Newspaper Page Text
Business Man Every Person.. One of the greatest aids to modern business is the liberal and judicious use of Printer's Ink. Can't we sell you some and apply It? Apply For Ad. Rates. orhavinir lived in; ownine t fopertpor "intending to; or in any way in aj. terestedjn Ocean Springs should take the local paper, lie posted . ...$1.35 per Year. VOL VIII. OCEAN SPRINGS, MISS., SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1904. NO. If. I Bill S I I Ml 1 Mil II Ik Ocean Springs Progress. BY A. E. LEE. Official Journal of Ocean Springs. Official Journal of Jackson County. Entered at postoffice in Ocean Springs as second class matter PHONE NUMIiEH 50. TOWN OFFICERS. Mayor P. M. Weed. Treasurer E. S. Davis. Marshal & P Starks, (jjerk F- M". Dick ALDERMEN. At Large JoscphKotzuin. First Ward A.C ttottsche. Second Ward ....... Peter Qeiger. t hird Ward Goo, L. Knar. Fourth Ward.. A. V. Rosambeau. COUNTY DIRECTORY. Sheriff W.r. Kamsay. , Dep'ty Sheriff Sim George. , committee for Jackson county. Clerk of Courts, .. Frank II. Lewis. I None but while Democrat" are al Treasurer A. II Smith. jQwe(j l0 vole )n aeleoting county Supt. of Schools, . I 1 II I SCHOOL BOARD O. L. Bailey, President, F. J. Lundy, Secretary W. C. West, T. It. Friar, EVM. Dick, E. W. ILLING, iNotary Public, OCEAN SPRINGS. MIOS. Dr Oscar L. Bailey, einkrs his services to the people of OcBAN SPBINUS IMl VlCI.NITV, Calls promptly answered night jr d.-n Mlice at More. In one JNO. '"- Office hours from 7 a. rp. to 8 p.m. I liftTSAV u a, onuiiwi'ij DEN I IS I". Offlce tiv Folks Urn III s Urug Bin BILOXI MISSISSIPPI. E. A. CLARK, attorney lit Haw. Ouean SDiiiujs, Miss. 11, nioomfl-ld, K- 0 Cowan. BLOOM FIELD & COWAN, Attorney s at Law, 0"rnee: I Mm us Ave, nrnr i mrl House, St ItANTON. M1S. Praciloe In all Bourls, Slate and l-Vil- cral. Attention given to of ill kinds. legal btisiuei William . Salbot, XICTOR OF DENTAL BtrSGEBY, Office: Hoi ton's JJesMBulldiuB'. BILOXt, Miss. Knmir.'menis can l" made by tele phone at anv time Springs patients. for Ocean 'Pbobth 70. office Hank of BHoil Bulldlne;, Hours 8 a. m, to 8:30 p. in. D. A. NASH, SURGEON DENTIST Ipnointmentsby lelepobne at sn hour, tiiticu Phone 100. Residence M '2. BILOXt. Miss. Post Son, JEWELERS, ENGRAVERS, AND OPTICIANS. Hiloxi. Miss. "Whf n in mi ixi cnll in and inspect our stool; of (BMlesle Instruments and ilieet Hue. music. More on nnwnu ac Give us vour repair work. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE !1S Designs Copyrights Ac. Atirona tmMnt a krt')h nd te wriptlnn m$ uSSilHnlyPr.nlia.iitHl. SStl -atenu Mat free. Oidert mmfjmmm WSMJ P.tfnli Uo Tfir.oKh Mmin A Co. receive pttia! notice, wlthoat charge, in the Scientific American. haq4fom!r lllmtreled weeklr. Jirtt rtr. Ililif of nr cieDtll)c ionrnaJ. Ternn. JJ a rear : toSr month. L Sold bj all newsaeylerj. hUNN&Co."'6"" New York Brinck OBoe. (36 T 8U Wutalwrlw. D. C JNO. HOFFMAN, General Blacksmith, Wheelwright and Horsesboer. Horseshoeing, $1.50 per set of four shoes. Ail Wagon Woik. K. Kveciiled with N atucc an l Sat isfaelion. OCKAN bPRJXos, MISSISSIPPI, IRotes anb ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR CONGRESS. We ' are authorized to announce HON. E. J liOWEUS of Hancock Count?, Mississippi, hs a candidate for the Democratic nomina tion to succeed himself as Congressman j from this (Sixth) District. Call for Jackson County D.-niocratic Delegate Convention. A Democratic delegate convention of Jackson county is called to meet at 12 o'clock, noon, June 4, 1904. in the court house, for the purpose of selecting three delegates from Jackson county to the Stale conven tion to meet at Jackson, Miss., on tlw i Ml, ,,,v of -limp lOil.l; also to . ' nmnnriiti !tlv delegates. Each eupcrvtaora, dis triot is allowed ten delegates in the 'county convention, apportioned as follows, lo be elected on" the Hth day of -May, 1804: llelvestion, 6 delegates; Wards, 4; Oak Grove, 6; Jones, 4; Escatawpa, l;Moss Point, Si Hast Side, (j Pascagoula, lj UraiiJc Grove, I ; West Paeagoula, I; Serantoii,:): Florala, I; Jacobs, I; Vancleave, 8; Ocean Springs, 4; Daisy, li; Reeves, 4. C. H. Wool, ( liniiinuii Jackson County Demo cratic Executive Committee. A Valuable Member of Congress. As showing the ability displayed ; of the church cannot join the Pyth onr Congressman and the esteem 1 OtAat, It has long been known In In which he is held by (tie national leader.- of tin Democratic party the following letter from Hon. .lohn sham Williams is reproduced. Mr. William-, as is known, is the i Democratic leader on the tloor ill ' the House. i Holt. E J. Uoa'ers, Washington. Dear iiciu.-i'v:--! want to thank you a.- am ol the nieiubeii "I the CominitUe "'n elections tor toe ai-nio.-i lucalculublu benefit that you have ecuferied uno i ihe south, and inuideiilally upon the Democratic j party, by tour servtoes on ibatoom inillee. It is unfortunately of such a charaoter thai toe Dublin knows nothing about it, and you will never receive any credit 111 the press or in the shape of Popular applause lor it. The report in the case of Lever vs. Danlzlc. which Has unanimous (and the unanimity having been very largely due 5 y lir I lids II try, assist ance and iiiliirniation) was in my opinion, a thing so valuable tp the government and lo the hope of the ptrpetualioil of the w hile man's civi lization in the south that the Demo crats who aided by their insight, conservatism, ami lacl in preparing it, ought to ne lenwni Dereu oy me, as the Democratic floor leader, and as k southerner ana Sitae Ilea to in1 cause ol the while man's supremacy and a while man s country, always. I want to thank yon, therefore, for i..: I i.... I. I UTIUillUK .lO'MIl III. It IC.-UIL. , ..III, i , i r J , , j the distinguished Mississippiau : and perhaps, the only man outside ol, 1 1 the committee, aware of the imlus I to the objection that Williams try, application, legal acumen, audlooraei from a state that rebelled net that was necessarily displayei I aa,ai8t the general government be lt arriving at that result. Vo ; f0,.e le Was bom, that is pandering ICIUCUl"OI in. IL oeu iii-l IVKl me that there probably i-ould be a report of that character and vou and : other Democratic members ol the Committee a-ked ne whether to agree to it and let it go in just as it was or not, 1 answered "Yes," and that "as poor as I am, 1 woul 1 give tiOOU and borrow the money, to h ve that report spread on the Con g e-sioiial Record." It means peace lo the south, and that the Oonrls, the proper tribunals, shall decide all points of constitutionality raised in connection with new cm B itiitions an I Congressmen from i ho Sou! hern (Hate. I write this Utter to you, because 1 have beeti made in I certain way your "Cap tain" on the floor, an l I think it is right to re,- gm.e by special men tion your ecipiar services to the party. lam, with every expression of regard, wry truly fours, JoB n S. W i - i iams. Lean to keep yoar troubles yourself, the world is too busy care for ills and sorrows. STOPS THE ( Ololl AM) WOIIKS OFF T1IK coin. Laxnlive Broapd Qalalwe Tabletscure a cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay. I'nse M cenis. Comment, j A Worthy Leader. The Boston Herald pays Hon. John Sharp Williams the following handsome compliment: "Not since the days of Randall and Carlisle have the Dtinoctats had ti leader who, tried by, lhis,tes;, was competent to lead. The result has been that the party was split into factions, with little in common but a name. No one holding the omce ol nominal leader had the in tellectual and moral force to subdue the refractory, jealous elements and weld by judicious discipline into, a solidarity. Some part of them were always plotting with the other side for personal and sectional favors, and thus were seduced to contribute to thwart any firm, enduring alignment ill suppoit of professed principles. Mr. Williams lias sue-' deeded where others have failed. He has won his ovn followers to loyalty, or at all eventl to a loyalty more cordial and efficient than has been known for years. He has ac complished this by the wisdom, courage, Uetfulncss and comrade ship of his personal bearing toward those on whom he was dependent for support." Cannot Join K. of P. The question "Has the Catholic Church placed a ban on the Knights of Pythias?", has been answered authoritatively and one of the lead ing dignitaries of the church in this country states that a member Uh membership in the Catholic church and ill the Masonic fraterni ty wis forbidden by the church of Rome, but there appears to have been some question for many years regarding the attitude of the church toward the K. ol P's. Tne follow ing letter written by Archbishop John Ireland sellles the matter: '1 be Knights of Pythias are un der the ban of the Catholic church by ol ier of the authorities of Rome, ai"' 110 Oalliolics arc allowed to be- onie members of the order. It is not a matter for local priests or bishops to discuss. Some distinct ion is made as to members who joined the association before the or der was issued from Rome. With some changes in the wording of the ritua it is quite possible that the ban would he raised. " Williams would probably be most available, because the supposed weakness of his being a southerner would really augment his strength. His name would doubtless concen trate the support of both the Parker and the Hearst following in the south. Neither of-these men is pop ular enough in that section to hold their own against a movement fir to a northern piejudicc which no longer exists. Tne civil war ended nearly loriy years ago, and the "bh)"dy shirt" was buried in the seventies by President Hayes. .The Public. The Greenwood Commonwealth says: "What the world needs most to-day is the man who knows how to give words of honest, generous appreciation when they are both needed and deserved. No harm was ever yet done by words of frank ap proval of a righteous act. It helps a man tremendously to keep up courage and spurs him 00 to his best and nobles", effort. But the sneer al the i lea of disinterested endeav or; the good work continually ig noted; the unmerited criticism and abue; these have crushed the spirit nf many a man ami made him lose f .ith in himelf and the world." A S i IBTUM Test. To save a life, Dr. T. G. Merritt, No. Mehoopany, Pa., made a start ling test resulting in a wonderful cure. He writes, "a patient was I a'.tasjked with violent hemorrhage", aused by ulceration of the stomach. bad often found Electric Bitters excellent for acute stomach and liver troubles so I prescribed them. , The patient gained from the firs', an 1 has not had an attack in 14 months. 7 Klectria Bitters are' positively garantfed for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation and Kid- ! ne troubles. Try them. QnltAOcl 111 Ocean Sjomgs Drug Store. I Are You Looking for the Best? If you are, ask for Gold Leaf FLO U R Guaranteed Hungarian -process. Insist on Having this Flour. DAVIS BROTHERS. TELEPHONE NO. 8. Monev in Fruit. Fruit growing becomes a more popular industry each year, and there is good reason why it is so, as each new adventure in that direction proves that there is money gool money in fruit raising. This being the case, it is truly no wonder that West Point is becoms ing knoA'ii as a great shipping cen tre for vegetables and fruits of all kinds. The Bsparagus crop, which is about all shipped, has reached something above 1500; while the crop of strawberries which is just now being harvessed will amount to several thousands of dollars. One man alone values his strawberry crop at more than $2000, while a number of smaller growers will swell the amount to a very handsome sum. After these of )ps, there wiil be the bean and pea crop, and later, pears, peaches and plums, all of which promise to be very lucrative. Notwithstanding all this prospec- live supply, we are reliably inform- ed that the demand lor these fruits and vegetables will far exceed the l supply and as a result thereof, there! is yet MrOin for more good farmers: to engage in this lucrative departure ! from tuc old method of farming. j It ia a conceded fact that the truck growers generally have a sum 0 re. d , cash on hand, ar.d are al the same time enjoying a good Mv in;. You seldom hear them com plaining of hard times. It is unquestionably a profitable industry, and as the demand for these products calls for more labor ers in this particular field of agri culture, we see no reason w hy more good faamers should not i ngage in this class of labor ami enjoy its gratifying results. - Dixie Press. Learn to laugh. A good laugh is better than medicine. Mauk Younu Again "One of Dr. King's New fjfe Pills each n Iff hi for two weeks has put me in my 'teens' again" writes I). H. Turio-r of Dempscylown, Pn. They're ihe best in the world for Liver, Stom ach and Howies. Purely vest table. Never, eripe. Only 2oo al Ocean Springs I ria Store. Nunnally's and Tenney's High Grade CANDIE5. We have a complete line of Nunnally's package goods at 60 cents per pound, and Tenney's at 8oc. We also have a splendid assortment of bids goods rtt 40 cents per pound. Jf"These candies are received by crpres eveiy ten days. ocean Sdahqs Drug store. WHITTLE & AMES, Mansers. CARD. To the Public: Having leased the Horlon business properly tor a term ot live years, and having thoroughly overhauled the entire Structure I have now a very neat and pleasant room for the business in which I will engage. I expect to soon have a complete and attract ive stock of new goods consisting of groceries, notions and Ladies and gents furnishing goods. 1 will en deavor at all limes to look closely to the interests of my customers and keep in close touch of their needful wants. 1 am buying my goods (outside of groceries) in New York City from lirst hands ami know that I can make prices that will equal the lowest cash sellers. Money al- ways tells and il pays the customer as well as the dealer to pay as you go and then when yon count your cash you can sav, "this is mine, and I don't owe a cent." Tiy it once and see huw it goes. Il is one of the grandest consolations on earth and ihe only correct business pivpo- sition. Give it a trial and bo con- viuoed. Don't fall to call, we will be pleased to see you and do all in our power to supply y ur wants ami make you feel at home whether yju make a purchase or not. Re member the place -first door rortli ot Mrs. Hall's rooming house. Thanking you kindly in advance, I am, very respectfully, J, C. TtCKKlt, Proprietor of the Bargain Store. A Si UK TlllNti. Il is said thai nothing is sure ex cept death and taxes, but that is not altogether true. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is a sure cure for all threat and lung troub les. Thousands jan testify to that. Mrs. V. B. V'anMetre of Shepheril town, W. Va.. says: "I hid a se vere case of Hionchitis and for a year tried everything 1 heard of, but got no relief. One botlle of Dr. King's New Discovery then cured me absolutely." It's inlab lible for Croup, Whooping Cough, Grip, Pneumonia and Consumption. Try it. It'" guaranteed by Ocean Springs Drug Store. Trial bot tles five. Regular sixes 00c, and l.oo. I Count? IWcws 1itcs. Vancleave. The crops arc needing rain. Joseph Crone attended business here this week. Dr. O. L. Bailey made a profes sional visit here Tuesday. George Ruble, Jr., visited rela lives al Ruble and McIIeury. Miss Dora Ramsay of Ft. Bayou is spend mg the week with Mrs. J E. Loukard. Walter Havens, of West Pasea goula, was a business visitor here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Depriest, of Brewton, were shopping in Van cleave Tuesday. Mesdames William Martin and S. R. Ratliffc made a flying trip to Scranlon Saturday. Mre Jane Dees and little nephew Louis Knox visited friends here last Saturday and Sunday. The private school is progressing nicely under the management of Miss Julia Ei ie, teacher. Protracted meeting is being held at Mt. Pleasant. Quite a crowd from here attended Sunday. Misses Jennie and Annie Gaspard of New Orleans are visiting their sister, Mrs. Sidney Anderson, The following schooners have just arrived: Magnolia, Mable, J ml -lin and Stella all of New Orleans. We are sorry to note the illness of Messrs. J. E. Lockard and II. S. Davis and wish them a speedy ic eovery. An ice cream supper was given al Ihe home of Andrew Ramsay for the benefit of the Baptist church last Friday night. Quite a crowd was out. The Masonp h ire have decided lo have their annual picni on Si John's day, the 24th of June. Everybody is invited lo attend and bring a bas ket. A large crowd is expected. What to learn. Learu-to attend strictly to your own business a very important point. .Learn the art of sayftvg kind and encouraging things especially lo the young. Learn lo avoid ail ill natured' re marks and everything calculated to create friction . Learn to stop grumbling, D ) on cannot see any good m this world, I keep the bad to yourself. Learn to hide your aches and pains under a pleasant smile. Nu one earej whether you have the ear ache, headache or rheumatism. Learn lo greet your friends with a smile. They carry too many frowns in their own hearts to be bothered with any of yours,-- Christian Life. Boys who get tired of going to school -bo ild read the following: The average educated man gets a salary of $1000 piryear. He works forty years, making him a total of $40,000 in a lifetime. The average day laborer gets $1.50 per day, 300 days in the year, or $450 a year. In forty years he earns 40x$450 or $18,000. The difference between $40,000 ami $.8,000 or $22,000 equals the valut of an education. o acquire this earning capacity revuires 12 vears at school of 180 days each, or a total of 2,150 days. Di ide 22, 0C0, value of education, bf 2,150 number of days required in getting it and we find that each lay is worth a little more than $10 to the pupil. Can't afford lo keep them out. can we? Tbe experience of Mr. D. P. Smith, one of Xltalacouiity's mod progressive and up to-date farmers, with one acre of strawberries this year, shows the excellences and ca pabilities of Mississippi laud when intelligently and judiciously man aged. Although the season just closed was rather an unfavorable one for strawberry culture, Mr. Smith cleared over and above all costs arrd expenses $537.84 in cool ca-b. From one acre he picked 274 urates of lH-rric 4Wiich in Chicago sold for I85P.48, the returns amounting to $710.46. Picking and crates cost $172.62, leaviuc, as liefore staled, a net profit of $537.84. o section of earth can exceed Mtsippi in the fertility sad productivity of soil Dnraul Ntw. Daisy- A liltle girl was sent to brighten and cheer the home and the lives of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Allman, of Lis sa, Miss., one day last week. A quiet wedding occurred on Thursday, May '24th, at the home of W. R. David near D'' Preston Sumrall, of Purviss, and Miss Ellen J. Holland were united in holy wedlock. Mr. David of ficiated. Those present were Mrs. Holland, the bride's mother, Mrs. Parker, a sister of the bride, Mr. M. W. David, S. U, Broom and the family-of Mr. W. R. David. The happy couple i mined lately took their departure for Purvis their fu ture home. The "E. J. Bowers Development Club" of Daisy held a special mel ing on the night of the '23rd, and alter having transacted 'he regular business, they engaged in a debate. The subject for discussion was, "Resolved, That the Negro Sh uld Not Be Educated." M. W.David and S. C. Broom were on the af firmative and J. W. Havens and C E. Cain had the negative. W. W. Broom, J. L. Berry and R. C. Moore were the judges and VV. R. Daviii was in the chair. The judges decided in favor of the affirm ath e. They Are Coming South. Every few days there are newspaper accounts of colon locations in the South or some new movement of North cm farmers UiSoulhern States. Thous ands of Northerners have the past, win ter visited the South in search for new homes, ami thousands have settled In i iml portion of itie country. The peo ple of i he Norih seem to have awakened all al once lo I 11 u attraction! of the Boulheru States, the value of their farm lands, the bargains in their pur chase and the great advantage uffeasij Ihe fa nil -I- seekiux a lie locallsd?? The Northern farmer has learned Ihal he can replace his $50 or $100 an acre land in Ohio, Indi um, lovva or what ever State he may be a resident of, for land costing him $5 to $25 which acre for acre, will give him vastly greater returns, while at the same time hs will Hud in his new home Hie most delight ful and healthy climate. The Southern Field. For Sale or Rent. Tin' residence property of Mrs. T. P. Hono1'; large house and grounds, well improved. Fine pecan trees, fruit I ices, grape arbor, elc. Price $2,000. l'"or further particulars inquire at The Progress olli 'e, where keys to look over lite place cnu be obtained. STOPS PAIN Athens, Tenn., Jan. 27, 1901. Erer since the first appearance of mv menses they were very irregular ana I suffered with great pain in ray hjpa, back, stomach and fegs, with temMe bearing down pains in the abdomen. n...;n. II. . mnnth T ll lVi' hl'I'Tl taking W i .r Cardut and Thedford's jj Black-Dr. i , and I passed the mon th- ly penouni.uuui jaiu tur inr "i". .i.ii In years. Nannib Davis. What Is Ills worth lo a woman suffer ing like Nannie Davis suffered? Yet there are women in thousands ol homes to-dsy who are bearing those terrible menstrual pains in silence. II you are one of these we want to say that this same WINE CARDUI will bring you permanent relief. Con sole yourself with the knowledge thai 1,000,000 women have been completely oured by Wine of Cardui. Those wom en suffered from leucorrhoea, irregular menses, headache, backache, and bearing down pains. Wine of Cardui will stop all these aches and pains lor you. Purchase a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui lo-day and take it in the privacy of your home. For ad and Uleiai ure, sdrt res, givlwr symp tom, "Tbe Urtirti' A.lT:.ry n.jmrOiK-nt, paracampli Wl cures ITCHING PILES. Stops the itching and bleeding; soothes and heals the tnfUmed parts Dy araBJJjj out all fever and inflammation. 25c 50c. & $1.00 at all Druggists. QUICK RELIEF GUARANTEED. THE PAMCAMPH CO., Loaisrilla Kt., U S. A. Sob! hj IVfsn Springs Drug Stor m Iran If Yflii Are ere Southeast or Northeast You should write and get correct infer nation iu regard to the facilities osTersd by the Louisville & Nashville R, R. III. B KMO ARTEH. Pasi. 1(1. liH3.ll, Till Your home Newspaper fully covers the field of local news, but progressive people require information beyond that current events from everywhere by wire, special telegraphic service and cor respondence. Such is the want only filled by a big me tropolitan newspaper, and is that kind of a newspaper, it It leads in circulation, influ- y ence a' popularity in the 1 South, and in every way (l comes up to all the require- ( nietits of a high grade home A and business newspaper. ft Subscribe now, through y your postmajter, local agent (. or send direct to me uuiic. i -3- DAILY, Per IKeaM - - ' Per Year SUHIMY, Per Year- SEMI-WEEKLY, Per Year ae The Times-Democrat, New Orisans. L Why is the New ... ) Orleans The Favorite Mississippi Paper? BBCAtlSR IT IB The Best Paper In the South. Its Bureau at Jackson, under tins able Management of EDGAR 9L WILSON, who lets nothing of in terest escape, makes it a morning paper to Mississippians from the Capital or their state. It also contains Superior Market Reports. Dally Picayune. Twelve Months fisoej Six Months 6 on Three Months 3 oe One Month I cms Weekly -Sixteen Pages. Twelve Months $i o Sunday Picayune by Malt Twelve Months $ N. 5EYH0URE, Wholesale ami retail deader in Fish and Oysters, CiaW, Shrimp, Kto. t'OKRESPOND WITH ME We promptly obtain D. & and Nastjp) Send model, sketeh or ph"o ol inreiiiKu Sot J fncreport on paitmebUitT. For fr .we. ' BofeeeraretQinCUIDk'C x rtw t f Patents and r i pVWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVs (wing ' 4Lv,, -j East 0 i.oo ; n.00 () t.oo A 5 7