OCR Interpretation

Chariton courier. (Keytesville, Chariton County, Mo.) 1878-current, April 02, 1897, Image 4

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88068010/1897-04-02/ed-1/seq-4/

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Samaer Sqaitt.
Next Tuesday is town election.
J. A. Klepper is improving his resi
dence in the way of fences, sidewalks
and paint.
Th. Crank his divided his farm
into cre lou and is selling them at
$125 an acre.
G:o:gz Lisctor and R. N. Ltoville
eftMniiyfor Kick mile to attend
be Normil schol at that place.
Mrs. M. F. Tufts enter tain d a few
friends at six o'clock dinner last Fn-
day in hon jr of Miss Mollie Cheatham
of Lexington.
The Biptist necktie social was well
atten led. The slice of cake contain
ing the qold ring fell to the lot of Mrs.
J. A. Klvp
J. C. Llisctor has moTed to the
Hiram Severance place, and E. L.
O'Malley w'.Il occupy the place he has
just vacated.
J. B. Foster's residence in the
southwest part of town is well on the
way to comp'etioa, and will 02 one
of the roost substantial buildings in
Tuesday was township election day
and old men who had been indoors
all winter were on the streets electioneering-
The voters seldom have
sach a cbance for free fire-water.
The school entertainment on last
Thursday night and the commence
ment exercises on Friday night were
well attended. About $35 was
cleared for the library fund.
Miss Flo Waugh entertained a
select few on Friday night until the
larjo.train, when Mrs. FJiaa Norvell,
our popular teacher of room No. a,
left for her home in Triplett. A de
licious luncheon was served just before
train time.
Editors are flmny animals. They
ever. have enough to eat. They are
especially fomishmg this spring. One
editor his had his fresh meat stolen,
and he sizhs and moans through two
or three editions of his paper for it.
Neighboring papers take up the wall.
'and extend their pity. If 'twas any
one but an editor nobody would know
it. A Sumner editor had some friends
brinsr him in some hams, and he
sighs because they didn't bring eg 5s,
too, so he could et fat. If an editor
is invited out to dinner, he straightway
' inform 1 his subscribers and hints for
more invitations. His wood pile is
aiwaTS so nv so oc can 1 tvu, wn
i . 1. 1 .
he already has. If ice is plentiful,
he lauzhs and tells the people he will
have-ice cream. If it is scarce, he
tells them how sad life will be this
summer. If wheat is high, he has to
"live oa am bread; if it's low, the
farmers don't have the money to pay
-subscriptions, an! he can't buy it any
way. I don't know whether editors
are a specie of man. born with an
all-absorbing appetite, or whether they
have the opportunity to bore us peo
ple about it and we can't say anything
Draitwlck DabStsa.
Brunswick is on a boom.
Ma3t;r I lent y Bean has la grie.
Mitt Judith Ingram has the
Jack Taford left Friday for Gavles
on, Texas.
Miss May Basey returned to Kan
sas City last week.
Miss Betsy Dotson visited in Dean
Lake last week. '
Rep. J. W. Davis has returned
home from Jefferson City.
B. M. Strub has begun to build a
new house on Broadway.
Tan is Nelson visited his best
in Saiibury last Sunday.
Mirk Gritzmchet drew the suit
Saturday night at Fromme's.
Miss UTCian Bruner visited in
Brunswick last week.
Arthur Bjwman spent Saturday and
Sunday with his parents in Salisbury.
The t-xrLd at Mrs. Emma Price's
last Friday night was greatly enjoyed
hj all present,
Me-damcs. P. S Rader and H. O
TLntrn !tn-nt a few davs in Kansas
City last week.
Mrs. M. F. Dotsoa and son, Jim.
rvf V!fTtfivi:le vtated Miss Betsy in
Brunswick Saturday and Sunday.
Tmr Zimmerman is buudinz an
addiuon to Mrs. Severance's resi
dence in the northern part of the at
Mrs. W. F. Bean returned from Kan
sas Gty Monday night where she had
hn vtiinriff her dan-inter several
Mr. and Mrs. C D. Marshall have
returned from North Carolina to
rtrtir.wrick where ther expect U nuke
their future home.
The ladles society of the iresby.er -
fcr church ras riaceJ a numocr 011
sun bonnets on sale at MliS Mary j
Kent's nininery store for the bcncSt
of the church.
John Kaappeaberjter left Thursday
for Keytesville to perform the duties
of county treasurer. His family will
remain in Brunswick anul 'a suitable
residence i secared at the county
The following is the vote cast at
our township election last Tuesday
with the exception of overseers:
George Staubus. . .
I. B. Wiseman
L. A.
R. II.
M. A.
Sasse 169
Beazlev 144
Paulsen 111
Knappcnberger 404
Richard Ashby,,
A. L. Cord
B. Jordan 573
W. E. Sasse.
J. T. Warden
(Two ta etect).
Samuel Elliott, 190
J. H. Jennings. 307
B. F. Johnson 476
W. T. Magrudcr, sr 544
(Three Co elect )
G. W. Cunningham, 67 2
C.E. Finch 49S
J. II. Jennings, 453
B F. Johnson 36S
Sara ad EiLott iSS
Salisbury SxrIMUazs.
When the election returns came
the price of arnica vent up Lie
Capt Wallace was over Monday
taking depositions in the case of Phelps
vs. dry of Salisbury.
Miss May Allen, a beautiful g.Tl
from Mexico, has a position in the
department ttore of Mathews & Co.
M. L. Hurt continues feeble and his
death miy occur at most any time, but
hu condition is not s critical as it
was considered a few days ago.
The Thos. . Horton property 00
Fourth street was sold tinder deed of
trust Saturday for $500. The pur
chaser was the owner of the debt.
R. M. Jones and family left for
Illinois last Tuesday where they wi'J
make their future home. Chas. Rice,
father of Marshall Rice, the young at
torney, will occupy the property vacat
ed by Mr. Jones.
Bud IaGrass and 'BIT Hamilton sur
prised their friends in their race for
justice of the peace Tuesday. All
knew they were popular, but when it
comes to beating oil stager like CoL j
ueii, mey surprised even mcrasciTc.
John Couior five miles northeast of
town died Last Saturday of a complica
tion of diseases. leaving a widow and
wo children. Deceased was an in
dustrious man and a good neighbor.
but had been unfortunate in business
for the Last ye ir or two. He was at
one time a member of the A. O. U. W.
jdge. but let his membership Lapse
last November. This should prompt
other members who grt careless about J
their dues to pay u;i promptly and
keep their roemtwshiii alive.
The township election brought out a
big crowd Tuesday, the vote being as
John Clark ,---44
leber L. Hayes 547
(Tfcre elect.)
T. Newbold... 4o
C. W. Bell.... 9S
J. B. Damerom ...260
T. A. Lagrass .---33S
Wm. N. Hamilton 331
Wra. M. 'Craig 290
Geo. T. Johnson 2&1
J as. W. Moore 204
J. W. Phelps 82
S. B. EUiort S49
J. W. Redd 35
Wm. C Wright 635
M. R. Williams 369
Towssrir board.
(Two to elect-)
J. B. Dameron 247
Wm. M. Craig 285
Wm. N. Hamilton 373
r A. TGrass 34
Geo. T. Johnson .321
J. W. Redd -39s
S. B-BKott 61 1
The whole vote cast. 1 .oto. There
were two fights during the day, but no
serious damage was done.
Miss Mary WHkerson spent Sunday
in Salisbury.
I Asbury Sunday-school w& be rc-or
1 ranixed next Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sate Spence v bated
Mrs. Spence's parents Last wiek.
Miss Mattie Shaaion is visiting the
fsmHy of her uncle, J. M. Shannon.
Mrs. B. J. Mxre anl children aie
visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Broo.
Miss Edna AHm. who is attending
school at Salisbury, spent Saturday
and San day with her parents.
Mrs. John Foley of Salisbury ptat
several days this week with Mrs. Rich
ard Henry Ford.
Rev. J. E. Fhher filled his regular
appointment st Asbury last Sunday,
morning and evening.
Mrs. C C Hurst and Mrs. G. T.
lobnion spent Saturday and Sunday
with their parents in the Pleasant
Hope neighbor hood.
Misses Annie Ooyd and Virginia
Green are spending the wvek in Ho
ard county with the f jrraer's sister.
Mrs. John Thurman.
Misses Julia Ball and Alice Dodson
enrolled at Miss Cox school Mondav.
They are industrious pupils and will
doubtless prove a worthy addition to
the school.
Ir. McEuen invited several of his
friends to dine with him Saturday, let
tuce and radishes being a part of the
bill of fare. Who can beat this for
early vegetables? Hurrah for Shan
P. D Mitchell, one of Salisbury's
letral lights, spent Saturday, and Sun
day here. The attorney says Shan
nondale possesses greater attractions
than any town he has ever visited, and
if he meets with sufficient encourage
ment he may cast his lot among the
good people of this community for
time, at least.
Ulikory drove nat!u
C. D. Barnes spent last Sabbath
with I. M. Wiseman.
Dave and Tim Oavin were the
euests of Patsy and Luke Riley San-
day Last,
Miss Sadie Hatchett wiH make her
home with Mrs. Stewart of near Zion
this summer.
Miss Olue Paulsen will depart from
our midst soon for Kansas Gty where
she goes to spead the sumaier with
her aunt, Mrs. Delia Senn.
Willie Kussman will return to his
work in Bruaswkk this week after an
1 u f
absence of a few days o. account 01
in health-
I!, t i!
L. Hatchett and family are mov-
a a
mg into tne nouse wiin Mrs. .m
rnerich where Mr. Hatchett will make
his home dunng thi summer.
We think some of our youngsters are
contemplating a dance right roon, as
one of our young men has been seen
practicing the "steps" on a stump.
A couple of our young men say they
are to be roamed right soon, and will
give a dance in honor of the occasion.
Everyone is invited to attend who will
come "bare-footed" and bring a corn
cake. They will furnish the molasses.
Miss Ecta Hatchett will make her
future home with Mrs. George Uadcr
wood of near Prairie chapel. We un
derstand she will act as governess for
Mrs. Underwood's children.
We are very g"ad to learn that Mrs.
Dearmin of near Prairie chapel is im
proving in health after a severe attack
of illness. When her recovery is
sufficient to enable her to be moved,
she will be taken to John Jennings
where she will rpend the remainder of
her days.
toiwrcaa aaJ Caxzctl.
Messrs. Phelps and Kruse
gave a log rolling last week.
Mr. awl Mrs- Hall Fleming spent
Saturday and Sunday with their daugh
ter, Mrs. George Shivcly.
Mrs. Rennehan accompanied by
Miss Essie Oliver viiited the family of
Mr. Brewer on Sunday.
Master Bon Shively visited his
grandparents, II. A. Fleming and
rife, Last week.
Mrs. S. 1J.
mother, Mrs.
Hciraaa visited her
V. L. Warhurst, last
Wonder why a certain young man
wears such a pheasant smile! Because
it is not so far.
We are sorry for this short coming,
but when we tell all we know notabg
more should be expected. .
DrnamvllJe DmCxtt.
R. M. Stanley of Sedalia came up a
lew days ago to look after his farm
interests at this place.
Mrs. SaSie McM animoa of Butte
City, MooU is at present in our im
munky visiting numerous relatives an J
Derwood Howell is at present on a
visit to his mother, Mrs. Annie How.
elL It is needless to say that Mr. H.
has not visited Lagonda yet.
Fred McCurry west of town gave
the young folks a social party and sup
per on Saturday night, which was
largely attended and much enjoyed by
those present.
A party of our city sportsmen went
down on the Chariton on a fishing
and hunting tour. We have heard no
new fish or bear stories, hence we are
inclined to think they had small suc
cess. W. P. White removed the last of his
goods and chattels from this place on
Mondav to his new home at Trade,
Mo. We wish him abundant success
in his mercantile business.
Prof. W. B. Clark was in our village
daring the first part of the week shak
ing hands with his maay friends, and
also telling the boys that Prof Pratt
was the man for school commissioner.
Remember that Nickell, the pho
tographer, will be in our town for to
days. April 5th and 6th. Those who
hold tickets and were unable to get
here will be given this chance to have
them redeemed.
Soc Yocum had a fine 3 -year -old
steer to get his leg fastened between a
tree and a stump a few days ago and
break his leg so badly that it was nec
essary to kill the animal, and now Mr
Y. and family are living on beef of a
superior quality.
rred McCurry lost one of his most
valuable mules on Monday. It had
been sick for quite awhile with lung
fever, which seemed to defy the skill
of Mr. McC and all others to save it.
. S&ra Sportsman, our new mail car
ner, betn work on Mondav. At
present he is boarding with the family
of W. H. Owens, but expects to move
into one of fas. M. Ramsey s houses
in a short time.
Sam Stroud, an ex -resident of ttrs
place, but now of Bevicr, Macon
county, was down a few days ago per
fecting arrangements for bringing his
family aaia to our neighborhood.
They will live on the Clements ranch
where Mr. S. is to work tor Mr. Sny
A jmnt roecting of the township
boards of Bee Branch and Cockrell
townships was held at the Bynumville
hall 00 Saturday afternoon for the pur
pose of granting a road from Bnum
vile east oa the township line , to the
Chariton river where, it is hoped, a
bridge wHl be located in the near fu
ture. Messrs. Collins, Weygandt and
Maupm of the Mutual Insurance com
pany of Mondon were in our vicinity
on Fridav for the purpose of adjusting
the loss by fire on the Thomas school
house on February 25th. We have
not beard what amount was allowed.
The township election of Bee Branch
township passed off very qaiedy, not-
ithstandins the fact that there are
move defeated candidates now with us
than have probably ever been at one
election. Tie vote was as follows:
George Long. 1 56
A. C ScciTes.
James F. Wilson.
Oicar Miller....
N.J. Underwood.
V. Kannegiescr. .
B. Vennerraan, ..
John P. Becker. . .
Louis Hinssen......
A. Schnetz
S. C Sharp
Tout Land ay.
W. IL Ramsey
Louis Hinssen....
A. Schnetr...
John Noll
S. C Sharp
W. 11. Ramsey ,
Norris ScNonoing,
F. McCurry
Runts Mailt nix . .
J. R. Chrisraan 59
Thos. Rodgers... 58
II. Gatterneier 51
Wm. Meissen T lG
C R- Billetrr 26
LZ9ad Lore,
Story Summers is still very sick.
He has something beyond medical
Singing at R. Cnsmans the aSthM
J. D. Sharp pawing the ivory.
Some garden has been plactcd this
wetk, but young chickens are stand
ing around on one foot chirping with
Bud Shoemaker's wife is very low,
and is not expected to live but a few
days. She has suffered long and pa
tiently. Your correspondent received a
soap box of cut fl wers fro.n the far
Eist. The posies smell loud, but
whether 'tis the soap box or posies
makes the smell, darned if I can tell.
Be Branch township had a nurner
our corps of candidates out for office.
John Becker wanted to be assessor
and there were several for every other
township office, but we feel confident
that many noted politicians were
stranded last Tuesday.
Several school districts have con
spired together to slice off of our dis
trict (No. 1) a large tract of land and
give it to dis. No. 3. We are willing
to do the fair thing, but if we do that
we should allow Henry Buoger to be
struck off into Wien district as he
formerly belonged there.
Echo Etchings.
Oar nimrods are still bringTng in
several ducks.
Amos Smith gave a corn shacking
last week.
Mr. Davis has moved to D right
Brown's farm.
Mrs. Mary Anderson and children
are visiting Mrs. Long.
"Grandma" Davis, who has keen
quite ill, is recovering.
Miss Fannie Pigott is visitiogj her
grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Guan.
Several people in this' vicinity are
not through moving yet.
Sam Parker had the roi-rfbrtune to
lose one of his best horses last week.
The roads are getting better. We
can see a wagon occasionally bow.
Frank Gotterman has started one
plow for corn. Mr. Gat terra an k a.
hustler. . -
James Wolfe has rented the farm
owned by Mr. ones and will soon
move thereon.
Who can beat our little town of
Echo for shipping eggs two fbcr-
horse loads a week?
Misses Mary and Maria Staples
have returned home after a short visit
to friends and relatives in this neigh
Born, to the wife of James Wolfe, a
baby girl. There is 00 hope for the
1 tfrc rArAvnr
A birthday party was given by Miss
Zella McCurry in honor of her 15th
birthday, which was well attended in
spite of bad roads. AS report a good
To Care 4 CafJla Oae Day.
Tt Lmxattra Horn QalnhM Tablets.
AltBracrijUrefaa4tfeeionTUtt CaUa to
Com. 2Se. JMhbyW. COjutoo.
TrlpMt Times.
George Henderson of Sfeodon was
fore oa business the first of the week.
Geo. Britt of Salisbury was in Trip
lett oa business last Monday.
S. Matter of near Bosworth was in
Triplett oa tjaaness last Monday.
Dr. N. Ira Malone of HuntsviUe is
in Triplex doing dental work this
Mi si Mattie Quisenberry of Car
roll ton is visiting Mrs. A. R. CawtLron
Iks week.
Prof. M. B. Sco5cld of Monu'cello
was visiting friends in Triplett the
latter part of List week.
J. P. Hampton and D. H. Zimmer
man went to Brunswick on Monday to
look at some cattle cear that city.
Ferd Reetz and wife of Decatur, I1L,
returned home Monday after a short
visit with the latter's sister, Mrs. J. L.
Mrs. E -za Norvell and Miss Naneie
Fine ChlcKens.
.. 1 have six .varieties of pure bred
chickens, 1 consisting of the Whiter
Crested Black Polish, Sifrer-Spajigled
Hamburgs, White Indian Games,
Cornish Indian . Games and Pit
G lines, on all of which I have taken
first premiums at various poultry
shows. If you want something "first
class in the line of pure bred, high
toned chickens, call on or write to
rae. Have bithJeggs and stock foe
sale. D3, F. S72AU58AU3U,
Saaaer, Ma.
Cawthroa left Thursday, the former
g'jiugto Lane, Idaho, the latter to
Ononicin Pl . . A .t.
, w., UVJ. iliv suuuuci.
Dr. C P. Megee and W. F. Mc
Cullough bought out the drug stock of
Dr. C B. Dean last Monday and will
move the same to B. F. Fleetwood1
building north of the bank. They in
tend to replenish the stock with new;
drugs and put in a good line of sun
dries. We understand !)r. Gordon
Brown is thinking of moving his drug
store from Dean Lake here. Then
Triplett will be supplied with drug
stores and dru stores.
The following officers were electc
at the regu ar township election Tu
dav: For trustee. L P. Hmnfnn-1
collector. G. H. Dobyns; derk and as
sessor, W. F. Pumphrey; constable,
J. V. Ivahlor; members of board. J. L.
Vaughan and A. W. Guillod; justice
of tne peace, Pressley Oiley and A.
W. Guillod; road overseers, diitnet
No. r. C. S. Wilev: dist-rirr NTn , C
W. Minich; district No. 3. J. S. Sai'pp.
To Cure a Cold la Oae Day
Take LaxaUre Btobj Qalolae TaWet
All Druggists refund the money If ft tails t
Cure. 25c. For sale by W. C. Gaston.
AlasseHork Mcaa.
Hen setting is all the rage now.
Eccles this week.
C r r . '
jvviuc ui our laxmcrs are Degtnnin
to plant potatoes.
Mrs. W. P. Walters is convalesdnr
after an attack of bilious fever.
All the "kids" were oat with xheir
'sweetheartsw Sunday night.
Mrs. Cumpa Dunn from . Randolpk
county is visiting friends and relatives
in these parts.
As the election is over, the farmers
will sow their oats as soon as the
weather permits.
The election passed off quietly at
Mussel Fork. All were elected except
some few that didat get quite votes
Will Harlan seemed rather vacated
.and nervous Sunday night at churck
when he saw Freddie Doughty come
in with Ms girL
If any of the Co itxie readers need
eggs in their line of business they can
get a good supply in Pee Dee as our
merchants have alarge stock of 4lhea
..:. 1 1
uuu uu uauu.
Miss Luella Oldham has returned
1 .
uuaic uuiu at mi wcvu Visit aiuUBg
friends in the neighborhood of Key
tesville and Salisbury. Hurry up with,
that buggy, Don.
Miss Corrie Doughty entertained
several of her friends Sunday afier
ooon. By the way. Miss Corrie is aa
artist at entertaining, always making;
her guests feel pleasant.
Wm. Moore living west of town baa
been absent from home for several
days. His family are uneasy about,
htm, not having heard from hrm siuoe
he left, but friends think he is m Ray
county on business and has just neg
lected writing home.
Is it true that Dr. Gaines was called
in to see a certain young lady this
week on account of a strained oeck,
caused by her looking op , so high.
Sunday night? Ws would suggest
that she learn to walk on stilts so she
would be on a level with her fellow.1
Rev. Johnson filled his regular ap
pointment at Pleasant Grove Sunday.
He preached two splendid sermons.
He was rather late in the morning oa
account of bad roads, we suppose, bat
they were not so bad that he could not
escort his lady friend to hex home Dear
'Adams' chapel.'
While here attend-
mg court, can au
S wain's and get a
lunch. Every thinr?
served . to a.cmeen's

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