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Tt: OAILY BAMMSH The Daily Banner is published every afternoon, except Sunday, at Cambridge, Maryland, by LINDSAY C. MARSHALL, Editor and Lessee Entered as second-class mat.tei at the poa to thee at Cambridge, Mary land. TERMS One Year . $2.00 Six Months SI.OO Three Months . . so.r>o CIRCULATION 1,100. MONDAY, [OCTOBER 14 1907 HURLOCK ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs. Z. D. Bradley have re turned home after spending a few days in Salisbury. Mrs. Lee LeCompte, of Cambridge, visited Mrs. M. M. LeCompte on Wed nesday Mr. and Mrs C. J. Colons and daugh ter, Rachel, spent the first of the week in Baltimore. Mr. J. B. Maddox, of Front Royal, Va., spent part of the week with his brother, Rev. Carroll Maddox. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Woolen and daugh ter, Mary, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Beckwith on Sunday last Advance. “Uncle Josh Perkins’’has a most ir teresting plot, the lines are well written, the characters well drawn, and the ac tion natural aud not forced. To add to the production, the management has equipped it with a complete scenic tn vironment, while the acting is made up of the very best metropolitan talent and in cludes a number of well known local fav orites. THE REVIVAL AT GRACE CHURCH. Rev. Mr. Rosser preached two very strong and impressive sermons at Grace Church yesterday. There was a pro ncymced feeling manifest These revival services will be continued every night this week. The public is in vited to attend them. NECESSITY OF A VARIED DIET. A matter of no little importance in main taining a good healthy appetite is variety of diet. Appetites soon flag if there is a monotonous rameness in our daily food An unusual delicacy will add to the en joyment of the whole meal. Of course bread is a staple food. No meal is complete without bread or some other wheat food. We may think we never tire of bread, but try some radical change and see how welcome it is. Tiy National Biscuit Company’s Graham Crackers The unbolted wheat of which they are made is not only delicious, but stimulates the appetite and the digestion. The flavor of the National Biscuit Com pany Graham Crackers is entirely differ ent from the old coaise kind originally made by Dr. Gidham. The same pro gress which experience, skill and study have produced in all the products of this Company has made the Graham Ciacker not only a healthy food, but a delightful delicacy. Por the indoor worker—the office man— the inactive, nothing makes a better lunch than Graham Crackers and ndlk. Light, but sustaining, without heaviness or sleep! ness so often following a heauy lunch of rich foods. Keep Graham Crackers on the table as well as bread, and the staff of life can be eaten in either form that particularly ap peals to the taste. National Biscuit Company Graham Crackers come in moisture and dust-proof packages, keeping in all their delightful flavor, crispness and freshness. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought ID. H. LeGompte & Sons $ fill This Fall '|| Weather 4 C ;• fairly suggestive of 11'^'■!& % lv light weight overcoats. V -4 %*' '' Raw davs and chilling j , will ha y. e no ' are inside or one of •' our light weight T| : I p i OVERCOATS. ' H !■ Shoes! 1 K::l j If you are not satisfied i with the wear of your shoes, try a pair of our Packord Shoes. Boys’ School Pants. I We have just rereived a full line of Boys’ Knickerbocker and plain pants for the school boys. D. H. LeCompte & Sons “ Uncle Josh i'erkins,” the greatest comedy success, is down for an engage ment ui one night tit the Auditorium on Tuesday, Oct 15th. The play is built on original lines and is said to be presented by a brilliant company, who make the most possible out of every type of char acter enacted While built largely for laughing purposes, there is enough pa thos, human interests and thrilling situa tions unfolded to suit all classes of men, women and children, too. The fort he. an I ing engagement of this company will j doubtless attract unusual attention from ! the playgoers of Cambridge. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ( Lucas County. ) ’ I Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business iu the City of Toledo, County and slate afore ! said, aud that said firm will pay the sum i kf ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS f.-rj ach and every case of Catarrh tnat cun- 1 I not be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh j I Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, tßis (>th day of December, i A. D. ISS6 , a . A. W. GLEASON, (Beal) Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the b'ood and mu cous surface of the system. Sedd for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledy, O. Rohl by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s lamily pills for ccustipa tion. Auditorium TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15,1907 THE BIG FUN SHOW Uncle Josh Perkins. Singers, Dancers and Comedi ans. An everlasting success. See Uncle Josh at the County Fair. Watch for the big parade of the Hayseed Band. Prices 25, 35, 50c. Seats on sale at box office Mon day at 10 a. m. SET 'DF T FT—By tSe carting of aline during Tut suay’t gale near Bcooni'a light a goso line bnt Reward if returned to residence of l.ouis Dei age, Cambridge, Md. Juuius Baker. 10-11-31 LOST. T OST—Sunday more ing, near my residence • n High street, pair of gold nmmt I si : tacl -s in frame Finder will please return to Mrs. Mamie Roberts. 1C 14 3t T OST.—A csrtitii it - no. 112, dated lx •ember 12 Li 1904. for thirty shares of the capital stock of National Bank of Cambridge, Md . issued lat* Levi D. Travers. Also a certidoate no 59, lated June 7. ItSi. lor one share of the capital stock of National Bank of ra nt.ridge. Md is-ued to the late Levi D. Travers. Finder will please r, turn to Levi D Traye s, Jr., Dune in L. Noble, Daniel B. Prettyman Emer on C Harrington, B.nj L. Smith, M. D., Tiast: as. 9-21-st-law wTnt^d TXTANTED—Cigar Sale man. Experience un ”” necessary. SIOO per month aud expenses. P erless Cigar Co.. Toledo Ohio. 9 1W ~ FOR SALE irtOK S'LE.—One thousand cucumbers, forty U cents a hundred. Mrs Sue Bratinock, Route 1. Box 33, Ciimbrid IPOR SALE.—Some good seed wt eat. Address *- Howard Brannc jk, route 1, Cam. ridge. Md. Phone 298. 10 1 3w FOR HEM. TAOR KENT—Eight room House with bath In ■L West End. Apply at once, M. care of Ban ner office EpOR KtNT.—Or sale, house and store adjoin -- ing. 2(K Henry street. Good Stand. Appty to W W Cook. Sr. 9 10 Im ipOK RENT—Room over J. A.lschantre & S. u’s L jewelry store formerly occupied by Miss \nr nie Richardson, suitable for dressmaker or office. Entrance on Pop'ar street. Apply to J. A. Tschantre A Son. IT'OR KENT—Stcte house on Race street for- . " merly occupied by W. H. Raucliffe and Car ter Hughlett. Apply to Emerson C. Harrington, Cambridge. Md. 3-7-tf. TVfONKY TO LOAY—SIOOO. S3OOO. S2OOO and -A-L SIOOO. to lend on rirst mortgage. Golds he ough & Fletcher. STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING. We are now showing a full line of Men's Medium Weight Underwear For Fall. Light Weight Wool and Wool Gauze. Light bud medium weight cotton gar ments, 50 cents and SIOO. Also a full line of red flannel gar ments, $1 25 to *2 00. Fleeced garments 50c. to $2.00. Natural wool garments, $1 25 to $2. This is the old price on these gar ments, the new prices on wool and cot ton garments having advanced 25 per cent; but owing to our having bought early, we can sell you the same goods at lower prices. Don’t wait, but buy your winter underwear now. "McCrcady’s.” | No. 29 Poplar Street. :: :: Cambridge, Hid. | Mace, Slacum & Co., AGENTS FOR THE Oriole Engine. Made in Baltimore—will run anywhere, j Guaranteed for one year from sale. Made in the following single sylinder, ai.d 9, 13, 16 H. P. in double sylinder. One of Ibe-4inesf working engines on fhe market. ORIOLE ENGINE. P p es on application. We Repair All Kinds 01 Engines. —■■ ■■ - ; Mace, Slacum & Go. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. ion n c Telephone No. 207. 120 Face Street i Dressy Shoes | | For The Young Men. j t This Shoe Store grows iu favor with young men ) / day by day. They always -want a pair with “ snap " 1 \ and ‘‘go ”to them. Wc cater to tlieir "anls —have / C Ihe shoes that exactly fill Yhcir mind's eye We in ( / vile the swell young tiade to ttill to see the Fall C V styles. The lasts are entirely new Toes rather ✓ * pointed—swing ami straight lasts Pa lent kill ;>ai 3 eul colt skin and gun metal ealf are lav rite leathers C V Lace, butlo; and bluelur style. $4 00 S:J 50 $4 00 } X * to $5 00. The Fad Styles are here to welcome you ' s I. L. Leonard A Sens J y The Up-To-Date Shocrs- Mianus Marine Engines. fgft Simple. Plain U turns an 18 inch,three blade pro peller 475 revolutions per minute. HUBERT H.TnKIGHI floenk hooper’s hardware. A Now Is The Time to Buy STOVES! B| [/I We Are Ready For h HV Wk You Rig- f ■ I Excelsior Cook B •J M.igic Ranges. |||pl I II Double Heaters. fciwß <fl V Air Tight " Wood Heaters. ilii|ilfe‘Bk Heating Stoves. | Pocket Knives PRICES (illAßVMlin RIGHT. I Phillips Hardware Co. ~- ■ - ~- ’— - - -■■■-f^-,-‘551 FALL STOVE TALK! % I* /**\ rc H c adquarfcrs For Your Stove Wants. I wr %/ Wood Heaters, Coal Heaters, Oil Heaters* Cook Stoves, Ranges. Never iias there jgggajlkVji been such a display of Stoves as we are HBBgr*| exhibiting this "Fall Come in and tfl-fco a ook over our line. or ** il ® G£ ?S *** Kinds,. I L. C. Smi’h, Remington, VVincheitcr And Other Makes Goad Guns; Gunning Coats of All Kinds. Ammunition, Etc. Hardware oi all kinds. Lime, Hair and Cement. Roofing, Belt ing, Pipe. Harness for all purposes. Carriages, Wagons, Boat Supplies, Rope. Paints, Oils, Glass. Cooking Utensils, all kinds, I Cutlery of all Kinds 1 V 4 For Table, Kitchen and Pocket use. I Scissors and Razors. H AH goods as represented or money back- fl VVe guarantee to save you money. H Phillips Hardware Co.l Race and Muir Sis. Telephone 49a