Newspaper Page Text
if-ifM- vr-'it yrt(íé)t J8T 1:1 el Ifl IMU , . tJ n ! Hr v IIFíf.Stñf IF IV VOLUME 1. Santa Fe, New Mexico,1 j December 18, 1858. NUMBR 47 IMPORTANTE PARA EL N. MEJICO Tonemos mucho gusto en anunciar i los co merciantes del Nuevo Méjico que hemos logra 'do ahorrarles el trabajo de ir i San Luis cara iomprtr su . i ' JIM. I:: HUI pues hornos establecido nn establecimiento en este lugar, para la fabrica de jabón, rolas de aceite de manteca, de la estrelle y de cebo, las cuales podremos suplir í nuestros amigos en el Huero Méjico , A LOS PRECIOS I)E SAN Con la determinación de hacer un articulo superior esperamoi recibir muchos encar gos. MAJOES, KELLER y BÍER. Noviorabre 18 de 1855 E K SLOAN, Comerciante por mayor y en menudeo de toda late de efectos, ropa hecha, sombreros, cachuchas, botas y montos te. , Calls del llio entre le calle principal y nogal. Ciudad de Kuusus, Jisuri. Los NnelMltei Nuevo Mejlnuicn will Sulli'IUwlof de veulr m tUHt, KiitM ilc lister sus cuni)mt eu otra parte. Julio 12, ; H. M. Sartliru. J. S. Chl . ' I. K. TlirellieM J. S, Chick )' Cn (Sucesores de Northrup y Chick.) Comerciiuitss por mayor se toda clase de Mercan ias, y Negvviantes de Comestibles, Licores, Cigar ros, íc. CouiirnnlM r VNiilrmni tal claw de tseroi, pielu, ode ido tris, ier ilineru cimtttlo. Julio 12. McDüNALD Y KLINE, ,, Pabriciintes y Comerciantes por mayor y ruó uor tie sillas y guuniieioues, cuartas, ; i " ' ; OtipUolttflj ' ' la la cosa anteriormente ocupada con la tienda de J. C. Hansom, Callo del llio cutre la calle principal y la del Nogal, Ciudad de Kuusus, Misuri. Julio 12. ' DR. mis Ei Mvmim, SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO, tf WWl'i JihUIiot llio Coiiutj Cinlrthiiun nail Jan. -ga 4ttf. i.mii: nr m:iKitin mmi iv NOTICE is hereby given that I will apply to the l'rubiito Court of the County of Taos at its reg ular term to be begun and held on the first Monday of January 18Ü9, at Fornaudo d Taos, for a final settlement of said estate. Ilarslay'sFort, N. M. WILLIAM KRONIQ December 1st, 1858, j Administrator. 40:4t . Siweyor Genkkal's Office,) ,'' Saxta Fk, Ntw Mexico, . November 24th, 1858) NOTICE is hereby giren that by virtue ot the provisión, of' the act of Congress approved May 24th, 1868, the duties of Register of Public Lands and Keceivcr of Public Moneys, oonferred upon this office, cease from and after thisdate, those duties being performed by the Hegister and Ke ieiver appointed uuder said act WM. l'ELIIAM, Surveyor General 44;8t of NewMciion. Ekoister an1) Ukceivbr's Office, ) ' '. '' ' Santa Fi, Kíw Mkxioo, ' ' - November 25th, 1858. : "YTOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned IV' Register of Public Lands and Receiver of l'ublio Moneys, have this day entered upon the du ties conferred upon tliem by law: and the offiue is now opened for persons claiming public lands In this Territory under existing pre-emption laws. . : W M. A. DAVIDSON, Register. 44tf ' WM. A. STREET, Receiver. AVISO DE AUHIMSTRIDOR, SE avisa porestas presentes que intento aplicar i la Corte de Pruebas del Condudo de Taos en su sesión regular que principiará on Don Feniaudei de Taos el primer Lunes de Enero de 1869, por un . J. IJ-I J.lü l-ál! l ... arreglo nuai ata mu uei unnuo Aitganuro uarciay, Barclay's Fort, N. M. 1 WILLIAM KRONIG, luciemoro ( ue jooo. AilniiuiBtrador. 40: it. ,tAvvvvllAAAssAAsrvsAtv TIIE pirtaprelilp hcivtoliiro cxiHtinn botweuii tho nndrrelgned nmW tnn nAinA aiiiI ntyleofj. All Mcroire, van rllnsnlv(d na 'the flnt of Ortober, 1S67, by nntunl cunioiit. JoHeph Mercure avlug purobttiied ail tnil overv Inwreet la Ule Crin will erttle foaM Vt, Kew UnolOe. M,18M. 41;-tt H.SIKIvCUKK. , THE 8.UNDAY TIME8 ,, ... rpHlS large and handsome Kundny newspapor is i published weekly in the olty of New York, and is mailed to subscribers at the very low rate of One Dollar per annum. It is thoroughly national is its .sentiments, and advocates the principles of the great Deraooratic party of the Union. Its thirty- two columns are filled with editorial discussions of the current topics of the day and with the most .choice literature, an eopies win De furnished to .clubs far five dollars. - Address, post-paid, ,. ÜÜAII, DEANS i HOWARD, ,'. . , 162 Nassau St, N,I.' 12S56 From Alburquerque, via Peralta and Muniuno, to Fort Stanton, 140 miles and back, onco' a fortnight. Leave Alburquerque every other Monday ' at 7 a. m i Arrive at Fort Stanton sect Saturday by 12 m; : Leave Fort Stanton every other Monday at 7 m j . Arrive at Alburquerque next Saturday by 12 m ; Proposals for weekly trips, going and returning in a week, by a schedule to be proposed by the bidder, will be considered. 12857 From ilburquorooe, by Cibolleta and Cuvero, to , Fort DeSaoce, 100 miles and back, once a fortnight. Leave Alburquerque every other Monda; at 7 a in; Arrive at fort DeGance next Saturday by 2 o m , Leave Fort Defiance every ether Monday at 7 u; n;'1 Arrive at Alburquerque next Saturday by2p m , , , Bids for weekly trips are invited. ' . , 128Ó8 From Fort Union by üuadalopita, Santa Gertrudis, San Antonio, Agua Negra, Riuoouos, Cantonment 2urgwin, and Ranolio, to Fernaudei de Taos, 150 miles and back, onee a fortnight. Leave Fort Union every other Monday at 7 am . . Arrive at Fernandex de Taos next Satur day by 12 m j , , ' i ; - : Leave Fernandos de Taos every other Monday at 7 a m Arrive at Fort Union next Saturday by 12m. ' ' . ' 11 Bids to run weekly will be considered. 1 12859 From La Mesilla to La Mesa, 12 miles ' and back, weekly., ,! ,, . ,.. v ., . ' . -.. ,i.i mn-.; ... '; i. , , i i) ,.-. ;,; l.i. ; !.' ; Leave La MesillaWsdnesdayiai 7am; Arrive at L& Meia by 12 a ; , Leave La Mesa Wednesdays sí p m ; - Arrive at La Mesilla by 6 ñ m. " ' Bids to ran through to Las Cruces, 10 . miles in all, also to uakejfero trips a week, are invited. 12860 From Santa Fe( by Cañada, Abiquio, ana Rito, in Rio Arriba coutty, to San Antonio, (Los Conejos,) in Taos eoun. ty, 75 miles and book, enoe s fortnight. ' Leave Santa Fe every other Thursday at 6am; J ' . Arrive at Los Conejos neitds? by 8 pmj Leave Los Conejos every othei Monday at 0 am; Arrive at Santa Fe next day I y 6 p m. Bids for weekly trips are invited. ; 128&V From Taos, by Arroyo flond4,Bio Colo rado, and Culebra, to íort Massachu setts, 115 miles and back, ouoe a fort night. ' , Leave Taos every other Mondty at 7 a m; . Arrive at Fort Massachusetts next Wednesday by 3 p m v Leave Fort Massachusetts every other Thursday at 7 a u; -j , Arrive at 1'uos next Saturday bi 3 p m. Proposals tor weekly trips are tinted. 12S62 From Tucson, by Tubao and Canbstas, to tort liuchanan, (Agua Ctliente) 100 miles aud back, once a fortnight. Leave Tuoson every other Wednesday at 7m; Arrive at Fort Buchunaa next Saturday by 11 a m ; leave Fort Buchanan every otherWednes- day at 7 a m; . ... Arrive at Tuoson next Saturday by 11 a in ciusior weegiy trips win Deoossiaerod 128C3 From Tucson, by Sopor! to Agua Cali ente, (ron Duchanan,) 1UU miles ana uaoE, once a fortnight. - !. Leave Tuoson every other Monday ata7 am' Arrive at Fort Buchanan next Wednes day by 4 p in ; Leave Fort Buchanan overy other Thurs day at 7 am; : Arrive at Tucson next Saturday by 4 p m Bids for weekly trips will be oonsidered; aiso bids to run from Tucson,by Sopo. ri, to Tubao, 5b miles and back, onoe a week, by a schedule to be stated, in uoa ol tne route ana servios mention' ei. . INSTRUCTIONS,. .. Containing candiliont to It tmbractd in the contracts to the trieiit the Department may item proper 1. No nav will bo made for the tries not eor lorned i and lor each of such omissions, not satisfactorily explained, throe times the pay of the trip may bo deducted. For arrival so far behind time as to break connexion with depending mails, and not sufficiently excused, one fourth of the compensation for the trip is subject to forfeiture. Deduction will alio be ordered for a grade of perfomrance inferior to that specilied in the contract. For repeated delinquencies of tne kind nerelu specihed, eu Urged penalties, proportioned to the nature there uf and the importance of the mail, may be maie. 2. For leaving behind or throwing off the mails, or any portion of them, for the admis sion of passengers; or for being concerned in setting up or running an express conveying intelligence in advance of the mail, a quarter's pay may ue oeuuetou. " 3. Fines will be imposod, unless tho dolin queney be promptly and satisfactorily oxplained by certificates of postmasters, or the affidavits of other credible persons, for failing to arrive in contract time ; ior noglecting to take the mail from or deliver it into a postoflice; end for suffering it (owing either to the unsuitableness of the place or manner of oarrying it) to be wet, injurou, aetiroyeu,roooea, or iosi. 4. The Postmaster General may annul the for repeated failures to run agreeably to contract ; fur violating the post offito laws, or disobeyiog theinstruotioos of the department; tor rcfusinz h aisouarge a carrier wien requi red by the department to do so ; for aesigning the contract without tne assent ol tne r oilmas' ter Oencrnl ; for running an express ; or for transporting persons er packages containing mailable matter out of the mail. 5. Tho Post; Master Uenoral may order an increase of service on a route by allowing there for a tro rata increase en the oontroat nav.- lle may change schedules of departures and arrivals without incroase of pay, provided the running tune be not abridge! lie may also curtail or discontinue the service, in whols or in part, at rao rata decrease of pity, allowing one month's extra compensation on the amount dis pensed with, whenever in his opinion the pub lie interests do not require the same, or in ease he desires to supersede it by a different grade of transportation. - 1,1 d .Payments will be made for the servios by collections from or drafts on postmasters, or otherwise, after the expiration of each quarter say in February, May, August, and November. 7. The distanuos are given according to the best information ; but no increased pay will be allowed should they be greater than advertised, if the points to be supplied be correctly stated. Bidders must inform tubmsxlves on this joint ; and also in reference to the weight of the mail, the condition ot roads, hills, streams, Ac, and all toll-bridges, ferries, or obstructions of any kind oy which expense maybe incurred. No claim for additional pay based on such greuuds can be considered , nor for alleged mistakes or misapprehensions as to the degree of services;1 nor for bridges destroyed, or other obstructions increasing distance oocurring during contract time. Offiaes established after this advertise ment is issued, and also during the oontraot term, are to be visited without extra pay, if the distance be not increased. , 8. The route, the service, the yearly pay, the name and residonoe ot the bidder, (that is bis nsual post office address,) and thoso of each member of a firm where a i company offers, should be distinctly stated ) also the mods ot conveyance, if a higher mode than horse baok be intended. The words 'With due celsrity, ,:, i. i;:-: i; - i - ; (- .'. - I,' " !i. du I certainty, and security," inserted to indioata tne mode of conveyance, win constitute a "star Bin." When a "star bid" is sntended no spe oifio conveyance must be nnmod. f OHM OF PROPOSALS. . i I, . ., of county ot , State or Territory of . nrenose to oonvev the mails ot the United States from the 1st of July, 1859, to June30, 18G2, on route No , from to , agreeably to the adver tisement of the Postmaster llenera!, dated 31st of October, 1858, and by tho following mode of conveyance, vis i lor the annual sum ot dollars. SS" This proposal is made with full knowl edge of the distance of the route, the weigh: of the mail to be carried, and all ether particulars in reference to the route aud sorvloo, and also after oareful examination of the laws and in structions attached to tho advertisement.) (Dated.) , (Signed.) Guarantee. The undersigned, residing at, State for Territory! of , undertake that, if the foregoing bid for carrying the mail on route No. be accepted by the Postmaster Gene ral, the bidder shall, prior to tho 1st day of July, 1859, enter into the required obligation, or contract, to perform the sorvice proposed, witk good and sulhoicnt sureties. This we do, understanding distinctly the obli gations and liabilities aseumod by guarantors under the 27th section of the act of Congress of July, 2, 1836. (Uated.) (Signed by two guarantors') GVt,fci(e. The nndoreigced, postmaster of, State (or Territory) of , certifies, unoke jus oatu or ornen, that he is acquainted with the above guarantors, and knows them to be men of property, and able to make good the gua rantee. (Dated.) (Signed.) U. The bid should be scaled; subscribed "Mail Proposals, Territory of," address ed "Second Assistant Post Muster General, " Contract Office, and sent by MAIL, not by er tí an agent ; and postmasters will not enclose proposals (or letters of uny kind) in their quar terly returns. The contracts are to be executed and return ed to the Department by or before tho 1st of July, 1859, but the sorvice must be commenced on that date, whether the contracts bo oxecuted er not. Post Orncg Dei'artmimt, October 31, 1858. 40 :4t AARON V. BROWN, Postmaster General. PUBLIC ACTS. MilWiüd liy Authority.) chapTYxxix. An Act to provide for the Culle inn and Sufe- keeping of 1'itblic Archiva in the Slate of Vulijonua. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rcpraentatms of the united states oj America in Congress assembled, That it shall bo the duty ot the Secretary of the Interior to causo to be collected and deposited In tlio Surveyor General's offieo iu California, all official books, papers, instruments of writing, documents, archives, official seals, stamps, or dies, that may be found in the unauthorized possession of any individual, relating tc oud used in the administration of government mid public uf fairs iu the department el' Upper California, and which belonged to the government duriiig the existence of Spanish or Mexican authority iu Uppor California ; and the same, when de posited iu his office, shall be safely nnd securely kept by tho Surveyoror-Geuerul in tho ar chives of his office aud copies thereof, authen ticated by tho Surveyor-ticnerul under the seal of his office, shall bo evidence in all discs where the originals would be evidence : I'rc tidtd, That at the time of depositing said books, papers, writings, and documents iu said archives, a schedule uud uccuratc description thereof, shall bo mado by the Surveyor-General, with a statement of the time and place whero the same wero found, and whens they were deposited in tho archives, which shall be certified under tho seal of the Surveyor-General, and filed in his offiue; anda certified copy of said scliednlo shall be trnnsinitlcd to the Commissioner of the General Land-Office, and also to the Attorucy General. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That if the Surveyor-General shall have omisa to sus pect a concealment ol any such official books, papers, writings, documents, archives, or offi cial seals, stamps, or dies aforesaid, in any particular dwelling-house, building, or place, any judge er commissioner of the UnitedStates may, on affidavit showing tho facts und cir cumstances upon which such suspicious are founded, grant to theSurvoyor-CJoiicral, or to any marshal of the United States, a warrant to enter such house, building or place, and there to search for such official books, papers, writings, documents, archivos, seals, stumps, or dies, and to take possession thereof and deposit them in tho Surveyor-General's office as aforesaid. ' Sue. 3. And be U further enacted, Tha if any person shall without lawful authority wil fully tuk'e from the archives of the said Surveyor-General's office any espediente, map, dlsofio, book, paper, writing, record, document, seal, stump, or die, deposited iu said archives; or hall couceul or unlawfully withhold from the possession of the Surveyor- Gunerul, or on demand refuse to delirar to him any espediente, map, diseño, official look, paper, writing, document, archive, record, seal, stamp ,or die relating to or used la tho administration of government iu the department of Upper Cali. fornia, and belonging to the government du ring the existence of Spanish or Mexican nn- ' thority lu said department; or shall wilfully alter, deface, mutilate, ninko away with or destroy any such ofQciul book, cspedientc.raap, diseño, paper, writing, doeiirncut, archivo, re cord, seal, stamp or dio, tho person so offend ing shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,' aud on couviction thereof in any court of competent jurisdiction, shall forfeit and pny a fine, not exceeding ten thousand dollars, nt tho discretion of the court, and bo imprisoued for a term not exceeding teu years, nt the like diserotion. Skc. 4. And be it further enacted, That if any person shall wilfully, seerctly, and fraudu cntiy place ot cause to be placed in or among the archives of the Snrvoyor-Uencrul's office, any espediente, book, paper, disdeflo, map, draught, record, or uuy instrument of writing mirpoi ting to be a petition, decree, order, report, concession, grant, confirmation, map. dlsdefio, cspwliente, or pari ot an espediente, denouncement, title-pnpcr, or evidence of right, title, or claim to nny land, mino or mineral, or nny book, writing, pnper, or docu ment whatever, the person so olleniling shall be deemed and adjudged guilty of a misde mcauor, and upon conviction thorcof by any court of competent jurisdiction, shall forfeit and pay a line not exceeding live thousand dollars, nnd bo imprisoned for a term not exceeding three years ; or be both lined and imprisoned within said limits, at the discretion of tho court. Approved, May 18, 1858- CHAPTER XL. An Act for the I retention and Punishment of Frauds in Land Titles in Califwn'a. lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress atscmbltd, That if uny person shall falsely make, order, forgo or counterfeit, or cause or procuro to bo falsely made, altered, lorgcd, or counterfeited ; or willingly aid aud assist iu the fulse uiuking, altering, forging, or couuteri'citiug any pen tlou, certificate, order, report, dcereo, conces sion, denouncement, deed, patent, confirmation diseño, map, espedieutc, or purl of an espedi ente, or any title-paper, or evidence of right, title, or claim to lands, mines, or miueruls in Caliloruia, or any instrument of writing what ever iu relation to lands or mines or miueruls iu tlio State of California ; for the purpose of setting up or establishing against the united Stutes any claim, right, or tille to lauds, miiiess, or minerals Within the IStute of California, or fur the purpose ol enabling uny person to set up or estublish any such claim ; or if any per son, for the purposes aforesaid, or cither of them, shall utter or publish as true uud genu ine, any such false, forged, Itercd, or counter feited petition, cert fi :utc, order, report, Octree, concession, denouncement, tleid, patent, con firmation, diseño; muy, espediente or part of au cspwliente, title-paper, evidence of right, title, or claim to lauds or mines or minerals in the State of California, or nny instrument of writing whatever in relation to lauds or mines or tumorals iu the State of California, the person so offending shall be deemed uud ad judged guilty of a misdemeanor ; and, therco! duly convicted, shall be sentenced lo be imprisoned uud kept nt hard labor for u period not less tbau three years, and not more llmu ten years, and shall be lined not exceed ing ten thousand dollars. ' Sec, 2. And Le it further enacted, That if any person shall make, or cause or procure to be nude, or ahull willingly aid uuu itssist iu making any falsely dated petition, certificate, order, report, decree, concession, denouuec uieut, deed, patent, confirmation, diseño, map, espediente, or part of an espediente, or nny title-puper, or written evidence of right, title, or claim, under Mexican authority, to uny lands, mines or miueruls in tlio Stute ol Cali fornia, having a fulse date, or falsely purport ing to be nmuu by any Mexican officer or au thority prior to the aeveiith day of July, A. I), eighteen hundred and !crly-six, for the purpose ofsettiug up or establishing uny claim aguiust the United Suites to lands or, mines or minerals within the Stute ol California, or of enabling uuy person lo set up or estublish any such claim ; or if any person shall sign his name asgoveruor, secretary, or other pub lic officer acting uuder Mexican authority, to auy instrument of writingfalsely purporting ta be a grant, couecssiou, or denouncement uuder Mexican authority, aud during its existence iu California, of lands, mines or minerals, or falsely purporting to be au informe, report, record, coulirmation, or other proceeding on an application for a grant, couecssiou, or de nouncement under Mexican authority, during its existenco iu California, of lands, mines or minerals, the person so oU'euding shall be deemed and adjudged guilty of a misdeme mor: rand, being thereof duly convicted, shall be sentenced to be imprisoned and kept at bard labor fur a period not less than three years, uor more than ten years, aud shall bo lined not exceeding ten thousand dollars. Sko. 8. And le it farther enacted, That if any person, for the purpose of setting up or establishing auy claim tgakst tlio United States to lands, mines, or minerals within the Stute of California, shall present, or cause or procure to ba presented, before any court, judge, commission, or commissioner, or other officer of the United States, any false, forged, altered, or counterfeited petitionf certificate, Thorn ' '' " ' 4 MiiMÍ \n\n E. JA CCARD y COMPAÑIA, Joyikos tm Mato t ai msnudeo, ÍNO. 7 5 guíelos de narmolal lado (luí Norte ' . ''" de la calle 4. Sax Luis Misuri." Ties vi de continuo el mas grande surtido en loe Estados Uuidüs de relojes de oro, relojes fran pges de mesa, Joyas de diamanto, ajuares de piata ra en juegos a prctfci cómodos. Componen j erantli in relojes finos. Piedras preciosas se eu nstan en todo) estilos. Ití-Se paga el mas alto precio por plata vieja." AtjrTion constantemente premios pura ferias. "(ya EL DOCTOR F. E. EAVANAUGII Ulc&ico Cirujano, ., , , SANTA FA, NUEVO MÉJICO, i , 4sT &l OfliiinaoiU poco uní arriba quo U Corcel del Condado IlAItl VA'ltlt rid.. i)..Ua.L. ... A.4. .1- ....i Jt IwiitT uita i-íciif l, til ilmju til unulo tioiio I limwr ili- avUnr al iniltHco (iiu 0 Iíh rluitrtt do IHcli-mbro prójimo i- al'i'lré uní tura, Aritiiititm, ÜoociiifWi, , y U MúhI Vucul. , . can te, au ti uvtuiire do l&ñ. Ilin, 0. A. J. NOEL. F.L Sellor SAiitlofo K. Kalilun balilcniloen vtit-ltn i Aint& Fi'. ttmKC tuowuniilitoiilrece iui ivfck'fli etli,nliKii(ie smlinie. ft. nelojiTlA Mi mtiiiwlH on lu I'liiKH liajn tt purlM iue corre de la tiflidft lie Htt'k y Jotianoa lincia la Fondt. Siembre eatHrá Unía de rt'NVrar ó cuinpoiier cuoliulvr cloje do ri'lújiv ó lie JnyeriH en precios muj burstiio, . 4l;tt' Dehi'acho DEL AoRIUrKBOK Generai ' Santa Ffc, Nuevo Míjico. 1 á24deNovembreilcl858. QE avisa al público que en virtud de las provisiones O del deorcto del Congreso aprobado el 24 de Mayo de lP58,oearán do ahora en tutelante los debe res do Rogistrador do TerrenoB l'úblicos.y Deposi tario do Dineros Públicos que fueron conferidos a este Despacho, el cumplimiento do cuyo deber reca íra sobre las personas nombradas bajo dicho decreto. 41;3t WAI. Í'ULIIAM, Agrimensor tíeneral. Despacho del Registrador de Terrenos y Depositario de Dineros I'cbi.icos, Suut Fé, Nuevo Méjico, u25dcNoviciiilroüe.l858. SE avisa por estas presentes que los infrascritos como Registrador de Terrenos y Depositario de Dineros Públicos han cmpeiudo hoy el desempeño ue ios aeDorcs que les son concedidos por laley y el Despacho se halla abierto para todos aquellos que redaman terrenos en esto Territorio bnjo la ley de primacías. : WM. A. DA VIDaON, Registrador. 44;tf . WM, A. STKISUT, Depositario . pOR cuanto la infrascrita ha sido nombrada por X la Corte de Pruebas del Condado de Bernalillo como Administradora de la masa del finado Josí Chavos, por tanto doy aviso por estas presentes á toda persona que tenga reclamo alguuo contra la dicha masa i que este' debiendo á ella que se requi ere que todas tales cuentas sean arregladas umedia nieute eon la administradora. MANCELA ARMIJO de CHAVEZ, Administrrdora de la dicha masa. Bernalillo, Noviembre 27 de 1858. 44;3ui AJEsnraiisraAoaz' jjiDvtm 1 VlltlUiAS the undersigned has been appointed by tho Probate court of the county of Ber nalillo as Administratrix of the ostate of José Cha vo, late of saidoounty, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate or being indebted thereto are hereby notified to come liiriwrd and settle the same Witn tno administratrix. . MANUELA de ARM JO de CHAVEZ, Adm'xof JoséChavoi, dee'd. Bibxaullo, Nov. Ü7, 1858. 44;3ra A PAPER F08 THE STATES AND TERRITORIES, An Independtnt Democratic Journal. Is published at Wcstport, Mo., every week, and contains a summary of all important events in the States and Territories up to the hour of going to press. It is recommended to the patronago of English residents ol santa Fe and adjacent country. Terms I Two Sellan per year in advance. Subscriptions or advertisements may be left with tho Lüitur ot tuo unta Fe üaictte. ma e. sihnk, SANTA FE. THE inberrllKT would lliflirin bis old frli'tidi Olid nitrons that he iiiw returned to Siiiia Ke end it ue.nln reedr to eerve thorn at liiaukt Rluml, two down Imve Henry Minure'i etorwon the i luz. He will reiHlr WHli'hi nun rlorke auu Jewelry of any Kind st tat, eliortoet nutleo and lu a miionor elylo. 4 l:tr 1IL LUTUtii. PROPOSALS for carrying the mails of the United States from the 1st of July, I860, to 1st of July, 1802, on the following routes in the Territory of INew Mexico, will be received at the Contract Office of the Post Office Depart ment until 3 p. m. of the 15'.b of April next, to be decided by the lata ol the same month