OCR Interpretation

The Cairo daily bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1870-1872, March 29, 1870, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074142/1870-03-29/ed-1/seq-4/

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Jhr $tillt.in.
kjMfW e Mltt.. , MtVa
nn or TSS BIT,
-, "p -rU'lc ad rti uient 'in flint pag.-.
- -
Youth buy' ami Children clothe, at
hat than Nw York prh im, will be roM
hi wetjt, ! '. .k-ar.ll.-- of eo I.
TV Continental i the onljr conk ItOV
dlli -1 !' " ti dAir. Wgrranted
all r.
i ; rtttdi.T A Hjir.v. n 1". ,
I Vwiroinl ''' IVUi
Th tn-vr ''' Tiny iii
man f .v ara without clutni.'". They nr.
Mffcl I ,r' "'.V
warrant'-' not to
jmriUtdiir. 1 hi-y nr.'
break, fall on Tabor
Br.. f w. II known
all. alt til' '
Jeweler. AVi'l nk
Louis Hooch K-.i., t'orm. rly ofthl
It v.
i- no practicing law at Cq' Uirr.l. mi
Mi .nr.. II" i- -"'k"" "I' a tl'" prW
I..in .'Tutii- candidate I'or Cohirrc-- in
the Cap iWrfoii 31 r. (Lntek lawyoAMig
mm of brilliant nm hti- d.. voted roHt
ileal if hi- time to politic-. He ha many
friend", i" CWfO whu will rejoice at mi
rnWl "I hid prnpt irjtj
Xh- Padnenh Kmttii-klan IWrfej thai
f,r..paratton are l.cinij male establish
an iron foundry in thut i t v on h larirc
oale. Theirmi foundry thut will be etnh
i.IimI in IWtMMlk '-n. c li.' no dobt
Im. put on onf of Kuirluin l I -mull -. all'.
CMfl int-nd t.. mMmV nil tin- looiolrii-
.on buudr'l uiilf ol' In re Pndu
mli i only wliUtlinu to k,ij up bfef
Tw.nwltrhmin of thf lltln..!- Vntrl
riir.ii Wt lifttinf toother nn Hie
railing of the "iiU'wiilli oti thi- Hii.. Lev.
dove tlic tone dupot. wlin the rniline
broke mid pre ipiUtcd them a dUtanra of
kU.ut ten or Mlteen feet. One of the mm
In. ) bi Jnvr lm hrokeii.
m m 9 ii .ii
We ar Inforoit"! tl.ittu l oinmittAe wnlt-
rl Lipii. Muyr Wilson the otb. r day and
rentorily demandil tbe offl. ial In n.l of
JkiT t M. HiiT.v VTIi v ' Be.-miM f Hale
In- ma'le an .-ir-elledt officer Prol.Blily.
Wei ,11 thehe. e,.m. off? If libm,
what mil Miow ' The t'onneil will prob
ably protint ariUi all beeqmihir uieeknin'.
ainl tettle down asain re-i- I ifnot .t-
uttiil. Kmi; t'auaua in a very wnywnri)
, MknV, SotmHiiiM-a be aVaM lot ti k to
bit pruiniMM.
t orxni. mk:ti. tomliit.
There will - hold to-night a joint me't
iK oC the City i'minril to fr" or the
HMuud pad over oa Suinr.liiv iiiubt lut,
Mayor Wilton la not at all pb-attil with
t lie art ion taken in regard to Mr. MmHHft
luaaufactorv, ..!,.! Ir.-. 'y e r-. - the
opinion that the nwinbara of the Council
iiJ n.l know what they aaaaw hIh.iii wln-n
tin y ai -ted aa they iid in tbii. mutter II
4nnto lieliere that the . .tat line n art
w.len-pati fellow, liabb to run ink
prrate error, when h- if alxent from tin
rity, and very illini; to I Mkkth by
him on hi. return Rltnlbcpatba of ..mmoii
aenav. Watball aawl
PKospr:rTs ok rr rovsii rii
i mchinkmk ok nr. Lav la.
Thare i . very reuaou to bv'ieve that a
railromj i.,. . une. t ( air. with I n Mobila
an I Ohio road at n point about I , nt -five
aikai auaAk of Cadaawbua, Kawtweky, nill
. anitni. ti-d Therein ,, charter under
whi h UaV anM , i. built . ; 1 1 - d. tb. r.
arefe,.), gnajktaw hv tbe le.o I - Lit 1 1 1 . ..)
iv.niu.Kt. ami ii. e nece..il nt the r.nu
to tha I liinoi. entral Im- bawtl r.- i ... n . ai .
by tb. Pra4oVnl ! that BaaaSfMUiy, I., in
hit lat annual report, r mm. atla to the
tt. Lbol.lere it. early i'oii -t ru n .11 . In-
daad, tha oMoawa t I ha Oaitlral nr.- alive
t. t importntii f lb 'i mil tlnjg link ;
an. I, we hav. reaon to la-liev the fir. - -in
vi-it ..f the I'r -i IfWt a I S.i.erin
tendent ..i ih- Mml i . M . I. . t . i s 1th tha
''ja. tof awnif; what awfj i. fattv in re.
jr,l t.. the iroHui"l autanirba, ('airo
hata duty t farrfnaaii in tin- matter, ami
ibuuld aid tha fllinujt Central, n.-te.ol of
ihrowinc ep..dlinenf - in it. ua. 1 be
roal Ki Uliev. Mill b. bftill III
a -b it time. St I.. .j , i. ,li.w4iy
nerval- inn. em in... th- entarttrUti.
an I in talking abwi.i (aal Ir.iiein , r- i..m
Ht. Laajdi t JfoalaS lb" fa..r -b..wu to
Cairo hi the M. . r.ui. ami the im
I ' ' IIV jl ll.ll .llllg Up H tr i.le with the
Hoilth. Iiwi. - j ,1. e. I '
tat thornnfdiliara. Vu it t'airo ahoubl
tt.-pin and bairtlSe awe. ft. Loiilt w.Hild
hav. gr. iu r r aua.ii io aatupa w.iil, and
- .ti r ariaind her mallwl u$ upon bar
mre antarpriain rvla.
riuMer.t ptoaraawl ki
'I he beam.f.ii .1 .line (J. r.i ileum, h vers
r.re .M.. im,-t, y.x tmMg th.u lov. Iy . lat
of flower-, rraaet.'.d in an cicellent
picture atmir P.-tUf?l.,, U .
C ! tjwt Wf .ern.ttlal Idoontin.; Ko.e. in
tit thai ol OJfeWra, V.rl.ana.. I'..a.i-ie,
Cin. raria., etc. ete. N ,w i.adv at. I hi
aab at I ha rwlaVtaea ..t Amawdat .lack. I
on lHh bi twe. i. Walnut aadCaiar tre. tt.
PiBHOXN, l)tli A CO.
JjoVlet, nW alyln jr aet Qfc
Tumbler., ir aat -;ry.
tila..- .et., (4 tiecot , .-4M.tK)
il- IhiwU on foot 4n,.
'I eiiM and aauoer. par aat . .35 fwj 7m
Plataa ftall aito-pcr set W (,, To.
Pocket knivea H.
Jtnive. and f0rk pi-r met BOc.
At Ko a. 6 and 7 Tenth St tf
SI. Nic holas Hotel, Marc-, ta:o.
Jacob Anvhol iV -"ii, Nrw Madrid, Mo.;
John St. badger, Uiin. 111.; 0. I" Wells.
Mi.- Jmmm Kennedy, 0Hi Banna I -iihii.
I'lru-iitit Mill Mo.j ..i. MhftfMnn,
Pltutmrg, P. T. .1. Kn-ti p. p. i .
II. Coir, Ohioj H. s. Wt ler, rityi C M .
Wiwlihigton, Intl.; R L. S.tlliiiny, Mt.
'.m'Tl, Ihd., DrtVld Ryan, ft. Lotus, Mo.;
EC. S. Hubbard. ... tetMlt) . Ii Km.viii i
A. L. Sim Phtahurir. IV. J. II. Hi si in.
pit,.,iru),. Mr, M .J,.,I1: Mound Citv:
i Hob io). m. tewtie; H. V adnata. City;
s ,;
ii.iiimii. t. ivi.itt- r.s. Aii.-n. i niiieii;
M. Ray PltUburajh HwhwH ttowan, Ken.
ne k M II. Kentucky: L. Hotmn,
Mi--onri: Mr-. Whitwl. Metiiphla; Mr-.
PaylH, Meinpbit. T-iin : Mr. Kill-, lleri-
ler.on, K .1 hn MarlTn, Connecticut;
It. M.Calvert. Princeton Ky A Yerk.
C'alifornin: I.. Rahn, RfatlMvllle, Im.: H.
'. Roimticr. si LrnViai H C Joni B..I-
i I I .1 VV. HurdMIc Peoria:
M v..r l-.uWvill.: Mr- II K. 11 III,,
inn-; J ami - U. Ilitclell ami liimilv. .M"-
'i ,-, 111. Mr-. .1. Holme", lllliioia; A.
Oltttta, I)..u.'l.n. 111.: J. Sbadduck, llli
noi. I V i t
I II I 4T.M('Hnl. tsllOTI'l illt IttSTtl Btll .
Tlii- popular and alifjiMj located lnU-c
of public entertainment i n .w titteil ami
furnliilie.l tliroturnout in good -tyle; and.
under tin iiiannu'enient of M'-.m Walker
A HliaaoQ, la doing a larga and thriving
baa I net, Tt U kept upon the European
plan the gue-t calling fbff what he want
ami when he wnnti it, whether in the day
..r night time, and paying only for what
he ..r.ler- The rooms ur large and clean,
furni-heil with the be.t nt' hed- MM bd
ditig, while all other feature, of the c
tal li-hment are armnaed with an e-p.-cial
. v.- to tha comfort and rrrnranlenca of th-
Iju.-.f. jai'.tl
( I ('ait' Hoot, for ro dollar and
tev nty -t) ve cent' only, at P. Nerl ....
7U, Ohio Levee
. -
Pitch. r & Henry i. largo toek of hard
ware, cutlery, tool, -tov-, tinware, etc.,
will be -oi l without regard k t.
The St. Nch..a. Hilliard Hall i one of
the large-t ami bet furtii.hed in the conn
t'. It i- the raaortof both citizen ami
ttrang. r- who indulge in hilliard play
ing jan'.tt.
TKiitj-riii au.
Tbit amount will buy a )ltle tt Uri
Whitcoiuba Syrup, the great toothing
remedy for all ditea-oa incident to in-
fantt and children. m2f) dAlw
Te Whom It ma Uorn.
Have you aver Imfoiilad your grey hair
with the vi'ciddyea or worae preparatioaa
oflereil a nulut itutea. If to, they diagutt
you of courtc, but let not that preruht
you from uing "Phal'.u t Vitalia orNalva
tion f .r tha Hair, " which it clear and
harmlett aa water, In all reapeeta agreea
ble, and I'll'mla tha da.irwd object thor
oughly and atifaekril y.
- . o ,
"Tttrrr'a no talk Want aa rail I '
Thi la absolutely true in utiag 'Duo-
ley rhctni. al Vi'at Haking l'...er,
for o perfect it tin) comhinaliuu of the
ingredient entering into itt manufacture,
that good bleralta, roll, or pattry both
light ami nutrition", can Im-made without
fail. It i alv ay ready, alwaxt reliulde.
ami requlrea bul half the quaatllf of
lhoe .if nrdiaary manufacture. Kor .ale
in package to meet the wantt of all by
grocer, generally. nilimuA.
- .
Jll-t receive, 1 at I'. Htlf No. "'. Ohio
L'-v e. ii 'plvndid lot of tprlng Ca.-iuierc
Conimg and Veatinga, which will he made
dp in I be moat fashionable t e.. and at
price, to -nit tin- time, h aaWfai I lit guar-
aiiloe.l ..r ale If
i i
The hew lupply of -ilk hat- Ju-I r ived
by Miller A Millar It worthj ..i aa pedal
attentiea of gentlemen who with I pur
ehae nnything in that line that ' -tri.Hy
nable and of Brtl-cl
ilaet ; and ii- to
The mpplj einbrnce. nil
price Hid pialit
aglet .1.
li-tactioh U guar
1 1 iimmiim. 1. mill..
Th riipl"te-i -t.. k ol' elitleionli
fit rni-hllij Kotalt III I he cil T. is to lie toll lid
at Miller ..'i i Miller a, It would Im- a
rernarU toil R Mail ind ietl. in tin line that
they cniiiiot .at i-1.,. I n -11 1 1 I at tbe
vert lowe-l llirnre- mlinn in tbi. market
Urawera gad I adai -birt. at a
Bt IV Sag', SO '' hio l.efee.
'I'll K lltf I N I SK Knder- Mo.,,
ucb Bittel 1.
-. ---
I'-.- Radar ChlU t'nrc It never
A KMI V Al.a.
tan t'.l. , I'otuiitl.ii. Aniei 1. a, 1 in. Innaii
f L N i. II. -.1 Uuuia K'hbhuig, Liu.-iniiati
1 , a , l1 -1 m A ' -ii. 1. ii.
ma . . MHiatviMe V1ra.11 ., Na Orteaaa
4tanii'. d, ..no 1 1 sin
1 .hip. Pattueah Hi Mary'., ai.
LeetailB, Meindns a K l.e'a, i
A J Mak. i , P li.hiirg Mar) Miller, du
04d Kidlnw, I . hunt. 11.,
I' m A'.le. O himhiis Amen, a Ark Kirer
I I. M. 'Jill, New irl-.u (i.ld Kelloa . i-.ilniMl.iia
Kdintiire. it" Viraiu .. I.om.viile
; Hi'linp'h, aa It I.e., du
A .1 tukei .1.. Ml Mai t'a. tin
Grandbake, Hhnllwell'a Mary Millar, Ktanatille
Argety, si Louit 0 Ark Kirn
i.ctteuin, 1 . 1 .
Tin-weatb. ri ohtinuct cloudy. Mercury
Oi. Jiutiiicss, fair, The Mi.tit.iiipi i
till riaittg at St. L uiit. Th.-Ohm it ri.in-
rapidly at 1'ilt.bur;, u iag to late ami very
heavy rains, with 11 feet in the cbeiinel.
it i. also rlaiM nt Cincinnati and Iemit-villi-;
rt feet H in, I, a in thu as ..ver the
li. re the river b't- Mt. 11 i im hea in the
peat 24 hour..
The tuicgatep it lb.- KiansvilU peck at
thin evening.
The Kate IflMniflg for Cincinnati. Belle
1 Si Lmilt f r Mcinjihi. DtVld Wattf, for
1 Tcnner.ce river, afi due to-day.
The hid Fellow ha already commenced I
Work, and is doing -mashing bushiest in
a small tray, whtol) will be .,r great aeno
lit to reron rciding et way point- hw '
tween this plino mid taoiuiuhu. Yes.
terday lha left with a load ..f freight for
pplataaMM and way point-, returning '
with a load of crn. '!' -1 it -he de
parted with n far load of hny and n j
large lot of suudrie- for the -nine poitlU,
Her diin ntiont are a follow t -
Length, lOOfeai) Breadth lx: Depth of
bold, 3 fe !
She hue t Wo boiler, tin- each, SMinche
in diiuneter. and 1 fed lung. Her
cylinders are 11 j im-he- in dinmeter. I
feet stroke. Her wln-cl it ISfrvl iniliatue
tat w ith 11) feet bitoket.
The St. Lout 'HtjitMii an -eetnt to think
that the name of the (dd fellow I in up
prol, riate at it I. known that all boat! re
ipiitea mate. We would atale that in this
particuiet caac Unit an offloer i diapepaod
with, her Captain afBciating in that chpai -ily
in connection with his other ilutle.
That'. H. Church took full load of
tundriet for New 0faaB.
. . .. .. .
Miiii Kkmimi. Mwrcfa 1 87o.
Our general market present, no m w feat
ure- worthy or special note tlnce our latl
etnUweeklv review. Tin-amount of hii-i-
n....traii-ie (ei ha been nec.rily limited.
a- our receipt huve I n light, ami there i
no shipping demand for flour, grain or any
til. r of the -tuple article. We hole III,
improvement in the ofdet trade, and m r
daily receipt- of corn, out- and has are in
s llli, i.-ht to meet this denial. d. I ' i . - . d a 1 1
tln-e article, cntinue Brat, and oat' laat
qia,tati..ti- are readily realir.. I on all mi roh
antnble olfi'ringa. In cnttaeqtience ..fa dull
market, our reoalpU of flour have decrea-cd
of late, but are -till in ex - of the , urr. nt
demand, and ar naaouentlj genarallt
going into store. A- Qaalen have ample
tt.H 'kl on hand. hae no Mtlet t.. tha
trade to rep . rt. but all on older-. Tbaat
hav.-been more than uuall limited ol r
owing t. the general belief, which teem t,
he entertained throughout the country, thai
price- naual yt go lower Our own ..pin
ion I which coincide with that of . 1 r -
her. i it that utile-- gold ihaubj go much
lowr than at pr lit. hi. b It i- not at all
likely to do durinoj the spring nie I mimmer
month ' flour ha peached luloweal point.
With a return of cniidi n, ,. g pr... i t
value., the volume of husinc- in tine -laple
niu t I i .. reased. and the market u-uun
a healthier tone. We think the pre., u u.
(rood a time to buy. as any that will likely
.K-ciir before another harvest.
Flour Aa already remark-d the
aalet reiKjrt.il were entirely upon orders.
In our latt cmi. weekly r. vn t the typ-
made u. rej.rt tule. of family brand at
Ml to l IMt. l. it .kwald li.it I- -a
t'. ') to t" Ml, as there haa been norec. tit
dexdine in that grade. Our report for the
past three imt cmprlte-
170 bbl .uuerfliie Ht $S BO (a 75
'.'0 " ditk. at ;l W
177 X at 4 Oft fia 4
t'i ' X X at 4 M (e; 5 00
384 - XXX.... at 6 btl (g U0
t'fi " family brand at C ZM U, 7 GO
1106 " vuriout gradea in
lota ranging fi.un 4 00 (a, '. 00
Corn ha been itaodv with light re.
eaapU and good demand. Sah- rep. rte.1
were : 1 wo
car. miaed white, delit. red,
ka y.llow deli erred at H.'ie, I
at M: 2o -a.
car prime w hit., on track, at Hie. 2MJ -a. k
choice white, delivered, al 7o.
Oata-ar. quiet, with fair demand, and
hunted r.s . ipt. ear and aim tarkt bl
nn orden at r,lc, 1' car -old ..n prnete
lletjr ReoaiiHt, ihmigb feir, are rjniclc
1 taken to supply an a ti c order delinii.1
Hat hooped i growing into diafavor in
roii-.sUenci nf tlndr weakrn tt and InalnM
I) t . bold Well, ther. bv 1 nuinsj hi . r
luuch trouble Tin -ale r. portd Wi 1
1 rar ordinary init.ai d ieiw at giT Oo
l priine iulxi.1. ib-liv.seed ot I" Mt
I " prime tilliotby, u track . .at 1 T (O
3 " (device .litt.,. ilulivered at 1- IW
forte Mttl The mm k.-t i ewtreina-
ly quiet, ami irtlotatiimt nr. pur. lv imnit.
all, We .ii.u $t M in 4,40 Ti.. .re
win- mi aalcs rat xir 1 14,
HrtlV InltiiM are In litnM trrder le
nmad, and tbe mark.-t w (Inn under
favorable nd i triiin inavl. HmaQ
bate tif iie. imrk -old al A), Ul' l ef
clear baOOS i'le nt Itijt'
Htiller Tbci. 1- n 1 cb !i
.n our market t... liable ,1- :n (iv qonta.
tiont (.ia -m 1 whit, und ycll,.w
Would readily cummand fl'. t.. Ilk-, aci i.rd
iiur 1.. tiae nn. I onndiiiua nt' kg. in pk)a
eooklng butter ard. I ;it jn. m , Hkrin triaal
atallnarj at SOo,
KggW have been ill(ial -upih until
i.k-U w In 11 1l1.1v nr.- n.. ... nletetv. ami
the market i rlrmer nt 17c fnt mall mfl
medium ize pkt. o bot, liu - un.l
aitit.ll. ttilti at In and to-. lr1nnersi . . ni t
I'ullltrt - l.a- heen ,1, lnjhi siipplv
and K""'' ueimiO'l, witl. -ue. ,,f In 1 'mill.
enlcgaiu at i w u ini par dial
FrUll The ll.lirkel i- well -upille..
ami ileiuand moderate, ui l.l.i. 1 1, M
applet -old at :t 7... and 00 hhl ditto at
'i UU Oraagea and l.tunh. nre telllna
at $.1 IN) tn $U (m ..r M1.
olltlteraitri extreme dull, ami
uiark.'t oreratooked. N" nale reported,
Until -.'a a 1 sack "c!'l at l UU(.., Jfl 10
er loo II.-.
I rt'igliiN Ktit'- me weak UnaW
Hffht ogtTriliga, witl, plcllt ,.! tnlilllme-
The C, H. taiuorh left tin. erening arith
1,600 ton of Cairo freight, betide what
'" ihipnad oil otb. t l...ut- that Slled uul
CANni.Kn -Mar, I gin weigbl lltN
CKMKNT Ii. barrei. 1 tt.-j
Him Ettieje 70
"''' .i.lnrf I .
"tt,JP' "i'-'"' ' .'
mrm mi r g. I - I fgrnn, To I - ui 'I j ' J
. , raw'h; two.
Apitl.., per Ih balll
fBJI-M'krel, Ne. I, per ES, new
" e. I, lVOOaiOOO
. .." t 00. ia 00
No. 1, aite " ra
t. " a aa a a bo
aaaliirilJ' " .. a6
m'rmi mb.ii. im nwia, ay, par Ih Vt V
nana maar. par th
Maailla, per lb
BICa.TPer Ih
atl.T-Per hbl
kill' -Bi Car 11, aega, ear lb
" labeiea, p.i ia
Ha a
a 0.1a
... TeT
a.. . 1
Qom on t Pair uoni.'i
tMtP Rot'n. per 1. 7a" e.
M n th II .. .. fH i i Ie IT
A ttolfi " lilain e
Kxira ' 14 ol " e.
V.k n!P. N ri. 'in hhilt. H'.aia'.jC
n .W. til 41 t' e
lleinarara In hbl I4al.l e
Mt'iT As.i.n, I iiMiiherai pel k.i...4 aOMUftB
tied, i . ''. hai faa
Bar i,.-iei. )..r ii, i o
TOWACCO I' ii. i i ! tt-4 .. m .
hijbt, per h. Tin no
ha.' I t, ptfl lb 7V al no
anioklna. iei b. pkaa. :i."a I on
Vl.iKr.4itl:a l' i inea, per tU..l AOeut
Whit... Iteayti pel buak I .no. ; oo
Naft o o .4 goaf 7r
iMDn, oer hht j.n. 1 00
UVHIt -T tnfH .iri '. K.r t' 15"
K.ij(h an. I halt hbl, pet Ih lll.llt
OenhtT) lard. o. r Ih ... . I In lot
Aaaaafta'Perkeg, HMn) 'Jul 4 T.taO Oil
'Mtiersire. in frnhortiou.
Prime Meet Pork ,prebk an
Ureal fk( Ba en iTe
Heat title, per th . ia'..nl7e
tjiabet et ilea, per lb .1 ,
riaate. roeaw cured i?v,Minc
PTalB name, pei i, al7
HhonhJer. per Ih a I a
h'tlk clear tliltt None
li nk cieni rib salea nl.1
Ihllk thnulilers II nil ,e
Ii ilMmtn tit
WMf. i--i'b.ii.- new Waue... . 1 ana
Ne 1 .N... Wli ie.. 1 io a
rholoe N Red a I 1 .1
Nn. 1 Itewlted alio
Or.tuiarv Ited While., t on. I 1A
MiWl'KIl-Jtage, ntle a ooaft ',0
gee, , ittlna: 4 00a4 !
afol.t.'WKS N"- "rtfnn. tn hhl... tla
BO, prl
.trup ,
olfti -Oaeli pei Ki'.n
latri, "
Uaeeatl .. ...
,10a At
.-.lial t-i
I At. I '40
HII tKinill, ML. .. niro,
e KKsil liKNCK - i i,in..r nt Metentli Kiid
w.iinot aareea. 1 iPlfCl m Ouniataetial avenue
i.ter UM r.n fe ! ffOI H M K- Kn.m M
t.in pt If in.. . s,,,.. pxeeple.li, and from tta
'. attat
WUtlatAMI II. II I I' II. M. It.,
1U.KII.KM K-N... 21. TMltaiaH lre. t.
batoeea Waehlaataa Area at an.i W.inm tteaat,
1 if Hi I IJd C .iiiiner, .al A.eiiu.', up .lairs.
1 . I
iti i.. n. it. k-h-
'e II'IM K-I orin r NlBM und Walnut at.
"I t II I. nrlit-r "Ulh ir.-l and Hho lv. . .
I 1 ICR gtH tu
fo.rn 'i 10 I ..m.
It m . und
DK. II I II II It It llHtllltt
.HMiet an t.lhee III 110111. liter the sior
r afeeare, Hajmea l Moo, o, mi CawnaaereleJ
Ai.i.u., begt leale to .Iter III- -. I M" - l' Ih.
. ili..ii of r.oro. He let 1 . I-. I'i N. s, la-
... CI. 11. a-. 1 ; il V. Ha.Muoiid, 1. , lineage;
Henj atlekneTi l.i.in; II. .11 Tlx.. Kama.
Inn; K G, Booth, Keuj PhUadHphia.
m ESTATE Willi
taeaaaeen le labntt llariu..n a ..,i
74, Set ond Floor, OHIO LEVEE,
Cairo. Til.,
Buy and Sell Km I Kstato
II KMIH AHtiiin tt tie- m i l:,
A.Mi PHKPtHK I 0VKt4!ll t.a
(If ti l. I.IMi
URtBI ,4 It illlO at MM
I'OIM Ml l ltl.l Pit KET
1 TIIK 1 K MKi:
l....s i'a every
lo ikiiif .. i.inntvt kmi Willi iiu iw
wiiii rium g.in
A T-i II V Iii L B.
Pwrilealar MlietitloM In way bejalneaa.
The .New low mid lag limit,
V 'I 'a ren ly tn di. .11 kind t.f T'.winj tn I taWeg 1
'ii and afn-r
jVI oiirliiy, 3Ial-otx Ultat,
ai ' nr.. mi,, yleiniiy . I'.C'it I.TKI
Ti.. r
wilt la- knhl i I'nl ll, An. I1..11 . .1
.101 Ii Uu ol M ,.x(
Ai.. ! on I;. mm el Ii Hurtim m im... r
e a4et a erateWea waWrnava heen .it
w i Ii ii. I'll rep, ,,i . .uu re iii. iii i ng aae eur uncall
ed f.tr it. pay ibeeherget prreuejra, allheeanie
inn. w, I.. ... , I a lot ..f Jewetr) . I. ft foi rent r
ei,d aw ni.'d i..r. fei ..ne rear.
im i, .d,,,. im uiaeripiioa anil name laA atth
ih eah'hei:
I Hunting i Wat Cllalei ti n praya
t -n r ran:
eorritE -Priitii tb rutrwa., ,-.
I ... H. e.
.1 Merttaa
I hot Viii,aii..
b II ImH.. ,i
M WrMtkf
a i .
ll'-nrv Itusl
HI. Woo
M N.
mo d
Jena Tuwei.
J. dm h. .1
Lima xiuiih
K -v illi, v
.1 M t ani . i
d.iiidu Pairirk
hi Igefliaey
' .e. Wu-hiiigiun
Al. . Moora
i ii Herriak
l.'hn It. nk
June r im h
relet luvle
V nil i ,-w Kale
Tlif ills. ve u. telle hny all laicn pill Ih guild
runiiieg "t h-r. .nd eaaea made aa , i ia nen
'l AM hit HHOTHKhH
i .. Mai ii Wtli, I;" nana if
it iii INCE.
An ' irdiiiunce to amend aeeij m ti, .
In ii ... lalded hv On. i m Ueuu h ol ihe ( .it
ol laiiui
Hgvrieg 1 Tnai aectim, air., i en ordiaanee en
titled an "All I Ird uialu'e In adi .t Hie t hi 1 1 linn.. e- id
in. i n of tiru, aeelBeiuleU hy ineertiag after
the a., ida 'peron or properly He- eurdtoi hy
a i;uniiiilh n hi. pi. tol reii.iiuiiu of kun fl
2.l"l V. .. j " ".;.', I
ma.-iiod rfOliid wiion Mayor. I
i.i. rev., I l-t. l, 'Jl -I Is-,. w -
i .i.. )a die
I lo t rtn
I 'In le do
I lie de tin
I "i in 'It.
I pe do tit,
l pn i" latver
I du d de
l .i" du tie
ill! l till
i aa in. do
i dn llo rMkader
1 tl.i .lu V.rite
I du ibi I-.it- - a.
I bold .1.. Level
a ,p du do
I .1" on du
I i men K..' Dualal
I do do Verge
t do ti., an
I RllUI ng Case l.eiei
t ilg o du
1 du do du
Inch w .11 let
llpliuprpd in llnntilip'. Id Suit
uiiiiiuiuui 111 yuuiiuuuo iu vo,
1 tv phti- tiik iitv.
It I.I. Mini III 4.1 AH A M II II.
TtrniH, Strict! 'ms1i. Iii nil Cttata.
Jtm ltS. Proprli loi.
4 aaweneewte 1 emir, uppo.iie 1 t oot
ol i.leWlllh Mm!
Mt4l tilt ll.
D Kit. EH in
r own tt onto MtYBM
4 o .m Uj m
jteVf aVetal gtWIT,
u 1 1 r 1 DELHI .
aW' inter left .1 Hall daj It...., ttfTW-e
i. d TarH,..r heat Ibroinih the uiiet-efltl 1
hi the
. will
r,. .11 1- pr. until I'leliti'.n.
oev I he sieani Til t Montank, will Lit Hit I
an in. nn iteantboait,
ri'lli. BBKT IM) w itlT
I KI Mi lit til im lMI.
( QNialilt no ilu it lite M Arnrtalri
Im ial 1 itilaatiaiil it i It 'I mmif :
lillilrrn will take Ii m hIh-mi lirN.
Thf yfcUa. tiU'l man) t.inuful ! u !an, f.r
r Uir trml. pr"ii"(MM it tin
Best Medicine Known
rar ttw anetai aal
FEV Kit 1 X II U V K
Chill, and Keter ate eenertl from a cenaia
...iob exitting in tne areee.no ere knntn aa
inaur.e. II red"' e. th. tiiithty i f II, e bia
reterthi ir.e eelioa ol Hie .ntttreni ergaea, and
. .ii..-- gulaetieBeet, I ' IMI . n, en-, and ia
in . a ay eeeaerae tee eyatete Tnr an) aateaee ..fa
I:. . .re sercis n.uiii. aln.'h ma hdlow. Te avoid
f'liiher ir .utde, and ol.eie loaeael' of im.
ti. ..e, lake
I Mil It St HIM. CI HI).
II athnnlaie the aeajaaW M lrl'in the i d.ftereat
lliietiona, an at . .. aa aeii'l'.l. to me nti..,e
Owata eaaeee Ike reverend acu. and iher.hy
awttayei the raaaea le health end tone .n.1 a good
loin raea a
Will in atNawh an i .pp. '. . anil d.sn.. ii,
feeing of .... . - v
any one alien rectvei tig lr.ni. tin dite.se. u
.!. peoetMetettdadl for ih. . me ot in ipepaaai 1
iali: ui AkfiMa.
An l '..i ugii. te. l.rm ebil t and eeemnii
Hull, I Is li . ir.,.., a a TOl
IIKVK.r.AliK c " liainaelli I an l a atjee pre.
reollte againi t h II mid raver if tagan regu-
nr. f. ii. EmAvmk -
dlH'lllla Kl.
- v K I Mi I A V Hfi'
I.. . aa
S0A7 !:op.r:
I'I. t I.I It l.
Provlslo 1X.S
Ct'. IlUnoiiu.
it.. I, ..
Hat Jal Hen lied a t ull si ii, k r
tuil Ittvilraihe l aille. l eojl ,, ,
HUH lie litem
3V-. SO Too tlx f-,
gel, Vaablagaea a . i w , m,
jj M, H. Ml i HI It
t at reel.
l.adiiV KiiinUhlnu liood,
OommoroUl Avouuo
f..rrr tlolli Hirer I.
All k ml ..I . luilnng lor LaJiea' ear made n,
nr.n r. or ma.iy made Al..,. gaatl ui.qi n.,..i ..t ,
r'l''', or mailvinade
Kanea and lad.e.' ,i,u
s 1 ho titHtr.
AlllO, il.l
aarw mnn.
aV.mM mA tS m
t.hcn to nil atnlnMt I'olnls.
St. Louis, Cairo & New
Orleans Packet Co.
til a ' 1 KtMKKt
.... .. KM c'hr.V M.iei,
'I'Nr.tl. Vasi.i,
I.III 1,11,1.
OM.l(i U K 1 1.1 H
OKttAT III I' 1 III. i
M 111 1' 11
I IIV til A I. TO
UN I V, Male,,
s iii ok Mattel
,.ielk.r'..V .Mattirr.
... PKl'I'KH. M.-ff
. TORK. Ma-iei
nhl M "i
mil 1. iiatii ii
Mill I II. till I
.. .. tlil.K. Meetrr
. 1 I. lit Ma- .
... Kl -h O-i'l
o 1 IMI 11.
W. It. KH I II I H
Compr in : it' 'he Raawl an I irg '"' aW
M, I. ii -
Olive Branch,
tt'lOllll OM.l.t.
u . . T' l -m 1 tl M -. .. Merck nun.
eanaai aa al Mee 'Jftaaaa alii 'a. .a 1. at al
ete.n ers le
l.lvei .n.il, t ink. Moaleet. aail lal
aa Ion, Tetaa.
passenger- o-l ti'.ei . 1. 1 u 1. it "I o.e.e
I....- le.Miif I aim ptiaetiall a. tVt.
tHt I HtM I.
h'-netal aeac a i
UftV ... .0, V haiO-.l. Pn Wit l-tuel.ee.
Memphis and bt. Louis
Packet Company.
1 haw fv!l t'nf Hotlfn . 'tfnpfiaw (hi
full .11 Ih f'nltieg int tiT'lt")
Memphis Paci
I h.- am
1m-l J
aiU-aaTLom I'aeeder, 1 1 .1 --iur.ui
,'gl- a .
Girt uroamu, , m - 1
Malia. Maeieri
mi 1 kmi'ii eteettat, 1 aa nin. , 1
iM M . -
Vicksburg Packets.
aertee et . . , ,,,
u ...
et.aa. 11
M imH r. TT I liter. rn
, waetei . i.att etia. .y, 'e - ,, .
LI MI.NAUY, .11. ti I
i t ., M ..i. r
Jl l it.
tthaliaa. Master.
i .-re tl
K'er, .n.i
t.-it, w
a.. , al I . m
Ma. ier.
Ceneellli. at -I lc .ell.
Moitli.ru I. III. I'a.h.l (M.au.
Ktnkuk I.. It'i f t.tniMH.
OaweHe fet kei t a.apaay.
, V a-I. ill. Kalli.ia4 ii...
A' M.aaetiu. otttl
Meillilll. a ml I
n hi. ami A lillr l I e i I'trktl I o..
tikfen.H. u . I'.'k.i it. in eaaej .
31 r in pit I s a ii il I I , . I. si tin H . If . ,
and twateeleajel . rteetltll tV
At VtaaWtavganta
a ton iMVOe Farhrla. i .
VI. b. Im I K ami .Mi I I.I latl HallinaO
attvnir ihr..iiah I..II-l.d.t.a sen .el. to .11 vai'
aei pt.ini. hv retl ag rteef
I II At T IIIM I i.enera. Avewi.
a Wnar'-i.iet.
Rt. K -I---' iN, T.ekel and feeaetave Aawnl
i Micrivillo onri lOITA
ndollvlllu aiiu vall U
Packet Company.
ff Coi itlng ot the following
i. ! ttv " tpleiidid i . i.t-r .tnaduera
n B'it'i..
lie, a
l . , . . I . .., l. ai I . ti
HARMkN MaJfer J ..:iern
Lrall , I. very I I. iiratlu) Ml t I. M.
John Lunsden,
l.i lliil.to i Hal ill il y al 4 I.
riii oiu-li Hill l.inlliii; lil a en I ia. avh
rule null I niro I'uckcts aud
"lirnca l.iue"
I" gavehvllle, I batiauooga, I. in. At
Um., rValttmlttta, Mfiuie, Ntrta, It.
I.u ll.es gift .1 I'.. I III. ... .,! Mil
It-flat title (IbVI tf fowl a. Ala., Nuah
v .on. i . tin . 4 barlealuil. I .. We latl.
Ala.. Kavattefeh t.a.: H iluiluglott. tg. I.l
i einmMes, s. t . bt
(HIS. I. HI MM ,
t stent ut ulro.
Memphis and Cincinn
racket Company.
1 J'l.Vt..-
i.NK.S, I'i.
-IM J. It A IK. See'
..i ti..- tilteelne gr.i
daat tti-emer.
I tllp
Al.lt I IH AN
MIA Mill. A
Ml'. Ill llilllV
MAI J. iiai.i;
loaa 'iiik, Alasi.r
I rmk "t.ue "
. H Miller
I M m Merrlclaa
m f. wmaer
i in i ef tl... .i ..oe iptendiil learnera have Oatra
i i Mem phie every rueada) .,. i eaturday, aud
fur I im i n ii .ii en iv Krida) mid eaiurdav
CHAM. 1 HIM. I:. Aae,,t, i r lt
Hee . i. Wharf-baai.
Evansville and Cairo
Packet Company.
ff"'m'?', CoDiititing ot the. lollowinif
w-t(Ae Splendid hutengar rJteamer
PUltWaWW Vtaaier I KiWI.KK 0e
laMfte t'airo laada) aad Thut.duv gt n
UeXTKK Matter I i.KAMMK tterr
Leave Ogire T ieaday and hriday at 9 p. m
gflgg. T HMDS,

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