Newspaper Page Text
i MRS SALE.': n\ TN VIRTUE of a decree* of the Circuit ■'A X Court for Harford county sitting as \ aCjourt of Equity, the subscriber, as Trus ■ \ tee, will offer at Public Sale, *i the prem ® \ics liereafter first mentioned, on I yVednestfay, the 30 th I. Day of March, 1864, at 11 o’clock, A. 'ijM “‘J ' M., all that t Tract or Part ofa Tract of I SaJklillll Situated in Harford county, called and known by the name of, CONTAINING I 3a Acres of Land, MORE OR LESS, Being the same lauds which were con st ve y e d by David G. McCoy and wife to Joshua Harmdf, deceased, by deed bear ■, ing date the 29th day of January, 1855, I and recorder! in Jjibcr A. L. J.LNo. 6, folio I 208. W. ■ '%U.t . %i The improvements thereon consist of ■ a comfortable 3D-WE2j3JX3Sr<3- iißife wmm.* SHOP, And other Outbuildings. ALSO, ANOTHER TRACT OR PORTION OF £&li Situated in Harford county, near the above (described properly, CALLED “Q&IE HlZili/’ ■ CONTAINING i 3 Acres of Land; MORE OR LESS, Being the same lands which were convey led by McNabb and McLaughlin to said Harmer, by deed bearing date ths 7th day of August, 1847, and recorded in Liber f. D. G„ No. 33, folio 477. Both the above tracts of land are easily cultivated; the soil is good and they are under good situated about 3 miles from the village of Dublin, and four miles from the Canal. THE TERMS OF SALE As prescribed by the ■ decree are—One third of the purchase money to be paid in Cash, pne-third in six and the balance in twelve months from the day of sale, the credit payments to bear interest from day of sale, with security to be approved by the Trustee. HERMAN STUMP, JR., feb2s Trustee. APPOOJTMEICT 07 r ’ . r SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS. THE County Commissioners, at their meeting on the 27th inst., appointed the following named persons as School Commissioners for the ensuing year: Ist District —James Nelson, John W. Middleton, Jrfmes Gilbert. 2nd District —William F. Bayless, J.J. iMichael, George Gilbert, , 3d District —John T. Spicer, John J. Dean, Richard Smith. , , 4 th District —K. F. Bishop, James Stalns buryt Isaac Twining. 6 th District —James C. Worthington, Samuel W. Wliite/ltfd, Henry C. Stump. 6 th District —Sairtuel H. Reasin, John "Wareham, J. Thompson Frieze. ♦ The first named in each district to com pose thp Executive Board. fes State of Maryland, \ ■ i' Harford County, to wit; ; > ' I HEREBY, CERTIFY, that JABJES S. QUINLAN, of Harford County, bfought before roe, the subscriber, one, of the Justice# of the Peace in and for Har ford county, this 15th day of February, *864, ns Strays found trespassing upon his enclosures, five while SHEEP, all Ewes, some marked and some unmarked. Given under my baud, this 15th day of February, 1864. v JOHN WANN, J. P. The owner or owners 61 the above de scribed Property are requested to come forward, prove property, pay and take them away. fel* JAS. S. QUINLAN. i • COAL! COALI THE undersigned keeps constantly on hand all kirtfr.s of WHITE and RED ASH COAL, which'he will sell by' the cariro or single ton. 8 JOSEPH M. SIMMONS, I, j u ]7 Havre-de-Graoe, Md. WANTED. —One or two JOURNEY MEN BLACKSMITHS. ■ i m. Enquire of MARTIN CALDER, ol(5 Federal Hill, Harford Co., Md. Trustee’s Sale. IN VIRTUE of a decree of the Circuit Cburtfor Harfbrd ( Court' i of Chancery, the subscriber, as Trustee, j will oner at Public |6ale, *nt the Court I House door, injthe town of Bel Air, j On Tuesday , the 29th 1 Day of March, 1864, at 11 o’clock, A. j M., all that , FAXfm 'I . Id -III* I OR iTRAGT Of LAND, Situated in Harford county, of which Llofll Standiford died seized, called i “PKJESTON’S CONQUEST,”' CONTAINING 128 ACRES, i MORE'OR.JJESS, Being the same latid which was conveyed by Jesse Pqteet and wife to Lloyd Standi* , ford, by deed dated 3d day of April, 1841, and recorded among the Land Records of | Harford county, in fciber H. D., No. 24, folio sdo. The said Farm is situated about two j miles from Forest Hill, is well improved, i and enclosed by good and substantial fencing. About 25 acres are in wood, and the rest in a high state of cultivation. The improvements consist of a good lllliill BOUSE, Barn, Corn House and all the necessary Outbuildings, all complete and in good re- Ipaif- , , TERMS OF SALE ' *' . Prescribed by the Decree are—that one third of the purchase ,money shall be paid; J in cash on the day of sale, and the residue with interest, in two equal instalments, at sis and twelve months thereafter, for which the purchaser will be required 14 give notes of bonds, with approved secu rity. H ENRY W. ARCHER, mh4 ‘ Trustee. Wit. lIfINRY GaUMBINE, by Wm. Grumbiuo, In the Circuit Court for liis Guardian and Harford County—us . next friend. f a Court of Chancery. J vs. -■ 1 JI. J. Grcmbine, et al. r /YRDERED, this 16th day of February, VJ 1864, That the sales made and re ported by Henry W. Archer, Esq., Trustee f in the above entitled case, be ratified and ? confirmed, unless cause to the contrary * be shown, on or Jiefore the 11th day of r March next; provided, a copy.of this order be published in some newspaper printed and published in Harford county, once in each of three successive weeks ' before the said lllhday of March next. The Report states the amount of sale* 5 to be $2,380. , . , ’ WM. H, DALLAM, Clerk. | True Copy, Test, 1 fel9 1 WH. H. DALLAM, Clerk. John E.Nt.ofs, et al. ] / —1 In the Circuit Cquitt for • 1 ttazAßCTfiirETirEftiOi f ; Milford Contity—as a and;others, , ; J, Court yfjChajioflry. ' 01 ■ RDERED this 17lh day of February,* 1864, itl>at the sale'made and reported . by Henry W. Archer, Esq.,Trustee in the ■ above entitled cause, be* ratified and edit firmed,-unless cause to. the contrary;, be .shown on or be lore the 13th day of March next; provided a copy of this order be inserted in soqje Newspaper printed and published in Harford coirnty, once in each ' -of three succesive weeks before, the said 12th day oi March next.. The Report states the amount of sales tp hps3*soo. . fr. ; \ i WM. H. DALLAM, Clerk. True Copy. Test, ’ • WM. H, DALLAM, Clerk, j | fob 19 * T A General Rebellion f j • # Triumph of a Great DisepWity! THE public has rebelled against cauter izing Hair Dyesic Fashion: has foip sworn!them. A sagacious community hah i adopted In their stead . <■ja I f Crisudoro’s Hair Dye, - and for these reasons ; It embrowns and , blackens the hair, not the tkm. It is * 1 Vegetable emollient, nyt a burning fllfd,. I U does not burlesque nature with biooviyag • metallic tinges, bVt'HP rc <lueCjp; her own I -lying hues. .Its cooling effect'is lasting. ‘ K defies detection. Its results are uniform. It, never fails. Manufactured by J. CRIS . TAtfORCVNo. Astor New . York. Sold by all Druggists. ' Applied jby - 1 |an22 SAPPINGTON’S SYRUP OF flAXill o, : !‘iThis is the wkson for coughs nnd colds,idod 1 all.families, particularly those residing a! ionff ) distauce from villages and stores, should., have . some feood Temthle cbngli raSwwy aVhmjo iri caie of attack 1 . Wpkno wof nO 'raedicin* pL . 1 the kind: th Sivppington/n Flaxseed Syrup, 1 it in our family fpf some time,' .aricr , .alw-ays fopnd it effipacipi#.— BaltOnqht Convti ■ j fdtoeafe.' i :ifl atld '■ sold by Dr. WICHARDI SAPPINCTON, No 133 North Gay atreft. JJal limofe. A. H, CB.BENFIBLIV Agent#joiner of Main street and Port Deposit Avenus, Be! Air. . Jah2t)-y' -F ! WHEELER & WILSON j r! 1 ' 1 HIGHEST PREMIUM ' 1 ' * / ; __ Sewing Machine! Awarded the higest Premium at the WORLD’S FAIR, jut held in London, England, where all the Machines of Europe and America were in competition. Also at the Industrial Exposition, Paris,Prance, and at every United States Fair, at which Sewing Machines were exhibited. The principal Corifpanies making Sew ing Machines are Wheeler &. Wilson, I. M. Singer &Co., Grover &. Bakef. Of the Machines made there Were sold, during the year last reported—- By WHEELER & WILSON, . > 21;305 By I. M. SINGER & CO., . . . . 10,953 By GROVER ft BAKER, . .- . . 10,280 1 ‘Showing Wheeler 8t Wilson’s sales to be double those of any other .Sawing Ma chine Company in the country. Office 214 Baltimore Street, jl2 BALTIMORE.' BE?QBT or TUB SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS. To the Honorable County Commissioners for Harford County. In accordance with the requirements of the Public School Law of Harford county, we re spectfully submit the following ns the annual re port of the Public Schools of Harford county, fbr 1 the year 1863. We have the pleasure of reporting a more i healthy and prosperous condition attending them than in any former year. The Schools have been well attended during the teh’months they were Open, and we believe the teachers have endeavored to discharge their duty.' Our report shows a balance on hand, whidh, , with the usual annual receipts, will enable the Board to keep the Schools open for eleven months of the ensuing year# During the Quarter ending 31st March, there were 70 Schools taught, attended by 1,693 Pn . pils, paying at the rate of $1 per quarter; and 174 free. During the Quarter ending SOlh June, there were 73 Schools tought, attended by 1,780 pupils, paying at the rate ofsl per quarter; and 165 free. During the term ending 24th Decem ber, there were 70 Schools taught, attended by 1,682 paying scholars, and 162 free. . ... i-h ■ Receipts. To this amount in hands of Treasurer, and County Levy for 1802, ~ $9,868 39 To this amount received froth State, 4,014 59 ~M . “ v Pupils, 5,191 37^ Total, ....... sl-9,074 35 'j Disbursements. By this amount paid Teachers, Rent and Fuel, . . . . $9,825 76 “ from Pupils, . 5,191 37 ■ “ paid Buildjnga and . ,Repairs, . . . 295 00 v Gommissi,qhs and Secretary, . . . ... 134 00 “ Printing, Postage, , and Revenue, . ... 32.27 “ Treasurer’Sf Salary, 100 00 , Total, j" . . . .. $15,578-40 > Isa!apice on hand. . . . . $3,495 95 •(VJ . ESTIMATE FOR 1864. •„ ; 1 We estimate the Expenses for the current year at Eighteen thousand dollars. ■ * c : i Respectfully submitted, ■!’ A’ WM: F. BAVLESS, Pr*’t. ■ JOHN T. SPICER, Sec’y. feb4 ’ . -'l'f- W i \* S4O REWARD! ft Will be paid for the Arrest of two ft w .NEGRO BOYS, | Orphans’ Court f Harford-**- county to learn the Farming business. — SOLOMON .HARRIS is quite black, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high,aged between 19 "and 20 yearscan speak some German, and U ruptured in the gfoin. ’ ’ "I GEQ. W, WATKINS is about 17 years 1 old* tell for his age, 5 leet $ or 9 inches high, talks thick,' and is a delicate boy.— * BcAh have blue blouses and drjb 1 panta loons, and Sol has a suit of blaot clothes. -FORTY DOLLARS REWARD will be paid for the ar/estnnd return of both, or for Sol qprf $25 for George. AIL persons are fore warned frqqa harboring; these boys, aIH will apforce the penalty of the law against anon as far as 1 can.— If there 1 Aft: Any necessary prison fees they wjll:,Ve paid. These' bpyx. Left the, subscriber on the 24th of .Jadhary, iv> n u / if JOHN 8. DALLAM. ;Jpel Air, Md., Jan 30th, 1864. fel2 . ■’ - : 1 Iff XI W -5 HfttJSR URNLSflftffG STORE! No- fc6 N.‘ GaVstfWl Baltimore. RICHARD ARBHCtER Wholesale nnd reUi|tdealer in House Furmstwig.fiooils-, ■ AtisOj: ft 1 WtODB WARE ■ The public tee tfspegtfnlly Invited to call and . - ■ stock of 7 # J ATUBStBUqMTS, CHURIffS, * ffj BRUSHES, BROOMS, ‘ ft Britannia, Japanned and Tin Ware, ' . ; Kimnjß and fobk| albata bFoons, ] = RAKES, HOES,SPADESAND SJS&YJS&S, t < And every ptheir description tff‘ Ebnsefteping Goods and Wooden Ware, at the vo*r lov^st rriccs .Richard ■ f . No, 135 N; Gay'strefct, near High, \* janS .[' Baltimore ■ [ FARMER?, NOTICE! Wm. H. Roberts, 172 rarest Street. BaWmo*v| j IS prepared to serve the farmer*%£■ Car ford and Baltimore coontifs, wtA GnABTQ | ■* * , Cry, ALL KINDS, > Wo. 1 PHRTJVIAIff QVAWO, WHITE AND BROWN MEXICAN GMNOf> Reese’s, Rhodes’, Whitelock 1 * & Baugh s BA*BONE PHOSPHATES, 1 At manufacturers’ prices. PISH GUANO, BONE DUBJ, DISSOLVED BONES, ■ (r . ANX>. • ti f bin *ci ’ mwrar&HMjßt aau AMO, Grain, Mill P<sed, Hay, Seeds, i ’ 1 And Country Produce generally. (&• The highest price paid fpr Grain and Produce. |u3l FOR. THE FRUIT,' FLOWER AND KITCHEN 1864. garden., 1864. The Gardener’s Monthly, W. G. P. BRINCKLOE, PtAusnen. , Office: ao XTorth Sixth st., Pbil’a. Terms— A F^ae. •1 EDITED BY THOMAS MMBBAN. id. The Monthly contents are Hints— Flower Gardening ami PJcasurC Ground; Fruit Garden; Vegetable'Gar den ; Window Gardening. Communications —EmbraoingvtKe views of the best writers on Horticulture, Ar boriculture and Rural Affairs: ’*' * Editorial —Giving the Editor’s views on the important Horticultural ipipr<sve ments. Scraps and Queries —New Fruits—* Now Plants—Domestic and Foreign In-i telligence—Horticultural Notices. ... With each Department handaoxUely jl- S lustrated. ■* 4 1 These general features wilt be retained, and the publisher pledges himself that h® , labor or expense shall bo spared to render the succeeding issues of the Magazine every way worthy of UlO favor with which his previous efforts have been, re ’•warded. Send for a specimen.- I jan29 I— * 7 \A First Class Farmer’s Magazine for Pennsylvania. 1884. THE PENNSYLVANIA ; '1864 FARMER AND OARftENBR, DEVQTKD TO * Agriculture, Horticulture & Rural Affairs, ’’ Edit*d and Published by ■ ' WM. S. YOUNG fit CO., ' , 82 North Sixth st., Philadelphia. TERMS $1 A, YEAR. \ The Sixth Volume commences#vith the January number, . 1 , >V*Ol to ■ I ■'/ ; *L >! 4 ■ Having obtained theaebvioos of eminent and Practical Agriculturists, Hortic.ultur ists, Stock Breeders and Bee Keepersr, we confidently offer the Current Volume ;as one of *he best ever issued, for originality, practical thought and reliable information. Send for a specimen. .ja29 i ’ AUCTIONEEBirai “ j ttijjL!’:;' t biojoi THE undersigned, thankful for past fa vors, informs his friends end tne pnb-. tic that ho has renewed his License for the 2cl Congressional District,' comprising the sth, 6th, 7th, 9th, < i loth,‘ 11th and 12th Election Disp-icls of Bah timore ‘county and Jh® whole of Harford county. He has also taken out License for the 15th Conferessional District of JPean sylvania, comprising Y ork%i>d Othkr coun ties,%nd will Attend promptly td the Ahc (iorieering of >. ' T •ft ’ * REAL PROPERTY! Charges moderate, and the best of refer enced-given, if required. , All commanicfftioifs addressed to WIL LIAM B. J .4R RETT, /arrettey die, JON S. DALLAM. Bel Air, or to the subscriber; will receive prompt attehtion. Persons desirjtiighis services will give timely notice, so that Wraiige naents may be : made. ■■. lr- > •i-uin n-n-w • ■ Address, v,N. R. CILBERTi t Black Horse F. 0., Hapford Co., Md; fe4-3m ~ ' ~ f Poudrette! Foudrette!! o mßE.;temi.tanufacturing cmigA- X NY, tor the convenience of farmer* aod fib ers, hare established bn agency in Baltimore for the sale of celebrated Poudrette. The experiqp4% of of cnßtoracra%r the piv-t . years attest to ihe fact that it is the cheapest raaoure in market, and superior to,any Other for Coni, FjCitf4ot* and Cpndut Truck. j . , ,f I The success of fn|mcr?, in its use, has grastly ’1 increased the’ dealihd m Maryland ptflT Qela ware, lost year SeAtiraesxnore was eoMt than ever before. •A pamphlet' containing direction! ftf use, ftc.i mab he had free. By addressiagw fetter or fappl vitg to oaf IJaltimbrA AgWte, I . * BOWEN ft MERGER, No. 2 Exchange Place, Baltimore, M 4. ; JAOO - U nf\AKE .NOTICE, Uftu.we are JLf io furiush AVuindft' ta,te prices*,,. A. D.,EVANBn&- CO. Only ; Authorized Subßlilute Agney io jh* Middie Department, rfa- 48 W. Fayette* street, Bdßiwore. jno296t BAUCH’S' •'. 1 "i RAW-BONE PHOSPHATE' \fnp Dosurpawed for inducing a I Heavy Growth of Potatoee, ' t AND ALL SPRING CROPS, I Gnato, B<m, Stable UTannfe lblime! TjRpDDCING in many casjw larger ty fifty per pepv; than the above articles, when used separately, ' highly concAtrated manure*%e ing made from Bones containing all their original animal matter.- No Burnt Bones are usetf. - - ’ x ,: mers in this State, with this highest satis faction. It has.proved a perfectly reliable substitute for* “Peruvian Guano,” being sufficiently 1 quick in its action on the crops, and in all cases enriching the sdH. end'll 1 is jiermamant in Us effects. <>’ The demand last Tall was greater than the supply.,, ft would be yeD, therefore, for farmers to send in their orders early, either to the subscriber or lb any' of his Bjjcnts, from whom circulars call, be ob tained, giving a fiat of many persona who have used it, and certificates, ,u Price in Baltimore, $66 per ssoo lb*- Cash. GEORGE DUGDALE, Sole Agent,.No. 106 9mith’s Wharf, feb4-3m Baltimore. THE GREAT SECRET! . IT is admitted by all physicians that the grand secret of health and Itag life lies in keeping the blood and various of fluidjty. feel continued pain ip the head by bowels, or ,pny topfinued uneasiness ip any other parts of the body, you can prereft serious sickness by taking’ .n fj O BRAWDKETH’S pills. . Bleeding may* momentary ease be cause the blood left-will have more room. But las the body is made from the blood aftf sustained by the blood, to waste qpr bldod is to waste out life, and ruin opr constitution. But Brandreth’s Pills relieve the circulation as readily as by diiiy hiking k#ay what it dm. Well fpaire, and T-ME-y j*yEJf hubt. MrS Hooper, of Barnstable, Mass., was cured ofSt, Vitus Dance,tSeheral Debilij', poorness of blofid, and costivencss of . many years standing, by Brandrelh’s Rills. ; Tti'e. case at,',length is' published, Pamphlets. Sold by all respectable (feel ers in medicines. 1 jan22 ,! T ::.: iimoitfbivs notice.:. T'RIS FSTOGITB NOTICE, that thesnbscri- ■* ber has obtained from the Register otWilla ‘ of Hdrfbrd County, Mb., Letters Testamentary bit the personal estate of ! 1 ■ ■' ;;■!', john sicfadden, date Of said county, deceased.. All persons hav ing claims againct-aaid deceased are hereby noti . .tied to exhibit .the aaine, with the legal vouchers thereof, oa or ibefow the ~• .. ,„ij - r; .-t; i. ' January, 185*5,- -L.aii* hr they mar otherwise by , law l!c escclndeA frOm 'aU benefit of gafdeStfttA. Vi ' Atlperaobs indebted Ip stud estate are request ed to Aralrefmmcdiatc payment. Given my hand and seal this 11th Ay of January, iS6 t. . JOHN K McFADDEN, r ls ■ ; m\ d Igafe „„ NOTICE. r THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that thb uttb vikm have obtained'from the Register of WillsoMlafford county, Hid;, LettersTeeUßKfnv ary oh the personal estate of u . i BjMtrd’,;'-' c'' : : • late of saiid county, deceased.' All-persona har ing claims against said deceased are hereby.noti fied; to exhibit the some,. with the legal vouchers thereof, on or before the j . ' Iffi day of January, 1885, or they may otherwise by law be efclMed from all benefit of said estate. 1 moil miw AM perjuus indebted to said etisc are reqnesl etUomabe'ihfinediate payment. • Given tinder ray band and seal this Ith day of January, *864. • ;l fiOSANtfcLEV,, >-’t ♦ > *"*s ■ ‘ITART G.'RILBT,'. . 'flijas>2%i3 '■ Bxeeotore. —rWNe —|f”' ■‘•.■if i"A' • .> V ABMUBTRAT(W>S: yoTWET ... i .rnfilS iS TO IVB NOTICE, That lb. ,mi [ scriber has obtained from the Register of .w HIS Of Harford county, Md., Letters df Admin istration on the personal estate of Jw& J i|itolfKSS, 1 Idlv pf said county. doeeiStß .■ < All claims against said dtswaßed, art hereby noti fied .I°' el^ bit >Wh er thereof, on or before the # • y 4 "°y <if January, IBdfi‘ * , °f *e 'V;ta|'fedldrd from 1 f persons indebted to said tstate Ure Hlfdest ed to mhkidnudedfAte paymey. rf ( ' < ' Given nnder my, this 3Jth dar January, J 864. • ■;i tI.M MAGNfPSI, . ; ; bsolveat JSESI" \TOTICE is IWreby gif, that Mry > tLN Griffin has made application toihe • the Circuit Court for Harford county for j jat> the benefit of the Ipfal veqt Law# of Mary- ib ig lantf| ana'That tfffenftrsl' mdndiy in Au- /Mlb . torfogatork inl kis ! feredfttrs Ifi 1 ncnhegwugattst him: ] $1 \ 1 JOB POINTING,