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COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, AT TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS FOR CASH Friday, Saturday and Monday Group No. 1 Sale Price DRESSES Serge and Tricotine, 1 Originally $7.75 to £12.75. Size V JJ) J Group No. 2 DRESSES Poiret, Tricotine, ] Wool Crepe and Canton Crepe. I Originally £15.50 to £IB.OO. Size I d*A AC COATS 4 — Bolivia and Polar cloth, j Originally £12,75 to £IB.OO. Size | 16 to 42 J Group No. 3 DRESSES Poiret Twill, tine. Canton Crepe, Crepe Satin, Wool Crepe. Size 16 to 44 SUITS Poiret Twill and Trico- (M £AC tine. Size 16 to 46 } I A COATS Bolivia, Normandie, Ve- A W** lour (some with Fur Collar and Cuffs). Size 16 to 44. Original prices £21.00 to £30.00 Group No. 4 SUITS Fine Poiret Twill, Tiico-1 tine, Bolivia-Broadcloth (some Fur trimmed) (I*o >1 AC COATS Fine Bolivia, Norman- } T) /CL H J die Fashion (some [Fur trimmed). } 1 * Originally £30.00 to £56.50. Size J 16 to 42 J NO APPROVALS. NO EXCHANGES. NONE CHARGED. See Window Display Corttwell, Bowdle & Co. THE BIG DAY-LIGHT STORE FRESH CANDY We Have uust Received A Shipement Of Chocolates Direct From The Factory. LIQUID CORDIAL PINEAPPLE / ASSORTED FRUIT CORDIALS I |C LIQUID CORDIAL CHERRIES fl Vf „ ASSORTED CHOCOLATES If /ih ____ASSQRSED NUTS- Post Office Pharmacy Tne REX ALL Store CLEARING-OUT SALE! Beginning Today Best Hat at $4.98. Sport Models, 98c to $7,98. Showing new line of between seasor ts this week on until Spring Models arrive. L. E. VANE 28 Race St. K 318-M GRAND OPERA HOUSE | ; Here it is —The Picture That Everyone Wants to See | “FOOLISH WIVES” [W I Production (In Eleven Reels) Enthrillmg f — £ At last you can see it fresh from its Metropolitan triumphs and the wonder and applause of admiring < I multitudes written directed by and featuring Von Stroheim the man you will love to hate. The Eldridge Trio Singing Dancing, and*Acrobatic is the Vaudeville bill. Here is a special treat for the children. * £ Otherphotoplays include “The Radio King;"'“Let’s Go” a Harold Lloyd Comedy and Mutt and Jeff. 4 j* Fifteen reels of pictures and vaudevile. Feature at 8, valdeville at 10. ■.-* 1 4 ADMISSION 25 cents; Children under 12 years 10 cents A • t Thomas Meighan in “Back Home and Broke" is the Paramount super special for New Years Matinee and night V ❖ The Daily Banner CAMBRIDGE, MD„ DEC. 29th, 1922. Brief Local News \ Margaret Small, is visiting B raclay H. Trippe, at Easton, Bi nd *es Blanche and Ruth Vincent, art ending the week as the guest of X s Harriet Walton, at Philadel phia Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gbuld and two children Carrol and Ralph. Jr., are spending sometime at Mt. Vernon, New York. The many friends of Master Mit chell Gould, will be glad to learn that he is able to be out again after having been ill at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Reagan and son, Reginald, of Laurel, Del., spent the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Lloyd Gould, this city. Misses Della and Lula Dunn, have returned to their home at Hurlock* after a visit with Mrs. James Gould, at her home on Light street. Master Clarence Gould, is spend ing a few days with his aunt, Mrs. I John Bramble, at her home nearj Cambridge. Mr. Lloyd Gould, has returned to Wilmington, Del-, after spending the Christmas holidays with his family in this city. Mr. and Mrs Leßoy L. Goldsbor ough and daughter, Audrey Hanna, of Balti/.iore, are visiting Mrs. Golds borough’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Hanna, Mill street. Prof. Wm. R. Sowers of Annapolis Md., is spending several days in Cam. bridge as the guest of his aunt. Mrs. Edgar Harrington, at the “Arcade Apartments.” Mr. and Mrs. D’Arcy Williasm, have returned to their home at Hur lock, after spending the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Mrs- Wm. H. Hooper, at their home ,on Oakley street. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hooper, have returned to their home in Washing ton, D- C., after having spent the •holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hooper, Oakley St., and Mr- and Mrs, William T. Phil lips, Linkwood. Corp. Paul R. Mcßride, U. S. N., son of Mr- and Mrs. J. Irving Mc- Bride, who has been stationed for the past two years at Honolulu, Hawaii, has reached the States and has been i spending the holidays with his par ents. He left yesterday on route for Norfolk, Va.. at which place he is now stationed. Fire was discovered yesterday af ternoon about one o’clock at the home of Mr. Curtis Thomas, Muir street. The fire caught in the bath rood; due to the. prompt service of Rescue Fire Company, was extin guished before much headway was made. The origin of the fire is un known. , It’s here “Foolish Wives” that mil j lion dollar production in eleven reels It has been secured as the big climax lof the Christmas Week Specials showing at the Grand Opera House . this Tjreek. The Ejdridge Trjo is the j vaudeville show, making 15 reels of • pictures and one of the best vaude ville kets you have seen yet. Come I early and see it all. The greatest extra value show you ever saw is at the Arcade tonight— Viola Dana, Constance Talmadge, Ruth Roland, Paul Parrott and Wil liam Dolan, everyone a feature, we’re proud of it. Everyone liked it last night and you will too, tonight. Mon day and Tuesday with matinee Mon day at three the talk of two hemi spheres, Douglas Fairbanks in “The Three Musketeers” embodying more adventure, passionate love making, quickening, action scenes than any costume drama you ever saw. The action is as quick as the flash of the sword play. o —Hon T Sangston Insley, will ad dress the Baraca Class tomorrow morning at 9.45. The public is most cordially invited. \ |ii || Merry Christinas! | ■ > ;; :| :: ! :: 'i ! < i ■ i , I I — ■■■■■ Folks use a lot of paper. j And they use a lot of ink. | | i They use a lot of tired brains . ■ To think and think and think; I I But their efforts all are wasted, J J The bes tone and the worst, j • j For they cannot beat the fellow. , , Who said, “Merry Christmas” first. J I —————————————— —— ————————— i i i > i • ■ i • i . i i • 'x < > I i: ■ v< * I • , ' , < >■. ; < i J. Richard Smith SUCCESSOR TO - HURLEY & WILLIAMS 11. THE LEADING DRY GOODS STORE ;;; L_ ft till 11 Ml >♦♦* < > . S tr.hiNrt * [ i; New Year’s Greetings: ; ;; ' With grateful appreciation for all ; I the favors received by us from you, U 1 : l and for that priceless though intan- | j . asset, your good-will, which !- : ! I’ i' ' we prize beyond measure, we seek ; II to merit your continued confidence | ■ I: and aim to serve you helpfully in ' ;; :l the future. I r < < :; We trust each day of the coming ; I year will be a harvest day of hap- < | ‘ :: piness and success for you. • -, \i ► v % \ [ t 1 *[ , ■■ ■ ■ ! ■■■■ 1,11 1 ■- ; i k f' r; ; j ' 1 1 ' i Nathan s Furniture Store i|i > ■ r h. Cambridge, Md. Seaford, Del. ; • * , mum 11IMI ******* I TO EXPERIMENT WITH il NON-SKID STATE ROADS :; National Motorists’ Association Will \ > Endeavor To Build A Skid-Proof , ! Road I | Washington, Dec. 30 —How tp , , make the modern highway skid-proof J is an engineering problem to which , , the National Motorists' Association is < going to direct its attention this J [ coming year. The number of auto- i > mobile accidents accompanied by j [ fatalities which can be attributed to i . slippery pavement surfaces has been j [ sufficient in past years to make solu- j , tion of the problem imperative. j > An announcement just made pubr { [ lie says in part: ! > “Thus far the problem of con- * | structing and maintaining a smooth * > non-skid road has baffled the skill of j [ the engineer. The only non-skid, >j i pavements in the country today are 1 those constructed of brick, or ‘j | blocks of granite. ' a > “A concrete roadway can be made f, I non-skid by scarifying or roughen- ing the surface before the top finish- | J ing hardens, but experience shows t • that it will not stay non-skid. Earth. ; [ waste, oil dripping from traffic, all , i fill up the crevices in short order • with the result that the road is soon ■ | without the non-skid feature.” > • Feeling that the time has come ] \ when the utmost in skill and science. > > should be brought into play in \ [ building American highways, the Na- * • tional Motorists’ Association intends J [ .to cooperate to the fullest extent A i i study will be made to determine J 1 whether concrete and asphalt sur- [ faces can be made as skid-proof as j i brick or granite block . j | o , , How we would like to turn a good * | orchestra of young negroes loose in > the equipment of one of those sym- J \ phony orchestras! 44 The Season's Greeting Our greatest asset is the good will of our customers and wo sincerely value the business you have given us—May your Christmas be Merry and the New Year better and more ** prosperous than ever before- v . - •••♦' .-MO.. M., . .iligQhaißii; \ | u, I HARRINGTON & BAYLY 40 Race St* \ Cambridge, Md. uH K It! Htl jilt IWMIIWIII ■ ■ilWWlWiillll IIIU Appreciation because it is an honored cus- JL\| tom but because of the Sincer ityof our APPRECIATION, we take • tins opportunity to thank you for the jjart you have played in opr business prosperity the past twelve months, and we wish you a good old MERRIE CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY, PROS PEROUS NEW YEAR. • 'V •,, , "Tf T : r f T ;r Pv ————— T - -ps7if-T:f!?nrp | ’T' | ? Stevens Smith & Company Mens' Outfitters Home of Kufifienheimer Clothes, Stetson Hat• Munsing Union Suits, Interwoven Hosiery . =: : - If IMHW lilt i MIUWWWI3 i M M. Warren Hooper —THE LADIES UP-TO-DATE STORE— . ' v- M 1 t ' . . . % ■ v ’ ; 4 / •• • * * . e i 1 : ' V ■ { i *• Wishing yon all A Merry Christ mas anti A Hapy New Year. •• , ' ■ • • . ... ■u. ' . _ l!t ■ - . j.; M. Warren Hooper Phone No. 279 , Race and Muir St. Cambridge, Mtj.