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G A MORGAN? ^ ■*» amry »• matmL Small da,la«i; large stsa, 4 oa. 90c. G. A MORGAN* Hair Gras* and Pimaia* Gians. Ms sash, r i h Mm atzaaghtana the hair in 16 minotaa. Oh tmHtmm* will Mat from 00 to M daya. Priea for maall mm, 60c; for largn tnph aim, $140. Sataaa Hair Praaaing Night Cap that traiaa and praaaaa the hair wtaila yoo sleep, $L00. Wa wffl pay you doable yoor money back rf yoa caa find aap oi__ TT.j.^rr** °r 1,1 United 91 lies, regardless at price or bread, tint will make your hair aa eaay to control, shine, and lay in place m we* m G. A. Morgan’s Grand Slam Hair Deeming., namely: No. 1, .ingle strength; No. 2, doable strength; Nop trip*, strength. Price afeneh No. 26c. h„t 11T?".. „*?!* ■"?*!; B1C* t0T. your lmir Hud efl improve yoar appearance immediately, far shore the average, try any one of G.^L Morgan’s hair preparations. They are not only better, lUnJd* ZjL£2 mon«7 bay. Ask yoar Drngcist for the G. A. MORGAN'S hah preparations, or write G. A. MORGAN Hair Refining Co., 6204 Harlem Ars., asreland, Ohio. Rat. 190$. A deposit required on all orders. We pay no portage. H.B^A. | | Barometrical Membership Drive For 1,000 Member Walch The Rising Pressure > » -950 -850 -750 -650 j -550 < < 1 * i 1 1 i • 1 ' |H B A Boards Now history A li E>V MEJHBEK’S FLEA! As a new member of the Holbrook Benevolent Association, I must say that I know of no other association that has interested me as much as this order. Having an opportunity to listen to so many people commending this » great association and noticing the fra > ternal love that seems to exist among J all of the H. B. A. members, I de > cided to investigate it. I must say £ that I was satisfied with the results > and I joined this association through | local lodge No. 253, with Mr. E. F. \ Young, Jr., as my president. | I was thrilled to learn of its laws I that are so reverently kept by all of r its members. II want to urge all of the young girls in the city and out of the city that possess ambition, to join the H. B. A., not only for her own good, but to prove that we have unity in our own race as well as other races. We must remember that, “A house divided a } gainst itself cannot stand.” f Much praise is due Rev. R. L. It Young, General secretary, who launch ed a successful drive in March and in whigh 315 members were added. The General secretary has decided to launch another drive in connection with the celebration of the 75th An niversary of Rev. E. F. Young, Gen eral President, to add one thousand (1000) members by June. I am interested in making the Gen eral president happy on his birthday, and as a new member, I am appealing to you to help me make him happy by joining the H. B. A. during this drive. By Miss Alma E. Sudberry this week. God be praised. Yours to serve, R. L. Young, Secretary H. B. A. BOARDS A GLOWING SUCCESS Our H. B. A. Boards that came to a final close last Thursday are now history. All of the presidents tried themselves. A big time was had at each board. New members added, plenty to eat, plenty of joy, peace and happiness. We are so enthused and wrapped up at present in the 75th Anniversary of the General President that we are losing sight, to some extent, of the big things that we have done and we are looking forward in the next ninety days to do bigger things, that, we will do. Won’t you come and go with me to that land where we are bound. We are bound for 1000 members. Let’s go, children. What say, you? Who I can beat the H. B. A.’s doing things? They are yet to be born who can beat us. $150.00 PAID IN BOARDS We are happty to state to the faith ful workers in the H. B. A. that we have paid $150.00 to 28 claimants in the March Boards. We hope to beat that in June. Give us the members and we will do it. t i -<T* „„ PRAIRIE POINT, MISS. - i‘1 ;1 “'"'r~ This comes to let the many readers know that Lodge No. 384 has lost one of its members in the person of Rev. Junius Locket. Brother Locket was a loyal member and is missed by all that knew him. wmmm STATE LINE, MISS. In rememberance of the late presi dent of Lodge No. 355, in the person of Brother Roy Smith who departed this life on February 22, 1941. Brother Smith is dead but his good deeds and his true leadership yet live, his voice is hushed, his foot steps are still, he leaves a vacant place in our hearts that never will b( filled. Brother Smith was a member o'. Lodge No. 355 for 13 years, a n < ' served as president for 6 years. George Pierce, Presiden UNDERTAKER BAYLOUS ATTENDS BOARD ; - On Wednesday, March 11th In ou H. B. A. Board at Mr. Pleasant C. M E. Church, Mt. Olive, Mississippi, wi were graced wim the presence of Mi Robert Baylous, undertaker from Pic ayune. He is a strong supporter o the H. B. A., being a staunch membe: of H. B. A. No. 373 of wrich Brothe: Aaron Trotter heads as president. Mr. Baylous made some timely ant encouraging remarks with referenci to the doings of theAssociation o: which he happens to be affiliate! with. Mr. Baylous was connected witl the Good Y’ear Yellow Pine Co. for i number of years before going int! the undertaking business. He is pres ident of the Baylous Funeral Home According to reports, he has a larg! number of young people emloyed With the influential backing t h a 1 Brother Trotter has in Picayune, w< feel that the H. B. A. is going t! spread out in Picayune Dear Secretary: I am sending you three application on the 1000 members on the Genera | President’s celebration. I trust tha all of the presidents and member* will join in and help us to make this celebration a success. This means something not only to the Associa tion, but to the sponsor, which show*, his forsight and thoughts. President C. L. Hall Lodge No. 174, Wiggins Dear Secretary: First of all please accept my con gratulation to you on sponsoring the 75th Anniversary in honor of yoor ' father. Enclosed you wil find three ap plications already on the 1000 bers. Well, Mr. Secretary, you afi had a big laugh on me in the Board and a big grunt and I don’t like ft. You must remember that lodge Ne. 260 holds a unique place in the entire Association. Everybody cannot do what we can do. Don’t make us mad, • if I turn the members of lodge Ne. 1 260 loose on you something is going • to happen. You know it is so. President M. Paige, Laurel - i . Bethel A.M.E. Church too ML Mk M Bander —mm ft* . t T IQa t#ae Pajraa. S*cma. WORDS OF APPRECIATION To the many presidents, members and friends of the H. B. A.: Ipieas* permit me to express to you my deep aiid sifieere appreciation for the fine way that you are resonding to the 75th Anniversary of my father, Reverend E. F. Young. I thought and believed that aii fort o fthih kind would meet your hearty approval, but I did not think that I would have had so many replies so soon, I see now that you mean to | put the program over, We need new members, new lodges, now presidents. 100 MEMBERS PER WEEK It is going to take almost an aver | age of 100 members per week to put over this drive, but that is no big thing for more than four thousand members with approximately two hun dred active local presidents. We can do it and will do it. Watch the H. B. > A. Themometer. It will let you know what we are doing. May I say to you that as we go to press, we have 100 members for ATTENTION! TEACHERS , The First Congregational Church meridian, Miss Presents Dr. Benjamin E. Mays President ol Morehouse College Atlanta, Georgia I Main Speaker On 1 The 3rd Annual Teachers I Interdenominational Conyocational Service ] AT I T. J. Harris Senior High I School I Sunday April 19,1941 I A splendid program has been arranged I c;ii7„r Ottering Will Be Taken I DON’T MAKE A MISTAKE Dear Presidents and mem bers of the H. B. A.:— Don’t be so enthusiastic in our drive for 1000 mem bers that you take in per sons too old, who are a bove sixty years o f age. Don't take in persons who are sick; don’t ask persons to join this order whom you think are unworthy. If you do, you take upon yourself to be fined and suspended. Please remem ber that we can do our selves good in this anni versary if we will do the right thing. We can do ourselves harm if we do the wrong thing. If it is found that we disobey the rules of the Constitution, the entire lodge, together with the president is subject to fine and suspension. PLEASE PLEASE BE CAREFUL R. L. YOUNG, Secretary