Newspaper Page Text
SOUTBgM^jgr A. W. . M fy 1 BKL AIR, MD., Friday, March ll^=~====4 * ■■ -■ m more , „ •r"er end bnUie* men dilution xmonj tnu JJ|, fr ohtccne or “ Lottery” <lver of Herlord, th^> eiir | n 01lr columns at any "Xocx H<6f o „r Milwermer. puf ter Ibtlr pePtlsred . • liel *<BWf conseqiirntly an Just the clast adortl#ht tW "W reach. The attention of respectable and legitimate advertises is directed to the above facta. , to Cormpondeats. * r i tbll samufiilsallnnt for laiWtillat must be eeanat paniod wiihtheteal name.of the author, or no atten tion MOtbutUi'a iMham.-'Uhe real n*)P or the authnf' Wtu r ot Ip; published unless desired, but \vs cpnnat aonseMt toiasett cotttiwaiciuiun unices We uaw Hie rfHKHff;,mi:od Bill > I <* is .-: i ' ;.w.,'.f.4i.t-7L"yf'Ti n ,i’.'* .1 Adricos received'ip CipcinnaU, from flbatta tiahga,*report'thnt %*o Goofedesatts tytepreftidg IpdVmwn Junes.: 1 .lip Union tr<topp*re sold. 10 1 Intro withdrawn, Irqm Tunuo! Hi)l to RiaggoW. (Jen. Jaonggtreet is supposed lo be at Green vide, •ad b^ forces hold Bull's ;; natutoprodi from Kdrttexs LUonroe states! that rshUsWgrea, Of Gen. Kilpatrick’* cavalry forte, who was reported captured by the Confederates war Richmond, has reached the Union lines in *folj4jJJispaudios, Hue said to have wadhed Washington throwing considerable doubt Oder the correctness bf, the ’Snnonneetnenl, so •ftp as relates tO'Goli Ds arrival Within the Federal lines. Rlphdtoad'B receivdd Hn Washington announce Ihotf Col? Dfthlgpeh nnfl twh hundred ortls cotii* -WrtHrJ vers takeapnsoWers, and that paper*, esmsMered Importiat h/ tlie Confederates; were kWrttteiHMs (drift# ?& <-* 'W • u.: XAft M'rtpbrtedifhit Gen. Gilmore bits sent orders % TOnda (hatdri fttiureduly Jacksonville shall * be held by the Union troops, and-Wo Mftir must tiiTadit- Wbatetbt tO-oeeupr otb'dr towni/ ’ ‘ 7 -'A -xllspatllh ■ from wUt Virginia says that the 'Atairy ifepediiioir un^fet 1 L%nt. Col. Root, of im Vffteeiiift WwTofSyhad returned from Pen-' '(ffefied tomrty and ri6 enemy in force in uc^gbbbfhood'.' 1 The' effectually thesirft works at T)be of ftg Washington papers antioUhdes ihat thsdraft will certainly go on at the time tri which If Vas postponed, Subject, of course, to suejj de- Ihicfibnß'Ks'the Volunteer enlistment qnofW may be entitled to. As the postponement : was indefi nite, a further day will have to be designated by *ka;propw authority. Bounties will bo paid up Co Sha first of April* so that no draft Will take jdncfc until after,tbit dayl 1. . 1 i.'jteirly ou/SaWrdßs- indrning two etearners m government employ lying at JCfiiirfystofce Point, ;Vhl; verwsetoed-by the GorifederateJ. Crre of tawiewas wibsequsilily' fekased ahd her Crew pardled. 'rhe other, with■ a#on board, was car- WcdiblESup the Jthjfpibanocfe.' • noAiaipaife telicp reeeived'at Memphis; from Vidklsbarg,' G7th'iilf., states that the Seventeenth 'Arnfy’Corps, uruler command of Gkn. eon, is bank at Jaekson, Miss., where ?t Is expec ted to.riraain Wr'flief p'rehenl.'" Gen.' Sherman and tho tfetnafedljp of h?s forces-hre also oh their Iwty to the same- place. • AH the raflrpads 6n GenJShehhtn’s rohte'afe utterly destroyed . ’Catef dispatches stirtb thatCtd*. Dsrhlgi'en Who 'n’ecbtpttnred (Siii: Kilpatrtck on his lirtn raid to Rfchttcmd; was hid thkeh prisoner, but was itilleft Jh a skirmish’ivith hi-body of 'Confederates under Lt. Col. Pollard, of the 9th Virginia i-egl- : ment. Some seventy or eighty of his man are told do-have been taken prisoners. Col. D. was fcfeoa of Admiral Daiblgren, of the'flett operating ofFChatkalon 1 . He wasyouii£ and brave chv- JtHj'Officer, and lost.w; leg-in‘an engagement last summer. “Af'dWbafttf from' Vashvllls states ’ a brl g}(&d:df'Cbhfederatc cavalry dashed Ifltii the Fed- ■ crsdlTTrcs on thd 4th Jnst.,.at L Moaßy but WWe reposed,With the loss of a few prisoners. Ca!, arc said ttjtfumbfcr ftora 50,000 to ’30 ; 00d; ' ‘ Titan, ‘'laicly daptiired at Cherry stone Poiht, Va 1 ., wAg '{iotsued by the Federal gunboats tip PlankatStrtf ”S-ivgf, and to prevent fret reCapftri-e Ihdse ori bohrd set her on firemand ‘ Glbbpn, In A letter a Philadelphia dttilfey thk nsserribn thsd’i'kjrps comnjdii der hid tik his pocket, on fhe sbcOpd day of'(he batdo nr I OrSeffrom General 1 ■id'-. liluirn tit ,i - *1 i THE COMIHG ELECTION. Editor tf iKe gbidTUrn JSgu ; “ , fTowi. so ,nonia:u.' 1 r"todß J .-i s^*^ pe?pJ*pf of arAjcoliedon nftwlof tieLegi#-f now lit Mfuffo, ,(^ed. ( |tpd,reapousihle ,duty of for or a’ Canventioa- to .chviga the pr gpntc law of toe State. This election is tp *at;e, placemen, the Gth, qf April mat, and at the tiiua they are palled to vote for.delegalea.‘Uf.Uhat Constitutional ’tCBOVeWiWi ;■ Air*." J " It in npt necessary to soy anything about lb# li*rrtcd and ptrecipij%te manner in VwhidAthiß call Was passadfby our JBute iroprtscu tatives, ncryrf the 1 pressed them to this ocf.j. hot to the iu te wo Joust look, mad id the fiitovp we must act, in order that we may avoid the evils which would result from that precipi lanoy and iboee influtaoes. i2fb sanetnan •mthdieet titol thku a propitious time to rfotswiwtuf hnihl tep a Contdtution. As 'ttMhttfight yurt require of the nn whois ' under the andewes of airtging fever, to work out the diffioult problems ■ r iji Euclid, ss to e*prt from* men elected f- dhdef.fek'lWing to erect A <SJostitwtm*, tred ix in it those fanda . mental ml orgaoie Ms, -rtfcleh {Mroper, right sod just. WSm&wA ’ " J~Sbo' emancipation IstKis the ob Jj^ f - i ■ V- v* thus raploiy pressing the Pb *-ied change, effort, it 0 pros wide the sluiec- to other, and, if possible, more ag gravating evils, affecting all classes and all parties. . One thing is certain, and that-the preot. motive povrr of the coodfry i* aiminghud directing itspfforts to'bring’abdut-an vfyhHzatioifr d/ fhricfrib and negro races, social and political. It is needless to discuss the effects of (he in f augiiratioti of the Abolition schema.; as every man’s mind instinctively revolts rft the degradation that such a system would fix upon the citizen. „ * *Tke object of every voters iu April sliaifld -he ta guard his State from evil, , ,{tnd I thiakto da that, lhajway is plain andyjl.ear ; Tote against a Conventiim !-~ UmU stonp which is ppw howling over ps tmibsHe; Ift the snary waves I let toe sunshine come oat, and light up Constitution. 1 That man would boa mad man who wpuld crowd pu the canvass ,w,beu fcfe tornado in its fury was driving Ids ship on ibp foaming breakers, regard- of ship, cargo or ejew; but it wopld be wise, auch’circumstances, to cast out evwry anchor, take, down every sail, and lay to until, the storm hud spent its fury/ ~. ... , : ' Citizens of Maryland ! over your Ship of,State, the storm is blowing; all hands should be on deck, and heave, out the .anchors, that she may safely ontrjde the ,!f aru -' __ , iQ* i True Patriotism. , -‘ i “ The following passage in the 3d vol ume, page 120, of the Life of Washington Irving, although written a quarter of a century ago, in pecujiary appropriate at this time, if the spirit that breathes through, these words bad net died out of the hearts of our leading men long since, the country would have been saved from the, dreadful judgment of civil war; and if it;could even now he revived, the bless ings of peape and reunion would goon be restored: • “As far as I know my own mind, I am thoroughly a republican, and attached, from complete couviciion, to the* institu-r tions of my country; but I am a fcpublj-* can without gall, and have no bitterness in my creed. I bavk no felish for puri tans, either in religion or politics, who are for pushing principles to an extreme and for overturning everything that stands ip thc way of their owp career. I havp, therefore, lilt a strong distaste for some of those luminaries w|Jo of, late have been urging strpag and sweeping measures, sub versive .of tips intevpets of great classes of the Goaftfmaity. Their doctrines may be excellent iu theory, but if enforced in vio lent and uncompromising opposition to all our habitudps, may produce-tue most dis tressing ; effects. The best of remedies must be cautiously applied, and suited to the state and constitution of the patient; qtherwise, what is intended Jo cure, may produce convulsions. The lajto ejections Lava shown that the measures proposed by (jioverpment are repugnant to tjic in terests of great portions of, our fellow citi zens. They should not, then, be forced home with rigor. Ours is a Government of compromise. We have, several great and distinct interests bound up together, which if not separately consulted and se verally, accomodated may harass and im pair each other. A stern, inflexible, and uniform policy may do fpr a small com pact republic, like oue of those of ancient Greece, ujiero there is unity of character, habits, and interests; but a more accom modating, discriminating and variable po licy must he observed iu a vast .republic like ,bure,;ff}rm.o‘l-,4>f a variety of, Slates, widely;differept,iu habits, pursuits, char acters and climes, and banded together by a ievf general ties. X always distrust 1 the souadness-of political counsels that arc accompanied, by acrimonious and dispara ging attacks upon any -great class of our Jellow citiz^M,” )i-J fl - —- 1 ! T--.:- : , )u , h fi Fork World, The National debt Sguresin Mr. Chase’s accounts as about $1,500,000,000; but 'with gold at' 159 l ?t ia only about $950,- 000.000. WKeu-the national debt SB,- 'dOO’OOD.OOO, Arorth only About $l ;-800,- OO0;OO0 iff gold, is (ho nation 'expected to ttky Iff gold 'the 81,200,b0e‘000 of hum bug created by Mr; Chakes’s paper money policy,-khl for which the nation has never rcceiivdd one dollar of valuable eohsidcr tttjon ? The tax levied by Mr. Chaseg's jper money system on every laborer, clerk, mortgage bolder, landlord and recei ver, of fixed itHMmie is 89* per cent., 1 with gold atl?9i. sminm on gold'‘in tne tax lletbed bh air these classes when ■prices ( 'are Advancing, owing to the exeds-* aive iskhes-of;paper a tftibilar Jax Will-be Wind i wbktf ! fbo : process it rt- Vetkcd;^^^B'Contraction’ takes Jihcc, arnd pries' decline. If theke taiek'bniitbd- to the benefit df tbk govfcrnment and wtfrtt Jo* 'w<rid the payment of the national debt, .then if would be equitable, and nobody would groin bid; but tfiey 7 entire only to the benefit of speculirfbrs, and to tire fm pov'criiffrtneiit of bb§ ffretit njais of thopeo ple, and tbc NatfinJr debt ii enhanced at least Hifty eertt. by thie "process. The nation ' \iots not etjcist that liti&eMs tile means'tot pay the fosses in wiNred t A and fall 0/ prices attending a paper mmey 'system like ours f andjn addition thereto , avSL, * el .jlu. juy> er nominal Xatioual 4ebt j rcTteaM thereby. 'I e i’odo ulllbcse things ii an impossibility, - a fidJo atteinpl to-do them is an net of In i' SWaitf Mi. Chase, and thiaCongresaAvill decide the fate of our national debt. If 1 Mr. Chase cobubcbcos at-onee contraction i of his paper’money issues, and if Con e tress taxes the nation to the extent of s 000,000 per annhm, .and tl|c fiaiidn e ‘pays thatsmn cheerfully, then oni nationM t debt will be paid, and honor and pros r - perily of the country secured. If these s things aro not done before June, Cepudi-! t ation will form a political issue with dera il asrognes and the people hereafter, and the fate of our national -dobfc will not bcamat -1 ferof uncertainty. The final destination ■, of all rialional debts is to filial - into a v icw i hands, by the Operation of a natural law ip finance, as Inevitable as that of gravitation, r The natlopatdcbt of G reat Britain is about i eight hundred minion pounds, sncl the p annual interest thereon is thirty miff ion r hundred and fifty million r dollars, and the fund-holders who receive - this interest, according to a parliamentary b report, are about two hundred and seven -5 ty-Sve thousand eight hundred and thirty nine in n’nmWr, These are classified as 1 follows: ; t -• 1 - ■ JPund holiJert . . .jo per annum. ’ 35p,816 who reqpivendt more than.., £ 20p 5 22,934 who receive aot more than 1000 |,938 who receive not more than.. 4000 ) 192 who receive stuns ab0ve......i::. 4000 ■ . - :* 71 .... * 285,839 Total fund-holders of British national I , y debt. . #■. f ~ > 250,816 fund holders receive about.... £9,000,000 22,934 fund holders receive about.... 8,500,000 •j 1 1,037 fund holders receive about.... 3,500,000 35? ; fund holders receive, all the . j rest 9,000,#00 215,839 fund holder's total interest £3,000,000 i If,the right of suffrage In Great Britain , was as extended as it, is in thoTToitedf i Stales, and tho voters were asbeoto. de-f : cide upon (question as to whether 30,-' 000,000 of intelligent people and their de scendants were to be ground down for ever in order to keep in affluence .275,835, or less than one per cent, of their fellow citi zens, what man' of common sense cat! doubt the result of that vote! ® I& D , On Monday, March Ith, at-her late residence, in Bel Air, Mrs. SABAH GAT,LOW AY, wife of Samuel Galloway, aged 61 years. On Wednesday morning,, February 24th. in Gunpowder Neck, Harford county, Mrs. MAR THA C, DOVE, m the 68th year of her age. LECTURES .' . •! . ...j*. FOR TITS 2ENEFIT OP* ■ roce srafflecKßaea riIHK SECOND I.EOTIjIIE 'of Hid X Course will be delivered in the Court House, Bel*Air, ‘ls On Friday Ev’g, March 18tli, 1864, ■At 1A o’clock, by the Jlkv. JOHN McCRON, 3). D, ... i .... a Gf Baltimore., Subject—-“,7'Ae Glory and Triumphs yf Indus try." : f ; The succeeding Lectures of the Course will he delivered tiy the Rev. THOMAS BORD, D. D., M. D., and the Rev. N. H. SCHENCK, D. D. JFS" Tickets for sale at the following places ; Tn BEL AIK. at (he Stores of A. 11. GREEN FIELD, H. P. MOORE, . Jr.., and SAMUEL GALLOWAY. Also from the members of the Church. _f j|-l r SCHOOL NOTICE. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD O F 1 SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS for Harford county, will meet at their‘office in Bel Air, oh THURSDAY 1 , the 31st of March, to SETTLE THE ACCOUNTS - OF' TEACHERS frorfo the lAt, 2|l nd 3d'Districts, ami on of April* to Settle the Accounts’of Teachers fronv thfe 4th,’sch- and 6th Dislrictef'for < the Quarter ending 31st Mijfclh, 1864, 1 and such other bus; as may come, be i’fbre the Boat'd in regard lb the enduing Quarter. ftj By order of the Board. JOHN T.‘SPICER, mhll ■ - Secretary. i , A.„— f, S3STRAT. /'4AME to the subscriher’s-J'bout the Ist \J of July, fSOJ, a CALF, about 18 or , 20 months old; red,,with a little white on the tail. The owner is fleeted to'cpoie; forward* ptqvp property, and take it away. JESSE GULLUM, On James Run, near Harford. iph I i-3t , FOR SALE.—A twodiorse FAMILY CARRIAGE; will be sold-on lybffa -1 rale terms. Apply-ai tho residence of U ► '7 JOSEPH E. MATNADIER, “ 1 Near FaMston* Harford Co., Mdi ; . -■ - SAI)DLE ARNESB MAKING, I- O 1 . , J ' . ; ’ I. !: i „ . IN ALL 4TS BKANCHES, i ; ■ , > Exeeuieil by the undersigned, at GlOnville, * Harford County, Md- : Also* I Repairing I " done to wrder, :i; . u ,i j•- ) euai.. !•// Gj:o. Anderson, Maker., • I —-iVa'f-t i..;. - mOE UNDERSIGNED HAVING RE -1 • X Burned llto^^practice of hw profession, s tender#* his professional .services ,to die ’ ’ -public. It e Office, at- present, nett cjoor tn Steven* / son Ahche^ivtipstaira.i . * u r , m!i4 WM. GALLOWAY. * ■ ’M ■ - ■ * J. D LINTON, 15X 3S|prthjKZlg'h street, JBaltinicre, •5 ‘Manufacturer of i T | \ jfrFkiict; & QuickC Two-Horse Power, ■ wi 7i ' p MvMßae patent Revolving RAKE CONNECTED. r | (HE subscribers are now building a new Trend X improvement,whip!* they have ttstca in connection with their com bined Thresher anti, Cleaner, and would say to the public abroad, that they can now furnish a more complete Two-horse Power and Thresher, tjisn hasleW betbife been offered. The -.Power is so geared that it rhn* with a very slow step iur Rib horses, and ncufi but.littleßievaliou.. lu giro motion tuAbe Thrteher arid Clenner._ . j -The Rower bopnectr* straight Sel|, runningJt u* an Overshot Maenine, making it an impfovenferit over the Undershot ono.tby.ite not so liable to carry through . atones,-.Sticks, sc., that may be gathered up with the graip. No otheiircombined Thresher find er is suaimple, .andeasily into oper (rtlo/ -‘GS exiretrie -vrhlHi’ is 3 .feet length 11 feet; height 3 feet:■> end weighs about'Boo npppds. The '.Tfireshct Rake, rSepa’rg.lof and Winnower, -are arranged- in one strong frame,’,so that the machine fi?bipped *ri one ]>iece, and' moved when set for Use without being taken opart.,-, .The Involving Bake iaap arranged, that as the grain is fed in and pnSsed from the cylin* der, it divides tbo straw from the grain and car* ries it through and over a’Separalor-or Shaker, obvlatinga great drfScnlty that bther Winnowl ers are liable to, in carrying over grain with th* Straw! whiefi hafberetoiore com*- plained of. sized,horses or mules, they will both thresh and clean; and insrtch avnnnner thftt tlie comhifin Fahuing Mill is dispensed with entirely ; two men and two boyspill thresh.and bag 150 to 116 bushels of wheat, or 300 bushels i tjf oats pendny, with' ease;- . . i Tfiere are two sizes of thesei machines. The large size, or;No. L jkjgnueraify run by lever power. Either of itiSseniiacbloesTati be run with any level 1 power. ,The No. 1 Machine, with 2 ’ ~ ' U— v„, e .' ■ j h ij n • , -M i> -<* * 18 dhnalantly aiming 1 o meet the wants of the community in FRESH ' filEf SHOGMIBgl 1 .. v ■• - - . • - ■■■-■-* | Spaces, Goflijes,.Fish, Lard, Butter,! Bacon, Cheese, &c., kc. Also, SEASONABLE DRV GOODS, ' ‘ - NOTIONS, to. Boots, Shoes, Hals, Caps, kc.. Queens ware, .Stone and Earthenware, Tin Ware, Wooden Ware, Hardware, kc. REST COAL OILS, COAL OIL LAMPS, in great variety. . Also, in NEW RONNETS, in every variety, of style and material, for Ladies and Chil dren. . . CbF.AitING, Af-TKJWNO AWP ,Re pAi uing done at reasonable .notice,—ail at .{Jalfonore prices'. . jwil .. Examiners’ Notice. undersigned Examiners, appointed X by'the Commissioners for Harford county for that purpose, will’meet 6n the ground dh MONDAY, llie 14ih day of March next at 10 o’clock, A, M., to ascertain and determine whether the pub-, lie 1 convenience 1 requires that the road leading (tom Pfitlerson’s M'O. on Bynam’s Run, to 1 the Bel Air afid Abingdon road, to 'be changed; arid If found necessary, to Iqcate said so hs to promote the ppbWc convenience. EENRY ‘g; WATTERS, JAMES NELSON, 1 ’ 5 BENJ! STANDIFORD, j. ( mh4 h. ! J Examiheins. .iini- ■ ■ -fa.i ... ; 11 ■■ ' <.-'L Q- vT. Farm for Rent. f[\HE subscriber will Rent the Farm on flii.tvhich she ncuv reside*, situated in Harford county, fin the main road foadiqg i from McCall’s Ferry to Ballimorevsnd ad joining the lands,of. Joseph - E. Bateman, Merryman Strcatt.nml dtliecs. n t-:t MARY A. 6TREETT, ■ Clermont Mills Harford Go<, M d. mb 1 l-3t iCV ... - *; .;<;h ■ 5 ■ ! :'rrrritr~7-T-F ~.. - - • T 3 COAL on X/ h.ahd and for sale at Lapjoum, Md., .’ By E. POOH, A.. : o3G Agent for Jafnes A. Davis, Dr. J. W, STUMP MORRIS, ITiNTN'T, permaniijtly located bimseif for the XI practice of his profession, at AVOORSIOE, 1 near Thomas’ Run, offers his professional 4cr-, - vices (o the public. feb26 r Public Sale. 1 r PHE subscriber will sell at Public Sale, h|| residue, near the Hickory, on Thursday , the \7th Day of March, 1864, at 10 o’clock, A. M., if fair, the next fair day, the fol i lowing * & PERSONAL PROPERTY, m f .VJZ; 2 good Work Horses, 1 £olt 2 years old, 1 pair Dfwon €atths, rishjg'4 years old, 5 good iSlilcli Cows, 6 Sheep, 1 Sow and ■ Pigs, 1 good Road - Wagon, 1 Spring Wa ffon, gam* as new, 1 kqjtdL l Ox Cart, 1 liajpro wt raad small Baggy and IJarness, 10'1.Q.10 barrels Corn, 1 three horse Plow, 1 Plow, 1 new J Hnrr6w, 2Cii!tivati, 1 grligh and BeJJs, Wh<fnn, Carriage and Plow (fatness, 1 Corh. Sheller, Cwk Stove, a lot of Pork, a lot of Small Potatoes, r " *' . HOUSEIiOInI) wmmmm* . cAnd many otheimrticlea. Tr.R>is c ?)F' , SAr;d.^-'Air ,- Snm3 of $lO and Gash on ‘ the.' 3uy of sale; on alf sums ov 't‘r that amount ,a credit of ?ix will be given, the * purchaser giv- note, bracing interest from the $ sale,-with anpvoxed security. *■ mhl RH.LINGSLEA. let EPOB T I', or THU GRAND JURY i iiy* i : Ei. iojrtßß,' l CONDITION OF THE JAXfc. FEBRUARY TERM, 1804.' ’ 1 Tff* r- s *t- r - ]To 'fhA Honorable J 0 JIN 11. BRICE, I Judge of the Court for Harford .j * ‘ i TN conformity with custom, the srand j JL Jurors for the February Term of tbo ! above named' Court, have visited the Coun ty Jail, aftd do make tti yourftlonor the following report, viz j T- ... i We find confined therein nine white j mon-r—five fox theft,.and four insane; three negroes—tone for safe-keeping, one for ' theft, alncl one ihsane. 6f the above, three \ white men have been tried dining the | present term of Court. Everything relating to the duties of the I Sheriff, appears, to be conducted in as I cleanly and efficient a manner as could be ■expected from any person, in cortsidera : lion of the miserable construction and di | lapidated condition of the building—for j the-want of propbr ventilation and sundry [repairs... , t . f We feel it almost unbeersjavy to call the I attention of your Honor totho above facts, j as the matter "has so ofteii been brought j to your noli- e by former juries, but a , sense of? dirty seems to require us to im press upon your mind that the construc tion of the building and the condition of the apartments are such, that it is wholly inadequate, in any reasonable degree; to secure the comfort of the lunatics and keep in proper condition the other priso ners. We do, therefore,' most seriously appeal, in the name of humanity, that 'something may be done for the ameliora tion of their condition, by the proper au thorities!. i; All of which is most respectfully sub mitted. HENRY C. STUMP, mhll ■ J* oreman. kdiCUTpip, NOTICE, THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that lbs subscri ■Ver lias obtained from the Register of Wills of fbtriUrir conn tv,' Md.,'Letters Testamentary on th* tprilson*.! estate of >. • late pf said county, deceased. All persons hav ing clainjH agaiust-siiid deceased.are hereby noti fied to exhibit the saifle wuh the legal .vouchers tbcreotf on or before-me ■ - 12 tyfay of Celrunri/, I5Ge, f 'f or they may pllieiwlsc by laiy be excluded horn ali benefit of said estate. • All persotis indobted to said ‘estate are reqtffcsi ed.tO nmke inmiediftteipayment;*,. vud seul thia Vi U ;dsy J, ‘. ' JOHN DAUGnERTP,;. &b2C Executor. —i —v.T-rns —i —r<-— l + —eri ..U COAL,!' GOAL I WE have oi?*. haiftl and are const receiving, dill the different varieties of Coal for Family use, Steam, Blqck smith’s and Liraebumef’s pifrpqses,,wh|ch bffer for sale in quantities to stjiL at the lowest market prices. Cur country friehdfi sending their teams (or Coat, will 1 find our Yard the nfost convenient .bne in the ci'y to loadUfi. Goal delivered prompt ly at any of the stations on the'Nvrlhprn Cep fra I and Philadelphia, Wilmingicih k Baltimore Railroad. , W. F. H ONIOK, ,liJ ComCV Lombard st. and Cefitihl avenue, Raltirnofel ;v. ,11.1 ii ,1,1 ml ,■ ;i-i. WILLIAM S. CROWLEY, Tobacco, Cigars and Srrtfff, WHOLESALE AND BET AIL, . 1M North CHiyt mtreet, Between nig'h'and’F'ront st?„ ' BALTIMORE. Fine Havana am! Hqmeptlc 'CIGARS, Chewing trod Smokfpg TOILVCCO, PIPES." Ci gar Caeiß,' KnWP Boxes, Reeds, Bqwls, Cigar J Smokers)nd everything in my line at the fewest price® for CAgll. jan2l)-j w * -4B