Newspaper Page Text
SANTA FE WEEKLY GAZETTE- "üuptuiil la iul Ibuiifi, n'uuu. in ii,.lu.lig." UMS L OíllWK, 11,'W.tRIIUI, UBI T. MMsUJ, tin II. CBUCniPTIOKl - rtrtbla Ib ftdruci vlibaut exertion. Fnronayrar. ., ... , ...ItM l'f nt mrtith I U Tur thra m,,ulh 1 0 a lugl copl-m 10 Emm. lo the article on tha O.ivernir'i Message on the first page, ''the hyhan apprecia- tiao" ihulü read, too high ta appreciation Ac. "Forgering cara" sliouU ranl, fostering caro. lo the second paragraph "bj which thorofl" ehjulj ha hv whíitk (Ka .! At tha .A,.l....,n ..MI... third prngreph -in the perpetration of thieving and murdering their raids" lliould read, in the per petration of their tlilovin? and srirMnj Midi. Other merely typographical errors npi5ar in the article but they need not be mentioned here. Robberies at Slate Spring. In the hut isue wo mentlonud that the Nava jo had committed ejlenslve rotiburli-i ind mur der at MuluSprini nnnr Santa Hartera. 'I lio following iiacorroct Hit of the lustro tmtaiiiid by the gjntle.n 'a w!i in ft i n i arj app n : Don Anuticio Uarola, S.'lit I aVuri " RifjJ Luyro, J.'lli) " " Pj'jIj Pjd, 2 ir) Jurn .Vira-ija, 2 W M. Bin 2111 ' Jan Altillo SirrKin), IV)) " " Aitn'u fiji;ini, 13)) " " Joj Autiuij Otero, 2 Hi " Total, 2l,i'l') There were seven ni"n kill in tluso forays. The names of three of the mnr.lerad urn have Dot been communicated to ui. The names re pirtod are, Juau Nur-inji; Miniul Jaraiiiillo Francisco Chavos and U. Jaramillj. Áblqala, Paan,l Baker 1 11 I'.jkI u. Lrt wjjk abill iniirpri'.in: th i a'nrj nam ed company hivi ig pusad b.ilh braoch.'s of flial Legislatura, thjcapUI stk wu tok.'ii in a fjw daysauJths Company wu orviiijj by tha j .. -.- . -. election of the following o3i:era ; Peni lia!, Ch irles BAir, J. M Rlfir, Jon Pa'ilo i illaps, . Jljjira Alircu.a, Voinr nd Trujillo. Tho work on tho road will be commenced im Didiatoly.anJ ba pnhi l ahead with energy to that by tho opminj of sprint tlnra will be a good throujhfare to ths Nsw OjIJ Ujgioa. tOTTIMTin Slit IH Tin !nrwr-TI,. onnlarf for one of the seats for the county of Taos which 'tN'.liiuis now all ut w.iuid Ihi in ire generally di wastriol in th) Homo of Representativos thU ! " ' auwn.í llse peuiilo of tkowhiito'lvrri weekmnhcdln ouMing the sitting ,,i.,,r ! Felipe Sanchos, ail airili ir. tin N,t t , Mr. Barra jo. It it said that the fraud by which Mr. Ranches received the certificate of election w is so pilpibla oi thi tin of th) pdlb 0! tint 0) other uvidiuiio was njjjiiiry to ujti'ilu'i I; IU lity with wVh this ai I it'i t al j'tt . I fra 1. upon tin .lectin frchin h ,eo b,u p,JB patrated by olfl-ials should ajl.n miah tho LegLiln tlve Ana.nVyofthan.'jjuityfjran am m lni -nt to the eltion law will imara tho ballot bol agiinit tin alums to which itmiyoowbosuiijaot ed by dishonest men. tgrTho Telegraphic doapatchea published to day contain the lato.4 information wo have from the States in refercncitot'j'soeession inovcinnt. Tha Indications arc that S nilli Carolina and Flo rida, will undoubtedly withdraw front the confed eracy. Homo of the leading papers In tha interest of Mr. Lincoln, and which will support bis administra tion, are in fuvor of permitting the discontented Btatej to peacefully withdraw and eetalili.di govern ments for themaolves. Am nig theso papers is tho New York Tribune. Ilmcj It uiiy bo infer red that tlia new Prosi.bnt w',11 mteiidaavor to coerce ttatea to remain in tlio Union. If this should prove to be truo many of tho liiciiiivenieii-1 tes auinuing a dissolution will bo avoided und civilisation will not receive so severe a shock from ths movement us it otherwise would. fiSf An ox.'iroiim in Ir t.n I) meiM- P,ip i,, v.,t Union brinjs intjlligiineo of tin oasus,. iti.ej of'. ElUof. Wiseof Viruinia. Thicrim U.H...I . , . ""oi'nia. iincn,iuHalle,'ed to have baao ciin.n.ttoj by an ti utU liict i ,a tho Ujvenur would nit prareut th lui -in' of, Old John Browa la.t 1) June, í, u' i In t,i I it li sil cum u ii'. up ni tin cil in of til' uJmi in d.fwBk-u of tlie , ,,ut....H, e anl wdl groi:!y a.'c.ilirati uven:.i liia' win ui roidyhuteniiirrapry eow-li-rciin uro Jiregnant with disait,.'rs to tlu country. ih.vcii lut iiiglit. Iiurtow ullowed, urging a laf-Our jrovini mtpoiitvnif nimv the Meniih wutuoru ciiiúM.'incy with sovereignty iu tlm We Tmv, io its last IsjUj, caiiUins uu article in , r" VJVI'a "" "uw b"L' "bliUiaied. rt'-irencato itulfaiiJ its enpm -n'i iliat will: t'.rocttbaatten'iouofiu roadirs un I if it pro-' l'iu iwterto hut constituents Hon M. UllJtl Hi. SIL II tai I ... . 1 . it. . . .:. i .- A ... .1 f ID IIO.Ib . nanbsri. Ag;ii:la,iTn fra u ths win' wis nt ! Taos this walk repots tho roil fitil of a.n';raats. ' fAtt..ntlon Is directed to tha alveWis. I T. Í. UmUr Is "Jent The id that ihi. V I . , nsiou.tios. , u,,,,,,,! tllat boc ri.,iri,(ctcd , tneittaatluttha p.onslu) "tsa b'st o!u;.a to soma p.-r,.istiuti am uud have boon u defunder be found west of the principal cities on the Missis- uf 1J miliuiy course of Col. 1- auutlemy. the com ippi" i funny; very faiiuj. mauler , t.u J),it.naiii of Now Maxico. Ido ' nal k:uw wiu tus paraous ure who have given fc'iVeo'iJ.'rtanl that min-ri fern Pit,', 'l :jr h"hU "'"H but '" may 'Peakveoownrtothi UV..,,." ,..' .... co ihom us mmiijii ora." No Mm, Yr To nnnconcing tliat no moil ha. amv.i 1 fjr t!w la at three warlu we convey no ii tuiiijinou tmt it not well known to every citizen ji .In'. 1 1 j, bat thj fact shouhl be placed on re- ;rl in -t:v tit; i'i tri generations may know ituU lii 1 11; -f xit'ili i, in thi jroarlSGO- oifj Jiiiirj. ILill t Porter for the manner in W lia'i tin ijrfirja. thiir at contractors. :I m t :h iniw will be added to the debtiby still fjrtliir failnjs canil )t mw be predicted, but a iiti f. II In .mil of it at ti proper time. I'll fist isalu mentioned 10 that the Foat J i it ir J 1 u.' il n 1 ) 1 informed in regard to the fllelity with which tliuss gentlemen comply with the terms of their contract. He, we understand. a'lowj Hum full pay for carrying tho milli and it U well that ha slioul.l know hiw promptly they fill ' ,1"U','; " to4rd ""Jlhw lut.-aon.i'ilu'.im for their lorvice, but if they hrjt'ii l)),iii-tniut, upon tha receipt of thi. will Ijiitbugive tin pjtition immediate- consid eration an d decide npon ill merits In accordance with tha ubove facte, .Wonder if the contractor! if in Id circulate, for signatures, among tho people or .ow lljsieo.a pjiiliun uking for oitra alio wanco? Tn.nx ron the Mi.sei A few days ago Mr. II. M-Trure fitted unt In Ibis Cily liaiu laden w.tli in tlIi.ui.1 r.,r tlio l a Plata gold mines. In tli.s wo hiiiva beginning of a trude which, it is to b i h i:h J w.ll iu a íh ort pariod of tima swell into lurgu prvpoltlolu. f-iTi'hira isa report in the City which ae on iti fir tin dotention of tlio mails hetween luru auJ Independence but it needs coiifiruiation. lor Ihu Gaictto. Dlmvil Dtafill Dlucilll Tho practico of irivinj. and reeaivini eight dimss for a dollur. baeooio mull an intoUruole nuii anM tii it aoiii i ni mu j jli milt bo specilily deviled by winch tliit coin would bo reduced to its Hand, ar.l va'ua. the doinutid for smuil sliunge wm the p.'iiu u y cam i iir iti aimreciation. but lhat hao Ijii; .n -i Ct- ii i 1 1 it mi l y it tha linllii kei in molos an:: c mtiiiuo it tluciiiiiiiiun ty w tii tli i n tluro is little else left for curroiit train actions. It is a good business that Can stind a shave of tw.-n y li.'u pjr cent, for tint is thi tai uKin the 'Z' ..Tih 'i u r ' "Ktt. "n un er,iUs uio','3, and the lusa is at once made mini lest, in ilia purt liase of exchin,'e or the trun.iinis- si in of cum ior tin liiU!d.iticn oí debts, or tlio piroliuj of gj ods elsowhirs than iu .New Sloii co. Th) S'Aemj should receive Its fuietus. but how is th.' qujati on. Will not our buiinens men de viSJ ttij wuy and take tho initiatory step to email the gruwing evil. Tlio merchants nave it In their power to check mate these spitnloting íhyloclis, by refusing in payment nt any one ti in.', but a limited amount of unn.'s at present current rate, say two and a half or li.'e J., which would so curtail the m.mi:,,,,. ,.f ti... i, nu .. ....i... L...t v. .,o curt.n iu w niiiiei mi irmrni ,.lli,in, ...J !.. .. ; standard uí.,," "" 7., singlo ndiwuua!. A. MBSCIIAXT. Slur mtnt of oar .urs-, ASinwTiii, ov. lii-'lln mvy d.'pnrtment has an .irder to g .-t nut llie tlop-of war Ma ce l. ml in i,,r the hjuie j',i.i li u:i. 1?. ! are tj bo wttn.lruwu, UlU.N0 IK Coujuii Coi.ncaiA, 8. C., .Nov. lti-Sij hundred minuto men acciinpiuiiiid by the lire und nnlitarv depnr- uients. parailed the sireeta of tins city lüt night, lion, oaines L. Urr made a lengthy apeecli, famr- ing secession, lie was followed by ilun. L. M. tvoitt. (sOVEBSOn WltK Imasti. W.vsmsiiTos, Nuv. l(i.-Ui.ipntclies from Rich mond, u., sayiliutei-Uof. Homy A. Wise has beuii pruuuuuced luouuo. Tut K. U, C.j) SiABVWoi W.isiiisiitos, Nov. lC-L-lture from South Ca oliua say that tho ivnigliia of the Uoldeu Circle uro in a uoctilute uuu starving oouditiou. Fuon Wasiiisuto. Wasiujotos, N'ov. lG.-The resignation of 3e uaur liuiiimond, ol ontli Carolina, is iiumodialo A letier lias been received directing his porsouul i'lÍJd to Oe sent to rjoutli Carolina, A tpeciul lucuiigo by tlio president appears aban luuu m coUiciueuco ui tlio early iaoci.ugot Cou- Adieu ir Alabama, Cail fob a Convention. 1,IB'itv. Xuv. lli.-tiov. Moore will shortly """""" l'""-'"'""" caiimg mío coureutiui u,i lue em pivinuo, lor iko pumo ol ureinu tn wiw to i.ii.t ir .ecv Jui. ' i. """ Ut0MU Uam' -u uxmarjM, ov. is.-A bid was introdu leu ,u-ujy i ,1 iUjpoll.iiug the colliClluD ot Uetits in. in .ui uu.. AUiu uler. .i i'..uiumi os introuuced, which will pass, uaui ,.,11 tiu gjioriiur to empluy the luiutaiy , ui Oeji.a i.Lii.rnl Uunal iuhiíuü. oeiiuur loiuuos uiaiio u pjiverful secession Failure ix Massacutsbtti. i aro,'Ka:u,iii. M iss. Nov. 15.-MessTs. Plntner "iWUM l-K .Me in this chy, failed toW. auo jiouiit ol their liabilities is not yet kuuwo. - Ulirtitlai Una l.atk Caxallaa. Tlst Mttement coHllnwes waialiatsd. eussltn laiTltablt. Tha iffObaMlllji of bank laipimlans. Llmeolji otu-ueoi in eagsi Cinntsimw, Not. 14. The excitement throng hout the atate knows no bounds. The people are determined to send delegates pledged to get tionth Carolina out of the Union at any cost. Dispatches an continually coming hew from neighboring states, ottering ready-equipped mil iitary organizations, and paying their own expen ses to and from this state, in the event of coer cion. The banks have not as yet suspended, but it la supposed they will within a week. A large amount of northern paper laid over, but not protested. The merchants are perfectly solvent, and scorn the idea of repudiating. The money market is very stringent, and the banks nefiise disrouut. . TlinWiesof this state are raising tsnbscrip tlonjjf the purpose of presenting a handsome te tim.wM to the llou. Caleb Cashing of Massachu setts. Tlio United States arsenal was taken charge of by Hie Washington IJglit Infantry this morning, I hif air, iir it is supposed, was brought about by mi understanding between tho governor and the presi dent. It is rumored that a convention ofthe cotton sta tes will bo called for the purpose of adopting a uonintercoiirse policy with the western states. The boot lactorf ut Cheraw is rweivinir hem- oruers tor tit ) soutliarn trade: No new orders will oegneiiiornonnoriigoous except wiiat is really neceary to kWp up nippliei. A'.'r"l",'n (ll! I'ft'ai Jent elect wan burno 1 in Bli 7 at Aiken. I olwily will be elected to the convention iinlosa he pIclTM himself to procure secession before the tirst of January, Skizcre or Goverümext Arms. Wasiiixi-.tiix, Nov. 14 Private accounts recei ved írom South Carolina say that the Charleston Light Infantry took charge of government arms. tile absence of niilijii-iiru jr IClllTBI UUtllOniy, tut goierumeill troops. GkiiRHIA I,E0IKI.ATIVB PliOCEEniNOS. Mit.l.EDoEvtM.R, Nov. 13, A bill in nmnriatints a million of dollars for puttiiif; Georgia in state of defence passed tho House ot liepresciituthes una- minmiíly. .i.u iim vuineioiiiii 010 will pasa holh lionera ,,f Ilia L'.l,i. I I........ It is believed that tho convention bill will pass vole. ' A. II. Stephens and II-rsrholl V. Jnhnaon have t,Hi ricilli,rrf 0sci'l,la rt xMt bei'ii making Union siieeches iu various parts of the "I'l''hending un stluek I'roiii tlie notorious stale. ' i .llontgomery and bis associates. It is said ViRoixi t Politics. BifmiwB, Not. 14. Some ofthe Union men ofirginia are in favor of sending cinnmisioncrs to Sonth Carolina and Georgia, to induce those statu to submit to the action of a southern con ference. 'I ho Richmond Knnnirer unres an carlr state cnnvintiun, nnd says that Got, Wise by his minute men mu not contemplate a raid on me ledersl go vernment. Tie Border States orrosE Secession Wawiixiitox, Nov. 14. Manv letters have been receiii-i bom leajlini! p,ilitii-iaui of alljoytiiu iaj inc ooKipj svsti-s. i-ouieiiiiiiiir against, tile leatlly of secession under the cuiistit ntion. They are al most uiisniuiously in favor of standing by tho U- loun. irgiaia opposes the precipitate action of Sou:h Carolina. rienator Hunter is understood to be ngsinrt tha secession movement. Aitoi.mmkm iiv the Prcsidem, WjsriiMrox, Nov. 14. Tho President 1ms appointed Win.P.Miilliu. post master of.Nntches. Larue Muitixu i.i Vicksiiibo. VtrKsin Rn, Nov. 14. A lane and rnthnsiaatic meeting was held hero last night, and a corps of minute men was formed. LATER FH0J1 WASIUXTOI. Tha Administra! loa ana the licssiloi nurrmsnt. Wasiiixutos, Nov. 15. Tlio course of the ad- ministration willall'onl no Just cause for increasing tho present excitement north or south, as it will perlorm iu duly to the constitution and laws firmly and impartially, ino remarks ol lion. L, 51. Kcitt. ofSoulh Ca rolina, that the president is pledged to secession has been received here with astonishment. His friends do not believe that he is correctlv renor. ted. ' r A report has trained enrrencv that Pol flnnlner has been relieved of the Command of Foit Moul trie, and lliut his sucessor is Major Anderson. The Charleston Mercury denies that Fort Mm'. trio lias bren taken bv the secessionists. I he president is lull v informed of ihe Plans of tlnncceders, und wiU'tissumo the responsibility when tho hour of uction comes. Guaso Un'io.1 Meeting- ix Baltimore. Baltimore. Not. 14. lix-Maror Swmi mlilro.. sed a largo lick1 meeting last night adi iaing n gen eral convention from oil ihe sta s ut wluth the uoith should gnuraiitoe tha eulorcoment of tha lugitiio slave law and tho pial rldit of tho south to occupy tho territories. tlio ucckiundga irenoral committco have is sued an uddrcss deprecating accession. DlSCNIOS bfEECUES IX GEORGIA. Miuiooeville. NV. 15-Snc4,e nranidiilJ made by Sm r Toombs, Thos. it. Cobb and oíhéra in favor of the secession """".nduthis Messrs. A. 11. Stei.heus and Ilcrschell V. John-1 lug secession in strum; terins. bitter leud exists in the Ueorgia legislature bo- to the taeuatorsliip. Affairs of Mexico, 'asuinotox, Nov. 14. .Minister McLano Is in Btructod to co operate with the cipanish and French ministers, for the suspension of hostilities and tlio establishment of a provishinal government until popular elections can be held. Jackson, Miss., Nov, 13.-An Immense meeling of the citizens ol all parties.the largest ever assem bled ii) dackson, was held to-uiglit. Itesolutions were uiianiinously passed expres sing a determination to resist Lincon a adminis tration, and endorsing the action of South Caro lina. '1 he peoplo are entirely united on those issues. Addresses wore delivered by Messrs. Anderson, ... 1 B. &UU lien, r reeman. I The most intense enthusiasm prevailed, and tha I Bwtirur adjowoed amid loud c r . THE lECESBIO MOVEMENT. Actio.i Sr o OovEamsuT. " New Yomt. Nor. IS Hie F.vniinir Post san that our government has ordered tho corvette savannah, to be put In readiness for a trip to Char leston and that the recruits ordered from tho city to California have been stinm!. Tw.i liiimlreit and twenty kegs of powder and eliility foor boxes oi ammunition were snipped to day lor uñarlos ton. Geoboia Csahimocs fob a Canimos'. Miu.iixiitiu.1, Not. 15. The leiulinr men of all parties in conference unanimously agree to a contention oi me people, ilk'y recommend res istance the time and mode to bo settled by the convention, uooo oruer prevails. Florida ooes wrru Sonu Cakomka. Wamidiutox, Not. 15. A dispell has been re reived here from the governor of Florida, stating that Florida follows the example of South Caroli na in me movement oi secession. Fobeiok IsTEami'RsE witii Sonn CiiRl.Bs-roK. Nov. I.V-Some of the foreign consuls here are fully anthoráed by their respec tive irovernmunU to await secession to open nego tiations. I.alft lulilllgouee. " ' - ' Macov, fin.. Nov. 18.-Thu Convention will meet on the nth of .lanuary. 18(1. The bill nmkini.'appMprjatioit nfone million of uiwurs to arm pint e(iup tuc Mate ot Georgia is now a complete low. Xbw Vuhk. I !). I'h i seccenion movement in tlin.Sun'ih rreutlvaíf.'cts our ui'iuev niaikul. and : transactions are on with great dilticiilty. Cn.iw.Bmix, Nov. 13.-A coinpiinv of (lor- ,, ri,,eii, 1 III) strong bearing the ' Palmetto 11,. paraded lust ev ug through tlio public streets. Thev stunned in front of tho Mereni v uftic.., ami gave throe rousing cheers for tlie Pal meiro i-tnte. itultiinore cifers Governor Gbt lOlip men, nnd New Jeiny. Mill. Imliviiinal npplicaliuus lor military appointments are numberless. tV.isniviiTii.M, Nov. iill. Mr. llf;, of tho bankinir house of t.'omimn .t llioes. savs thai , ' ul'' inillion I'nib d Hates loan was now a.iciil ol tlio cuuutrv, there would not be a aini(!" bid lor it. Jacmm. Nov. 21 The Senators and Kepre initativm from the State of Miiri pi. in ihe Fuli-inl Conj.ri'ss. In Id a lueetiiu here, to day. nnd nil aniniollsly lb clareil for parnlion fmio tlie . . Icderiicy. .'oiin.aiiaior me lormalion ol a Suiuliom con- Warsaw. Mon Nov. 2.1.-'1ie n 111 , units in a portion ol his bund is at Hull s mills, twenty live miles distnnt. The A'lifun brings intelligence that Victor Fniauiiel. King of Sardinia, lias formally uccept ed the soveieiglily of Naples. ( nwisned his oBico of Dictator and gone to Ins island home. AV.iMiiMirnx, Nov. Ill , Tlie government has received official information that tlio iiot.itioiis Muntgo ry and otlprs hunt coiinneiKisi llieir bluotly operations in Kansas by hanuing and kill iiigpioBlavMyiuen and Ihnateniiig to compel the wlji mini, cut of land salea in llecendier. Tlie rearoljl'rtifltliif !i:!n.ort'iik;ai1,.in.iT, raid lint on the frontiers of Missouri, tlieii A i kan sas mid Western IVxns, to aveiye the punishment of utolitioii ciinsMU'ies. i Flnajiilul .llutltis. As a matter of more than nsual interest at the present time, wo give below rep .rts of the condi tion of money nutters in the leading citiej of tlie country, as shown in tlio lustest paper reports : NEW VOIIK ON TUB ltlrll. The money mmket. as far its the ncgotintintr of paper is concerned, is nearly at u stand still. Mu yere hnve almost entirely, willidriiwn from the mar ket mid wuh hiri ii u i special pressure of paper rates have advanced. Tho few ininmictioiis which areut 7 percent, for short "gilt edired." and H and i) por cent, for long dates. Anything over sixty days, and not strictly, nrst class, cannot bo bo passed bettor limn 9 to 1Ü percent. I'm ties whomsually invest I heir funds in commercial paper are disiiosed to hold off fur tho present, until some decided action has taken place at tho south and tho consetpienctia can lie calculated. Some paities predict another commercial revulsion like that of I Bo7. during tlio imitation which must ex ist until affairs at the south take some settled sluijie; but this view is not by any means general. Some of our bank officers however, have become alarmed, and are getting tinder small sail by call ing in demand loans. This has caused some ac tivity to-day in money on cnll and 1 per cent, has generally been paid on best collaterals. Mnny old loans, however, at S per cent., still contiiraed uncalled in. IIIILADFJ.rniA OX Tilt lfttll. Tho money market Is rather unsettled. Capi t.t!i...ts s r t I' Jiaperwitli unti uid care. and re luse eu'iyiliiug not classed us .No. l.aud having over ninety days to run. 'I he banks aro pursuing a very coiiseriutive course, but wo are Well pro pared for any emergency which may arise. , 'J bo wine íovi ikh tinte ofnlliin which lias pre vailed ut tlie stock board for many days, still con tinues and for all the " fnncies' on 'the lif the tendency wua decidedly downward. Kutóiii. CINCINNATI OX THE 13tI1. i TTT T ' mm packers, e large ri-quost lor onus rom mercantile . . Z:. . S'" """.ac: for futon: bul to imputar lnrrowem tlio figures I mull nt II n il 16 ier tint. Kxcliiiiice i n the inst es to iluv reduced to .1-8 aellinir und l b mid 1-4 biivine. 'ibis is. in part, pn duecd by the increasing demand for cur rency, but mainly by the snptial.undanro or ex clians". Whether those fiViirps can bo maintained whilst at other places in the west so much higher rutes prevail is pcilin s doiibtlul. Gold is in fair local dauiaud, und- some of tho uanKs are turning tlieir sorts gauaraily so aa to meet tnis demand. The authority lioretoítire rt-rreiseil by B. Fnnk Orefti as mjAni'Dt msc fr .in UiU -ny , auJ llim-w 1). Hop- kiii.u. ...... m ...... ii uiinmiui, BDii iitiiiiiti my Attflil und AllDinr-y lit J-Wl, with Toll imAcr. tui.l ti.Lliorsitr ,u hi. -v ," -a ,o, tie iisvms mi uv muss, bums, sceoniits, an I a-cuunt Is iiks, aU usmaia lB,iv'blu u """" " " L rKil"' .' . ! I u s,, nOWLER. advertisements! WANTED. ITphc Un T&riicrv htttii.'DfUhoit.(r(SnU Fi fttr ihi ft i-nrrx tV ui 1111 mrp f jiirrltsnliije fin (rfull kn -im rtlni, Hie bp .n. 'c. fiT wlilth hn wilt iv tlio lifuli it ltMikfl irlc . Hín ría. f f b Rlnm in ja the fi, ui h ()f tint iütoí Inlwin lln' l imt-mir1' nn Hiiilau iwiwrUik'ii'tenoy. BidU i d IK-c. W WO, . t. E. AHNOCX. DOCTOR DRAKE UrDOWKLL, PRACTITIOMER Of MEDICINE A htTRGERY. r Will be fb.iail at ths aíleban,;, Hatsl, Santa (iitv airslro. Lc.XS,3u). B.ÍTÍIS! BATHS! Salt 'w.imi n.iTtw MrsTARD Barasi WARM LYI .lATiti hu d mi wlmii llivN I th, ''OI!VIi;.STAR EHA1T.VI1 SAHKIX.'' 70hmIUi lliu Exehimgu Uutul. Bv aotrkw rrra. l'niiirklw. OFFICIAL, Sraisvos (luntAi.'s Ornrf. K. w UL'JIcn, 1 11. Slh 1SS0, Notice i Wnhy (rifPn m nnniillnn I'liilinmiti, ilwt tula ,.IHr, lint r,Ti-lv.H liHti-iHiiniii, irm th,- Cnnuwli met (4 Hi,, tlcniTsl Iflnl lime-, t,,tini,Pf,r .ill hiNiks, puprn ,u rela- I;iii 1 1 íl, let irf w il'. xk, i,e , ity ti 1'.,.. r, .un in , uii. r mis ,:;íii,, an riniiii.eiis, i,r Auniwyi ror Sú.'úi1"'''""1 m" hliO W.nrrsiljM Uielr A. r. WIUUR., . . owveyjr Oeliiul. Ic. S. St 10 0,0 00 ACRES OF LAND, F 0 It SALE IN NEW MEXICO U;n:nii,rjth' art ói I;...-, rinv-a l'.J -Jl-I lMUl,Miiriii. vv,li. emta' Is Y-wr liexi. ii I l.,ni. i.-u .i ir s,m 'it iliPSlKivijuamliiir (ifiii-ra. U..-1ÍÚII i.. l,.,.,i,, , . iu... ,. Leu mu miMi-l il" in ..w , Arltun. Al tl.ii Is niily Ir.r e..iisli,r Iin iiIIi.m L ths i,i.kli. ,), p r. l,. t v.k .alo., irt ki ,.i iiid ie.-tie nei In ii, ..,:iiiN.,li irlus Miy i.l I. ,u i B.l:.,riit l viimtlileuiiuw liir surl.-al- tur.' M'liiPisirni, ir in iri,t, vt.irnl i-utur a title u t,-n t i.u.r, (iu , ,i w,r.u Willixnt lllle Th.- m llr.ii m tli .ultifiMiL' iil..iV.MHi-imili) will "lt)!htti lliu Ikit mid li' UIK lo hij U't.lrtililM, '-.ih.,;iihj. irrl, 1 111-- I'lltil'il ilU;ili!!V ins .lull, ..I iii.lll Mu. .l.,i .'.I il... I. lfil. 'i'lte tttnt will 'ill 'ii Ii n-M tu id.' hi,-,,, hi r.-.-ii..l.l itl-r, N',,:..,',ii l.rmliiti luiil.tiif fclur In urn-vnr. I ill lit f will I,:,) Is" in ' It liltlll llll.ll ImUII 'lit Ian m ,'iir,IV tvin Inmw' tri-l, sni"";.!, t.i-y H-virllv ui.i !. viv u t r mn iiii-nrnr., .41JI l i''j'ni ' t.l N..:-.,i,..i, H i h.U ,l rtrt'iiliiiMlii.'ii Willi i Kitll.ljftuy fin.. Uu It Hi'euol Utau.Nuw Uláic, JMIIV 8. WATT", Wufi.iusluti C ty, i'. C, TUR I) I',! Wr.i OF ( 0UUK44. ftMll IMiiriii'iMK, unify miiiit Ui.i iunr impu of thirjn i t ,inl i i'!.-;! ilj ;(.-T ..,t.l, ,U.. Tm (',. I"I"H1. KL H. t .1 .tfM-ll. MNIIlUliU tlll'lll 11) l,.i' m. i-"t'a."l t.v 'Ii- t.j.'A.-i.. w,li In- tu i'ii- il hv i In, in l!i-.'WI1 If, ...risii,,!: ul. ui-- 31 ui !..( IKiMiilij,-, 1'nr "iti' t..:r i'l'Tn Haiii- Hi-mti Mi' I Di H ,,r -i ii it AitiI t300 Y-r o.f tii.) ni in,' i'-n.. ;i., :i"?.r ami Ari't.fni iv.tmf, iln """ Í3U0 TiiK(uv,i,Kii.mUi.iiM .un AfriiMHi ki ft throujeb the V.. iiiifiition ffii! hv iiti,! tn nuy nr.lir UBiVim ll nm ao 'imi it. WA-miiTi Crrt,(M. ID. l!r!0. JflliV C. I.IVE3. V-v. S4rti i. ATTOIÍNKV AT LAW, r'flifo fll rtnnu 1. (Fnrtn.'rlj'tini..rf Smith k Hunch ton.) hiicni. m luir ni." tu lum Hill m-.-ivo priinit nttcu lion. Hi-ri'l,iliuri In itcntyol' WiMiltift.iD. wiil efn I" Imn i-IT'i i;v-'!y ,ni i iii,ih'il ,V I., u- . H- - KMnii tj.u;a, 'lilH.'li-W, tin' t,n HH.,,1.1 I,;.,,,, (...m.H. JftiiU , X.iv 17, 1-W ly. A T T O II X E t AT I, V i tillllTsllimlliiBWIltlii.irh-filtnjII ,n,M tr0,trt KOTIl'K. TI.. n l. rslsn.-.! harina ..111 .In -Í Wlsnsf MaMralka i II,.. . at. l II, (, ,,,.,, ,i ,., , , , , ;l .rsnn. kli, m, i;, . sl.t,,i t,,,,,,, ' ' 'I"' 1 ) III.' Wit ,SI:,V n-Oll !. ,.m,', ,,tr:.iü.l,illiT,,,i.l..l. ..i.,-., , ' . " -II l 1 .11-1 II HI, ..," n,,,,,, , ", Z.S.Í ,.. ". . 'úi"!!!'!!,'','.";'' l'r"lul" c"" or 111.111 ui, jew- fri.iu mis u4i,.. ' auiintT Of nnui. Ssvrarar.'Wieria.hlssc, a,la,ml,,,to,. Bl'llIEIl NOTICE. joii.v H. v,ira. flaring th" mnnllis nf Vi.vemlisr. lli,rrm'isr..t,tti.)ary Fsb e inn y. in. I Merli. I will h,, In Un, rily ,.r tv,islunci... jjn.u. ,-r. l.,,.re will li-,. my (stsihi,,1 all -iiuon tn any Sii.tnsva ' ''W Hi-Mr.. Wl.irti iti.,v hi- si,ti, in mi ,ris....,,ilki, tii inni tlis foiirt el t'tumw. His Si.iir..,.-i-,i- r any ui tliu Is lurluu-lilS. JOHN 8. WATT, WILLIAM MOHItlSOV. M'imifHI'1'intr nil 1 lO'iilpr III Tin i'mmm- un I -kn)t-,.. lit . PARLOUR, COOKING AND HEATING STOVES,- (UUlUAls AAU YtHI, JiipwiiH W,irp, J!iilliiw-Vm,.,i,icl yf Wjj dni!ictite aur ;t. 1.1111" bill. Tin l-luw Wireuab'UruutíUi4llii4vftUrt ill M. Ijiiih prii-i-K. Kasmi Cnx Mr K T K Y E Si 8, & CLIFT, A UOT10 iVi'A'iVS. Wll! promptly ntlPtiil tu nl t biifain'KR ta Lhofr 1 1nn. nr!ni if rr;'nl" i, :iK w-11 Tisp-ilihr. IVil.rti-it.i. HirniiimlsMnl). w UI t ! ink- 'ii un : Hiuu .! tn by tii.'iii.iiu ruoBuaublw Unmt. üintuli,., li,S('iit. 2Ü.L 3. in. ' JACKSON & WATTS, a1Toi;n'i:ys at law -santa fk, k. h. Trimit .Utcntlou given W my biuineM eutruited to their ' A. H. JAncsnv, .... t . uüwk Wavni. TO TIIB IMLaBITAXTa OF MEXICO. uppri-vwl mi tin.' ü i J-iiy, 18.M, m nttiired In muko lull re lii't mi nil micli cUniH u8 o: i(ili:ilutl brfdru (Jut cwnltm of T-rnlury in Uue l Mulfn by tha tn-nty oí Oj.utlalii Hl !u'(i), ul' Ikíí, iMidtiijK tha vnrluiifi gnvm i)f tltii, witb lia ilfcwiuu Ihorowi, tn the vulldlly or luvaiiJIly tif eul. t.f tío B.I1II-, unier Un' lawn, itsiit.-n, m cmuwt of j i.-u.i0i1Bl:"Miru u.uit) LI1IUM Mill. All'l II to ii.wi rw,.ir."l t.i nudo a r-'l-irt in rm.nA to m I'd. blon . iStliiii In the Ti'iniiirv.Hh.iWiiiif llio otwm .m.i ir-.,i,,u r wtii Butm tli.t ni u.rvr ul inlmbiimii in u,,. Ha1l 1'uthlm if!Finu'i),iiiiii iuu u-iit'-o fi UK'li lilios It. tliu land, gi.cb, ro(xirtlobi'niiilíin'C"r.iliií lotbt form which muy bo pr. sfi'lliivt by tliu Si'm'tury of Did IiiUrlor ; wiilnh nirt ili.ül bf ltii'1 bv'ftre CoQiin-R tr ottdi urilun liivnun un muy b itwiu-'d Jiifl Rn.l )iniior, with a vnw to rinnirm bm fi.u timiu nii'l Klv.' f.ill .'fli'dt u Ilia trwty of WS. k-twik-u tb lint "I M't -a .in i M 'ilrti. Chilnvtiitrt, in pvry tase, will bftivftnlroil In (llfi attrríífífr mJii, scHiii,: liirih tliu mmio of "pu'nral cUimmil," mtn 'il' "orlRlmil dniiiiiinl," mitiire of claim, wlit'tlmr Ini'lifiati' r' paifi'i'l, If 'imi', I'n.m ii'ithurlty ti orinliul title wif' il,Tivtn:.wllbui.'tVrt'iionlthe evlilctire uf tlio power noil niilhorlty mi-iw Wblrli tho grunting offliwr may hnve (if leil ? q.itmlity oUimt'1, Iwulity, imllw and estnit of eoutlirllnr tbilin, It imy, with a rpfiTi'iice to tlu- ttwumpiitary eTñlenr on : losiimony rnUmi upon lu unublinh thu claim uml to show trantlr of ii&Ul Iruu Uie "oritjiiml grwiluB" touwoiil clmmunt," Kv.Ty ulttmnnl wilt n!ao be requlrm, to fumiih en mthen tlnil.'tl put of mirvt'y, a mirnv leen txdultd, or othr i'vllenctt, howmg tUti preclM loculiu utd extnot of lb turtululpiBit. Tu lUiihln ihp Riirvyrr Ofnirl to exofnte tíi inty thai Imi-twiiM upon blni by Uw, liu lian tu rem-rt ull tUow Individ, n ils whncUluiMl LiihI In Now Hi'xIim Iwloro tlio trenty of m, tu iinxbict' iht evltl. iiccB of luoh cUmie at bis otoiw, I btml Yit u Hbou u iulljlea M.FX, p. miMH, axtir Gmra Aw Uaiau' Sifl Tn, N. Ü'