OCR Interpretation

The progress. (Ocean Springs, Miss.) 1???-1905, May 21, 1904, Image 1

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88067162/1904-05-21/ed-1/seq-1/

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Mr, Business Man:
Every Person...
Iivlng in, orhsyviag lived in; owning ,
One of the greatest aids to rhodern
busineee i the liberal and judicious me of
Printer's Ink. Can't we sell you some and
apply it?
Apply For Ad. Rates.
property of laiaanms; to; or m any way
tereited in Ocean Spring should take the
local panel . Be posted.
.91.35 per
, v ,,.ac.t
. .. . - - - .
Ocean Springs Progress.
BY 1. . LEE.
Offioial Journal of Ocean Springs.
Official' Journal of Jackson Comity.
Entered at postoflice in Ocean
Springs as second class matter
, w
ER 50.
F. M. Weed.
. E. S. Davis
8. P. Starks,
F. M. Dick
At Large JosephKotsuin.
First Ward A.C. Gottsohe.
Second Ward Peter Geiger.
Third Ward Geo. L. Friar.
Fourth Ward.. A. V. Rosamheau.
Sheriff W. P. Ramsay.
Dep'ty Sheriff ..Sim George.
Clerk of Courts, Frank II. Lewis.
Treasurer A . H Smith.
Supt. of Schools, . . . . D. D. Cowan.
O- L. Bailey, President.
F. J. Lundy, Secretary
W. C. West,
T. K. Friar,
F M . Dick,
Notary Public,!
OOtlAN SPftlN wtsa-
Pr Oscar L. Bailey,
ndf rs his services to the people of
OcxAM Sprixus ask Yjcinixv,
Calls promptly answered night :r
daV. Office at Store. Phone No. 90.
jDfliee hours from 7 a. in. to t) p.m.
Office over Polks Jk Urrtt'a Urtig Store.
Attorney Ht law.
Oiean Spiincs, Miss.
II, BfaMNRtaNr, It. 0 Gpwen,
Altorne s at Law.
UlUo-: Kelmss Aw , BRf C inrtboust,
Practice in all courts, State ami rVil
Mai. At tuition irlveu to lejral business
ot nil kinds.
WUUtam . Galbot,
Owick;- Bolton's SewBiWlfl.
1:11.0x1. miss.
Ruirairriaenlo can be made by tele-
at any tune tor wct-au
prinRS paileau.
rnons To.
jrtice Bank
of Blloxl BttHdinf.
limns 8 a. in. Ui 5M p.
Sppritntmeots by lefepofen at any hour.
OQct PholiS 190. Residence 106-L'.
Post $c Son,
Hiloxi, Miss.
Whtn m Btl si evil la and insrwci
aumloek nt ssaataals instruments nd
lirrt BiastC. Store on Howard ave
nnr. Qire us jour repair work.
Copyrights Ac.
IntiiM Mnrtln akal.lh and dscrtpUon mM
aaleklT aMruia oar opinion
ItiTantlon U problblr MMnUbl. Communis
Uon muxoaj oanSdwittal. Hudbook on Plenu
MM frc. OMwt urn 'or !urin4JlnUL
rw nouct, without okup. in u
hndotDtiy flhutn
ilsUlem & sWIT aVten!
W : f oar son ttu. L BaM by all nwdalri.
ulUNi vl any rienuse vnnitL t rnm. w
I asiBniim.
ad on. D.G
urtul i I D 1 n il tr m i t I. I7tl a
CliCl.1I 11 1 .11 h .M II . I 1 1 W t'
Horseshoeing. $1.50 per set of four shoes.
Whvoh Work. Ktc. Executed with N fatness aril Satisfaction.
Botes anb
are authorized to
of Hancock Count v, Mississippi, as a
candidate for the Democmlio nomina
tion to succeed himself as Congressman
from this (sixth) District.
for Jackson County Democratic
Delegate Convention.
A Democratic delegate convention
of Jackson county is called to meet
at 12 o'clock, noon, June 4, 1934,
in tbe court bouse, for the purpose
of selecting three delegates from
Jackson county to the State oonveu
lion to meet at Jackson, Miss., on
the 16tb day of June, 1904; also to
choose a new Democratic executive
committee for Jacks ju county
None but white Democrats are al
lowed to vote in selecting county
delegates. Each supervisors dis
trict is allowed ten delegates in the
otnuy convention, apportioned as
follows, 13 be elected on the 28tb
day of May, 1904: Helvestion, 6
idelegHles; Wards, 4; Oak Grove, 6;
Jones; 4; Escatawpa, 1 ; Moss Point,
3; East Side, 1; Pascagoula, 1;
Orange Grove, 1 ; West Paseagoula,
I; Scranton.3: Florala, I; Jacobs, I;
Vancleave, 3; Ocean Springs, 4;
Daisy, 0; Beeves, 4.
C. H. Wood,
t ltairman Jackson County Demo
critic Executive Committee.
Don't Send Instructed Delegates.
The Progress is not alone in th
contention that the Mississippi ,
delegation to the National Demo- j
emtio Convention should go uttiu-
structed for any presidential eandl
1 j
1 ill . I IMS V HW 1? M'A CM in IliailY
- J
of tlie stite's leading men. The I
Parker .md Hearst inovemeiits aie
now attracting considerable alien
lion but it it our linn belief that,
conditions will arise in ill u conven- j
tion th il Will render the nomination
of el L ' r umt iso Slid utterly impos
sible. With such men :n Money,
IVIcLani'in, Williams and Variaman
at the head of our delegation 111
ItfuetloiM are unnecessary. VVrc
are willing to leave il to their judge
men t, believing they will do what
is best for party success.
The Oyster Ii.dustry is Safe.
The Oyster Commission will not
bays to go out of business after all.
On account of the recent legislature's
carelessness the usual appropriation
for the conin.iestoii was overlooked
entirely an! there was not a dollar
of funds available to carry on tbe
work. Governor Vardaraan and
the Commission luc arranged mat
ter'", however, so that funds to earn
ry on the work will be secured untiV
the next legislature convenes when
tbe slate money will be forthcoming.
Tbe two banks of Biloxi hat e
agreed to loan the Commission
180,000 for two years at 7 per cent
and the offer has been accepted.
Lewis Yost of west St. Louis has
at taint d a bride. He won her heai t,
hand and digestive apparatus by
cooperating with her In demonstra
ting that nobody ought to spend
more than 15 cents a day for food
that both pocket-book and stomach
would be benefitted by the simplest
diet. 3efore making the discovery
they both battled with dyspepsia.
Tbe breakfast of each now consists
of an apple and a dice of bread;
lunch of fruit, figs and nuts; dinner,
bread, two apples and a handful
of nuts. He never tells his wife
about 'mother's'' choking.
Judge Parker's mother infm
the world that she used to give her
on a ,;ood switching whenever she
thought he needed it. The good
dame seems to have overdone it
somewhat, lor she evidently taught
him to keen still when be was spok
en to.
Laxative Kromo-Qnininn Tablets cure
cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay.
Price 25 cents.
nlmai ak t n A 'TTAitnAnhAAa
' W U III 1. miNKMIIrM.
Newsy Notes From Jackson.
Jackson, Miss. May 16. Al
thjugh Judge Alton B. Parker is
steadily gaming strength as a presi
dential candidate, there is still mani
fested hi Mississippi a very decided
telnctance against instructing for
htm in the State convention which
jon vencs June IStb, or just one
month hence.
Th is reluotanoe is not based on a
pronounced opposition to the New
York jmint, but a Jeep-seate l feel
ing exists among the political lead
ers in every section of the Stale
that the political horoscope -may
have an entirely different appear
ance before the national convention
meets, ami they would prefer to
send a delegation to St Louis free
and nun amii led. Again te op
position manifested lowaid Parker
by Tammany is causing uneasiness,
even among Parker supporters, in
Mississippi, and already there is
much talk concerning a dark horse
in connection with the nomination.
If William R. llearal is making
an effort to capture the Stale dele
nation it is not making itself openly
manifested and it can be stated with
assurance that none ot his well
known lieutenants are at work in
the Stale. Some of the strongest
political leaders have declared for
Hearst, however, and unless they
have changed their opinions since
Judge Parker has manifested a for
midable strength, they could make
it very interesting in the state con
vention on the question of instruct-
ed delegation should they see til to
"0 so.
. uu i j
A little news item published in
mi r. i t- i
The I i ngress a couple ot wteks ago
. ., 1.1
ii uhij..h u'e m.oil lAioirl i
veUienue a number of
the north end of th
suffered by reason
people from
county had
of Judge
Deavours' I ail lire to open uouf. on
the day set, is being used as cam
paign thunder by some of the papers
of tbe district, and Iri-nd McKie of
the Biloxi Review recently publish
ed a column editorial defending the
Judge. We have no desire to be
drawn into any controversy over
this matter but submit that these
litigents bad good ground for coins
plaint at Judge Deavours' failure
to open court al the specified lime.
Some of these ptople live over forty
mltM from the railroad and are
compelled to make the trip over
land to Ocean Springs, stable their
horses and pay hotel bills and rail
road fare to SoranToh, and then
after all this to Bin that court-bad
been postponed, without notice, for
three days, thns putting them to
the trouble and annoyance of re
turning home and then back again,
or .vami g in Scrauton at a hotel,
incurring expenses that most of
them could ill afford, was enough
to cause them to get a littie huffy.
Making school orations is all very
nice, but official duties should re
ceive first consideration every time.
The man that hustles his own
business and takes a delight in
showing the other fellow a thing or
two about energy, push ar d prog
ress does no littie toward the ad
vaiicement of bis neighborhood.
Every act advancing his business
in a liberal-minded way does bis
part toward the progress of his
neighborhood, Each dollar spent
for the improvement of his business
and surroundings has its individual
effect upon the people at large;
while each dollar he donates toward
public improvements and to tbe
advancement of his community
finally reverls to the assistance of
his own ibasinees. Help yourself
and you help your neigbborti jod,
hely your neighborhood and yon
help yourstdf. This is a rule that
woiks both wavs. Dixie Press.
- If the people of Mississippi want
to hamper the present prosperous
boom that is now on let them ' abet
and encourage the establishment of
the old blue laws If that does not
cbt-ok the present rapid development
of our natural resources nothing
will and we can congratulate our
selves proof against any other
fauatisism that rnav bub up. But
the people as a general thing do not
believe in any snob law an 1 will
bave none of them. Guifport
Senator Aldrich says the Rcp ib
licans will revise the tariff whenever
ibey think it necessary, tia there's
a definite or tnise!
Are You Looking for the Best?
If you are, ask for
Gold Leaf
- , ;
Guarpteed ftunoarian
Insist on Having this Flour.
An Interesting Decision.
The Supreme Court in the case of
J. C. Orrell et als. vs. tbe Bay
Manufacturing Company handed
eTown an opinion that is of vital
interest to tbis section if the state.
In this case was presented the ques
tion whether an occupant of a Gov
ernment homestead had the right
to execute a turpentine lease on tim
ber in the homestead to a person or
company before the occupant of the
homestead had perfected his title
from the Government.
Henry I lode had given turpen
tine rights on a homestead to J. C.
Orrell, before his homestead entry
as perfected. Tbe Bay Manufac
turing Co., to make a test case, got
out an injunction against Orrell for
using '.he lurpjiitine, basiug their
claim on two grounds. Pirst, that
the lease from Heide to assignor of
appellee was made while the land
wis the property of ihe I'nite!
Sutes Government, and is void.
, Second, ifcal contract was contrary
i to public policy of the United
htates in ueallng with home tead
The Court held t hut the cutting
and boxing of trees on public lands
is not a criminal offense: that it did
not destroy the value of the trees.
r retard their growth, and he'd
that a lease of timber for turpentine
purpose is not forbidden by an ex
press statutory provision. The
court held further that the base lor
the purpose of turpentine entered
illl'l HiOtVMi.il Iliw).. w.i.i tliA n ... 1 1 I
was valid and enfor
able and nut
contrary to the
Oo ernra -pt.
public policy of the
Germany, Japan, Mexico, Great
Brittao, Canada, Hinduras and
Egypt have exhibits placed in the
forestry, fish and game palace at tbe
World's Fair.
Made Young Again
"On" ,f )r. Kinjr's New Life Pills
each uiehl for two weeks has put me
in my 'teens' a nam" writes L). H.
Turner of Deoipseyiown, Pa. They're
ihe best in the world for Liver, Slom
ach sod Howies. Purely vegetable.
Never gripe. (July 25c at Ocean
Springs Droit Store.
Nunnally's and Tenney's
High Grade
We have a complete line of Nunnally's package
coods at 60 cents per pound, and Tenney's at 85c.
We als? have a splendid assortment of bills goods
at 40 seats per pound.
taF"Tbese candies are received by express eveiy
ten days.
ocean Springs Drug store.
WHITTLE & AMES, Managers
School "Woes.
We would like very much to have
all of our patrons next Friday af
lernoon visit the school ana see
the drawings made by the seventh
eighth and ninth grades also speci
mens of iheir lest work in dif
ferent studies will be on exhibit
All of the grades will have work
to show, and it will be very en
ooiiragiug to pupils is well a
teachers to have our patrons pres
ent. Come if you cau only spent
a few minutes in tach room.
H. O. McGowan
Report of Grand Jury.
To the honorable
Circuit Court
of Jackson county:
We the Grand Jury empaneled,
sworn and charged for this term of
the Circuit Court beg leave to re
That we have beer in session five
days, have examined ninety eight
witnesses and found seventeen true-
bills, but w glad to say; that the
major part of said true bills are for
misdemeanors, the greater part of
tlioa'b'iug for unlawful sa.e oi
We have examined the books of
the county officers and find thciu
corrcitly and neatly kept.
We have i xamiiied the jail and
find it in a safe condition and very
neatly and cleanly kept.
Now having finished our h.bors,
we tender our sincere thanks to your
Honor and all the officers oi the
Court for your inany courtesies ex
tended to us during the term of
court and beg that we may be uow
Respectfully submitted,
A. E. Dean. Foreman.
For Sale or Rent.
The residence property of Mrs. T. B.
Honor; larjre house and grounds, well
improved. Fine pecan irees, fruil Irees.
irrape arbor, etc. Price $2,000. For
further particulars iuquire si The
Progress oltl where keys to look over
ihe place can be obtained.
Count? Itewg TRotes,
Mount Pleasant-
Picnio time is here.
A good many from here attended
PJjrcnit court.
Allen Smith, of Daisy, was a
recent visitor here.
Miss Jennie Qoff has returned to
her home in Wade.
Simon Rogers and family have
moved to Brew ton.
Sam Ware, of Guifport, is visit
ing bis old borne here.
Robert Rouse, of Fort Bayou,
was as a Sunday visitor.
H. E. Moe is pulling up a mod
ern residence in our midst,
Herbert Lyons has been siok with
chiUs and fever the past week.
The singing at John Roberts
on last Saturday night was enjoyed
by all.
Sherwood L. Goff, of Saucier,
visited his father's family here last
The protracted meeting at this
place will open Friday evening ot
thii week.
rrentus Tlavis, ot Americus was
a pleasant visitor to some one here
on Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ware and
little son, Roland, are sojourning
in Bay MineUe, A'a.
Miss Bursia Roberts has return
ed from Bay MineUe, Ah., much
improved in health.
Miss Katie McMillen. a charming
young lady of Hrewtou has been
visiting friends and relatives here.
The Evergreen school i progres
sing nicely under the management
of Miss Fannie Maic Cates, of
Miss SbauKe Taylor returned
last week from New Orleans. We
are glad to note thai she is very
much improved in health
Worlu's Fair News Notes.
Denmark will bave al the World's
Fair laroe exhibits in the depart
ments of agriculture, lihera1 arts,
manufactures and transportation.
The bill addiug $35,000 to Rhode
Island's appropriation for the
World's Fair lias been recommend
ed for passage by the committee on
ti nance.
Seven hundred and sixty-live
cases oi the Uernian exhibits have
been received at the World's Fair
for installation in seven different
xhibit buildings.
Col. Milan I, of the Mexican R11-
rales, will exhibit his famous vaquero
sad lie at the World's Fair. This
saddle, which is a work of art, coat
t'Jt ,e.00, and has been eight or leu
tears in course of construction.
Most of the evuipmeiit of lb- In-
iramurial r.lroai1 at the World's
Fair are veslibuled ears. Then-
are filly seven cars, fifty-one closed
and six open. Their length is 48
feet 2 inches and tbeir width 8 feet
The slates thai have begun the
installation of exhibits in the palace
of forestry, fish and game at the
Wo.li's Fair are Arkansas, Con
necticut, Minnesota, Missouri, Aew
York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania
and Viiyin'a. Some of Oregon's
exhibits for ibat building have lieen
received as have SO MS of Alaska's.
J be Ramsay family reunion in
ibe Kansas building al the World's
Fair, August 2H, 19U4. 'Ihe postsl
servile has 12a employes bearing
tbe name of Ramsay. Members of
the faintly are numerous in every
tate of tbe union, though they EM
agree about ihe proper spelling of
he name, Kamsey, and Ramsay
being the favorite styles.
A Suaa Thiwg.
Il is said that nothing is sure ex
cent .ieath and taxes, but that is not
altogether true. Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption is a sure
cure for all throat and lung tronb
les. Ti sands .an testify to that.
Mrs. ('. B. VsnMetre of Shephenl
town, W. Va.. ssys; 'T 'had a se
vere case of Hionchitis and for a
tearlrietl everylbiinr I beard of,
tun got no nlief. One bottle of
Dr. King's New Discovery then
cured me absolutely." It's in (ml
I ble for Croup, Whooping Cout;h,
rip, Pneumonia ami Consumption
Try IL It's guaranteed by O ean
Springs Drug Store. Trial bot
tles free. Regular sixes 50c, and
A very much needed rain fell
here Monday.
Flurry A McMillan's mill it run
o'ng on full time.
W. T. McMillan visited Scranton
and other points this week on bust
ness connected with his firm here.
It is a settled fact there are very
decided surface indications of oil
at Brewton. Steps are being taken
to make further investigations.
Dr. Ross A. Switzer was a pleas
ant caller Saturday. The Doctor
informed us that he was enroute to
Perkinston, wbere he has made ar
rangements to locate. We wish
him uiujh success.
On Saturday, June 11th a basket
picnic will be given at the picnic
giounds, near Flurry fc McMillan's
store. Everybody who wishes to
bring a basket and spend the day
here are welcome. Representative
oitizeus are being invited to speak
on tbe past achievement and future
prospects of this section of the
There is no place in south Missis
sippi that offers better opportuni
ties to people who want to farm,
raise hogs, sheep, uatlle, poultry,
etc. than ribhl here un tbe Pasua
oula river. Fruits can be grown
here. A glimpse at the peach trees
laden with fruit is sufficient evidence
that a well cultivated orchard would
be a paying investment. For truck
farming there is no .place to equal
this section. Just under the bills
are flowing springs of pure water.
most of which have sufficient fall
thai a hydrrulic pump would throw
rvatcr en uli to irrigitc a farm.
Some will ask, "how would you
ship your produce? A gasoline
boat would only cost a small amount
and can make the run to Scranton
in about three or four hours.
A Startli.ng Tbst.
To lava a life, Dr. T. G. Merrill,
No. Mehoopauy, Pa., made a start
ling test resulling in a wonderful
cure, lie writes, "a patient was
attacked with violent hemorrhages,
caused by ulceration of laetomach.
had often found Electric lit It' fa
excellcut for acute stomach and
liver troubles so I prescribed them.
The patient gained from the firs',
and has not had an attack in 14
mouths." Electric Bitters are
positively gnranteed for Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, Constipation and Kid
1 ey troubles. Try ibain. Oult 5i'c
at Ocean Springs Drug Store
Athem, Term., Jan. 27, 1001.
Kver since tbe first appearance of nr
menses they were very irregular and I
uttered with great pain in my hips,
back, stomach and legs, with terrible
bearing down pains in the abdomen.
During the past month I have been
taking Wi of rjardul and Tbedford's
Black-Dn. t, and I passed the month
ly period viiiiout pain for the first time
in years. Nima Davu.
Waal Is Hfs worth ts s woman suffer.
Ing like Nannie Dsvht suffered? Yet
there srs wsmen in thousands sf homes
lo-diy who srs bsaring these terrible
menstrual pains In silence. II you are
ens of these we wssi to say that this
will bring you permanent relief. Cor.
ssls yourself with the knowledge thai
1,000,000 women hive boon completely
cured by Wins of Cardui. These wom
en suffered from leucorrhoes. irregular
mosses, headache, backache, and
bearing down pains. Wins ol Cartful
will stop all those schss sod pains
lor yes. Purchase 1.00 bottle of
Wine si Cardui lo-dsy and take il in
His privacy of your home.
ror mA Tier and UMn.lure.aSdrM, trrrnesrmp
toms, "TIM LMUei' A It. .or. department, "
The Chattanoofa Medlrtn Co , Cbutaaooaa,
c. t, Vrtiniinir unit ttlMvlino" rirp '
vju'p - r a, 1 1
vents blood poisoning cures without
ing ugly scars. Mothers, you seed it in
your home every dav in the year.
25c 60c ft $1.00 at all Draggiete
tmc panacaan co .loui.vmt. t. a. a- a.
Sold by Oiean Spring" Crag Stor.
w 1
If You Are
You shouts writ and set correct Infer
tlon iu rtf.rd to lb. fkdlltin oSiraS
br lh
Louisville &
Nashville It R.
III. B1DI8UTCI. fan. 1ft. louta, Tni.
' 1
8 Your home
fully rovers the field of local
news, but progressive people
require information beyond
that current events from
everywhere by wire; special
telegraphic service, snd cor
respondence. Such is the
want onl v filled bv a bia tne-
iropoiitan newspaper, sua
is that kind of a newspaper.
It lesds in circulation, laflu-
.t,r. iwt rwmnlaritv In the
, - j- - j - 1
South, snd in every way (
comes up to all the require
ments of a high grade home
and business newspaper. .
Subscribe now. through v
yonr postmaster, local agent (
or send direct to the office. (
aMLT, Pw Mwas
" -hrTMf-
sua-amiY, fm yht
Tbe Times-Democrat, ()
N.w Orliahi. La. l
5 C5C55
Why Is the
The Favorite
The Best Paper
In the South.
Its Bureau at Jackson, under the
able management of F.DGAR &
WILSON, who lets nothing of in
terest escape, makes it a morning
paper to fVIissisippians irons the
Capital oi their state.
It also contains
Superior Market Repot ta.
Dally Picayune. j
Twelve Months $ a
Six Months...... 6 el
Three Months J 00
One Month 1 00
Weekly-Sixteen Pages. ' 4
Twelve Months e
Sunday Picayune ty Mall.
Twelve Months $ o
retail dealer in
Fish and Oysters,
Crabs, Shrimp, Ktc.
1 '
We promptly obtain 0. S. and iron;-! I
We pnimu r ot
! gaud modal. sketch or pi 00 i-f n,Tni n Ira
; freareport 00 patcntaKiity rra fi-ejrx-t ?
. Hm-rwyninr UatslfC '
1 1
Mississippi Paper?
iwHVLiwnto .0 r
r asnsasaaCaf laJJaJTSSlaJl J

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