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THE SOUTHERN igGIS AM*" ‘ V, , f . . ' 4 HARFO’Sj) COUNTYIINTEUIGENCEB. *'"■■■ "b~- % . -i —afo imki vr • S \ 1 " t ' 1 ""f; ’ T —.~',', I .l' Cfc*n — " ' ~ ■ ' ~— :r - x - - —wMrTtffrrnrrrirafc. a, * •• ‘♦* ••-.. * “LST US CLING CONSTITUTSr AS THE MARINER-CLINGS TO PLANK WHIN TUB TEMPEST h$XD HlM.*' ' ’ -v-==± =^-=== 4JLa ... :* £i' .. v*r, ■. ! ? * k- ■£'' V" *f v.: • ’ ■ ** "*" '*• -!•'.■ -U- ■■■ 1 -... -—~'tv ■;•' — : JT —-r— .... ...— —~fr —-r; =rrT ' : i|U'-■ '1 Ilif*, • T .i.r -r --$1 PER ANNUM. bee AIR. MD. FRIDAY MWNING. MARtjJI *, 1864. . VOL. VIHf-NO. 11, Frankljnville Store Baltimore County. . XT' EEP hancka large and JV well assorted slock of all kinds of Goods adapted 1o the wants of the public, such as Dry Gftods, Groceries. . ’***! ssssaso sfimie 2MOTIOJVS, CHINA AND GLASS WARE, In fact any and every variety of articles necessary to a well assorted slock, all of which will be sold at very lowest Cash prices. The Factory being in op|ption, it affords a fine market for EOWMaT MSITO, for which the highest prices will be paid. The public are invited to call. fe26 FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE 1 WE are at all times paying in cash Port Deposite prices lor GRAIN, AT Oim WAREHOUSE IS Lapidum, Harford County, Md. Have also on hand a large and well se i lected stock of ' illillEfij, | Well seasoned and of good quality, j Fine Bone, Guano, Phosphate, PLASTER, SALT AND MILL FEED, ! Connstantly on hand. Farmers will find it to their interest to fe us a call. E. PUGH, Jr., ju26 Agent for Jas. A. Davis. FLOOR, FED, LIE; AND SALT STORK, NEAR UNITED STATES HOTEL, Havre de Grace, Md. The undersigned having purchased the old established stand of the late Howes Goldsborough, Esq., respectfully informs his fqends and the public generally, that he will keep a general assortment of Flour, Corn, Oats, Mill Feed, Corn Meal, Mid dlings, Chop, Bran, Lime, Salt, and Mack erel, which hs will sell at the lowest mar ket price for Cash. JOHN C. SANDERS, Havre de Grace. TO FARMERS! Farmers will find it to their advantage to give me a call before selling their grain, JOHN C. SANDERS, near U. S. Hotel, no. 27.6 m. Havre de Grace, Md. in hokT ’TRIE undersigned have just received a * large and well selected stock of Goods suitable for the season. They are con stantly making up the neatest work, and the newest and most of __ BONNETS for the Fall |GB ter, to which, limy invite the atten- TO. tion of the citizens of lift td!vn and the surrounding country. They also de sire an occasional fall frail! their Baltimore friends, when they want Something of ex tra style and finishes they are aware that the undersigned can and will take pleasure in putting up work of that description. In addition to all styles of Bonnets, -they keep constantly on hand a variety of LADIES’ AND GENTLEMEN’S SXffiftU WAttEt, Such as Rihbpns, Lact s, Gloves, Hosiery, Suspenders, and many other articles m the Notion line. Thankful for the liberal patronage here tofore given the firm, they expect by strict attention to business to merit its continu ance. ■ V -' M. J. WRIGHT & MITCHELL, Washington street, two doors north of the Railroad, and next door to ‘Nixon’s Hotel, In avhe-de^B race. sep2s HAT WANTED. 11RIMK BAILED TIMOTHY HAY wanted at Y LAPIDUM. Harford county, Maryland, for which the HIGHEST CASH PRICE will be ,id. E. PUGH.>Jh., Aenr, sept. C. for Jas„ A. tiavie. ■ , :•*, •: r f • 1 ■ * 4 - •* - THE SOUTHERN , $G IS IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, . • * J* -A~ “W: BATEMAIT, *t V at OJVE D PER JUWUM, £. Onm Hollar and Fifty Cents, Will be charged. ■■— - y m M | ‘5 RATES OF ADVERTISING. 1 One square, (eight lines Or less,) three inser tions, SI.OO. Each subsequent insertion 29 cts. One square thrqe months S3.OS; Six months $5.00i Twelve months SB.OO. Business cards of six lines or less, $5 a year. No subscription taken for less than a year. ail complete and in good r*=[ pair. TERMS,OF SALE \ Prescribed by the Decree arc—that .third of the purchase,.money shall be.paii in cash on the day of sule, and the residue with interest, in two equal instalments at six and twelve months thereafter, foi which the purchaser will be required U <rive notes or bonds, with approved secu-j rity. HENRY W. ARCHER, ( mh4 ■. r Trustee I S—-r~- |Wit. Henry Gkumbinb, l by Wra. Grumbiue, In the Circuit Court fo j his Guardian and 1 Harford County—a | next friend. fa Court of Chancery vs. 9 jl. J. Grumbine, et al. fjTvRDERED, this 16th day of February y 1864, That the sales made and re ported by Henry W. Archer, Esq., Truster jin the above entitled case, be ratified and nunfirthed, unless cause to the contrary l(e shown, on pr before the 11th day of March next; provided, a copy of this firder be published in some newspaper 1 "• •'***■*••*** ■ 1 WORTH OF MONEY, We hear a good deal about tho worth of property. A bouse is worth teu thou sand dollars; that lot is worth five thou sand dollars; a farm is worth eight thou sand, a horse three hundred, a carriage five hundred, and so on endlessly. This is all very well in its way. But ought not the question, sometimes, to be put the other way, how much is a man’s money worth? There is a wider range in the value of money than most persons think. And, upon a little inquiry, I suspect that it will be found that all persons who pos sess money, or who long to possess it, have away of measuring it, not by dol lars, but by its value in some sort of plea sure or article. Ode man earns a thousand dollars, and says to himself, there; that puts me one step out of debt. Money to him is. ,a means of personal liberty. A man in debt is not a freeman. “The borrower is 1 ser vant to the lender.” 5 i Another man sees in a thousand dol lars a snug little homestead, a home for his children, a shelter to his old age, a place to live in, and a good place to die in. But his neighbor only sees one more link in the golden chain of wealth. It was only thirty-nine thousand last month, he is worth forty this. And his joy is in the growing numerals. He imagines Jjow it will sound, full, round and hearty, when m n say, “bo is worth a hundred thousand dollars.” Nay, when it conies to that, he thinks five a better sound than one, and five hundred thousand dollars is a sound musical to his ear, —though be loves even better yet to call it half a million ! The word million cuts a great swath in men’s All this estimate of mdbey is sheer ambition. The man is vain.— He thinks much of himself on account of money, not of character. A nfan who is openly proud of money is secretly con temptuous of those who have none. Another man wishes to see the world. Every dollar means travel. A thousand dollars means Europe. Two thousand dollars mean Egypt, Palestine and Greece. Boys dealing in small sums reokou the same way. A penny means a stick of eatfdy; sixpence ia but another toup for ball.; shilling means a kite, and fifty cents A jack-knife. The young “Crack” sees in his money a skeleton wagon, and a fust uag, a rous ing trot, a jdlly drink, ani a smashing party- . > Bat many and manwp weary soul secs in every shilling br#d,,rent, fuel, clothes. There be tbousaDptwho hold on to virtue by bands of dollliiSi k igW mate save them ; a few less, antfutey are ittit. Their gayer sisters see bats royal silks in their money, or' rather, in their fathers’ and their tosb^ailds’. The poor scholar passes flaily by the stpU. where books Jigmpt poverty.— Poor cWlhes he is contentto wear ; plain ktd even meagre diet be is willing lo sub sist upon ; and as for all tho gay dissipa-„ tiona aud extravagant wastes of fashiona ble life, he looks upon them without even understanding what they moan, as a child looks upon the milky way in the heavens, a glowing band of"far-away and unexplor ed winders. But o,‘ those books! Ho looks longingly at morning; he peers at them with a gentle covetousness at night. He imagines new for earning a few dollars. He ponders whether there is not some new economy which can save a few shillings* And when good Juck at at last brings a score of dollars to him, with what fervor of haste dues he get rid of them, fairly running to the stall, and fearing, at every step, lest somo more for tunate man should have seized the prize. Wasteful man 1 that night saw too much oil burnt out in poring over the joyful trea sure. Books are whatVu's money is worth. But others see different visions. Money means flowers to them. New roses, the latest dahlia, the new camelia," or others of the great bouri band of flowers that fill the florist’s paradise—the garden. Some men see engravings in money; some, pictures ; some, rare copies of old books; somo, curious missals; others,When you say money, think of fruit trees, of shrubbery, and arboretums, and pinetums, and fraticetums. And we have reason to believe that there are some poor wretches I who, not content with any one insanity, see pretty much all these things by turns. But there are nobler sights than these* to bo seen, through the golden lens of wealth; a fatheriand mother placed in comfort in their old age; a young man 1 helped through college or established in business; a friend extricated from ruin ; a poor woman saved from beggary, and made a suppliant before God for mercies on your head, every day that she lives; tho sick and unfortunate succored, the or phan educated, the school founded, the village lined with shade-trees, a free li brary established, and a thousand such like things. A man is not to be known by how much money he has, but by what that money is worth to him. If it is worth only selfishness, meanness, stinginess, vanity, and haughty state, a man is not rich if he own a million dollars. If it public spirit, social com fort and refinement, then he is rich on a few hundred. You must put your hand into a man’s heart to. finiTout much he is worth, not into his pocket. .... ■ . A Trade a Fortune- If parents would consider the welfare of their children, they would choose thewhrfupus mechanic, or honest trader,' aS companions and help mates, instead of the rich, who aside from their income, have no means of subsist ence. How often does this question arise, and from parents, in choosing companions and suitors for their daughters, “Is he rich ?” If ihe daughter answers, “Yes, he is rich, be is a gentlemen, neat in his dress, and can live without work,” the parents arc pleased. Not many years ago, a Polish lady, of plebian birth, but of exceeding beauty and accomplishment, wou the affections of a young nobleman, who having her con sent, solicited her from her father in mar riage, and war refused. We may easily imagine the astonishment of the noble man. . , \ ‘•Am Xnot,” said lie, “6f sufficient rank to aspire to your daughter’s hand?” ,“You are undoubtedly tho best blood of Poland,” replied the father. “And my fortune and reputation,” con tinued U||e nobleman, “are they not-— A." “Your estate is magnificent,’’ said the father, “and your conduct irreproacha ble.” % “Then, having your daughter's consent, should I expect a refusal V’ said the noble man. “This, sir,” replied the father, “is ihy only child, and her haziness is the chief < concern of my life. All the possessions of fortune are precarious; what Fortune gives, atiier caprices she . takes away. I see no security of independence and com fertable living for a wife but one-; Jo a word, I am resolved tb*t no one.shall be the husband pf my-daughter wh is not at tbfesafoe timt master.of a trade.” The woblcman bowed and retired silcnt- jly. jfc,A two afterwards tho father 0 wah Sitting at the door, and saw apptokch ifiig'the bouse, wagons laden with htfkets, ■ and 'at tbe headl of the oalblbale a person in the dress of And Who, do you suppfafWfchs ? ThVfotiner sui tor of his daughter; thp pieman h*l turned basket-maker. He was ow mas ter of a trade, and brought the wares made by his hands for certifi cate from his employer in testimony bf his skill. The condition being fulfilled, no farther obstacle was opposed to thh'mkr* riage. • But the story is not yet done. The rev olution came ; fortunes were plundered, and lords were scattered as chaff before the four winds of heaven. Kings hdcatne beg gars—some of them teachers; but tho do hie Pole*sopportod his wife and her father in the infirmities of age by his basket in dustry. *■ i .ij Selling Old Things. - Sell that old table ? No ;■ I’lfnot sell it! It’s only a pine table, that’s true; ‘find it cost but 18 shillings twenty-five years ago; but your §lO bill is no temptation ! and I’ll not swap it, either, for the pretti est mahogany or cherry tablo that you bring me. If it has plain turned legs, in stead of a pillar in the middle,with a lion's claws/ and if the marble top is only var nished paper, still I will not sell or swap it. It has been to me a very profitable in vestment. From the day it came home, it has Ifeen earning dividends and increas ! ing its own capital. My children made a play-house and drank tea in (heir iby cups under it, for which I thank the four legs, and When they got tired of it that way, turned it up side down and made a four-post bedstead with curtains, or pglled it roupd the carpet for a sleigh. Then they climbed on it for on observatory ; and I never counted the 1 glorious romps they had round it. And also, all along, for twenty-five years, it has paid its dividends of happiness to my family circle. These dividends could nev er be separated from it, until its value is not told in money. It has had its quiet use, also; for no body could tell it from a round table of agate and cornelian, with its salmon-bordered green cover. Nothing lasts forever. The top of the table was loosened by the hard use it got, so I took a punch, drove in the eight-pen ny nails below the surface, added a few screws, puttied them over, and pasted mar ble-paper checkers over the top. Then it was a really handsome table. It has had hard usage since, but bears it all; and tho checkers want renewing, which will make it worth more yet. My watch is thirty years old. It is one of those thick silver levers which some poor wits call “turnips.” It has been several times suggested to me that I might exchange it for a thin modern gold watch, which wears easier in the pocket. When I do, you may set me down for a barbarian ! No, the best gold and jewel ed “hunter” in existence would not tempt me to swap. The watch marked the time when my children were born, and the re cord is set down in the family Bible; it has ticked in their ears when they could only speak by laughing at it and kicking up their heels. It has marked the bouts whop the doctor’s medicines were to be given, and counted their pulses when they beat low at midnight, and the heart ached. It has made many records that are fast sealed up—to be opened oaly when anoth er time comes. , Twenty-seven years have passed singe my wjfe and I went out one evening and bought a tea-kettle. The fitting of the lid w,as a little imperfect, so that the es cape of steam shook it, and caused a pe culiar noise, nearly enough resembling the chirping of some insect to Suggest the name by which it has been known in the family for a long time—“our cricket;on the hearth.” Like tho table and the watch, the ket tle has been adding dividends to its capi tal every day sijjc*. Its first purchase, and, though nothing hut iron, it ootfld nut be bought for its weight in silver. It has sung so longed regularly and .cheer fully, that not only the kitchen,Lut the whole house would be lonely it. It has given ua its fragrant blessings, morning and evening, and oome almost to be regarded os a living and talking crea ture. * * It is never a good fortune that sells rffioh old friends wmt of the family, and ttfkcs in new ones that have no history, and no tofiguo. In all changes that have so far taken place, I have kept these silver bowls unbroken, and surely no change, in the future shall break tbdm.— Century. ■ • A-iVvV>: - " Manufacture of Silk in Paterson- The Daily JP&u, of Paterson, New Jas sey,wnaims that town as the beadqaartkfr of -the sift manufacture in America.— 1,026 hands* a*® 1 Bow*erhployed in its mauUffgtnre, mostly females, whoso an n*M pdjr s amounts to 1150,000. ’ Chil dren of “very tender years are employ od injhisjtork. fPfay lowest rate of and fiseaHoffor dollars >to females, sad. fdur sad five and a. half a,week to inks J the wages being three dollars a The silk consumed in Paterson factories ’ comes mostly from China and Japsa.—■ Japanese silk is admitted to M rather better in appearance than the Chinese ais ticle; but the latter has the advantago-as respects body, being harder and tougher. What ,is termed raw silk has, however, really undergone one process; that of reel ing from the cocoon, in which operation from two to perhaphtea threads, each ap parently as delicate aa Hat of the spader, have been joined together‘without any twisting, by mere agglutination. This io done abroad. On its arrival it is put up in large skeins, of a dull white or yellowish color, the cost being with existing rates of ex change from eight to ten doUs*| per lb. The first process in our manufacture is to place it op toe winding machines and transfer it tu bobbins, from twenty to thirty of. these usually being on a single machine. It is then cleaned , being mad* to pass over the edge of a knife, for the purpose of taking off bits of tow and ethpr excrescences. Curb job Corns.—A correspondent writing from Ohio, who has suffered much from corns, gives the folk wing, Which he regards as an infallible cure, having tried it himself with complete success: -y. Pare the corn as close as you oan, then get a piece of India-rubber cloth, about the twentieth of an inch thick, the pure india-rubber is the best, but that made of cotton will do, and where the corn is on one of the toes, make a stall of it, or there it is on another part of the foot, sew it on the inside of the stocking, and large enough to cover the corn well. By. con tinuing the application Atom four to six weeks, and paring the corn as the callous skin loosens, the corn will disappear.—- The application of the rubber will give immediate relief to the pain. The prin ciple of the cure is to assist nature in re storing the skin to its natural condition again. Hackney Coachman.—A hackney coachman, after putting up his horse in the evening, took out the money ho bed received during the day, in order to make a division between his master and him self. PThere,” said he,' “is one shilling for master, and one for meand so on al ternately, till an odd shilling remained. Here he hesitated between conscience and self-interest, when the master who hap pened to be a concealed spectator, said, “I think, Thomas, you may allow me the odd shilling, as 1 keep the horses.” *©*A gentleman said to one of his sons, who used to stay in bed late in the morning: “Your brother got. up .ibis morning at five, o’clock, and found on the sidewalk a purse of gold.” ‘‘Vow well,” replied the la*y young man, “if the poor fellow to whom it belongs hap remained in till ten, bo probably would not have lost it.ftonosUa OIL j -JHT ■ ... '■■. PaT A short time since, as a well-known master in a gram mat school was eenauritß a pupil for theYblloees of his oompttitaNi- * siott, and constHlidg-to Instruct EftnftPh sum in practice, he said tJUf tta price of a’penny bun always a penny T” when Ihd boy r innoUrtrtly sir; they solatium .two-Aw three half pence When .they are 4*l*” ’ ~ ' :Ui her A candidate for Auditor Of public accounts was suddenly called upofe for ’ a speech. . On iisiug, ho commenced, “®ot tlemon, you pave called upon for a few remarks} I.have none to have ho prepared speech. Indeed, iam no speaker j I do not desire to bea spank er yl only want to bean auditor.” ' i(p If} h .♦ I. y i,... r *for “Julius, didyou attend dh, last meeting ob de Abolition Debating &ome ty?” “Tea, sir.” “Wen, whetWaa dfl first ting dat came up before the house?” de bouse?