bidden. In the forest apd ip the moun tains no debts whatsoever can be col lected; on the Iman river debts can be collected, but not indoors. The punishment for ‘dunning’ is 400 pounds of movable property, 20 blows and a fat pig. 'Citizens of the republic who do not announce the approach of a Russian are put to death on the spot.” Railroad Fight May Go to Court. Chicago. Oct. 14. —It is possible that the struggle for the control of the Illi nois Central railroad between Stuy -1 vesant Fish and E. H. Harriman may be taken Into the courts, Attorneys for Mr. Fish are preparing a petition ask ing the courts to enjoin any person or corporation from voting any stock in the annual meeting to be held Wed nesday next, which may be shown to be owned or controlled by the Union Pacific railroad. This action, it is said, will be brought under an Illinois sta. ute which prohibits one corporation from owning stock in another. Dog’s Suicide For Grief. Altoona. Pa.. Oct. 14— Grieved over the retirement of Us master, a hand some fox terrier committed suicide by jumping from the top of a three story building. The dog had been the constant companion of David Bol linger. who for years had been the stable boss of a department store. Bollinger retired, and the dog appar -1 ently realized that he would not come | hack. Balloon Crossed North Sea. Gotherburg. Sweden. Oct. 14. The Daily Graphic’s mammoth balloon, which left the Crystal Palace, London, has succeeded in its attempt to break the oversea record. The balloon cross ed the North Sea to Denmark and travelled over Scandinavia with great speed. Bearings were lost in a fog, and an exciting descent was made at Brockin. Sweden. Mrs. Morris Hopelessly Insane. St. Louis, Oct. 14 Mrs. Minor Mor ris. of Washington, sister of an lowa representative, is hopelessly insane md has been committed to the state asylum at Farmington. Mo. After her arrival here she denounced President Roosevelt for her forcible ejection from the White House a year or more ago. The Weather. Forecast for this section: Fair and I continued cold today; tomorrow, fair j and somewhat warmer: light north j winds. CAMBRIDGE, MARYLAND. MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 14, 1907 CHICAGO THE CHAMPIONS f.hut Out Detroit In Last Game For World's Championship. Detroit. Mich. Oct. 14.—The Chicago ' National League base ball team at Bennett Park won the world’s cham pionship, defeating the Detroit Ameri can League team by the score of 2 to 0. It was the fourth successive vic tory for the Chicago team in as many days. Taking advantage of every slip f.ade by the local players and run ning the bases cleverly, they scored two runs in the first two Innings, while the Detroit team did not suc ceed in getting one man over the home plate. The score by innings; R.H.E. Detroit 00000000 o—o0 —0 4 2 Chicago ....1 1 000000 o—2 7 0 Secretary Bruce of the National Base Ball Commission, announced that the total attendance at the five games which were played in the series was 78.086. and the gross receipts slOl,- 728.50. The receipts were divided as follows: National Commission, $lO, 172.55; Chicago and Detroit base ball chibs. $18,311.13 each; Chicago Na tional League team, $32,960.03, and the Detroit American League team, $21,- 973.36. President Yawkey. of the Detroits, added as a gift to his players for win ning the American League pennant sls .000 to their share of the receipts from the world’s scries, making $36.- 973.36 which the local players will | divide. NAVAL OFFICER A SUICIDE i Lieutenant James Sutton Fired Bullet: Into His Brain. Annapolis. Md., Oct. 14. Ge ond Lieutenant James N. Sutton. Jr., of; the United States Marine Corps, is i dead at the naval academy marine barracks, his death resulting from a 32-calibre bullet fired into the right side of his head. From the best information obtained, Sutton, in company with Second Lieu tenants R. E. Adams and E. P. Roel ker. returned to the marine camp af ter having attended a dance given at the academy. Shortly afterward Sut ton is said to have been discovered on the road nearby, with a revolver in his right hand, and several fellow officers tried to disarm him. This they succeeded in doing, but not before the weapon was discharged In some map ner. and Lieutenants Adams and Roel ker received slight wounds, tjiilck as a flash, it is said, Sutton took from his blouse another revolver and with this fired the fata! shot into his brain. Lieutenant Sutton was 22 years old and the son of James N. Sutton, of Portland. Oregon. Can’t nocate Mr and Mrs, Clarkson. Lqpdon. Oct. 14. If Samuel Clark son and his wife, who was Miss Helen Maloney, are at any of the leading London hotels they are under assumed names -and the attaches of the hotels relusp to admit that they are thefc or have been there, A careful search has failed to locate the couple, and if they arc in London they have? thus far suc ceeded in hiding t Identity. At the Carlton hotel 1 denied that Mr. Clarkson and hi? bride had been there, but it is possible that they are under assumed names ancj that xnclr secret is unknown to, or is being ept secret, by the management of Ihe hotel. Picking Fall Strawberries. Lititz. Pa.. Oct. 14.—-October straw berries are the; latest triumph of the farmers in this section, several horti culturists in a small way having been successful in ripening the luscious spring fruit under the late autumn sun. Those who have tasted them de clare tljxy are as largo amt as sweet in as the best offerings of the sprint A rs. Kline and Phares Mali) nnee brought the first of the fall i to the harvest home services at Raul's Lutheran church to use In decorating. Each brought a large dish full of them. First Ride In N \v Auto Fatal, Morenci. Mich.. Ort. I 1 Art' ur On weller. a merchant of Lyons. Ohio, was killed in an a’Com. 'iile accident five miles east of this city. Mr On weller had purchas 'd a new automo bile and was taking his first ride in it. His wife and two children were In the machine with him. While driving at fair speed he lost control of the ma chine in some way and it ran into a deep ditch, turning turtle and crush ing him to death beneath it. Mrs. On weller and one of the children, a boy, were seriously hurt. Not Entitled to Foam On Beer. Washington. Oct. 14.—Judge Kim ball in the police court was called upon to decide whether a customer is entitled to beer with much or little foam on it. He decided against the foam. The defendant was George Gray son. who refused to pay for a glass of beer because there was not enough foam on it. The bartender pleaded that beer without a "collar” was pre ferable. Grayson set up the claim that a customer is entitled to enough froth to show that his beer Is not “dead.” The court fined Grayson $5. Returns From Europe; Houe Burns. Bangor. Me.. Oct. 14. Just as Thomas Masters. Jr., of Pen Argyl. arrived at his home from a trip to England, his house caught fire. The damage was calculated SBOOO. It __ Am’i Halb Vigoh, Mew iMraovxD Formdla C T f Sulphur. Destroys germs that cans* dandruff and /J /“* I* /J j" f falling hair. Cores rashss and srnptioas of tealp. Ka/L Wf vl* f/yosrM. Soothing, healing. Food to the hair-holM. Oulnln A strong tonic, antiseptic, stimulant. .. , , , . , Sodium Ohi or Id. Cleansing, quiets irritation of Main. No scref about Ayer s Omntharldoo. Increases activity of glands. Hair Vigor. Show this Sago, Stimulant, tonic. j. c. ayerco., formula to your doctor. Alcohol, Watmr, Sarduma. lowii, m. Contains All The Local News ■’FORTUNE” IN BAD NOTES. Captain Wright Gathers SIOO,OOO On Eastern Shore. Capt Charles E. Wright, of the Govern ment Secret Service, returned to Balti more from the Eastern Shore Friday with about SIOO 000 in notes issued by the de funct Somerset and Worcester Savings Bank of Salisbury, Md. Some of the same notes caused the arrest recently in this city of a druggist of Cambridge, on the charge of having counterfeit money in his possession The notes are in the denominations of si, £2 .$3 and |5, and were engraved by the American Banknote Company, of New York. The engraving is excellent, and except that the paper on which they are printed is thin and flimsy, the notes are well calculated to deceive. Tuey pur port to be payable at Salisbury on Nov. 1, 16(12. Captain Wright went to the Eastern Shore to gather in the notes after the druggist’s arrest He learned the history of the notes there. About 40 years ago the Somerset and Worcester Savings Bank went out of existence. The late C. White lock, who was the president, had a large number of the notes in his possession when he died, and they were kept by his family. Some time ago Mrs. R D. Ellc good, daughter of Mr. Whitelock, gave some of the note's to some young ladies to !be used in a play. Mr. M. T. Skinner, president of the Eastern Shore College, : at Salisbury, saw of the notes and , was convinced that they would be a good j advertising medium for hia school. He j paid Mrs. Ellegood $-5 for $150,000 of the ; notes, on the backs of which he printed I the advertimement of the college. Tneu the notes were circulated as an advertise l meut. Some of the notes brought to Baltimore by Captain Wright do not contain the ad vertisement on the back and are therefore more likely to deceive He obtained the notes from Mr. Skinner, principal of the college at Salisbury; Mr. Alfred L. Par ker. principal of the branch of the college at Crisfleld and M ss Ploy Hardesty, prin cipa‘ of the brand} at Cambridge. Instructions wer?: given by Captain i Wright to the police in' Salisbury, Cam ! bridge and Crisfield to gather in all the i notes they could find and turn them over to him. A large number of the notes have been distributed, it and consterna tion was caused when Captain Wright an nounccd that the possession, of them is a violation of I§^,' on the Ewtern learned a} tbe notes now carefully scrutinize every noe offered to them to make sure that it is good "Baltimore Sun. A MISTAKE CORRECTED It is a mistake to combine in the same remedy both stomach and liver medi cines, because the stomach is not always out of order when the liver is. or viccver ■ sa; while it is true that these organs are 1 so closely related that when one is af ; fected the other is likely to be also, i still there are times one is affected and i the oU'er is not. It is a serious error to give a liver medicine combined with a stomach medicine when the stomach oply needs treatment, and it is not uec j essary to mat the stomach when the ; liver orly is disordered. Rydate’s meth lod is the most sensible one. He does i not combine the two, but makes a tab ; let for tbe stomach and a tablet for thy liver, which can be combined if neceas ary. Guaranteed by Post Qtftcfi Phar macy. THE KISS The kiss is a peculiar proposition—of no use to one, yet absolutely bliss to two. The small boy gets it for nothing, the young man has to steal it and the old man has to buy it. The baby’s right, the lover’s privilege, the hypocrites mask. To a young girl, faith; to a mar ried woman, hope: and to an old maid, charity. The bliss of the kiss however, is frequently lessened, or lost entirely on account of offensive breath of one or both of the participants caused by indigestion or dyspepsia. There is no occasion for this condition though for the reason that Rydale’s St mach Tab lets will soon correct the stomach trouble and do away with the bad breath. They [the Stomach Tablets—not the kiss] are guaranteed by th< proprietor of the Post Office Pharmacy. Directions: take two boxes Rvdale’s Stomach Tablets and follow up with the kiss as often as convenient I - Notice To Ovr Customers. We are pleased to announce that Foley’s Honey and Tar for coughs, colds, and lung troubles is not affected by the Natio nal Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it us a safe remedy for chil dren and adults For sale at slcAllister’s drug store. Wars :i,e A !j ' Iv ’ i Alwa l s BOOJfr : CJ L: - O* X 5. X A. a i . dears the H e Vl'd V';J Uav9 Aivta/S BOU^f ras caused by mice gnawing matches fit a clothes closet. Death In Sawmill Blow-Up. Punvsn'awney. Pa.. Oct. 14. John Thome*, of Patton, was killed and three others were perhaps fatally in jure! in r* Idler oxn’osion at the saw mill of la: b Markin, on the Walker Smith farm, near here. —ila in a^aaaan———aaMa uHGT IN BRAIN AND LIVES Bey Wends l ' Recovering From a “Sure Death" Wound. Uhoster. Pa.. Oct. 14 The case of Leroy Foster, a 12-year-old white boy. who is a pattern at the Chester hos pital, is pronounced to he the most puzzling the physicians at the institu tion have been called upon to treat. Although shot through the brain with a 38-calibre bullet, the boy is recover ing from the injury and is in posses sion of all his faculties. Three weeks ago Foster was exam ining tlie revolver, which had been left in the holster on the wall at his home. His uncle, George Culp, a mem ber of the Chester police force, had hung it there, and the weapon ex ploded. The bullet penetrated his cheek, passing clear through the top of his head. The boy crawled to a couch, where he lay for an hour before he was discovered. Blood had trickled from the wound ail this time, and when he reached the hospital he was very weak. The youth had retained his con sciousness. however, and was able to tell clearly how the accident had hap pened. WONT CHANGE CAMP Fresh Bear Trails Caused President ta Reconsider Plans, Slamboul. La.. Oct. 11. Citizens from the whole countryside turned out in expectation of seeing the president take his departure from Stamboul for the south, hut because of the change of plans thoy were disappointed. There was a general expression of satisfac tion. however, over his reconsideration of the determination to move to Ten sas parish, for now that the change Is pot to be made Stamboul confesses candidly that it would have been very much chagrined to have the distin guished visi : or go away with an empty bag before rin 'me originally fixed. General confidence in his success in the new camp on Bear Lake continues buoyant, and the. imports from there are uniformly favorable. Indeed, it is said that a number of fresh trails were discovered, and tiiat on one occasion riie party came on a good sized bear, which on account of the absence of the dogs, escaped, Lccrted a Bear For the President. T’nadiiia. (la., Oct. 14. —The mayor ami 26 of the most prominent citizens of Unadilla signed and mailed a let ter to President Roosevelt, Informing him that they had located a bear in a awamp mi the Haddox farm, and prom tsing the president if he would Join them any day this week they would give him real sport. < KILLED IN HIS CELLAR John Hcwley Terribly Mangled By Ex plosion of Hot Water Furnace. Scranton. Pa., Oct. 14 —John J. How icy. aged 60 years, who had been in the plumbing and fitting busi ness all liis life. \< i by the ex plosiop of a hot water furnace in the c.e|lar of his home in Dunmore. He rerently purchased the house and started a tire in the furnace for the fir-t time, h is supposed that the cock permitting the hot water it) pass to riie pip'-s was not turned on. and that the explosion followed wh -n the pres ute became too much for the boiler. He was examining the furrtaee in company with his two daughters when the explosion occurred. Botli his legs were blown off. ami he was otherwise terribly mangled The daughters were slightly injured. The cellar was bally wre< i H and the house set on fire, but t la a flames were quickly extinguished. No Murder Or Suicide In 24 Hours. New York. Oct. 14. The con n r’s office of Manhattan, for years the daily source of gruesome news “copy." gave up a story that in point of novelty ranks first in the office’s retards. Twenty four hours has passed in Man hattan without a murder or suicide be ing reported. Nineteen hours went by while not a sudden death or suspicious death was recorded. This period of criminal inactivity included Saturday evening. The average number of eases reported to the coroner on Saturday nights is 25. Wreck Cause of Three Deaths. Mansfield. 0.. Oct. 14. Flagman Onferiug. Willard Oswalt and William Perron were killed and Conductor Jo seph Welch was severely injured as the result of a collision between the two sections of a broken freight train. Oswalt and Perron, while driving, wore struck and instantly killed by a fire engine hurrying to the wreck. Four Highwaymen Break Jail. Huntington. W. Va., Oct. 14. —Four alleged highwaymen escaped from jail Ity sawing a number of iron bars. The men are Harry Jordon. Thomas Mc- Donald. John Morgan and Patrick Bryan. Bloodhounds have been sent after them. NUGGETSJ)F NEWS Miss Helen Gould has given $25,000 for the equipment of the new gymna sium of the new $225,000 Naval Y. M. C. A. building at Norfolk. Va. Mrs. Bertha Mund. who strangled her three children at Buffalo. N. Y.. three weeks ago. bas been committed to the Buffalo Slate Hospital for the Insane. In a wreck on the Northern Central fallway at Troy Pa.. Engineer Wil liam Mac Key was covered in wreckage and 15 cars were destroyed, as the air brakes gave out. Charged with implication in the forgery of notes aggregating $3250. a young man. who claims to be First Lieutenant Alban Lefort. U. 6. A., is tinder arresi ia New York Largest Circulation in Cambridge of Any Newspaper The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which Las been in use for over 30 years. Las Lome the signature of - and has been made under Lis per „ sonal supervision since its infancy* Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Jnst-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment* What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children’s Panacea —The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CtNTAUN COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. That Spare Time of Yours How Are You Spending It? We have students who are spending their time profitably by taking the Shorthand or Bookkeeping course. Be wise ; improve your time by writing immediately for full information relative to one or both courses, BOTH DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. Graduates Assisted to Positions. For Information, Address Eastern Shore College, Cambridge, Maryland. WROUGHT IRON RANGE CO.. ST. LOUIS, MO. Gentlemen: Having used a Home Com fort Range 6 years with perfect satisfac tion we can cheerfully recommend it to our neighbors and friends. Yours respectfully, Mb. anu Mrs. W. L. Barnes, Trappe, July, 18, 1907. WROUGHT IRON RANGE CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. We have one of your new Home Com fort Ranges Mo. 1907, that is giving fine satisfaction, this new range takes the place of one bought from your company 21 years ago, and your salesman, Mr. Wood put the Old Range in first class order, and if we did not have the new Range we would not take $25 00 for the old one as I am sure it would now outlast two cast iron stoves, I cannot find a crack or warp in the old Range today It gives us great pleasure in recommending the Home Com fort Ranges to our neighbors and friends. Dawson & Taylor. McDaniel. July 29, 1907. FROM MAINSPRING TO HAIRSPRING LIES A SECRET. The Mainspring is the power which transmits to the ac tive parts of the watch. The Hairspring has the control and regulates the motion. The fitting is the most delicate ; ina agin a 100th part of a hair. Impossible, isn’t it. Yet ft is enough to interfear in its performance. So wonderful is its adjustments. The friction from a. cumulated dirt; lack oil, etc., destroyes perfect fitting. Do not let your watch run to ruin from neglect. Remember our business is the care ot watches, and my opinion costs nothing. A. C. BROWN, ewler and Optican, Cambridge. I | LECOMPTE & HARPER. 1 ♦ IF YOU WANT t I GOOD FURNITURE CHEAP | J CALL ON US. X | LeCorqple Pjcjppeu | PRICE $2.00 YEAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. B. Fleishman & Bro. are going out of business in Cambridge. Goods sold at cost —Fleishman’s Underselling Store. WROUGHT IRON RANGE CO. Gem lemen; We have one of your Home Comfort Ranges in our home that we bought 6 years ago and we are delighted with it. Mb and Mrs. John A. Lewis, Sept. 30. i 907. Cambridge, Md. Windsor Hotel 1317 29 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa. ‘ A square from everywhere " Special automobile service for our guests Sight-seeing and touring cars. Ko< ms |1 00 per day and up. Thi only moderate priced hotel of repu tation and consequence in Philadelphia.