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VOLUME 26 NO. 80 B———gg——BMggßß^:^.-. n .jgiK3KMa—ligngßMManaMgsjßncaccnßnoKraMizitn ;w —bbct :trwr-~'r-r -ctr-- •.--- —; I ESSEX COACH I . * J Which i Two types of closed cars sell under $2,000. One has pretty trinkets, vanity cases, cigar lighters, ] trunks, etc. Do you want them at the cost of motor car efficiency? Do you want a chassis such as sells in open models hundreds of dollars under closed car prices? Or— The Essex Coach at $1245? It gives all closed comforts, is sturdy, has ample carry ing space for passengers and luggage and has lasting quality. The Essex chassis is always efficient and costs little to operate. Leading American and European experts pro claim it is “the finest, liveliest car of its size that is built.” Wouldn’t you rather have car performance than body trinkets? i , Freight and tax t Phi Hardware Company - - Si ' '^'>,l^ 499 T l . .. ..T****T ■.? - * ,v 1 11 ““ 1111 'I , " gg —" r 1 I ' l H— , \ -'a • ■ ' • t . . .. LeCompte & Harper Furniture; . -% . vi . . • . ■ . We mnke • specialty of median) priced farnitare Lei ur show yoa oar stock. We also carry the better grades as well* We hare Phonographs. Pianos and Organs Orna ments, Picture Frames, Etc. Funeral Directors f. „ r We are fnllj equipped to baudle every detail of fnaemli. Storage We have • large new warehouse where we store goods at reasonable prices. ir- . * LeCompte &Harper Phone 116 Race St. Cambridge, Md, WAR SAVINGS STAMPS ; (Not Registered) I AND : U. S. VICTORY BONDS j “A'* to “F” Inclusive ' I CAN BE CASHED AT’ The Eastern Shore Trust Company FROM NOW TO JAN. 1, 1923 If the money is left on deposit. ; • Registered Stamps can only be cashed through ; the Post Office where registered. I Interest on the Victory Bonds “A” to “F” : will be paid to Dec. 15, only. • GEO. W. WOODFORD, Pres. ; J. G. MILLS, Cashier. ; HWWWWWHWWWWWWWWWWW CAMBRIDGE, MARYLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 28, 1922 J FOK SALE Overland touring car, model 1916. Fair condition with winter-top; self starter: new battery: good Ores and Delco Ignition system. Price $125- C. W. McAllister. 12127-2 t Woodstock typewriter, practically ne .. Cheap to quick buyer. Apply to Mrs. J. E. Corkran, Williamsburg, Md., or Phone 62-3 Hurlock Md. 12122-lwk. House on Mill street. Possession January Ist. Apply to J. Kichard Smith. 12118-ti Whte Leghorn Breeding Cockerels from my heavy laying snow white egg strain of Leghorns. Price $2.50 to $3 H. O. Mott, Hambrooks Bay Boulevard, Cambridge, Md., Route No. 1. Bungalow in first class order all conveniences, good location, garage in rear, cheap if sold quick, terms if de sired, apply. W. S. Hoddinott, phone 26 and 419 12]S-tf FOK KENT Conveniently Located Office. Heated Apply to P. F. Payne Flat with electric lights and all mod ern conveniences. Apply at 313 West End Avenue. • 12j27 2t One comfortably heated furnished room. Apply at 123 Willis street. 12|22-5t Brick house corner of Locust and Mill street cheap to quick and good tenant. Every modern convenience. Edward S. Phillips. 12118-tt Corner store in Arcade building, now occupied by J. Howard Hirst, florist, a For terms etc. apply J. Bryan Oashieli Treas. 12114-lmo. = WANTED | "TramUy"sew!ng and plain dresses. Ap , ply 416 Race street. 12|28-5t • Stenographer and book-keeper Ad • dress Harrington & Bayly, P. O. Box, • 233, in own hand writing stating cx ’ perience and salary expected. • *2126-3t • ..Second hand musical instruments of ■ all descriptions bought nud sold. The • K. K, Musical Supply Co No 4 Court • EQST • Black and white dog with brown • head and ears and answers to the • name of “Lope.” Finder kindly notify • J——— | Elks Insignia gold ring. Reward If . returned to L. Philip Skinner, Cam ’ hridge i _Md i _ ai ______________ • Saturday between Gladding’s""^B^- ’ press Co's wharf and Phillips Hard -1 ware Company 2 suit-cases. Reward ' if returned to Banner office or call , phone 364-W. 12]2G-3t • Last week, white setter dog with black specks on body and few brown • specks on nose. Reward If returned to • E.i M. Skinner. 12|26-5t I Christmas night between Grace . Church and' Opera House, grey pocket ■ book containing several dollars. Re • ward if returned to this office. • 12i27-2t i MONEY TO LOAN • * • SIO,OOO on mortgages on real es | tate in sums to suit borrower Cal § vin Harrington, Attorney. J2j9-tf Motorist Fatally Bruned George Shively Dies From .Flames Of Gasoline- Greensboro, Md.. Doc. 2 7 —George Shively, of Goldsboro, was fatally burned in Goldsboro on Monday after noon about 1.30 o’clock when he slipp I ed down into burning gasoline. Hor ace .Dennison and Mr. Shively were riding in Dennison’s automobile and when the car refused to run after they were nearing town they decided j that the gasoline had water i n it. j Letting some gas run out on the road j to see whether there was any water i < in it, Shively set fire to it- While he I 1 and others were pushing the car from the burning gasoline Shively slipped into it aud was so badly burned that he died Tuesday morning in the Cara_ bridge Hospital, where he was rush ed after the accident. The burned man was 47 years old and is survived by his wife, who be fore marriage was Mjss Laura Hus- i ton, of Goldsboro; two daughters. Addle and Hattie and one son, Har- < vey; his father, John Shively, of Goldsboro; one brother and one sis ter. The funeral services will be ; held tomorrow afternoon at 1 o’clock at the residence, the Rev. J. M- Sehooley officiating. Interment will be in the Greensboro Cemetery. Getting even isn’t half as proflt able as getting ahead. i ——— -I; A Our Next Matinee is Saturday at 2:30 You can believe Mr. McKinney when he says D TONIGHT 7:15 9:00 P.M. Will Be Your Last Chance To See ESTELLE TAYLOR KENNETH HARLAN CAnd A Cast 300% Perfect In “Thorns and Orange Blossoms” A Story More Absorbing Than Was A Bertha M. Clay’s novel of the same name. = THE PICTURE IS EXTRA FINE AND WE ARE VERY —PROUD TO OFFER IT— jy WILLIAM DOLAN i “He’s Bugs on Bugs,” and a Pathe Review. I PRICES—IO and 17 CENTS \ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY (Matinee Saturday, 2;30) -55- 2 SMS. FOR ONE PRICE j PtflfFn CONSTANCE TAI.MADGE I VIOLA DIANA } ennive “Mrs. LefflngwcU’s Bools” | “Cinderella’s Twin” 1 MtUWj ,* 1 ALWAYS And RUTH ROLAND In “Timber Queen” j MRS. MARY E. HINES DEAD < Was The Widow Of Dr. W. Frank Hines, Of Chestertown. Chestertown, Md.. Doc. 27- —Mrs. Mary Emory Hines, widow of the late Dr. W- Frank Hines, die ( d last night at the home of her son. Dr. Frank B. Hines, in Chestertown, of diabetes, aged 64 years. She is sur vived by three sons and two daugh ters—Dr. Frank B. Hines, of Ches tertown; Mrs. B. F. Houston, Wil- < mington, Del.; Charles G. and E ■ Massey Hines and Mrs. Harold D. Carry, of New York; also two broth ers. Samuel C. and William C. Em ory, and two sisters, Mrs. Bruce Mas sey and Miss Alice Emory. Funeral services will be held Thursday after noon at Emanuel Protestant Episco pal Church, conducted by the Rev. Dr. C. T- Atwater. Mrs. Hines was active’in all kinds of social work and had only recently returned from a • visit to relatives in St. Louis. Mo. o— NOTICE TO PARENTS Parents should realize that it is dangerous to place rifles in the hands of children; recently a number of cases of persons shot with rifles by boys have been treated at the hos pital and every day complaints are received by the police of windows broken or of persons who have nar rowly escaped being shot as the re sult of the careless firing of rifles in the hands of boys. An ordinance of Cambridge prohibits the shooting of firearms within the corporate limits and notice is hereby given to all par ents that the police have been in structed to strictly enforce this or dinance. All boys caught firing rifles or reported for doing so will be arrested and the parents will be held responsible. DANIEL E- BRANNOCK, Bailiff. 12j28-3t o Fully 10,000 acres in Hawaii were planted in 1922 to pigeon peas, a forage and green-manure crop intro duced some years ago by the Federal experiment station at Honolulu, ac cording to reports to the United States Department of Agriculture. Flaxseed is produced chiefly in the North Central States, the most im portant being North and South Da kota. Minnesota, and Montana, ac cording to reports of the United States Department of Agriculture. ( COLDS DUE TO OVERHEATING Director Furbush Declares Tempera ture Should Not Be Over 68. In these days when so many citi zens are coughing and sneezing, Dr. C. Lincoln Furbush. director of pub lic health, comes forward with a sug gestion that should keep many re cruits from the “wheeze and blow” brigade- In brief, “don’t overheat your home.” “An overheated home,” says the director, “is a poorly ventilated one. In order that all indoor atmosphere be healthful it should be maintained at a temperature of 65 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit with sufficient amount of moisture to bring about comfort The power of the air to absorb and retain heat depends largely upon the amount of moisture in it. When the amount of moisture is decreased there is required a higher degree of heat to give it the desired sensation or warmth and comfort. “The bedroom windows should be kept open throughout the night, the amount of opening depending upon the individual requirements. No heating system is efficient until it is combined with adequate ventilation, which adds moisture to the dry air, carries away tii contaminated at mosphere. and supplies fresh, healthy outdoor air.” CAMBRIDGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY GOAL COAL Just Arrived— . ■ . ■ i One Car Lump Coal For— FURNACE RANGE, ETC Mixed with Anthracite Goal it will help with any Goal Stove. ORDER TODAY! COAL COAL | CAMBRIDGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Dont’t Delay Join Now Christmas Saving Club For 1923 Weekly Payments 25c. to $5,00 4% Int. Added The Fanners & Merchants National Bank of Cambridge INSURANCE OP ALL KINDS IN OLD AND RELIABLE COMPANIES Arthur S. Hopkins PHONES 400—597 RACE ST. NEAR GAY CAMBRIDGE MARYLAND 1 111 -I!" ' .T— ■■■ , I ' WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! Cash only. A large load of good wood —most-| WOOLFORD & SMITH ly oak for $2.50: half load A1.50. PhoDe 38 Cambridge. Md I THE TIME TO INSURE IS NOW : before the fire alarm rings. Write, ■ I telephone or caU. Fdgar B. Simmons insurance PRICE $5.00 PER YEAR