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Vol. 24.
No. II.
We know we dn't tu
heil var arc to i.ve a national flic-! Tne mugwump prw is making .) inui'h aJu ovit thp ann"imwmiit U-nt the Ki-i!leJ
tion, whic h cin a wmuli rfnl itiflnrr ncrnm'raey In OHrriisl Chirkaaw, tlmt pnulrica come to thi office fro.';i cvc'ry quarttr
fur w.ni nr up. n tl.c pcipU' of t!ii i a-kih fur paiticular.. Nut having the time to answer Mtcli i:nlivljual, " 1-avi cncltiilfd
Cuintrv. la 1'kon.E AH.-em.kr it t!f to print the nrocwJinw of the cimt't now'instiiuU'J. tn hi- step, ai.'li. t conrluMon I Boys no cnirpromi-e.
jMVMt '. -,;e.r. K i- a uraitflit "miodie of ! will iu..'iy tlie wholo in a patuphkt for di.tritu.tion. that the mHiiotl- a ;..pti-J bv the , l' Jur principle, anJ all will yet be
un-ciupn.ou ninchme mar tie thoroughly ventilated. A cpv of tin i i i.phlet will be
The machine crowd don't look happy.
no surrender, .Tend
toe r ....
fi.l in I',
inn-- - li
ai. . .. .
No :
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sent t eeiy tiulcriher to the p-e) ution fund, which i. now fx-inii; r'' .
lire gratified t.i vJie is being geneieii-'v hiih-cr'h' d to, b"l!, at heme nnd :
I.'. 1-
out lt nV.
IC:1 I '.'
t: ;- ofi
Tu trail of the serpent ot piolociHcy nia
be plainly wen m t'le jouth fa'-oiiiia con
ti;uti.iiil conviTition. Thut In dv has not
only cop ed in substance MisMsippi' educa
tional qualification f r mflrai' and provid
ed the frame work for a chapter of infaniotu
election law but it has aipo ulitituted a
$.'1D0 property qualification for manhood.
Referring to this unholy K'heme of plutoc
rac' to aubfe'tute the dollar for the citir.en
Tom WaUon say :
"There wa no $300 limit to enlixlmentlri
k e ReTolutionary war; nor in the Mexican
war; nor in the civil war.
On Friday tb lolh ol Noveti.Ler, piirs-uant I pre'-.i-.ua arra'.iri'm-tit.
ol l!is c. tipjVHiitcd to M-cure cviden.,f jr.d ,-oh.-t r,y.' n in t!ii c
at t'le court hrt'.io' m this city to talk over the Mtu;u!on and rep ct jr.;r'--,
wa- n-aiii.ed liy the eYction of I'apt. V. D. I ' a- in. an m, 1 V. .
vcr-tM;y, wicn !ic f tllouintj proceedif w. r.' h; 4
'1 '', c n II IV.' to cure the e ita lile .t ti e i'.h iJa, hi !,;,.','.'!; '. '
tia- l lie c Mn i ill ti-c le.ft ei.ith'ti imii. ic a in. -I sau-l.ii - - n r. :
t ' H i d- Hi 1 i .c -i . t ai la ..-s II .rnti. -n- d . Hh. pr "iia u.; d. i' : I i! a i i
-a!!ii it I,t P' C. u let iiil itrtl Vl'tcrs no I con apt t aa iTa '-uic, a ad to clln. '
: ti c i ha tn-n ill tin ivunty, arid it vu unaiaiia tioy n .v a'i! t! it coi .t.-.o.
tot.d lor ni ti c county cilice, alid that (TlininiU pre eiltion pl.ould la- c
j i very p run i;unty of fraud in the cita-tioti.
1 The con mitice n finance made a n-port i-howing p r--tri in rai.-in fa
. expend ot the contesU and proi'ulions.
! Letter from Gen. J. Ii. Chalmers and J. D. Fontaine, K-q ,
the ni'ivcimnt ot the people in this countv, and Bexevinc lu repu-nt
court in c "i junction witb our local altoineva, upon the most reasonable
to the audit nee and were received with uuich applause.
inanman Louco made a pointed and iuipreMre speei'h on the lit jition,
cd which we
' , a-i-einh!.
The mcotii
. V, ifoid .
Arid the election is not over bv
.sjoritv in this count r.
I Editor Mescnirer :
( !ur ineuib riiip is curious to know what
merchant- in Okob-ns r'noicd the 'lition to
t'.e It ar 1 of ej(. tii.n ea nuni'-i.'ner to give
1 'p.. I -t- a n, ai icer ol th'-ir own etae.
hi in ti.i- tounty. A'fo the
n who relumed the bill aoaint
an i a.
j n:lin.
Keen iii Ma.siN.ippi, we T.
mure v-.ti'S tint! ev r beh rc.
rr.nks b vs.
r t.nononi
1 la- r'aoill o
oilid hi' il.-ll
eaecd ai;a'H(.
!l t i-- d.r'v crowd '
f In. ir r'u'i.U in thii (
i l ti.cv Would Irda
d,t of h.allt men.
p have po
Clo-e up
'died the
hud HPI
:v. In t
li was tne Outy ol tlie .Mormon election
to defray the ' eoinnii-ion to r-turn the p,.l book- to the
circuit clerk' nifiee but lliev have not d"ii.
ti.l 1
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K.. nlm
1 lie
E Ct lav
tie- above r.
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.-;ir IVll'.
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11 h.lii am
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Phi.a A lie
N 1. 1 Jni'.y
i;.i.i am r..
rc i : -t uo
is !M of tlie h'oiii- -
Vat 1 t a petit'. -n al' ivi
rksare umrkedwllhfc "
dun i
Clerk Baskin eicusea his apparent want of
Bi,.h I interest in the pull books now upon the
he produced a lirt ol twenty-four of hi neighbor w ho bad been frmi.iul. m.T erawi Imid , ground that the election is ov.-r. Ho'll find
the poll books and by this ui'picable trick dilrancbied, concluding with the latcment
that he bad a certain amount of nionev in his poseion subscribed to aid the contest, and
more would bo forthconiiiitr, on condition there should be lio oomproraic with election
thievea, but the fit; hi wa to be to a imh.
On motion It wa resolved by a unanimous vote, every person present rlf'ng to hi feet,
that no proposition of compromise would or should be entertained.
On motion the president and ccretarie of all the People' part club of thi countr
were requested tu call I meeting of their reecti club on
SATfRinr Xvvitfiiift 2"Hii, 18'.f),
UUmii WiUl r..m.-nof wo,,!..! ' r -! 5 raUin? addal ooal fond, for the p
person ol both racs above the at e of -iileno in sympathy with thi mi 'Hn Joo".4 lf J " ,'"'"u i tki'i, a Mr,
enrilld In tne cluba. -
Hamilton', Wayne's, Henry's,
Stark' or Morgan'.
' With a $300 limit Btonewall Jackson
would have remained a cranky profeaaor,
Qrant disconsolate captain, Sheridan a
trilliant rXHiViliy and Fereat an illiterate
"In the blind hatred of the negro, why
bould Southern itatetmen forge tlie chain
for their own kith and kin f
"It i all wrong, and it can no more stand
than any other houu built on aand.
"The $300 limit would have disfranchised
Wealey, WhitSeld, Calvin, Knot, Hum,
Zuineliut, Wickliffa, Luther, and Judson.
"Theae ifrand men were preud to be poor.
"Uader Ben Tillman' law It is doubtful
if a majority of Christ' Apotlm could have
uti n of tlie
'ial (Ui n' a
out hi mistake in a few days.
The Mc ni phi Commercial-Appeal of
Monday contain an extra heet of delinqu
ent ta tale. Here' evidence of "Demo
cratic prosperity."
At Cleveland Ohio on Sunday an electric
motor eroMing tlie bridge over the river fell
tjirourh an open draw 100 fee. About 20
, 1 in- leary, fr. Hl'&l C Whiteside.
! V T Adnir. Win Criiihloii
; J L J(iii" A Criiftittm.
! J S iiealy. M Uryfoos
I) Metarley, T L Belts,
h II Murphree, E J Eiell,
D H Mhcll, J M liavla.
Ward rawxn, R E Buchanan,
U W Harrlll, J 1) Hoary.
R W Cliai rlier, A J Chandler,
V Turner, A & Hireener.
Smith (Carket store) Jmlat Rubel,
K 8 Klllolt, Jr. I. Rosenbaum,
"ol Schwab, H Dalimer,
J F Ho .!.. Thai l.yles,
! M M.y klenlnirgor, R B Huntintton.
i (i W c0l, Have Hector.
A void ot thank wa eitwided to kind friend in Lee and Clay counties, who aJ nr
ouily eoritributcd to our proaecution fund.
On motion Cnt. Burkitt wa requested to proceed to Memphis, Tenn., and present to
Gen. C'halnwr tie evidence in tbj contest case, and if ha deemed it uflicient to have him
to draw the neceary leifal paper to commence toe contest at onc--eipenae to be paid
out of tlie prosxuiion fund.
On motion the meeting adjourned lo convene at Houston on Thursday Xov. 21st, 1696.
W. D. Con k, Chair'n.
W. K. Wokfohd, Sec'y.
The foilowine is a copy of the petition that wa drawn by Gen. Aahwn, fnd will be
filed at Houston to-morrow. Caailesl will be made lor all the county office, and a the
testimony will be the same in all, the form of fx: ti Lion in each will be identical, aave in
name of parties and the omce conteated i
. Contestant, 1
. Contested,
With deep aorrow we record the death of
Col. J. T. Connell of Maybew, Mies., which
aad event occurred at Atlanta, Oa., a few
day sine. Col. Connell waa chairman of
our flute Alliance eiecutiro committee, and
a member of the People' party State com
mittee. II wa a kind neighbor, an inuul-
mint bn&hiLiid and taltiMr. a muni eitivun and
j, l i , i r . x.- , of November, 18;i5, and the irrounda of hi contest are as follows
and a wholeaouled refurmer, and his untune- .
ly death baa caused a vacancy in the home, j
in the community and in tlie State which :
cannot be filled. (
The petition of .
would respectfully thow that he desire to contest
lection of returned a elected to the office of
of Chickasaw county, at the election he'd on the 6th day
Owing to absence from home during the
must of the time when the new jail scheme
waa being agitated, thi writer did Dot learn
tliat tlie job wa on foot until it had been
consummated, but we have no hesitancy in
laying that there wa no necessity for any
uch expenditure of the people's money and
that the price paid ($5,52 ") is excessive and
extravagant. It is additional burden to our
tax-payer that should have been avoided and
in our judgment i monisy uselessly thrown
The mugwump paper boat that Mo
Lauren' vote U four time oura, Al we
hail to run against the whole family eioht
lis ALL. even thi result i not discourHgiiig.
It only proves that if w had a fair show
aanmt one of ttiein, we could have beaten
him two to one.
let. That diver person who had not paid their taxes, or had not resided in the 8tate,
or election precinct, a required by law, and were not therefore qtiaiitled elector, were
illegally retained on the regiatration roll and poll book by the Klection Commissioners,
and were unlawfully penidtted to vote for conteatoc by (lie Election Muriagcr a follow :
At Egypt, at Atlanta
At Buena Vista at Sparta
At McCondy at Houston
At Neal's . at New Hope
At North Okolona at South Okolona
AtHoulka at Fleeaant Grove
At Beeson
Making an aggregate f 101 illegal voU received for contoslce.
2nd. That the Commissioner of Election illegally erased from the poll books at delin
quent taxpayers and for other causi. the names of divera qualified elector who bad paid
all their taxes, who were qualified voter and who were present with their tax PTeipts and
other competent evidence to prove the same, and who would have votad for conteatant but
were illegally rejected by the manager of the election a follow :
At Egypt At Atlanta
At Buena Vista At Sparta
Dr. T. M. Chapman, twenty vcmi aco an
Okolona boy is now in the city representing
the Kenovine Medical Co. ilis remedy is
aid to be a valuable one, and we hope for
the auld lang-yne tlmt Tom will succeed
with it.
J At McCondy At Houston
At Siul'i At New Hope
At North Okolona At South Okolona
At Houlk At I'leamnt Grove .
At lieooon
Total - 72.
Contestant exDect to nrove that lifter the o..i,inaihi.ioiierB of election huA tnot ,.n
Loi,deg eoun'.y with a Vote lea, than 600 ; the M Mordav of OcU.ber 1S'.I5, a. nKjuinal bylaw, and revi .1 the poll book, of the
vU one S-nator and three member of the j Tt)rl di-trut and erased therefrom .uch nam.-, as they saw as before stated, they
ri.litur. ; Webster with 1800 vote, cant or mm, ol),r or who hu;n4 Un of t4oll books, with or with-
elect but one member to the
This i mugwump justice,
The Meridian sash and blind factory, a
compress and 8000 bale of cotton were de
stroyed by fire on last Saturday night. The
lose la estimated at $260,000.
We wanted to hav the McCondy, Buena
Vista and Fleeaant Grove poll books photo
graphed and then lithographed, so that fu
ture generations might see the most perfect
specimens of mugwump election rascality
eminating from this age.
If Col. C. B. Mitchell really made the
statement personal to thi writer attributed
to him by the Commercial-Appeal reporter
be has slandered us and besmearched his
own conscience. We hope he will be able
to truthfully disclaim the statement be it
quoted a uttering.
o o
E. T.Winston and Hugh B Fountain? have
purchased the Pontotoc Banner and will
continue its publication as a true-blue Pop
ulist journal, Suocess to the oldest People's
party paper in the state-
The "melisb." will have a big blow ou.
at the inaugural of Gov. McLauren. The
prime object is to secure a big appropriation
out of the State Treasury that they may go
on dress parade next summer. A there will
be scarcely any body else in the Legislature,
than simon-pure-all-wool-and-yard-widc Detu
ocrata, they will doubtless get what they
Tom WaUon commenting on J. Pierre
pont Morgan's connec tion with the Episcopal
church concludes a follow :
"All the rich lascals who have revolu
tionized our government and turned it into a
soul-lea plutocraey are high up in the coun
cils of the church.
"And that is one reason why there are so
many preachers who are luch miserable
coward that they do not dare to preach the
doctrine of Jetus Christ.
The Picayune Bureau correspondent cm,'
males that the total voto of the State in the
last election will not exceed C8,000, and
says the registered vote was about 125,000.
Half the adult male in the state then are
not registered and little more thai half than
that are to exercise the pivilej- Toti.itr.
Of the 68,0oi vol cat we csii ite ti,tt
60,000 wero Jcmocratic mid IMlOtl Hop'i!
This i the ! t.'hesi vote ov.t uoiiu lor me
Populist ticct In ihe ttato and our
folks aregroning ' i nun. hers noiwilhut ,n I
lug the ovoriveauo.g p awcr ji U. ;liac':i w-
VT Janrs.
- . . . o , . e . f., ,
Mr. Baskm don't know w :., to the
book are. Who does?
The Varoo Herald says: "Even Bro.
Burkitt couldn't carry hi own county of
Chickasaw." We heard somewhere that
the editor of the Herald failed more signally
to carry hi own county of Yazoo last sum
mar. The Democratic press assert that Dr.
Prewitt of Choctaw and "Scott" Halthorn of
Marion are the only Populist elected to the
Legulaturo. Then they must have counted
out George Cain and Dr. Flower of Frank
lin as they did Gore of Webster and Bcaty
and Sanderson in this county.
o 0
Democratic State management is toon to
be llluatrated by the issuance of $1,000,000
in bond to build o new State House. Thi
economicf?) measure is to be supplimented
by a reduction in the public school distribu
tion, if the advice of the Progressive) dem
ocratic press is accepted by our tolons.
An esteemed friend at Bright, DeSoto
county writes us: "Enclosed find Ive dol
lars. Eitend the Memenger to me one year
and the balance use in prosecuting the elec
tion thieve,"
ThanVt, dear friend, your tntructiona
hall be strictly obeyed, and we trust Tour
worthv example will be imitated many, many
time by just inch boneat, courageou men.
as vourself, all ovor the country.
The election being over, the raid on the
treasury has been renewed. Last week $3,
000,000 in gold wa withdrawn by the Jerusa
lem of Wall street and exported to Turup
Congress will meet on the first Monday in
next month and the financial cruaade will be
gin in earnest. The banks demand that the
$:l4d,000,((00 of greenback be withdrawn
that S5:l,0O0.flO goal bonds be issued and
that they be allowed a monopoly ot the cur-
I ceiicy issue Urover is wining, me nn-suw
are wil'ing. the enVe-hoMers are wii.u.g ana
the political s:in Ha. rs in every nook and
corner of the land will shout lli'ir approba
!'.. lint the tax-paver, who are the pro
ducer and wage Workers will catch h I.
The price of cotton has declined to 7 1-2
cent and the pnxpect is, now that the elec
! lions are over, that it may go still lowe
Continuation ot capual and gambling on
j 'change is whut i sloio? the work.
ll oi. John !. L; nch will be in Okuhma
on the 22nd inst.,ai.d ill deliver an address
j to his pesiple and the white people are re
pr'cifully invited to turn out and bear him.
lower nouae. oy i,ha cs ncnt oft!. commissioner ho hi'd chart's of them, illegally, fraudulently and
' Concluded on 8tb page. f" a